Monday, November 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 27 2018

I'm handsome, often wear vest

because that, so many pervert girl follow me

One day, coming on 8/3 ( Woman's day ) , have a restaurant service girls follow me to ask for gifts

so, I have to lie is to go to work.

And on the 9/3, I through a flower market picked a bouquet of yesterday did not sell

Send to her with the words:

Sorry ... sorry girl I love so much ...

Only that but not understand why she disappeared

see more clip in blog

For more infomation >> Nam thần địa phủ ( No.38 ) Và nụ cười của đại thiếu gia - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 2:01.


เลขเด็ดงวดนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยรัฐบาลไทย(หวยดัง) - Duration: 12:11.

For more infomation >> เลขเด็ดงวดนี้ 1/12/61 แนวทางปลดหนี้กับหวยรัฐบาลไทย(หวยดัง) - Duration: 12:11.


[INDO/ENG SUB] 180620 SHINee at Weekly Idol E360 - Duration: 17:13.

Hello, we're shiny SHINee.

(They performed "I Want You" for the first time ever)

(We gave them a cake for their 10th anniversary)

(And 10-year-old wild ginseng)

(And one mystery gift inside a bag)

We'll give you digits of the combination.

(A long process to get the combination)

(Their first mission was the Rollercoaster Dance)

(This clip was a textbook example of the Rollercoaster Dance)

(Their second mission was the Random Play Dance)

(They pulled off the Random Play Dance easily!)

I can play any game.

(Their third mission was a series of 10-second games)

What is this?

(We saw a new side of SHINee)

(They showed perfect teamwork)

(They cleared the 10-second games!)

The first digit is 3.




(Time to see SHINee act cute!)

(The most nerve-racking game of rock, paper, scissors)

Rock, paper, scissors!

(Looks like Key will have to act cute)

(I'm not doing this!)

(The first time a guest tried to run out of the studio)

Where'd he go?

(The rest of SHINee's story continues now!)

Key ran away.

We'll get him back right away.

- He's fast. - I think he's gone.

I can't do this!

Find the lost Key.

Change this so it says, "Find the lost Key."

Find the lost Key.

Find Key. Find Key.

A key was hanging there.

(Key is brought back!)

(A piggy-back ride)

Chang Gi! Nice!

Our hero.

I'm sorry.

You should've had a cameraman chase after me.

Why would he chase after you?

You guys know television.

Do it right.

We agreed on this. That we'd do it right.

Do it right. Okay.

This is a rare sight from Key. It's like a limited edition.

Oh, geez...

Here we go.

He made quite an entrance.

(Onew looks at him with sweet eyes)

(These two are enjoying themselves)

(Peek-a-boo, it's Key)

(They're in spectator mode)

(Trying his best to act cute)

(It's like he's been waiting for this)


(He's really trying his best)

(He does all the cute moves he knows)


(What's with him?)



That was funny, not cute.

- He was mocking the song. - Yeah.

I tend to be playful when I act cute.

(It feels like he pulled a fast one)

So we'll give you the mission with the last combination digit on the line.

You'll hear from your reliable supporters for this last mission.

They're like a tree.

It's your fans. We asked your fans.

SHINee, do this for us!

We got some missions from your fans

before the shoot.

If you clear the missions they requested,

we'll give you the fourth and final digit.

We have to get this.

Listen to the recording first.

SHINee's title track is "Good Evening."


You sing about coming to get someone.

Can you look into the camera

and send a video message telling your ideal type

that you're coming to get them?

Should we decide by rock, paper, scissors?

Yeah, let's have one person do this.

(Excited yet scared)

Rock, paper, scissors!

(As long as it isn't me!)

Too obvious.


(Acts calm)

(Everyone celebrates except for Onew)

(Lord, you haven't forgotten me...)

As long as it isn't you.

Onew has a sweet voice.

Let's let Onew focus since he has to do this.

Time to focus.

He has to deliver the line.

"I'm coming to get you."

(He's done getting into character)

Ring, ring.

He's getting a call.

(He acts like a loving boyfriend)

Look into the camera.

Can you come out now?

But it's a video call.

(Changes right away)

Look into the camera. There you go.

Can you come out now?

Then I'll come get you. I'll be right there.


(We didn't even ask him to act like he's driving...)

Are you on your way?

(Shin Young stops him!)

His ears are red.

(You're amazing, Onew)

- They really got red. - They're bright red.

It feels like they're melting off.

Let's hear the next recording.

There's another one?

These days it's popular for idols

to react to, "Your mom bought you raw fish.

Your mom gave you the company."

I really want to see SHINee's version.

"Your mom bought you raw fish."

That feeling you get when someone treats you to raw fish.

"Your mom bought you raw fish." And then...

"Your mom gave you the company."

That's not that hard.

Since this isn't that hard, let's have everyone try it.

- Your mom bought you raw fish. - Min Ho first.

How about Onew first?

Why me again?

Go ahead.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

It's raw fish for the first one.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

(I really like raw fish)

Nice. Your mom gave you the company.

Your mom gave you the company.

1, 2, 3.

(My mom gave me the company? Alright...)

He doesn't look too happy.

He's like, "Alright."

She could give it to me.

He was expecting it.

My mom gave me the company.

Nice, okay.

(Raw fish / Company)



Raw fish.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

(I love delicious raw fish)

Nice. Your mom gave you the company.

