Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

Pork Intestine with Five Spices

Pork Intestine with Five Spices

Pork Intestine 400 g

Chinese Kale 10

Chinese Five Spices Stew 1

Shiitake mushrooms 5

Chinese Five Spices Stew Powder 2 tsp

Garlic 5

Basic sauces 3-4 tbsp

Whiskey 1 tbsp

Pepper 1 tsp


Chinese Five Spices Stew


Pork Intestine


Chinese Five Spices Stew Powder

Basic sauces

Boil for 40 min.

Chinese Kale

Shiitake mushrooms

For more infomation >> ไส้พะโล้ Pork Intestine with Five Spices | FoodTravel พารวย - Duration: 11:02.


How to Grow Money plant | Clear Glass Wall Mounted Planter | Money plant Growing Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:06.

welcome to my channel

in this video

i'm going to make a wall mounting planter

for growing money plants

to make this planter

i just use some waste materials


used 200 ml glass juice bottles

aquarium stones, sand, sand stones and colored stones and small gravel chips

i just use a paper horn to put the stones in glass bottle

put some stones or sand in a half of bottle


we have to clean the growing materials

to remove the dust from the stones and sand

fill the water in these all bottles

just shake the bottle and remove water

it's a first cleaning

do this twice

after cleaning

fill the water half of the bottle


wall mounting

making this planter for home decorations and hanging display Planting

we can also make it for mini wall mounting fish aquarium with money plants

it's a superb choice for garden or money plant lovers whom have insufficient counter top or table space for indoor garden


placing some money plant cuttings

after planting

change the water once in 10 days

you can also growing indoor wall or outdoor wall

Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> How to Grow Money plant | Clear Glass Wall Mounted Planter | Money plant Growing Ideas//GREEN PLANTS - Duration: 10:06.


ไส้พะโล้ Pork Intestine with Five Spices | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 2:44.

Pork Intestine with Five Spices

Garlic 5

Chinese Five Spices Stew 1

Whiskey 1 tbsp

Pork Intestine 400 g

Pepper 1 tsp

Chinese Five Spices Stew Powder

Basic sauces 3-4 tbsp

Boil for 40 min

Chinese Kale 10

Shiitake mushrooms 5


For more infomation >> ไส้พะโล้ Pork Intestine with Five Spices | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 2:44.


Misunderstood 'patriotic' songs for the Fourth of July - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> Misunderstood 'patriotic' songs for the Fourth of July - Duration: 5:09.


Hướng Dẫn Đổi Mã Pin, Ngân Hàng Vietinbank, KS Nguyễn Hiếu, - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Hướng Dẫn Đổi Mã Pin, Ngân Hàng Vietinbank, KS Nguyễn Hiếu, - Duration: 2:33.


每場都食雞的秘密(?) - 食雞神器 | PUBG Mobile - Duration: 7:31.

For more infomation >> 每場都食雞的秘密(?) - 食雞神器 | PUBG Mobile - Duration: 7:31.


'Kỹ sư miệt vườn' chế tạo máy rửa sapôchê - Duration: 6:13.

Anh Trần Huỳnh Long lắp ráp máy rửa sapôchê theo đơn đặt hàng - Ảnh: H.THƯƠNG Xuất phát từ nhu cầu của nhiều bà con nông dân, anh Trần Huỳnh Long (34 tuổi, xã Kim Sơn, huyện Châu Thành, tỉnh Tiền Giang) đã chế tạo ra máy rửa trái sapôchê (còn gọi là hồng xiêm), dù chưa qua trường lớp đào tạo

Do chỉ mới học hết lớp 8 nên kiến thức của anh Long chỉ là những gì được tích lũy qua 5 năm làm nghề cơ khí

Sau khi mày mò, nghiên cứu, đến tháng 8-2017 anh Long đã chế tạo ra chiếc máy rửa sapôchê đầu tiên

Anh Long cho biết: "Quá trình tạo ra chiếc máy gặp không ít trục trặc, tôi cùng với vợ phải mất rất nhiều thời gian nghiên cứu và chi phí mới hoàn thiện được chiếc máy như hiện nay"

Chiếc máy rửa sapôchê do anh Long chế tạo có trọng lượng khoảng 200kg, với cấu tạo gồm 3 thiết bị chính là môtơ kéo bằng điện, đầu bơm nước, 4 trục cước

Ngoài ra còn có các phụ kiện gồm bánh xe lớn, nhỏ dùng để di chuyển, van xả nước, trục nâng

  Máy hoạt động với quy trình khá đơn giản, trái sapôchê chỉ cần cho vào máy sẽ được rửa sạch và di chuyển ra thúng đựng

Anh Long cho biết: "Tôi không biết đọc bản vẽ, cũng như chưa bao giờ tốn giấy mực cho việc sáng chế

Tất cả ý tưởng đều được tôi ghi nhớ và thể hiện trong đầu. Khi khách hàng có nhu cầu đặt làm các thiết bị máy móc, họ chỉ cần nói về công dụng, còn ý tưởng, nguyên lý tôi sẽ mày mò ra"

  Theo anh Long, mỗi giờ chiếc máy của anh có thể rửa từ 600-800kg sapôchê, năng suất cao hơn khoảng 10 lần so với rửa bằng phương pháp thủ công

Nhờ sự tiện lợi này, máy rửa sapôchê có thể thay thế sức người, nhất là trong thời điểm lao động khan hiếm

 Việc sáng chế thành công chiếc máy rửa sapôchê đã giúp anh Long cũng như nhiều nhà vườn khác giảm bớt chi phí và thời gian

Hiện nay, máy rửa sapôchê của anh Long đã được đông đảo người dân tin dùng bởi chất lượng khá tốt

Tính đến thời điểm này, anh Long đã sản xuất được 23 chiếc máy rửa sapôchê, mỗi máy được anh bán với giá 30 triệu đồng

  Hiện tại, máy của anh đã có mặt ở nhiều vùng chuyên canh sapôchê của huyện Châu Thành như Vĩnh Kim, Kim Sơn, Phú Phong, Tam Bình

Hiện anh Long đang lắp ráp thêm máy theo đơn đặt hàng của người dân các tỉnh miền Tây

Ông Nguyễn Văn Ta - chủ cơ sở kinh doanh sapôchê ở xã Phú Phong, huyện Châu Thành - cho biết: "Sử dụng máy này rất tiện lợi cho việc rửa sapôchê, tiết kiệm tiền bạc, nhân công, rút ngắn thời gian

Trước đây, cơ sở của tôi thuê lao động rửa sapôchê mỗi ngày tốn tới 3 triệu đồng, nhưng từ khi dùng loại máy này, chi phí đã giảm từ 1-1,5 triệu đồng"

 Đăng ký bản quyền  Ngày 18-6, bà Nguyễn Hồng Thủy, phó giám đốc Sở Khoa học - công nghệ tỉnh Tiền Giang, cho biết sở đã hướng dẫn anh Long làm hồ sơ đăng ký giải pháp hữu ích, để gửi về Cục Sở hữu trí tuệ (Bộ Khoa học - công nghệ)

 Hiện tại anh Long đã nộp hồ sơ và được Cục Sở hữu trí tuệ chấp thuận để cấp nhãn hiệu độc quyền máy rửa trái sapôchê

Sở Khoa học - công nghệ đang có kế hoạch tạo điều kiện để anh Long tiến hành các thủ tục đăng ký thương hiệu và bản quyền cho chiếc máy rửa sapôchê do anh chế tạo

Nông dân tự làm nhà máy thủy điện mini giá rẻ TTO - Rasid, một nông dân không bằng cấp ở Indonesia, đã thành công với dự án làm nhà máy thủy điện mini cung cấp năng lượng cho hơn 600 hộ dân nghèo trong làng với giá chỉ 5 USD/tháng

For more infomation >> 'Kỹ sư miệt vườn' chế tạo máy rửa sapôchê - Duration: 6:13.


(SUB ESPAÑOL)(Pops in seoul)TheEastLight-Lee Seung-Hyun - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> (SUB ESPAÑOL)(Pops in seoul)TheEastLight-Lee Seung-Hyun - Duration: 3:31.


Makku Sa - ¿Como Pagarte ? (Merengue Cover) #CarlosRivera #YovannyPolanco #Cordoba #Argentina - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Makku Sa - ¿Como Pagarte ? (Merengue Cover) #CarlosRivera #YovannyPolanco #Cordoba #Argentina - Duration: 3:58.


FIFA 19 DÉJA MORT ? (FIFA18 MORT) - Duration: 6:20.


For more infomation >> FIFA 19 DÉJA MORT ? (FIFA18 MORT) - Duration: 6:20.


Drawing polymer | Condensation polymerization | Easy way – Dr K - Duration: 4:19.

In this video, we're gonna go through how to draw polymers made through condensation polymerization.

Here's the 101 on condensation polymerization,

which is also called step-reaction polymerization.

During the process of making this polymer, small molecules like water, methanol, ammonia or HCl

is formed as a by-product.

Let me try to explain how this works.

Imagine you have two monomers side by side like this. Part of monomer one is

removed and joins together with part of monomer two and they form the by-products.

This happens on both sides of the monomers.

The remaining monomer is then joined together with a linkage.

In this video, I'm gonna focus on two types of condensation polymer,

specifically polyester and polyamide.

These two polymers will condense out water as the by-product.

Let's start with polyester.

It's made from monomer with hydroxyl and carboxyl group. Now this is important.

Hydroxyl group will give out H. Carboxyl group will give out OH.

Just to be clear, hydroxyl group is OH and carboxyl group is C=O, OH.

You might wonder, What's the big deal? It doesn't matter how I take out H and OH, right?

As long as I get H2O? Well, yeah, but the structure of your polymer will be messed up,

and we don't want that, so, you do wanna pay attention that

H comes from hydroxyl group and OH comes from carboxyl group.

Let's start with two monomers.

The one in blue contains the hydroxyl group the one in green contains the carboxyl group.

Let's take out the water. H from hydroxyl. OH from carboxyl.

Taking them out will form two water molecules.

The remaining monomers will join together like this.

