Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 20 2019

LGD 게이밍에 승리한 펀플러스가 개막 이후 6연승을 달렸다. 펀플러스 피닉스의 상승세가 무섭다.

펀플러스는 19일 오후 중국 항저우에서 열린 LPL 스프링 5주차 경기서 LGD에 2대1로 승리했다.

개막 이후 6연승을 질주한 펀플러스는 6승(+9)으로 쑤닝(4승 1패, +6)을 제치고 단독 선두를 유지했다.

5대 리그 기준으로 전승을 기록 중인 팀은 펀플러스와 LCK 소속인 그리핀 밖에 없다.

지난 2018년 LPL의 프랜차이즈 도입과 함께 창단된 펀플러스는 올해 '도인비' 김태상을 영입하면서 달라지기 시작했다.

이날 경기서도 '도인비'의 활약이 돋보였다.

1세트서 리산드라로 MVP를 받았고 3세트서는 사이온을 선택해 팀 승리에 이바지했다.

롤드컵 우승팀인 IG를 꺾고 개막 4연패서 벗어났던 LGD는 2세트서 미드 라이너 '유우키'의 아칼리가 활약하며 승부를 원점으로 돌렸다.

그렇지만 3세트서 '크레이머' 하종훈의 드레이븐이 초반 2데스를 당하며 연승을 이어가는데 실패했다.

개막 6연승을 질주한 펀플러스는 1승 3패로 12위를 기록 중인 OMG를 상대로 7연승에 도전한다.

오는 3월 3일에는 IG과의 1위 결정전도 예정되어 있다.

For more infomation >> 돌풍의 펀플러스, LGD 꺾고 개막 6연승 - Duration: 1:52.


WTRC Stribling Art Extravaganza - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> WTRC Stribling Art Extravaganza - Duration: 4:35.


Om Nom Stories: Experiments | Season 6 - Video Blog | Funny Cartoons For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 2:39.

Om Nom Stories: Experiments

For more infomation >> Om Nom Stories: Experiments | Season 6 - Video Blog | Funny Cartoons For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 2:39.


Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Fairmont Homes Country Manor 100161 Lofted Park Home - Duration: 4:07.

Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Fairmont Homes Country Manor 100161 Lofted Park Home

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful 2019 Fairmont Homes Country Manor 100161 Lofted Park Home - Duration: 4:07.


Incredibly Stunning Åkerö Västergården 6 from hemet - Duration: 5:48.

Incredibly Stunning Åkerö Västergården 6 from hemet

For more infomation >> Incredibly Stunning Åkerö Västergården 6 from hemet - Duration: 5:48.


Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe | Egg less Strawberry Ice Cream | 3 Ingredients Only - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe | Egg less Strawberry Ice Cream | 3 Ingredients Only - Duration: 2:49.


Talmadge Magno - UH Alumni Profile - Duration: 4:31.

