Hitting Behind The Golf Ball
Remote Footprints goes deep into the Bradwell Bay Wilderness - Duration: 6:40.[Music]
>>Ryan Means: Who among us hasn't stood in the middle of a remote wild land and gone,
"Wow, this is amazing.
I feel amazing out here"
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: The computer tells them where to go.
What they want to know-
>>Ryan Means: Can you really get remote from human beings?
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Rebecca, Skyla, and Ryan are Remote Footprints.
Today, they are leading us into the Bradwell Bay Wilderness in search of the most remote
spot in Florida's Big Bend.
We start on the Florida National Scenic Trail.
Our time on the trail will be the easy part.
However, people are known to get lost in Bradwell Bay.
As you can see- it's not hard to lose sight of trail blazes in the thick of the swamp.
>>Ryan Means: Once we get to a certain point on this trail, we'll strike due north into
the largest part of the wilderness that harbors the Bradwell Bay remote spot.
And we'll see how far we can get with all of us in tow here.
You know, it's challenging bringing a young person on an extended trip like this.
Because thwey have their own desires and needs.
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Skyla has been going remote with her parents for seven years.
Starting when Skyla was ten months old, they've completed 33 states so far.
>>Rebecca Means: Ryan and I have spent a lot of time trying to get away from humans, backpacking,
and having those remote experiences.
And so it really did start as us wanting to get away from people in Florida as a family
adventure, right?
>>Ryan Means: And so I'm thinking about this.
I'm wondering, what does remote mean?
"Remote" really means far away, right?
But far away from what?
Roads permeate all of our cities, all of our development.
>>Rebecca Means: Once we started calculating the state remote spots, we realized how hard
it was to get away from a road.
This is an alarming thing that you can't get more than two miles from a road in quite
a lot of our states.
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Ryan and Rebecca define remoteness mathematically.
>>Rebecca Means: This is not us thinking about where remote might be, and looking at roads
and saying, "This area looks remote.
"Let's go!"
This is a computer program calculating the spot.
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: After Rebecca and the computer do their part; Ryan comes in
with a map.
>>Ryan Means: I recommend that we walk in from the south on the Florida Trail.
And then somewhere in that swamp, we'll strike a course northward towards the remote
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Before entering the swamp, we hike through a longleaf pine forest.
>>Ryan Means: There are hundreds of species of plants out here where we're walking into
the remote spot at.
>>Ryan Means: Well here's a wonderful wetter area indicating plant.
This is called sweetbay magnolia.
>>Ryan Means: This is called swamp titi, with this racine shaped flowering structure.
The flowers are gone now and it's gone to seed.
>>Rebecca Means: Somebody did that.
>>Ryan Means: That looks like black bear activity right there.
See the slash marks across it?
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: We make our way into the swamp.
>>Ryan Means: What I'm seeing here at the edge of the swamp is evidence that the most
recent wildfire- or prescribed fire- burned into the swamp and did exactly what it was
supposed to do ecologically.
That is, zap a lot of the titi, and penetrate into the wwamp.
Open up the place a little bit, and create this ecotone between wet areas and upland
Bradwell Bay Wilderness, this swampy area inside of it, the Monkey Creek Swamp, is one
of the only places in our local region, here in the Big Bend of north Florida, where you can go
see a virgin stand of timber.
Behind me here is a slash pine.
Beautiful example.
There's a larger tree yet.
This one definitely predates the logging era.
>>Rebecca Means: Pinewoods tree frog.
Yep, she's the one who saw it as she walked by.
>>Skyla Means: Awww…
>>Rebecca Means: Awww…
It's about to climb up on a pine tree, too.
Good job!
Let's put it right back where it was.
>>Ryan Means: Pinewoods?
>>Rebecca Means: Uh huh.
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: We take one last break before going off trail.
>>Ryan Means: All right, honey.
This right here would be an optimal time to go off trail in Bradwell Bay here.
>>Rebecca Means: Are you saying that on the GPS or based on what you're looking at because
this doesn't look like a good spot to go off trail.
>>Ryan Means: It all looks the same, doesn't it?
