by Leah H.
手工巧克力DIY製作♡超簡單教學 - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Rings - In Theatres this Friday-------------------------------------------
Statement by Joël Lightbound - Duration: 2:19.House of commons of Canada. Statemets by Members. Joël Lightbound (LIB) from Louis-Hébert.
Member from Louis-Hébert
Mr. Speaker, Sunday evening,
a young man callously murdered six men from my region in a cowardly manner.
Khaled Belkacemi, Azzedine Soufiane, Aboubaker Thabti,
Abdelkrim Hassane, Mamadou Tanou Barry, and Ibrahima Barry
were husbands, fathers,
brothers, and sons. They were good, honest men.
Today, I want to offer my sympathy and prayers to the families
and to Quebec City's Muslim community as a whole. I grew up with them and they helped me thrive in Sainte-Ursule
and Saint-Benoît, as part of the Caravelles, at Rochebelle and throughout my life.
Today, I also want to ask their forgiveness,
forgiveness for watching while, over the past few years, they were ostracized
and stigmatized, while fear, mistrust, and hatred took root in the hearts of my fellow human beings.
I did my best to do something about it,
but I ask their forgiveness for not doing enough. Words have consequences, but so does silence.
Never again. Sainte-Foy is and always will be your home.
Now, I sincerely hope that you will find in your hearts
the strength to do what so many people have refused to do
and to see the good that still manages to shine through the darkness that is threatening to overtake our society.
Assalaam alaykum.
Bones – BedfordFalls Перевод Русские субтитры - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Shoulder And Hip Pain - Duration: 1:52.Shoulder And Hip Pain
Type Of Joint Found In The Shoulder And Hip - Duration: 1:54.Type Of Joint Found In The Shoulder And Hip
Clearwater Police search for shooting suspect - Duration: 0:19.WITH THE LAW.
【童話】直播短精華 : 打LOL的對手居然是觀眾 ➲ 誰可以幫我算一下這機率有多低?[CC字幕] - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Buick's Big Game Ad-------------------------------------------
Lift pelvis from the floor in prone (Feldenkrais ATM) - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
Songs Of The Month (January) || Dave Deadhead (Hundredth, Casey, Architects, Being As An Ocean,...) - Duration: 11:12.Hey what's up you guys, so today I want
to start a new video series in which I will
present you my favorite songs of the
month and to clear is up this is not
about the songs that came out in that
particular month. It's about the songs I've
listened to a lot in that month. So this
video will be for january and i'll try
to keep it up every month. So yeah I think
i'll call this one "Songs of the Month"
yeah alright let's get started
before I start I want to say that this
is not in a particular order or
something because i cannot track the
counts I played the music this is just
what I think I listen to you a lot and
yeah let's get started the first song I
will present you is from a band I didn't
know in December 2016 so I got a
recommendation from a friend of mine to
listen to that band and when I first
heard this song I instantly fell in love
with them so the band is called Hundredth
I hope I say this right and the song is
called "Whethered Town" and it's about
leaving a town & leaving all the shit
behind you while having all the good
memories in your mind
so I'll play this track right now
alright so the next song I'm going to show
you is from a band called Being As An Ocean
and it's a first song they put out since
there's selftitled album Being As An Ocean
the song is called "Dissolve" and, yeah, it's
from their new album that comes out in
June 2017 the album is called
"Waiting For The Morning To Come" and I can't wait
for the album to come. Really.