so this year as any other year we went

to hurricane season with the with the lava

event going on but nevertheless we

still had that in our minds you know

that we are in a midst of hurricane

season so we have to be prepared for


that's one person and then that's

actually pretty good you know because

that's that's the statewide emergency

alert system oh no but for the for the

footage here yeah it's like you know

sound in the background but at nine

o'clock and four o'clock they do tests

that's why we even see us jump up and go crazy

well super defense is historic

basically that terminology came back out

early World War two maybe when civil

defense was actually part of I guess the

national protection this department

civil defense Hawaii County used to have

guns for island protection and then then

the transition came in to emergency

management you know dealing with

disasters anything that affects the

communities yeah the job as

administrator at Hawaii County is you

know basically I'm the coordinator of

this office my role you know my

successes are all dependent upon what my

staff what the other county departments

what the state and the federal

government how they support us so I'm

you know back to how things kind of

started in May we were tracking magma

intrusion as it migrated down the east

rift zone and we had staff different

departments down there watching what was

going on then you know one afternoon

it's all of a sudden you know gases were

starting to come out of one of the

cracks and then you know shortly after

it was lava that was erupting and so we

needed to evacuate you know pretty much

from that time

for the next four months after May 3rd

this place was operational 24 hours and

this year as any other year started

the hurricane season while we're dealing

with the lava event and it was

fortuitous that we had all the support

here already at the county state and the federal

government was here already so we're

able to just transition from lavato to

hurricane type storm events flash

flooding and so you know that was

back-to-back and you know as far as um

personal checks sometimes you go like

yeah am I cut out for this cuz it's you

got to understand that there's gonna be

some really rough days but then the

rewarding stuff you know people that

come up to you and say thanks doing a good

job and stuff like that that really uh

that really helps out as far as a

student at UH right now or or even if

you're in high school thinking about you

know what what career path you're gonna

take or what you'd like to do you know

definitely take something that you enjoy

you know try something out prior to

getting into it that way you know if you

you're gonna like it or not you know

pick pick good mentors and you know

kind of if you see people that you're

kind of drawn to and and you like their

personality how they've kind of done

their career and you know kind of you

know befriend these people and see if

they could possibly be a mentor a

passion that I find in emergency

response it's supporting the community

our state our country you know that's

that's the reward again but on the other

hand I realize I'm an adrenaline junkie

like when the HEWAS -- when that alarm

went off you know you kind of get that

little bit of adrenaline rush you know

what what's coming next you know so you

know the reward of serving the community

plus the adrenaline rush

this is what I get out of being in

emergency management

For more infomation >> Talmadge Magno - UH Alumni Profile - Duration: 4:31.


演藝圈裡的「公車女星」!沒想到她們的私生活竟是這麼的......! - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> 演藝圈裡的「公車女星」!沒想到她們的私生活竟是這麼的......! - Duration: 8:45.


网友票选最强最美的动画女角色Top10,毛利兰第七,女帝第六 - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> 网友票选最强最美的动画女角色Top10,毛利兰第七,女帝第六 - Duration: 6:19.


J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - ハリウッド : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:14.

 ジェニファー・ ペス(49)が新作 The Hustl rs at Sco es(原題)」でス リッパー役を演じる め、ポールを使った トリップ・ダンスを 習中のビデオをイン タグラムで公開し、 題になっている

 撮影したのはニュ ヨーク・ヤンキース 元選手で恋人のアレ クス・ロドリゲスで ビデオには、黒いス ーツブラとショーツ のロペスが、ポール つかんでセクシーな ピンを披露した後、 メラに向かって微笑 姿が映っている

 ビデオとともに、 新作"ハスラーズ" ために、筋力トレー ング中」とメッセー 。ロドリゲスも、「 #Hustlers 「イエース」とメッ ージするなど、恋人 セクシーさにメロメ の様子だ

 最近、役作りのた に炭水化物と砂糖を ットしているという ペスは先週、米トー 番組で、「新作でス リッパー役を演じる で、役作りに励んで ます。エクササイズ たくさんして、健康 努めています」と語 た

ロペスとロドリゲス 10日間にわたり、 もに炭水化物と砂糖 きの食生活に挑戦し と報じられている。 ニューヨーク=鹿目 子)

For more infomation >> J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - ハリウッド : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:14.


J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - Duration: 2:15.

  ジェニファー・ ペス(49)が新作 The Hustl rs at Sco es(原題)」でス リッパー役を演じる め、ポールを使った トリップ・ダンスを 習中のビデオをイン タグラムで公開し、 題になっている

 撮影したのはニュ ヨーク・ヤンキース 元選手で恋人のアレ クス・ロドリゲスで ビデオには、黒いス ーツブラとショーツ のロペスが、ポール つかんでセクシーな ピンを披露した後、 メラに向かって微笑 姿が映っている

 ビデオとともに、 新作"ハスラーズ" ために、筋力トレー ング中」とメッセー 。ロドリゲスも、「 #Hustlers 「イエース」とメッ ージするなど、恋人 セクシーさにメロメ の様子だ

 最近、役作りのた に炭水化物と砂糖を ットしているという ペスは先週、米トー 番組で、「新作でス リッパー役を演じる で、役作りに励んで ます。エクササイズ たくさんして、健康 努めています」と語 た

ロペスとロドリゲス 10日間にわたり、 もに炭水化物と砂糖 きの食生活に挑戦し と報じられている。 ニューヨーク=鹿目 子) 

For more infomation >> J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - Duration: 2:15.