This is the structure of the repeating unit in our polyester.

Make sure we have open-ended bonds on both ends.

Then we place in the bracket and n.

That is the shorthand form of our polyester. If you want to show the

repeating units then you can copy down and write out as many repeating units as you need.

That bond that we made linking together the two parts of the monomers

that is called an ester linkage. Now that we've drawn polyester, let's move on to

polyamide. It's made from monomers containing amino group and carboxyl group.

Similar to polyester, you do want to pay attention to where the water

molecules come from. So it's H from the amino group and

OH from the carboxyl group and the remaining monomers will join together to form polyamide.

Let's try forming polyamide. Look at this monomer.

Do you see that it has two different groups within itself?

We can form polyamide with just this one monomer.

Here's what we'll do. We'll line two of them up side-by-side like this.

Then we'll take out H from amino. OH from carboxyl like this.

Let's copy out the remaining monomers, link them up together like this.

That linkage is called amide linkage. We have drawn out the structure of polyamide showing two repeating units.

If we want to show the shorthand version,

all we have to do is copy out the repeating unit like this, place in the brackets and

'n' on the bottom right and we have the shorthand structure of the polyamide.

Just to recap, polyester is made from monomers with hydroxyl and carboxyl group.

They condense out water and join together through ester linkage.

Polyamide on the other hand is made from monomers with amino and carboxyl group.

They join together through amide linkage.

Lastly, don't forget H comes from hydroxyl or amino group and OH comes from carboxyl group.

Hope you find this video helpful.

Do subscribe. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Drawing polymer | Condensation polymerization | Easy way – Dr K - Duration: 4:19.


When Justin Bieber Wants To Treat Himself, He Has A $500K Lamborghini Aventador Delivered ... - Duration: 1:16.

When Justin Bieber Wants To Treat Himself, He Has A $500K Lamborghini Aventador Delivered ...

Mo money, mo cars! Justin Bieber is livin' the life and we can all just sit back, watch, and be jealous.

Biebs had a brand spanking new, red Lamborghini Aventador delivered on Friday -- not delivered to his house, but delivered to his Montage Resort residence in beautiful Laguna Beach, where he's maxin' and relaxin' for a few days (sans Hailey Baldwin).

Passers-by gawked; Bieber recorded video of the delivery, and all was right with the world.

Of course then Justin took the 730hp whip for a test drive -- watch! .

For more infomation >> When Justin Bieber Wants To Treat Himself, He Has A $500K Lamborghini Aventador Delivered ... - Duration: 1:16.


Suna ha log usy ankh bhar k dekhty hain feat Sanam Baloch - Duration: 3:52.

Suna Hai Log Usay Aankh Bhar Ke Dekhte Hain

So Us Ke Shahar Mein Kuch Din Thehar Ke Dekhte Hain

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

Hello friends, Have you ever come across verbs which end in 'ED' ?



And you have ever became confused whether to pronounce it as 'ta'_ '/t/'


or '/id/' '/id/' '/id/'

or 'da'_ '/d/'

'/d/' ' /d/' '/d/'

Sure, don't worry

I'm here to help you with simple rules.

Whenever the verb ends in

unvoiced ending

Whenever the word ends in unvoiced sound

the 'ED' will be pronounced as 'ta' ('/t/')

For example, consider the verb 'ask'

The past tense of ask is 'asked'


The Past tense of ask is 'A-S-K-E-D'

The 'E-D' will be pronounced as '/t/'

So the past tense of ask is 'asked' (/t/ ending sound)

Similarly, the past tense of confess is 'confessed' (/t/ ending sound)

The past tense of brush is 'brushed' (/t/ ending sound)

Laugh 'Laughed' (/t/ ending sound)

And when you come across the

~words, 'VERBS'

which end in voiced ending

except the verbs end in 'ta (/t/)' or 'da (/d/)'

The 'ed' it should be pronounced as the 'da(/d/)'

For example

For example the past tense of rob rob is 'robbed'

'robbed' (/d/ ending sound)

The past tense of weigh is 'weighed'

'weighed' (/d/ ending sound)

And when you come across the verbs

the verbs that end in 'ta' or 'da'

The past tense For example take 'visit'.

The past tense of visit is 'visited' ('/id/' ending sound)

Bread Breaded ('/id/' ending sound)

It is simple !

Just you have to

The 'ED'

It agrees (with) how the verb ends

If the verbs ends in unvoiced ending then and it should be pronounced as 'ta' '/t/'

And, if the verb end in ta, da

then the 'ED' should be pronounced as '/id/'

and for the remaining voiced sounds

The 'ED' should be pronounced as 'da' '/d/'.

Just simple. That's the way.

Thank you. Bye. This is my first video


For more infomation >> How to pronounce '-ED' in various English verbs ?_ (with CC) - Duration: 3:55.


Camden Ashby - Wandering Son (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:20.

I'm standing in the middle of the street, At an intersection with two signs,

labeled with both genders.

I know deep inside, I'm not what I am in the 'in',

than I am on the outside.

It doesn't feel right.

I'm out there alone, but I'm not the only one,

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

I am the wandering son, The wandering son.

Oh, oh, oh

*music break*

I've known for awhile, but I'm not who I am on the outside,

pretending to be someone I'm not, It makes me feel like I'm locked up,

no place to escape.

(Oh Falling, Falling son)

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

They call me the wandering son, the wandering son.

How do I get to where I want to be?

Do I go in the middle of the intersection?

Where do I go?

Will you guide me?

Guide me, guide me.

Will you guide me?

Guide me, guide me.

Oh, oh, oh (Oh Falling, Falling son)

Tell me, Will you still care?

Will you still love me?

Do you still want to be friends?

I'm feeling so small, I wish I said something earlier,

I'm just the wandering son, the wandering son.

All these moments, are what secrets bore, Searching for hope a thousand miles from where

I am, Darkness chews slowly on my path, oh falling,

falling son, A hunt with no end, no out, only I can find

the prey, I know, this is who I am,

Will you guide me?

Guide me, guide me.

Will you guide me?

Guide me, guide me.

Oh, oh, oh (Oh Falling, Falling son)

I'm out there alone, but I'm not the only one,

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

Will you still love me?

Love me, love me.

I am the wandering son, the wandering son.

For more infomation >> Camden Ashby - Wandering Son (Official Audio) - Duration: 4:20.


Warface: Сумасшедшая неразбериха 5 против 8 - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> Warface: Сумасшедшая неразбериха 5 против 8 - Duration: 13:33.



For more infomation >> 8 ĐIỀU BÍ MẬT VỀ QUẢ DỨA CÓ LẼ NGƯỜI BÁN HÀNG SẼ KHÔNG BAO GIỜ NÓI CHO BẠN - Duration: 3:29.





Conro - Fired Up [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:41.

(Yo, you guys ready to go?)

(Let's go!)

Burn rubber in the red lights

(Red Lights)

Rearview, keep it out of sight

(Out Of Sight)

Flow like a waterfall

Submit to the forces of nature

These habits of mine aren't a major

Burn rubber in the red lights

If life is a highway

Better hit the ground running


We're only surviving


Just trying to feel something


I don't wanna waste no more time

Are you going to come for the ride?

If life is a highway

(oh, ohhh)

Better hit the ground running



Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

(Fired up)

Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Fired up

Just trying to feel something



Better hit the ground running



Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Fired Up

Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Fired Up

Breathe it in, let it all go

(all go)

Keep riding that high hope

(high hope)

Flow like a waterfall

Submit to the forces of nature

We all end up meeting our maker

Breathe it in, let it all go

If life is a highway

Better hit the ground running


We're only surviving


Just trying to feel something


I don't wanna waste no more time

Are you going to come for the ride?

If life is a highway

(oh, ohhh)

Better hit the ground running



Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

(Fired up)

Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Fired up

Just trying to feel something



Better hit the ground running



Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooooh, ooooooh, oooooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

If life is a highway

Better hit the ground running


We're only surviving


Just trying to feel something


I don't wanna waste no more time

Are you going to come for the ride?

If life is a highway

(oh, ohhh)

Better hit the ground running



For more infomation >> Conro - Fired Up [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:41.


[Il retroscena] Muro navale e campi nell'est Europa anti-migranti: ecco l'asse sovranista antiMerkel - Duration: 12:53.

L'austriaco, che è il ministro dell'Interno Herbert Kickl, la mette così: "Campi nei paesi dell'est Europa, ai confini della Ue, dove mandare chi non ha diritto all'asilo e chi non può essere rimpatriato per mancanza di accordi con il paese di origine"

L'italiano, che è il vicepremier e il ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini, aggiunge del suo: "Servono più navi militari nel Mediterraneo per impedire il traffico di esseri umani"

E' il muro navale di cui vagheggia da tempo nelle sue lunghe campagne elettorali

Adesso è convinto di poterlo fare.  Altrimenti, è la minaccia, "l'Italia potrebbe arrivare a ridiscutere la propria quota di finanziamento alla Ue"

  Insieme, Italia e Austria, contano di fare "la rivoluzione copernicana in Europa su immigrazione e asilo"

L'asse Roma-Vienna E' l'asse Roma-Vienna che insidia quello storico Parigi-Berlino dove Angela Merkel – Macron è d'accordo - deve cedere alle pressioni del suo ministro dell'Interno Horst Seehofer (Csu) che vuole, in attesa degli hot spot africani, i respingimenti nei paesi europei di primo arrivo

Cioè Italia, Spagna e Grecia. "Basta con Germania e Francia che dettano legge" è l'ultimatum di Salvini

Che deve però anche guardarsi le spalle dai presunti nuovi alleati austriaci. In fondo sono le rotte del Mediterraneo il problema

Assai meno quelle dell'est.  In vista del vertice informale, ma decisivo, di domenica a Bruxelles sull'immigrazione che è stato allargato a sette paesi –Italia, Spagna, Grecia, Germania, Francia, Bulgaria e Austria – proprio per condividere linee comuni,  i singoli paesi provano nuove e diverse alleanze in incontri bilaterali e vertici di area