I think they are recently one of my
favorite bands
I'm listening to them a lot and I can't
wait for this album. So here's the song
So to stay in the same genre as we did
with being an ocean the post-hardcore
melodic-hardcore thing, I'm going to talk
about a band called Casey and I think I
did tell you a lot about them in my last
video where I presented you my TOP 5
albums of the year and you can watch it
here I guess
and yeah I love casey a lot and the
song I'm going to show you is called
"Darling" and I cannot tell you how often
I've been sitting in my car screaming
out the lyrics loud
I think it happened way too often
this month and yeah just just listening
to it and you'll understand
So about the next song: I wasn't pretty
sure if I should include it in that list
because it's something you wouldn't
expect me to listen to you because it's
rap and it's from a German rapper or hip-hop
singer I don't know if you can call
it a rapper he's called Alligatoah
I've been listening a lot to him and
yeah that song is called "Silver Medal" or
in German "Trostpreis" and it's
about, it's a funny way to break up with his
girlfriend so... it's featuring with Timi
Hendrix who is also one of those guys
who don't take the rap scene too serious
and make fun of it and yeah let's just
So the last song of this video is from a band called Architects but
before I tell you the name of the song I
have to make something clear and that is
that in my video my last video my "Top 5 Albums of the Year 2016"
You can watch it up there I did not include
the album "All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us"
although I was wearing a Architects
longsleeve and you guys have been rambling
about that in my Instagram comments so
to make sure "All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us"
if on place number five is instead of
A Day To Remembers "Bad Vibrations" I've been
listening to "All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us" way
more times then I've been listening to
"Bad Vibrations" but I included the album
"Bad Vibrations" to get out my frustration
about it and so to get back to that video
I have vinyl here the vinyl here and I'm
going to show it to you and I'm going to
present you my favorite album of that uhm my
favorite song off that album but I
actually cannot decide because the whole
album is perfect and every song is
beautiful and awesome but the song i've been
listening to a lot last month january is
"A Match Made In Heaven"
and so that's the song I picked as the last
song and also as my favorite song off
the album "All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us"
here it is
so that it guy's these are my favorite
song of the month january and as I
mentioned before this is not in a
particular order or something
these are just songs I've been
listening to a lot more than to others so
in the comments down below to tell me
what are your favorite song and also did
you like the style of the video should I
continue doing this or should I just
go back to uploading cover songs so if
you are concerned about the lack of
covers uhm the next video I'm going to
upload is a cover song of
Neck Deep's December so you can look forward to this
so thanks for watching and please like
this video comment down below and
subscribe to my channel to get every
video I upload so that's it BYE
My morning routine on one side of a face? | Hello itsYanic - Duration: 5:48.Hey guys! Very welcome to my new video!
I'm sorry when it echoes because I'm here in the bathroom
And that for a special reason
And I'll do it today only half of me
From the face respectively
I can not cut the clothes
bla bla bla
So people I'm here now almost finished
bla bla bla
bla bla bla unnecessary
brushed, not brushed
bla bla bla
now the hairspray and then I'm finish
pls give a thumb up and subscribe me
Augeni - Acudit i les negres? - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Counter Strike Global Offensive Facts! (31 Facts!) - Duration: 8:22.Hello how are you guys doing today my name is black tarzan and today we are going to
be talking about the top 31 facts about counter strike.
Coming Up!
Guys before I start off the video.
I would just like ask to everyone watching this video right now to subscribe to my youtube
Join the black tarzan army today!
Anway, let's get right into the video! counter Strike Global Offensive, the game which hit
the markets on 21st of August 2012 surely has taken over the eSports industry with legendary
The game, which was once criticized to be one of Valve's ambitious efforts, today,
is the top Esports game in the world beating DotA II, League of Legends and StarCraft.
The prize pool was Valve's recent major MLG Columbus was increased to $1 million in
2016, and the viewership broke many records, making it one of the highest grossing eSports
event in the history of the sport.
We have shortlisted some funny, as well as intellect facts about the game which you'll
read below.
Some of you may know few, some of you would know much, but none of you knows all of it.
Enjoy our series of CSGO Fun Facts.
You can't see your own shadow.
It seems weird but actually is also the truth, you can not really see your own shadow while
in-game from your POV, it is mainly because POV cams do not actually have the shadow render,
thus you don't see it.
CSGO was earlier just a port for CS: Source for consoles.
It was never planned to be an independent game and successor of Counter Strike 1.6 and
Counter Strike: Source.
When it first launched, CS:GO didn't have Competitive Mode and Skins.
Yea you heard it right.
No matchmaking and skins.
Back to defaults.
If you keep the tutorials on, you can locate the bomb in smoke.
This one actually is a trick to locate the bomb when you struggle to find it in deep
ignoremsg – disables everything.
Too allergic to bullsh*ts?
Now ignore all the spam and worthless messages from your team-mate trying to troll you when
you would want to concentrate on the game.
Molotov is more powerful then incendiary and also $200 cheaper.
This actually doesn't make sense.
