Saturday, February 16, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 16 2019

Hello, everyone! This is Maxim.

So good to have you back!

Today our lesson is about exercises in the first position.

normal and extended.

By now, you are quite familiar with the first position.

Let's talk about an extended position.

Actually, you can make an extension in every position

but we will start with the first one.

So, on the A string normally you would cover the distance between B and D

Now we will keep the first finger and thumb

in the original position

but we will extend the second finger

and you see that this brings all other fingers up

and now we can reach D sharp

also known as E flat

The same happens on other strings

for instance, D string


now we can reach G sharp, or A flat

G string

we can play C sharp, or D flat

and C string

F sharp is now within reach

Another useful extension is

when we extend the first finger

so we can play the lower note

for instance, on A string

instead of B

we can play B flat

or A sharp

and notice, we can reach that note

without moving other fingers

so, it will be very handy

when you play in a faster tempo

and you don't want to move all fingers

so, let's do it again

D string

G string

and C string

You do not actually need to keep

fingers in extended position for long

so, once you done with the note, you can bring fingers back

Very often we make a mistake

we play a note, and then

the wrist gets stuck in the extended position

It is only useful

if you are going to play more notes in this extended position.

One more time, if it is just one note

then make sure you bring other fingers back

so your wrist is always in relaxed position.

Exercise number 5

Sebastian Lee, the first voice

And now it is time to play together

you will play the first part, and I will play the second

our tempo will be quarter note 60

Get ready!

The exercise number 6

Now we will play the exercise number 6 together

tempo quarter note 60

The exercise number 7, the first voice

Now lets play it together

tempo is quarter note 60

Scale and arpeggio in G Major

The exercise number 8 by Dotzauer

Exercise number 8, playing together in tempo quarter note 60

Exercise number 9. The first part.

Exercise number 9. Now I will play the second voice with you.

tempo quarter note 60

This is the end of our lesson today.

Thank you for watching. Please be in touch!

For more infomation >> A.Piatti Cello Method Lesson 5 Exercises in First Extended Position - Duration: 21:57.


ボルボ「V60/S60/XC60/V40」に計8,000台超えのリコール。ディーゼルモデルにのみ燃料漏れの恐れアリ - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> ボルボ「V60/S60/XC60/V40」に計8,000台超えのリコール。ディーゼルモデルにのみ燃料漏れの恐れアリ - Duration: 3:36.


ホンダ・シビック"シャトル"を1000馬力、さらに4WD化!シーケンシャルミッションを搭載した本気チューンドカーが登場 - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> ホンダ・シビック"シャトル"を1000馬力、さらに4WD化!シーケンシャルミッションを搭載した本気チューンドカーが登場 - Duration: 4:46.


Konny und Manu Reimann: Unerwartete Verkündung! - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Konny und Manu Reimann: Unerwartete Verkündung! - Duration: 5:58.


逛花博拉攏藍營?柯:拜託,本來就該來 哪有拉攏- 热点新闻 - Duration: 2:27.

台北市長柯文 哲下午參訪 台中花博后 里園區花舞 館

遭眾多熱情遊 客包圍

這次在台中市 長盧秀燕陪 同下逛花博

是否有拉攏藍 營之意

柯p直呼「拜 託!本來就 該來

哪有什麼拉攏 不拉攏。


逛花博哪有什 麼藍綠

沒有選舉大家 都正常

至於選不選總 統

他叫媒體回台 北再問。

「偶像! 柯總統!」 柯文哲魅力 無法擋

將原本就有許 多人潮的花 博擠得水洩 不通

讓盧秀燕一直 頻叫他小心 走路


都沒機會和盧 聊些什麼

一直被人潮包 圍。

有媒體 詢問

選前請夫人下 來花博


有無特別安排 ?柯p四兩 撥千金表示

下周是台北市 民逛花博半 價優待

特別自己先下 來感受

台中花博是台 灣的花博

並沒有其他規 劃

就下來玩一玩 。

至於跟盧 秀燕一起來

是否有拉攏藍 營的感覺





哪有什麼拉攏 不拉攏。


逛花博哪有甚 麼藍綠

沒有選舉大家 都正常。

盧秀燕表 示

縣市合作對台 灣、


6個直轄市長 互相支援

哪個縣市有好 東西互相關 心


下來看花博加 油打氣

其他縣市首長 也要來




大家合作一起 為台灣打拼 。

至於這次 台中行還有 見地方民代 及產業界

是不是在布局 ?柯p說

既然來台中看 花博

就順便把事情 做一做

針對有產業界 理事長問說 要不要選總 統

他則跟媒體說 次說「回去 台北要問再 問」。

外界質疑 上海台辦主 任李文輝上 午到台北行 程都不公開

偷偷摸摸好像 搞偷情


很奇怪!台北 燈區要開幕


下周一會到台 北市正式拜 訪

要先來看也很 正常

哪有什麼偷偷 摸摸。

For more infomation >> 逛花博拉攏藍營?柯:拜託,本來就該來 哪有拉攏- 热点新闻 - Duration: 2:27.


Kingdom Hearts 3 PL #21 - Potwory i Spółka- Booooooo- Napisy po polsku - Duration: 30:41.

For more infomation >> Kingdom Hearts 3 PL #21 - Potwory i Spółka- Booooooo- Napisy po polsku - Duration: 30:41.


Quadro dos Sonhos | Episódio 047 | 365 Dias Incríveis - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Quadro dos Sonhos | Episódio 047 | 365 Dias Incríveis - Duration: 7:07.


山下智久、新曲が不発に思える理由と「男性ソロアイドル」の厳しい現状 - Duration: 2:55.

拡大写真 写 はイメージです   5年半ぶり なるシングル『R ason/Nev r Lose』を リースした山下智

  昨年は主演映 『コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ 急救命-』の興行 入が92億円を超 、年間ナンバーワ ヒットを記録

人気の健在ぶりを 象付けた山下だが 今回のシングル発 初日のオリコンデ リーチャートでは 3万7000枚超 3位となった

  ちなみに1位 、HKT48の宮 咲良なども参加す 、日韓合同のアイ ルグループIZ* NE

2位はハロー!プ ジェクトのアイド グループJuic =Juiceだっ 。ソロアイドルに 厳しい時代 「か てKAT-TUN 亀梨和也と『修二 彰』名義でリリー した『青春アミー 』は、ミリオンセ ーの大ヒットでし

また、ソロ第1弾 『抱いてセニョリ タ』も80万枚超 。  香取慎吾と んだ『MONST RS』や、一昨年 再び亀梨と組んだ 亀と山P』も話題 なりました

昨年リリースのア バムはオリコンで 間1位を獲得して ますが、今回のシ グル発売は、『コ ド・ブルー』の勢 を味方にしている も関わらず、順位 枚数も物足りない 象があります」

For more infomation >> 山下智久、新曲が不発に思える理由と「男性ソロアイドル」の厳しい現状 - Duration: 2:55.


山下智久、新曲が不発に思える理由と「男性ソロアイドル」の厳しい現状 - Duration: 3:51.