E l'Italia, vuoi per il nuovo governo, vuoi per le prove di forza continuamente ingaggiate dal vicepremier Salvini, è centrale nello scacchiere delle alleanze europee

Quello che sta prendendo forma è un asse inedito, chiaramente sovranista, nazionalista e molto a destra, che vede insieme la Berlino della Csu di Seehofer (che sta mettendo a rischio il governo di Angela Merkel e le sue politiche sull'asilo e sui migranti), la Danimarca, l'Austria del giovane Kurz (leader del Partito popolare austriaco, democristiano e conservatore) e i paesi del club di Visegrad (Polonia, repubblica Ceca, Slovacchia e l'Ungheria di Orban)

  "L'Italia non è il confine d'Europa" Ultima arrivata, ma decisiva come un jolly in una mano di poker, l'Italia messa davanti all'ennesimo bivio: continuare le politiche di accoglienza in nome dei principi di solidarietà e umanità sapendo di restare sempre più sola; spostare oltre i suoi confini l'azione di filtraggio delle partenze e contrasto ai trafficanti

Essere confine d'Europa o ultima provincia all'interno dei confini d'Europa. La differenza non è un dettaglio

  Per il governo del cambiamento è una prova difficile. Tra Lega e 5 Stelle ci sono posizioni diverse

I malumori attraversano il Movimento che si ritrova, suo malgrado, a trazione leghista e infastidita del protagonismo di Salvini

Ma adesso premier e vicepremier non possono fare altro che alzare, insieme e d'accordo, il "muro italiano" contro i tentativi più o meno subdoli di scaricare ancora di più sull'Italia la pressione migratoria dall'Africa

  "No a secondary movements" In vista di domenica, a sua volta un vertice informale per preparare quello ufficiale del 28 giugno, ieri il presidente del Consiglio europeo, il polacco Donald Tusk ha avuto un bilaterale a palazzo Chigi con il premier Giuseppe Conte

Che lo ha avvisato: "L'Italia non è disponibile a discutere dei secondary movements (i movimenti interni alla Ue nel paese di primo arrivo, cdr) senza prima aver affrontato l'emergenza dei primary movements  gli sbarchi che l'Italia si ritrova ad affrontare da sola"

  In serata è girata una bozza del documento che sarà discusso domenica con poche novità rispetto alla formula "più Frontex per salvare Schengen", cioè confini esterni più sicuri per evitare di chiudere quelli interni alla Ue

 Il premier è stato esplicito: "Sarebbe inaccettabile arrivare al prevertice di domenica con decisioni non discusse nècondivise prima da tutti i paesi"

Salvini ancora di più: "Se così stanno le cose, è inutile andare. Conte risparmi i soldi del viaggio"

  A rischio Schengen E' la tenuta stessa dell'Europa ad essere messa a rischio in queste ore

E l'Italia, come la Spagna e la Grecia, potrebbe ritrovarsi ad essere usata come un gigantesco hot spot del sud Europa

Se Conte è stato chiaro con Tusk, occorre capire se i nuovi alleati di Salvini – l'Austria che sta assumendo la guida del semestre europeo - non stiano invece facendo un insopportabile doppio gioco

Ecco che il bilaterale al Viminale – da una parte il vicecancelliere Heinz Christian Strache e il ministro dell'Interno Herbert Kickl, dall'altra il ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini – è diventato importante tanto quanto quello a palazzo Chigi tra Conte e Tusk

Salvini ha messo subito le cose in chiaro: "Se qualcuno in Europa pensa che l'Italia debba continuare ad essere punto di approdo e campo profughi, ha sbagliato a capire"

Parole che arrivano nette a Parigi, a Berlino e anche al tavolo dove siedono gli ospiti austriaci

Salvini ha spiegato che "l'Italia ha pronto un suo piano", che serve una "maggiore protezione delle frontiere europee" e se ora nella missione navale di contrasto Thenis sono impiegate 32 navi di cui 30 italiane, "Bruxelles s' impegni ad inviarne di più"

Avanzando poi il posizionamento in mare a ridosso delle acque libiche, i gommoni riuscirebbero con grandi difficoltà ad uscire dalla competenza libica

Il ministro dell'Interno andrà presto a Tripoli per aggiornare e potenziare gli accordi con le autorità locali

  Il manifesto austriaco Il ministro e il vicecancelliere austriaco hanno illustrato una sorte di manifesto di quello che sarà il loro semestre di presidenza

La "rivoluzione copernicana" in tema di immigrazione e asilo passa da "un ribaltamento di paradigma": "Basta con i trafficanti che decidono tempi e modi dei flussi migratori e i politici che seguono a ruota per riparare i danni"

La nuova "alleanza di volenterosi e fattivi" deve essere "allargata" (dunque "benvenuta Italia")

  Il concetto di solidarietà va "invertito" per cui occorre occuparsi "prima dei nostri concittadini e ridare loro fiducia"

Lotta totale alla "trama criminale dei trafficanti che ha messo radici in tutta Europa"

Come si realizza tutto questo?  Gli hot spot in Africa, potenziamento degli accordi di rimpatrio, rafforzamento dei presidi alle frontiere europee e di Frontex, l'agenzia che dovrebbe proteggerli

Ma sono interventi che richiedono tempo. Serve qualcosa adesso, "per dare messaggi chiari ai trafficanti e a chi si mette in viaggio"

Il ministro Kickl ha così spiegato che "è in sperimentazione anche con la Danimarca il progetto di creare nei paesi balcanici (Serbia, Albania e Montenegro, ndr) campi dove mandare i migranti che non hanno avuto l'asilo e che non possono essere rimpatriati per mancanza di accordi con i paesi di origine"

Un luogo dove migliaia di stranieri finirebbero per stare in attesa di essere rimpatriati

 "Dobbiamo pur segnare la differenza tra chi ha diritto a restare e chi no" ha aggiunto

Non si tratterebbe di un campo profughi come quello che l'Europa paga alla Turchia

Sarebbe un'evoluzione assai peggiore: un gigantesco Cie europeo appena fuori dall'Europa, però

Serbia, Albania e Montenegro ne avrebbero come beneficio molti soldi e, probabilmente, uno snellimento delle procedure per entrare nella Ue

  I morti? Chiedere a scafisti e buonisti   Ieri era la giornata mondiale dei profughi e dei migranti

Unhcr e Oim hanno rivelato i dati delle partenze, gli arrivi, degli oltre ventimila che sono stati rimpatriati dal Niger

E dei morti: 857 in questi primi mesi dell'anno. Nei vari vertici di giornata nessuno ha speso una parola per loro, i senza nome, vite, e quindi affetti, relazioni, storie, perse in mare e di cui non sapremo mai nulla

A domanda Salvini ha risposto: "Questi 800 morti a cui aggiungo anche i quattromila degli ultimi anni, pesano sulle coscienze degli scafisti e dei buonisti"

I colleghi austriaci hanno condiviso e sottoscritto.  In onore al nuovo asse.

For more infomation >> [Il retroscena] Muro navale e campi nell'est Europa anti-migranti: ecco l'asse sovranista antiMerkel - Duration: 12:53.


cách các cao thủ tiết lộ về chơi bài bịp - cờ bạc bịp mới nhất hiện nhất lh 0868025555 - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> cách các cao thủ tiết lộ về chơi bài bịp - cờ bạc bịp mới nhất hiện nhất lh 0868025555 - Duration: 8:34.


Kyrie, Nick & the Uncle Drew ...

For more infomation >> Kyrie, Nick & the Uncle Drew ...


Caglar Soyuncu to Arsenal £30m enough but no official approach despite agent claims ● News Now ●#AFC - Duration: 1:57.

Arsenal will likely convince Freiburg to sell Caglar Soyuncu if they make a move worth £30m.

But the Gunners are yet to launch an official offer for the centre-half.

Soyuncu is on Unai Emery's radar to help strengthen his defensive options ahead of

next season.

The 22-year-old is keen on a switch to the Emirates and his agent has talked up Arsenal's


Mustafa Dogru said: "Arsenal have not held official talks with us, Sven Mislintat is

keen on him but we are currently not in direct negotiations with the club.

"We have made it clear to Freiburg that Caglar wants to leave over the summer.

"Freiburg are happy to go ahead with a transfer but only for the right price.

Playing in the Premier League is what most footballers aim for."

Soyuncu has admitted himself he hopes he goes to Arsenal.

And Sky Germany say while Bundesliga club Freiburg are reluctant sellers, £30m would

probably see a deal struck.

A fee of £35m has been mooted, meaning Arsenal may be able to save on the highly-rated defender.

There has been no official approach from the Gunners to date.

But Arsenal's head of recruitment Sven Mislintat has scouted the player extensively.

Meanwhile, they are signing Sokratis Papastathopoulos from Borussia Dortmund for £17.7m.

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

I was hungry but at the same time I wanted to draw so I grabbed a banana a Sharpie pen

and started doodling

The problem I ran into is that the skin of the banana was not soaking up the ink

So eventually I switched to using a sharpie marker and that seemed to work

Okay, but after about five minutes, it wasn't soaking up the ink

but I still pushed on and kept trying I tried to make something out of this drawing and

After all, I wasn't too worried about it. I was gonna throw the peel the banana way after all eventually

I switched using a paint marker and I took the paint marker

I painted one side of the bayonet completely black then I got a white gel pen

I started drawing over that if you notice something sounds different or things sound better. It's because right now I'm using a different microphone

I upgraded from the new where 700 I was using before and now I'm using the audio technica at2020

I think it has a better base and it really captures how my voice really sounds

The better audio makes me a lot more confident when I'm doing voiceover for these videos

I have a lot of surprises planned in your future and I'm glad you here along with me on my journey as an artist

I'll leave a link to this microphone in the description of this video

thank you for watching subscribe and

Wherever you are. Have a good night

For more infomation >> Drawing on Bananas with Sharpie Marker - Duration: 1:15.


さて、選手以上に注目を集めているのは西野監督だ。大会前のテストマッチで負けても「危機感はまったくない」とノー天気な発言をして批判も集まったが、1試合目でメディアは手のひら返しである。 本番わずか2カ… - Duration: 2:45.

