Friday, March 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 30 2018

This is Anastasia: she is 22 years old and a true Efteling Fan.

Because of her passion for acting, she loves to imagine herself in other worlds.

She has her own Efteling Fan account, which she uses to inspire her Russian family.

That's what makes a true fan.

But how does she do that?

This is Efteling Fans.

So, where's the little spoon? Let me stir it.

Take a look at how well they've turned out. Look! Have a look, please, Jora.

They look great. We still need to get the pepper.

OK, I'll get some. Where is it, actually?

Yes, I've already put the gherkins on the table. Have a look and see how many glasses there are on the table.

Hold on a second, don't stir it yet. Let me first pop all the dumplings in, then you can stir it.

I'll wait.

Let me stir it.

No, not like that. Look, hold it like this. The whole thing?

No, from the other side. Yes, like that, great. Thank you. Just give it to me.

Let's have a toast! Go on then!

To you, thanks for preparing everything. The boys helped you out.

Bon appetit! Cheers!

These are all Russian dishes because we are Russian.

For instance, this is a salad and we actually only eat it during the holidays.

But the meat salad is so delicious, we have it every now and then.

Right, guys?

It's really my favourite salad.

It's traditional to have it at New Year's.

This is a typical Russian dish.

Pelmeni is really delicious, too.

I could eat that every day.

You can make it every day.

Being superstitious is also typically Russian.

We Russians are very superstitious.

For example, when we travel.

Before we go anywhere we have to sit down somewhere. On a sofa or a chair.

Before you leave, you check everything together. Have I got my passport, money...

all the most important things; only then can we leave. It's unlucky otherwise.

Just have a sit down before you leave. If you didn't, it would be really unlucky.

And one more thing. Russians always prepare a lot of food,

just in case someone comes by. That way they can join us because we have enough food.

But when they come in they have to...

Then they have to take their shoes off, because that's unlucky too.

We came to the Netherlands in 1994 because of our studies.

We studied together at Moscow University.

We were given the opportunity to continue our studies here.

When I was a student, my first job was in Efteling.

I worked in a restaurant.

The restaurant was called De Likkebaerd.

I don't know if it's still there, I don't think so.

I really enjoyed it.

Nice colleagues.

I learnt a lot.

Back then, I hardly spoke any Dutch.

But I really learnt a lot then.

I loved Efteling at first sight.

This was the world I wanted to show my children.

Yes, we immediately wanted to go to Efteling as often as possible.

Both of them were born here and from that moment on we went...

to Efteling every month.

We loved it so much there.

Now both of them have season tickets.

Yes, my brother and I said straight away that we wanted season tickets.

And whenever our family comes over from Russia, we go to Efteling.

And they really look forward to it.

That is what inspired me to start my Efteling Fan account on Instagram: World of Efteling.

I post photos every day and I do it in English too,

so people who live abroad can also read it.

I can show you on Instagram.

One of my best memories is here in the Efteling Museum.

I moved to Russia together with my family, my mother, father and brother...

when I was about nine.

I went to live with my grandparents for a year.

In the Urals. In a small, poor village,

while my parents were building a future for us in Moscow.

From the first day, my grandma really meant everything to me.

She did everything for me – she was my second mum.

And almost every time, I told my grandpa and grandma that if they came to the Netherlands...

I would take them to Efteling, the World of Wonders.

I want to open up this world for you and show you the magic.

My parents soon decided to return to the Netherlands after all.

My grandpa and grandma thought, well we'll simply come to visit you in the Netherlands

because we miss you.

So then we actually did go to Efteling together.

It was a dream come true for all of us

and for my grandpa and grandma... going to Efteling with their grandchildren.

My best memory of them is actually here in the Efteling Museum.

My best memory with my grandpa and grandma is in the room next to this one.

There was an exhibition for the 50th birthday of Big Mouth 'Holle Bolle Gijs'.

It was a new exhibition at that time.

There was a very long table with...

lots of cakes, cupcakes and snacks.

They were all pretend.

We were all sitting at the table

and I don't know why but my grandma started acting silly.

