Sunday, February 17, 2019

Youtube daily report Feb 17 2019

Incroyable mais vrai ? Selon les révélations d'une actrice britannique, Lady Diana a secrètement fait la fête avec Freddie Mercury dans un bar gay

On le sait, Lady Diana était une femme totalement révolutionnaire au point de changer bien des règles du protocole royal de la famille royale

Plus naturelle que jamais, la mère des princes William et Harry n'avait pas peur de s'affirmer, en plus de briser les tabous

On se rappelle encore le jour où elle a tenu la main d'un malade du sida. Pas étonnant qu'elle soit rapidement devenue la princesse du peuple

Admirée de tous, la princesse de Galles a su toucher le monde entier avec sa personnalité hors du commun

Véritable rebelle, Lady Diana n'hésitait pas à se jouer des codes de la royauté, allant jusqu'à se rendre discrètement en soirée avec des artistes tels que Freddie Mercury

Du mal à y croire ? C'est en tout cas ce qu'affirme une célèbre actrice britannique ! Selon les confidences de Cleo Rocos dans son livre The Power of Positive Drinking, la comédienne a passé une soirée de folie à la taverne Royal Vauxhall de Londres, en compagnie de Lady Diana, du chanteur de Queen, Freddie Mercury et de l'acteur Kenny Everett

L'actrice raconte dans son bouquin que pour passer inaperçue dans le bar gay, la princesse de Galles s'est habillée en homme

Vêtue d'une veste militaire, d'une casquette et de lunettes de soleil, la mère de William et Harry a fait la fête jusqu'au bout de la nuit avant de rejoindre Kensington Palace en taxi

Une jolie anecdote. Et pour toujours plus d'histoires sur la famille royale, sachez que Kate Middleton a récemment été confondue avec une célèbre actrice par des journalistes

For more infomation >> Meghan Royal - Lady Diana amie avec Freddie Mercury, les détails de leur folle soirée dans un bar g - Duration: 2:29.


The Best Way Meghan Markle Has Changed Since Marrying Prince Harry | Royal Family - Duration: 11:05.

The Best Way Meghan Markle Has Changed Since Marrying Prince Harry

Getting married is one of the biggest events in a person's life

Which means that it has

The potential to change one's personality and outlook on life

Meghan Markle is no different

Especially since she went from being a member of the most famous royal family

The outside some of the more obvious examples of change of Marco has experienced our that she can no longer share her

Political views like before in his mouth

Expected to carry herself with a certain mannerism

There are even worried that the Duchess of Sussex is not allowed


Beneath all of these is something even bigger that has shaped Meghan Markle into the person she is today the public

Her exes

And the media

Meghan markle's family has cast a negative light on her

Meghan Markle is known to be very close with her mother

Doria Ragland


The same cannot be said for the rest of her family

Her father

Thomas Markle Sr

And her mother divorced when Marco with a young child

Even so

The Duchess of Sussex

So said that she was once close with her father growing up

Before the royal wedding in 2018

It became clear that the father and daughter have not had such a great relationship in recent years

Paparazzi photos of money


He also betrayed her trust by publicly publishing Co had written to him


It was Meghan markle's step sister from her father

Samantha Grant

Since before the wedding

She has been using the media to engage

According to Grant

And was simply focused on chasing her dream to become a princess


Long before Meghan Markle met Prince Harry

She was married to actor and producer Trevor engelson

Divorced in 2013 after a long relationship


It was reported that angles in a still not over what happens

According to a biography

Michael ended the marriage rather unexpectedly

To make matters worse

Angleton even went public with a pitchfork

Cancelled soon afterwards

As if this wasn't enough

Chef Cory vitiello

Who she was in a relationship with shortly before she met Prince Harry

Went on to claim that she was actually still dating him

Give her a break

Given these negative

It comes as no surprise that the media coverage she has been

Aside from these rumors

There have also been numerous reports about the relationship with her sister-in-law


As well as how she is struggling to fit into a patient's from the Royal Family

Before becoming a duchess

Meghan Markle with able to

Speak up through her blog and social media accounts


As part of the Royal Family

She is no longer allowed to have an online presence

She has not been able to dress herself and is only allowed to

To speak to the Palaces press office

It has been said that Marco is finding the whole situation

What this mean

For The Duchess today

Batman 3 one negative


It is clear that Meghan Markle herself has come out stronger because of it

She now understands which people in her life were trustworthy and which ones are not