J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - ハリウッド : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.

ジェニファー・ロペ (49)が新作「T e Hustler at Score (原題)」でストリ パー役を演じるため ポールを使ったスト ップ・ダンスを練習 のビデオをインスタ ラムで公開し、話題 なっている。

撮影したのはニュー ーク・ヤンキースの 選手で恋人のアレッ ス・ロドリゲスで、 デオには、黒いスポ ツブラとショーツ姿 ロペスが、ポールを かんでセクシーなス ンを披露した後、カ ラに向かって微笑む が映っている。

ビデオとともに、「 作"ハスラーズ"の めに、筋力トレーニ グ中」とメッセージ ロドリゲスも、「" Hustlers」 イエース」とメッセ ジするなど、恋人の クシーさにメロメロ 様子だ。

最近、役作りのため 炭水化物と砂糖をカ トしているというロ スは先週、米トーク 組で、「新作でスト ッパー役を演じるの 、役作りに励んでい す。エクササイズを くさんして、健康に めています」と語っ 。ロペスとロドリゲ は10日間にわたり ともに炭水化物と砂 抜きの食生活に挑戦 たと報じられている (ニューヨーク=鹿 直子)

For more infomation >> J・ロペスがストリップ!?恋人A・ロッドが撮影 - ハリウッド : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:09.


Blackpink Performs DDU DU DDU DU (On Good Morning America) - Duration: 4:04.

Good Moorning Amerca to be Blackpink

The song DDU-DU-DDU-DU are 6000 millons views on Youtube

Very good, right?

So right now the performs the first time ever on you

Every one

Here is Blackpink


Aye aye


Aye aye

착한 얼굴에 그렇지 못한 태도

가녀린 몸매 속 가려진 volume은 두 배로

거침없이 직진 굳이 보진 않지 눈치

Black 하면 Pink 우린 예쁘장한 savage (Blackpink)

원할 땐 대놓고 뺏지

넌 뭘 해도 칼로 물 베기

두 손엔 가득한 Fat check

궁금하면 해봐 Fact check

눈 높인 꼭대기

물 만난 물고기

좀 독해 난 Toxic

You 혹해 I'm foxy

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지 굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye



지금 내가 걸어가는 거린

Blackpink four way 사거리

동서남북 사방으로 run it

너네 버킷리스트 싹 다 I bought it

널 당기는 것도 멀리 밀치는 것도 제멋대로 하는 bad girl

좋건 싫어하건 누가 뭐라 하던 when the bass drop it's another banger

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지

굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye


What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire



Aye aye aye aye

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (hey)


뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (fire)

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

For more infomation >> Blackpink Performs DDU DU DDU DU (On Good Morning America) - Duration: 4:04.


Renault Mégane Estate 1.2 TCe Limited | AUTOMAAT | NAVI | CRUISE | PDC + CAMERA - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Estate 1.2 TCe Limited | AUTOMAAT | NAVI | CRUISE | PDC + CAMERA - Duration: 1:12.


Rassemblement contre l'antisémitisme: à Paris, une foule compacte, mais peu de jeunes - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Rassemblement contre l'antisémitisme: à Paris, une foule compacte, mais peu de jeunes - Duration: 6:56.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Elegance - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Elegance - Duration: 1:14.


Greater Greenbrier Long-Term Recovery Committee receives $21K grant - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Greater Greenbrier Long-Term Recovery Committee receives $21K grant - Duration: 0:46.


Updated & Refined Skincare Favorites | 기초화장품 추천 | 피부리즈 공신 총망라! | - Duration: 20:54.

For more infomation >> Updated & Refined Skincare Favorites | 기초화장품 추천 | 피부리즈 공신 총망라! | - Duration: 20:54.


Battle Beast: The Most Violent Hero You've Never Heard Before - Duration: 4:13.

- Let's kick this off with a question as old as time.

If you could become a super hero who would you be?