The terrorist side Molotov is $200 cheaper as well as stronger at the same time.
I mean why?
What wrong has the Counter-terrorists done trying to prevent bombs from detonating.
launch options – pirate.
Yea, this actually works.
Adding "-language pirate" in launch options will change the in-game language of your game
and will look more convincing than ever!
You can actually pull out money from ATM beside bank @ Overpass.
Weird, but works.
While in death-match if so, if you visit the A bombsite in Overpass map, you can actually
by making use of the 'use' button, pull out cash out of the bank.
De_train radio plays team fortess 2 theme song.
After the famous 3-flame-kill from olofmieser and the questionable boost.
graphitti was added @ overpass B site, graphittie was added @ overpas A side.
A total of 5 graffiti has made its way onto the original game with Valve giving community
updates and taking the in-game events very seriously.
With the three of them from Fnatic's olofmeister, one was the latest one after Coldzera's
4K storm at mirage b bombsite.
If you press E, on the map inferno, the chickens will actually follow you!
Counter strike started off as an extra mod for the game half-life in 1999.
It is a prequel to left 4 dead.
There are some fan theories that suggest that the games are inter linked as a lot of the
maps are the same.
There is an arcade version of counter strike called counter strike neo.
It's mostly played in japan.
The map dust was inspired by team fortress.
The bots in the game are named after the creators of the game.
In 2010 a man died in the game by being knifed.
The player got so angry he searched for the player who killed him in the game for seven
months and stabbed him with a real knife.
He missed his heart by an inch.
A child was suspended from school by making a map of his school in counter strike.
There is a professional counter strike player who has no arms and legs.
He's even won tournaments.
There have even been cases of match fixing in counter strike.
Stuart holden an American professional soccer player for Bolton also happened to be a pro
counter strike player.
There is a shooting range in las vegas which has a counter strike package which has all
the guns from counter strike.
Mcdonalds in Sweden named a burger after their national counter strike team.
NIP stands for ninjas in pajamas.
Let's find out the first release of Counter Strike.
In 2000, Valve Corporation released Counter Strike on Microsoft Windows platform.
Due to the popularity of Counter Strike, it was made into a franchise.
The first installment is very successful in the market.
Counter Strike is also released in remakes.
It is also released in Linux, OS X, and Xbox console. here are many locations around the
world used as the setting in Counter Strike.
If you access Counter Strike, you will become the player.
Your role is as a member of a combating team hired by the government.
The main job is to fight against the numerous terrorist militants which opposed the counter
terrorist forces of the government.
The round in the game is characterized by the presence of two teams.
You have to defeat the other team.
At the beginning of the game play, the player is allowed to modify the weapons and accessories.
When you play Counter Strike, you can choose your own role.
You can choose to become a spectator, a member of the counter terrorist team or as a member
of terrorist team.
Since the first release of Counter Strike, it has become a target for cheating.
The client tries to hack Counter Strike.
Therefore, the VAC or Valve Anti-Cheat is applied by the developer.
Definitely be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel called black tarzan.
I would greatly appreciate if you took the time to show your support for my channel,
by hitting that red subscribe button below this video.
It would honestly mean the world to me!
My name is black tarzan.
Thank you so much for watching.
I really appreciate it!