(The first time seeing Key so chic)

(Raw fish / Company)

Okay! Just like that.

Min Ho.


Your mom bought you raw fish.

(Buy me some more)

(It's a good thing he got some...)

- How cute. - Your mom gave you the company.

(He tries to look rich)

(Raw fish / Company)

(I'm pretty good at this!)

Tae Min. Your mom bought you raw fish.



It's like he really got some.

Your mom gave you the company.

(The reality hits him...)

- Don't make me laugh! - He's so happy.

Your mom gave you the company.


(Thanks, mommy!)

(Raw fish / Company)

(This is nuts)

He's cringing.

That was for the fans.

We have another recording, right?

Another one? Alright.

This is the last one.

SHINee is so reliable.

I want to see you dance to "Good Evening" on bath stools.

And I hope the song wins 1st. Let's go!

You use chairs for "Good Evening."

That's what we promised we'd do if we won 1st.

Let's give them a little preview.

A preview? Alright.

We said it jokingly that it would be

really funny if we did the dance using bath stools.

("Good Evening" is like a work of art)

(How will it look on bath stools?)

("Good Evening" bath stool version)


(They look needlessly serious and dreamy)

(What am I doing right now?)

(Even the bath stools can't stop them from being dreamy)

(This should become a legendary clip)

(So in-synch)


(SHINee is so good)

(They cleared all the fan missions!)

You cleared the last mission.

You want the stools?

- As gifts. - Okay!

(They'll take whatever we give them)

So we'll give you the fourth combination digit.

What do you think it'll be?

It's 367 so far.

(They start another meeting)

3670. Okay.

The fourth and last digit is...

(We're sure it's 0!)




Why though?

When this show airs

that'll be the number of days you've been active.

(Chills! So meaningful...)

Your third gift...

This gift should make you happy.

It's for your concerts overseas.

Will Se Yoon pop out like...

Se Yoon has been in there a while.

We'll give you the bag too.

You all get a bag like this.

It's open.

Open it please.

- Gosh, it's finally open. - Lie it down.

What's in there?

The gift they've been waiting for.

You all get that nice bag.

And what's inside.

(What did they put in here?)

(The bag is finally open)

A coupon?

A Korean beef set for each member.

You each get one of those.


Thank you.

- Awesome! - Sirloin!

Is that ribeye?

You can each eat a pile of meat.

And please read the card carefully.

Make sure to read the bottom part. It's an important clause.

Does it say that Tae Min won't get anything?

Dang it...

Hold on.

What is it?

- You haven't seen it? - No.

Read it for them, Min Ho.

I can't believe you guys. Is this how it is?

Every member of SHINee gets a Korean beef set,

but they must successfully dance to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

- "Keep your promise from 2 years ago." - I don't need that beef.

Thank you so much for today.


- Just hear me out. Hear me out. - I won't eat it.

(The missions we've been doing all day...)

(At the end we all have to do the 2x speed dance?)

Watch. Think about it.

Out of the million SHINee fans that called in

80% requested the 2x speed dance.

We had to tell you that.

(We'll play them a few recordings as proof)

Weekly Idol said they'd give you beef if you danced to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

Please dance to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

The last time you were on the show, they promised that they'd give you beef

if you succeeded at dancing to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

I hope you succeed and win that beef.

I've been a huge fan of you guys for 10 years.

I'm so happy to celebrate your

10th anniversary with you guys.

And last time on the show...

Let's just do it.

I want to win that Korean beef.

Alright, alright. Our fans just got us passionate.

No time to think. Let's just go right into it.

There will be no closing, guys.

The shoot will end once you succeed at the 2x speed dance.

Everyone's done. Okay.

- Just verse 1? - Just verse 1.

- Let's do the entire song. - Let us do the entire song.

- Let's do this - Why though?

(Come on, guys)

We have to do the entire song.

Let's do the entire song.

(He's cheerful as Key complains)

We're doing the entire song.

Key keeps talking through his teeth.

Just get through verse 1 perfectly.

We'll do the entire song.

The highlight is at the end.

(It's so fun watching them argue)

("Everybody" is known for epic choreography)

(Now we'll finally get to see them do it at 2x speed!)

SHINee's "Everybody" 2x speed.


("Everybody" 2x speed version)

(He's good even though he complained)

(They're ready for the 2x speed dance)

(This is why SHINee is amazing)

(Onew almost makes a mistake)

(Onew gets his head back in the game)


(Key is actually trying hard)

(It's like another work of art)

(Why is my heart beating at 2x speed too?)

(The part to sing along to)

(So passionate)

(Now this is tight choreography)

(Shows his manly side)

(Time for Min Ho's part)

Hey, let's leave.

(Verse 2 started)

(Talking through his teeth)

I said let's leave.

(Key did seem a bit too quiet)

(Min Ho uses his superpowers)

Why aren't we leaving?

(No time to run away!)

(Their choreography continues to be tight)

(About to die)

(The beat gets faster)

(Now this is an idol group of 11 years)

(Here comes Tae Min)

(The others get a little break)

(Twice the sexiness)

(Break time is over!)

(Onew's propeller is on)

(All hail SHINee!)

(We're almost moved to tears...)

(They make you want to root for them)

Let's go!

(Go? Then I'm leaving)

(He tries to escape the studio again)

(They don't stop dancing)


(They succeed at the 2x speed dance)

Hurray for SHINee!

We got Key back again.

It looked good.

