Tapioca Flour Dumplings in Coconut Milk
Coconut milk 1 cup
Food color
Tapioca flour 150 g
Coconut milk 2 cup
Sugar 1 cup
Salt ½ tsp
Roasted sesame 2 tbsp
3-4 serve
Vận Trình Người Tuổi Hợi Tháng 8 Âm: Sự Nghiệp Tài Lộc Tình Cảm Và Sức Khỏe - Duration: 9:35.-------------------------------------------
Gossip: Soleil si difende e attacca il fratello di Luca su Instagram | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Lái Xe Ô tô Số Sàn Hay Số Tự Động An Toàn Hơn[ Toyota Fortuner Nhập Khẩu] - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
이성경 키 너무 크다?|KT-KR - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Wheels On The Bus-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 107 1.0-12V Millesim 200 Automaat 5-DRS. (Airco/Elek.ramen) - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Watch the Trailer-------------------------------------------
鄭爽楊洋在一起,證據終於曝光了 | 娛 樂 新 聞 - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Why Country Music Will Be the Only Kind of Music - Duration: 4:52.Disclaimer. The following essay is dangerously persuasive and may cause obsessive antics to attempt to listen to country music
For a ridiculous amount of time
side effects may include random bouts of square dancing, a burning desire to ride a horse bareback, and
bloodshot eyes from Fangirling/fanboying over the lyrics to your favorite backcountry songs.
But in all seriousness,
country will set your world on fire in the greatest way possible. The
relativeness of country to other genres is evident in the following.
Country music has cuss words and rap songs do as well, so, in actuality, all
music is country music.
This is also supported by the income of country artists. For example Luke Bryan,
prominent Country Superstar,
earns 42 million dollars annually making him and many other country artists like him the majority of the net worth of
the music industry.
Meaning country music is also valued higher than other types of music.
Thus all the other genres should integrate themselves into country.
Wouldn't you love a culture that doesn't mind if they're made fun of. How about this joke?
How many country singers does it take to switch out a light bulb?
Two, one to unscrew the light bulb and
to install the new one, and the other to sing about all the good times he had with the bulb.
country is life, which part of my life is country? And the
answer is all of life our past present and future are crossroads leading to our roots.
All the way to the first humans, which country teaches us is Adam and Eve,
for us country folk are very religious.
Country will wrap you in her motherly and warm embrace and rock you as her baby until you fall asleep with
not a care in the world.
This genre is an amazing summation of the spectrum of human senses.
lust, care,
wild, and reflective are just a few of the elements
representing the unparalleled
musical genre of country.
So good. It makes all other parties envious.
The greater problem here may be that not everyone thinks and acts the same way.
Perhaps we must unite in body before we can unite in mind. I propose a mandate to have country music
taught in schools with the same argument that religious folk try to use to justify prayer.
The word of great artists such as Billy Currington, George strait, and Tim McGraw must be spread to the ignorant! I
am great, but I have my own limitations.
We must work together to provide a future for our children in which that there is no hunger and no loneliness
(some pain however for pain builds character). I
realize I cannot speak for the entire population, so I interviewed several teenagers for their opinions,
whom cannot be named due to the fact that they are, in fact, minors?
They expressed disgust with this genre; however, the country
they know is defined by hick and redneck terms which are flatly
insensitive and false and ignorant and wrong.
Country is actually a morally deep and beautiful art underappreciated by the urban population for its sometimes slow
but accented melodies.
Instead of trying to antagonize a masterful art form,
teenagers, as well as people of all ages, should open their small minds to see the big picture that the country genre
This great nation was founded upon the ideals of our forefathers which is exactly what country music revives and embodies.
Country is the epitome of all our history- our shame and our triumph-
and it is our job as the future to bathe and the glory of America
by idolizing the breathtaking spirit of country. To hell with the haters. They will convert once we show them the way.
Personally, before country music,
I was reaching desperately for some kind of remission from my life of boring other music with only noise
and no message or thought. I admit my opinion does not always reflect
the opinions of the masses, yet I am passionate in my quest to make country great again.
Join me to create a haven of love and beauty in this often messed-up world.
Disclaimer. The following essay is dangerously persuasive and may cause obsessive antics to attempt to listen to country music
For a ridiculous amount of time
side effects may include random bouts of square dancing, a burning desire to ride a horse bareback, and
bloodshot eyes from Fangirling/fanboying over the lyrics to your favorite backcountry songs.
But in all seriousness,
country will set your world on fire in the greatest way possible. The
relativeness of country to other genres is evident in the following.
Country music has cuss words and rap songs do as well, so, in actuality, all
music is country music.
This is also supported by the income of country artists. For example Luke Bryan,
prominent Country Superstar,
earns 42 million dollars annually making him and many other country artists like him the majority of the net worth of
the music industry.
Meaning country music is also valued higher than other types of music.
Thus all the other genres should integrate themselves into country.
Wouldn't you love a culture that doesn't mind if they're made fun of. How about this joke?
How many country singers does it take to switch out a light bulb?
Two, one to unscrew the light bulb and
to install the new one, and the other to sing about all the good times he had with the bulb.
country is life, which part of my life is country? And the
answer is all of life our past present and future are crossroads leading to our roots.
All the way to the first humans, which country teaches us is Adam and Eve,
for us country folk are very religious.
Country will wrap you in her motherly and warm embrace and rock you as her baby until you fall asleep with
not a care in the world.
This genre is an amazing summation of the spectrum of human senses.
lust, care,
wild, and reflective are just a few of the elements
representing the unparalleled
musical genre of country.
