Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Nov 23 2017

Rose: That night Sir Rubyrt and Princess Ebony traveled to Princess Safeara's tree house.

Princess Ebony: Whoa Midnight Lightning.

Sir Knight Rubyrt: Same as before?

Princess Ebony: Yup.

Princess Ebony: Hmm no one here tonight, he must be getting ready for the ball.

Sir Knight Rubyrt: Ya probably, uhm anyway is there maybe another costume for me?

Princess Ebony: Oh yea let's go look come on, follow me.

Princess Ebony: Here we are, let's see if there's something in here for a crow costume.

Ronald: To be continued...

For more infomation >> V Butterflies L & D ep.AB - Duration: 1:36.


BMW 3 Serie Touring 316D 2.0 D NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie Touring 316D 2.0 D NAVIGATIE - Duration: 0:58.


[ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP6 - 'Do it Moderately Today' JYP vs YG Match D-Day! - Duration: 2:50.

(t/n sorry these subs are coming out so slowly now, I'm just not in the best mental/physical state at the moment so I hope u understand)

All: hello!

JYP: hi! nice to meet you for the first time!

(finally the JYP and YG trainees meet)

JYP: come closer come closer! greet each other!

SH: they're good looking (t/n me too boo, I agree)


JYP: you know each other?

BC: yesyesyes

JYP: oh, how?

BC: we did practice together a bit back

JYP: oh where?

BC: our company (JYP)

(previous JYP trainee, Jeonwoong)

JYP: whats your name?

JW: my name is Jeonwoong

(the two people who meet again)

(t/n they're like, flirting, I love this bromance this Jeonwoong guy needs to debut so I can see more bromance action)

JYP: yes, its nice to meet you

JYP: don't be nervous today; you probably already know that

JYP: we've done this type of thing from both companies like a tradition

JYP: this time as well, you can learn more from each other

JYP: you can also each how each of you do

JYP: it will be a good experience for all of you

All: thank you~

JYP: wait, why isn't hyung coming though?

JYP: hyung is originally...

JYP: hyung is originally... a bit late

JYP: how old are you guys?

WJ: Im 21 years old, the oldest hyung

JYP: okay that means

BC: he's the same age as us

(eldest-hying line; same age JYP Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, and YG Jeonwoong)

JYP: who's the maknae?

DY: me!

DY: im 13 years old


(t/n shoooooook)

(YG's 13 year old, top class maknae)

JYP: how old is Jeongin?

JI: im 16 years old

(16 year old maknae Jeongin)

JYP: what year are you in in school?

DY: the second year of middle school

JYP: then what year is Jeongin in?

JI: first year of high school

(maknae line, 2nd year of middle school vs 1st year of high school)

JYP: you guys all seem around the same age then right?

JYP: who is living in dorms right now?

(these members are living in the dorms)

(the maknae line who isn't living in the dorms)

JYP: wait, you're Yedam right?!

JYP: you were right beside me!

JYP: Yedam! you surprised me!

JYP: I was wondering why Yedam wasn't here!

(appearing again after 4 years, Bang Yedam)

(first appeared in Kpop Star in 2013, became a hot topic)

(in 4 years, (JYP) failed to recognize Bang Yedam as he had grown so much)

JYP: you must be a bit upset that I didn't recognize you!

YD: ah, just a bit...

JYP: but how did you get so good looking?

JYP: what school year are you in right now?

YD: Im in the 3rd year of middle school

(one year older than Yedam)

JYP: how much did you improve in singing then?

JYP: im wondering how much you've improved...

JYP: do it moderately today

(looking forward to Bang Yedam's performance even more)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Stray Kids EP6 - 'Do it Moderately Today' JYP vs YG Match D-Day! - Duration: 2:50.


Bernard et Dominique Tapie «Ils se battent ensemble contre la mort » - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Bernard et Dominique Tapie «Ils se battent ensemble contre la mort » - Duration: 1:55.


Soft Cozy Heated Plush Angel Wrap - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Soft Cozy Heated Plush Angel Wrap - Duration: 9:27.


Suneung: The stars behind the scenes - Duration: 2:49.

High school seniors up and down the country are hunched over their papers taking the college

entrance exam as we speak.

And,... as our reporter in Pohang touched upon,... the students aren't in this alone.

Their support teams -- made up of families, juniors and friends -- come together to nudge

them over the finish line.

Lee Jeong-yeon has the details.

One of the most important days for Korean students is upon us.

The day of the Suneung, or national college entrance exam.

The students are of course the stars of the show, but behind every great movie is an amazing

cast of supporting characters that make the stars shine.

(stand-up) It's a cold winter morning here at Bongeun-sa,

but more than 300 people are already gathered at the temple, mostly mothers praying for

their kids to ace the one-a-year test that could possibly decide the course of their

entire career.

Everyone at this temple has their child's test ID with them during prayers.

It's no mystery who they're praying for so hard here today.

(Korean) "The only thing we can do for them now is


We can't study for them or take the test for them.

So we want to give them all the energy we can get.

I'm sure all mothers feel the same way."

Some students have also come to pray with their mothers.

(Korean) "My kid has practically been preparing for

this test for 12 years.

When the test was postponed due to the earthquake it was… a really big struggle for both of


But now it's finally happening so I'm here to pray for the best of him."

(English) "I'm really grateful for her, but I'm also

a little bit worried because she'd have to pray for almost seven or eight hours but her

body isn't well.

I also want her to... consider her health when she's praying."

Friends and relatives also do what they can to wish the students good luck.

And they often do this through gift sets of 'dduk ,' a sticky Korean ricecake that symbolizes

"passing the test" as the Korean word for "stick" also refers to "getting accepted."

To say the whole academic life of a Korean student leads up to this one day would not

be an overstatement.

So around this time of year in Korea, everyone comes together as one big cheerleading team,

and it is this kind of energy from friends and loved ones that help the high school seniors

go out with a bang.

Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News.

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