Why go through all this trouble?

That was fun.

(Thank you so much, SHINee)

Good work.

For more infomation >> [INDO/ENG SUB] 180620 SHINee at Weekly Idol E360 - Duration: 17:13.


君の将来の事で話がある【2062年未来人】 - Duration: 19:09.


It's me.

Already completely resurrected

So please rest assured me so today

Roughly overlooked the question but it stands out to a certain extent

What should I say in the question? As for questions like the same kind,

Because there were several things that can be said together, I thought about talking about it

That kind of similar question, for example, what?

What can I say? How do you write about my future in writing my name or address?

Or, Besides, I think that I will do such work,

How about the future? Am I successful? Well, after all, if you are a student

Which study should I study? Are you promising in the future?

And what kind of work will you make a profit? It seems to be the best profit? Are you going to get rich?

Well, as there are a lot of questions of this kind, it is to say that it stands out, so collectively

I thought to answer.

Well then, I will go immediately, but among the relatively large questions,

Well, I heard from the reason that I came from the future knowing the future

Well, in short, what kind of things should I do with fun and profitable methods?

It seems like

Too much.

Well, that means to understand. Because, struggling

I think that rather than working, I want to make money

I'm thinking about the true nature. And, if you answer it with a straight ball, then honestly

It means that there are as many methods of enjoying and getting money. Well, I think I can understand if I look around the current environment

In the current environment, it is already 6 years old, 8 years old, 10 years old,

Even at the age of 13, even at such age, if the method is solved, the environment where money can be easily made. Being that

Of course, Even now, the way people earn suspicious money is inflicted a lot in the world

Well, those who jumped and had painful eyes against that way

I wonder if there is something to say. Of course, even the principal, around the book, there are many

Such as

Unfortunately, however, that part common to such people

I am thinking that most people would not have this idea already

How do you think that way of thinking, how can you earn that money? Or how can I succeed?

Is it? In short, what can I do to succeed?

Can you earn? Can you earn fun? That I am interested only by that

Well, I want to succeed because I do whatever it says a bit over, I want to be rich from anything,

If you want to earn, you can earn anything if you can earn,

Feeling like that, but unfortunately a miserable ending

For such things that we can only wait for, because that is

Just a little unsuccessful, just a little fail, Immediately

To disappear as it disappears

If seniors who have a long life experience have seen it

Will not it be immediately understood? I believe. It is no longer like an equation, no matter what industry it is said that such kind of people think

Maybe even a negative equation

It is that it can be said commonly in any industry. For example, for simplicity, this is now a medium called youtube

I think you are looking at

Currently, in 2018, A professor called YouTube,

It seems that you are ranked in the work ranking where you want to be a child

And if there are many people who think that I do not wish to become a YouTube bar even if I am watching this movie of mine

Or not? And, I think, but well,


So it seems I can make money, Well, for a simple reason, I think so

Well, I am thinking, but what about actually? What is it, it is only an impression

Impression to be impossible Impression you feel like you are enjoying something something like it, impression of feeling like it

To say that it is just an impression, but what is it actually? That really

I want to be displayed on the media called youtube using the camera

I wonder? Do you like to do such things?

Is there something you really want to tell the world? You should think that.

Do not think about making money, Is there really something I want to tell you? I often hear it.

I want to go live by doing whatever I want

There are those who are saying that YouTube bar is optimal, but you really wanted to do it? And I doubt that

I believe there is. No, even those who are seeing this, so think

Is not it? I think. For example, but I tried somewhere rampant, Or is it something you really wanted to do? Should be considered

That it is. I really liked it

I wonder? I should think that. That is true.

I wonder if it was prevalent a while ago, modernize aluminum foil

I tried rolling it into a ball,

Really, from the bottom of the aluminum foil to the ball

Did you want to do that? Did it been a dream from long ago? He said that he should ask himself

I am thinking. Do you like to make balls of aluminum foil living by your favorite things? That you should ask yourself.

Will jump into the river of midwinter live by whatever you like? When. Quickly eat some kind of food

Do you really like the way you show up from the bottom? When. To say that it should be thought of what he likes.

Of course, I do not know who likes to like to do such things, from the bottom of my heart.

Well, actually, it probably is not almost

I think. In short, what I'd like to say is,

why? Do you do it?

Please think about that. thing I said

It will come to. Speaking here, Well


Does YouTube bar want to do? To say that you should ask yourself that

If that part is wholly gorgeous, It seems easy, because it seems to be profitable.

If it is the reason, Well, it does not succeed with a probability close to 100%

I think. This is not just about YouTube, but every work of the world

It can be said about that. So why is it the most important?

What do you want to do? It means that we should ask ourselves seriously.

Are you sure? I think well. This part is the most important. So, in my case, why? Youtube

Whether you started to use it, to put it briefly, I should have said this before,

So that it started only for those with hearing impairment So before using youtube

Only mp3 voice is essential

Although I could use only good ears, To the mail of a person with hearing impairment

I was struck by what I should say. Is it good to say?

So, my movie means that almost all subtitles are attached. I think that it is accurate subtitles.