  さて、選手以上に注目を集めているのは西野監督だ。大会前のテストマッチで負け も「危機感はまったくない」とノー天気な発言をして批判も集まったが、1試合目でメデ アは手のひら返しである

  本番わずか2カ月前に就任して、どうやって「戦う集団」に変貌させたのか。   ハリルホジッチ前監督は全て否定から入り、日本人の苦手なフィジカルコンタクトなどを 化していた

それとは一転、西野監督は肯定から入り、日本人が得意なパスでつなぐ戦術に切り換えた とで、ハリル時代にゲンナリしていた選手が生き返ったように伸び伸びと練習しています (スポーツ紙記者)   ハリル時代は規制のオンパレードで、ゲーム形式の練習では選 同士で戦術の確認をすることも禁止されていたという

 「選手間の会話は圧倒的に増えました。ドリブルを得意とするMF乾貴士(30)、 F原口元気(27)、FW武藤嘉紀(25)は3人で集まって、『お前はこのドリブルを たほうがいい』などとアドバイスを送り合っていた

ハリル時代にはなかった一体感がチームに生まれています」(六川氏)   西野監督は 正なルックスで、選手時代から憎らしいほど「モテ男」だったようだが、Jリーグの監督 代もファンのハートをワシづかみにしていたのだ

 「無口でクールキャラなのに、ある日の試合後、知り合いに声をかけられると、『お ! 久しぶり!』と言って首につけていたネックウォーマーを外してポンと投げたんです

そのしぐさも爽やかな表情もアイドル並みで、周りにいた観客はキュンと胸を高鳴らせて た」(柏レイソルサポーター)   J1で歴代最多の270勝と結果を出してきた西野 督は、昔から勝負事にかけても強運の持ち主であった

 「ギャンブルの趣味はないのですが、出演したラジオ番組の企画などで2回だけ馬券 買ったことがある。その2回とも勘で選んで万馬券を的中させています」(サッカーライ ー)   運勢をも味方につけた頼れる指揮官に、小宮氏も太鼓判を押す

 「西野監督はいわゆる殿様タイプ。リーダーとしてふるまうことに慣れているし、肝 据わっています。その点、これまで日本サッカー協会で務めていた技術委員長の職務は、 くまで監督の補佐役なので、まったく向いてなかった(笑)」   かくして、ハリルと ッバイして、結果オーライに

For more infomation >> さて、選手以上に注目を集めているのは西野監督だ。大会前のテストマッチで負けても「危機感はまったくない」とノー天気な発言をして批判も集まったが、1試合目でメディアは手のひら返しである。 本番わずか2カ… - Duration: 2:45.


(Vietsub) Don't wanna learn - Not a robot - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> (Vietsub) Don't wanna learn - Not a robot - Duration: 3:24.


BT21 Merchandise creat by BTS - Duration: 1:44.

BTS and BT21 Merchandise

Korean bakery chain, Paris Baguette, held a special BT21 "lucky box" day for fans, in honor of their upcoming LINE FRIENDS collaboration

Paris Baguette hosted this promotional event at their Yangjae-dong, Myeong-dong, and Shinchon stores.

Two days before the event, Paris Baguette announced their plans to take part in special BT21 collaboration products, which include edible goodies and BT21 merch. The official launch date for this collab is July 1.

To kick off the excitement, Paris Baguette invited BTS fans to come out and pick up a "lucky box".

Each of these mystery boxes contained an assortment of BT21 related treats…

…such as random BT21 merchandise…

…character cups…

…and tasty cookies!

The first 210 customers to purchase Lucky Boxes also received bonus presents: gift cards and ice cream.

BT21 fans just couldn't wait to purchase their very own, limited-time Lucky Box.

For more infomation >> BT21 Merchandise creat by BTS - Duration: 1:44.


雙贏選擇!曝杜蘭特提前告知勇士將續約,簽1+1合約明夏再跳出! - Duration: 1:32.

 7月1日,在自由市場還沒有正式開啟的時候,多位記者就已經爆 ,杜蘭特跟勇士敲定了續約合同,他將會簽下一份1+1形式的頂薪 約,等到下賽季結束,再跳出合同試水自由市場

 下賽季杜蘭特的薪水將是3050萬,如果他今年簽長約,起 是3500多萬,杜蘭特會少賺一些。但如果他等到明夏跳出後跟勇 簽長約(最高5年2.19億),可以拿到的薪水更多

 總的來說,杜蘭特這樣的選擇算是雙贏。如果他明夏跟勇士簽5 續約,算上下賽季就等於把6年的收入最大化了(接近2.5億)。 時他也幫勇士節省了下賽季的奢侈稅,騰出一點點空間的靈活性

   勇士記者安東尼-斯萊特已經報導稱,勇士下賽季計畫只簽 4人,剩一個空缺留到季中在看,說不定簽一份雙向合約來填補,也 為了減少奢侈稅負擔。  不過,杜蘭特的選擇也讓勇士在明年夏天 前景多了更多不確定,因為屆時他們也將面臨K湯續約(同時還有搬 至舊金山的問題)

要同時保住四巨頭,成本實在太高昂。等到K湯試水自由市場,必然 引起多支球隊的關注,包括他的家鄉球隊湖人。    對於杜蘭特 說,自2016年開始,他每年都要跳出合同試水自由市場,想必也 挺心累的一件事

但為了冠軍,為了自己,他必須這麼做。  也有專家認為,如果勇 下賽季實現了三連冠偉業,杜蘭特更是沒有離開的理由。明夏他就3 歲,簽下最後一份超級頂薪合同的時機也非常完美,但下賽季關於他 隊的流言會有多少,還要取決於勇士表現如何

For more infomation >> 雙贏選擇!曝杜蘭特提前告知勇士將續約,簽1+1合約明夏再跳出! - Duration: 1:32.


How To Fill Bihar Board Intermediate/11th Admission Online Form | Graduation Form 2018 |Step By Step - Duration: 9:57.

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Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

Hey there shrimp folk have you ever actually seen a shrimp being born?

I've got something cool to show you from the crystal red tank here

I was looking in on the crystal reds and one of them was up in the roots the

floating plants acting a little bit different than usual so I pulled out my

cell phone to zoom in and get a closer look as soon as I zoomed I knew exactly

what was happening so I called my wife over to see there's not many shrimp

patching videos on the internet so this was pretty lucky

flip Aquatics had a really good one of a blue bolt birth by Jeff ma last year

that's about the only really high quality one out there I wish I could

have got it one just as high quality but all I had was the cell phone I'll link

to that video at the end of this one look you can see he's coming out now

look at the little legs going and there he's free all right little guy just born

now we'll watch it and again in slow motion

For more infomation >> Shrimp Hatching - Baby Crystal Red Shrimp being born (2018) - Duration: 2:03.


柯P談光榮城市?丁守中:年輕人都用腳投票了 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 柯P談光榮城市?丁守中:年輕人都用腳投票了 - Duration: 3:50.


[ENG SUB] MusicRadio Interview_20141031_Hua Chenyu_华晨宇_专辑电台采访_全球流行音乐金榜 - Duration: 38:29.

Audience from the globe. Welcome to our Friday's program of Special Guests of Golden Billboard

Special Guests of Golden Billboard.

I don't know that many people with the surname of Hua

I learnt about Master Doctor Hua Tuo when I read Three Kingdoms

Then at elementary school in math classes, I got to know a mathematician Hua Luogeng

Today, as a DJ of radio, it is my honor to get to know Hua Chenyu

Welcome Hua Hua, Hua Chenyu

Hello Hello. How are you dear host?

What is the name of the host? His name is Kevin. Let's do it again

Hello Kevin. How are you?

Please say it again in front of this microphone louder

Hello Kevin, dear host, how are you

It seems that the microphone is not on. No worry, I will let them

turn it up later. Now let's welcome Hua Hua, Hua Chenyu

Please try this microphone.


Great, it is coming on

Okay. Welcome Hua Chenyu. Hua: Hello everyone

I am Hua Hua Hua Chenyu. Host: So it should be pronounced as Hua (fourth tone)

as in Hua Tuo. Hua: that is alright. It should be pronounced as Hua ( fourth tone)

But I have been called Hua (second tone) Chenyu since I was a kid by my friend

But it should have been Hua (fourth tone). Host: So you've got used to it

Okay, today let's welcome

Hua (Fourth tone) Chenyu

Today, you brought your brand new album, which is also your first

Hua: Right. Host: Quasimodo's Gift

For this, I have to praise Hua Hua's fans

I sent out a microblog earlier

I said: they all say that the ETs (Hua's fans) are great

If I get 10,000 comments on this microblog

that would be incredible

And then, as expected

before I got on the air, I checked, there have been over 3000, almost 4000 comments already

That is too quick

And, also my first copy of Quasimodo's Gift didn't come from your company

Instead, it came from

a fan called Qiqi from your Beijing Fan's Club

She mailed it to me. Your fans did it

I said, oh my God. There are really a lot of considerations

I have heard that they would, they would

mail many

albums of mine to radio stations

Right, those that would review

So hosts like us in the media doing musical programs

would all get a copy of Quasimodo's Gift

Okay, today, let's welcome Quasi

The Hua Chenyu I see today

is wearing an outfit with similar colors as mine

The same colors.. Red Red

You may not see it. We can describe it

It is all red. You like red right?

Yes, my favorite color is red. Host: Oh, it is really so

When I first got Quasimodo's Gift, I saw that its cover was white

with green inserts

Can you first introduce this album for us?

First of all

Quasimodo's Gift

This album

is named in this way because

there is a song with the same name in it

It is also called Quasimodo's Gift. I wrote the song myself

I was on a trip to Europe

Inside a church of Europe

I saw a very abstract painting then

In that painting, there was an abstract

figure of man

Right, that was an abstract painting.