So jump

Get the chance to get their 15 minutes of fame that moment she was famous

Not anyone Marco Goodwin around

Is being scrutinized

The people who she chooses to have around will be those who support us and will bring out the best in her allowing The Duchess of Sussex

Additionally mother through all of us

Like the late Princess Diana also experience

How is it going

Duchess of Sussex will learn how to navigate


Especially since

Unlike Prince Harry

She had a chance to live as a private citizen for a long period of time

Giving her different

Perspective relationship with the media

What do you think

Share your thoughts in the comment box below and don't forget to subscribe

Has Meghan markle's accent changed since marrying Prince Harry

A lot has been written about the Duchess of Sussex in recent months

From speculation on her relationship

Discussion of how much she has her baby bump

Now even her accent has become a topic of debate

When clips of California shared online the same suggestion.

Has she adopted a British accent

Speech experts

But others are not convinced

There does seem to be something in the idea that Meghan Markle speech has changed a bit

At least in some settings

Sec fanatics

Pronunciation specialist dr. Jeff Lindsay

There are

He said while conceding it was tricky to make absolute statement

One example is her more British pronunciation of the word aisle when she met Crown Sanchez

Compared to her pronunciation of the same word in her and Prince Harry's engagement

He said

But the difference is

Dr. Lindsey

An unraveling

6 lecturer at University College London

Did you make that for us

In a clip from broken head in January 2019

Marissa Brooks

Assistant professor in linguistics

University of Toronto

Said The Duchess has developed a style that sounds very English

In January 2019

Set my suggesting it

Be a consequence of living in Southern England

My brother

Who is studied accent changes in high-profile figures

Said I think a lot of it is delivered on the part

She's developed a style to be used when directly talking with the British public

The situation



I don't think it was

Any change

To the depths of the unique position

She's someone who's very off-beat from those who usually join the Royal Family

It's not that she is changing who she is

It's like she's changing how she dresses it's like an extremely fancy outfit

I would call it a reasonable resource

Given how unlikely her change and circumstances and how dramatic

Where does she spoke like a queen

University of reading

There's some difference in pronunciation in public since her move to the UK

But it's not huge

Professor said it said the crowds will make a difference because of something called accommodation

Which is when people adapt their speech consciously or unconsciously to the people

Speak differently with different people

Hi professor Center

In a social role like the one Megan is now in where she has to meet lots of

The people and basically make a good impression on them

Too far

I don't think British

People would accept her if she suddenly started sounded like she was in the cast of EastEnders or spoke

She is who she is and it's important that she has done to him

Speech is part of that

Access cameras various things about people

Jeffrey's from the University of Essex

Affiliations and aspirations

And for someone like the duchess

Whose success may depend on

So changes can happen naturally and fast

Lots of different factors playable asthma, dates

Dr. Jeffries

Strong affiliation with the region and is very proud of their heritage

Might not change the way they speak even if they move to another part of the country


It's taken trying to fit in our sound like they belong to a British royalty


Naturally and quickly

Could her background and change

Certainly any potential accent

Kingdom said dr. Jeffries

But on the other hand

Maybe she therefore has better control of her accent

Might stay staunchly American sound

But overall dr. Jeffrey said she did not hear much evidence of the

And Professor Paul Curtis will associate linguist from the University of York

Is Eva Mendes


To go on

Megan is pretty consistent in her box

FedEx ground

He said

An interview with Harry

The same thing applies

The only point where I received pronunciation



It's been proved that appearance


Set Professor curse

What do you think

Share your thoughts in the comment box

Watch below and don't forget to subscribe to get instant news

For more infomation >> The Best Way Meghan Markle Has Changed Since Marrying Prince Harry | Royal Family - Duration: 11:05.


Trump's government ASKED Shinzo Abe to nominate him for a Nobel Prize - Daily News - Duration: 6:22.

