Monday, December 31, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 1 2019

hello I'm Uncle David and it's a really a privilege for me to be here with you

today we have a very very solemn very important subject I do not feel worthy

really to present it but I believe that you will be greatly blessed today and

and as we go forward I believe that more and more voices around the world will be

sharing this message and you'll hear it from many different directions

before we open God's words in and study these things we need to pray that God

will lead us and guide us that his word will be heard not the speaker but that

the Holy Spirit will present his message would you join me in prayer Heavenly

Father thank you so much that we live in this last generation thank you that we

can be witnesses to these last day events and that you are revealing lying

upon line as events happen you're showing your people what is

happening how to understand what is happening how to prepare for the future

and prepare for the special anointing the sealing and a loud cry oh how we

need your Holy Spirit prepare our hearts cleanse us from all unrighteousness and

when you pour out your spirit now as we open your word and discuss these events

so that we may be wise and the wise will understand the wicked will not

understand but we want to be wise and we need your Holy Spirit to illuminate us

give us wisdom today because those that asked will receive abundantly we pray

and we thank you in Jesus name Amen

hello I'm Uncle David I am very delighted to be with you today but I'm

kind of scared because the subject today is probably one of the subject matters

the most solemn that I've ever preached the most urgent them the one with the

biggest consequences it's about a door which is about to

close very soon to the Advent people and the question is are you ready and that

the subject of this whole matter is about the urgency of the times that we

live in before I begin the subject I would like to make a disclaimer what the

subject matter is about what I'm trying to say what I wish to communicate is

that over the last several months the Lord actually over several years but the

last several months he has focused my attention on several things that I came

to the realization that this has to be presented to you

to the people to those that are awaiting Jesus second coming

those that understand the sanctuary service it has to be presented so that

there's time to react so that there's time to study and pray there is time to

get ready it will identify parallels in history history of several key players

and it will identify the parallels of previous events historical events

with what is happening today God has impressed me shown me that those events

in the past will be perfectly replicated will be duplicated in like manner and

that God's people need to know about them so they can be wide awake in

preparing what I'm not trying to say and without a doubt some people will say

that I am but I want to say ahead of time what I'm not trying to say I'm not

trying to communicate a specific date I'm not trying to communicate a specific

event that will happen on a specific day month but I am trying to communicate

exactly what Jesus told us to do to communicate when it's even at the door

and we are at the door it is my conviction after much prayer in

consultation with colleagues with another pastor I spent about an hour

with another pastor who from a very different point of view has also reached

the same conclusion some of our workers some friends and others have also had

confirmation in dreams which has which woke me up to the importance of what was

happening in it I began to research I began to understand so I'm not trying to

set any dates yet I am trying to say that we are even at the door and that is

what God intended for us to do and we will see during this study that it is

God's intention that his people are aware of how close we are and how near

to the closing of that door when God's people are to get ready for the final

exam which is coming about too soon to burst like us surprise upon the world so

please I make this disclaimer ahead of time I'm not trying to set any dates but

I am trying to communicate the parallels that are happening and which gives us an

idea of how close we are to Jesus coming the exact timing God will reveal to us

and I am NOT being dogmatic either I'm not saying that I know a hundred percent

but I cannot but communicate what I have seen what I have heard what I have

observed and the convictions not to communicate this to you could mean that

your blood will be on my hands and I don't want that to be the case so I'm

communicating what God has showed me and I believe that since this is God's

message for this time for this very moment in history I believe that God

will confirm it through many voices soon we will be hearing this message from

others in South America Africa Asia and Europe I believe God has already started

and I believe it's all I am not the only one already

I know about three or four people that have come to the same conclusion and so

I believe it's going to grow into a mighty message that will alert God's

people to the nearness of time so let's let's get on with a message but I wanted

to make that very clear and even though I I make it clear I know that some

people will still state that I am doing it and I am willing to take that that

chance and at risk but I pray that if you are understand heart you will

understand the meaning of the message and then you will take it directly to

the Lord and through prayer and study you yourself will reach to your own

conclusions as a watchman on the wall we are called upon to sound a warning

whenever there's danger a faithful watchman must give the message in

Ezekiel 3:17 2:18 we are told son of man I have made thee a watchman on house of

Israel therefore hear that word at my mouth and give them warning from me if

thou give us not the warning his blood will I require at thine hand this is a

very sacred responsibility to be a watchman actually every seventh-day

Adventist is supposed to be a watchman but especially those that are awake and

can see what is happening need to sound a warning we will see what happens when

you don't sound a warning in Israel's ancient times and even today God has

this problem Watchmen that never warn they are placed as Watchmen on the walls

of Zion but this is what happens they won't speak they won't hear they won't

see what is happening isaiah 56:10 2:11 says his Watchmen are blind they're all

ignorant they are all dumb dogs they cannot bark yea they are greedy dog

which can never have enough they all look to their own way everyone for his

own gain from his quarter they are Watchmen on the walls that are dumb dogs

and cannot bark there are many Watchmen on the walls that cannot bark why for

various reasons perhaps they are afraid of losing their job perhaps they're

afraid of what people will say but the blood of the innocent will be on their

hands and God will hold them responsible I do not want anybody's blood on my

hands in fact I would want to see those that are saved and

because of this sermon so I pray God will use it not because I have something

to say because God has something to say there are no surprises for those who are

watching in fact there are several very clear Bible verses that will show us

what God expects of us for example Amos 3:7 surely the Lord God will do nothing

but he first revealed it to his servants the prophets nothing means nothing it

means that it means that God will always always warn when he's about to do

something and he will always make sure that we're aware he will never catch us

by surprise if we're awake now if you're sleeping there are many things I will

come like an overwhelming surprise of course first Thessalonians 5:4 said be

ye brethren and out of darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief

we will see that here also and God does not want to overtake as a surprise

unless we're in darkness joel 2:28 and it shall come to pass afterward that I

will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall

prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions we

are living at a time when God is already giving dreams and visions and talking to

people older people and young people this is his promise we do have the

spirit of prophecy and sister White was was blessed as our messenger from the

Lord with a massive lifetime of prophetic messages and light from heaven

but that doesn't mean that some of us will not receive the Holy Spirit in

visions and dreams as well in fact one of the reasons I'm preaching is is

because that is exactly what has happened several of my friends that I

deeply trust spiritually have told me the other communications they have

received in dreams and they have a history of God communicating through

dreams God is communicating with the Muslim people in dreams everywhere the

Holy Spirit is at work today and all of these messages those that must be tested

by them but they all have to be tested by the Bible and if they're tested and

conformed then you we can have confidence in in them in first

Corinthians 1011 now all these things happen at the end for examples and are

written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world have come the Apostle

Paul is telling us here that that everything that happened

in the past is to be an example where to study it because it's written for us

that live in the last days it should not surprise those at all when when events

are repeated because that's why God has asking us to look at the past so we can

see what is going to happen in the future look at look at Matthew 24:32 233

now learned the parable of fig tree Jesus said when his branch is yet tender

and it put it forth this leaves you know that summer is night so likewise when

you see all these things you know that is it is nigh near even at the doors so

Jesus wants us to to be aware he wants us to watch he wants us to see the

development of things the problem is that we become so accustomed to thinking

some day some day some day that we cannot ourselves we will say we're

surprised in fact those that have never heard the message are less likely to be

pessimistic about the message and those of us that have heard it all our life

we've been vaccinated to a certain extent by hearing a message so many

times that we don't even listen to it anymore but this times it is serious

this time we will find out that God is making his move and you have to make

some decisions I have to make some decisions mark 13:35 Watchi therefore

for you knew not when the master the house cometh even at even midnight cock

crowing or the morning less coming suddenly he find you sleeping he's

talking to his own people could it be that many of us are still sleeping in

fact the ten virgins we will find out a little bit later the ten virgins are a

perfect example of God's people even if they have oil under them they are still

sleeping even if you're faithful and even if you're allowing God to live in

you and to and you've committed your life to the Lord you could be sleeping

so that the event will catch you by surprise so that's why we have some

people giving the message the midnight cry the bridegroom is coming let us go

forth to meet him first Thessalonians 5:4 but ye brethren are not in darkness

that that day should overtake you as a thief it is not God's purpose to

overtake us okay who can understand these things

who can understand current events here we are told who can understand those who

place themselves under the control of God to be led and guided by him will

capture the steady tread of events as he ordains them to take place and in

Christian service page 77 those who place themselves under the control of

God will understand what is happening in in Daniel 12 we are told that the wicked