>>Rebecca Means: [Laughs] There's a big thicket right here in front
of us!
>>Ryan Means: Well, based on our positioning here, and where I know the remote spot to
be, due north, it would be the perfect time for us to strike off trail.
Two point one miles north of here, through all that brush, is the remote spot for Bradwell
>>Ryan Means (calling from ahead): Looks like we'll get introduced to smilax up here!
>>Rebecca Means: Oh, great!
>>Ryan Means: Be carefull as you go through the briars, okay?
>>Rebecca Means: There is something truly unique about getting out, and away, and remote.
And having nothing around you.
No sounds around you, like cars, and people talking.
And not having scenes flashing in front of you like on the television, or being constantly
connected on the internet.
And it allows you some peace and some resting time.
And that's rejuvenating.
>>Ryan Means: Right here, we are one point three miles from a road, in the middle, or
toward the middle of Bradwell Bay Wilderness.
And I'm feeling pretty remote at this… this location.
>>Rebecca Means: So, even though we are a good mile the remotest location in the Big
Bend, we're still remote in this spot that we were when we went remote in Ohio.
>>Rebecca Means: We think it's fabulous that Skyla's going to grow up having visited
the remotest location of every state in the country.
I mean, that is something that no one can say, and here she grew up doing that.
Whether or not she's going to think that's cool, that could be a whole other story.
>>Ryan Means: That does remains to be seen.
>>Rob Diaz de Villegas: Either way, she'll have a childhood like no other.
For WFSU, I'm Rob Diaz de Villegas.
Monarch Tagging at the St. Marks Refuge | Citizen Science at Sunrise - Duration: 4:26.[Music]
>>Scott Davis: Monarch tagging is a national effort to try to understand a little bit better,
where the Monarchs are coming from, and where they're going.
We go out in the morning, before the Monarch butterflies have begun to move, when it's
very cold, and we capture the Monarch butterflies.
[Chatter] >>Volunteers: Get it! Get it! Get it!
>>Richard RuBino: Good Job!
>>Volunteer: Nice!
Oh my Gosh!
>>Scott Davis: Monarch tagging down at the lighthouse is a joint venture, sort of a partnership
between U.S Fish & Wildlife and the Florida Freshwater Fish & Game Commission.
We advertise what we're doing to the public and invite them because honestly, we would
not be able to capture as many [butterflies] as we do without citizen scientists coming
down here to help us with it.
>>Richard RuBino: So what are we doing here this morning?
>>Volunteers: Tagging Monarchs.
>>Richard RuBino: We're tagging Monarchs.
And the reason is we want to see where these end up.
So they try to make it to Mexico, about 150 miles from Mexico City, west of Mexico City.
Do they all try to make it to Mexico?
We have a number that live here along the Gulf Coast, no more than a mile or a mile
and a half inland, and spend the winter here.
Usually the best time to get involved and to see Monarchs here is about the middle of October
That's when usually the peak period for Monarchs occurs in this particular area.
It's a downslide in terms of numbers from that point on.
And, actually this morning, for this time of year, we're doing fairly well believe it or not
>>Scott Davis: We never have an issue having enough people on early mornings to go out
and get involved.
Learn about the plants, learn about the butterflies, work & network with professionals.
It's a lot of fun, a lot of comradery, and it's very, very easy to get involved.
>>David Cook: Alright, perfect!
Hey, this is a Monarch butterfly!
And this is a male.
We look for the underside of the right-hind wing, which is this, and this kind of mitten-shaped cell
And put the sticker there, and synch it down, and then it's ready to be let go.
A lot of times instead of letting it go up in the air, is we'll put it on somebody's nose
Do we have a nose that would like to volunteer?
>>Volunteer: I'll do it.
>>David Cook: Alright!
There's a volunteer nose.
[Laughter] >>Volunteer: Okay.
>>Volunteer: It's actually staying for a while!
>>David Cook: Now, there's a downside, if it doesn't fly away, you're going to have
to walk to Mexico.
>>David Cook: There we go!
Alright, we're ready for another one.