After seeing that painting,

I felt a kind of unspeakable


Then I got an inspiration

And after I returned home

I wrote down the song right away

After composing

I had wanted to find good lyrics for it

I received many submissions

I came across the current lyrics and title by chance

Quasimodo. He was the character who knocks the bell in Norte Dame in Paris

The creep in the bell tower

He has a rather

abstract looking

Very similar to the man figure

I saw in the painting

It is a rather tragic figure

He's got sadness and loneliness in him

When I thought of him

it would recall a church, a man who knocks the bell

So it completely matches with

what I have written in the song

Therefore, I like it very much.

And also, this name

represents the theme of the whole album well

which has a sense of loneliness

Therefore, I use it to name the whole album

Quasimodo's Gift

The creep in the bell tower, is a kind man.

But others take advantage of him due to his ugly looks

In their eyes, he is very ugly

They use him. Hua: Yeah, he is rather naive

He is very naive and kind. Also, he is absolutely lonely

to the point of being sick

He loves to guard the bell tower alone

and acts as a lonely person. Is that like yourself?

When I saw the name then, I felt for it

First of all

I feel that I resemble him in many places

First of all, I am also

Host: I know that you are an innocent young boy

But I can be cynical sometimes.

Okay, we can talk about that more

But I am thinking

the voice that I hear in this album

including the songs you sing at Beijing's news release conference

One is called Glimmer

That song is also very subtle

What you are hearing in the air right now is Hua Chenyu's Glimmer

When you sung this song, did you have a kind of ...

since it feels very different from Let You Go

It went very gently and smoothly

In this song

How should I put it

I love the melody very much

because I felt that it is very simple


it is very catchy

And I like its feelings

I like the lyrics of Glimmer very much

That is glimmer

It is very much similar to my own characters

That is

I am the kind who doesn't like to be the Sun

Who wants to shine on all people

The kind that generates light and heat all the time

I am not that kind of person who likes to step out and actively helping a lot of people

I am the kind of person

who only steps out when you need me

just like the glimmer

So when you need it

it will step out. Although it is faint, but as long as it shines on you alone, it is Okay.

You come here for our noon program. It feels so right

Noon program? Why? Host: You are so warm

Glimmer, cannot match the Sun, but it feels like the sound of a small furnace.

So you might consider to come here?

Your second job?

Not bad.

Now let's hear it and let Hua Chenyu to have a break.

Glimmer from Hua Chenyu

Maybe I am just a glimmer

But I want to give you bright lights

I would rather get myself hurt

In dark nights

Gently for you

to shine on you lonely

Just let me be a glimmer

That let you have bright lights

In times of loneliness

No matter where you fly

I will shine

Giving you endless


This is another

very warm voice

It feels sweat and fragrant

After hearing the song, it gives us a feeling of wanting to get closer

This is what this song, Glimmer, gives us in first impressions

It changes with different person. Everyone feels differently after hearing the song.

I believe that many people will be touched when listening

I see Hua Chenyu wearing a mouth cover today

because he has to wear one as a celebrity

because so many people know you

and so you have to cover your face and eyes everytime

How long have you had this hair style?

Since Sept. 27, 2013, the day you won the Super Boy competition

you have never changed, have you?

But I have longer hair than before

Much longer than before

It can cover my eyes now

Originally it was reaching eye-brows only

I am too lazy to cut it. I feel that

It is quite cool

When you do ice bucket challenge

It would make people feel that

your hair are all wet

But what I really wanted to say a moment ago is

what many ETs (fans) are worrying about

One of them said that: " Hua Hua, you got protect your skin"

Because of skin breaks outs recently. And this process of dealing with it could be a way of no return

You don't know when it is going to go away.

Hua Hua said that his skin is not in a good condition when we turned on the microphone

Yes, I am having a terrible skin break out recently

But I am dealing with it medically

Are you using some Chinese Medicine, to tune your self?

It doesn't matter, it is still my puberty.

Puberty at 24? Are you kidding?

The next song we are going to hear is called "Pillow Side Story"

This song belongs to the category of, as you have mentioned in your concert,

love of first sight. Hua: Yes

When I heard the song... This song is

is a song that I collected

When I heard the melody of the song

I felt at the moment that it conveys a

subtle feeling. Host: Subtle feeling?

Yes, subtle feeling

And at that time, this song had

English lyrics

When I heard the lyrics, I felt that

the lyrics was not what I wanted


when I sung the song, I need to inject a new life to it

I said that I wanted

very romantic lyrics, and I wanted to make it like

what you would say to the woman of your love laying at bedside every night

the atmosphere of telling a story at pillow side to sooth her to sleep

Right. And ..

then I received this lyrics

I loved it. It matched with the melody completely

It is very romantic. Also, when I was singing

I imagined that I was singing at the ear of a person

That word is "Whispering"

Right? Gently

I sung very gently, just like when I was talking secretly

Hi everyone. What you are listening is Hua Chenyu's

whispering voice. It is very gently

I had a rather rude inquiry asking if you had food?

I told you, yes indeed, he hadn't eaten

Really hadn't had food for lunch

Let's hear this song from Hua Hua Hua Chenyu. Pillow Side Story

A frog

The frog sing a song for her everyday

The king and the queen

are all against him

But the princess says

He is the love of my heart

I cannot just say "Good Bye" to him like this

Who knows

The little frog turns to a prince

Bringing his princess

escapes the palace

They run to a place

where no one can bother them

Ever since then

The two

live happily after together

This is the fairy tale of him and her

Who knows that

The little frog turns into a prince

Bringing his princess

Escapes the palace

Run away to a place

where no one bothers them

Since then, the two

live happily together

This is the fairy tale of him and her

Tomorrow, I will

tell another pillow side story for you

Tonight the moon wants to sleep also

In your ears

say good-night

Welcome everyone back to our program of Global Music Golden Billboard again

Entering the segment of Super Guest, Hua Chenyu's time

Welcome Hua Hua: Hua: Hello everyone

Okay, you have removed your mouth cover

Today let's share Hua Chenyu's Quasimodo's Gift

Let's share it at this live show

Hua Hua, let me share my reactions of listening to the songs.

As a radio DJ, we always have feedbacks

I love especially in this album the song

Let you go. Not only because you composed it as the

main song, but because after hearing the whole album

I love the song instantly

The chorus of the song is very good

especially when you are depressed or down

When you hear the first phrase of the chorus

that is very punchy. Let's feel it.

When you are bothered, and suddenly you hear:

Let you go, don't get close to me

I only live for finding own truth

This first word is straight to the point

It needs to be like

Let you go

Do not get close to me


When recording this song

every "Let you go" is different. Hua: Yes, very one is different

The first one is very gentle

Very very light, as if it has not entered the chorus

Could you introduce your composition of this song?

When I wrote this song

what is interesting is that this song

doesn't have a lot of stories

It is just

that I spent as much time as the song lasts to compose it

I got it done in first try

That easy?

When I just arrived home

because I need one more song for my album

I needed a rock song of medium speed

Then I said, let me try at home to compose one

So, when I arrived at home

I turned on the recording pen of my phone

I got to the piano

After the first note and the prelude

I started to sing

I finished after the first time

After the first note, I have got the inspiration

I have got the melody in my head

So I finished the song. After singing

I heard it and felt it was pretty good and didn't do any touch ups.

Wow, this is really a one-time thing

Also, I feel that this kind song of natural composition

can move others especially effectively

Right right. Because I have the

same zodiac as Hua Chenyu, but I am four year's older

Too old

But I want to say that

everyone felt a sense of catharsis. Hua: Yes it is very cathartic

But a hundred audience will have 100 types of feelings. One hundred?

Everyone has different opinion. But for this song

ranked number one on our billboard this week

and in Douban music town

where there are a lot of grounded musicians

who can communicate with both the minority of listeners and the pulic

I saw that Let you go was ranked as Number one there also the day before yesterday

That is very cool, really cool

That is the public's opinion. That is great

Right, very cool. Host: you are kind of obtuse and cute

That is good

Let's hear it: Let you go by Hua Chenyu

That is great

Hua Chenyu and I heard this song with ear phones

We have been rocking with our heads

Is your head sore?

When I sing on stage, I always rock my head

Dang dang dang dang. When I saw

your Beijing Concert... Oh actually Beijing release conference

When you sing Glimmer, yer were quite. One hand in pocket

in white shirt, white sleeves

You were settled. But when you sing Let You Go

You cannot control the self inside of you

Yes, yes. I would get crazier

Up to now, what is that craziest thing

that you remember

on stage. Can you find one?

Craziest moment on stage?

Crazy moments on stage?

When I am on stage, I get crazy every single time

I get crazy on every song

Actually, on stage, I would be very carefree

On the contrary, off stage, I cannot be

as carefree

Yeah, I find that you have two poler sides. That is obvious

When it comes to music, you are not you

Yeah, right. I would get into another world

I would

throw myself deep into that atmosphere of music

and I would.... eh.... I would

When I lost my consciousness completely

I would get really crazy

I feel that a musician needs to get into this kind of feeling

That is like morphing into another personna

This morphing process is needed for musicians

Then there could be suprises. Hua: Once the microphone is on hand

Host: Change, let's go

Okay, we had a good time talking today

I want to ask, since 2013

starting from your championship till this year's

concerts on Sept. 6th and 7th, two in a roll,

and also on Sept. 19th, if I remember correctly

plus this album, Quasimodo's Gift

It seems right. I forget

I remember for you

This (schedule) is so packed.

It is quite a fast pace for releasing albums for a singer

Eh.. Right. Host: Since your debut till the release of your album

from promotion to concert....Do you feel your life is tiresome?

No, not at all. Not tiresome at all

Since my debut

till now, I have never felt tiresome in my life

Although sometime, as an entertainer

it is possible that ....

for example when my fans know my schedule

they may feel that I am too busy

may feel that it is very trying for me

But actually, I feel alright. Because during my working process

I enjoy it very much

So I don't feel tiresome

For example, to release my album


doing concert. Actually because I like music

I will release albums with my composed songs

and to sing in the concert

that is not very different from when I was a student

Because when I was at school, I was in a band

And at that time, except school

I would stay at home.. except when I have classes

I would rest at home. Now after my debut

it is also that I would rest at home after work

It is the same, as long as you imagine it to be the same, it is the same

That is really good-enjoying the moment. Hua: Yes, pretty good

But your skin break out is telling me that you need rest

When you need the rest then rest. We are thinking that

When you were on the show of "Diva on the Road", at that time you were very authentic

That is a reality show

We saw a Hua Chenyu who had trouble getting out of bed in the morning

and got really energized during night sometimes

And got along with the sisters on the show really well


Was that the real you without reservations?