Donald Trump's administration asked Japan's prime minister Shinzō Abe to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize after he and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un met for a historic summit, according to a Japanese newspaper

Trump boasted Friday during a White House Rose Garden press event that Abe had handed him 'the most beautiful copy' of a five-page letter about the nomination but concluded 'I'll probably never get it

'The request came during the fall, months after the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore on June 12, according to the newspaper Asahi Shimbun

Abe ultimately submitted Trump's name, citing his efforts to defuse decades-long tensions on the Korean peninsula

'He said, "I have nominated you, respectfully, on behalf of Japan. I am asking them to give you the Nobel Peace Prize",' Trump told reporters on Friday

'I said thank you.''Many other people feel that way, too. I'll probably never get it

That's okay,' he said. It's unclear how common it is for governments to lobby each others' leaders for award endorsements

The Japanese Embassy in Washington did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Trump has made strides in opening talks with North Korea, saying consistently that the hermit kingdom's belligerence should have been countered by his predecessors

Last year's meeting was the first between a sitting American president and a North Korean head of state

A spokesman for Japan's Foreign Ministry in Tokyo told Reuters that it was aware of Trump's remarks but 'would refrain from commenting on the interaction between the two leaders

'The Nobel Foundation's website says a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize may be submitted by any person who meets the nomination criteria, which includes current heads of states

Under the foundation's rules, names and other information about unsuccessful nominations cannot be disclosed for 50 years

But that wall of silence has been ineffective in at least one recent instance. The former non-voting secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize committee said in 2015 that members regretted giving the prestigious award to former president Barack Obama in 2009, less than a year into his first term

Geir Lundestad told the Associated Press that the committee had hoped the prize would strengthen Obama, but instead it was met with ridicule since he hadn't yet had a significant impact on global affairs

'No Nobel Peace Prize ever elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama,' Lundestad wrote in his memoir

'Even many of Obama's supporters believed that the prize was a mistake. In that sense the committee didn't achieve what it had hoped for

'Trump noted on Friday that 'they gave it to Obama.''He didn't even know what he got it for

He was there for about 15 seconds and he got the Nobel Prize. He said, "Oh, what did I get it for?"'The surprising anecdote came as he hailed Pyongyang's 'tremendous' economic potential and his 'great relationship' with Kim ahead of a second scheduled summit between the two leaders late next week

Share this article Share Trump also took a second dig at Barack Obama, suggesting his predecessor had been close to going to war with the nuclear-armed state

Recalling a conversation he had with Obama shortly before his inauguration, Trump said: 'I don't want to speak for him but I believe he would have gone to war with North Korea

''I think he was ready to go to war, he told me he was so close to starting a big war with North Korea

Where are we now? No missiles, no rockets, no nuclear testing.''We've learned a lot

But much more importantly than all of it – much more important, much, much more important than that – is we have a great relationship

I have a very good relationship with Kim Jong-un. And I've done a job.'Trump also ran through some of the highlights of the fiery rhetoric he and Kim exchanged in 2017 when tensions between the two countries were skyrocketing

'It was a very tough dialogue at the beginning: "fire and fury," "total annihilation," "my button is bigger than yours",' he recalled

'People said "Trump is crazy." And you know what it ended up being? A very good relationship

I like him a lot and he likes me a lot. Nobody else would have done that. The Obama administration couldn't have done it

For more infomation >> Trump's government ASKED Shinzo Abe to nominate him for a Nobel Prize - Daily News - Duration: 6:22.


最新ニュース : 映画監督の佐藤純彌さん死去 86歳「敦煌」「人間の証明」名作多く送り出す - Duration: 3:54.

   「敦煌」「人間 証明」「新幹線大爆破 などで知られる映画監 の佐藤純彌(さとう・ ゅんや、本名同じ)さ が9日午後11時、多 器不全による衰弱のた 東京都内の自宅で死去 た

86歳。東京都出身。 7日に都内斎場で告別 を済ませた家族が東映 通して発表した。喪主 長男で日本テレビのデ レクター、佐藤東弥( うや)氏。後日、お別 の会が営まれる予定だ

   スケール感あふ る大作から愛すべき迷 まで映画界に大きな足 を残した名監督が平成 後の年に逝った。   関係者によれば、3年 に消化器系の疾患によ 医師から入院を勧めら たが、本人が拒否した め自宅で療養していた

1月19日には東映東 撮影所のOBによる恒 の麻雀大会に参加して たが、9日に容体が急 し、帰らぬ人となった 「男たちの大和/YA ATO」撮影中の20 5年に夫人に先立たれ おり、子供たちが最期 みとった

   愛煙家で、医師 ら禁煙するように忠告 れても「今さらやめて どうにもならない。死 時まで吸ってます」と を貸さず、実際に亡く る前日まで吸っていた いう。先月の麻雀大会 も紫煙をくゆらせなが 興じていたが、途中で 痛を訴え、いつもは半 (はんちゃん、東・南 =1試合)4回のとこ を3回で切り上げてい