拡大写真 写真 イメージです  5年半ぶりとなる ングル『Reaso /Never Lo e』をリリースした 下智久

  昨年は主演映画 コード・ブルー  ドクターヘリ緊急救 -』の興行収入が9 億円を超え、年間ナ バーワンヒットを記

人気の健在ぶりを印 付けた山下だが、今 のシングル発売初日 オリコンデイリーチ ートでは、3万70 0枚超で3位となっ

  ちなみに1位は HKT48の宮脇咲 なども参加する、日 合同のアイドルグル プIZ*ONE

2位はハロー!プロ ェクトのアイドルグ ープJuice=J iceだった。ソロ イドルには厳しい時  「かつてKAT- UNの亀梨和也と『 二と彰』名義でリリ スした『青春アミー 』は、ミリオンセラ の大ヒットでした

また、ソロ第1弾の 抱いてセニョリータ も80万枚超え。  香取慎吾と組んだ『 ONSTERS』や 一昨年に再び亀梨と んだ『亀と山P』も 題になりました

昨年リリースのアル ムはオリコンで週間 位を獲得しています 、今回のシングル発 は、『コード・ブル 』の勢いを味方にし いるにも関わらず、 位も枚数も物足りな 印象があります」

For more infomation >> 山下智久、新曲が不発に思える理由と「男性ソロアイドル」の厳しい現状 - Duration: 3:51.


Forza Motorsport 7 - Maserati Gran Turismo S 2010 (w/ Steering Wheel) Gameplay - Duration: 10:55.

Help me get 1000 subscribears, Please!

For more infomation >> Forza Motorsport 7 - Maserati Gran Turismo S 2010 (w/ Steering Wheel) Gameplay - Duration: 10:55.


印度最大鑽石在倫敦展覽,英國專家憤怒道:印度人真是暴殄天物s - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> 印度最大鑽石在倫敦展覽,英國專家憤怒道:印度人真是暴殄天物s - Duration: 6:12.


Eyes & Lies Tamil short film | Subtitles - Duration: 4:35.

What Bro ?

I'm planning to leave hostel

You know our college rules right ? We have to stay in hostel.

I know ….. I know …..

Are you going to drop out of college ? Seriously ? For a ghost ?

Guys, did you hear what he just said ?

You believe in ghosts?

Well,, you pray to god right. God can be there but not ghost eh ?


We can believe

Why, we can also believe in unicorns

But what is the point ?

Besides, even If there was a ghost, why should it come after you ?

From what ive seen, I can say that only the ghost in the movie casper

has a reason to scare people.

Oh and, I don't really pray to god, that's just for my parents.

Then come, lets exchange rooms.

Our hostel rules won't allow that.

Plus, we can't say, there really might be a ghost

And also that drawing in your room is really scary.

Thats not just the sketch of an eye,

It appears as if there is a man trying to come out from within it.

It looks really disturbing,

almost as if its trying to communicate something to us.

Seeing it scares the hell out of me.

The eye in the illuminati also looks pretty similar.

I've seen on the internet, some people use it as a camera, I heard.. a remote point.

Why are you scaring him?

Illuminati was created by people who were against science.

It is not actually true.

That and all we can't tell. It could be true.

Leave it man. Bro you tell us what happened from the start.

First day I came to that room. All the other rooms were occupied

First I didn't really feel all that different, but with time I felt like there was something in the room.

Something is there as in ?

I would hear the sound of a whistle,

Baby crying

as if someone is moving around in the room.

With all this, are you concluding that there's a ghost.

Yeah bro, just a sound right.

See, there's always whistling sound from outside the window.

Even I've heard.Just chill-

Then what about the sound of a crying baby ?

Cats generally make that kind of sound at night.

You could look that up on the internet.

I've convinced myself all this while thinking that way.

First day I came to the room and took a selfie.

It got backed up somewhere in google photos.

What are you going to say about this?

Somethings there.

See this photo. I have gone out of focus.

Only the eye is in focus


In the face detection algorithms, they usually detect based on the eye's shape.

So see in this pic,

compared to his eyes, the drawing's eyes are bigger

-correct, correct

So that's why it gets focussed



Tell whatever you want. I'm leaving.

Dude, tell him. He might really believe that there's a ghost

What do you want me to say?

You were first in that room, right?

Correct. But since there wasnt a lock in the room, I shifted to a different room on the same day.

Listen. I was waking through the corridor.

In the drawing's spot, you were only drawing something with a pencil


Tell me! Did you draw it?

Dude! You drew it?

Yeah dude.It was me.

Why did you tell man, we could have maintained this drama for a few more days.

Worst.Why did you do like that man ?

What Ravi saw is correct, but he didnt pay enough attention

I wasn't drawing with the pencil.

I was trying to use the eraser on its back to erase

You might ask, then why did I leave the room?

I did try to erase it

But it didnt get erased

I guess sometimes

Even not knowing the truth is good

For more infomation >> Eyes & Lies Tamil short film | Subtitles - Duration: 4:35.


"ГАРВАНЪТ" епизод 1/bg subs - Duration: 2:21:51.

For more infomation >> "ГАРВАНЪТ" епизод 1/bg subs - Duration: 2:21:51.


Chelsea latest news: Top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich? - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Chelsea latest news: Top 10 richest football club owners revealed - Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich? - Duration: 7:13.


Hoon went to Yongpyong alone to go snowboarding [Korea Travel Vlog] / Hoontamin - Duration: 14:44.

A travel with music

Enjoy snowboarding

Eat something delicious

Alone but happy sunday

Listening to a Turkish song 'Derdim Olsun'

Hoon went to the ski resort alone

Hello, it's Hoon from Hoontamin

I will go to the ski resort alone today

I didn't go to play often than I thought

Despite I bought a season pass

It's my birthday 2 days after

Today will be fun

I used to go alone

Choose only one of the two, Yes or Yes

Make your choice come on, Yes or Yes

Hoon or Cormie

Choose only one of the two, Yes or Yes

You love both, right?

This man is 38 years old this year

Arrived at Yongpyong resort

Hello, I'm a goggleman

Actually Hoon

I wanted to film nicely

But the camera was tilted...

I should have grasped that and filmed

Go to the Gold

A bit bored because I'm alone

Take out an action camera, and attach it

Turn on and turn off

This Kebab house caught Hoon's eye

Resting for a while

What is Hoon staring at?

Kebab house

I will eat later

Here is the Gold peak

Scenery at 1127m above sea level

A giant shadow

It's difficult to film alone...

This time I go to the gondola

Arrived at the top of Balwang mountain

But I didn't film it

Already 5:00 pm

It's break time from 5 o'clock

I will enjoy a snowboard at night

In the meantime, I will go sightseeing and have dinner

Let's enjoy the sightseeing for a while

It ends at 4:30 pm to ski or snowboard

But possible until 8:00 pm for sightseeing

For the first time, I can see the sunset of Balwang mountain

I will enjoy sightseeing now

When others go home

I can play more, it's happy

To upload this video on 12th February

So I'm filming this vlog video today

But maybe difficult because only 1 day left

Anyway my birthday is 12th February

Already 40 years old in Korea? I can't believe it

I can't accept it

It's terrible

Too old

My old black hat was too big

So uncomfortable

Then I went to buy a new hat

But there was only this color

Pink for men!

A symbol of a strong man!

Not bad

The Gold peak over there, I went up a while ago

I have to eat Kebab...

Can I eat later?

I have to eat Kebab...