We were all in hysterics.

I think we were there for a few minutes and we almost cried with laughter.

Luckily, I've got some photos of it.

I look at them often when I'm here in the Efteling Museum.

Shortly after that, we received a telephone call that grandma had died.


I'm so happy that I have that memory.

So when I come to the museum I...

I'm crying now but they're just...

tears of joy because I can remember it.

I'm so happy about that.

I don't have a fixed route in Efteling.

I try and let myself be surprised by what the day will bring.

If I feel like starting at Baron 1898, I start there, or otherwise at De Vliegende Hollander.

The most important thing in Efteling is that...

I forget reality for a moment.

As soon as I step through the gates of Efteling, I'm there and nowhere else.

Reality is far away and I leave all the problems behind me.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if Efteling should disappear.

A routine would literally disappear from my life.

I try and go to Efteling as much as possible.

But I try not to go too often because I don't want it to feel as if it's normal.

Besides taking photos for my Efteling Instagram account World of Efteling...

I often also make short videos.

And I just want to make a short video about this moment now.

Hello, dear followers!

Finally, I can tell you...

I'm getting my own episode on the Efteling YouTube channel in the Efteling series, Efteling Fans.

You can watch it on the Efteling YouTube channel.

Tell me what you think of it and... thumbs up.

Yes. That was good, I think.

I like it if it's a bit...

Hey, Anastasia from World of Efteling!

It's great to run into you here.

Hi, I'm Vienna and I'm a Social Media Marketer at Efteling.

What are you doing here at the moment?

I'm making a short video for Instagram about my day in Efteling.

Oh, that's super cool.

Now I'm meeting you for real but I often come across you on Instagram.

Here at Efteling, we regularly share your photos.

Have you posted anything yet today? No, not yet.

Shall we take a photo together? Yes, sure!

What do you look for when you take a photo of De Vliegende Hollander?

I think it's especially important to make the viewer curious about the park.

I don't know if you've got any tips for me, like what is a really great Efteling photo?

With Efteling, the icons are the most important. Of course, they work really great.

They really give the feeling of Efteling. Not only for the fans but also for...

people who are less familiar with Efteling.

Using hashtags as well, but I see you always use them, too.

Yes, always #Efteling. That's really important.

Can you give me a tip that would attract even more followers with an account like this?

Follow other people or fan accounts and comment on their posts.

Make sure you also share photos taken by others...

who also use #Efteling, so you also have more engagement in that respect, too.

I usually only post my own photos, photos I have taken.

That makes the account special.

It does!

But if it's a holiday, like New Year's Day or Valentine's Day, I post a photo...

of Efteling or someone else's photo.

Yours is a good tip, I'll definitely think about it.

Yes, that way you share each other's photos.

Yes, that's a good one, sure.

Yes, did you get it?

Yes, I got it!

Will you post the photo on Instagram straight away?

No, I'm going to edit it, of course.

I do that via Instagram and a few other apps.

I add a bit of structure, sharpness and light.

Then the photo is perfect to post.

It was super cool that I was able to meet Vienna.

I want to go in my favourite attraction,

De Vliegende Hollander.

When I go in this attraction, it really makes me feel as if I'm stepping into the 17th century.

I simply forget reality.

I'm in that time, in that world.

The story is about a successful but greedy captain: Willem van der Decken.

His ship changed into a ghost ship...

and mysteriously, nothing was ever heard of it again.

"You shall also sail until the end of time".

Yes, it was wonderful again.

Just like being in the 17th century.

I was wearing a beautiful dress, I was in beautiful rooms and that is perhaps also the reason...

why I want to become an actress.

I can lose myself in other worlds.

One of my biggest dreams as an actress is to play in a big series that's on now.

Or to star in a successful film on the silver screen.

Why do I think acting is so special and I like it so much?

Because I used to be quite shy and kept to myself,

especially at secondary school.

I was quite insecure then and my mother noticed that.

She thought: you used to be so lively, always full of joy.

Especially when I was watching a film.

We always watched Bollywood films.

And I always used to dance along like the actresses, so then my mother said:...