   1956年に東 に入社。63年に「陸 残虐物語」で監督デビ ーし、ブルーリボン賞 人賞に輝いた。フリー 転じて2年後の75年 高倉健さんはじめスタ 俳優を多く起用したパ ック映画「新幹線大爆 」を発表

翌76年にも健さん主 で「君よ憤怒の河を渉 わた)れ」を撮り、文 大革命後の初の外国映 として78年に公開さ た中国で大ヒットを記 した。   その後も 川映画で「人間の証明 (77年)「野性の証 」(78年)など話題 を手掛け、82年の日 合作「未完の対局」は ントリオール世界映画 でグランプリを獲得

88年には製作費45 円を投じて井上靖氏原 の「敦煌」に着手。大 的な中国ロケを行い話 を呼んだ。   05 の「男たちの大和」を て、時代劇「桜田門外 変」(10年)が遺作 なった

長年の功績を称えて3 1日に開催される第4 回日本アカデミー賞で 長功労賞を贈られるこ が決まっているが、昨 末の内定段階で「出席 難しい」と伝えていた いう。   ◆佐藤  彌(さとう・じゅんや 1932年(昭7)1 月6日、東京都生まれ

63年「陸軍残虐物語 で監督デビュー。主な 表作に「未完の対局」 敦煌」など。「キイハ ター」「Gメン'75 などテレビドラマも多 手掛けた。著書に「映 (シネマ)よ憤怒の河 渉れ」など

2008年旭日小綬章 受章。 

For more infomation >> 最新ニュース : 映画監督の佐藤純彌さん死去 86歳「敦煌」「人間の証明」名作多く送り出す - Duration: 3:54.


JOB DONE Love Island's Amber Davies is more than qualified to take on country queen Dolly Parton's h - Duration: 1:56.

GRINDING axes, macho men and a script full of bickering and fighting make surprise Love Island star Amber Davies more than qualified to take on country queen Dolly Parton's hit musical 9 To 5

 But if there was any doubts, and there were, that the reality star had the vocal skill to take on hulking heartache ballads then last night's star studded first performance proved them all wrong

 Her superb voice and excellent comic timing left the audience stunned and earned her a place alongside seasoned West End pros

 And she was in great company with EastEnders actress Bonnie Langford as unlikely secretary seductress Roz leaving the audience in hysterics with her two hander Heart to Hart alongside comedy veteran Brian Conley

 The show, based on the 1980 film of the same name, follows three women as they try and overthrow their chauvinistic boss Franklin Hart Jnr played by Conley

 As the group get creative with ways to gang up on him, you can't help but route for these leading ladies and hope he gets his comeuppance in the most humiliating way possible

 Boring? Mundane? Repetitive? No way, this is one 9 to 5 you'll want to do again and again and again

 5 STARS *****

For more infomation >> JOB DONE Love Island's Amber Davies is more than qualified to take on country queen Dolly Parton's h - Duration: 1:56.


Top 10 Truly Wireless Earbuds / Earphones 2019 - 10 Best Apple AirPod Alternatives - Duration: 12:11.



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For more infomation >> Top 10 Truly Wireless Earbuds / Earphones 2019 - 10 Best Apple AirPod Alternatives - Duration: 12:11.


EUROVISION 2019 (PORTUGAL): Conan Osíris - "Telemóveis" ||REACTION (eng.subs)|| - Duration: 6:00.

Boas tardes and welcome back to my channel!

Today I'm going to react to Conan Osíris' perfomance in the first semi-final of Festival da Cançao.

Are you ready?

Last Saturday Portugal celebrated the first semi-final of Festival da Cançao 2019

Today I'm going to show you my reaction to Conan Osiris' song

As you know, he is my favourite of this preselection

If he wins, he will be my favourite entry of Eurovision 2019 without doubts

So let's begin!

What has he got in his face?

I like his voice

I was afraid about the live version

The melody of the studio version was different. He has changed it.

I adore how they're using the lights

I like it. I like the staging. I like a lot.

I love how they use the lights but I don't know if I like the roses on the background.

I adore his acting

I'm not sure about the role of the dancer

Perfomance's elements baffles me

This is a little dark. I like it!

The dancer fell and got an incredible bump

I mean, I like how staging was made but I'm not sure about the dancer with Conan.

I don't know, I would do it different, you know?