Holding a camera is hard

It said that I can enjoy music in this cabin

Is this possible now?

Turn on bluetooth

Look this

This sound isn't from my smartphone


We were going to watch Reynmen's 'Derdim Olsun'

We watched, and filmed a reaction video

But we couldn't upload it

I mentioned in the next reaction video

But the requests are continuing

Please understand it

Instead of the video, I will play here

I was really curious about the act of this guy

We filmed our reaction video really nicely

But we can't upload, that's too bad

The song is a little different but interesting

The man dug something

But that was his own grave

It was a really impressive music video

I still remember it all

With Cormie, we really enjoyed

Almost there

1458m above sea level

I'm back to the dragon castle

It's the first that filming in this way

It's the first that filming in this way

Would not I look so fat?

Because cloudy, I can't see the Ease Sea

When I came here on December 30, 2016

I was able to see the East Sea from here

I remember that

Drinking coffee in this place

It's a happy thing

It's time to go down now

I came to film a vlog video with Cormie in 2017

I also came with various Youtubers

I came here often

Today is in the evening, it's my first

Something is different in the evening

Korean drama 'Winter Sonata' before

And as you know well, drama 'Goblin'

Those were filmed here

Now it's time to really get down

This is Galbitang (Short rib soup)

Time to enjoy night snowboarding

Sunday night, so many people have gone

Really calm

3 meters leg length

I will film well next time

After sightseeing, drinking coffee, eating rice

I'm almost exhausted

I will finish filming the snowboarding scenes


Now enjoy my time alone

The kebab house was closed

I enjoyed appropriately

So I have to go home

It was a good time for me

I want to come often

It was a wonderful sunday

Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe

It was Hoon from Hoontamin

For more infomation >> Hoon went to Yongpyong alone to go snowboarding [Korea Travel Vlog] / Hoontamin - Duration: 14:44.


Royal Kids - Off-duty Kate spotted pushing Prince Louis around busy public park in buggy - Duration: 2:02.

  The Duchess of Cambridge was spotted taking Prince Louis for a walk around a public park near they family 's London home

 A dressed down Kate was seen pushing a pushchair around Kensington Palace Gardens as she enjoyed some quality time with her youngest son

 Kate looks casual and comfortable in black jeans, trainers and a black and white puffer coat

 Louis looks very cosy in a dark woolly hat.  Photos shared on social media show surprised members of the public smiling as they spot the royal duo

    The pictures were taken on Valentine's Day , the day after a glammed up Kate stunned at a gala dinner in aid of the Mentally Healthy Schools programme

 She opted for a floor-length powder pink and cream Gucci gown as she joined senior women from the financial industry at the glittering event at the Victoria and Albert Museum

 She teamed it with Oscar de la Renta shoes and a Prada bag.  During the event Kate, who was the guest of honour, gave a short speech about the organisation's work

   We haven't seen Prince Louis officially since the Cambridges released their Christmas card photo last year

 In the shot the growing prince is sitting on his mum's lap smiling broadly.   He's dressed in hand-me-downs , including a pair of navy shoes Prince George was photographed during a visit to Sydney's Taronga Zoo back in 2014

For more infomation >> Royal Kids - Off-duty Kate spotted pushing Prince Louis around busy public park in buggy - Duration: 2:02.


小S酒后飙歌:把筷子和萝卜插进鼻孔?网友:她比谢娜还"疯癫" - Duration: 6:35.



她先是清唱了皇后乐团的经典歌曲《We are the champions》


纷纷直呼:"又喝多了吗?" 小S一开始很正经

















" 非著名娱评人吴清功指出:小S总是给人开朗搞怪的形象















































































" 小S徐熙娣常常会通过社交网络与网友和粉丝分享生活日常















" 小S在视频中透露虽然这首歌是写给亲爱的丈夫






















For more infomation >> 小S酒后飙歌:把筷子和萝卜插进鼻孔?网友:她比谢娜还"疯癫" - Duration: 6:35.


Actualité TV - La reine Elizabeth II se décrit comme "une grand-mère bien occupée" - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - La reine Elizabeth II se décrit comme "une grand-mère bien occupée" - Duration: 2:21.


Comment nettoyer les germes et les bactéries pour prévenir l'infection|LSF TV - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Comment nettoyer les germes et les bactéries pour prévenir l'infection|LSF TV - Duration: 3:53.


NRL trials: Young guns shine as Brisbane and South Sydney dominate inexperienced oppositions - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> NRL trials: Young guns shine as Brisbane and South Sydney dominate inexperienced oppositions - Duration: 2:50.


Hwasa | MAMAMOO - Starry Night | SpeedSims - Duration: 3:54.

My hands have been a bit cold , spring is here already

Dreamy breeze leave it's mark at places

It's different than usual , this feeling , I like it

Will tomorrow be a little different?

Like a shadow in the dark, left behind in this night

The moon, the moon gets brighter

It's drawing the light

The more I squeeze you out of my body

It becomes lingering attachment, overflowing the bathtub

My sigh fills the room

When the down comes

When I'm left alone

Starry night

Tthe night the stars shine

The wind blows around by you & me

The countless nights we shared

Make me drunk

The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine

Winter goes by , flowers bloom once again

The warm air surrounds me gentle

A day just like any other , repeats over and over again

But I wait for tomorrow anyway

Right here , by myself at the end of the day

Until , until he down comes

I'm tracing what you left behind

Do you want me to leave?

No! I'm still there, same as before

Hidden by the night sky

I won't be seen just for a bit

When the down comes

When I'm left alone

Starry night

The night the stars shine

The wind blows around by you & me

The countless nights we shared

Make me drunk

The night the stars shine

Starry, Starry Night

The night without you

I feel my heart is empty

Our memories fade away with the sunset

Deny it, close my eyes

But why won't you leave my head?

Leave me alone

I'm falling apart

Starry night

The night the stars shine

The wind blows around by you & me

The countless nights we shared

Makes me drunk

The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine


The night the stars shine

For more infomation >> Hwasa | MAMAMOO - Starry Night | SpeedSims - Duration: 3:54.


Audi A5 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 - Duration: 1:13.


[LIVE] Euro Truck Simulator 2 🎔 Urlaub :) - Duration: 2:27:22.

For more infomation >> [LIVE] Euro Truck Simulator 2 🎔 Urlaub :) - Duration: 2:27:22.


Zaniolo se la prende con la mamma: «Basta con quelle foto» - Duration: 2:08.

 TORINO - Di Francesco lo sta esaltando, la Roma se lo coccola e i tifosi già si dividono se dargli la 10 di Totti oppure no

 Nicolò Zaniolo è il personaggio del momento, un predestinato coi colpi del grande giocatore

La doppietta al Porto in Champions League è solo l'ultima delle prodezze con il quale il 19enne ha fatto impazzire l'Olimpico

Compresa la madre, Francesca Costa, romanista e prima tifosa del fliglio. La popolarità che Zaniolo ha riscosso in questi primi mesi di Roma s'è riversata in egual misura sulla mamma, divenuta ormai una star del web

Proprio questo, forse, avrà dato fastidio a Zaniolo che, stando a quanto scrive il 'Corriere della Sera', si sarebbe fatto sentire: «Smettila mamma, ma cosa fai con la bocca così? Hai 40 anni!», la richiesta del giovane giallorosso in merito alle foto pubblicate da Francesca su Instagram

Nulla di sconvolgente, sia chiaro, ma l'attenzione mediatica e la luce dei riflettori si sono alzati notevolmente

Zaniolo ha bisogno di tranquillità, la Roma vuole proteggerlo mentre sboccia. E forse la mamma dovrà accettare il rimprovero del figlio

  E' esplosa la Zaniolo-mania: anche la mamma fa impazzire il web Zaniolo show, Paratici in tribuna scatena l'ironia social: occhiolino e sguardo laser

For more infomation >> Zaniolo se la prende con la mamma: «Basta con quelle foto» - Duration: 2:08.