So, some people do not understand anything, but occasionally I am starting because I want to earn something as a YouTube bar, do not you? Something like that

There is a person to tell but it is totally different. Well, so I do not understand well in detail, but maybe I do not even advertise it

Kana, I think. That's why I

The reason to use this youtube is just a medium to convey. I

I just use it as a medium to convey what I want to convey. Therefore,

As that now it's as a YouTube bar

It is basically different from the way people try to get started

It seems to be profitable and profitable so I guess I should try it, who starts with a feeling like that, I do not want to do anything,

Even though I tried doing such a thing, even if I do such a thing, there is no access at all, the number of views does not increase at all and it is not profitable at all, and those who quit like a feeling are fundamentally

Because the way of thinking is different, it is always that future, What I should say, I think that I want to keep sending out that way of thinking my way of thinking to the world

Since there, Something, just some kind of emotion, I want to quit impulsively, quit, etc.

Because I do not think at all, I am saying youtube is easy to understand Very easy to understand as an analogy

Think about it, specializing in some genre for specialization, expressing whatever you like, really expressing what you like

People who keep going are quite promising in the future and even now it is called the YouTube bar of that popular genre specialized in something

I really think that people like that genre and there are still people who feel like they can be continued all the time

I want to pursue purely interesting things, and that something that myself experienced

In addition, I am thinking that people who want to keep sending out something will continue to play an active part in the future

So say it many times, but this seems to be profitable, Because this is so popular, what is it already?

Why do you think you should do it instead of thinking about how to make it happy and profitable? You should think about it So I am watching this

Those who are currently driving somewhat or are thinking about doing something

Well each person

I wonder if once

An idea

I think that it might be good to change. So, if you

that? I'm something,

Did you want to do this? Or is it? This I'm doing this

Something, I do not get it right, or I, this

Have you been born to do this? I feel somewhat different

Or something. In truth, I wanted to do something different

I do not want to do what I am doing now. And this feeling

If you notice it, I'm thinking for days.

It lasts many months, many years.

If so, The way we are doing now

It is necessary to review it. Well, since there will be various circumstances, I will not say I will force it,

I think that I understand that it is only once in my life,

I am thinking that it would be better to have a firm understanding.

If I were you could die tomorrow.

About the life that you can satisfy yourself

I will send it though. By the way,

I do not care if I die even after 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, no, I do not mind if I die after 1 minute.

Well, there are people's ways of thinking

What you can say consistently is that what you really do is what you really wanted to do?

Why are you doing it? Why did you want to do it? The reason for this difference

In the near future

Whether it succeeds or not, To be different greatly. Let's say today is over here. It got a little longer.

Well, it seems likely that I did not understand what I meant to say

I'm thinking I will excuse myself. That's it

For more infomation >> 君の将来の事で話がある【2062年未来人】 - Duration: 19:09.


HTML mai Heading, Paragraph and Line break Tag Kaise lagate hai | हिंदी में | in Hindi / Urdu - Duration: 3:35.

Welcome to Our Youtube Channel

Ik Studies Series

For more infomation >> HTML mai Heading, Paragraph and Line break Tag Kaise lagate hai | हिंदी में | in Hindi / Urdu - Duration: 3:35.


कुछ नए तरह से बनाये बच्चों और बड़ों के लिए स्पेशल नाश्ता | Cheese Paratha Recipe | Recipeana - Duration: 4:31.

All Purpose Flour: 3 Cup, Salt: 1 Tsp, Refined Oil: 2 Tbsp

Mix Well


Refined Oil: 1 Tbsp

Cover it and let it rest for 10 minutes

Make small balls of dough

Roll it with the help of roll pin

Fold it from two sides

Put some Mozzarella Cheese and Onion on it.

Apply some water at the sides of the Paratha

Fold the Paratha and close it from all the sides.

Now Grill this Paratha on a grill pan until its golden brown from both sides

Cheese Stuffed Paratha is ready to be served

LIke and Share this video. Subscribe to our Channel

For more infomation >> कुछ नए तरह से बनाये बच्चों और बड़ों के लिए स्पेशल नाश्ता | Cheese Paratha Recipe | Recipeana - Duration: 4:31.


Nam thần địa phủ ( No.38 ) Và nụ cười của đại thiếu gia - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 2:01.

I'm handsome, often wear vest

because that, so many pervert girl follow me

One day, coming on 8/3 ( Woman's day ) , have a restaurant service girls follow me to ask for gifts

so, I have to lie is to go to work.

And on the 9/3, I through a flower market picked a bouquet of yesterday did not sell

Send to her with the words:

Sorry ... sorry girl I love so much ...

Only that but not understand why she disappeared

see more clip in blog

For more infomation >> Nam thần địa phủ ( No.38 ) Và nụ cười của đại thiếu gia - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 2:01.


RDR2 2nd playthrough & chill - Part 5(end of chapter 6 & epilogue 1) - PS4 - Duration: 3:56:30.

For more infomation >> RDR2 2nd playthrough & chill - Part 5(end of chapter 6 & epilogue 1) - PS4 - Duration: 3:56:30.


无视警告闯入西南领海16海里,军方导弹锁定,美舰用S型路线逃跑 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 无视警告闯入西南领海16海里,军方导弹锁定,美舰用S型路线逃跑 - Duration: 2:50.


'They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly!' Trump explodes at General Motors - Duration: 14:58.

'They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly!' Trump explodes at General Motors

An angry President Donald Trump lashed out at General Motors on Monday following the company's announcement that it would close five auto plants and put 14,700 people out of work – some of whom will be voters in the politically crucial state of Ohio.

He told The Wall Street Journal that the company should stop making cars in China, and instead bring its American factories up to full capacity.