will not understand but the wise will understand we certainly want to be wise

that's why we are watching this video that's why we're producing this video

that's why your there is because we want to understand in order to understand

what is happening we have to understand who the key players are there are some

certain key prophetic figures that we have to keep our eyes on in order when

they make their move we know something is happening when God allows them to

make their move because God is the one who overrules in the affairs of men and

he is the one who determines when and what happens and when he allows things

to move forward on earth it means that we can know that something is happening

in heaven one of the key players is papal Rome papal Rome is the Beast the

harlot of Revelation 13 17 through 19 she is drunk with the blood of the

Saints the deadly wound that was that was applied to the Beast in 1798 has now

been almost healed and all the world is wondering after the Beast it is not

fully healed yet but it is almost and we will find that very very soon in a

matter of a short time it will be fully healed the the papal power and will be

given power for 42 months to be able to to be able to make war with the Saints

and to overcome them we were thinking 42 months prophetic

months that happened at 1260 years in the past but we will find that God has

always been able and used dual applications throughout its prophecy

like the seven churches represent seven literal churches but also seven periods

of time and we could go with several examples of this

and and we will we will find that there is a period in prophecy that is both

literal like this Daniel 12 and also symbolic of the past one is to show us

what happened in the past and one is to give us a literal

understanding of the events as they happen one after the other in the future

there will be a massive war against God's people and this power papal Rome

will be given power to make war and to overcome the Saints to the point of even

martyrdom the another key player is the United States if we keep our eye on Rome

and what Rome is doing and we know that the second beast the lamb-like beast the

United States at revelation 13 it speaks like a lion it it looks like a

lamb but speaks like a dragon in verse 11 and it causes all two to worship the

first beast which is papal Rome and kills those who do not here we see again

reinforce the fact that military Authority combined with religious

political power will be combined together to be able to eliminate to

limit the kill those that do not follow in the policies and laws that are made

by these powers it's interesting to note that all of the Protestant reformers all

of the leaders that Martin Luther John Wesley Wycliffe all of the Protestant

reformers believe the same thing that the Beast that Rome was the Beast of

Revelation 13 and today through penetration and infiltration of all the

theological seminaries and teachings that have come out of Rome most

denominations today have failed to understand properly what their own

pioneers what their own founders used to teach clearly but the 7th avenues Church

clearly understands and must clearly teach the Advent message which is the

message the Protestant message that Rome is the Beast of Revelation and there's a

second power given to the remnant Church as well too

an understanding of how the United States and Rome will combine together

many will be beheaded for not receiving and the mark of the beast revelation

20:4 says that those that were John saw the souls of those that were beheaded

for not receiving the mark of the beast we're not talking past we're not talking

to Middle Ages we're talking during the last events of US history while the mark

of the beast is being being received by the multitudes there many will be

beheaded it's not a surprise that that many many shipments of guillotines have

been shipped into this country in other countries one of one of our colleagues

in Mexico happened to be in a place when when they were when they were offloading

a truck and he noticed that there were hundreds of guerrilla teens inside the

truck and they looked at him and he left right away

it ain't well they didn't want any witnesses but but that's the case is we

already know what's going to happen the Bible already told us we don't have even

if we didn't know that we would still know it's true that there will be many

martyrs and many will be headed be beheaded by the United States and other

powers under the influence of Rome and a fallen Protestantism here's a quote from

from the fifth volume of testimonies page 451 when Protestant Protestantism

shall unite with the Roma power and clasp hands with spiritualism and shall

repudiate every principle of the Constitution which is what is happening

today what has happened already under the Patriot Act much of our Constitution

and our rights that have been given to us by the Constitution have been

repudiated the time will have come for the marvelous workings of Satan and the

end is near well none of us can deny that Rome and the United States have

already clasped hands in fact they've done more than class pans they're in bed

together and all we need is Protestant fallen Protestantism to join with them

and pretty well they have joined pretty well all the leaders including many

leaders in our own church have United with Rome and in the end and become

unfortunately linked and league with the papal power the harlot and Bethany

the daughter of harlots of a harlot and the daughters of the harlot and we have

to be very careful in the way and the relationships we form if you have a

relationship with a harlot it is called adultery and if you have a relationship

a formal relationship with a spiritual harlot it is called spiritual adultery

so be very careful who you align yourself with be sure you align yourself

with God's faithful people those that those that believe in the commandments

of God and have the faith of Jesus have the spirit of prophecy and teach the

three angels messages those are your companions that you will share eternity

with another key player is God's remnant people we first had Rome then we had

United States and they've already joined when when we'll see some of the things

we'll discuss in a minute how they have joined and what parts Rome has conquered

in the United States but the third player that's very very important the

third main player is God's remnant people the God's pure bride God intended

his church to be according to Ephesians 527 a glorious church without spot or

wrinkle holy and without blemish a revival of primitive godliness is what

God expects in his church a special work of purification and putting away of sin

is to be seen in a church for preparation by studying the Word of God

striving to conform their lives to its precepts the Elijah message repentance

temperance and all thing duress reform you know you know in dress reform if you

dress like the world you really art cannot be part of a larger message how

can you be part of the Elijah message while you watch the entertainment of the

world while you read listen to and discuss and live and breathe the

entertainment of the world how can you be part of the Elijah message when you

eat like the world you think like the world you act like the world there has

to be reform there has to be temperance there has to be reformation and that

involves the way you dress that involves the obedience to God's laws his statutes

and his judgments which are clearly in Malachi 4 part of the Elijah message

why are we to study history very important though we're told just just in

society we're told that if you don't study history you are doomed to repeat

it well that's exactly what is going to

happen Apostle Paul says now all these things happen it to us for examples and

are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world are come and a

messenger from heaven was presenting many things as sister white and his

message was this history is being repeated that with that which has been

will be again so with this clear leading from Scripture and the spirit of

prophecy let's look at some of the parallel

events in history we have to connect the dots what happened in the past compare

it with what is happening right now and finding out is there a relationship can

we learn anything remember those who learn do not learn from history are

condemned to repeat it again and unfortunately we don't learn very well

from history but the wise will understand and I want to be part of the

wise so let's look at some events and past history especially in Rome and

God's people Israel and this is where over the last several months God has

been showing me understanding what has happened in the past and in pointing me

to the present and saying look see the connection you know I just want to share

those with you let's look at that back in eighth AD 66 in 1866 within that

light without one generation Jesus was talking about within this generation

shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled he was talking about

two events he was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and he was

talking about the very last generation existing during the end of time but now

let's look at what happened with Jerusalem in AD 66 cestus attacked he

wasn't very experienced he didn't have a lot of experience and as he made some

severe mistakes he put all his supplies at the back they were attacked he lost

nearly six thousand men and and after nine days of siege he suddenly retreated

and he left he left Jerusalem this was the sign

that the apostles were looking for the sign that God's people needed in order

to escape as soon as Rome left all the Christians seeing the sign that when

Rome steps in it is a sign from God and they left Jerusalem and not a single

Christian lost their life when three and a half years later general Titus came

back and destroyed Jerusalem what's interesting is cestas came during during

the fall of 66 and in Titus came back in the spring during the just it caught him

just a few days before before the Passover and he caught all the Jews

inside the city and that was exactly three and a half years later and from

fall to the spring and of course we know the sad story of millions of Jews

crosses were all over the darkened hillsides so many thousands were

crucified and n murdered and killed during that because of their rebellion

they had against Rome and so we can see here that this is what God showed me in

the order he showed me first of all that what happened in the past is going to be

repeated and and then that's what happened with Rome now we'll come back

and let's look at what happened in a church the next thing that God showed me

connected the dots for me was Jerusalem Jesus came in on Sunday on a triumphal

entry as he came down riding the donkey and the people were shouting and and

praising the son of David and singing Hosanna as the children he stopped

Jesus stopped on the hill of overlooking Jerusalem and as he looked over

Jerusalem he he started to cry it says when the fast westering Sun should pass

from the sight in heavens Jerusalem's day of grace would be ended says the

desire of Ages pages 577 this was he was Jesus was coming to the 70th week in the