So good. It makes all other parties envious.
The greater problem here may be that not everyone thinks and acts the same way.
Perhaps we must unite in body before we can unite in mind. I propose a mandate to have country music
taught in schools with the same argument that religious folk try to use to justify prayer.
The word of great artists such as Billy Currington, George strait, and Tim McGraw must be spread to the ignorant! I
am great, but I have my own limitations.
We must work together to provide a future for our children in which that there is no hunger and no loneliness
(some pain however for pain builds character). I
realize I cannot speak for the entire population, so I interviewed several teenagers for their opinions,
whom cannot be named due to the fact that they are, in fact, minors?
They expressed disgust with this genre; however, the country
they know is defined by hick and redneck terms which are flatly
insensitive and false and ignorant and wrong.
Country is actually a morally deep and beautiful art underappreciated by the urban population for its sometimes slow
but accented melodies.
Instead of trying to antagonize a masterful art form,
teenagers, as well as people of all ages, should open their small minds to see the big picture that the country genre
This great nation was founded upon the ideals of our forefathers which is exactly what country music revives and embodies.
Country is the epitome of all our history- our shame and our triumph-
and it is our job as the future to bathe and the glory of America
by idolizing the breathtaking spirit of country. To hell with the haters. They will convert once we show them the way.
Personally, before country music,
I was reaching desperately for some kind of remission from my life of boring other music with only noise
and no message or thought. I admit my opinion does not always reflect
the opinions of the masses, yet I am passionate in my quest to make country great again.
Join me to create a haven of love and beauty in this often messed-up world.
Volkswagen Polo 1.9 D Trendline (Apk t/m 5-2018) - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D COOL COMFORT | AIRCO | TREKHAAK | LAADVLOER - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D VX | Navigatie | Trekhaak | Climate | Handels-/meeneemprijs - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Is the Air SM Worth It? | Speedcube.com.au - Duration: 4:16.I love this puzzle.
The performance is perfect, the feeling is excellent, it's just a great puzzle.
But $60 is a LOT of money especially for a 3x3 so is the Gan Air SM worth it?
Hey YouTube it's me Spotty!
You've probably heard me say this a bunch before, but every flagship released in the
past one and a half, two years have performance that is really great across the board and
there are many magnetic and nonmagnetic cubes having performance that matches that of the
So straight up, if you're buying solely for performance, the Gan Air SM is not worth
your money.
The performance on this is awesome but there are others on par performance wise for cheaper.
However, this puzzle has a bunch of things that make it different and may still make
it worth the $60 it costs.
The first thing that I think is great is the feeling.
I know this is personal preference but I don't see too many people disliking this kind of turning.
It's buttery smooth and has a really soft plastic feel and feedback.
There are also subtle bumps because of the magnets but during solves, they aren't obtrusive
and you don't really notice their click.
M Slices also aren't too bad, but I'm not definite on how it'd fair if your solve is
very M slice heavy.
Here's a small sound sample:
Okay, just then you may have noticed that I didn't mention speed or stability.
And that's because the second thing that this cube is great for is customisability.
With the $60 you pay, you'll truly be able to fine tune the turning quality of the cube
with the GES nuts that are included.
The seven different colours of the nuts provide 7 different spring tensions.
Basically what this controls is first and foremost speed, the lighter the spring the
faster the cube - so purple will make your cube the fastest - and then also stability
-the lighter the spring the more flexible your cube will be.
Then even further, the nuts that come with the SM are V2 nuts.
You're probably wondering, what's the difference?
Well I'm glad you asked, basically with the version two nuts, you're able to loosen the
nuts up to 1 and a half turns (from the nut being flush with the tip of the core) to allow
for greater corner cutting.
This also makes for a looser and more flexible feel but the trade-off is that it makes the
cube more prone to pops and corner twisting according to Gan, although I don't see this
cube popping or corner twisting regardless of how you set it up.
If you're wondering, what I've gone with in the SM is the Green nuts loosened half a turn.
Now the cube is a perfect speed for me, stable but not too cubic or tight.
The next thing that you might really like is peace of mind, that as long as you're not
taking pieces apart, your magnets are never gonna dislodge or fall out.
This is because the magnets aren't held in place by glue, which can wear off and bonds
can be broken if it's dropped or whatever.
With this cube, the magnets are placed in slots and the piece design traps the magnets
into those slots.
This is true for both the corners and edges.
Yeah, just the design that has gone into this cube is crazy, if you haven't yet, look at
the pattern on these pieces which I've heard better distributes lube and allows for slightly
less friction between faces.
The final thing that I love is straight out the cube comes really really awesome.
Like out of the box, one of the best cube I've tried.
It's controllable, doesn't catch, stable.
And if you don't like it yet, breaking in and changing the nuts can help solve that.
What I'm trying to say is that you don't really need anything else, lube can help no doubt
but not necessary, to make the cube I think ready for comp use for the majority of us.
But the question still stands.
Is this puzzle worth it?
Well, I can't answer that for you because every person is different.
However, if none of the features I just mentioned appeal to you, then it's probably not worth
it for you because that's what you're paying for; you're paying for feel, innovation
and design, the accessories and performance.
On the contrary, if you don't mind paying the premium for those features, then this
might be the perfect cube for you.
I personally love this cube!
It's become my main and I think the performance is excellent.
But that's just my opinion.
Let's start a discussion down below, is this or is this not worth it?
Links will be below if you're interested, and make sure to use the code "YT.SPOTTY"
with that link if you're looking for 10% off.