>>Scott Davis: This project would not be what it is without the support of the U.S Fish
& Wildlife Service, without the support of the friends of St. Marks, the St. Marks association.
And it would be impossible without volunteers coming out here and helping us to do this work
There's no way that you can grow 40,000 Milkweeds in the course of two years, or go
out and tag hundreds of monarchs, and tag them successfully without people coming out
and investing time, energy, and emotion to get it done.
We need everybody.
>>David Cook: There we go!
>>Scott Davis: If you want to get involved with what we are doing down here with both
Milkweeds and Monarchs, you can email us at themonarchmilkweedinitiative@gmail.com.
You can call us at (850) 925-6121, or you can look us up on Facebook.
Just do a Facebook search: The Monarch Milkweed Initiative at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.
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Home made Toothpaste - Dentifrice maison - Duration: 6:00.Hello
good day misters and miss's
come here ( formal )
Waw your breath smell's like death
wile we are talking about this...
I am going to teach today, how te make some toothpaste
Because fluorine is not so great for your brain
Because it may help cure some gum problems
because it cleans your teeth
it whitens too
I started making my own toothpaste a year ago now
my first recipe was disgusting
it made me want to vomit every time a brushed my teeth .. it was horrible
and i got white spots on my teeth
I told myself " there is a probleme " (Duh !)
i went to see my dentist and she told me :
it's a lack of calcium
I immediately changed my recipe
and added some calcium in it
One week later, no more white spots
I Had a gum disease
like an infection
It's hereditary, my dad has it .. to be short
A bad story ... I t can go far
I tried this new improved recipe, and in two weeks,
i nearly cured half of my gum problems
and at my next appointment three month later, with my dentist
a had cured everything
my little note book .. " i don't eat my friends"
So the toothpaste recipe
You always have to use wooden spoons, no metal, because
When you put metal in clay it cancel it's properties
we are going to need
Some calcium carbonate
Some sodium bicarbonate
some clay
some cloves powder
and some essential oils
the calcium carbonate i'm going to need 2.5 Tbls
the sodium carbonate ... sodium carbonate .. i need 1 Tbls
Clay /diatom earth / .... i use bentonite . use what every clay you want
it's 1/2 Tbls
some xylitol powder ( the sweet part of the toothpaste)
it's 1 1/2 Tbls
cloves and going to calm inflammations
it's going to num your mouth a bit .. if you have sensitive teeth it's not that bad ^^
mix well
we are going to add coconut oil (cooled pressed, non refined, organic if possible)
in this i have the melted the coconut oil
you are going to ad little by little and mix during the prosses
it's a little like a crepe batter ... you put it in the middle and you mix
you can have a liquide mixture because the coconut is going to harden
and you are going to have a toothpaste too hard if you don't put enough coconut
it's liquide , but don't worry it will harden ( or put it in the freezer for 15 minutes if you live in a hot country )
i'm going to add a little bit of E vitamine
it's not necessary , i have some at home so i use it
it's an anti - rancidity
i just tel myself it can maybe help my mixture stay "healthy" a little longer
i never had a toothpaste go bad on my watch ( even without the E vitamine ) ... Never
Once i even kept it three weeks
I'm not telling you to keep your's 3 weeks ... so make small batch so that you finish them quick
i put some pepper mint essential oil
i'm going to add 7 drops
of course it doesn't want
Cloves essential oil
because i love cloves
and it always have some benefits
we'll add 7 drops
7 drops also
and i found wintergreen ( gaultheria procumbens) essential oil
it has the same smell as eucalyptus chewing gum
while eucalyptus doesn't smell like the chewing gum
7 drops also
more or less
and you mix
now you have a good toothpaste smell ... ouuu
that tickles your nostrils
take a glass container
pour it in
avoid putting your toothbrush directly in the toothpaste
take a little wooden spoon to help yourself
i leave it in my bathroom edge
Close it ! if you leave it open you will lose all the essential oil smells
home made toothpaste
i hope you will try my little recpe
it is going to help you save money
save your brain because you are not going to destroy your brain with fluorite
and you are going to impress everyone who are going to tell you :
WHAT ? you make your OWN toothpaste
bitch please ... toothpaste ... toothpaste
viva ! home made toothpaste
i know it has nothing to do with food
it's part of the things i do ... so i share
you should share too , what you know how to do !
it's always nice ... i teach you, you teach me
we teach oursleves, you teach your selves ... you know what i mean
we are board aren't we ?
what are we doing after this ?
it's snowing ...
i wish you a good day
an excellent night
well ... you do you
bye !!