I'm enjoying a lot his voice

This is amazing

Amazing, wonderful, incredible

Cool vibes!

This is huge, honestly

I'm in love with this man

I remain unconvinced by the dancer

I mean, I watching it and I'm still not convinced about him

But Conan is... amazing

This is just amazing

The voice is sooo good

The only thing that I don't like is how his voice fits with the melody

But trust me, this has so much potential

The track is, I mean, really, it's marvelous.


Well, I'm shocked

I think that even people who didn't have this song as a favourite, they were not able to look at this perfomance

Really, I think that they can do some changes

I would change things like the melody and other stuff

Anyways, well and there are things about the staging that I don't know if

I mean, I think that it's pretty cool the coreography

I think that it's a great provider to the song

But I would mix them in a different way because in some parts the dancer and his moves baffles me

It's a no for me

But I'm completely fascinated

For me this is the best entry of this year. The best of all, even Miki (sorry) who is one of my favs or Mahmood with Soldi

But this is a masterpiece, This is a fucking BOP

And If I would be portuguese, I wouldn't have any doubts about how has to win.

I think that it is a ground-breaking proposal

Conan is very different from other artists and I truly belive that this entry an incredible opportunity for Portugal.

In my opinion, it could win Eurovision 2019 it they improve a few things

But, honestly, this an amazing entry and if it wins, it will pass the semi-final without problems

I know I'm a bit partial because I'm in love with this song. The idea behind the song and the perfomance don't let me downn!

Let me know your opinions, if you like it or hate it, if it has surprised you, etc.

Let me know it in comments and follow me in my social media

See you in the next video!

For more infomation >> EUROVISION 2019 (PORTUGAL): Conan Osíris - "Telemóveis" ||REACTION (eng.subs)|| - Duration: 6:00.


First attempt MAKEUP just for FUN - Duration: 22:51.


For more infomation >> First attempt MAKEUP just for FUN - Duration: 22:51.


JJエイブラムス監督SW撮了「感謝の気持ち」 - Duration: 1:33.


J・J・エイブラム 監督が、「スター・ ォーズ エピソード 」の撮影が終了した とをツイッターで発 した。

主演のレイ役のデイ ー・リドリーやフィ 役のジョン・ボイエ 、ポー・ダメロン役 オスカー・アイザッ が撮影現場で抱き合 写真を公開。「魔法 ようなすてきなクル とキャストに感謝の 持ちでいっぱい」と メントしている。同 は「フォースの覚醒 (15年)から始ま た3部作の最終章と る。

当初はコリン・トレ ロウ監督がメガホン 取る予定だったが途 で降板。「フォース 覚醒」でメガホンを ったエイブラムス監 が後任に決まり、公 日が今年12月20 に延期されていた。

For more infomation >> JJエイブラムス監督SW撮了「感謝の気持ち」 - Duration: 1:33.


JJエイブラムス監督SW撮了「感謝の気持ち」 - シネマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 1:27.

 J・J・エイブラ ス監督が、「スター ウォーズ エピソー 9」の撮影が終了し ことをツイッターで 表した。 主演のレ 役のデイジー・リド ーやフィン役のジョ ・ボイエガ、ポー・ メロン役のオスカー アイザックが撮影現 で抱き合う写真を公

「魔法のようなすて なクルーとキャスト 感謝の気持ちでいっ い」とコメントして る。同作は「フォー の覚醒」(15年) ら始まった3部作の 終章となる。 当初 コリン・トレボロウ 督がメガホンを取る 定だったが途中で降

「フォースの覚醒」 メガホンを取ったエ ブラムス監督が後任 決まり、公開日が今 12月20日に延期 れていた。

For more infomation >> JJエイブラムス監督SW撮了「感謝の気持ち」 - シネマ : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 1:27.


風間俊介 キンプリ岩橋の一部活動再開発表に「まずは良かったの一言に尽きる」 - Duration: 4:06.