It helps me out too.
Other than that though that's really all I've got to say, thanks so much to speedcube.com.au
for sending this guy out, thank you guys for watching and I will catch you all in the next
Sa femme n'arrivait pas à le reconnaitre tant il paraissait plus jeune qu'elle - Duration: 7:32.-------------------------------------------
「ガルパン」ファンイベントで実物を忠実に再現したⅣ号戦車D型改 - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
Lockport IL Septic Line Repairs 815-630-1024 Lockport IL Septic Line Repairs - Duration: 1:10.Lockport IL Septic Line Repairs. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out
every 6 months?
Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface
of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!
Vanessa Paradis en deuil : son père André Paradis est mort - Duration: 1:47.-------------------------------------------
Boost your RV Cell Signal-------------------------------------------
[HEALTH]Where To Buy m/f Skin & Bath Products If You're A Minimalist Beauty Lover - Duration: 1:01.Where To Buy m/f Skin & Bath Products If You're A Minimalist Beauty Lover
Imagine a world where both men and women could shop for minimalist-focused clothing and beauty products in the same store, free of boundaries and gender norms. While its not a typical brick-and-mortar shop, m/f people is a new fashion and beauty bra….
Imagine how lovely a cabinet full of m/f would look! Here are several items you should definitely scoop up and add to your beauty regimen. This light gel facial cleanser is perfect to use day and night for any type of skin.
This powerful eye treatment helps combat dark circles and puffiness. The charcoal clay helps rid of impurities by opening your pores and absorbing excess oil.
After cleansing your skin, you can use this toner to help soothe and fight redness. Aligned with m/f peoples core values, the body wash has a gender-neutral scent.
汪汪队立大功第二季 09 英文 THE BIG FREEZE
汪汪队立大功第二季 09 英文 THE BIG FREEZE
汪汪队立大功第二季 09 英文 THE BIG FREEZE
談蔡「準備好當總統」搖頭 柯P:夾在美、中之間怎麼做都難 - Duration: 2:02.-------------------------------------------
ダイソンがEV参入→アストンマーティン「我々も掃除機に参入だ。-魅力的な車 - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
歪歪《龙珠超》真没想到原来吉连是他假扮的!第七宇宙必胜 | 龍珠超 - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
If you Rap You Lose Part 3 | If...-------------------------------------------
Make Money with Apps: Part 2 - #ASKMARK - Duration: 1:08.So how to make more money in your apps
using emotions.
Ok, item #2 is a
"Joyful Purchase"
And what a joyful purchase is
you've just given your user a
Something that made them really happy.
For instance, if you had a quiz in your app and
someone took the quiz and passed with a 100%
This would be the perfect time to say
"Oh, by the way in addition to the coins
I'm going to give ya
Here is 50% OFF of our 'Ultra Pack' "
Ok, they're inspired to feeling good and
they're using that joy to make the purchase.
So you take an experience and
you push it all the way as far as you can
And that's how you get someone to
spend more money in your app.
So if you're just throwing around
"In App Purchases" not knowing what
you're doing - STOP
Think of the user experience
What emotion you're invoking
at that point in time
and catch that sale
by pushing on that emotion.
So joyful purchases are some of the happiest
and most abundant purchases
you can get in your apps.
If you give people good experiences
They'll spend MORE MONEY
Tokyo Street Food | Top 10 Harajuku Sweets - Duration: 16:07.-------------------------------------------
How to make Rock Candy - Duration: 3:03.It's going to seem like you're adding a TON of sugar,
and if you get to twice as much sugar as water,
which seems like a lot, and you think,
"oh, that's probably good enough.
My solution's probably super-saturated."
Here's what's going to happen:
Three week's later,
you'll still have this jar of sugar solution,
and there will be not a single crystal on your stick.
So don't stop.
Even though it seems like
a ridiculous amount of sugar that you're adding,
follow the recipe.
[ music ]
And don't use plastic wrap to cover the rock candy.
You actually can't have mold growing in the syrup solution
because it's too concentrated.
The osmotic potential is way too high
for any bacteria to survive in the syrup.
But if the environment is moist,
you can get mold growing up on the stick.
So coffee filters work way better.
If you're covering the containers,
you need to have something breathable.
Your rock candy should be ready in about two days.
You can let it grow longer
if you want to get more crystal growth.
But you need to be careful that you don't
get stuck to the bottom of the jar.
This red one here
did get stuck to the bottom of the jar read good,
and so when I pulled it out
a bunch of it just stayed attached
to the bottom of the jar
and the end of the stick was bare.
If you put the water into the jar when it's still very hot,
it will cool down more slowly.
You see some of these crystals are larger than others,
and that's based off of how quickly
the water cooled down.
The slower the cooling process is,
the slower the crystal growth will be,
and the larger the individual crystals will get.
And you can see that seeding the stick
with a little bit of sugar makes a big difference
in the crystal growth.
These were made from the same solution,
putin at the same time, same temperature,
but this stick was seeded with sugar,
and this stick was just plain.
You can see that the crystals that grew on this one
are a lot thicker.
And, of course the real question is,
how does it taste?
Tastes really sweet.
Yeah, rock candy's not my thing.
I don't really care for rock candy.
A much cooler thing to do with sugar solution,
in my opinion,
is to make gemstones.
So if you make a slightly less concentrated
sugar solution, and then just leave it
in a jar for several weeks
without disturbing it,
you'll get some really cool crystals growing
on both the top and the bottom of the sugar solution.