'They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly,' the president said, adding: 'I love Ohio.

GM will stop producing cars and transmissions at the plants through 2019. In all, six car models were scrapped - the Chevrolet Volt, Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet Impala full-size car, Cadillac XTS, Buick LaCrosse and Cadillac CT6.

This leaves the company with nine remaining car models. And the Cadillac CT6 will be killed off in the U.S. after mid-2019, though it will continue to be sold in China.

Trump said he spoke Monday with GM's CEO, Mary Barra, and 'I told them, "you're playing around with the wrong person".

He told reporters as he left the White House for a pair of political rallies in Mississippi that the United States 'has done a lot for General Motors. They better get back to Ohio, and soon.'.

The president won the Buckeye State by 8 percentage points in 2016; his re-election push is likely to focus on a strengthened economic recovery.

President Donald Trump scolded Genetal Motors CEO Mary Barra on Monday, saying she must reopen an Ohio auto plant scheduled for closure; Ohio is a missionj-critical state for the president to win if he hopes to be re-elected in 2020.

The General Motors Lordstown Complex in Warren, Ohio is the main assemply plant for the compact Chevy Cruze model, which the company is phasing out due to poor sales.

POLITICS: Dave Green, president of United Auto Workers Local 1112, posed at union headquarters in Lordstown, Ohio in June; his union endorsed a Democratic senator who won re-election in a state Trump needs to rally back to his side.

Given Demorcats' built-in advantages in the Electoral College, the proportional voting scheme that actually elects U.S. presidents, it's difficult for Republicans to win without prevailing in Ohio.

In addition to trimming its workforce, GM said Monday that it would eliminate some models whose sales have underperformed expectations. One of those, the Chevy Cruze, is asembled at the Lordstown, Ohio plant that's now scheduled for mothballs.

Trump told reporters that Barra had told him the elimination of the Cruze had 'nothing to do with tariffs' - only with slumping sales.

His response, he said, was that she should 'get a car that is selling well and put it back in [Ohio].

'I am not happy with what she did,' Trump said of Barra. 'You know, the United States saved General Motors, and for her to take that company out of Ohio is not good.'.

GM's plant-closure restructuring is aimed at saving $6 billion as the company shifts its focus to electric and autonomous cars. In addition to the Ohio plant, it will close two in metro Detroit and one in Ontario, Canada.

Too many of its factories are only set up to make older models while GM wants to reshape to focus on lower emitting hybrid vehicles.

GM Chairman and CEO Mary Barra said that the savings were necessary to be able to invest in the future.

'What we're doing is transforming this company,' Barra told the Detroit Free Press. 'This industry is changing very rapidly when you look at propulsion, autonomous driving and ride sharing.

We want to be in front of it while the company is strong and the economy is strong,' she said.

The move won't affect GM's core products such as its pickups, SUVs and certain cars including its full-sized 2019 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra pickups.

'Those are good architectures from a fuel economy perspective. we'll continue to put those in the market, but we can take down our capital expenditures, while investing in electric and autonomous vehicles,' said Barra.

'You will see a greater share invested in autonomous and electric vehicles, both from a capital expenditure and' increased hiring for electric and self-driving engineering jobs.

GM will lay off 14,700 factory and white-collar workers in North America and put five plants up for possible closure as it restructures to cut costs and focus more on autonomous and electric vehicles.

One of those closures would be the Oshawa plant in Canada . In a press statement, the company said it will close the Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly Plant in Detroit and Warren Transmission Operations in Warren.

Other plants closing include the Oshawa Assembly Plant in Oshawa, Ontario, the Lordstown Assembly in Warren, Ohio, and the Baltimore Operations in White Marsh, Maryland.

The company also plans to stop building several models now assembled at those plants, including the Chevrolet Cruze, the Cadillac CT6 and the Buick LaCrosse.

'The actions we are taking today continue our transformation to be highly agile, resilient and profitable, while giving us the flexibility to invest in the future,' said GM Chairman and CEO Mary Barra.

'We recognize the need to stay in front of changing market conditions and customer preferences to position our company for long-term success.

The reduction includes 8,100 white-collar workers, some of whom will take buyouts and others who will be laid off. Most of the affected factories build cars that won't be sold in the US after next year.

They could close or they could get different vehicles to build. They will be part of contract talks with the United Auto Workers union next year.

About 6,000 factory workers could lose jobs in the US and Canada, although some could transfer to truck plants. The plan will help save the company $6billion by 2020, according to GM.

The announcement is the biggest restructuring in North America for the US No. 1 carmaker since its bankruptcy a decade ago. The Monday closure of GM's plant in Oshawa, Ontario, was confirmed late Sunday by an official familiar with the decision.

GM opened its factory in Oshawa, near Toronto, in 1953. The plant is used to make the Cadillac XTS and Chevrolet Impala sedans as well as the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra trucks.

The company has three other sites in the province of Ontario. It is unclear whether they will also be affected.

GM needs to reshape the company as it shifts its focus to lower emitting hybrid vehicles, technology that is not at the forefront at the Canadian plant.

Too many GM factories are devoted to making slow-selling cars and the company can no longer afford to keep them all operating without making some tough decisions. But the political atmosphere might limit realistic choices for the Detroit automaker.

The company said that the moves will help continue its focus on crossovers, SUVs and trucks. With the move, GM plans to cut 25 per cent of the executive staff and 15 per cent of the salaried and salaried contract staff.