拡大写真 風 俊介   俳 の風間俊介(35 が18日放送の日 テレビ「ZIP! (月~金曜前5・ 0)に生出演

パニック障害の治 に専念するため、 年11月初旬から 能活動を休止して たジャニーズ事務 の後輩「King Prince」の 橋玄樹(22)が 部活動再開を発表 たことを受け、コ ントした

   ジャニーズ 務所は17日に「 の度、King& rinceの3r シングル『君を待 てる』をもちまし 、芸能活動を一部 開させていただき す」と岩橋の活動 開を発表

岩橋も「心身とも 快方に向かってい す」「徐々に現場 戻っていく中で、 めて仕事ができる びを感じています

今は焦るときでは いと一日一日を大 に過ごしています で、完全に活動を 開するまでお待ち ただけると幸いで 」と回復ぶりを伝 つつ「5人でKi g&Prince 守り続けているメ バーの思いに応え ためにも、僕は必 パニック障害を克 して戻ってきます と力強く宣言した

   風間は「ま は"よかった"の 言に尽きるなと思 ます」としつつ「 当にファンの皆さ も待っていたと思 し、メンバーそれ れ、そして本人も ごく待っていた復 だと思う」とコメ ト

活動再開の3rd ングルが「君を待 ている」というタ トルであることに 触れ、「これから 活動の中で特別な になっていくんじ ないかと思う」と けた

 [外部サイト] 間俊介 嵐活動休 発表前に相葉から 絡「たくさんの時 をかけて出した答 だと分かった」風 俊介が宮崎駿氏オ ジナル作品出演  最貧前線」初の舞 化 テーマは"平 の尊さ"北大路欣  三匹のおっさん 同枠ドラマ主演「 返る」タッキー& 「8時だJ」で復 歌唱!嵐に関ジャ 、山P、斗真、風 、長谷川純ら集結 ファン歓喜「8時 J」20年ぶり復 !タッキー、嵐、 P、生田斗真らが 時のOP曲披露  ロミ感慨深げ風間 介ジャニーズ事務 パニック障害

For more infomation >> 風間俊介 キンプリ岩橋の一部活動再開発表に「まずは良かったの一言に尽きる」 - Duration: 4:06.


【愕然】ウザイ上司「みっともないからワックスくらいつけろ」→ 結果wwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.

なんて返せばエエんやこれ はい、でええんやバカヤロウ! 4: >>2 けたことないからわからんのや つけてきます or はげたくないのでごめんな い はげてるのでごめんなさい 1 >>5 禿げてはない つけかたがわから 未だに 中間おすすめ記事 つけたらええやん ワイの会社髪セットするのがマナ みたいなんやがそれって普通なんか? 1 >>8 営業じゃなかったら必要ない 29: >>8 まぁエチケットやな 30: >>8 営業かお堅い会 は必要かもな 146: >>30 社会人の常識やろ 1 上司の髪の毛に いてるのを取ってつけろ マナーやぞ 1 ヘアサロンいってセットして貰ってや 方聞いてこい 教えてくれるで 2 >>18 はぇー教えてもらえるんか 4にもなってワックスの付け方教えてもらうって恥ずかしいな 3 >>28 Y uTubeにあるから見ればよろしい 寝癖か天パやろなぁ 2 坊主にすれば解 わかりました(付けるとは言っていない) 5 流れ整えればええだけやぞ ックスでベタベタに決めてこいって意味じゃない みっともないって思われるってこと 寝癖かボサボサ髪か? 6 営業でもなきゃ要らんやろ 10 頭皮へのダメー デカそうだから極力何も付けたくないわ 初心者はコンビニに売ってるワックスつかえ ええんか? それともスプレーがええんか? 1 >>124 スプレーは固める めの糊だから最悪なくていいぞ ワックス付けて髪を整えるのが最優先で風強すぎて髪 崩れるとか根本的に髪が硬すぎてワックス効果ないって人が固めるために使うんや 1 >>124 知識無いなら素直に美容院で聞け わい施工管理 ヘルメットか るからワックスつけられない 15 営業やったら割と短髪やろ ジェルでええ1 秒で終わりや 引用元:おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020/01/01 0:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆3パック食って 結果wwwマジかよwww

For more infomation >> 【愕然】ウザイ上司「みっともないからワックスくらいつけろ」→ 結果wwwwwww - Duration: 0:17.


ニュース 中田秀夫監督『貞子』塚本高史、清水尋也ら新キャスト発表 - Duration: 2:48.