And then if you carefully break out the top part,
it looks kind of like,
kind of like a collection of
gemstones growing up from a flat surface.
It looks pretty cool.
[ music ]
Geometry: Beginning Proofs (Level 2 of 3) | Right angles and straight angles theorem - Duration: 6:54.Beginning Proofs.
Level 2.
In the previous video we introduced the basic elements of a geometric proof.
In this video we will present and prove our first two theorems in geometry.
Keep in mind that your class or textbook might use a different numbering system than the
one used in these videos when referring to theorems in geometry; whenever possible certain
theorems will have a name associated with them.
Ok let's take a look and prove our first theorem.
Theorem 1 Right Angles Theorem.
If two angles are right angles, then they are congruent.
We start the two column proof by writing down the conjecture to be proven in this case if
two angles are right angles then they are congruent.
Next we draw a diagram to illustrate the hypothesis; the hypothesis is the statement that begins
with the word "if" in this case "if two angles are right angles".
This statement also represents the given information of our proof so let's draw two angles and
call them angle A and angle B. Let's also mark them as right angles since this is also
given information.
Next we state the conclusion of the conjecture, the conclusion will usually be the statement
followed by the word "then" in this case it is "then they are congruent".
We are essentially trying to prove this statement.
Using our diagram we translate this statement by writing angle A is congruent to angle B.
Now that we have the diagram, the given information and what we are trying to prove we can now
proceed with the planning part to prove this theorem.
Similar to an algebraic proof, we usually start with the given information, in this
case we are given that angle A is a right angle.
The reason for this first statement is simply that it is given.
Next we write that the measure of angle A is equal to 90 degrees.
The reason for this statement is because of the definition of right angles in this case
if an angle is a right angle, then its measure is 90 degree.
Next we write angle B is a right angle and the reason for this statement is that it is
also given.
We then write the measure of angle B is equal to 90 degrees.
The reason for this statement is once again because of the definition of right angles
so we can either write the reason from line 2 or just write same as line 2.
The final statement would be angle A is congruent to angle B. The reason for this statement
is because of the definition of congruent angles, if two angles have the same measure,
then they are congruent.
Notice that we established the fact that angle A and angle B both measure 90 degrees in line
2 and line 4, with this last reason we officially end the proof.
The proof process can be broken down into 5 steps.
In the first step we write the conjecture to be proven this step is usually written
for you in the form of a theorem that you need to prove but in the event that it is
not provided to you, you will need to write it down.
Step 2: if a diagram is not provided for you then you need to represent the hypothesis
of the conjecture by drawing a diagram, remember the hypothesis is usually the statement after
the word "if".
Step 3: state the given information and mark it on the diagram.
For example if an angle or side is congruent to another angle or side then mark them on
your diagram for easy reference.
Step 4: state the conclusion of the conjecture in terms of the diagram, remember this statement
is usually the statement after the word "then".
Steps 1 through 4 are usually provided to you in most homework problems and test, in
this course we will mainly focus on the final step.
Step 5: plan your argument and prove the conjecture.
This is by far the hardest step for many students in an introductory geometry course, as with
all math problems practicing how to prove conjectures is essential in becoming better
at them.
Alright let's take a look at the next theorem and prove it.
Theorem 2 Straight Angles Theorem.
If two angles are straight angles, then they are congruent.
Let's start by drawing two straight angles let's label them as angle ABC and angle
This will also be our given information.
Our conclusion or what we are trying to prove is that angle ABC is congruent to angle DEF.
Alright we will start the proof by writing down the given information in this case angle
ABC is a straight angle and the reason is that it is given.
Also the measure of angle ABC is 180 degrees the reason is because of the definition of
a straight angle in this case if an angle is a straight angle, then its measure is 180
Next we write angle DEF is a straight angle and the reason is that it is given.
Also the measure of angle DEF is 180 degrees and the reason is the same as line 2 because
of the definition of straight angles.
Finally we can conclude that angle ABC is congruent to angle DEF because of the definition
of congruent angles.
In this case if two angles have the same measure, then they are congruent.
We established the fact that angle ABC and angle DEF both measure 180 degrees in line
2 and line 4 and this ends the proof.
Alright and these are the first two theorems that we will be using to prove other theorems
later on in this course in our next video we will go over a couple of examples illustrating
how to tackle more challenging two column proofs.
First Game Theory Video - for my course "Learn from Game Theory and Anchoring!" - Duration: 7:49.Hello again! interdependence, cooperation and conflict are essential parts of
management and leadership. advice on the subject is cheap and plentiful and often
contradictory but are there any rational ways to analyze and resolve such
situations? Maybe not all of them but game theory can be very useful for many
of them. That cartoon is a perfect example of the type of conflict we deal with in game theory
Game theory officially came on the scene in 1944, with the
publication of the Neumann and Morgenstern classic - theory of games and
economic behavior - although John Nash is often considered the father of game
theory. It logically and mathematically analyzes and models interactions between
human beings, especially situations of conflict and cooperation. Players can
decide what strategy to use and, because of interdependence with other players,
each strategy has associated payoffs. some people gain and others lose.
There are several nuances and classifications to these games and we
won't go into all of these, but one broad category in which you can divide these
situations is zero sum and non zero sum games. Zero-sum games, as the name implies,
means that, for someone to win someone else has to lose, usually by the same
amount, so that the sum of wins and losses equals zero. Non zero sum games
don't have this rule. So they can be a mix of conflict and cooperation and the
sum of wins and losses is not zero. Another broad classification of games is
cooperative or non cooperative games. In cooperative games, players cooperate and have
joint strategies often with legally enforceable agreements. There is no such
cooperation or agreed-upon strategy in non-cooperative games.