Yeah without reservations. Because I wouldn't mind the camera to begin with. Host: how they are placed.

Whether it is on or not. Hua: Because

the director told me that

Hua Hua you don't need to care about the cameras, whether it is following you

when taping for the program. You just have to treat them as air

It was lucky for me that when I was competing in the Superboy program

that is

during the competition, all of us

lived in a castle. In the castle

there were cameras 24 hours without any blind spot

That is to say

If the outside wanted to see us

they can log onto the web and saw us live

for what we were doing

We got used to the cameras

we didn't care that much

we could take it easy in front of cameras

Very calm. Hua: Yes right.

Whatever it is, it is. Host: Nothing hidden

No, completely none

Let me ask you a rather gossipy question, the ETs might choke me for it

If you were born several years earlier

Born earlier? Host: Yes, born earlier

Would you choose to ....

with Xu Qing ...( An elder actress that Hua met at Diva on the Road)

Would you have spent more time with her?

For example.... Hua: You are talking about developing ...

Host: like a boyfriend and girlfriend?

Born earlier?

For 20 or 30 years, that is not right? Host: Be careful about what you say!

Born earlier for that many years approximately? Host: yes

Yeah, it is possible that we would become very good friends

I wouldn't know details otherwise

After all, I was born so many years later

The kind of friendship between an elder sister and younger brother looked really genuin

Is that because that you both mentioned

that you understood each other well in interviews?

You saw a female version of yourself?

She is another version of me?


It's like you are bonded

It is just that we communicate well

Although she is older than me

we don't have a big generation gap

That is beautiful. Okay, I am satisfied

Okay, after the ad, let's hear more songs

Thanks to Hua Hua. Welcome everyone back to our Golden Billboard program with Special Guests

I am DJ Kevin. This is Hua Hua, Hua Chenyu. Welcome

Hello everyone, I am Hua Chenyu

We have heard many good songs today

We are going to hear another song. I would like to mention that

to those ETs who want to kill me, I was wrong!

They were like: are you trying to die asking this kind of questions?

Today, it is also for Hua Chenyu's protection

I wanted to ask myself more questions but

I find that in many songs, for example

in frequent promotion gigs,

you have more time to sing right Hua Hua?

Right. Host: Right in front of the audience

Apart from music

I saw some behind the scenes of your MV

that had been released, I saw that you

acted as Quasimodo

Little Quasi

You had good lines

Have you seen my note on the window?

Right? The words of "See you again"

Do you feel that being an actor

is a good or better choice for you?


I feel it is fun. It depends on the role

First of all, because it is my MV


when the director wrote the script

it was based on

his impression of me

He set the role for me

it was also done according to the style of the song

to create the role

He let me to be myself when acting

That was really easy

You yourself has a strong sense of loneliness

It tells people that

you can live completely alone independently

and not bothered by the outside

I was pretty happy when acting

It was really fun at that time

In that MV, did you play the role from Pirates of Caribbean?

No I didn't. That was not me

That was the female lead. Host: Scary

The next song is "Travel Around"

What is this song about?

Travel around... emm...

it is just about

traveling and exploring

You almost dodged my question

It's lyrics are clear

This song

was composed by

a great band abroad

They wrote the song

and I collected it

The lyrics matches with the melody pretty well

and there are no special stories

it is quite alright

It is quite alright, but the arrangement sounds pretty sophisticated

I just like it

You simply like it

This sounds great

Now, Travel Around , by Hua Chenyu

This song is Travel Around brought by Hua Chenyu

Many friend like this song very much. We've heard about 2/3 of the song

We would like to thank Hua Chenyu specially

as the Special Guest of Golden Billboard

Thank you very much. Are there anything you want to tell about your future works?

Where are you going to go for example?

What kind of work?

Recently, erhh I will... Because our company is preparing a ten year anniversary celebration

No matter what, I am going to collaborate with an artist

Collaborate with an artist?

Right, right

No matter what, you are going to collaborate with an artist

That goes...

Okay, okay

Then there will be performances,

I might go to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

Maybe I need to go. I don't know the details yet

I know that this album

sold well in Taiwan and Hong Kong

And on some local billboards of Taiwan

this album is top ranked. It has win top spots

This is what I heard from reports. I believe it is true

That is really great. I hope that Quasimodo's Gift

can allow the audience sensing the full sincerity of Hua Chenyu's first album

A somewhat self-asserting work

Thank you very much then. You are going for lunch?

Okay, Bye Bye. Take care of your skin

Thank you, thank you Hua Chenyu. Bye Bye

Hello, I am DJ Kevin, Wenchao. I just sent Hua Hua Hua Chenyu away. I couldn't quite settle down yet

He brought his brand new album, and he is a musician that I appreciate a lot

A young musician who brought the album of "Quasimodo's Gift"

which allowed many audience to have shared this musical time with Hua Hua

Today, I sent a challenging microblog

If it gets more than 10,000 comments by fans

it would be unbelievable for me

Lastly, let me share the result.

After an hour, the total number of comments reached

12,551, and forwarded 2,800 times

470,000 reads

what the


That is too great

So the ETs did what they said, which proves

Hua Hua's popularity and he really deserves the support

Hope that you get hooked on to the songs

in Quasimodo's Gift

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] MusicRadio Interview_20141031_Hua Chenyu_华晨宇_专辑电台采访_全球流行音乐金榜 - Duration: 38:29.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


러시아, ㅅ시리아에 차세대 중거리 SAM 체계인 S-350 Vityaz 배치. - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> 러시아, ㅅ시리아에 차세대 중거리 SAM 체계인 S-350 Vityaz 배치. - Duration: 5:50.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Connect Edition - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Connect Edition - Duration: 0:53.


Casas de tipo media y residencial han sido las más demandadas. Plano Informativo, único periódico - Duration: 1:41.

San Luis Potosí, SLP.- El primer semestre del año, ha sido positivo para los desarrolladores de vivienda, por la edificación de casas-habitación de tipo media y residencial, porque son las más demandadas, debido al crecimiento económico industrial que se tiene en la capital potosina, aunque todavía existe un buen número de trabajadores que demandan viviendas de tipo económico, ya que es el sector que más lo requieren y al que deben atenderse

El gerente y vocero de la Cámara Nacional de Promotores y Desarrolladores de Vivienda (Canadevi), Ignacio Gómez Martínez, aseguró que con la nueva Ley de Desarrollo Territorial que incluye la Ley de Asentamientos Humanos de acuerdo a lo establecido por la Sedatu, y haciendo las modificaciones necesarias al nuevo Plan de Centro de Población Estratégico, se logrará duplicar el número de viviendas para el próximo año entre 8 mil y 10 mil, principalmente de tipo económico que es la gran demanda

Explicó que Villa de Reyes es un municipio importante, debido al crecimiento industrial que se está dando, por lo que es donde se requiere llevar a cabo más fraccionamientos, principalmente de tipo económico, con el fin de que los trabajadores puedan tener sus hogares cerca de sus centros laborales

"La vivienda de tipo económica es la que se requiere, es por eso que a través de la Ley se espera tener mejores resultados, de la vivienda media ha subsanado lo de la económica, pero no es suficiente, así es que esperamos que se puedan desarrollar lo antes posible"

Recordó que actualmente construyen entre 4 mil y 5 mil viviendas nuevas, por lo que con la nueva Ley se podrá duplicar dicha cifra para el próximo año

For more infomation >> Casas de tipo media y residencial han sido las más demandadas. Plano Informativo, único periódico - Duration: 1:41.


ニュース - 世界に一台、「ブルー・ポッツィ」のラ・フェラーリ。所有者はピンク・フロイドのドラマー - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> ニュース - 世界に一台、「ブルー・ポッツィ」のラ・フェラーリ。所有者はピンク・フロイドのドラマー - Duration: 4:12.


(Ep 3) Lets Play Parasite Eve ll #Ps1 #Live Gameplay - Duration: 2:02:10.

For more infomation >> (Ep 3) Lets Play Parasite Eve ll #Ps1 #Live Gameplay - Duration: 2:02:10.


お洒落で便利!ニトリの洗い桶を水槽にしてみたよ♪ - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> お洒落で便利!ニトリの洗い桶を水槽にしてみたよ♪ - Duration: 1:01.


Sostuvieron una conversación telefónica luego de que Canadá anunciara nuevos aranceles a producto - Duration: 3:17.