拡大写真 『貞子』新キ スト (C) 019「貞子 製作委員会   『リン 』の中田秀夫 督が池田エラ ザを主演に迎 た新作ホラー 貞子』(5月 4日公開)の キャストが発

塚本高史、清 尋也、姫嶋ひ か、桐山漣、 もさかりえの 演が決定した   見た者は 週間後に死ぬ いう「呪いの デオ」の恐怖 描いた鈴木光 のホラー小説 実写映画化し 『リング』( 998)が興 収入20億円 破のヒットを 録

Jホラーブー を巻き起こし 中田監督が、 4年ぶりに『 ング』シリー のメガホンを る本作。20 3年に刊行さ た同原作者の タイド」に基 き、心理カウ セラーとして く茉優(池田 が、記憶をな した少女と出 ったことから 妙な出来事に 遇していくさ を描く

  主人公の 田に続き、5 のキャストが 表。茉優と共 事件の解決に 走するWEB ーケティング 社勤務の石田 介役に、現在 連続ドラマ「 つば銀行 原 浩美がモノ申 !~この女に けろ~」(テ ビ東京)が放 中の塚本高史

茉優の弟で、 子の呪いを呼 起こすきっか となるYou uberの秋 和真役に映画 ミスミソウ』 2017)、 ラマ「インベ ターZ」(2 18・テレビ 京)などの清 尋也

茉優の同僚の 神科医・藤井 役に、NHK ラマ「デイジ ・ラック」( 018)や映 『曇天に笑う (2018) どの桐山漣。

For more infomation >> ニュース 中田秀夫監督『貞子』塚本高史、清水尋也ら新キャスト発表 - Duration: 2:48.


岩ちゃん&NAOTOサプライズ登場!LDH結婚式 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:01.

 三代目J SOU  BROTHERS 田剛典(29)NA TO(35)が17 、横浜市内で行われ 石野順之さん・彩花 ん夫妻の結婚披露宴 サプライズ出演した  所属事務所のウエ ィング事業「LDH wedding」が ロデュースする第1 の披露宴で、新郎が 田、新婦がNAOT ファンとあって実現 た

大歓声の中2人が登 し祝福すると、岩田 「末永く幸せになっ ください。乾杯!」 音頭をとった。新婦 彩花さんも「夢のよ です」と声を震わせ 。 18年始動のプ ジェクト

今後はこの日のよう メンバーの出演は基 的にはないが、ライ の必須アイテム「名 入りフラッグ」が各 に毎回置かれる。ま 、高さ2・9メート のウエディングケー も用意される

これは14年のEX LEライブツアーの ンボルだった「願い 塔」をモチーフとし いる。新郎のお色直 は、17年のNHK 白歌合戦で山下健二 (33)着用の本物 衣装が着られるよう 、LDH色が詰まっ 内容になっている

 初めての試みにN OTOは「ライブと 婚式が直結すること てたくさんあるんだ 思いました」。岩田 「幸せをお裾分けし もらいました」と笑 。もし自分が結婚式 挙げるなら? との 問にNAOTOは「 ちろんLDH we dingで

その時はメンバーを えて、自分がボーカ をやります」。岩田 「自分のためにメン ーに集まってもらう とはなかなかない。 員にお祝いしていた く雰囲気の式が出来 ら最高だなと思いま 」と話した


For more infomation >> 岩ちゃん&NAOTOサプライズ登場!LDH結婚式 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 3:01.


岩ちゃん&NAOTOサプライズ登場!LDH結婚式 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:45.

三代目J SOUL BROTHERS岩 剛典(29)NAO O(35)が17日 横浜市内で行われた 野順之さん・彩花さ 夫妻の結婚披露宴に プライズ出演した。

所属事務所のウエデ ング事業「LDH edding」がプ デュースする第1号 披露宴で、新郎が岩 、新婦がNAOTO ァンとあって実現し 。大歓声の中2人が 場し祝福すると、岩 が「末永く幸せにな てください。乾杯! と音頭をとった。新 の彩花さんも「夢の うです」と声を震わ た。

18年始動のプロジ クト。今後はこの日 ようなメンバーの出 は基本的にはないが ライブの必須アイテ 「名前入りフラッグ が各席に毎回置かれ 。また、高さ2・9 ートルのウエディン ケーキも用意される これは14年のEX LEライブツアーの ンボルだった「願い 塔」をモチーフとし いる。新郎のお色直 は、17年のNHK 白歌合戦で山下健二 (33)着用の本物 衣装が着られるよう 、LDH色が詰まっ 内容になっている。

初めての試みにNA TOは「ライブと結 式が直結することっ たくさんあるんだと いました」。岩田も 幸せをお裾分けして らいました」と笑顔 もし自分が結婚式を げるなら? との質 にNAOTOは「も ろんLDH wed ingで。その時は ンバーを従えて、自 がボーカルをやりま 」。岩田は「自分の めにメンバーに集ま てもらうことはなか かない。全員にお祝 していただく雰囲気 式が出来たら最高だ と思います」と話し 。【大友陽平】

For more infomation >> 岩ちゃん&NAOTOサプライズ登場!LDH結婚式 - 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ - Duration: 2:45.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K Business Class NAVI/Lederen bekleding/PDC V + A/airco/cruise control - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K Business Class NAVI/Lederen bekleding/PDC V + A/airco/cruise control - Duration: 1:11.