Now let's look at some of these so-called "games". Dividing
a finite and homogenous resource among multiple people in a fair way, is an
important type of game. There are several strategies that have been researched
analyzed and modeled for this, and it gets quite complicated as the number of
people increase, but let's look at one such example in detail. Suppose a cake
has to be divided among two children so as to minimize quarrels and complaints.
How do we do that ? If one of the children divides it, there are likely to be
complaints about unjust divisions. Even if the division is actually quite fair,
the other child may perceive it to be biased. How do we do a fair division?
One elegant and fair strategy is the divide and choose method, if the product is
homogeneous and there are only two players. One person divides the cake into
two, and the other chooses the piece that he or she wants. The dividing person has
a great incentive to make the two pieces as equal as possible, and the choosing
person can choose any of the two pieces and so has no reason to complain. Both
are happy and this is an envy free division. So out of a potential conflict
here is a nice way for the two players to come up with a simple and
elegant solution.
Another common situation is a conflict for an asset or property, with two people
claiming different proportions of it. The example I am using here is a very
interesting one, it was used in the Babylonian Talmud which contains Jewish laws
and customs. No one figured it out for more than 2,000 years, until in 1980,
Professors Robert Alman Michael Maschler solved it. So suppose
there is a conflict over a piece of cloth, an heirloom maybe? Two women,
probably sisters, let's call them A and B. A claims that half the cloth is hers but
B claims that the entire cloth was left to her, and is therefore hers. How do you
resolve this? So A claims half the cloth is hers, so she is in agreement
that the OTHER half of the cloth is B's. B of course claims that the entire
cloth is hers. So both A and B agree that half the cloth belongs to B, right? Let's
call that the undisputed half. So B gets the undisputed half. Now the other half
is very much disputed. A claims it is hers and B also claims it as hers! So
what do we do with this disputed half of the cloth? Both claim it is theirs, so we
divide equally between them both. Between A and B so A gets 1/4 of the cloth and B
gets three-fourths of the cloth. Isn't that a nice solution?
The more traditional way to do the disputed cloth split is a proportional division.
Divide the cloth in proportion to the claim. A claims that half the cloth is hers, B
claims that the entire cloth is hers. So the proportion of their claims is half
is to 1, or 1 is to 2. If A gets 1/3 of the cloth and B gets 2/3 that will be in
the proportion 1 is to 2, in proportion to their claims. A fairly fair division.
Of course it gets more complicated for 3 or more players but the principle is the
same. These techniques are useful in a variety of situations in personal and
professional life. Dividing chores between spouses or siblings, for example.
One spouse can split the work into two more or less equal halves, and the other
spouse is free to choose the half that he or she wants. Fair division, no one can
complain. Similarly, dividing a piece of boring
administrative work between two members of a project team, or dividing a very
sought-after and crucial piece of project work; one divides and the other
chooses. Dividing assets or customers between business partners or companies
with conflicting claims, can use the proportional division method or the
disputed cloth division technique quite effectively. Divide in the ratio of the
claim amounts or use the disputed-undisputed method. The same holds for
dividing assets between divorcing spouses as well and for disputed
territories with multiple countries or states claiming conflicting ownership. In
the next video we will look at other games!
米フォードが正式発表、日本から年内撤退…収益性確保が見込めず - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
英雄伝説 閃の軌跡III #10 - Duration: 5:24:16.-------------------------------------------
卓伟再爆D姓男星出轨,这次又是谁栽了 - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
[ Education Doctor Tunisie ] Cours personnalisés à domicile - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Geometry Dash xStep And Time Machine ALMOST Beaten ;o - Duration: 11:18.-------------------------------------------
Bienvenidos ! - ESCAPA DE LA BESTIA - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Lockport IL Septic Line Cleaning 815-630-1024 Lockport IL Septic Line Cleaning - Duration: 1:10.Lockport IL Septic Line Cleaning. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out
every 6 months?
Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface
of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!
Un viento / A wind trailer - Duration: 2:08.I was in the street, on the sidewalk, next to the sidewalk.
I needed so much to feel
part of everything.
I think we truly have to learn to observe,
what's going on out there, what's out there.
It's just… I feel like…
I don't know… everything is just too much for me
How does a tree grow?
How do I want to grow?
we believe that it's essential to get lost.
- Do you need to save money? - Yes
Which is really rare these days
what's wrong with you?
What do you mean what's wrong?
What's wrong with you? Do you even understand the text?
Really Violeta, this is like you're not, I don't know if you understand what you're saying.