El presidente de EE.UU., Donald Trump, sostuvo una conversación telefónica con el primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, que ocurrió en medio de la tensión entre los países, luego de que el Gobierno del vecino país anunciara nuevos aranceles a productos estadounidenses

"El presidente Trump habló anoche con el primer ministro Trudeau de Canadá para discutir sobre comercio y otros asuntos económicos", dijo hoy a la prensa que acompaña al mandatario este fin de semana en Nueva Jersey Sara Sanders, portavoz de la Casa Blanca

El Gobierno de Canadá dio a conocer el viernes la lista de productos estadounidenses que serán gravados a partir del 1 de julio con aranceles adicionales del 10 %, en respuesta a los que ha impuesto Washington a las importaciones de acero y aluminio procedentes de Canadá

Canadá, que dijo que no se dejará intimidar por la acción de EE.UU., impondrá represalias por valor de 12

780 millones de dólares. Las decenas de productos que sufrirán las represalias de Canadá, como el whisky de Kentucky, están elegidos para afectar a estados controlados por republicanos, en un claro mensaje a los congresistas que apoyan al presidente Trump

Otros productos estadounidenses que a partir del domingo estarán gravados con los aranceles del 10 % son el chocolate, el zumo de naranja, el yogur, el café, el papel higiénico, las velas, los pañuelos y toallas, las servilletas, los colchones y los bolígrafos, entre otros

Las tensiones entre ambos países han estado a flor de piel este año y protagonizaron la pasada Cumbre de los G-7 en Canadá, donde Trump acusó de deshonesto a su anfitrión, y en la que no pudieron convencer al mandatario estadounidense sobre la imposición de aranceles aduaneros a sus socios y principales aliados

Sanders no dio más detalles sobre la conversación entre el primer ministro canadiense y Trump, que pasa este fin de semana en Bedminster (Nueva Jersey), donde se encuentra el Trump National Golf Club y hasta allí lo ha seguido la controversia por la política de "tolerancia cero" que separa a familias a su llegada a la frontera suroeste del país

Unas 200 personas le esperaron, portando carteles con mensajes como "los que buscan asilo no son criminales" en referencia a la acción de su Administración de no permitir que inmigrantes soliciten asilo a su llegada a la frontera

Los manifestantes esperaron al mandatario y su comitiva en la Ruta 206, cerca del campo de golf en Bedminster, para expresar su rechazo a la acción del Gobierno con los migrantes, en el día de protestas a nivel nacional en repudio a la "tolerancia cero" puesta en marcha el pasado abril

"¿Sabes dónde están nuestros niños?", "Dios sabe que mientes", "Paren el racismo" y "el pueblo dice no a la agenda de Trump" eran algunos de los mensajes en los carteles que portaban los manifestantes


For more infomation >> Sostuvieron una conversación telefónica luego de que Canadá anunciara nuevos aranceles a producto - Duration: 3:17.


Vincent Elbaz : "Je suis une excellente femme d'intérieur" - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Vincent Elbaz : "Je suis une excellente femme d'intérieur" - Duration: 1:50.


free robux roblox✅free robux codes✅how to get free robux codes - Duration: 3:20.


For more infomation >> free robux roblox✅free robux codes✅how to get free robux codes - Duration: 3:20.


Sister's prayers answered when remains of Marine killed during Vietnam War found - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Sister's prayers answered when remains of Marine killed during Vietnam War found - Duration: 1:17.


Adeline Blondieau : l'ex de Johnny Hallyday violentée en plein centre commercial - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Adeline Blondieau : l'ex de Johnny Hallyday violentée en plein centre commercial - Duration: 2:27.


Uruguay-Portugal: gros coup dur pour la Céleste, Cavani est sorti blessé - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Uruguay-Portugal: gros coup dur pour la Céleste, Cavani est sorti blessé - Duration: 2:13.






Drugs to Treat Bipolar Disorder, Treatments for bipolar disorde - Duration: 7:10.

Drugs to treat bipolar disorder bipolar

Medications if you have bipolar disorder, you'll need to be treated on an ongoing basis

In fact, you should be seeing a mental health professional

Regularly, even if you feel fine

Treatment usually includes a combination of medication and talk therapy

Psychiatrists typically recommend medications as initial treatment to control symptoms as quickly as possible

Once symptoms are under control, you'll receive maintenance treatment to reduce the risk of relapse

Maintenance treatment also reduces the chance of minor mood swings developing into mania or depression

Several types of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder these include mood stabilizers

antidepressants and drugs that relieve anxiety

Your doctor may prescribe one or a combination of medications for maximum effect

Finding the right medication or combination of medications will take some trial and error

You may need to change medications due to side effects

It can take up to eight weeks to see the full effects of each medication

Usually only one medication is changed at a time

This helps your doctor to better monitor and identify which one isn't working

The following types of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder lithium lithium

such as lava bed is a mood stabilizing drug that has been used since the

1970s it helps control symptoms of acute mania

It's also effective at preventing the recurrence of periods of mania and depression

Common side effects include weight gain and digestive issues the drug can also affect your thyroid and kidneys

Periodic blood tests are needed to monitor thyroid and kidney health

Lithium is a category D drug that should be avoided in pregnancy if possible

However, in some instances the benefits may outweigh the potential risks


anticonvulsants our mood stabilizers used to treat bipolar disorder

Have been used since the mid 1990s in

2009 the drug AIC Nepean was approved for treatment of bipolar disorder

It's also used to treat people with mixed episodes mania and depression at the same time

anticonvulsant drugs include divalproex sodium dipper coat lamotrigine


valproic acid

depakene common side effects of anticonvulsants include weight gain

drowsiness and an inability to sit still

Anticonvulsants are also associated with increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior

Valproic acid is known to cause birth defects

Lamech Liz known to cause a rash that can be dangerous

Alert your doctor to any new rash that develops while on lamech Blandy psychotics

Anti-psychotic drugs are another treatment option

some commonly prescribed

Antipsychotics include olanzapine. Zyprexa



kishi 18 sarah co ac Nepean safra's

common side effects include weight gain

drowsiness dry mouth decreased libido and blurred vision

Antipsychotics may also affect memory and attention. They are also known to cause involuntary facial or body movements

antidepressants these include serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs

serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors SNRIs

monoamine oxidase inhibitors

mice and tricyclic

Antidepressants can sometimes trigger manic episodes. They are often prescribed along with a mood stabilizer to control manic symptoms

Here are some of the more commonly prescribed

Antidepressants SNR is dismal effects seen Christic. Jülich Sedin

Cymbalta Yantra venlafaxine


SSRIs citalopram

celexa SLO prom lexapro fluoxetine

prozac prozac weekly

paroxetine paxil paxil CR Pizza sertraline

zoloft tricyclics

ametropia line

decipher men nor perman mi Perman door Anil Dharan LPM


Pam ler mais final son nard l

Tranny Alsip Ramin par Nate in general mais are rarely prescribed unless a patient has a poor response to

snr eyes or SSRIs

Common side effects include reduced sexual desire sleep disturbance increased appetite dry mouth

Gastrointestinal troubles and menstrual problems when taking and may it's important to avoid other

Medications and foods, like wine and cheese which can cause a rare but dangerous condition known as serotonin syndrome

Benzodiazepines, these are a group of medications with anxiety relieving properties

Finn's ODA subpoenas include alprazolam

xanax, Claudia Spock side librarian clonazepam klonopin

diazepam Valium Laura spam ativan side effects can include drowsiness

reduced muscle coordination and problems with balance and memory

These medications should be used with caution due to the risk of dependence

simpie acts this medication combines fluoxetine and the

antipsychotic olanzapine

Simpie acts has properties of both an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer

side effects can include increased appetite sexual problems

drowsiness fatigue and dry mouth if your doctor prescribes

This medicine ask if separate prescriptions for the two components are less expensive

There is nothing different about the combination pill. It is simply a new formulation of two existing drugs

Medications and pregnancy some medications such as lithium and valproic acid

Can increase your unborn baby's risk for birth defects?

Certain medications may also lower the effectiveness of birth control drugs

If you're using birth control to prevent pregnancy, make sure to discuss this with your doctor

You should also talk to your doctor about your medication if you're breastfeeding

Some medications may not be safe for your child

For more infomation >> Drugs to Treat Bipolar Disorder, Treatments for bipolar disorde - Duration: 7:10.


Vincent Elbaz : "Je suis une excellente femme d'intérieur" - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Vincent Elbaz : "Je suis une excellente femme d'intérieur" - Duration: 1:50.


✅ Sylvie Vartan revient avec émotion sur son concert hommage à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:56.

 Le 6 décembre dernier, Johnny Hallyday perdait la vie après des mois de lutte contre le cancer. Une disparition tragique qui a bouleversé ses fans mais aussi ses proches

Parmi eux, Sylvie Vartan, son ex-épouse, avec qui il a vécu durant plusieurs années. Malgré leur séparation, le couple était resté proche, soudé pour l'éducation de David Hallyday

Ce n'est donc pas un hasard si en mars dernier, alors qu'elle remontait sur scène au Grand Rex, Sylvie Vartan a souhaité lui rendre hommage en reprenant une dizaine de ses tubes

 Un moment plein d'émotion qui restera à jamais gravé dans la mémoire de l'interprète de « La plus belle pour aller danser »

Comme en témoignent ses confidences dans le magazine Télé 7 Jours, la chanteuse a été marquée par ce concert événement. La première image à laquelle elle pense en se remémorant le spectacle, c'est bien évidemment le visage du rockeur : « Une photo de Johnny, jeune, a-t-elle confié

Un gros plan projeté sur écran avant que je ne commence à chanter La plus belle pour aller danser. Une image choisie dans ma collection personnelle

 » Sylvie Vartan a également repris le titre « Par amour et par pitié ». Un symbole fort pour la chanteuse qui a hérité de cette chanson, initialement prévue pour Johnny Hallyday : « Je trouvais que le morceau arrachait vraiment et je l'ai demandé pour moi, a-t-elle ajouté

Les auteurs ont accepté. »  Crédits photos : BestImage

For more infomation >> ✅ Sylvie Vartan revient avec émotion sur son concert hommage à Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:56.


◇セ・リーグ 巨人5―2中日(2018年6月30日 ナゴヤD) 「新方程式」がはまった。7回上原―8回沢村―9回マ - Duration: 1:25.

<中・巨>9回1イニングを抑えたマシソンは今季初セーブ(撮影・荻原 浩人)    ◇ 巨人5―2中日(2018年6月30日 ナゴヤD)   「新方程式」がはまっ

7回上原―8回沢村―9回マシソンのリレー。完璧だった。試合前に高橋監督から配置転 の構想を聞いた。「最後にひっくり返されるのはダメージが大きい」とも話していた。自 もをやっていたからよく分かる

常勝が義務づけられる巨人の宿命だろうが、耐えていくしかない。   上原はコントロ ルが素晴らしかった。役割分担がしっかりすれば生きる投手。「7回で行ってくれ」と言 れれば意気に感じるだろう

沢村にも注目していたが、昨日のショックは全く引きずっていなかった。マシソンは抑え 経験もあるし、安心して見ていられた。これまで最終回を投げなかったのが不思議なくら だ

   内海も良かった。ストライク先行型だから味方が先制すれば生きるタイプ。最後ま テンポよく投げていた。は混戦模様。巨人は最高の配置転換で巻き返せる。(スポニチ本 評論家) 

For more infomation >> ◇セ・リーグ 巨人5―2中日(2018年6月30日 ナゴヤD) 「新方程式」がはまった。7回上原―8回沢村―9回マ - Duration: 1:25.