✅ Estilo: Inspire-se nos looks de grávida de Ticiane Pinheiro - Duration: 1:21.

Ticiane Pinheiro está ainda mais radiante, com a espera de sua segunda filha, que deve receber o nome de Manuella

Na hora de deixar a barriguinha de grávida à mostra, a famosa apresentadora, aliás, tem caprichado, ainda mais, na escolha dos modelitos

Entre os looks preferidos da esposa de César Tralli, principalmente nos últimos tempos, estão vestidos mais longos e alguns conjuntinhos

Durante a coletiva de apresentação de seu mais novo programa, o Troca de Esposas, Ticiane, aliás, arrasou, combinando peças cor-de-rosa e com detalhes brilhantes

Aproveitando o sucesso que a futura mamãe de segunda viagem costuma fazer, na televisão e também na internet, OFuxico decidiu selecionar pelo menos alguns modelitos que Ticiane já usou, durante a gestação, e que foram super aprovados

Confira! Notícias Relacionadas   15/02/2019 | 15h05m - Giovanna Prisco Após estreia de programa, Ticiane Pinheiro recebe mensagem fofa da mãe   15/02/2019 | 13h09m - Giovanna Prisco Ticiane Pinheiro mostra barriguinha de grávida durante festa de programa   14/02/2019 | 17h42m - Giovanna Prisco No Valentine’s Day, Ticiane Pinheiro ganha mensagem de César Tralli

For more infomation >> ✅ Estilo: Inspire-se nos looks de grávida de Ticiane Pinheiro - Duration: 1:21.


Jeep Renegade - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Jeep Renegade - Duration: 1:22.


Actualité TV - Ce candidat de "N'oubliez pas les paroles" est le sosie vocal d'un célèbre acteur (v - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Actualité TV - Ce candidat de "N'oubliez pas les paroles" est le sosie vocal d'un célèbre acteur (v - Duration: 1:26.


Audi Q2 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi Q2 - Duration: 1:13.


Basisches Lebensmittel 50.- Euro Gutschein RASO | zeitlich begrenzt | Lebensmittel vegan - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Basisches Lebensmittel 50.- Euro Gutschein RASO | zeitlich begrenzt | Lebensmittel vegan - Duration: 1:43.


ET SI J'AVAIS 1 MILLION D'EUROS ? - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> ET SI J'AVAIS 1 MILLION D'EUROS ? - Duration: 6:22.


Prince Philip privé d'escapade en solitaire, la décision implacable de la reine - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Prince Philip privé d'escapade en solitaire, la décision implacable de la reine - Duration: 1:21.


Toyota Avensis 1.6 D-4D-F Lease Pro ( Navigatie, Climate control, Camera ) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis 1.6 D-4D-F Lease Pro ( Navigatie, Climate control, Camera ) - Duration: 1:09.


Vanessa Paradis et Johnny Depp, une décision radicale chamboule l'équilibre familial - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis et Johnny Depp, une décision radicale chamboule l'équilibre familial - Duration: 2:30.



For more infomation >> TÜRKLERİ MAYMUN SESİYLE TROLLEYEMEMEK ! || SKIN CHANGER #40 - Duration: 5:57.


Top 10 Gordon Ramsay RAW Food Freak Outs - Duration: 13:04.

Gordon Ramsay has a big reputation for having a big personality.

He's a little over the top.

But, you have to admit, anyone who has the guts to eat half the things that are put in

front of him in any of his shows, earns the right to act any way he wants.

And nothing is quite as scary as eating raw food.

Neither Gordon, nor anyone in a restaurant, wants anything to do with uncooked food.

Understandably, Gordon has no tolerance for that kind of cooking.

Here are ten times Gordon Ramsay freaked out over raw food!

The Un-Done Burger

If there's one dish that can stand a little undercooking, it's probably a juicy burger.

Still, a burger needs to be actually cooked.

Health is still a thing, even with a burger patty cooked rare – in fact, many restaurants

won't even cook meat rare in order to avoid any complications.

At Burger Kitchen in California, you'd think they got that part in the order.

Not so much.

Gordon did what any self-respecting patron would do at a place called Burger Kitchen,

and ordered three different burgers.

Surely, one of them would be cooked to perfection.

But burger number one came and...

Well, everyone has a bad day.

And so maybe there was hope for burger number two… nope.

RAW again!

Gordon was dumbfounded.

The third burger was greasy and overdone, the total opposite of raw.

It became really clear what the problem with this restaurant was, these burgers were underwhelming,

and undercooked.

Arctic Cold Fish

It can get pretty steamy during the Hell's Kitchen dinner service.

In the early stages, the women versus men competition is always fierce.

In this season 15 episode, things got tough as the women were struggling to come up with

a great fish dish.

Salmon was the first order but Jackie put out a square piece of salmon that pissed Gordon



But, the women were still in the running, shaking off the mistake and getting back to


Things continued to look bad, and then… the arctic char was still rather, well, arctic



This was not good at all.

Now that not one but TWO raw fish dishes were about to go out, he couldn't handle it.

He gave the women a cold boot out of the kitchen.

Chicken to Die For

Things didn't get better for Jackie on Hell's Kitchen.

In a service for Kris Jenner, the lady chefs needed to bring their A-game.

After a slow appetizer execution, including poorly seasoned risotto, the pressure was

on, and it looked as though the women were going to kill their entrees.

Well, not so fast.

Jackie wasn't feeling the fire in the belly that she should, and her chicken didn't

get the fire, either.

Timing is everything in restaurant service, and Jackie just wasn't in sync.

Unfortunately, she thought she knew exactly what she was doing.

With entirely too much confidence, Jackie presented Gordon with a disaster.

It didn't go well.

And they gathered around Gordon to get a classic Gordon freak-out.

Chicken and Awful

A brunch service left the contestants from season 15's Hell's Kitchen a little overly

confident, perhaps.

Two teams were head to head, delivering their brunch menus.

The blue team had a number of items, but the one that gave Jared and Frank some difficulty

was the traditional chicken and waffles dish.

The chicken, fried in a flaky crust, proved difficult to get thoroughly cooked.

The first round of cooking went through Frank, who battered and fried the chicken.

Then it went to Jared, who put the chicken in the oven.

When it was presented to Gordon, he cut the chicken in half...

He didn't like it, but he gave the blue team another chance to redeem themselves.

But, the second chance wasn't worth it – Frank and Jared did the same exact thing all over


Gordon lost his marbles and kicked Jared out of the kitchen.

Raw Onions Leave a Bad Taste in Ramsay's Mouth

Some owners are confident in their food, even when it's terrible.

This was the case with Joe, who owned the Mill Street Inn on Kitchen Nightmares.