We wanted to communicate the feeling of being trapped
Subscribe to my channel for the latest movies every day, thank you. Have fun watching the drama ;))
Grande Fratello Vip, la fidanzata di Marco Predolin minacciata: ecco il motivo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:32.-------------------------------------------
Honoré: 'The mayor's living on a cot, and I hope the President has a good day at golf - Duration: 1:34.Honoré: 'The mayor's living on a cot, and I hope the President has a good day at golf
Monty Hall, legendary host of 'Let's Make a Deal,' dead at 96 - Duration: 3:47.Monty Hall, legendary host of 'Let's Make a Deal,' dead at 96
Hai Số Phận Tập 93 - Soumya nói với một Kinnar là nhớ Harman || BEN CHANNEL - Duration: 8:19.-------------------------------------------
New: Osmo MindRacers-------------------------------------------
What does cacodemonic mean? - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
Watch the Trailer-------------------------------------------
Colts vs Seahawks Vontae Davis Returns | NFL Sunday Night Football - Duration: 4:09.Colts verse Seahawks Vontae Davis returns boy
Welcome to another exciting episode of skill I'm your host King Coopa J and today
we're gonna be talking about the Colts versus the Seahawks on NFL Sunday night
football it's time to turn up you already know what time it is what up to all my
subscribers and if you new to this channel make sure you subscribe because
we get it in daily with sports news and information now let's start this off
right my man Vontae Davis is back that's right he has
been out since pre-season with a groin injury but today he returns to the
starting lineup with my man Marvin who has been playing great football got it
in last week against Cleveland two interceptions in the second half you
know what time it is let's go Colts I know what my Colts fans
is thinking right now they're thinking this is the second year in a row
Vontae Davis has been out with an injury last year was this foot injury kept him out
for two days or so hey is this gonna be an ongoing problem
hopefully not but not only that our second round pick Quincey Wilson is also
out with an knee injury that's up second game in a row and our other guys out Marlin
Mack he's out with a shoulder injury starting to get frustrated here
not to mention look Ryan Kelly out center and you know our offensive line
is struggling come on man we got to make it happen and then are we going against
the Seahawks dangerous team dangerous Jacoby Brissett on the other hand is
playing good football I don't care what anybody say last week he ran for two
touchdown he threw from one was 17-24 259 yards five carries 14 rushes led the team
led our team what right now we're winning in that Dorsett
trade we're winning Dorsett he's over there doing nothing Jacoby
got us a game if Dorsett would have stayed he wouldn't win a game for us
Jacoby Brissett won us one TY Hilton shined he had a 61 yard TD
come on man seven receptions on nine targets 153 yards TY looking like the
old TY that's what I'm talkin bout now let's talk about my man Franco now yeah 25 carries
57 rushing yards 1 TD now o:nen 1 TD he did make history Mr. 3000 that's right
he's at three thousand eleven yards big up to my man Frank Gore that's what's up
that's what's happened but 25 carries 57 rushing yards your longest being a 21
yarder that means the other 24 carries with some trash the good thing about
this situation is the Seahawks defense is like trash right now they pass
rush is ranked 21st in the NFL right now yes the Legion of Boom even Richard
Sherman started saying oh because of us we're not legion of... yea it's because of you dang on
right Legion of Boom that's right Boom and look they just got Sheldon
Richardson they still going through the Michael
Bennett thing you know find out he was lying
sucks I did a video on that too there pass rush is so bad right now they're only
getting to the quarterback 17% on drop back that's 30th in NFL trash but
on the other side of things we allowed 11 sacks you know that's 4th in the
NFL offensive line trash there you go you already know who I'm going with I'm
rocking with the Colts who you got got Seattle are you rocking with me
the Colts jumping that comment section and let me know what you think and if you
new to this channel make sure you hit that like button make sure you subscribe
to King Coopa J for daily sports news because we get it peace
慕情/中島みゆき 歌詞付き 高音質フル(ドラマ「やすらぎの郷」主題歌)covered by クムリソラ-sora kumuri- - Duration: 6:54.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Activity Cubes '17-------------------------------------------
Taste of Arcadia 2017 Food Festival! Peep THIS Out! 🍽 📹 - Duration: 18:47.hey guys it's Ian K and Carol JuJu for peep this out reviews back again with
another one for ya descending upon the arboretum yet again guys for the
2017 edition of taste of arcadia in what promises to be an awesome food
festival of epic proportions there are over 40 plus vendors here showcasing
various restaurants and cafes along with a lot of other cool entertainment and
we're definitely looking forward to having a great time here so come with us
and let's peep this out
Pacos Mexican restaurant what are we serving today you cannot go wrong with
carne asada tacos with all the fixin's looks fantastic
alright City Cafe what do we have on tap today nice the Courtyard Marriott in
effect in the Taste of Arcadia a 2017 with a very colorful table here guys
what are we serving beautiful presentation guys beautiful the Four
Seasons Tea Room presenting a taste of Arcadia 2017 guys what do we have on top
here nice very nice definitely fits the Tea Room motif to a "T" if I may say so
very nice Del Frisco's Grille is poppin off in the taste of Arcadia nice what do
we have here ahi tuna tacos mmm super fresh and
packed I might add very packed beautiful guys very very nice thank you so much
we're gettin it in early looking beautiful all right so we got to go for
the ahi tuna taco over here as always a very fresh amount of ahi tuna looks like
a little bit of like a chipotle-type mayo on the top there and of course some avo
and a nice crispy tortilla shell kind of like a wonton I guess let's give it a
Mmmmmm...Oh man...amazing fresh ahi tuna begins to melt in your mouth instantly and then the
crunchiness on the back end of that wonton-like shell smooth creaminess of
avocado and a slight pop from that chipotle type of sauce on the top there
as well too there you know what let's just kill this in one bite because this is
ridiculously good awesome awesome stuff Villa Catrina Mexican Restaurant
Cantina making an appearance at the Taste of Arcadia 2017 what are we
serving today and the handmade tortillas to go with beautiful thank you guys
alright the amazing nothing bundt cakes what are we serving here today this is
already looking killer already the premier bundt cake maker in Pasadena and
without a doubt Lake Avenue is where to find 'em great to see you again
Mt. Lowe Brewing Company in the house serving up the good stuff very nice
the legendary Clearman's Galley always a local favorite serving up that cabbage
salad as only they can very very delicious guys thanks so much for being
here this looks fantastic Clearman's North Woods Inn right across the way from
the galley serving up the good stuff here as well look at this carnivore
anybody look at that looking fantastic guys looking fantastic looks like it's
marinated beautifully as always - look at that a little sample plate of Mt.
