Morning All, it's ridiculous time in the morning. I don't know, the clock is on the phone.
I'm awake cuz, something exciting is happening today I'm getting...
Okay..that hair...
I'm getting a tattoo today. I'll be getting a baby on my arm.
I'm not telling you what it is. You'll have to watch and find out.
Oh man, and now I have to get up, and get where I'm going. I'm going to Tokyo Tattoo in Cheltenham.
It's about an hour away..... oh I gotta get up, I got a lot of coffee today.
But it's actually happening..... oh it's it's finally happening so I better, you know, get up.......
Alright I'm up.....I'm dressed. This is as about as upright as I'm gonna get.
I love this t-shirt I'm wearing. It says fuck diet culture .
It's from a website called the Self love Club. This is me, I'm ready now all I have to do....
Is have a nap???? No get there. That's the one, get there. My beds right there I just want to kind of, crawl into it. okay I'm doing this
I'm a bit early, what a surprise. I'm ridiculously early oops.
So now I'm just having a nap, and then I need to find a toilet..............
This is gonna be fun, the exciting life. This is the what actually happens when you go for a tattoo.
If you're like me and, overanxious. You turn up ridiculously early and then you just spend about an hour.
Trying to find a toilet. Yeah it's a glamorous life in it.......
I'm so ridiculously nervous because, this this Tattoo is much bigger and much more.....
intricate??? intricate.... intricate???? I can't even speak.
It's, it's I'm going somewhere posh. put it that way.
I'm going to Tokyo Tattoo which is higher class.
There's like, classes of tattoo shops. There's the one you walk in when you're half drunk,
And you just get, you know something tattooed on your arse.
Then you have this place
God knows how it happened, well I know how it happened and it's a really cool idea that it happened.
A friend of mine, Bunny. Over at..... Oh God I forgotten her channel name.
But I will link it here, they're, everywhere. Bunny has a piece by this artist, whose name is Sam Andrews. it's a Pokemon piece on her arm,
I fell in love with the colours. I think it's called Kawaii style???
I know nothing okay, I don't know what I'm talking about. I just fake it, till I make it.
But it's Kawaii style? Which is very bright and pretty. I am a complete idiot and don't know what I'm talking about.
I really should have researched this but anyway.
This dude Sam, does really bright bold, wonderful colour.
I fell in love with her tattoo, she hooked me up. Bunny, you are an absolute star for hooking me up.
Cause I was way too nervous, I have really bad anxiety when it comes to picking up the phone.
So Bunny hooked me up with Sam, and yeah.....he agreed to do this tattoo
That....... I didn't know I wanted .He's hopefully done me something wicked.
I haven't seen it yet so, I'm a little nervous but I'm sure it's fine....
it's gonna be fine.... of course it's going to be fine. It has to be right?
Yeah so fingers crossed everything's okay,
Thank you bunny, for hooking me up with this tattoo, that I never would have had, the guts to to go for, if it wasn't for her.
So I really appreciate it, thank you very much honey.
So I'm gonna have a nap, chill the sod out. Try not to have too much nerves
because there are nerves are not good, not good.
See you guys later!
Oh it's freezing, it's absolutely freezing today. It was snowing on the way here.
Just going through snow, in the middle of what is it? January, February?
When is it? What month is it? What year is it?
It's February, the 9th of February. I feel really, really sick with nerves.
I'm so nervous, I know it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be fine, and if it's not fine.
Then I'll deal, by this evening I will be at home, in my bed and it will all be fine.
But for now, I'm actually shaking with nerves on the edge of a panic attack.
I don't think I'm going into one, I'm kind of trying to stave it off.
I suppose that's not a real panic attack, because panic attacks you can't control.
Where as, I don't know what this is? This is me just trying to hold back,
having a complete meltdown. Until I'm in a safe space.
It's not really a safe time or safe moment to have...... whatever it is I'm on the verge of having.
There are people, and I can't cope I just, wanna go home to bed and I want to be in there.
Having it done already, I'll be allright once i'm in the chair, I keep saying that.
I keep telling myself, I will be all right once I'm in the chair.
These are just things, that keep going around, around in my head.
I don't know if this is normal? Or everybody has this kind of feeling.
why is there drilling?
But, I'm so petrified to say hello, to open my mouth....I'm literally rehearsing in my head.
Hi, I've got an appointment with Sam at 11 o'clock,
Hi, I've got appointment with Sam at 11 o'clock and I know that's not going to come out of my mouth,
it'll probably come out *giberish* Hi I'm Sam I got a pointing with Shelly at 11 o'clock.
That's happened before, and most people, that's nothing that's just.
oh well mm-hmm, but to me I'm panicking. I'm panicking about what I'm supposed to say,
how I'm supposed to say it???????? Am i doing the right thing here?
am I being attacked by a lorry? yes!
and I'm just so scared, but I'm doing this,
This proves that I'm alive, this time last year I don't know really.
Because I wasn't conscious, but this time last year I had double pneumonia and sepsis.
This is my therapy, my therapy is scaring myself. It's proving to myself that I'm alive.
You don't have to scare yourself to prove that your alive,
But to do something, that I am afraid of and yet, desperately want and am excited about.
Am I afraid because I'm excited? Am I excited because I'm afraid? I don't know?
I'm talking to myself, technically I'm talking to a camera.
What did we do before we had cameras? Did we all just sit and talk to ourselves?
Act like we're crazy? Because I always did, I've always had these conversations with myself.
Now I just have a camera to talk to.... okay, get back to napping Shelly!
chill the sod out
Back in the horizontal position, physically shaking from the amount of energy this is all taken.