"Nas, I'm going to enrol you at drama school.

Just give it a try.

If you don't like it, that's OK but let's just give it a go.

At first, it was really scary but once I was there and started playing other parts,

I noticed that I started feeling free as a person.

I've had to play parts...

like the Gothic girl or the part of an evil person.

I also did Russian. I can show you.

That's because, once, I was allowed to be an evil witch in Russian.

I'll do it now.

No! This is who I am now!

Let him see me like this!

Let him see what has happened to me!

I hate him!

And I'll show everyone his true nature.

This is very extreme but I love going for the extreme.

Extreme characters.

It would also be really cool to do more productions with Efteling

because then I could combine acting with my passion: Efteling.

That would also be super cool.

Which Efteling Fan do you think deserves to be in this YouTube series?

Please let us know in the comments or send an e-mail to

For more infomation >> Anastasia from World of Efteling inspires her foreign followers on Instagram - Efteling Fans - Duration: 14:29.


10 choses affreuses que les maris ne devraient jamais faire subir à leurs épouses - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> 10 choses affreuses que les maris ne devraient jamais faire subir à leurs épouses - Duration: 9:29.


Předpověď na víkend: 30. 3. - 2. 4. 2018 - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Předpověď na víkend: 30. 3. - 2. 4. 2018 - Duration: 1:42.


Nico­las Sarkozy : la présence récon­for­tante de sa femme Carla Bruni - DN - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Nico­las Sarkozy : la présence récon­for­tante de sa femme Carla Bruni - DN - Duration: 3:53.


Pourquoi Laurent Wauquiez ne lâchera pas Nicolas Sarkozy, renvoyé en correctionnelle- DN - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Laurent Wauquiez ne lâchera pas Nicolas Sarkozy, renvoyé en correctionnelle- DN - Duration: 2:28.


Les sœurs contraires - COLLER ET DÉCOLLER - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Les sœurs contraires - COLLER ET DÉCOLLER - Duration: 1:17.


Constellation #04 : Davina, l'indéprimerie poétique - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Constellation #04 : Davina, l'indéprimerie poétique - Duration: 11:06.


Comique Strip' de François Rougier - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Comique Strip' de François Rougier - Duration: 1:48.


이명박 전 대통령이 구치소에 머무를 날이 늘어났다. | 여사김정숙 - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 이명박 전 대통령이 구치소에 머무를 날이 늘어났다. | 여사김정숙 - Duration: 4:18.


Carla et Nico­las Sarkozy, main dans la main dans la tempête judi­ciaire - DN - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Carla et Nico­las Sarkozy, main dans la main dans la tempête judi­ciaire - DN - Duration: 3:04.


Jean-Michel Maire (TPMP) sort du silence et réagit à la plainte dépo­sée par Soraya Riffy - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Jean-Michel Maire (TPMP) sort du silence et réagit à la plainte dépo­sée par Soraya Riffy - Duration: 6:12.


#0.5 Hopping!Nekoringo! - Duration: 0:48.

It is apple breed cat.

As Ringo-chan is the concept of an apple.

This cat is a incarnation of the concept of a crabapple.

This cat's name is Nekoringo(apple-cat).

Nekoringo is curios.

Nekoringo can't get up on he own if he fall down.


For more infomation >> #0.5 Hopping!Nekoringo! - Duration: 0:48.


厦门石室禅院慈善会圆满举行"学雷锋·践行动"活动 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> 厦门石室禅院慈善会圆满举行"学雷锋·践行动"活动 - Duration: 1:04.


Learn how to use apostrophes (correctly) - Duration: 8:41.

For more infomation >> Learn how to use apostrophes (correctly) - Duration: 8:41.


Anyone Else

For more infomation >> Anyone Else


CLIC ET SA BANDE - Vent d'été - Duration: 12:16.

For more infomation >> CLIC ET SA BANDE - Vent d'été - Duration: 12:16.


Anastasia from World of Efteling inspires her foreign followers on Instagram - Efteling Fans - Duration: 14:29.