Steampianist【Oliver】The Scrap Boy廢墟男孩 中文翻譯CC字幕 - Duration: 9:28.-------------------------------------------
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 - Full Mission Gameplay Walkthrough - Beta PC Steam - Duration: 17:58.welcome to stay
her ghost warrior 3 sniper tactics video
scope calibration before taking a shot
there are several factors to be
considered check the distance to your
target and set your scope elevation
accordingly to compensate bullet drop
the red bar on your wind indicator will
show you how far the bullet will be
influenced by the wind for the set
distance when everything is set
slowly exhale and pull the trigger
remember if you pull the trigger too
fast you'll break the shot provisioning
take advantage of your surroundings to
maximize your efficiency while sniping
use the environment to reduce weapons
way to a minimum
it's easier to aim your rifle when
crouching or laying down
line up your shot to take down several
enemies with one bullet when a
disadvantage use special bullets to
regain control the drone recon is
critical for planning and executing your
mission use the drone to locate your
enemies sabotage objects and enemy
devices to gain a tactical overview of
the mission area well-executed recon
will expose weak points and enemy
defenses allowing you to carry out your
strategies with deadly precision
I've got a visual and Christian talks
confound that's our kind find a spot to
take out
Gordon under the safehouse remaining
with my mission duration deliveries JSOC
over now
all I gotta lose my mind with this music
got some new Intel for me
category of targets most wanted list
24 separate much talking sex with where
continues fine what about the ICC
injustice shoot first ask questions
yeah well I've seen separatists
handiwork in the field so I don't have
any questions torture and killing a POWs
rape and burning civilians alive even
Kris Jeff yeah monkey lion said I could
find him in the block tell happy walking
around accomplice in always travels with
too much magic you will do out
got some new Intel for me
category targets most wanted list for
several months we're talking
not one to mess with we're fine what
about the ICC just should first ask
questions later
yeah well I've seen separatists
handiwork in the field so I don't have
any questions torture and killing a POWs
rape and burning civilians alive even
Khrushchev yeah not Kaline said I could
find him in the blocks until halftime
walking around the complex she's
paranoid and always travels with a heavy
escort practice for sure how quickly
much church will do out
remember to find the question a sentence
last location gps still operational
converted for dr. Roger
not always
that's block just be another way
the balcony looks like my only way out
of here
little clearer view of the entire
outpost from up there
I found a crash drone to what we're
looking for right
I've got a visual and christian are
sakai spot to take out targets down nice
now get out of here
that man can know that man how you
landed on my back man i'm batman no i
didn't fix the good will come out not
for the job
collectibles shell down too risky to
search up there was a more stable
The Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio: World Heavyweight Champion match HD - Duration: 9:23.-------------------------------------------
GTA V: Better Video Quality With "EVE" Mod [TUTORIAL] - Duration: 6:16.Hello there guys and girls,
today I wanna showcase a great mod for GTA V that you should check out if you want to
create high quality videos – it will allow you to customize frame rate, resolution, video
and audio codecs.
The mod is called Extended Video Export by Nightingale.
The link is in the video description.
In order to install the mod you just download the file and unpack it on your desktop.
And before you go posting on forums asking how this mod works: The first thing you do
with any new mod is to open the damn readme file.
You´ll learn that you´ll need the latest scripthook, which you should have anyways
if you are a modder.
But you´ll also need the C++ 2015 redistributable in both 32 and 64 bits.
So please install them.
Next up is the installation, which is very easy.
You just copy the files you extracted to the main directory of GTA V. Done.
Very nice work by the creator of this mod because it´s clean and doesn´t make a mess
in your game directory.
Before you start in game you have to go to the file ExtendedVideoExport.ini and specify
a folder to which the video should be exported.
In this line called "output_folder" you can add any directory.It´s best to just copy
the path from the windows explorer like so.
Now save the file and close it.
I think this is great because some people like myself don´t have too much space on
their C drive which is reserved for my system only.
Now I can put the video files onto a different hard drive.
Now you can already record gameplay, edit your video in the rockstar editor and export
the file.
That way you will be using the standard settings that are specified in the file preset.ini.
If you want the maximum video quality, you can go back to the readme file and scroll
all the way down to the example video presets.
There you will find Lossless H.264.
Copy paste these three lines into the preset file and replace the original three lines.
But without the little star symbols.
Now Save the preset file.
Beware that rendering might take forever with this preset, but in my opinion it´s worth
Don´t forget to change the FPS from 30 to 60.
Open the file ExtendedVideoExport.ini and change said value.
Save the file.
In this file you can also activate the motion blur by changing this value.
For example to 30, which is a good value.
Please note that this option slows the export process down, too.
Depending on how high the value is.
The problem is that there will be no audio when motion blur is active.
So you will have to make a quick rendering for the audio and then a slow rendering for
the video.
Then you can merge audio and video together.
That´s an easy workaround.
In order to compare the quality of the different presets I made this small comparison chart
right here.
As you can see, the Rockstar file is horrible.
In the black areas and the reflection of the car you can clearly spot all those blocky
In the middle is the rendered video with the default settings of the mod.
It is a huge improvement.