middle of the week he began the week with three-and-a-half years of ministry

and he had come to the end of his three-and-a-half year ministry and he

was only days away from the crucifixion it was Sunday

and it was only a few days the Lamb of God was about to be chosen and that

night he was to be selected as the sacrificial Passover lamb and as he

looked over there it says when the son was to sit

Jerusalem's day of grace would be ended another passage in and great conover

says when he was crucified Jerusalem's day of mercy was finished

that doesn't mean that the seventy weeks was over God still protected Israel for

another three and a half years until the until the stoning of Stephen in AD 34

which is when the 70 weeks finished 490 years was finished and Jerusalem Israel

was no longer considered the people of God but Jerusalem made his decision

three and a half years before and God recognized that's a decision even before

the seventy weeks were finished and the day of Mercy was finished for Jerusalem

they had they had closed their door of mercy the stoning of Stephen signifies a

time when the Jews finally sealed their rejection of the gospel and the

disciples were scattered abroad by persecution so we have a three and a

half year period of Jesus ministry followed by a three and a half year

period of the gospel going to individual Jews giving them an opportunity to

accept the message before it went to the rest of the world now that that's past

history we we know that already now we're looking at what's going to happen

in the future or what is happening today so when God connected the dots for me

and I understood what happened with Rome and I understood what happened with

Jerusalem then God said now let's look at what's happening in Rome today and

let's look at what is happening in the church today so let's see let's look at

these two again Rome and the spiritual Israel today and let's see what we can

what dots we can connect remember again we're just looking at evidence and

trying to analyze it to see what we can learn that will reveal to us what is

happening it is an understanding is not prophesying so much what will happen in

the future as it is understanding what is happening in a present

and God gave us prophecy to understand and to be wise and to be awake and not

be surprised it is not God's intention we learned for us to be surprised okay

let's look at modern developments in Rome the healing of the deadly wound is

almost complete we can see the Pope surrounded by all of the presidents and

leaders executive officers in Europe they all came at to the Vatican and they

all pledged their allegiance and basically even recently recently they

just had another meeting and they're calling for the Pope to be the world

president that was proposed and moved the time will come when Rome will be the

world leader and all of the kings of the earth will once again bow in allegiance

to the Pope and will follow his instruction of the great beast power

that is writing the nation's justice last week it was announced that North

Korea is asking for a meeting in the Vatican and the president is going to

the Vatican imagine a communist country so hostile

to the Christian religion and in North Korea

for 11 years in a row has been voted the most the country most hostile and most

where most persecution occurs against Christian being a Christian is an

automatic death sentence and and and yet here he's asking for a meeting with the

Pope he's under pressure and he knows where to go because if he can meet with

the Pope the Pope can influence the world leaders and a compromise can be

discovered so the whole world is now beginning even North Korea to wonder

after the Beast when when when Rome came on September 23 to Washington I say that

it invaded because it went right into Congress then it went into the executive

branch that's a legislative branch then it went into the executive and it went

into the White House and it spoke to all of the it spoke to all of the citizens

directly from the upper window of the White House and it came on the Day of

Atonement September 23 after thousand 15 he took over the legislative

executive today we just voted another cat not today but this last week one

more Catholic Supreme Court justice so there are no Protestants on the court

anymore one Jew and the rest of them are Catholic they took over our judicial and

they've been controlling the economy already for a long time so basically the

Pope came to Washington and invaded the United States and then left

having just looked at what Rome is doing today let's take a look at what God's

people are doing what the church is doing let's back up a little bit to - a

few years to that - 2015 I was there at the General Conference session in San

Antonio and it was I always loved going to General Conference sessions I meet a

lot of friends but instead of standing at a booth and meeting people I was

impressed by the Lord just to spend time listening to what was happening so I

heard the whole week and just listened to what was happening in the business

session and so on while all the eyes were focused on on the vote on women's

ordination and after that everybody went their own way few notice that there were

some vital changes made to our fundamental beliefs the next few days

after after the midweek there's a Thursday and Friday one of the changes

that was made is for a hundred and fifty years we have believed and taught that

the spirit of prophecy is a continuous source of truth for the church a guiding

light an inspired source of prophetic material that we can use as a guide just

as we use the Bible to give us doctrinal guidance we use a spirit of prophecy to

give us day by day guidance and help show us the way so that we do not fall

into deception and to help guide us through the difficult to the white

waters ahead and giving a health message as well but during that general

conference there was two proposals made one is to to change the wording so that

the spirit of prophecy no longer would be considered a source of light and the

second one was a second coming the imminent coming which for over 150 years

that has been the Advent message the midnight cry the bridegroom is

let us go forth to receive him both of those were proposed to be changed so

instead of an eminent coming of Jesus we would be believing in a soon coming of

Jesus which could be soon it could be relatively soon it could be hundreds of

years from now and both of those were proposed as changes there was some

opposition made the Chairman gave everybody an opportunity to express

themselves there was a vote taken and the vast majority of Delegates approved

the changes so that 7th Avenue Church no longer has in its fundamental beliefs

the spirit of prophecy as a source of truth and he's not

considered it inspired anymore and Jesus Second Coming is no longer imminent as

far as the official Church position I was there I noted sadly those changes

but I did not realize the implication the important importance of those

decisions until this year when it became clear to me as God pointed out and

connected the dots for me as we would say other other the interesting

developments in the world church was the LNG wide estate which is which manages

the writings of LNG Wight for released to the public and puts them in ordered

forms and publishes the books and electronic media and so on it's

interesting to note that on July 2015 just a few days after the vote was taken

- to disconnect from the spirit of prophecy as an inspired source they

released a new a new release from from the manuscripts of LNG Wight in which a

letter to brother Butler from June 6 of 1875 and here's what she said I am now

of the opinion that the testimonies will not live among God's people they will be

removed I have some light on this point but I cannot now give it

I said Christ I have many things to say into you but I cannot bear but you

cannot bear them now so sister white came to the conclusion quite a long time

before she passed away that the church would take an official stand to remove

their position and to move the testimonies but that was not known

the church until just a few days after the General Conference position I think

that AG white estate probably felt like they should release that seeing that the

position had already been taken in prophecy had been fulfilled now I'm

going to now back up we have Rome in the past we have Rome in

the present we have the the church taking a very clear position the Advent

movement and now the church at present taking a position a few steps back on

their basic beliefs on the imminent coming which is the fundamental beliefs

that's why we're called Adventist as the eminent coming of Jesus Christ in man an