Lowe goodness along with the galley and Northwoods Inn a little complimentary
side of peanuts to go with too Methodist Hospital representing with one of the
most colorful tables yet this looks fantastic tis the season for
Halloween too let me tell you nice beautiful guys looks absolutely
fantastic here it's never too early for wine is it never the world-famous
Benihana popping off with some vegetable fried rice some of the good stuff here
along with California rolls how you doing great great to have you
guys here at the Taste of Arcadia 2017 wild peacock crossing
they say life is too short to have dessert early or have it first I should
say our Arcadia Gardens retirement home is poppin off with some delicious looking
desserts guys what are we serving here
that presentation is killer with the wing right there really is
homemade lemonade to go strawberry goodness very nice guys thank you so
much thanks for being here looks very very tender indeed a little bit of that
mashed potato in there as well let's give it a go Dave and Buster's is spinnin'
the treats and there's even some really tasty looking treats to eat as well you
cannot go wrong with 38 degrees garlic fries with the aioli spread to go with
right oh nice crispy golden got that sea salt look to it the skin on the side
very sexy situation like someone Dickey's Barbecue Pit never disappoints
guys what are we serving today I'm already honing in on the mac and cheese
here but what else do we have on tap
nice bacon tater and you gotta have
the classic coleslaw with it and we got some ridiculously awesome looking
brisket here yeah we're gonna have to slice this up all thick-like that's all
I gotta say Wow tender I would say it's
fall-off-the-bone goodness but there is no bone to be havin look at that
succulent juicy tenderized marinated for how many days I wonder just one day
believe it or not beautiful daily nice good stuff
and of course we're gonna light up little barbecue sauce goodness to go
with very nice all right some mashed potatoes some mac and cheese goodness we
got some pulled pork and some Polish sausage right here let me start off with
everybody's favorite at least mine little macaroni and cheese action mmm
rich and creamy completely fills your mouth very smooth nice vibrant cheddar
flavor on that's pretty awesome mmm that's like a bacon mash really
smooth rich and creamy as well same consistency as the mac and cheese but
nice smokiness on top of it let me combo that out real fast here you
know it's all about the combos here tonight oh man decadent combo indeed all right
little pulled pork action with some of their original barbecue sauce nice and
tender nice and smoky looking definitely can
smell it mmm and I can taste it whoa mmm it's amazing really good alright we're
going down the line because this is a very very delicious plate polish right
over here let's do it mmm Dickey's doesn't disappoint I am NOT
disappointed and I'm going back in one more time for this combo of the mac and
cheese and that bacon mash right over there
ridiculously decadent but we're having a blast here at the Taste of Arcadia 2017
hmm Elysian brewing sampling the good stuff here we got some night owl the
original pumpkin ale and spacedust IPA
Embassy Suites Arcadia Peacock Grille I'm hearing this is the hard-hat section what
do we have on top here these look really cool Oh God
nice Matt Denny's Ale House what are we serving today oh man look at that action
right there ready to go we love having you thanks so much for being here
the legendary Derby popping off with that bread pudding action over here Jack
Daniels whiskey to go with oh look at the presentation on that look how moist
and succulent and ridiculous dessert first before dinner right
looks really fantastic guys thanks so much
Bella Sera Trattoria meatballs bacon-wrapped dates prosciutt wrapped
asparagus and we've got some awesome cookies here on the side beautiful
presentation and that looks amazing already cuz it's got bacon those
meatballs looks great one hope wine how you guys doing this looks like a
fantastic display of goodness already here and it's not too early for this at
all with our Pinot Noir or Pinot Grigio these support gives back to you forever
home awesome thank you guys thank you so much for being here gotta have the
world-famous Double Tree cookies gots to alright how do you guys can prepare
the Jamaican Jerk skewer
and we'd serve it with the chimichurri sauce
so we crush up the mango and mix it with chimichurri so it's smooth creamy with a
little bit of pop beautiful that's the only way guys thank you thank you so
much yes there we go blended healthy is blending up the color this is all good for ya'
Hot n' sweet chicken offering up the tasty goodness here Wow sweet garlic sweet
garlic 3 we've got some sweet garlic 4 and soy pretty fantastic looking looks
like it's fried up nice and golden crispy all around and looking to deliver
a lot of pop a lot of flavor looks great guys thank you alright so here we go
with level 1 spiciness from the garlic chicken here at hot n' sweet chicken
and oh man nice situation right there look how
sauced up that is ready to go here we go
that is fried to perfection it's juicy oh are you sure this is level 1 this is a
little hot a little hot mmm but I'm going back to get it again because that
was really good Jake's Roadhouse always a favorite on Myrtle Avenue a mainstay for
generations right here some great stuff amazing looking barbecue what are we
serving nice beautiful guys thanks so much for being here
The Diplomat oh man look at this look at this awesome stuff right over here some
skewered chicken over here - they're seasoned that beautifully looks amazing
it's that classic rice to go with and we're already lighting it up with some
fork action ready to go here but man look at this Mediterranean on point
great stuff guys thanks so much Twohey's in the house check this out what
are we serving here super super flavorful thanks so much for being here
an absolutely beautiful table the Women's City Club of Pasadena Wow guys
beautiful looking situation we got going over here what are we serving with a
Waldorf chicken salad and a wild mushroom stuffing and a little something sweet
yes please help yourself a strawberry shortcake beautiful and we're also
featuring for the first time our new signature tea which is a
psalm the black tea this is the champion of black teas
and we have orange zest for California a little Rose for Pasadena and a little
cardamon because of the spiciness of our members and a little honey because they're sweet too
very fitting very fitting beautiful guys thank you thank you so much alright we've