The improvement from here to the lossless file isn´t that notable in my opinion, though.
The black colors are a little more saturated, I admit that.
Then I tried the same thing with dark scenery because the Rockstar Editor always tends to
render horrible fragments into the dark parts of a video.
Here is another comparison chart.
As it turns out, Extended Video Export also works very well in this scenario.
Look at the horrible quality of the Rockstar editor with its highest possible output settings.
Even the standard settings of the Export mod look way better.
Of course there is also the option to make a fullscreen preview of your video and record
this preview in realtime with a third party software like open broadcaster, mirillis action
or Fraps.
But the quality differs, too, so you will have to experiment to find out which suits
you best.
I highly recommend that you experiment and tinker around with the settings before you
start producing any video.
There might be the case that your editing program doesn´t recognize the files you exported.
Thanks to the "Auto Reload" feature of the mod you can change the export settings
without closing and restarting the game.
Just edit the ini files to your liking, save the file and hit the export button again.
If you have any questions I recommend you visit the download page, and ask the developer
nightingale himself.
And don´t forget to leave him a five star rating for his great work with the mod.
Overall, I am really happy with this mod.
Because when you make a video from GTA, there are usually three stages of compression:
Exporting footage from Rockstar Editor Exporting final video from editing program
Uploading to YouTube
This makes the videos look gruesome compared to what you see on screen while playing.
Extended Video Export takes away at least one of these stages of compression and gives
you much better material to work with.
The biggest downside is the huge file sizes depending on the preset you´re using.
But if you´re a passionate video creator you´ll be able to ignore that.
I hope you enjoyed this small tutorial and mod showcase.
I´d be happy to welcome you to my family, so please subscribe and leave a comment.
Thank you for watching,
whanowa over
Natural Remedies For Joint Pain - Duration: 4:31.Natural Remedies For Joint Pain
How to Contour | Belleza a lo Glam - Duration: 17:32.Hi all!
welcome once more to Belleza Glam
today I bring you a tutorial
about how to apply foundation and how to do your contour
as you can see, I've already done my eyes
so I won't be showing you that today
I've put on a bit of lipgloss
all the products that I've used for the eyes and lips will be listed on the description box
I'll talk about the products I'll be using to do the contour
and I'll also post them in the description box
so we'll get started
for the foundation
the foundation that I'm using lately is the Diorskin Forever foundation
the liquid one, not the cushion one
my shade is number 031
I pump a bit onto my hand
and this is how I usually apply it
with a stippling brush
I apply it by dipping in the brush
today, as you've noticed
I haven't applied a primer
this primer by Kiko
which I have shown you in the previous video
basically because I'm not going to wear makeup for long
it's already 2pm, so the only thing I have to do is go to the doctors
and little else
so, today I don't really need the makeup to stay on
for like 10 hours
and that's why I'm not using a primer
I didn't colour correct yet
because I don't feel like I need it either
Maybe around the mouth a bit
but since I'm not doing anything spectacular with my day
I'm not particularly worried
on days where you won't be doing anything
I wouldn't worry too much, if I were you, about primers and colour correctors
so now we start with the contour
for the contour what I usually use
is the Contour Kit by Anastasia Beverly Hills
it's very good, because it comes with a few colours
and this is the medium kit
the kit is also available in light and dark tones
this one is good, because it comes with the highlighting concealer
as well as the yellow corrector
for purple/violet tones
also this other one for brownish/black dark spots
and it also comes with the contour shades
these are good because you can mix them to custom the shade
this one I don't really use
I use it mainly mixed with this one
because it's very warm
so it doesn't look great on me
it kind of looks like I'm wearing mud
I'd rather use this one mixed with this
ir just this one by itself
specially to contour here
depending on how light or dark your skin is
it's probably best to use this middle tone
and this one to add warmth to the skin
I'm going to apply it
as you can see, I'm alredy wearing it on half the face
around the chin
on this side of the forehead
I apply it with my fingers
because it's cream contour
so you can apply it just fine with your fingers
to blend it, I use a brush
or a beauty blender
but to apply it, always the fingers
so I'm using this middle shade
you can start to blend it upwards whilst applying it
to know where it's meant to be blended
when you start to use the brush
and a bit around the forehead
the contour on the forehead it's to make it appear smaller
I haven't got a five-head
but it's good to add some contour
even if your forehead isn't too big
it doesn't hurt to shade around the forehead
now I'll blend it with a contour brush by Morphe
make sure to blend it out
in upwards motions, because if you blend it down
it'll mix with this bit
and really, you won't have accomplished anything
it's better to have a shadow line here
and the rest blended up
if you blend it down or towards the mouth
it's going to appear messy
so all the work won't make sense!