'These actions will increase the long-term profit and cash generation potential of the company and improve resilience through the cycle,' Barra said in the statement.

The closure of the Lordstown plant in Ohio didn't shock some analysts who predicted that location as one of GM's targets.

The car produced there is also is built in Mexico. The once-bustling factory already has lost two of its three shifts and 3,000 union jobs since the beginning of last year.

Barra did not link the cuts announced Monday to tariff pressures, but said trade costs are among the 'headwinds' GM has to face as it deals with broader technology change and market shifts.

With US car sales lagging, several car plants have fallen to just one shift, including its Hamtramck and Lordstown, assembly plant.

A rule of thumb for the automotive industry is that if a plant is running below 80 per cent of production capacity, it is losing money.

GM has several plants running well below that. Consultancy LMC estimates that Lordstown will operate at just 31 per cent of production capacity in 2018.

Rivals Ford Motor Co and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV have both curtailed US car production. Ford said in April it planned to stop building nearly all cars in North America.

The industrywide slowdown in passenger car sales started to pick up steam in 2017.

For more infomation >> 'They better damn well open a new plant there very quickly!' Trump explodes at General Motors - Duration: 14:58.



For more infomation >> 5 TECHNIQUES POUR LOUER EN BASSE SAISON - Duration: 8:10.


La client centricity - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> La client centricity - Duration: 6:15.


Animal Sound Song | Kindergarten Videos for Children | Cartoons Videos by Little treehouse - Duration: 1:00:27.

Animal Sound Song

For more infomation >> Animal Sound Song | Kindergarten Videos for Children | Cartoons Videos by Little treehouse - Duration: 1:00:27.


Prince William : "le Prince Georges est déjà une petite canaille" - Duration: 2:11.

 C'est l'interview que tout le monde attendait depuis la sortie de la maternité de Kate Middleton et du Prince William avec leur petit George

Le prince William s'est exprimé sur CNN pour la première fois sur son fils et de son rôle de papa

En père moderne, c'est lui qui lui a changé sa première couche

Le prince essaye d'être le plus indépendant possible et de se détacher de la lourdeur du protocole

Pour lui cela semblait naturel et normal de conduire la voiture qui ramenait sa femme Kate Middleton et leur fils George à la maison

Même s'il fut terrifié de ne pas attacher le siège auto de son bébé correctement, William a géré comme un maître et gagne en assurance jour après jour

 Très complice, le couple s'amuse à relever les traits de caractère de leur petit George

Ainsi on apprend que le petit prince est une "canaille" selon son papa, au même titre que son oncle Harry ou lui-même au même âge

Mais son fils est un bébé très agréable et le chien du duc de Cambridge, Lupo a très bien accepté l'arrivée du royal baby dans la famille sans montrer la moindre jalousie

Pour finir, le prince William souhaite que son fils soit ouvert à la culture africaine comme il l'a été grâce à sa mère Diana

Pour l'habituer, la chambre du petit George est remplie de peluches de rhinocéros ou d'éléphants

 Et même s'il a repris son poste de pilote d'hélicoptère pour la Royal Air Force après deux semaines de congé parental, le jeune papa essaye de passer le maximum de temps auprès de sa petite canaille et de son épouse

For more infomation >> Prince William : "le Prince Georges est déjà une petite canaille" - Duration: 2:11.


L'aéroport de Beauvais filmé en noir et blanc au début des années 1960 - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> L'aéroport de Beauvais filmé en noir et blanc au début des années 1960 - Duration: 2:01.


Super Police Telugu Movie Scene HD | Venkatesh | Kota Srinivasa Rao | Suresh Production - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Super Police Telugu Movie Scene HD | Venkatesh | Kota Srinivasa Rao | Suresh Production - Duration: 4:30.


[INDO/ENG SUB] 180620 SHINee at Weekly Idol E360 - Duration: 17:13.

Hello, we're shiny SHINee.

(They performed "I Want You" for the first time ever)

(We gave them a cake for their 10th anniversary)

(And 10-year-old wild ginseng)

(And one mystery gift inside a bag)

We'll give you digits of the combination.

(A long process to get the combination)

(Their first mission was the Rollercoaster Dance)

(This clip was a textbook example of the Rollercoaster Dance)

(Their second mission was the Random Play Dance)

(They pulled off the Random Play Dance easily!)

I can play any game.

(Their third mission was a series of 10-second games)

What is this?

(We saw a new side of SHINee)

(They showed perfect teamwork)

(They cleared the 10-second games!)

The first digit is 3.




(Time to see SHINee act cute!)

(The most nerve-racking game of rock, paper, scissors)

Rock, paper, scissors!

(Looks like Key will have to act cute)

(I'm not doing this!)

(The first time a guest tried to run out of the studio)

Where'd he go?

(The rest of SHINee's story continues now!)

Key ran away.

We'll get him back right away.

- He's fast. - I think he's gone.

I can't do this!

Find the lost Key.

Change this so it says, "Find the lost Key."

Find the lost Key.

Find Key. Find Key.

A key was hanging there.

(Key is brought back!)

(A piggy-back ride)

Chang Gi! Nice!

Our hero.

I'm sorry.

You should've had a cameraman chase after me.

Why would he chase after you?

You guys know television.

Do it right.

We agreed on this. That we'd do it right.

Do it right. Okay.

This is a rare sight from Key. It's like a limited edition.