advent of Jesus Christ and the Advent people have a sign and that is the

spirit of prophecy the testimonies well at this point we have rejected them as

inspired writings so we're in really hot water right now and I I saw it as a sad

event but now we're going to look at what what what implications there might

be in the Year 2015 in February I received a phone call and somebody said

David the Lord would like to tell you the following well I'm a little

reluctant to hear not to hear but to accept without filtering something that

somebody says I have a message from God for you but I listened and it was from

God I think it applies to all of us David I have a lot to teach you but I

need to spend more time with you well that's true for all of us and I

accepted it and I said lord please forgive me I'm so busy I'm working in so

many countries but I do want to spend as much time as you need with me I went to

learn and over a period of months God begin to show me things but I did not at

that time realize this was part of what God was planning to show me later I

discovered as I connected all the the dots that had all made sense and I could

see the the string of information all made sense in April on April 30 of 2015

a friend of mine received a very consecrated Bible scholar a physician

that has published some works on Bible prophecy and and still writes authority

of papers on academic papers on it he wrote to me and

said David I had a dream last night April 30 of 2015 and the voice said to

me in yet five months and I will I will purify the tribe of Levi I went back and

read it just the other day as I prepared for this and it refers to Malachi 3 3

God's promises to purify and we're talking about right before the Elijah

message there's a purification process in the tribe of Levi has to be referred

to the the God the people that are elected of God to work in a sanctuary to

handle the sacred things and and God would do a special purification process

and he said I've added the five months up biblical biblical biblical five

months and it comes out to the day of atonement September 23 I don't know what

it means but I believe that God is going to do something special on September 23

of 2015 it happens that that day was also the day the Pope arrived in North

America which is not an accident I believe God allowed the Pope to come on

that day but not before and that day was that was the day that the Pope had to

arrive in Washington on July July 9 and 10 of this year 2015 the year 2015 the

General Conference of course made the decisions on the spirit of prophecy and

the imminent coming which I have just discussed and we lost those two basic

fundamental beliefs from the official position of the church of course I

haven't changed in thousands and Israel haven't changed but the official

position of the organized church is to reject the imminent coming of Jesus

Christ and to reject the spirit of prophecy as an inspired source of truth

so that happened July 9 and 10 it's just I can recall from the from the calendar

September 19 was another day very interesting I made a video I recorded

the video because the Lord showed me that as things are beginning to happen

like this was just a few days before the Pope's arrival and in the Day of

Atonement he showed me that something was

going to happen on a Day of Atonement and as things move forward on earth

they're also moving forward in heaven and I look through my videos that I

recorded and on YouTube there I found the video dated September 19 in which I

recorded the following stating that if things are moving forward on earth then

on heaven things are moving forward and the only thing that we can know that can

we move forward in heaven we're in the middle of the investigative judgment the

judgment of the Dead and that the only thing I could move forward would be

moving forward now to the living and so I I said let's keep our eyes open I

can't say for sure we'll have to watch and see but that is what I believe is

beginning to happen some of my friends agree with me some disagree no the sandy

law is the beginning of the judgment of the living I've done some research on it

actually the Sunday law does begin the judgment of the living for the world but

but there is a previous preparation and judgment on God's people that has to

take place because when the Sunday law comes it's not the beginning it is the

closing time for God's remnant people the Sunday law is when when they already

have to be ready because they have to be they have to be this chef has to be

separated from the wheat and then they have to go receive the Holy Spirit

letter rain and they have to go out on a loud cry and then the rest of the world

their judgment takes place but the church's judgment has to take place

before because there's a preparation process and so over the years I've

studied I become more convicted that something was happening but this year is

when I became fully convinced and I'll share that with you here on September 23

that Pope invades Washington and it and on the day of atonement now here is my

conviction that this year the last several the last several months while I

was in Europe preaching and visiting projects in seven countries of Europe I

began to understand different things and I understand almost all of it until I

got back to the US they were still a piece or two missing and during the next

week or so the Lord showed me the rest of the evidence for

that let me share with you what what I've observed these are these are the

conclusions that I've observed the parallels in the year 2018 there is a

similar similarity with Rome Rome's attack in the fall of 66 a

withdrawal and a returning back in 87 in the spring is an exact parallel to what

is happening today with Rome in and the u.s. here yeah in their relationship

Rome came in the fall just like 66 AD came in the fall in 2015 to North

America it had an initial entrance was the doors were all open President Trump

went to the Vatican President Obama has gone to the Vatican also several times

President Trump told the Pope I will do whatever you say and so basically the

executive legislative and judicial branches were taking over at that time

and and then they left their influence did not leave but everybody was left in

peace we've been able to preach liberties in the country continued and

those that made their preparations those that have have decided to follow the

Lord's leading have been able to do so just like in Israel of old Christians

were allowed to leave the city there was no obstacles to them leaving

so when Rome came back three and a half years later there was not a single

Christian lost their life in in Jerusalem

well the spring of 2000 54 of 2015 three and a half years later is the spring of

2019 just a few months away and it is my conviction it is my conviction that

something is about to happen and that it will happen in the spring of 2009 teen

the second attack of Rome will begin and this time it's in serious and this time

it's going to involve legislation it's going to involve destruction it's going

to involve the loss of life and something is going to happen in fact I'm

not just saying it because I have a conviction I've been able to have

evidence is piling up all around me from things

that from publications from words from comments of some very high level

Catholics as well as as well as dreams and and comments from people who have

received communications plus the Word of God from Plus talking to a pastor friend

of mine who from Scripture has determined the same thing I will let him

explain his he will at some point release it all the whole series but

right now we will make available at the end here how you can watch those two to

see how scripture corroborates the these these events and so something is going

to happen in the March and April of 2019 you can say all we've been waiting for a

long time there's no Sunday law in the pipeline nothing is happening the Sunday

law has been there ever since 2015 and after that if this is disguised as law

of the environment one of my friends from Guyana was a

delegate to the International United Nations meetings at the head in Europe

and regarding the environment and he came back and he told me that everything

about those laws involves the Sunday the the placing of Sunday as a day of family

worship enforceable with penalties and then later when the Pope came to

Washington also I some of our friends went there and they talked with some

bishops and Cardinals who came to see them as they were distributing great

controversies and they also received the confirmation from from the Catholic

priests that the Dominus Deus and other literature on the environment is really

a disguised Sunday law and the the bishop said young man you're very

observant that is exactly what it's about so when we think there's no Sunday

law we're blind when we think nothing has happened it's

already in place it's just a matter of enforcing it all the nations of the

earth have already dealt with it they they have already as the United Nations

have already agreed how to enforce it it should

waiting an opportunity for God to to release their winds and ink it will

happen and I believe it will happen in March or April from the parallels that

is my conviction let's assume it doesn't happen praise the Lord let's assume that

we have more time praise the Lord but I'm not making that

assumption because the parallels that God has shown me tells us that we need

to be ready and if I wait until I can see it happening to try to get ready I'm

going to be like the unwise unwise virgins

I'll start trying to prepare after everybody wakes up to the reality that

Jesus is coming it'll be too late none of the unwise virgins ever went

into the wedding only those that prepared before so now is the

preparation time we have a few months to get ready

that's what Rome is doing let's let's look at some other things that happen

now within the church as a parallel remember remember now the decision of

the Seventh day Adventist Church the highest body the highest authority in

the Adventist Church is the the general conference at session with all the

delegates from around the world and I have known for some time that most of

the church membership no longer believed on you know imminent coming of Jesus and

no longer supported the spirit of prophecy as inspired writings and and

this was of course reflected in the vote that was taken just like just like when

Jesus was rejected by Jerusalem by Israel and in 31 ad we also broke his

heart in 2015 he sent his prophets and we have rejected it sister white said I

am of the opinion that the testimonies will be rejected and removed and that's

exactly what happened in 2015 but the problem is the implication is is the

last remnant people of God have have a sign according to revelation they have

they keep the commandments of God and they have the testimony of Jesus which

is a spirit of prophecy the when they voted to remove the spirit of prophecy

as inspired writings they lost a sign we as a people Organa organized church we

lost the one sign that makes us a remnant people of God of course those

that still believe haven't lost it but though

that voted to to reject it which is the more the majority of the world church

through their delegates lost the status of remnant people of God I praise the

Lord that within the church there are still thousands and hundreds of

thousands maybe that still believe in the imminent coming of Jesus and the

spirit of prophecy but the rejection as a spirit of prophecy is a rejection of

the sign of a people of God and the loss of the imminent coming of Jesus as a

central part of our message is the loss of the midnight cry

what's the midnight cry it's when the ten virgins were sleeping at midnight

there was a cry heard the bridegroom is coming let us go forth to meet him if

you don't have that message we are told that their feet are left those who

reject that message their feet are left in perfect darkness and they will soon

fall off the path so those two changes that we did in 2015 reflect a rejection

of the of the messages a rejection of the belief that Jesus is coming soon

that's what adventism is all about is about preparing the world for Jesus

imminent soon return now from the time that Israel rejected their Messiah and

in day ad is that the Passover and kill them in AD 31 it was three and a half

years later until persecution began well when I saw the parallel I said

persecution can't begin any Adventist Church nobody's going to get stoned the

church cannot imprison anybody the 7th Avenue Church is not going to stone

anybody how could persecution begin I don't see

the parallel Lord well several weeks went by until I arrived in the United

States and then I had a chance of meeting a union president I just came

back from the division meetings and

actually actually he was speaking to a friend of mine and shared with my friend

of mine this this information and that was he said have you heard what's about

to happen in in in October 14 to 17 at the annual

Council when all of the delegates from around the world the Union presidents

meet together to handle church business we've been told by the General

Conference administration that policies will be put in place that will allow the

General Conference administration to discipline anybody that control the

memberships control the ordinations of the pastor's around the world that will

give them all that the clout that they need to discipline some of the rebel

divisions and and but any that's going to happen in fact while I'm making this

video it's happening the this this these next few days are going to be the time

when it's taken to vote and I believe it is coming Sunday but but we'll find out

soon we have friends at the annual Council that will be letting us know and

and so when that happens that will place into the hands of a few men and women

the ability to control the membership of anybody in the world all the members

normally historically the church congregations control the membership of

the individual members and the union's control the membership of the I mean the

ordinations of the pastors and that is as it should be it's decentralized when

you put the control of your conscience in the hands of a few people you get the

same thing as Rome you get abuse and persecution you get threatenings you

obey me or else and that's exactly what is about to happen when I understood

that I made the connection persecution is going to break out in the church

persecution is going to take place people will be threatened already this

has happened or at lower levels but at a world level that hasn't happened yet

because they didn't have the power but in a few days they will have the power

to control and threaten and to - this fellowship anybody in the world that

means division presidents Union presidents conference presidents church

members if they don't obey human authority they can be disciplined in

this fellowship so here we have two parallels Rome in the past three and a

half years later between comes sixty six attacks and destroys in three and a half