His "fresh" food was not only frozen, but he was totally delusional when it came

to good food.

Gordon had to suffer the consequences.

It's true that French onion soup is deceptively difficult, but still, if it's on the menu,

it should be done right.

Joe's soup was terrible!

The criticism that the onion soup needed more onions was heard, and that's good, except

that Joe made a critical mistake that sent Gordon out of his mind!

Joe just didn't get it, and Gordon couldn't believe that such an amateur move could come

out of this kitchen, without even consulting with the actual chef!

A Bad Cut of Steak

On MasterChef, there's some true talent in the kitchen.

Gordon knows that when he cranks up the pressure, the great ones will rise to the top.

Still, even great chefs buckle under pressure – it is Gordon Ramsay after all.

Most of them know they're going to get an earful, and then some.

No one wants the Ramsay scowl, and so sometimes, these chefs overthink things a little too


This was the case late in season 8 when the one contestant, Jason, made a rather ridiculous


And the worst part?

The most uniform thing about that steak was that it was completely RAW.

Gordon couldn't believe it, this steak was a total failure.

Yeah, sounds like you guys were already screwed.

Emily Approved Them!

By episode 14 of MasterChef, Gordon had high expectations.

The home cooks were expected to be collectively exceptional, and they knew they needed to

be responsible for every detail of their dishes.

In season 9, the episode took them out of the kitchen and into the elements, the teams

heading up against one another, each with a captain.

Emily ran the blue team, and they were cooking a ton of pork chops.

Under pressure and overworked, Emily made a critical error.

Gordon gathered the busy chefs to point out her crucial mistake.

That was one raw pork chop!

Goes to show, haste makes waste.

Trust us, Emily, you never want to make Gordon look stupid.

Skate and Steak

One would think that Gordon Ramsay might take it down a notch for the tiniest Master Chefs

on television.

But, one would have to think again.

Gordon has high standards, no matter the age of the chef, and he doesn't go easy on the

MasterChef Junior contestants.

Just look at this moment, when a team of three chefs stand their ground on their skate and

steak failures.

First, the skate, a raw mess.

Then the steak – raw yet again!

Making the same mistake twice is a classic pet peeve of Ramsay's.

When Gordon confronted them, though, these determined tiny chefs took it.

And when he challenged them to hang up their aprons, they didn't move.

These kids were not messing around.

Their food was raw, but their will was hot!

Clueless Carrie's Bacon Flop

Cooking can be challenging.

Some dishes require a lot of thought and patience, while others need the cook to be quick on

their feet.

Thankfully, not everything requires this much effort.

Some things are just straightforward and delicious.

One of these things is bacon.

Stick it in the frying pan, and fry until cooked.

Not too tough, right?

Well, for Carrie on The F Word, this was a tall order, and unfortunately for her, Gordon

caught her plating RAW bacon on her entree.

Already on his bad side, this didn't go over to well with Gordon.

He freaked out!

Such a simple, easy thing to cook, and so easy to fix, this was simply an unforgivable

mistake, and Gordon had no choice but to set poor Carrie free.

Valentine Massacre

Valentines Day, a day of love and affection – a day of major restaurant reservations.

There's maybe no busier day than Valentine's Day for dinner when it comes to the kitchen,

and people want good, beautiful food.

They're going to spend some money, so at a restaurant, you'd think they'd be on

their A-game for the night.

The lettuce was totally rotten and dirty.

The gross dessert tray wasn't just for display – and it wasn't even just dessert.

There was a truly foul bowl of old soured shrimp.

So gross!

But in the basement, things got RAW when Gordon investigated the walk-in freezer.

There was raw chicken with cooked chicken!

Why was it there?!

Gordon totally lost it.

It was so bad, Gordon shut down the restaurant!

Absolutely nothing is as bad as raw food.

If you love Gordon Ramsay's freak-outs, and want to see more videos like this click

or tap that subscribe button and in order to become a trusted BabbleTopper, be sure

to ding the bell to get notified whenever we upload a new video!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Gordon Ramsay RAW Food Freak Outs - Duration: 13:04.


Adriana Karembeu, déjà un deuxième bébé - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Adriana Karembeu, déjà un deuxième bébé - Duration: 1:17.


Man left furious after taxi firm bans him because he is 'smelly' - Duration: 3:36.

 A man with a bacterial skin infection said he was "disgusted" when a taxi company banned him because drivers complained he is "smelly"

 Stephen Davis said he was offended to receive a voicemail from Andy Cars telling him he could no longer use its services

  The 52-year-old said he explained he had a medical condition but the company remained firm, Gloucestershire Live reports

 He's since lodged an official complaint with Gloucester City Council, but was told the taxi company is within its rights to refuse the fare

 Stephen had been booking taxis to take him to his GP surgery three times a week to have dressings on his legs changed

 He suffers from diabetes and cellultis, a bacterial skin infection which can inflame the legs and cause skin breakage

Read More Sex Clinic viewers repulsed by man who hasn't washed his penis in decades  The bandages on his legs are changed on a Friday, he explained, but can become a little smelly by the time Monday comes around

 When he arrived home on Monday, Stephen discovered he had a voicemail from Andy Cars asking him to call them

 "When I called the operator told me that there was an issue of some sort," he said

 "I was then told that I was banned from using Andy Cars due to my personal hygiene  "I have had a problem with my legs for a while and I am being treated and due to see a specialist in March

 "I know that the dressing can smell a bit after the weekend.  "The smell is not my personal hygiene it is more that the bandages smell of damp as they get wet when I shower

"  Despite asking the firm to reconsider, he was told the decision has been made and he'd need to look elsewhere for his travel

 Stephen added: "I was just disgusted with what they said and yes I did take offence

 "It is down to a medical condition.  "I used the company every day and I needed to get from my house to the mobility shop so I could get the mobility scooter that I use each day to get around

"  Gloucester manager for Andy Cars, John Taylor, said: "The situation was that no-one wanted to take him

 "We suggested that the NHS may be able to transport him.  "Sometimes personal hygiene is a bit below what you would expect from some

 "If someone has a medical condition, the driver has the right to not take them.  "We have explained the situation and I have spoken to the council about the rules and they said it is our choice if we refuse to take a fare

"  A Gloucester City Council spokesperson said: "There is nothing either in law or within the current council licensing policy that states or requires that a Private Hire Operator must accept a fare

"  Stephen is now using alternative companies. Read More Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Man left furious after taxi firm bans him because he is 'smelly' - Duration: 3:36.


Laeticia Hallyday, ce rendez-vous qu'elle prépare en douce à Saint-Barth -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday, ce rendez-vous qu'elle prépare en douce à Saint-Barth -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:18.


Alessandra Sublet furax contre Laeticia Hallyday, cette photo qui relance la guerre - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Alessandra Sublet furax contre Laeticia Hallyday, cette photo qui relance la guerre - Duration: 2:20.


Karine Ferri, prise de tête avec Yoann Gourcuff, sa réponse hilarante - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri, prise de tête avec Yoann Gourcuff, sa réponse hilarante - Duration: 1:41.