Oh, geez...

Here we go.

He made quite an entrance.

(Onew looks at him with sweet eyes)

(These two are enjoying themselves)

(Peek-a-boo, it's Key)

(They're in spectator mode)

(Trying his best to act cute)

(It's like he's been waiting for this)


(He's really trying his best)

(He does all the cute moves he knows)


(What's with him?)



That was funny, not cute.

- He was mocking the song. - Yeah.

I tend to be playful when I act cute.

(It feels like he pulled a fast one)

So we'll give you the mission with the last combination digit on the line.

You'll hear from your reliable supporters for this last mission.

They're like a tree.

It's your fans. We asked your fans.

SHINee, do this for us!

We got some missions from your fans

before the shoot.

If you clear the missions they requested,

we'll give you the fourth and final digit.

We have to get this.

Listen to the recording first.

SHINee's title track is "Good Evening."


You sing about coming to get someone.

Can you look into the camera

and send a video message telling your ideal type

that you're coming to get them?

Should we decide by rock, paper, scissors?

Yeah, let's have one person do this.

(Excited yet scared)

Rock, paper, scissors!

(As long as it isn't me!)

Too obvious.


(Acts calm)

(Everyone celebrates except for Onew)

(Lord, you haven't forgotten me...)

As long as it isn't you.

Onew has a sweet voice.

Let's let Onew focus since he has to do this.

Time to focus.

He has to deliver the line.

"I'm coming to get you."

(He's done getting into character)

Ring, ring.

He's getting a call.

(He acts like a loving boyfriend)

Look into the camera.

Can you come out now?

But it's a video call.

(Changes right away)

Look into the camera. There you go.

Can you come out now?

Then I'll come get you. I'll be right there.


(We didn't even ask him to act like he's driving...)

Are you on your way?

(Shin Young stops him!)

His ears are red.

(You're amazing, Onew)

- They really got red. - They're bright red.

It feels like they're melting off.

Let's hear the next recording.

There's another one?

These days it's popular for idols

to react to, "Your mom bought you raw fish.

Your mom gave you the company."

I really want to see SHINee's version.

"Your mom bought you raw fish."

That feeling you get when someone treats you to raw fish.

"Your mom bought you raw fish." And then...

"Your mom gave you the company."

That's not that hard.

Since this isn't that hard, let's have everyone try it.

- Your mom bought you raw fish. - Min Ho first.

How about Onew first?

Why me again?

Go ahead.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

It's raw fish for the first one.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

(I really like raw fish)

Nice. Your mom gave you the company.

Your mom gave you the company.

1, 2, 3.

(My mom gave me the company? Alright...)

He doesn't look too happy.

He's like, "Alright."

She could give it to me.

He was expecting it.

My mom gave me the company.

Nice, okay.

(Raw fish / Company)



Raw fish.

Your mom bought you raw fish.

(I love delicious raw fish)

Nice. Your mom gave you the company.

(The first time seeing Key so chic)

(Raw fish / Company)

Okay! Just like that.

Min Ho.


Your mom bought you raw fish.

(Buy me some more)

(It's a good thing he got some...)

- How cute. - Your mom gave you the company.

(He tries to look rich)

(Raw fish / Company)

(I'm pretty good at this!)

Tae Min. Your mom bought you raw fish.



It's like he really got some.

Your mom gave you the company.

(The reality hits him...)

- Don't make me laugh! - He's so happy.

Your mom gave you the company.


(Thanks, mommy!)

(Raw fish / Company)

(This is nuts)

He's cringing.

That was for the fans.

We have another recording, right?

Another one? Alright.

This is the last one.

SHINee is so reliable.

I want to see you dance to "Good Evening" on bath stools.

And I hope the song wins 1st. Let's go!

You use chairs for "Good Evening."

That's what we promised we'd do if we won 1st.

Let's give them a little preview.

A preview? Alright.

We said it jokingly that it would be

really funny if we did the dance using bath stools.

("Good Evening" is like a work of art)

(How will it look on bath stools?)

("Good Evening" bath stool version)


(They look needlessly serious and dreamy)

(What am I doing right now?)

(Even the bath stools can't stop them from being dreamy)

(This should become a legendary clip)

(So in-synch)


(SHINee is so good)

(They cleared all the fan missions!)

You cleared the last mission.

You want the stools?

- As gifts. - Okay!

(They'll take whatever we give them)

So we'll give you the fourth combination digit.

What do you think it'll be?

It's 367 so far.

(They start another meeting)

3670. Okay.

The fourth and last digit is...

(We're sure it's 0!)




Why though?

When this show airs

that'll be the number of days you've been active.

(Chills! So meaningful...)

Your third gift...

This gift should make you happy.

It's for your concerts overseas.

Will Se Yoon pop out like...

Se Yoon has been in there a while.

We'll give you the bag too.

You all get a bag like this.

It's open.

Open it please.

- Gosh, it's finally open. - Lie it down.

What's in there?

The gift they've been waiting for.

You all get that nice bag.

And what's inside.

(What did they put in here?)

(The bag is finally open)

A coupon?

A Korean beef set for each member.

You each get one of those.


Thank you.

- Awesome! - Sirloin!

Is that ribeye?

You can each eat a pile of meat.

And please read the card carefully.

Make sure to read the bottom part. It's an important clause.

Does it say that Tae Min won't get anything?

Dang it...

Hold on.

What is it?