years later then we have Roman a present comes into Washington and

the September of the fall of 2015 and Inc and will come and destroy

three-and-a-half years later we have the church rejecting Christ and 31 ad

persecution beginning in AD 34 three and a half years later we have the church

rejecting basic fundamental beliefs regarding who we are as a as a people

and our sign as a remnant people of God and rejecting the imminent coming and

the spirit of prophecy and three and a half years later persecution as a type

of persecution is about to begin so why would God allow that to happen

well it fits perfectly you see this is called the shaking we've been living in

a shaking time in a shaking time God's people have to make choices you have to

choose sides do you have a do you have a a belief system do you understand the

Advent message do you understand where we came from and where we're going do

you accept the sanctuary do you accept what Jesus is doing in the

most holy place do you do you understand the message we have the importance we

have the mission of preparing the world producers coming or have you just said

times are different everything is different what we believed before it

doesn't matter and you need to go and slowly but surely there's been the two

groups developed in the church but there's still a lot of people in the

middle they still mix a lot well that has to

change before the winds of persecution can come these two groups that are in

the middle have to be able to be pull up put apart which means the the threat of

being disfellowshipped and disciplined is the last event that causes people to

choose sides I will be loyal to God or I will be loyal to man and and that is as

it should be it's painful it's something you wish didn't have to happen but

before the winds of persecution hit everybody has to be on one side or the

other the chaff and a weed have to be separated and the sad thing is and it

makes me cry to think about it is that families will be divided the majority of

the church has always gone with with human Authority a smaller group will go

with divine authority whatever it is their conscience will not be affected

they will be loyal to God regardless but that is as it should be because when the

winds of persecution come and as we know Rome is going to be enforcing laws and

the United States is going to be enforcing laws and eventually it will

become a universal Sunday law in which even a death sentence will be passed

against those that refuse to comply and if you if you always obey what man says

in human human authority and you give in just for your own comfort and so nobody

will say anything and just so you will be more comfortable you're going to

continue right with with a Sunday laws and obey them those that are loyal to

God in a small persecution will also be loyal to God in the big one so we're

going to be facing some very tough times but the persecution from the church is

only a dividing that God is allowing so that people will choose sites and then

soon after when the human laws and civil laws are applied then there will be a

separation of those that have chosen human authority from divine authority

and then God can pour out his Holy Spirit and a loud cry can begin I do not

wish anybody to lose family I pray for my children I pray for my brothers

sisters and family I pray for my co-workers and their families and I know

it's a time of agonizing in prayer we have to make sure that we're ready first

of all and then we have to make sure that our families are ready and to share

this if if you do not believe anything is going to happen then probably you

won't be prepared but I'll give you some advice God is not going to lose anybody

who wants to know the truth God is not going to allow anybody to be lost that

is awake and begging for light so we can be we can be at peace if we are talking

to God and asking him for direction because it's not about it's not about

this presentation it's not about me God's when I have to convict everybody

with the reality of situation very soon I believe there's going to be events in

the world in fact yesterday markets begin to to collapse and to

crash I believe God is going to allow greater evidences that something is

happening before it he's not going to catch us by surprise and we'll learn

that let us continue the investigative judgment began in October 22 of 1844

with the judgment of the Dead the seventh-day Adventist Church is firmly

rooted on that date when Jesus entered the most holy place to begin a cleansing

at a sanctuary it begins that the judgment of the Dead

began then but the judgment that living had to begin at some point and here's

where it begins when a judgment of living begins it begins with the house

of God leadership first and then church members and it continues in with the

rest of the world and the loud cry first Peter 4:17 says but the time has come

that the judgment must begin at the house of God and Ezekiel 4 tells us said

when that when the judgment begins in a seal is placed on the foreheads of men

that sigh and cry for the abominations they begin at the ancient men which were

before the house so our leaders were the first two to have the focus of God

turned on them and then it turns to the membership I don't know where the

dividing point is we must be very very close but we but we as a church members

I must pray for our leaders but then we must pray for ourselves too and let's

look at the ten virgins oh you oh you know that the story the ten virgins that

they went forth to meet the bridegroom which means they're Adventists they're

there waiting for the advent of the bridegroom and it says while the

bridegroom tarried they all slumbered and slept so we have a condition of the

whole entire church sleeping and not awake not recognizing what is happening

at midnight there was a cry made behold the bridegroom cometh let us go forth to

meet him they all woke up and that's when the foolish discovered they didn't

have enough oil it was at the wake-up call that you discover if you have oil

or don't have oil they tried to borrow some but they said no go buy for

yourself go to go to them that sell buy for yourself and while they went to buy

the bridegroom came and we're ready went into the marriage and

the door was shut if you continue reading a story you discover that they

were not allowed in and after the door shut

none of God's people that were foolish and do not make preparations none of

them will be allowed in this is probably the most tragic mind-boggling agony I

can even imagine to have known the truth to have grown up in the truth to

understand this the Advent message to understand the sanctuary service but

just to be careless just to be just just to listen to others no there's nothing

to worry about it's a long time we don't have to do anything and if you listen to

them you will lose your soul we will see a sister white told us the same thing

only if you prepare and have oil in your lamp which is the early rain which is

the the outpouring of God's power to bring us to repentance to be able to

correct our faults to be able to wipe away all worldliness to confess our sins

and to prepare the way for the king's highway so that he can come only those

who have done that preparation can receive the letter rain after they go

into the to the banquet and go into the wedding the close of probation for all

mankind will happen and the probation will

continue and end shortly before the appearing of the Lord Jesus and a clouds

of glory and it will be declared that those that are unjust will be unjust

still and those that are righteous will be righteous still but but there is a

there's a work to do before here's there's a door that closes for God's

people but remains open look what it says here in that last day events page

182 the time of God's destructive judgments is a time of mercy for those

that have had no opportunity to learn what is truth for the rest of the world

as a judgments are falling they're looking for answers tenderly will the

Lord look upon them his heart of mercy is touched God is a merciful God he

wants to save everybody his hand is still stretched out to save while the

door is closed to those that would not enter you see there is a closed door

that happens to those that know the truth and that

that door when it closes like it did for for Noah's Ark those that were outside

remained outside and those that were in remained inside and that's why I'm

preaching this message today I'm presenting this message with a heart cry

that you will be prepared from now maybe you already are praise the Lord and if

you're not if you were careless if you were asleep if you were comfortable wake

up we have only a few months to get ready and in that getting ready time is

also to share with our men family members I came to the US with my wife

because we have family members that we want to share this message with we have

already shared it with some of our children brother and sister-in-laws we

have other family members to share it with there is no time this is an urgent

message everybody must get ready and if God were to give us more time it's okay

we're ready but if if we do not present this message and the door closes people

will turn to us and say you knew and you didn't tell us so we have finally

arrived at a time and and there will not be any delay the Lord said there comes a

time when he says I will no longer delay the vision will not be postponed and

that's where we are now that there is no more delay and you might say I don't see

it happening get ready anyway but I don't understand

get ready anyway but I don't believe it's gonna be that short get ready

anyway God you see God always warns always warns the Lord God will do

nothing without first revealing it to his servants of prophets Amos 3:7 Noah

preached for 120 years the rejection of Israel of their Messiah didn't happen by

accident God gave them 490 years to know what was

happened in the 70 week prophecy of Daniel nineveh jonah preached for 40

days and they repented and they were given warning they were they were pagan

thankfully God could have ignored him he could have just destroyed them but no he