This is Anastasia: she is 22 years old and a true Efteling Fan.

Because of her passion for acting, she loves to imagine herself in other worlds.

She has her own Efteling Fan account, which she uses to inspire her Russian family.

That's what makes a true fan.

But how does she do that?

This is Efteling Fans.

So, where's the little spoon? Let me stir it.

Take a look at how well they've turned out. Look! Have a look, please, Jora.

They look great. We still need to get the pepper.

OK, I'll get some. Where is it, actually?

Yes, I've already put the gherkins on the table. Have a look and see how many glasses there are on the table.

Hold on a second, don't stir it yet. Let me first pop all the dumplings in, then you can stir it.

I'll wait.

Let me stir it.

No, not like that. Look, hold it like this. The whole thing?

No, from the other side. Yes, like that, great. Thank you. Just give it to me.

Let's have a toast! Go on then!

To you, thanks for preparing everything. The boys helped you out.

Bon appetit! Cheers!

These are all Russian dishes because we are Russian.

For instance, this is a salad and we actually only eat it during the holidays.

But the meat salad is so delicious, we have it every now and then.

Right, guys?

It's really my favourite salad.

It's traditional to have it at New Year's.

This is a typical Russian dish.

Pelmeni is really delicious, too.

I could eat that every day.

You can make it every day.

Being superstitious is also typically Russian.

We Russians are very superstitious.

For example, when we travel.

Before we go anywhere we have to sit down somewhere. On a sofa or a chair.

Before you leave, you check everything together. Have I got my passport, money...

all the most important things; only then can we leave. It's unlucky otherwise.

Just have a sit down before you leave. If you didn't, it would be really unlucky.

And one more thing. Russians always prepare a lot of food,

just in case someone comes by. That way they can join us because we have enough food.

But when they come in they have to...

Then they have to take their shoes off, because that's unlucky too.

We came to the Netherlands in 1994 because of our studies.

We studied together at Moscow University.

We were given the opportunity to continue our studies here.

When I was a student, my first job was in Efteling.

I worked in a restaurant.

The restaurant was called De Likkebaerd.

I don't know if it's still there, I don't think so.

I really enjoyed it.

Nice colleagues.

I learnt a lot.

Back then, I hardly spoke any Dutch.

But I really learnt a lot then.

I loved Efteling at first sight.

This was the world I wanted to show my children.

Yes, we immediately wanted to go to Efteling as often as possible.

Both of them were born here and from that moment on we went...

to Efteling every month.

We loved it so much there.

Now both of them have season tickets.

Yes, my brother and I said straight away that we wanted season tickets.

And whenever our family comes over from Russia, we go to Efteling.

And they really look forward to it.

That is what inspired me to start my Efteling Fan account on Instagram: World of Efteling.

I post photos every day and I do it in English too,

so people who live abroad can also read it.

I can show you on Instagram.

One of my best memories is here in the Efteling Museum.

I moved to Russia together with my family, my mother, father and brother...

when I was about nine.

I went to live with my grandparents for a year.

In the Urals. In a small, poor village,

while my parents were building a future for us in Moscow.

From the first day, my grandma really meant everything to me.

She did everything for me – she was my second mum.

And almost every time, I told my grandpa and grandma that if they came to the Netherlands...

I would take them to Efteling, the World of Wonders.

I want to open up this world for you and show you the magic.

My parents soon decided to return to the Netherlands after all.

My grandpa and grandma thought, well we'll simply come to visit you in the Netherlands

because we miss you.

So then we actually did go to Efteling together.

It was a dream come true for all of us

and for my grandpa and grandma... going to Efteling with their grandchildren.

My best memory of them is actually here in the Efteling Museum.

My best memory with my grandpa and grandma is in the room next to this one.

There was an exhibition for the 50th birthday of Big Mouth 'Holle Bolle Gijs'.

It was a new exhibition at that time.

There was a very long table with...

lots of cakes, cupcakes and snacks.

They were all pretend.

We were all sitting at the table

and I don't know why but my grandma started acting silly.

We were all in hysterics.