Diputados queretanos aumentan su dieta de 47 a 75 mil pesos; 11 buscan reelegirse - Duration: 4:53.

 QUERÉTARO, Qro.( Legisladores del Congreso de Querétaro, con mayoría panista, se aumentaron 28 mil pesos más su sueldo, que era de 47 mil a finales de 2016, por lo que durante este 2018 perciben 75 mil 310 pesos de manera mensual

 De acuerdo con el presupuesto de egresos, publicado en el periódico oficial del estado, La Sombra de Arteaga, del 19 de diciembre de 2017, el sueldo para cada uno de los 25 diputados del Congreso local, con mayoría panista, es de 75 mil 310 pesos para el presente año

 De manera adicional, como parte de sueldo se establece una cantidad adicional bajo el concepto "otros", por un monto que asciende a los 17 mil 261 pesos, con una anotación en el Tabulador de Remuneraciones 2018, que dice: "En el caso de las remuneraciones de los diputados incluye lo referente a trabajos legislativos, previsión social y fondo de ahorro"

 En el 2016 los diputados de la entonces reciente 58 Legislatura de Querétaro, se ganaron el rechazo de la gente después de que trascendiera que su dieta había pasado de 47 mil pesos mensuales a 85 mil

 "Los diputados de la 57 Legislatura mediante un acuerdo de la Junta de Concertación Política, determinaron un incremento de dieta de 47 mil a 85 mil pesos a partir del 16 de junio de este año", expresó el entonces presidente de la Mesa Directiva, Roberto Carlos Cabrera Valencia

 De los 25 diputados favorecidos con el incremento, hay 11 que pretenden ser reelegidos por los queretanos este domingo 1 de julio de 2018, donde está incluido: Eric Salas González, del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), quien busca ser diputado por quinta vez

 De la misma forma lo pretenden hacer los panistas: Luis Antonio Zapata Guerrero, Gerardo Ángeles Herrera, Roberto Carlos Cabrera Valencia, Aydé Espinoza González, Verónica Hernández Flores, Leticia Rubio Montes, Atalí Sofía Rangel Ortiz y José González Ruiz

 Además por parte del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), pretende reelegirse Leticia Mercado y por el Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), lo pretende hacer el exdirigente estatal perredista y diputado local, Carlos Lázaro Sánchez Tapia

 En 2016 los entonces nuevos diputados revirtieron el aumento, después de asegurar que el incremento de un 80% había sido aprobado por sus compañeros salientes de la 57 legislatura de Querétaro

 Algunos diputados que entonces autorizaron o se beneficiaron con el aumento del 80 por ciento, que finalmente fue revertido, también buscan otro puesto público en la elección de este domingo 1 de julio

 Algunos casos son el de Guillermo Vega Guerrero, del PAN, quien pretende reelegirse como alcalde en San Juan del Río; Beatriz Marmolejo Rojas, quien aspira a ser nombrada nuevamente diputada local; o Alejandro Cano Alcalá, quien quiere ser diputado federal en el distrito III

 En los tres casos anteriores, este reportero solicitó información a través de la Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia de sus recibos de pago, para documentar que forman parte del grupo de los diputados que cobraron 85 mil pesos, la dieta más elevada del Poder Legislativo, en la historia de Querétaro

 Sin embargo, en el Congreso Local, donde el presidente de la Junta de Coordinación Política es Luis Antonio Rangel Méndez, panista cercano a Ricardo Anaya Cortés, no hay respuesta pese a que la información fue solicitada desde hace más de dos meses

 El tema de los sueldos no ha sido la única crítica a la Legislatura de Querétaro, sino también el rechazo por parte de los 13 diputados panistas a asignar un presupuesto fijo a la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

 La negativa a una petición que reunión más de 40 mil firmas, propició que parte de la comunidad universitaria difundiera en redes sociales un cartel con las fotos y nombres de los diputados bajo la leyenda: "Ellos son los diputados que votaron en contra de la UAQ"

 La diputada de la fracción de Morena en la actual Legislatura, Herlinda Vázquez Munguía, negó recibir los 75 mil pesos de sueldo, como establece el decreto de presupuesto de egresos, pues dijo que su dieta asciende a 56 mil pesos y ofreció mostrar los recibos

 Lo que añadió es que cada uno de los 25 diputados recibe 20 mil pesos mensuales por presidir una Comisión; también cada fracción recibe 40 mil pesos; además de que cada diputado recibe otros 160 mil pesos bajo el concepto de "casas de enlace"

For more infomation >> Diputados queretanos aumentan su dieta de 47 a 75 mil pesos; 11 buscan reelegirse - Duration: 4:53.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Banco de cerebros y cuerpos humanos en rusia - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Banco de cerebros y cuerpos humanos en rusia - Duration: 3:02.


박은지 분노이유. 공개 생얼 어떻길래 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 박은지 분노이유. 공개 생얼 어떻길래 - Duration: 4:20.


VidCon 2018 [CC] - Duration: 8:26.

["Funin and Sunin" plays through most of the video]

So it's the first night at the AirBnB...

and everyone else left.

Some people went for food, some people went to get their passes, some people went to set up,

some people aren't here yet.

So I figured that I would stay

so that when people get here that haven't already been here and don't know how the doors works

and that type of thing - I can let them in.

But it's very weird to be in this space by myself because there will be so many of us.

Like, look at all the beds in this space.

Look at all the space that we have.

We have a crib in case someone spontaneously gives birth.

I'm now sweating blue hair dye after that adventure.

So whoever sits next to me in the panel I am going to is... gonna think I'm definitely weird.

[I had to ask a complete stranger to take this shot.]

[cheering, music fading]

Hank: Hi everybody. [cheers]

Hank: It's nice to see you.

[singing] Well I have some bad news for you: You can't outrun the hearse.

The explosion of the sun or heat death of the universe. We're all gonna die!

[crowd giggles] Hank: Oh, nobody - that've not even funny, is it?

[Hank singing in the background]

Hank: Okay, well fuck. This is gonna be just terrifying.

[signing We Are All Bat People while crowd claps beat] Hank, Gotham's never been better for long.

Crime is not actually solved by evil.

Crime is not actually solved by evil.

Well Batman's just a rich guy with an affinity for bats Whose playing out his insane fantacy.

How is that heroic?!

Batman's actions and values are a reflection of our own values and actions to make the world better.

Does Batman understand how difficult it is for an under-funded city like Gotham to replace roads and bridges?

We see ourselves in the cracks in his facade.

In his anger and frustration, Because we have all those things too!

Hank, John, John, Hank! John, Hank, Hank, John!

[crowd joins] You got Batman entirely wrong.

John, we are all Bat People!

Hank, Gotham never gets better for long.

Crime is not actually solved by evil.

Crime is not actually solved by evil.

Crime is caused - solved by [stumbles, recovers]

Crime is caused by systemic disenfranchisement

and poverty and lack of access to job opportunities.

He is not the hero Earth needs... [crowd: Earth needs!]

We're the heroes Earth just happened to get.

Hank, John, John, Hank John, Hank, Hank, John!

We got Batman entirely wrong!

John, we are all Bat People!

Hank, Gotham never gets better for long.

Crime is not actually caused by evil.

[crowd: We are all Bat People!] Crime is not actually caused by evil.

[crowd: We are all Bat People!] Crime is not actually caused by evil.

[crowd: We are all Bat People!] Crime is not actually caused by evil.

Crowd: We Are All Bat People! [cheers]

For more infomation >> VidCon 2018 [CC] - Duration: 8:26.


공군 군사력으로만 본 한국과 일본의 냉정한 실태 - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> 공군 군사력으로만 본 한국과 일본의 냉정한 실태 - Duration: 4:11.


"나폴리, 당장 대구FC에 전화 걸어 조현우 영입해라" - Duration: 2:29.

   [인사이트] 황기현 기자 = 월드컵에서 신들린 선방 쇼를 펼치며 전 세계에 이름을 떨친 조현우의 몸값이 치솟고 있다.   한 이탈리아 매체 세리에 A 나폴리에 조현우 영입을 촉구했다

  지난 27일(한국 시간) 한국은 러시아 카잔 카잔아레나에서 열린 018 러시아 월드컵 F조 3차전 경기에서 2-0으로 승리했다.   조 우는 이날 경기에서 압도적인 선방 능력을 선보였다

    후반 2분 레온 고레츠카의 헤더 슈팅과 후반 추가시간 율리안 란트의 오른발 슈팅을 막아낸 장면은 압권이었다.   그는 앞선 두 경기 도 뛰어난 활약을 펼쳤다

스웨덴과의 경기에서 전반 20분 마커스 베리의 1대1 슈팅을 막아냈다.   멕시코전에서는 후반 13분 안드레스 과르다도의 기습적인 슈팅을 선방 다

  눈을 의심케 하는 선방이 이어지자 국내 팬뿐만 아니라 해외 팬들까 조현우를 극찬하기 시작했다.   잉글랜드 명문 클럽 리버풀의 팬들은 리우스 대신 조현우를 영입하라는 글을 올렸다

    이는 외신들도 마찬가지였다. 이탈리아 매체 '칼치오 웹'은 "조현 는 월드컵에서 미친 선방 퍼레이드를 선보였다"면서 "나폴리 골문의 유효한 대안이 될 수 있다"고 보도했다

  이어 "조현우는 아시아 마케팅 관점에서도 적합한 영입"이라면서 "나폴 는 당장 대구FC에 전화를 걸어 조현우의 영입을 추진해야 한다"고 덧붙였

  매체가 추천한 SSC 나폴리는 이탈리아 세리에 A를 대표하는 명문 클 중 하나다.  과거 '신의 손' 마라도나가 활약하기도 했던 클럽이며 이 리아 전체에서 4번째로 많은 서포터를 보유한 클럽으로 알려져 있다