What powers would you have?

I would assume a lot of people would go for

such big-hitters like the Hulk,

Captain America


Batman and so on.

However, have you ever seen this (bleep) guy?

Give me the chance to change your mind

and make Battle Beast the best super hero

you've probably never heard of,

your choice as the super hero you'd like to be.

Brutal, violent, destructive

Chaotic and bloody spoilers lie ahead.

Just to get this out there,

this big bad boy is not in either of the big two's

long lineage of characters.

Battle Beast is a character from an itsy-bitsy

image comics book called Invincible.

That's sarcasm, it's not tiny

it's getting a giant movie,

Steven Yeun is in it

and JK Simmons

everyone loves JK Simmons.

Anyways, for those of you who have read the series

and wrapped up the 15-year long journey last year, 2018

Battle Beast is a familiar yet hilariously

and excitingly scary face.

(tiny bell ringing)

For those of you who have not read Invincible though,

let Battle Beast be one of many, many reasons

you should give it a try.

Battle Beast could arguably be the

greatest foe to Mark Grayson,

who is Invincible and the series' main character.

Now of course Thragg,

the strongest of the race of alien people

known as the Viltrumites

definitely becomes known as his biggest obstacle.

But Battle Beast might be just as strong

if not stronger.

For those of you who have read it,

no need to point me out on the obvious

I'll get to that in a minute.

The lion on steroids claims to have conquered

thousands of worlds.

And galactic empires tremble at the sound of his name.

- Oh my god.

- His one and only calling is to be at war constantly.

He lives for the thrill of the fight

and the smell of blood,

whether that's his or his opponent's.

- Ooo, gross.

- But let me make this clear.

That blood is rarely his.

And his largest quest is to find

a worthy opponent to fight.

Think One Punch Man but more obnoxious,

overly excited and angry.

When he defeats his foe,

which is pretty much 100% of the time,

he likes to take a trophy, which is usually their head.

- Gross, again.

- Battle Beast first makes his appearance

in Invincible issue number 19,

where he fights Mark Grayson for the first time

as he is hired to defend Machine Head

against our high school student turned hero.

Battle Beast is semi-impressed

with the young hero's strength.

Wow, adequate at best.

But he ultimately pummels him into the ground.

(horn blowing)

The Guardians of the Globe

essentially the avengers of the Invincible universe,

save Mark Grayson from becoming

another head trophy for the Beast.

- You're welcome, Mark Grayson.

- Battle Beast comes in and out

of Invincible's 144 issue long adventure,

but he never changes who he is.

A (bleep) crazy killer.

We do learn, however

that he turned his planet into a utopia.

And his people are at peace.

Never would have guessed that.

However, this is where his thirst

for violence and blood began,

and his people hope their messiah

eventually returns one day.

Well, he most likely never will

Sorry guys.

You frequently help fight the wars

of the coalition of planets.

The Board of Leaders throughout the galaxy

who strive to keep peace amongst

the many different species and planets.

He eventually finds himself in the coalition's

assault on the Viltrumites.

And he comes face to face with Grand Regent Thragg.

Battle Beast has finally found his match.

And is overpowered quickly.

His neck is snapped in issue 120

and it is unknown if he survived.

But hot damn do I hope he lived.

Invincible's run is over.

But Battle Beast is the kind of character

that should live on in other stories.

Comic book writers, take notice.

Who needs a giant bloodthirsty lion

who has super-human strength,

hearing, sight and tracking capabilities?

What about incredibly good swordsmanship?

Not to mention his excellent hand-to-hand combat skills.

He's even like seven-foot-six

and over 750 pounds.

Battle Beast is the hyper-violent wolverine

we've all been waiting for.

Think like old man Logan but not old

and ten times more violent.

There is no telling if Battle Beast

will be in Amazon's adaptation of Invincible.

But here's to hoping we see him on the big screen soon.

Hell, I would love to see him

as a playable character in a side stroller.

And no, Battle Beast The Ultimate Fight Game

from 1995 on PC doesn't count.

Deep cut, my bad.

If not Battle Beast, which character in Invincible

would you like to see in the upcoming film?