I think we were there for a few minutes and we almost cried with laughter.

Luckily, I've got some photos of it.

I look at them often when I'm here in the Efteling Museum.

Shortly after that, we received a telephone call that grandma had died.


I'm so happy that I have that memory.

So when I come to the museum I...

I'm crying now but they're just...

tears of joy because I can remember it.

I'm so happy about that.

I don't have a fixed route in Efteling.

I try and let myself be surprised by what the day will bring.

If I feel like starting at Baron 1898, I start there, or otherwise at De Vliegende Hollander.

The most important thing in Efteling is that...

I forget reality for a moment.

As soon as I step through the gates of Efteling, I'm there and nowhere else.

Reality is far away and I leave all the problems behind me.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if Efteling should disappear.

A routine would literally disappear from my life.

I try and go to Efteling as much as possible.

But I try not to go too often because I don't want it to feel as if it's normal.

Besides taking photos for my Efteling Instagram account World of Efteling...

I often also make short videos.

And I just want to make a short video about this moment now.

Hello, dear followers!

Finally, I can tell you...

I'm getting my own episode on the Efteling YouTube channel in the Efteling series, Efteling Fans.

You can watch it on the Efteling YouTube channel.

Tell me what you think of it and... thumbs up.

Yes. That was good, I think.

I like it if it's a bit...

Hey, Anastasia from World of Efteling!

It's great to run into you here.

Hi, I'm Vienna and I'm a Social Media Marketer at Efteling.

What are you doing here at the moment?

I'm making a short video for Instagram about my day in Efteling.

Oh, that's super cool.

Now I'm meeting you for real but I often come across you on Instagram.

Here at Efteling, we regularly share your photos.

Have you posted anything yet today? No, not yet.

Shall we take a photo together? Yes, sure!

What do you look for when you take a photo of De Vliegende Hollander?

I think it's especially important to make the viewer curious about the park.

I don't know if you've got any tips for me, like what is a really great Efteling photo?

With Efteling, the icons are the most important. Of course, they work really great.

They really give the feeling of Efteling. Not only for the fans but also for...

people who are less familiar with Efteling.

Using hashtags as well, but I see you always use them, too.

Yes, always #Efteling. That's really important.

Can you give me a tip that would attract even more followers with an account like this?

Follow other people or fan accounts and comment on their posts.

Make sure you also share photos taken by others...

who also use #Efteling, so you also have more engagement in that respect, too.

I usually only post my own photos, photos I have taken.

That makes the account special.

It does!

But if it's a holiday, like New Year's Day or Valentine's Day, I post a photo...

of Efteling or someone else's photo.

Yours is a good tip, I'll definitely think about it.

Yes, that way you share each other's photos.

Yes, that's a good one, sure.

Yes, did you get it?

Yes, I got it!

Will you post the photo on Instagram straight away?

No, I'm going to edit it, of course.

I do that via Instagram and a few other apps.

I add a bit of structure, sharpness and light.

Then the photo is perfect to post.

It was super cool that I was able to meet Vienna.

I want to go in my favourite attraction,

De Vliegende Hollander.

When I go in this attraction, it really makes me feel as if I'm stepping into the 17th century.

I simply forget reality.

I'm in that time, in that world.

The story is about a successful but greedy captain: Willem van der Decken.

His ship changed into a ghost ship...

and mysteriously, nothing was ever heard of it again.

"You shall also sail until the end of time".

Yes, it was wonderful again.

Just like being in the 17th century.

I was wearing a beautiful dress, I was in beautiful rooms and that is perhaps also the reason...

why I want to become an actress.

I can lose myself in other worlds.

One of my biggest dreams as an actress is to play in a big series that's on now.

Or to star in a successful film on the silver screen.

Why do I think acting is so special and I like it so much?

Because I used to be quite shy and kept to myself,

especially at secondary school.

I was quite insecure then and my mother noticed that.

She thought: you used to be so lively, always full of joy.

Especially when I was watching a film.

We always watched Bollywood films.

And I always used to dance along like the actresses, so then my mother said:...

"Nas, I'm going to enrol you at drama school.