Creepypasta Story | Where are my eyes | #creepypasta - Duration: 7:17.there was just old woman who lived down
the block for me when I was going off
that me and my friends always used to
arrest we were mean to her but we never
hurt her physically at least
I'm sure we damaged or emotionally and
maybe even mentally but we were kids
little assholes
this woman was blind and i don't mean
she was blind in the sense that she was
born that way she lost her ice at some
point in their life the story told when
we will go off was that she was a little
older the loss probably 13 or 14 she
worked in a manufacturing facility it
was in the middle of World work you and
she was doing like so many non soldiers
anyway as she was walking to her station
someone near her who was operating a
late loss control of the steel pipe and
got it caught in the machine
it's your expenses of metal and she
caught it fully in their face just like
a metal occupying and the eyes must have
writing prompt a surprise because they
were completely covered in inch-long
charts the story goes that she blacked
out and never saw anything but laugh
when she came to because as they try to
remove this new phase they were so deep
and checked that Apple's just locked out
they say she kept on something where are
my eyes
where are my eyes so being shitty little
kids and knowing she will never be able
to catch us or even know who was doing
it with drum off and knock on the door
then when she came out we will show the
obscenities better and she glared at us
with the dark empty sockets then we will
be couples and throw the matter 10
points if you got one and there I
soffits you know eventually she must
have started to recognize our voices
Billy was the first he wasn't in school
one day they're not weak i finally went
to his house and despite his mom
applications i was allowed to see him
but he couldn't see me he was waving
these dark sunglasses inside i left at
first thinking he was messing about
but then he took them off and there were
just two holes with dark lot across the
course in them he didn't really see much
more muttering we're on my eyes where my
eyes his mom told me as i was leaving
that he was changing a light all
but not properly and that was plugged in
and a bump off as he was removing it
the glass got into his eye so deep it
severed nerves then him at a similar
situation worse maybe he was cooking
with the stat when you slipped on the
floor and got the priests culvert
cooking drunk stepped in and I is that
said his head hit the ground and it's so
so much force the other colored and
leasing Greece opt-out I didn't buy the
storage they seem to extreme that could
sure but could it really i don't know i
have another theory one that involved an
old woman that we terrorists on are
nearly daily basis
one night it was raining underbody
little off tonight I light link so i
decided to watch the storm of it when
they got to the window I saw the old
woman they're just standing in the art
staring with a non-existing ice at my
window at me
the rain was filling our sockets and
pouring out over her face like a mock
our founder I helped like the wide-eyed
and step back then she started to walk
I could swear she could see me but she
couldn't that be possible
she stopped walking just as she got to
the window and she pressed her face
against the glass delicately like she
could see like she could see me her
mouth moved but they couldn't hear over
the rain I knew it was impossible for
her to actually see me right so i put my
ear on the glass just a quarter inch of
glass separating us and I listened
intently I heard it
where are my eyes I was spared and she
slammed her palm on the glass and
screech their names down to pain shriek
and it will call my parents my screams
must have alerted the old woman table
because she turned and started to run
away but the rain were so bad that it
turned the yard into one big multi
quagmire and she slipped by the gate the
gate was brought Iran and I flipped as i
saw it hit the my parents and I rushed
outside and aspires complicate push
themselves through her eye sockets and
deep into her skull
the last thing I heard her say what the
same praise I've heard so much and she
said you
you have my and tight
I'm arcade now I'm an adult and I still
can't look out the window and it raised
it hurts my eyes
I developed a stigmatism it hurts to use
my eyes at all really did you enjoyed
the deal or go to comment on me and the
bold and subscribe for more stories
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