Let us know in the comments, like this video and subscribe.

For more infomation >> Battle Beast: The Most Violent Hero You've Never Heard Before - Duration: 4:13.


Blackpink Performs DDU DU DDU DU (On Good Morning America) - Duration: 4:04.

Good Moorning Amerca to be Blackpink

The song DDU-DU-DDU-DU are 6000 millons views on Youtube

Very good, right?

So right now the performs the first time ever on you

Every one

Here is Blackpink


Aye aye


Aye aye

착한 얼굴에 그렇지 못한 태도

가녀린 몸매 속 가려진 volume은 두 배로

거침없이 직진 굳이 보진 않지 눈치

Black 하면 Pink 우린 예쁘장한 savage (Blackpink)

원할 땐 대놓고 뺏지

넌 뭘 해도 칼로 물 베기

두 손엔 가득한 Fat check

궁금하면 해봐 Fact check

눈 높인 꼭대기

물 만난 물고기

좀 독해 난 Toxic

You 혹해 I'm foxy

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지 굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye



지금 내가 걸어가는 거린

Blackpink four way 사거리

동서남북 사방으로 run it

너네 버킷리스트 싹 다 I bought it

널 당기는 것도 멀리 밀치는 것도 제멋대로 하는 bad girl

좋건 싫어하건 누가 뭐라 하던 when the bass drop it's another banger

두 번 생각해

흔한 남들처럼 착한 척은 못 하니까

착각하지 마

쉽게 웃어주는 건 날 위한 거야

아직은 잘 모르겠지

굳이 원하면 test me

넌 불 보듯이 뻔해

만만한 걸 원했다면

Oh wait til' I do what I do

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

Aye aye


What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

What you gonna do

When I come come through with that that uh uh huh

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire



Aye aye aye aye

뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (hey)


뜨거워 뜨거워 뜨거워 like fire (fire)

Hit you with that DDU-DU DDU-DU DU

For more infomation >> Blackpink Performs DDU DU DDU DU (On Good Morning America) - Duration: 4:04.


11 | Exam Talk_2 #Have_to~ #Study #Library #Cram #KoreanFriends (Eng/Span/Viet Sub.) - Duration: 1:34.

I have a quiz tomorrow.

I have to study.

Have to (do)

I have to study.

I need to focus.

I have to go to a library.

Why haven't I known that I have a quiz tomorrow?

I'm not prepared for it.

I have to study all of it today.

I have to cram for it.

Korean expression! When you have to study real quick,

we say 'hit lightning'.

Like a real quick lightning. Right?

I have to cram for it.

I have to stay up all night.

Everyone, bye-bye.

I have to go to a library.

For more infomation >> 11 | Exam Talk_2 #Have_to~ #Study #Library #Cram #KoreanFriends (Eng/Span/Viet Sub.) - Duration: 1:34.


Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Bryan Adams - Acoustic Slow Rock - Duration: 1:38:10.

Thanks for watching my video! Join my channel on social sites (Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc ...) so that more people can hear and have fun! Thanks for reading and have a great day!

For more infomation >> Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Bryan Adams - Acoustic Slow Rock - Duration: 1:38:10.


15 Pretty Spring Nail Art Ideas 2019 - Nails Trends 2019 And New Nail - Duration: 10:36.

15 Pretty Spring Nail Art Ideas 2019 - Nails Trends 2019 And New Nail

Thank you for watching!

Hope you enjoy this video!

For more infomation >> 15 Pretty Spring Nail Art Ideas 2019 - Nails Trends 2019 And New Nail - Duration: 10:36.


Reaccionando a imagenes de SSBBW - Duration: 11:19.

Hi, my name is MAC PECHUGAS

today we will do a reacting

But ... before, I want to explain a dynamic that we will do in this video

throughout the video will appear some cards like this

with a word

and they will be in the whole video.

In the end, they will join all the cards and have a phrase.