gave them an opportunity the investigative judgment when it began 11

years 1833 to 1844 they were given an opportunity to preach it all around the

world Jesus second coming the loud cry will cover the earth God is not going to

do anything without reverb first revealing it to a

sermons and such something so important as our names coming up in judgment the

judgment of the Living God's not gonna catch us by surprise you're gonna see

this message echoed from all across the world in every language before God

closes that door you are going to be given an opportunity to put your life

right with the Lord he's not gonna surprise you unless you

just tune it out unless you listen to those that say oh don't worry this is

just a fanatical message God will give you an opportunity what you do with it

it's a different story would not he warn us before our names come up in judgment

he will and he is get ready get ready get ready I saw that the remnant were

not prepared for what is coming upon the earth stupidity like lethargy seems to

hang upon the minds of most who profess to believe that we are and what leave

that we are having the last message my accompanying angel cried out with solemn

awful solemnity get ready get ready get ready for the fierce anger the Lord is

soon to come his wrath is to be poured out unmixed with mercy and you are not

ready legions of angels are around you and trying to press their awful darkness

that you might be ensnared and taken you suffer your minds to be diverted too

readily from the work of preparation and the all-important truths for these last

days does that describe you we have legions of angels pressing around us too

much work to do too many other things even in God's work we get so busy get

ready get ready get ready I want to be ready in L on G White's

time she said is a solemn statement that I make to the church then not one in 20

whose names are registered upon the books of the church are prepared to

close the earthly ministry not one in twenty I wonder if it's any better today

I went if it's worse today my opinion is that it's much much worse than one in

twenty with all the worldliness the thousands that have been baptized with

no preparation some never heard of the sanctuary some never heard of the health

message some never even heard about tithing and offering they were just

baptized in mass in many countries I lived in South

America for many years I've worked and preached in more than 100 countries

there there are countries where you baptize twenty and thirty thousand at a

time where are they today they were never well rooted they didn't understand

the message most of them just go out the back door but they will receive the

plagues just as severely as the churches who oppose the law of God last day

events 1/72 this is very solemn what if only one in a hundred is ready today

that means out of a congregation of 500 maybe five maybe ten once you find out

once somebody finds out that they're on the outside and there's no getting in

there's gonna be loud wailing heard in every direction it was they will they

will they will talk to their pastors and their leaders it was you who kept me

from receiving the truth that would have saved me from this awful hour that

people turned to upon their ministers with bitter hate and reproached him

saying you have not warned us you told us that the world was to be converted

and cried peace peace to quiet every fear that was aroused you told us not

you told us not of this hour those who warned us of it you declared to be

fanatics and evil men who would ruin us but I saw that the minister did not

escape the wrath of God their suffering was tenfold greater than that of the

people you see if you're a Messenger of God if you're a watchman on a wall

you better be found faithful because God will hold you accountable and if you

prepare people God will reward you greatly but if you if you teach them to

resist and those that are warning of this is coming and those that are going

to you and saying I've heard this message what do I do

oh don't worry about it everything as normal Jesus is not coming for a long

time nothing is happening there's no there's no Sunday law in the pipeline

nothing is about to happen and they believe you and they are lost they will

turn our reproach and their blood will be on your hands

brothers and sisters don't trust human beings don't trust any leader any pass

or don't just trust me you cannot trust a human being you have to go to God with

this message and let God tell you that God confirm for you so let me

summarize the events in his message let me just summarize it for you on

September 23 2018 on that day of atonement it is my conviction that Jesus

in the most holy place ended upon the second phase of his judgment the

judgment of the Living specifically toward 7th avenues toward his church for

three and a half year period he began with the leadership of the church and he

will finish with each of the church members three and a half years later

in the spring of 2019 that is my conviction is it can I say that I know

without a doubt no can I say that this is exactly what is happening that is my

belief that's what I believe and that's what I'm working on and that's what I'm

teaching but I'm not being dogmatic and if somebody says I'm not sure that's

perfectly okay that's between you and God

but I am doing my duty to convey to you that the door is about to close and that

is my belief and my conviction and I believe after talking to my pastor

friend that I had never talked to before but we talked together and he from the

Book of Daniel has done his research and he is absolutely convinced that that is

a case I will give you the links in a few minutes so you can listen to it for

yourself but from the book from the Bible itself you can prove that that

that will happen number two on September 23 Rome began its takeover of the

American government legislative executive and judicial

branches it already controlled the economy the Sunday law in the form of

environmental laws is already in place by December everything will be done with

planning by spring of 2019 March or April the final assault will happen on

God's law and God's people that's where we'll begin and by the way interesting

enough the Bible also talks about a second three and a half year period and

I think if you will listen to the presentations of the pastor that I'm

gonna the links I'm going to show you you will find that there is a second

three and a half year period that will happen and we will pretty well know that

we're getting close to Jesus coming and when that happens so

we're getting close well actually a bridegroom is coming in it's time that

we go forth to meet him number three God will allow the United States to enact

oppressive laws which as a storm will blow away the chaff that which is left

will be a small minority but they will press together they will they will

reorganize into a group of people they will they God will have cleansed them

they have received the early rain and he's well received a letter rain and

will go forward into the loud cry they will go into the with the bridegroom to

the wedding the shaking that has been intensifying number four since the last

General Conference in 2015 leaders who are no longer under the influence of the

Holy Spirit have acted with increased hostility I've seen a lot of changes

since 2015 a retired conference president just

asked me a little over a month and a half ago what is happening to the church

since the last three years things have changed so much every type of wickedness

is allowed to be in the church the the standards the worldliness what is going

on and I had to share within this message and it was a very sullen time he

had never considered the possibility that the Holy Spirit has already been

withdrawn from those that have been declared wanting and so those that have

acted hastily against those that are preaching and living present truth and

yet they protect and promote worldliness in the church number five the final

shaking event will be the type of persecution in which every every church

member will be threatened with either obedience to man's laws inside the

church denominator national policies or else they will be disciplined and this

is happening right as we talk the events are there the people are in place and

the authority to do that is already by next week it should be granted already

and this that this will peak around 2019 exactly three and a half years after the

General Conference session of July and after that soon after that Rome will act

number six members fearing to lose their membership and their jobs will rapidly

align themselves in obedience with denominational policies those who choose

to follow their consciences will be disciplined

by their choices every Church member will choose sites and this is again in

preparation right before the storm hits the storm will separate the chaff from

the grain and the grain will remain in mercy God sent two angels to lot lot had

made a lot of bad choices but even in that mercy God went to him and in Sodom

and he told lot escape for thy life lot looked not behind thee neither stay thou

on the plain lest thou be consumed and I would have the same message brother and

sister escape for your life if you have not prepared you have a time to escape

you before the destruction comes you have a time escape for thy life the

deadly lethargy of the world is paralyzing senses saying is no longer

repulsive the judgments are sent to be poured out escape for that life as a

warning from the angels of God other voices are heard saying do not become

excited there is no cause for special alarm those who are at ease in Zion

cried peace and safety while heaven declares Swift destruction is coming

upon a transgressor at a volume 5 of testimonies page 233 you will hear both

voices the devil will raise his voice and anger against this message but it

will go out by multiple voices all around the world if God is truly

planning on closing a door he will make sure everybody gets a chance to hear it

and there will be great hostility from the devil toward this message because he

doesn't want God's people to get ready because he knows that is Satan's worst

fear that God's people will get ready none of us are yet ready turn to God

while there's still an opportunity has God to clean you from all

unrighteousness and selfishness as for the whole lie the Holy Spirit to cleanse

you to fill your life without it nobody can enter the wedding pray for your

loved one share with them the urgency take time off to study and pray small

details are very important if you live in a city should I say it you should

have moved out a long time ago but if you live in a city move out now if you

stay in it will cost you your life obey what God has told you to do we are

still to work in their cities but we're not to live in them so if you're ever

planned to obey now you know it is time now become involved in ministry for

others that is going to be your full-time work and don't be afraid God

will take care of you God will teach you what you learn now will be very very

important for what's going to happen next year you have to learn to trust God

sometime start now and he will build your muscles and and claim his promises

read his promises and just trust him God is going to carry us people through get

ready get ready get ready no man knoweth listen to this very important quote from

the great controversy it applies directly to this no man knoweth the day

or the hour was the argument most often brought forward by rejecters of the

Advent message they had been truth in 18 in the 1800s whenever they were saying

Jesus is coming no man knoweth the day or the hour that's exactly the same

argument that can be brought forward today when Jesus is about to come 1

saying the Savior must not be made to destroy another though no man knoweth

the day nor the hour of his coming we're instructed and required to know

when it is near we are further taught that to disregard this warning and to

refuse or neglect to know when the Advent is near will be as fatal for us

as it was for those who lived in the days of Noah not to know when the flood

was coming and so therefore we are told by God watch watch and and Mark 13 what

I say to you I say to everyone watch so right now is not a time to sleep it will

be fatal wake up and get ready and you must know when it is near some of you

will react if you were relaxed and you thought it was a long ways away and

suddenly you wake up to this reality the message will probably shake you up but

don't be worried this is normal God take it to God in prayer if you fast for

three days it's interesting to note I was in a

Dominican Republic recently with evangelism and many of the many of the

members there wanted to know what how they should react during these times

some were told not to go to the meetings other word others were invited to go so

fasted and prayed but it was on the third day of fasting that they the

majority of them received an answer from God in dreams and visions and they were

told this was God's work and then they participated freely and and so I would

ask you to go to God fast and pray God will definitely revealed to you study

God's Word let's look at the evidences pray about it and don't lean on human

opinions don't go to somebody what do you think do you think I showed her I

shouldn't human opinion is not going to guide you

it must be God who tells you directly go to him your life depends on it but

remain humble keep a Christian attitude because we have much more to learn yet

and don't don't allow rumors to destroy your confidence and a message go to God

and let him tell you what it is now if you're awake you're wide awake

spiritually you may even resonate with his message and say God has been telling

me the same thing he's been telling me to get ready get

ready get ready I knew he was coming soon so if you're wide awake you might

already be part of the midnight cry saying the bridegroom is coming let us

go forth to meet him now there are some of you that will react with anger and

become upset remember that Satan's worst fear is that God's people will wake up

and get ready and Satan is also angry and if your immediate response is anger

and hostility I would suggest that your emotions are not other than the control

of God they're under the control of Satan

I suggest you kneel down and pray and you ask God to give you humility and to

act like a Christian instead of in hostility and anger to fight the message

get on your knees let God deal with the message if it's not God's message he's

gonna deal with it but if you try to deal with anger and trying to destroy

the messengers and destroy the message probably you're not being controlled by

God because God never gives emotions like that so many of you will react in

anger and hostility but when that happens remember that that it's a sign

to you to come get on your knees and ask God to give you a sweet spirit because

the the loud cried we know there is going to be much hostility this is not a

loud cry this is only a beginning cry this is the midnight cry the bridegroom

is coming but but if you act hastily to that you can act hastily to the loud cry

and you're going to be on the wrong side so please please do not get angry please