Blackened Alligator Recipe - How To Cook Alligator - Cajun Seasoning - Duration: 5:37.

what is up everybody this is lyle with no hippie BBQ and I'm coming at you with

something a little on the exotic side today I had a subscriber of mine a while

back asked me if I would do some alligator didn't ask me how to cook it so

what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna be doing is a blackened alligator recipe and part of the

reason I'm going with the blackened alligator as opposed to a fried

alligator is I have this new seasoning from sweet Smokey Joe seasoning it's

Cajun black I've tried this on shrimp this is all that so we're gonna hook

this alligator up with it now I've eaten alligator before but I have never cooked

it so this is going to be my first time I did get a little inspiration online as

to how I'm gonna do this anyway here's the brand that I got I got this just at

a local butcher butcher shop this is one pound and it costs about $16 so a little

on the expensive side let's open up this pack and see what it looks like okay so

it looks like this might already be I was expecting it to be one big chunk

that looks like it's already kind of cut down into pieces so I'm not gonna have

to do that I could put my knife away what I'm gonna do is I'm going to rinse

this off kind of Pat it dry and then we'll be back we got that alligator

rinsed off drained off and patted dry a little bit and that's not a lot of

alligator for sixteen dollars let me tell you anyway let's go ahead and get

our blackened seasoning in here

and I want to make sure it's thoroughly coated and one thing I did notice when I

cook with this the last time is this really not too salty so you can't afford

to go kind of heavy on this I'm going to leave a link to where you can buy this

stuff in the description below they have a lot of good stuff that I've

used in a few different recipes and then I have my skillet over here getting

heated up I'm using avocado oil but any high temperature oil would work I would

shy away from something like olive oil or something like that you could go with

canola oil vegetable oil or a clarified butter all right I think that's good to

go my pan is starting to smoke which is what we want and I just have a real thin

layer down here okay let's throw in a test piece make sure we're hot enough

and we're gonna cook this for about two to three minutes or until it starts

releasing from the skillet

okay let's go ahead and test them all right so they're releasing from the

skillet that took about three minutes we'll flip

and I'm gonna go about two minutes on this side or until it lifts up so that's

another two and a half minutes let's set them aside just let them sit on a paper

towel to drain off now let the skillet come up the temperature a little bit

more I'll start my second batch then we'll plate up see we think about these

so that is a wrap this is going to be the first time I've ever had alligator

non fried as a matter of fact I've only had it fried so me and Teddy Pendergrass

are gonna go ahead and get into this I made a little sauce to go along with it

just grab a little piece you need to get in there too busy oh good

hmmm that is surprisingly tender mm-hmm there's some good stuff now here's I'm I

tell you if you live in Colorado or someplace like me where this isn't

something that you could just go to the grocery store and buy this is good but

it's not sixteen dollars good per pound so I will leave you with that anyway it

is tasty though I will mmm-hmm be more than happy to knock out

a few one of these anyway me and Teddy Pendergrass does that what

I called you earlier mm-hmm where did that call you like hid Roosevelt anyway

I'd like to thank you guys stop by no hippie BBQ I appreciate check out the

Alligator Recipe by the bbq pit boys

For more infomation >> Blackened Alligator Recipe - How To Cook Alligator - Cajun Seasoning - Duration: 5:37.


Comment SUPPRIMER (enlever) le SCINTILLEMENT (flicker) de tes VIDÉOS ! (2019) | Jour 41 de 365 - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Comment SUPPRIMER (enlever) le SCINTILLEMENT (flicker) de tes VIDÉOS ! (2019) | Jour 41 de 365 - Duration: 3:07.


Serie A, ecco i match trasmessi su DAZN - Duration: 2:32.

 La 24esima giornata di Serie A TIM su DAZN si apre sabato sera, alle 20:30, con un match cruciale per la corsa alla Champions: l'attenzione è concentrata sullo Stadio Atleti Azzurri d'Italia dove l'Atalanta di Gasperini, reduce dall'emozionante vittoria in rimonta contro la Spal, ospita il Milan di Gattuso, che ha vinto e convinto contro il Cagliari, chiamato a difendere il quarto posto in classifica

Al termine del match spazio a Diletta Gol, lo show di DAZN, condotto da Diletta Leotta, con interviste esclusive, analisi e highlights del sabato calcistico; ospite in studio, insieme a Mauro Camoranesi, anche l'ex Pallone d'Oro Andriy Shevchenko

Domenica, invece, il lunch match delle 12:30 vedrà contrapposte Spal e Fiorentina, mentre alle 15:00 sarà la volta della sfida tra Empoli e Sassuolo

  La piattaforma di streaming trasmetterà anche tutte le partite di Serie BKT, tra cui il big match tra il Palermo secondo in campionato e il Brescia capolista (venerdì alle 21:00): in palio la vetta della classifica

Domenica, alle ore 15:00, occhi puntati invece sulla sfida di Serie D tra Locri e Bari

  Il grande calcio internazionale su DAZN vedrà in esclusiva tutte le partite della Liga spagnola, tra cui Barcellona-Valladolid (sabato alle 20:45) e Real Madrid-Girona (domenica alle 12:00), quelle della Ligue 1 francese e quelle del quinto turno della FA Cup, tra cui un'imperdibile Chelsea-Manchester United, in programma lunedì alle ore 20:30

Sulla piattaforma di streaming verrà anche trasmessa una selezione di match di Ligue 2 e Championship inglese

 Scopri come vedere gli eventi DAZN in esclusiva in diretta streaming

For more infomation >> Serie A, ecco i match trasmessi su DAZN - Duration: 2:32.


비타민D 결핍되었을 때 나타나는 증상 11가지 - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> 비타민D 결핍되었을 때 나타나는 증상 11가지 - Duration: 4:14.


Man City team news vs Newport County: Predicted line up – Guardiola makes Mahrez admission - Duration: 3:12.

 Manchester City are likely to rotate their starting XI when they take on League Two outfit Newport County at Rodney Parade

 Manager Pep Guardiola will be keen to rest a number of his key men ahead of a testing week in which his side faces Schalke in the Champions League then Chelsea in the Carabao Cup final

 The FA Cup Fifth Round offers Guardiola an opportunity to field fringe players such as Riyad Mahrez, who has not started a Premier League game since the end of December

 Speaking about the £60million signing in his pre-match press conference, Guardiola said: "I am the reason [he has not played much]

He is absolutely not guilty. "I am sad because he is training incredibly. He is an incredibly talented player but in this moment we have five strikers

 "We have incredible players, like for example Bernardo [Silva] and Raz [Sterling] in top, top form and that is the only reason why

There's no particular reason, like being upset or something like that. "He is a guy we are happy with but unfortunately I am not kind with him

In fact, I cannot give him the minutes he deserves, so I'm sorry. That's all I can say

" Mahrez has been restricted to starts in cup matches against Rotherham, Burton Albion and Burnley in recent weeks but is likely to get the nod here

 The Algerian should come in for Sterling in a 4-3-3 formation with Leroy Sane expected to start on the opposite flank

 Gabriel Jesus will replace Sergio Aguero in attack while Phil Foden is likely to get a run-out alongside Ilkay Gundogan in midfield

 Kevin De Bruyne and Bernardo Silva should be rested but the latter's namesake David may start

 Benjamin Mendy (knee) and Vincent Kompany (muscle) are both sidelined so Fabian Delph is likely to deputise at left-back while Nicolas Otamendi will stand-in for Aymeric Laporte

Manchester City predicted line-up vs Newport County – FA Cup (4-3-3): Ederson, Danilo, Stones, Otamendi, Delph; Gundogan, Foden, D

Silva, Mahrez, Sane, Jesus

For more infomation >> Man City team news vs Newport County: Predicted line up – Guardiola makes Mahrez admission - Duration: 3:12.