This phrase was sent to this facebook, and I will send you a link with a special video

which, will not be published in this platform, by rules of the same.

but in the link that you send them you can see

(he explains the same but in other words), he emphasizes

let's start with this video

The first drawing we can see a woman with giant hips.

he gets stuck and a woman helps him, and offers him bread, it's very funny to see drawings like that

very good drawing

leaves many things to the imagination is the good thing of the drawings

this is a human kitten

but with a body of SSBBW

she is crushing a fox

like the fox wanted to lift her, and in the end she could not

she crushed him

she bends the beams

and she is eating a huge ice cream

I think before ice cream, he can lift it

here is a Chinese or Japanese, I do not know, they are all the same (bad joke)

and he's eating a lot of food, and he ends up with a huge stomach, and the coiner falls in love with her, because of his enormous appetite

This is a common girl, but with huge breasts

and then, apparently it is about to burst the dress for its large chest

This is a drawing of a, wearing a very cute dress

is a pregnant woman with 9 months (her belly is very big)

she is MAI of the video game KING OF FIGHTER

she is the wife of ANDY BOGAR

she in the game is characterized by having a very large bust

not as big as yours

Well here she looks with everything big, big breasts, and big belly

and this one is like a short comic of a food buffet an ambitious girl enters a restaurant and starts eating huge amounts of food

woow She gets very fat, her hips are gigantic in this part and she does not stop eating, she keeps growing.

here is another drawing as with sequence, very good, where there is a Japanese eating huge amounts of food

It is very remarkable how her belly grows

These drawings, I love them: because it involves a lot of work of the person who makes them, and it is remarkable that he draws very well.

woow, she is a USSBBW, she is huge from all sides, she is a woman who is getting married for how she is dressed

Here we see one of giant hips, I love giant hips. it's a sequence of how she got on, she went up a lot, I love giant hips

This is like a doctor's office where a very fat woman is weighed by a doctor with very large breasts, maybe she is operated on the bust

the fat woman breaks the scale and is amazed, as well as thinking: I did not think I was so fat

Well that's it

If you have the phrase, please send me a message to my facebook, in a moment it will appear on the screen again.

and I will send you a link with a surprise video

here is the facebook of MAC PECHUGAS

I'll call it: the surprise box of MAC PECHUGAS

if they like we will make more surprises, not all the videos will have a surprise box

if this turns out we will do more, if not, then no.

and well, this is all, until the next.

For more infomation >> Reaccionando a imagenes de SSBBW - Duration: 11:19.


[FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:25.

[FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Kevin Gates x Moneybagg Yo Type beat 2019 "MAN DOWN" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:25.


[FREE] Lil Baby x Moneybagg Yo type beat 2019 "SAUCE" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:59.

[FREE] Lil Baby x Moneybagg Yo type beat 2019 "SAUCE" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER)

For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Baby x Moneybagg Yo type beat 2019 "SAUCE" (PROD. CHEDDA BANGER) - Duration: 3:59.


"연말 단콘 계획 중"..'컬투쇼' 코요태가 데뷔 20주년을 맞이하는 자세 [종합] - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> "연말 단콘 계획 중"..'컬투쇼' 코요태가 데뷔 20주년을 맞이하는 자세 [종합] - Duration: 8:20.


'불임'되는 차 강제로 마신 뒤 여진구 품에 안겨 오열하는 '왕이 된 남자' 이세영 - Duration: 1:53.

'불임'되는 차 강제로 마신 뒤 여진구 품에 안겨 오열하는 '왕이 된 남자' 이세영

이세영이 폭풍 눈물을 흘리며 여진구의 품에 안겼다.

19일 방송된 tvN 월화드라마 '왕이 된 남자'에서는 하선(여진구 분)과 유소운(이세영 분)의 위태로운 모습이 전파를 탔다.

이날 유소운은 믿었던 대비(장영남 분)의 모략에 의해 불임 위기에 놓이게 됐다.

그는 대비가 줘 자신이 마시는 차가 백화차로, 회임을 할 수 없게 만드는 것임을 알고 오열했다.

믿었던 대비의 배신과 사랑하는 이의 아이를 가질 수 없다는 불안 사이에 놓인 그는, 그럼에도 하선에게 범인을 고하지 않았다.