do not get upset and if you do then please kneel in prayer the proper

response to this message is humility and going to God and asking him to confirm

in your life what how you should react now I promise to give you some more have

more links here where you can listen to other messages remember the Bible says

in a in the mouth of two or three witnesses is a thing established so if

we can expect this message to come from different directions there will be

dreams visions definitely Bible studies consecrated people lifting up this

message but here it is two presentations by a pastor friend of mine and you'll

you'll be blessed to watch these there on your screen you can just copy them

they're very easy to remember and then they'll take them it will take you to

youtube link and finally the banquet is ready the Angels have prepared the

banquet Jesus is getting ready to come I'm excited I want to go home I don't

know if you want to go home I do and the problem for Jesus is that he's been

waiting mercifully for years people say the bright the bridegroom has delayed

why is he delayed is because he loves his people too much he hasn't wanted to

come earlier because his people were not ready but the time is running out time

has come that God must act and because he has to act he's allowing this message

mercifully to get to you so that you can hear this message and he wants to take

us very soon to join him in the banquet feast of the Lamb he's looking forward

to his bride and taking her home I want to be there we have to be dressed in a

white robe of righteousness allow God to to put his robe of righteousness on your

life and me on my life and when when God looks at us and our name comes up in a

judgment it'll be Jesus perfect robe of righteousness that will be seen not our

filthy rags may God bless you I'll be praying for

you and may God give you an opportunity to pray about this and as you study and

pray I know God will confirm it and let us stand together shoulder to shoulder

and to Jesus coming the best days of the church are straight ahead god bless you


For more infomation >> Even at the Door by Uncle David Gates magyar felirattal - Duration: 1:22:34.


This Company Makes Handbags from Old Cars

For more infomation >> This Company Makes Handbags from Old Cars


Ноутбук-трансформер Samsung Tab Pro S 12.2" 128Gb LTE Black обзор - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Ноутбук-трансформер Samsung Tab Pro S 12.2" 128Gb LTE Black обзор - Duration: 1:44.


Alternative to drinking and driving - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Alternative to drinking and driving - Duration: 1:52.


Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru "Dia-lah Kebenaran, Jalan dan Hidup" Tuhan Adalah Juruselamat Kekal Saya - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru "Dia-lah Kebenaran, Jalan dan Hidup" Tuhan Adalah Juruselamat Kekal Saya - Duration: 6:39.



Hello again! 2018 was such a powerful year!

We experienced all kinds of things...

To think that our beymeetings had 3 or 5 people, and now we have 25+, every month!

This the proof Brazil has a beyblade scene, for real

We cant forget our brazilian pals like Thicos bey, beyblade galaxy, cpa gameplay on japan... there's brazil + beyblade everywhere

On today's video we will remember our best moments from 2018 and hopes for 2019

So dont forget to like, to comment and to subscribe! Lets begin!

I want to thank all of you! Watching from all places around the world, you are the reasons i do so many translations

Which is why i'm going to thank all of you in your respective languages!

I hope my accent dont really get in the way

I want to thank zankye so much, his support is of utmost importance

Our first collab was in january 15 if i remember correctly, and ever since we are always bringing you news

The app, the anime...everything. We bring them all

Thanks so much zankye for everything you do

I also do my part and help him, stuff need to be mutual

As for this 2018...

I think the most powerful season of this year was the whole World Tour stuff

Brazil joins the world championship and to be able to cover all regionals in São Paulo was a blessing

I'm going tol share with you an interesting fact

We were covering the final regional tournament in Cidade São Paulo Mall,

and there were some Hasbro Representatives and A96 there, they approach me.

They reveal me something:

They had me in they radar this whole time,

they watched my videos, knew my activity

and thanks to all of your support and good feedback from store managers and the kids's parents,

they wanted me to be the battle announcer for the Brazilian Final Tournament

They had a professional guy there but they also needed someone who truly knows beyblade to help him

And that's why Hasbro needed me, and they got to know me thanks to what all of you did

And then they got aware of me, they started keeping an eye on me and I didnt know...

And they're still here! They still are monitoring and I'm very grateful for everything we did

The event happened, we had the most beautiful stage, screens...Ours was the best in the world

We had the finals, Requiem Vs D2+8+Flugel, surprising everyone

As you can see, that D2 beat all the other until there, true skill comes from the blader and not just the beyblade

To those who thought we would have a Fafnir in the finals, that didnt happen. Requiem vs D2 did

BusterDash came on top and got Brazil in the real life Big 5

And then things got emotional...

After the event ended, a good hour later, the bladers were waiting Hasbro's bus to return to the hotel

It must be awesome to cross the country at Hasbro's expense because your son is the best of your state

I sat at the stage to marvel at all things that just happened, the path that got me there

I had half the subscribers I have today

Started thinking when all of this begun, my first video was playing beyblade in a hole in the asphalt

The channel started growing, I started doing some gameplays...

Hasbro discovers me...

I looked up and saw all the balconies of the other floors of the mall,

they had just watched the battles, the event ended and the mall was empty...

And I ended up the battle announcer for the Brazilian Championship.

I started crying, I got in tears of happiness for all that happened.

The kids were around, Hasbro was still filming

The kids asked "Cyprus, why are you crying?", I explained and they listened

From my humble origins, I made part of something bigger and unforgettable

The kids, many of them my subscribers, understood all of that

It was thanks to them, to all of you and my efforts, that I got there

As they surround me, they, on their own volition, hugged me. With the most genuine intentions,outta nowhere.

Everyone thankful for all we did and all that happened that led to that day

All of this is done because you, my friends.

I'm grateful to all those things you do for me and keep doing. Your support got me here

We even got to go to France!

And so it happened, bringing you content from across the ocean

You see this face, those feelings? All genuine

Hasbro noticed it and even put that hug in their official video about what happened here

In their video it happens for half a second but it happened

That moment was so important that it is the wallpaper of my phone, look

I posted this picture on the community tab too

What you people do is amazing

And then on France the battles were amazing, I met zankye in person,

I met zera from germany and his huge channel name,

I met Storm and Light, that just like me also worked for Hasbro, their roles were even bigger

I did the brazilian, they did the french and the worldwide one

It was so good to meet everyone, Pierre, Romain...

A true blessing to meet all of those people

And here's our hopes for 2019 for another championship, maybe Hasbro calls me again,who knows?

And once again I will meet all of you, tears free but still very happy and strong

Maybe we will have a 2-time champion or a new one! BusterDash is very powerful!

I want to thank the parents, the Hasbro team and their instructions, the store managers,

Hasbro of America, Sunrights and d-rights, it was awesome to finally meet you in person after all the messages

Plus there's hasbro of brazil team and their marketing team

Everything was a blessing

All thanks to you!

2019 is coming, here's our hopes to get our 100k subscribers button

If you think beyblade in Brazil is weak, you are wrong. If you think Hasbro doesnt care, they do care for real

Lets get even more powerful for 2019, lets see how the brazilian version of turbo will sound and sell

This is your humble Cyprus, the brazilian that has beyblade content in many languages

I'm doing the best to bring you the content

I'm no god as some people think that I am because i currently have 56k subscribers, that's not how it works

I do this because of you because it is mutual, reciprocal

See you in the next videos, see you in 2019, with more beyblade, more power, more everything!

See you next time! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

For more infomation >> 🇧🇷RETROSPECTIVA CYPRUS 2018! VOCÊS SÃO DEMAIS! - Duration: 9:13.