Just give it a try.

If you don't like it, that's OK but let's just give it a go.

At first, it was really scary but once I was there and started playing other parts,

I noticed that I started feeling free as a person.

I've had to play parts...

like the Gothic girl or the part of an evil person.

I also did Russian. I can show you.

That's because, once, I was allowed to be an evil witch in Russian.

I'll do it now.

No! This is who I am now!

Let him see me like this!

Let him see what has happened to me!

I hate him!

And I'll show everyone his true nature.

This is very extreme but I love going for the extreme.

Extreme characters.

It would also be really cool to do more productions with Efteling

because then I could combine acting with my passion: Efteling.

That would also be super cool.

Which Efteling Fan do you think deserves to be in this YouTube series?

Please let us know in the comments or send an e-mail to

For more infomation >> Anastasia from World of Efteling inspires her foreign followers on Instagram - Efteling Fans - Duration: 14:29.


BMW X3 2.0d xDrive High Executive Automaat Panoramadak 360 Camera Nieuw Model - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> BMW X3 2.0d xDrive High Executive Automaat Panoramadak 360 Camera Nieuw Model - Duration: 0:59.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D 4WD Instyle Plus Aut. 7-Str. | Rijklaarprijs E 54.495 2e PAASDAG GEOPE - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.2 DI-D 4WD Instyle Plus Aut. 7-Str. | Rijklaarprijs E 54.495 2e PAASDAG GEOPE - Duration: 0:52.


Kia cee'd 1.0T-GDi/120pk GT-Line Navi+Camera Xenon Keyless Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0T-GDi/120pk GT-Line Navi+Camera Xenon Keyless Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 0:57.


10 choses affreuses que les maris ne devraient jamais faire subir à leurs épouses - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> 10 choses affreuses que les maris ne devraient jamais faire subir à leurs épouses - Duration: 9:29.


Генерал iskander m_и_Websurfer Project Raptor 9.1.13 - Duration: 36:46.

For more infomation >> Генерал iskander m_и_Websurfer Project Raptor 9.1.13 - Duration: 36:46.


Constellation #04 : Davina, l'indéprimerie poétique - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> Constellation #04 : Davina, l'indéprimerie poétique - Duration: 11:06.


Cake Style 2018 🎂Amazing Cakes Decorating Techniques 2018 #6 🎂 Most Satisfying Cake Style Video🎂 - Duration: 10:23.

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> Cake Style 2018 🎂Amazing Cakes Decorating Techniques 2018 #6 🎂 Most Satisfying Cake Style Video🎂 - Duration: 10:23.


Liverpool star growing frustrated at lack of first team opportunities under Jurgen Klopp ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:12.

LIVERPOOL youngster Dominic Solanke is facing the same problem at Anfield that he did at


Solanke is not getting any first team action due to the world-class players ahead of him

in the pecking order.

The striker is frustrated and admits it is difficult to dislodge the "crazy" players

in front of him.

The 20-year-old's opportunities to impress have been limited due to the outstanding form

of Reds' front three of Roberto Firmino, Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane.

Solanke is still yet to hit the net since his controversial transfer from signing from

Chelsea last summer.

But when asked if his Liverpool frustration was the same as he experienced at Stamford

Bridge, Solanke said: "It's different.

"It's always frustrating when you're not playing, but I'm enjoying it at Liverpool.

"Being at a club like Liverpool, there's always a lot of competition so there's always

going to be tough times.

"I'm learning from those around me.

There are some crazy players at Liverpool, especially in my position I have definitely

learned a lot from that.

I'm grateful for that.

"You always have to take the positives from the situation and we're doing so well at the

moment the front players have been phenomenal.

It's a good lesson.

"Salah is on fire and I'm really happy for him.

He is unstoppable at the moment and that's helping us a lot."

Solanke has barely featured under boss Jurgen Klopp since playing the full 90 minutes of

the New Year's Day win at Burnley.

But he came off the bench to score a late winner for England under-21s in their 2-1

Euro 2018 qualifying win over Ukraine on Tuesday.

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