조정이 안정된 때에 행여나 자신 때문에 하선이 이성을 잃을까 걱정했기 때문이다.

펑펑 울면서도 차를 준 범인을 고하지 않는 그의 모습에 하선은 함께 괴로워하며 눈물을 흘렸다.

유소운이 할 수 있는 것이라고는 하선의 품에 안겨 엉엉 우는 것뿐이었다.

한편, 이후 이 같은 음모가 대비의 짓임을 알게 된 하선은 "할 수 있다면 대비를 먼저 폐비할 것"이라고 소리치며 분노하는 모습을 보였다.

For more infomation >> '불임'되는 차 강제로 마신 뒤 여진구 품에 안겨 오열하는 '왕이 된 남자' 이세영 - Duration: 1:53.


몬스타엑스 "4년간 휴가 한 번 안 갔다..우리의 꿈은 빌보드 핫100" [인터뷰] - Duration: 9:50.

For more infomation >> 몬스타엑스 "4년간 휴가 한 번 안 갔다..우리의 꿈은 빌보드 핫100" [인터뷰] - Duration: 9:50.


Horario y dónde ver el Valencia - Celtic de la Europa League - Duration: 3:17.

 Este jueves, para continuar con los partidos de la Europa League 2018-2019, el Valencia y el Celtic se enfrentarán en el Mestalla con motivo de la vuelta de dieciseisavos de final

 Primeramente, el club dirigido por Marcelino García Toral desenvolverá el duelo después de obtener la victoria (2-0) en el partido de ida

Asimismo, a lo largo de la fase de grupos de la Champions League y de forma más específica, registró una victoria sobre el Manchester United (2-1), una derrota contra la Juventus (1-0), una victoria ante el Young Boys (3-1), un empate con el Young Boys (1-1), un empate con el Manchester United (1-1) y, para finalizar, una derrota contra la Juventus (2-0)

 Por otro lado, en la etapa de clasificatorias, el equipo de Brendan Rogers perdió contra el Salzburg (2-1), venció al Rosenborg (1-0), venció al Leipzig (2-1), perdió contra el Leipzig (2-0), perdió contra el Salzburg (3-1) y, en última instancia, venció al Rosenborg (1-0), siendo esta la configuración de resultados que anteceden al encuentro que, sí o sí, tendrán que buscar ganar para poder avanzar de fase

   El partido entre el Valencia y el Celtic de la vuelta de dieciseisavos de final de la UEFA Europa League se llevará a cabo este jueves 21 de febrero a las 18:55, y el encuentro podrá ser disfrutado en España a través de Movistar+

LISTA DE TELEVISIONES  Esta es la lista de televisiones que emiten el partido en todo el mundo (información obtenida a través de livesoccertv

com): Australia Optus Sport Austria DAZN Bangladésh SONY TEN 1, SONY TEN 1 HD Bélgica Play Sports 1 Brunei beIN Sports Connect Malaysia Canadá DAZN Dinamarca Eurosport Player Denmark, Eurosport 2 Denmark Finlandia C More Suomi Francia RMC Sport en direct, RMC Sport 2 Alemania DAZN Islandia Stöð 2 Sport India SONY TEN 1 HD, SONY TEN 1 Indonesia K-Vision Internacional Celtic TV Irlanda BT Sport ESPN, Virgin TV Go, BT Sport Live Japón DAZN Luxemburgo RMC Sport 2 Malasia beIN Sports Connect Malaysia Maldivas SONY TEN 1 HD, SONY TEN 1 Mauricio RMC Sport 2 Monaco RMC Sport 2 Nepal SONY TEN 1 HD, SONY TEN 1 Noruega TV2 Sumo, TV2 Sport Pakistán SONY TEN 1, SONY TEN 1 HD Polonia IPLA Portugal Sport TV3 Singapur beIN Sports Connect Singapore España Movistar+ Sri Lanka SONY TEN 1, SONY TEN 1 HD Suecia Eurosport Player Sweden Suiza TeleClub Sport Live Ucrania OLL

tv Reino Unido BT Sport ESPN, BT Sport Live Estados Unidos B/R Live

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