But hey, I have a baby on my arm. You have probably seen by now,
from the little bit that I showed you, well that was being done.
That it's Stitch. I got a baby Stitch on my left arm,
Cause he's cute, and I relate to Stitch a hell of a lot,
because although he tries his hardest, he usually manages to screw things up.
That is my life, no matter how much I try. I screw things up, or break things.
Or I'm just some kind of weird alien.
It was really easy to sit for. It's the first time i've had colouring on a tattoo, and shading and stuff.
I thought well, that looks painful, that's gonna be bad.
But it wasn't hardly anything, I was just sat there. Tapping me foot along to some music that was going on.
At one point me and Sam, the artists, were singing along to the same thing, at the same time.
We were just, you know just, have a little sing-along going.
so yeah, really nice shop really open.
Take the glasses off so you can see.
Receptionist dude was really sweet and nice.
We're talking about maybe doing Howl's Moving Castle, doing the actual castle.
Because I really want that, but that's gonna be a bigger piece.
I'm not sure where I can put it, if you don't have it really big. You're gonna lose a lot of the detail.
So we'll see about that. But for now, physically shaking from the amount of adrenaline, and then I'll crash.
For now he's on my arm and he's beautiful and I love him! Tokyo Tattoo, it's a good shop man, they were really friendly.
Love them in there, okay see you wanna get home.....
Here we are, back home. Here is my Bubba, isn't he beautiful!
Obviously he's still a bit shiny at the moment, because you know.
24hours in, less than that actually and he's covered in in healing cream at the moment.
I bought some Sorry Mum Tattoo Balm, which I was scared about putting on,
because sometimes I react to things, I don't know about, but this is great.
It doesn't smell, it doesn't have, I haven't had a problem with it. No skin irritation,
And it just keeps him nice and, nice and covered, so that he doesn't dry out too much.
I should be probably looking at you guys but I can't I'm just staring at the viewfinder and my Bubba.
I'm calling him my Bubba, I don't know why he's just ended up being called that .
I can't have babies so I'm having this dude instead.
He's gorgeous, was a dream to sit for. I was there for..... I don't know, just about, less than 3 hours I think it took.
To put him on there. I'm not sure.
I knew that Stitch was gonna be there, I knew the star was gonna be there.
I hadn't decided whether or not I wanted anything inside the star.
Sam said "well I can just do an outline of the star, or I can just go at it and you'd let me have, you know artistic license, inside the star, with color"
and I was really nervous when he said that, because I'm a control freak.
But then he said the magic words "I could put stars inside the star. I could put a night sky inside the star!
I'm just like, go! It's yours do what you want!
I don't know how he did it, but he's put a nebula inside!
I will show you a close-up of my baby right now.
He's put a nebula inside the star, it's just, I looked away for 10 seconds, and there it was.
There was this beautiful, beautiful nebula inside my baby.
There is a contrast colour around stitch, so that he stands out more.
So that he looks more like sticker, than a tattoo that fades in. Magically there are tiny, tiny little stars all around him as well.
I don't know how Sam did that? Again I looked away, and suddenly these these little, white stars.
With sort of pink grading around them, are there. And have popped out and......
The colour is just fantastic, I looked down for a bit, and watched what Sam was doing.
I don't know how he did it, but I love him!
He is my Bubba, and he's on my arm.
Reminds me of a lyric from a P!NK song, "I've got a guardian angel tattooed on my shoulder"
That's what it feels like, feels like I've got a little Stitch, guardian angel looking at me.
Going, you may be weird, but so am i! Lets go for it!
The sitting, as I said was a dream. There was very little pain, got a bit sore towards the end.
I was really surprised, I got home and there's been no afterburn.
Usually I get stinging and stuff, and there's been none of that.
Oddly, annoyingly, the weirdest pain is the fact that I subluxated my shoulder.
To have it done, I had to have my arm out on a rest like that.
So twisting my arm and kind of rotating it forward a little bit. Like that...
I shouldn't do that
I was holding that for quite a while, and so that's rotated my shoulder forward,
which has subluxated the shoulder, which has pulled this muscle here.
Which is giving me one hell of a headache. Made me drop this one, and I'm kind of stuck in this position right now,
The fun of having EDS guys, So it will be a couple of days. Of trying to click it back in.
I don't know if you can see, this is my natural position right now.
This one's dropped, and this one's up here because I'm going to hold this one weird,
because if I don't, it hurts like mad.
but yeah, I don't care. I mean I do, because I didn't sleep very well.
Because of it, I have hardly slept at all, I'm still buzzing from the adrenaline.
I will crash so badly at some point, but he's my Bubba and he's on my shoulder. I can't quite believe this is my arm.
The shop is lovely, Sam is lovely, I have a bit of a crush on the receptionist...
yeah.....if they watch this. Hi!
I just have a crush on all of them. I have. I get crushes on people that, do amazing things.
And are amazing and, they're so friendly and lovely in there.
Yeah, I'm just in that place where I'm getting a crush on everybody.
I have a crush on Stitch.
I have to go lie down, as I said I'm still buzzing.
I've still got adrenalin going through my system. it hasn't left yet I'm gonna be so bad later, whenever this stops.
It's gonna be terrible, but I'm gonna have this Bubba. To remind me, that it was right.
So thank you to Sam, thank you to Tokyo Tattoo and thank you to Bunny for hooking me up.
I might go watch Lilo and Stitch now....Byeeee
What's that soundtrack to Lilo and Stitch???
Elvis in it?
You ain't nothing but a houndog, cryin all the time......
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