Simple Beautifull RH3362B Park Model RV from Champion - Duration: 3:12.

Simple Beautifull RH3362B Park Model RV from Champion

For more infomation >> Simple Beautifull RH3362B Park Model RV from Champion - Duration: 3:12.


Very Important Message! - Duration: 2:35.

A very Important Message

Well Hi, this is Yovette again. It's with great sadness and a heavy heart that I

am here today. I have an announcement that I want to share with you. As of

March 15th you will no longer see me posting on Facebook or YouTube, at least

that's my intention for right now. It is all over this particular flower and

these particularl leaves that I've been doing on YouTube and posted videos, and

there seems there is some conflict going on between the Bob Ross company and the

Jerry Jenkin, Gary Jenkins company. I do not wish to be in the middle of

this conflict. I have corrected the situation to the best of my ability by

deleting two of my old floral videos and posting two new ones. I still want my

viewers to be able to see how I paint the basic flower and the basic leaf. The

new videos will be posted after this announcement announcement. So please read

the letter in the description below to learn what this is all about. Kathwren

Jenkins posted this letter to my public timeline in facebook. I would rather have

had a personal letter from her but that was not the case.

I do wish however to set the record straight with Kathwren. I have been

teaching Bob Ross classes since the late 90's. All of my techniques were learned

directly from the Bob Ross Company and their wonderful instructors. I have

never taken a class from Gary Jenkins. I have never ever taken a class from

Kathwren Jenkins, or any teachers that they might have. I did not learn how to

paint flowers or leaves from the Jenkins. I learned it from Bob Ross. So I may be

back at a later date but for now I am going to close with just Thanks

to all of you wonderful viewers that I have developed such a special

relationship with! Thank you for watching and take care

till we meet again. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Very Important Message! - Duration: 2:35.


Dog Waits For Missing Grandpa | Kritter Klub - Duration: 4:42.

Baby~ I'm going crazy

He keeps bothering me

He keeps asking for grandpa

So he keeps bringing me here

This is his house

Grandpa~ Grandpa~


Traces of his absence

It's been awhile since I've seen him

I don't know the details

The dog has been like that for about ten days

At the sound of human presence

The dog checks to see if it's grandpa

I gave him this. But it's already been a week

Where did the grandpa go?

I heard he's ill

I saw him going to the hospital with his son a few days ago

He was admitted to the hospital. He's in his 90s

Found the hospital he was staying in


Do you know who I am?

I don't know

What do I look like?

You seem to be a doctor.


He's seen me every day, but still doesn't recognize me

Does he recognize the dog?

What's the dog's name?


Grandpa remembers his dog instantly

I was rushed to the hospital

He suddenly passed out

Jang-gun who was out for a walk during that time

Was left behind during the emergency

And waited for the grandpa to come home

The day has come to finally meet grandpa



Did you miss me?

I'm sorry that I left you behind

It's unknown when the grandpa will be released from the hospital

So Jang-gun needs a new family

Live well and in good health

Eat well too!

Goodbye for now..

He eats well now

He's doing well, and will be able to adjust to a new family just fine

Hope you find a good home!

For more infomation >> Dog Waits For Missing Grandpa | Kritter Klub - Duration: 4:42.


Why your roast dinner could be killing you: Indoor pollution from cooking as bad as in city centres, - Duration: 1:34.

 Families should boil rather than roast their Sunday lunch to avoid indoor pollution levels worse than the most toxic cities on Earth, scientists have said

 New research is showing that preparing the traditional meal with the windows shut gives readings up to 13 times worse than in central London on a congested day

 The world's largest gathering of scientists heard that pollutants from roasting include PM2

5 particulates, which are particularly harmful because they are small enough to embed deep into the lungs and, in some cases, even enter the bloodstream

 Experiments during Thanksgiving in the US found that cooking a full roast turkey dinner pushed readings to peak levels of 200 micrograms per

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