Meghan Markle sème la zizanie, ce gros reproche de la reine - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle sème la zizanie, ce gros reproche de la reine - Duration: 1:28.


Alan Walker&K-391-lily(Ft.Emelie Hollow) lyric video [中文CC字幕] - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Alan Walker&K-391-lily(Ft.Emelie Hollow) lyric video [中文CC字幕] - Duration: 3:37.


Thank You Korea (Visiting Home Korea) **UPDATES** - Duration: 12:51.

For more infomation >> Thank You Korea (Visiting Home Korea) **UPDATES** - Duration: 12:51.


Madonna méconnaissable, les photos choc - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Madonna méconnaissable, les photos choc - Duration: 1:19.


Toyota Avensis 1.6 D-4D-F Lease Pro ( Navigatie, Climate control, Camera ) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis 1.6 D-4D-F Lease Pro ( Navigatie, Climate control, Camera ) - Duration: 1:09.


Top 10 Gordon Ramsay RAW Food Freak Outs - Duration: 13:04.

Gordon Ramsay has a big reputation for having a big personality.

He's a little over the top.

But, you have to admit, anyone who has the guts to eat half the things that are put in

front of him in any of his shows, earns the right to act any way he wants.

And nothing is quite as scary as eating raw food.

Neither Gordon, nor anyone in a restaurant, wants anything to do with uncooked food.

Understandably, Gordon has no tolerance for that kind of cooking.

Here are ten times Gordon Ramsay freaked out over raw food!

The Un-Done Burger

If there's one dish that can stand a little undercooking, it's probably a juicy burger.

Still, a burger needs to be actually cooked.

Health is still a thing, even with a burger patty cooked rare – in fact, many restaurants

won't even cook meat rare in order to avoid any complications.

At Burger Kitchen in California, you'd think they got that part in the order.

Not so much.

Gordon did what any self-respecting patron would do at a place called Burger Kitchen,

and ordered three different burgers.

Surely, one of them would be cooked to perfection.

But burger number one came and...

Well, everyone has a bad day.

And so maybe there was hope for burger number two… nope.

RAW again!

Gordon was dumbfounded.

The third burger was greasy and overdone, the total opposite of raw.

It became really clear what the problem with this restaurant was, these burgers were underwhelming,

and undercooked.

Arctic Cold Fish

It can get pretty steamy during the Hell's Kitchen dinner service.

In the early stages, the women versus men competition is always fierce.

In this season 15 episode, things got tough as the women were struggling to come up with

a great fish dish.

Salmon was the first order but Jackie put out a square piece of salmon that pissed Gordon



But, the women were still in the running, shaking off the mistake and getting back to


Things continued to look bad, and then… the arctic char was still rather, well, arctic



This was not good at all.

Now that not one but TWO raw fish dishes were about to go out, he couldn't handle it.

He gave the women a cold boot out of the kitchen.

Chicken to Die For

Things didn't get better for Jackie on Hell's Kitchen.

In a service for Kris Jenner, the lady chefs needed to bring their A-game.

After a slow appetizer execution, including poorly seasoned risotto, the pressure was

on, and it looked as though the women were going to kill their entrees.

Well, not so fast.

Jackie wasn't feeling the fire in the belly that she should, and her chicken didn't

get the fire, either.

Timing is everything in restaurant service, and Jackie just wasn't in sync.

Unfortunately, she thought she knew exactly what she was doing.

With entirely too much confidence, Jackie presented Gordon with a disaster.

It didn't go well.

And they gathered around Gordon to get a classic Gordon freak-out.

Chicken and Awful

A brunch service left the contestants from season 15's Hell's Kitchen a little overly

confident, perhaps.

Two teams were head to head, delivering their brunch menus.

The blue team had a number of items, but the one that gave Jared and Frank some difficulty

was the traditional chicken and waffles dish.

The chicken, fried in a flaky crust, proved difficult to get thoroughly cooked.

The first round of cooking went through Frank, who battered and fried the chicken.

Then it went to Jared, who put the chicken in the oven.

When it was presented to Gordon, he cut the chicken in half...

He didn't like it, but he gave the blue team another chance to redeem themselves.

But, the second chance wasn't worth it – Frank and Jared did the same exact thing all over


Gordon lost his marbles and kicked Jared out of the kitchen.

Raw Onions Leave a Bad Taste in Ramsay's Mouth

Some owners are confident in their food, even when it's terrible.

This was the case with Joe, who owned the Mill Street Inn on Kitchen Nightmares.

His "fresh" food was not only frozen, but he was totally delusional when it came

to good food.

Gordon had to suffer the consequences.

It's true that French onion soup is deceptively difficult, but still, if it's on the menu,

it should be done right.

Joe's soup was terrible!

The criticism that the onion soup needed more onions was heard, and that's good, except

that Joe made a critical mistake that sent Gordon out of his mind!

Joe just didn't get it, and Gordon couldn't believe that such an amateur move could come

out of this kitchen, without even consulting with the actual chef!

A Bad Cut of Steak

On MasterChef, there's some true talent in the kitchen.

Gordon knows that when he cranks up the pressure, the great ones will rise to the top.

Still, even great chefs buckle under pressure – it is Gordon Ramsay after all.

Most of them know they're going to get an earful, and then some.

No one wants the Ramsay scowl, and so sometimes, these chefs overthink things a little too


This was the case late in season 8 when the one contestant, Jason, made a rather ridiculous


And the worst part?

The most uniform thing about that steak was that it was completely RAW.

Gordon couldn't believe it, this steak was a total failure.

Yeah, sounds like you guys were already screwed.

Emily Approved Them!

By episode 14 of MasterChef, Gordon had high expectations.

The home cooks were expected to be collectively exceptional, and they knew they needed to

be responsible for every detail of their dishes.

In season 9, the episode took them out of the kitchen and into the elements, the teams

heading up against one another, each with a captain.

Emily ran the blue team, and they were cooking a ton of pork chops.

Under pressure and overworked, Emily made a critical error.

Gordon gathered the busy chefs to point out her crucial mistake.

That was one raw pork chop!

Goes to show, haste makes waste.

Trust us, Emily, you never want to make Gordon look stupid.

Skate and Steak

One would think that Gordon Ramsay might take it down a notch for the tiniest Master Chefs

on television.

But, one would have to think again.

Gordon has high standards, no matter the age of the chef, and he doesn't go easy on the

MasterChef Junior contestants.

Just look at this moment, when a team of three chefs stand their ground on their skate and

steak failures.

First, the skate, a raw mess.

Then the steak – raw yet again!

Making the same mistake twice is a classic pet peeve of Ramsay's.

When Gordon confronted them, though, these determined tiny chefs took it.

And when he challenged them to hang up their aprons, they didn't move.

These kids were not messing around.

Their food was raw, but their will was hot!

Clueless Carrie's Bacon Flop

Cooking can be challenging.

Some dishes require a lot of thought and patience, while others need the cook to be quick on

their feet.