it also won't look good in pictures
it will probably look like your skin's a bit dirty
so I will carry on blending this out
I've found that it's best to blend out the jaw line contour downwards
and not blending out too much the top part of the line
because if you do, it won't have the shadow effect you're looking for
it's best to leave a line on top and blend the bottom half
until you're happy with it
also make sure to blend out towards your ear
otherwise your shadow will just finish there and you'll be able to tell it's makeup
now, I'll be using the highlighting concealer
I've applied the concealer in a V shape
also down here
between the jaw line and cheek contour
I've also applied it here in an oval shape
above the eyebrows and in the middle of the forehead
again, on this side I applied it in a V shape
to contour the nose I like to use the NYX Wonder Stick
simply because I find it easier to apply
it's more precise and I like how this shade looks on my nose
if I were to use this shade on my cheeks, it would look too warm
but on my nose it looks good
with this side of the beauty blender, I'll just blend
under the eyes, the cheeks, the forehead and the nose
I already finished with the cream contour
wow, that sounded super English
so, just like in the previous tutorial
I'm just going to set the concealer
I'm going to use Shade and Light by Kat Von D
I'll use shade "lucid"
I'll use this one everywhere I put on the highlighting concealer
so under my eyes, under the cheeks...
on the forehead
and then on the nose I use shade - I don't know the name because it rubbed off
the middle shade
to highlight the nose
I don't know what's going on here
right, now II'll set the concealer
Again using this disposable sponge
apply the powder in a V shape too
as this is where you put the concealer on
for the nose I use the middle shade
to highlight the bridge
and then I'll show you how I use the sponge to apply the nose contour
using shade "shadowplay"
I'll dip in the tip of the sponge
and that is what I use to apply the powder contour
so just to set the cream contour
so the nose contour is now done
now I'll just set the contour around my forehead, cheeks,
around the jaw..
I take the darkest shadow
it's shade "sombre"
you have to be a bit careful with this shade
because it can be the case that you put on a lot
and your contour will be too defined
I advise that every time you contour
you begin with a tiny bit of powder
and then build it up if you want it to look more intense
it's better to start with little and build it up
than start with a lot and not be able to take it off/blend it
as with everything, you have to apply the powder in a circular, upwards motion
to avoid it mixing with the lighter part underneath
just as I blended out the cream contour upwards, I blend out the powder in the same way
in circular motions so that the pigment does not fall out
I'll take off the excess powder under the eyes, on the nose, forehead and chin
and on the cheeks
and then I'm going to set with with translucent powder by MAC
having dusted off the excess, I use myself -
I use myself?!
I use the MAC translucent powder
Prep + Prime
It's almost finished and it doesn't look great, but it's what I use
again, with the blush brush
I take a small amount and set everything
this is important, because if you haven't used a foundation primer
it will help the makeup to set well
if you haven't used a primer, make sure to use setting powder
and also the setting spray
which I will use after applying highlighter
it's also by MAC
and it's called Global Glow
I know I look dumb
I've spent the entire video looking like a fish
but it is what it is
I finish up by using
setting spray, as always
This one is by MAC
Prep + Prime, Fix +
I pray it in a cross and X shape
to ensure all the areas are covered
This is the final look
I hope you've liked it
I hope you've learnt LOTS
and I'll just leave you with a link to my last tutorial
so subscribe, give it a thumbs up
comment with anything you want to see or any criticism
any comment/suggestion/opinion about the video
or just anything you'd like to see in the future
and I'll take it all into account
I hope your contour turns out good too!
I'll see you on the next video
Cover P!nk - Who knew (unvollständig) - Duration: Leah H.
The Try Guys' Squad Wars-------------------------------------------
Running Technique - Proper Running Form - Duration: 1:34.Running Technique
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