Sydney rimane la regina incontrastata dei fuochi d'artificio: allo scoccare della mezzanotte un gran - Duration: 0:30.

Noi non siamo un partito, non cerchiamo consenso, non riceviamo finanziamenti pubblici, ma stiamo in piedi grazie ai lettori che ogni mattina ci comprano in edicola, guardano il nostro sito o si abbonano a Rep:

Se vi interessa continuare ad ascoltare un'altra campana, magari imperfetta e certi giorni irritante, continuate a farlo con convinzione

For more infomation >> Sydney rimane la regina incontrastata dei fuochi d'artificio: allo scoccare della mezzanotte un gran - Duration: 0:30.


12/31/18 9:06 AM (1849 Marshall Ave, St Paul, MN 55104, USA) - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> 12/31/18 9:06 AM (1849 Marshall Ave, St Paul, MN 55104, USA) - Duration: 11:09.


【字幕あり】(中級)フランス語の簡単会話 vol.70 2019年明けましておめでとう! - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> 【字幕あり】(中級)フランス語の簡単会話 vol.70 2019年明けましておめでとう! - Duration: 1:52.


Passengers run from 'knifeman' after "bloodcurdling scream" at Victoria Station - Duration: 5:34.

 An eyewitness has told of how she ran for her life after "hearing the most bloodcurdling scream" during a knife attack at Manchester's Victoria Station

  Two members of the public and a British Transport Police Officer were stabbed by a man wielding a 'long knife' just before 9pm this evening

 One woman said she "didn't know if she was going to die" as she jumped onto the tracks after being told to "run" by fellow passengers

 Rebekka described the chilling scene telling Mirror Online: "I heard the most bloodcurdling scream I've ever heard and turned to see everyone running towards me

 "Some guy told me to run. 'Keep running' was all he kept saying - 'just keep running'

I jumped off the tram track and started to run down the tram lines and hid behind some concrete slabs under one of the arches

 "I had no idea what had happened at this point, I was just really scared, I didn't know if I was going to die

 "Eventually we walked back and I'd heard people were stabbed

It's so sad, I just can't understand how people can choose to hurt innocent people in this way

 "I'm in awe of the BTP, as soon as I heard the screaming they were running to the scene to protect everyone

They are heroes."  Rebekka said she "just can't stop replaying it" in her head and that her "heart weeps for the people that did get hurt"

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now    "I can't believe people still choose to do such horrible things like this

I hope they are all okay," she added

 BTP said in a statement: "Officers are attending Manchester Victoria station following reports of a man wielding a knife

 "We received the call at 8.52pm on Monday, 31 December

 "A man has been detained and two members of the public, a man and a woman have been taken to hospital with knife injuries

 "A BTP officer is also receiving treatment for a stab wound to the shoulder

 "British Transport Police remain at the scene along with colleagues from Greater Manchester Police and the North West Ambulance Service

"  BTP greater Manchester later added the station remains closed and officers are at the scene

Top news stories from Mirror Online

For more infomation >> Passengers run from 'knifeman' after "bloodcurdling scream" at Victoria Station - Duration: 5:34.


《海贼王》第929话,大蛇将军首次登场,黑胡子成最大受益者! - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 《海贼王》第929话,大蛇将军首次登场,黑胡子成最大受益者! - Duration: 5:19.


Набор бокалов д/шампанского Пирамида 6шт 200мл с декором стекло обзор - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Набор бокалов д/шампанского Пирамида 6шт 200мл с декором стекло обзор - Duration: 0:34.


Families celebrate at 'Noon Years Eve' celebration - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Families celebrate at 'Noon Years Eve' celebration - Duration: 0:53.



Hello again! 2018 was such a powerful year!

We experienced all kinds of things...

To think that our beymeetings had 3 or 5 people, and now we have 25+, every month!

This the proof Brazil has a beyblade scene, for real

We cant forget our brazilian pals like Thicos bey, beyblade galaxy, cpa gameplay on japan... there's brazil + beyblade everywhere

On today's video we will remember our best moments from 2018 and hopes for 2019

So dont forget to like, to comment and to subscribe! Lets begin!

I want to thank all of you! Watching from all places around the world, you are the reasons i do so many translations

Which is why i'm going to thank all of you in your respective languages!

I hope my accent dont really get in the way

I want to thank zankye so much, his support is of utmost importance

Our first collab was in january 15 if i remember correctly, and ever since we are always bringing you news

The app, the anime...everything. We bring them all

Thanks so much zankye for everything you do

I also do my part and help him, stuff need to be mutual

As for this 2018...

I think the most powerful season of this year was the whole World Tour stuff

Brazil joins the world championship and to be able to cover all regionals in São Paulo was a blessing

I'm going tol share with you an interesting fact

We were covering the final regional tournament in Cidade São Paulo Mall,

and there were some Hasbro Representatives and A96 there, they approach me.

They reveal me something:

They had me in they radar this whole time,

they watched my videos, knew my activity

and thanks to all of your support and good feedback from store managers and the kids's parents,

they wanted me to be the battle announcer for the Brazilian Final Tournament

They had a professional guy there but they also needed someone who truly knows beyblade to help him

And that's why Hasbro needed me, and they got to know me thanks to what all of you did

And then they got aware of me, they started keeping an eye on me and I didnt know...

And they're still here! They still are monitoring and I'm very grateful for everything we did

The event happened, we had the most beautiful stage, screens...Ours was the best in the world

We had the finals, Requiem Vs D2+8+Flugel, surprising everyone

As you can see, that D2 beat all the other until there, true skill comes from the blader and not just the beyblade

To those who thought we would have a Fafnir in the finals, that didnt happen. Requiem vs D2 did

BusterDash came on top and got Brazil in the real life Big 5

And then things got emotional...

After the event ended, a good hour later, the bladers were waiting Hasbro's bus to return to the hotel

It must be awesome to cross the country at Hasbro's expense because your son is the best of your state

I sat at the stage to marvel at all things that just happened, the path that got me there

I had half the subscribers I have today

Started thinking when all of this begun, my first video was playing beyblade in a hole in the asphalt

The channel started growing, I started doing some gameplays...

Hasbro discovers me...

I looked up and saw all the balconies of the other floors of the mall,

they had just watched the battles, the event ended and the mall was empty...

And I ended up the battle announcer for the Brazilian Championship.

I started crying, I got in tears of happiness for all that happened.

The kids were around, Hasbro was still filming

The kids asked "Cyprus, why are you crying?", I explained and they listened

From my humble origins, I made part of something bigger and unforgettable

The kids, many of them my subscribers, understood all of that

It was thanks to them, to all of you and my efforts, that I got there

As they surround me, they, on their own volition, hugged me. With the most genuine intentions,outta nowhere.

Everyone thankful for all we did and all that happened that led to that day

All of this is done because you, my friends.

I'm grateful to all those things you do for me and keep doing. Your support got me here

We even got to go to France!

And so it happened, bringing you content from across the ocean

You see this face, those feelings? All genuine

Hasbro noticed it and even put that hug in their official video about what happened here

In their video it happens for half a second but it happened

That moment was so important that it is the wallpaper of my phone, look

I posted this picture on the community tab too

What you people do is amazing

And then on France the battles were amazing, I met zankye in person,

I met zera from germany and his huge channel name,

I met Storm and Light, that just like me also worked for Hasbro, their roles were even bigger

I did the brazilian, they did the french and the worldwide one

It was so good to meet everyone, Pierre, Romain...

A true blessing to meet all of those people

And here's our hopes for 2019 for another championship, maybe Hasbro calls me again,who knows?

And once again I will meet all of you, tears free but still very happy and strong

Maybe we will have a 2-time champion or a new one! BusterDash is very powerful!

I want to thank the parents, the Hasbro team and their instructions, the store managers,

Hasbro of America, Sunrights and d-rights, it was awesome to finally meet you in person after all the messages

Plus there's hasbro of brazil team and their marketing team

Everything was a blessing

All thanks to you!

2019 is coming, here's our hopes to get our 100k subscribers button

If you think beyblade in Brazil is weak, you are wrong. If you think Hasbro doesnt care, they do care for real

Lets get even more powerful for 2019, lets see how the brazilian version of turbo will sound and sell

This is your humble Cyprus, the brazilian that has beyblade content in many languages

I'm doing the best to bring you the content

I'm no god as some people think that I am because i currently have 56k subscribers, that's not how it works

I do this because of you because it is mutual, reciprocal

See you in the next videos, see you in 2019, with more beyblade, more power, more everything!

See you next time! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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