Thankfully, not everything requires this much effort.

Some things are just straightforward and delicious.

One of these things is bacon.

Stick it in the frying pan, and fry until cooked.

Not too tough, right?

Well, for Carrie on The F Word, this was a tall order, and unfortunately for her, Gordon

caught her plating RAW bacon on her entree.

Already on his bad side, this didn't go over to well with Gordon.

He freaked out!

Such a simple, easy thing to cook, and so easy to fix, this was simply an unforgivable

mistake, and Gordon had no choice but to set poor Carrie free.

Valentine Massacre

Valentines Day, a day of love and affection – a day of major restaurant reservations.

There's maybe no busier day than Valentine's Day for dinner when it comes to the kitchen,

and people want good, beautiful food.

They're going to spend some money, so at a restaurant, you'd think they'd be on

their A-game for the night.

The lettuce was totally rotten and dirty.

The gross dessert tray wasn't just for display – and it wasn't even just dessert.

There was a truly foul bowl of old soured shrimp.

So gross!

But in the basement, things got RAW when Gordon investigated the walk-in freezer.

There was raw chicken with cooked chicken!

Why was it there?!

Gordon totally lost it.

It was so bad, Gordon shut down the restaurant!

Absolutely nothing is as bad as raw food.

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For more infomation >> Top 10 Gordon Ramsay RAW Food Freak Outs - Duration: 13:04.


James Pearce watched Bayern Munich last night and left reassured - Duration: 10:26.

 Bayern Munich will head for Anfield on the back of a hard-fought victory - but this wasn't a performance to strike fear into Liverpool

 Niko Kovac's side made painfully hard work of beating struggling Augsburg 3-2 at the WWK Arena on Friday night

  There was plenty in the highlights reel for Jurgen Klopp and his analysts to take encouragement from ahead of Tuesday's Champions League last 16 tie first leg

 Not least some of the shocking defending which enabled Augsburg to lead on two occasions

 However, Bayern did showcase their resilience as they rallied on each occasion with Kingsley Coman's double followed by David Alaba's sweetly struck winner

   For all the talk about them being a fading force this season, it's worth remembering that they have now won nine and drawn one of their last 11 Bundesliga matches

This triumph closed the gap on Borussia Dortmund to two points with the leaders not in action until Monday night

  What's crystal clear is that this won't be a cagey European tie. Bayern simply don't look capable of shutting up shop and with Liverpool's centre-back selection headache , attack looks certain to be the best form of defence

How are Bayern looking team wise?  Kovac fielded what was expected to be his starting XI against Liverpool

 However, the Bayern boss might have to think again after Coman limped off late on

He later hobbled out of the WWK Arena with his left ankle heavily strapped.  "He is in pain," Kovac said

"It looks like another tendon issue. It is disappointing because with him in the side we have a different dynamic

"   Coman's absence on Tuesday night would be a major blow as the France international was the pick of the Bayern side against Augsburg

He's quick, he's direct and he knows where the net is.  If the former Juventus winger doesn't recover in time then veteran Franck Ribery is on standby to start

 But the news coming out of Munich was more positive this morning, after a scan eased concerns about ligament damage

 Kovac is already without Thomas Muller (suspended) and Arjen Robben (thigh). What weaknesses can Liverpool look to exploit?  Bayern looked so vulnerable at the back and it wasn't a one off

They have conceded 26 league goals already this season, they only shipped 28 in the whole of the 2017/18 campaign

 The good news for Kovac is that Manuel Neuer came through 90 minutes unscathed after missing the three previous matches due to a thumb injury

   The World Cup winning keeper, who replaced Sven Ulreich, couldn't hide his frustration with some of the defending in front of him

 Right-back Joshua Kimmich loves to get forward and it was his classy cross which created the first equaliser for Coman

 However, defensively, the Germany international was found wanting against Augsburg

He's less keen to track back.  Both of the home side's goals came from exploiting the space in behind Kimmich

Sadio Mane will have taken note.  Bayern found themselves behind inside 15 seconds as a cross from that side sparked panic and Leon Goretzka bundled the ball into his own net

 The second goal was similar as Niklas Sule, whose stray pass had initially put Bayern on the back foot, failed to deal with a ball into the area and former Sunderland attacker Dong-Won Ji hammered high past Neuer

   Centre-back Sule, who was recalled in place of Jerome Boateng to partner Mats Hummels, endured a difficult night

 His distribution was sloppy under pressure and he was mightily relieved late on when Rani Khedira wasted the chance to punish his mistake and earn Augsburg a point

 Sule will have Roberto Firmino hassling and harrying him at Anfield come Tuesday night

 With the space Bayern leave behind their full-backs, it would be wise to utilise the pace of Mohamed Salah wide on the right rather than through the middle

 Bayern also had some issues defending set-pieces with young Reece Oxford, who is loan at Augsburg from West Ham, failing to punish some poor marking with a wayward free header

What about the midfield?  Bayern lined up in a 4-3-3 formation with Thiago having James Rodriguez and Goretzka for company in the centre of the park

 Colombia international Rodriguez was a big disappointment. He remained on the periphery and it was no surprise when he was taken off early in the second half

   Kovac opted for the greater control and experience provided by Muller, who is banned for both legs against Liverpool

 Thiago plays as the deepest lying midfielder with Rodriguez and Goretzka given a licence to get forward

However, there was little protection for the backline and Kovac might have to think again considering the problems Augsburg caused them on the counter

 He does have Javi Martinez waiting in the wings if he opts for a more cautious approach at Anfield

 Certainly, on this evidence, Rodriguez would be fortunate to keep his place. Where can Bayern hurt Liverpool?  Bayern have the ability to turn defence into attack in the blink of an eye

 Full-backs Alaba and Kimmich are great going forward and they complement a front three packed with pace and invention

 Against Augsburg, it was Coman flying down the left, Serge Gnabry on the right and Robert Lewandowski through the middle

 Liverpool will need to be wary of over-committing players forward and leaving themselves open to counter-attacks

 Of course that danger will be alleviated somewhat if Coman is sidelined as the left-winger was the most potent threat throughout against Augsburg

   Having turned home Kimmich's inviting centre, Coman then doubled his account for the night with a low drive which somehow eluded red-faced keeper Gregor Kobel

Only a finger-tip save from Kobel later denied Coman a hat-trick.  Lewandowski had plundered 18 goals in his 13 previous Bundesliga games against Augsburg but this wasn't his night

 The Poland striker, who has netted 25 times in all competitions for Bayern so far this season, saw a first-half header bounce off the bar

 Early in the second half it was left-back Alaba who made the decisive contribution by drilling into the bottom corner

 At times Lewandowski's movement was sluggish and he squandered a couple of decent half chances

   However, his record commands respect, especially given the fact that Virgil van Dijk is banned and Dejan Lovren is doubtful

He's an elite level frontman who Klopp knows all about from their time together at Dortmund

   Klopp this week dismissed as "very funny" the idea that Liverpool are favourites for their Champions League tie with Bayern

 The Reds boss insists it's a 50-50 call.   "It will be really difficult for us but it won't be easy for Bayern either," Klopp said

 On this evidence it's Kovac who has more to worry about as the two heavyweights prepare to lock horns in Europe's top club competition for the first time since 1981

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