- You haven't seen it? - No.

Read it for them, Min Ho.

I can't believe you guys. Is this how it is?

Every member of SHINee gets a Korean beef set,

but they must successfully dance to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

- "Keep your promise from 2 years ago." - I don't need that beef.

Thank you so much for today.


- Just hear me out. Hear me out. - I won't eat it.

(The missions we've been doing all day...)

(At the end we all have to do the 2x speed dance?)

Watch. Think about it.

Out of the million SHINee fans that called in

80% requested the 2x speed dance.

We had to tell you that.

(We'll play them a few recordings as proof)

Weekly Idol said they'd give you beef if you danced to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

Please dance to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

The last time you were on the show, they promised that they'd give you beef

if you succeeded at dancing to "Everybody" at 2x speed.

I hope you succeed and win that beef.

I've been a huge fan of you guys for 10 years.

I'm so happy to celebrate your

10th anniversary with you guys.

And last time on the show...

Let's just do it.

I want to win that Korean beef.

Alright, alright. Our fans just got us passionate.

No time to think. Let's just go right into it.

There will be no closing, guys.

The shoot will end once you succeed at the 2x speed dance.

Everyone's done. Okay.

- Just verse 1? - Just verse 1.

- Let's do the entire song. - Let us do the entire song.

- Let's do this - Why though?

(Come on, guys)

We have to do the entire song.

Let's do the entire song.

(He's cheerful as Key complains)

We're doing the entire song.

Key keeps talking through his teeth.

Just get through verse 1 perfectly.

We'll do the entire song.

The highlight is at the end.

(It's so fun watching them argue)

("Everybody" is known for epic choreography)

(Now we'll finally get to see them do it at 2x speed!)

SHINee's "Everybody" 2x speed.


("Everybody" 2x speed version)

(He's good even though he complained)

(They're ready for the 2x speed dance)

(This is why SHINee is amazing)

(Onew almost makes a mistake)

(Onew gets his head back in the game)


(Key is actually trying hard)

(It's like another work of art)

(Why is my heart beating at 2x speed too?)

(The part to sing along to)

(So passionate)

(Now this is tight choreography)

(Shows his manly side)

(Time for Min Ho's part)

Hey, let's leave.

(Verse 2 started)

(Talking through his teeth)

I said let's leave.

(Key did seem a bit too quiet)

(Min Ho uses his superpowers)

Why aren't we leaving?

(No time to run away!)

(Their choreography continues to be tight)

(About to die)

(The beat gets faster)

(Now this is an idol group of 11 years)

(Here comes Tae Min)

(The others get a little break)

(Twice the sexiness)

(Break time is over!)

(Onew's propeller is on)

(All hail SHINee!)

(We're almost moved to tears...)

(They make you want to root for them)

Let's go!

(Go? Then I'm leaving)

(He tries to escape the studio again)

(They don't stop dancing)


(They succeed at the 2x speed dance)

Hurray for SHINee!

We got Key back again.

It looked good.

Why go through all this trouble?

That was fun.

(Thank you so much, SHINee)

Good work.

For more infomation >> [INDO/ENG SUB] 180620 SHINee at Weekly Idol E360 - Duration: 17:13.


චොක්ලට් ස්විස් රෝල් ❤ Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake | Eng Sub by Chammi Imalka - Duration: 12:30.

Hello everyone,

Today I'm giving you a most requested recipe.

It's Chocolate Swiss Roll cake :-)

This is a very soft Swiss roll cake

I added a glaze to this.

This is very taste and quick recipe.

If you haven't watched my Coffee Swiss Roll cake,

I have added the link to it in the description box below.

Also the ingredients for the recipe are mentioned in the description.

If you like my videos,

please subscribe to my Youtube channel.

If you haven't already subscribed,

please click on the red subscribe button below.

Then click on the bell icon coming near that.

Also don't forget to give a thumbs up for the video and

share with your friends.

We need these ingredients for the recipe.

4 egg whites

Separate it carefully without water and egg yolks.

1/4 tsp of cream of tartar

It's ok if you don't have them

If you can find them, you can add them too.

1/4 tsp of salt

4 egg yolks

80g of cake flour

I have showed you how to make cake flour.

You can use that method.

110g of sugar

30g of cocoa powder, 1 tsp of vanilla

This is the milk and oil mixture.

40 ml of milk and 40ml of vegetable oil

First I mix 4 egg whites in a bowl.

Now add some of the sugar

Keep the rest to add to egg whites.

Now mix well

Now I'm adding Vanilla, oil and milk.

Mix well until sugar is completely dissolved.

You can use a whisk to do this.

Now I'm adding flour and cocoa powder

Mix this well using a tea spoon.

You'll get a thick mixture like this.

Now add egg whites, salt and cream of tarter

to another bowl.

Beat this in high speed.

Add sugar little by little while beating.

Now beat this well in high speed until you get a peak.

For more infomation >> චොක්ලට් ස්විස් රෝල් ❤ Chocolate Swiss Roll Cake | Eng Sub by Chammi Imalka - Duration: 12:30.


Il potere della noia (cos'è la Default Mode Network) - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Il potere della noia (cos'è la Default Mode Network) - Duration: 6:41.


SKT Khan RYZE Top vs VIKTOR - Patch 8.23 KR Ranked - Duration: 20:56.

SKT Khan RYZE Top vs VIKTOR - Patch 8.23 KR Ranked

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