got some seasoned chicken and some hummus and some rice pilaf from The
Diplomat let's give this a shot here really thick piece of white meat
hmm look at that striation falling there that is super fresh hmm a little bit about a
hummus action right here - that's really good really good all right a little rice
with a tiny fork got a nice smooth buttery type of flavor texture is good
hummus is definitely on-point that is really tasty I gotta tell 'ya mmm gotta
love the atmosphere in the background over here too this is the way to do it the
taste of Arcadia 2017 alright let's go to Italy shall we Bella Sera Trattoria
this is amazing amazing stuff here I'm just gonna pick this up and go for a
bite let's just do it real quick here
that is seasoned up look at that amazing really really good stuff there rich Italian
seasoning and I gotta say the Parmesan crusting on the top there it's pretty
amazing too
oh we got the Derby bread pudding in effect having a blast good times
and with that 2017's edition of the Taste of Arcadia is in the books guys we are
definitely loaded up to the hill with really really awesome food right now did
you have a blast yes oh god I am done I'm definitely not
eating until next year's edition which we can't wait to come back for as well
guys with that at Ian K and Carol JuJu closing out another episode of peep this
out from the Arboretum here in Arcadia and like I always say I've got brand new
content every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the
next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty
definitely a blast of an event guys I hope you enjoyed all the footage from
the amazing event here at the Arboretum in Arcadia it was an absolute blast
let's see if we come back for 2018 shall we
We'll talk to you guys next time see ya'
Get your videos RANKED first page of Yotube how to get more views on youtube - Duration: 14:47.good morning World Wide Web what's going on it's your boy Marlon Oh Bennet the
original student of the game so beautiful wedding warning outside guys
the Sun is perfectly aligned in the middle of the sky it's about 67 degrees
outside on the East Coast here in Gaithersburg Maryland and it's a great
day guys to learn some things you never knew you never knew what's going on guys
in today's video guys I want to talk about our free report that I'm putting
together right up and it's concerning our youtube video ranking strategy right
it's a report I'm putting together about how to get your videos ranked on the
very first page of YouTube okay within just minutes and for less than the price
of a cup of coffee okay now the report I'm putting together
is actually going to have someone of explosive information a couple of video
presentations inside right it's going to include I'll tell you guys right now the
video is going to include my legendary marketing duplicate Dave presentation as
well as my lead lightning automated list building done-for-you
sales funnel okay but let's talk about a one of the benefits or some of the
benefits of getting your YouTube's ranked on a very first page of YouTube
guys you want to get more views on your YouTube videos you want because
ultimately it can translate into more subscribers for your you know on YouTube
and if you can get more views on YouTube and you can get more views and more
subscribers then naturally guys you can get more leads you can build your list
even bigger right so we as video marketers and as internet marketers and
particularly for me as an email marketer and for you aspiring email markers or
marketers or even you guys already email a product for email marketing business
you have your own email marketing business well you can get more YouTube
views and get more video YouTube views guys that is only a win-win situation
for you now what a partner of mine a week ago maybe two
or three weeks ago now shared this strategy with me guys it got me really
super pumped and really super excited because of something fact that I had
already you know stepped out and was starting to learn how to write my videos
on YouTube okay I had actually achieved first page
ranking in my own right but when I was made when I got in access to this
particular information that one of my partner's share with me guys it got me
really super pumped and really super excited
particularly for anybody who's looking for a way to get their videos ranked on
the very first page of YouTube as well guys okay doing video marketing this is
definitely something that's going to interest you and if you're not you need
to pay even more attention guys because video marketing is hot and it's
definitely something that you want to start implementing in your business okay
so what I've done guys over the course of the last week or so is I've been
implementing this particular strategy okay this youtube video ranking strategy
and what I'm gonna share with you guys are summaries results I've got early on
guys and I'm still implementing that strategy I've already recorded about two
or three other videos that you guys haven't even seen yet because they're
unlisted right because I'm working on the SEO part of getting these videos
ranked on the very first page of YouTube and I can tell you guys when I say that
you can do it in just minutes and you can do it for less than the price for a
cup of coffee that's exactly what I mean so I'm going through these processes and
I'm actually putting up videos you guys don't see them yet but by the time you
see them they will already ranked on the very first page of YouTube and right now
I'm gonna show you guys some of the early results that I've been able to
achieve using this strategy so let's go over to a very first set of results guys
and you can see right here out of search results over I was twenty six million
nine hundred thousand guys you can see there I am right there on page one and
position number one right there guys you can see there I am
right there with the video did I did actually just three days ago okay this
video is just three day three days ago guys so we're talking about getting a
little view for your YouTube videos you can see that I've got over a thousand
views in the last few days on that particular video and I want to make sure
I'm not down here in the first place or else because what's happening guys and
what I'm learning is these things got me super pumped and super excited because
I'm learning how to do this and oftentimes guys more than one of my
videos are ranking on the very same page I'm taking up more than one spot on the
first page and so I'm gonna show you guys that guys dead in the next set of
results okay so over here guys you see the search results right over here on
the left hand side while I'm kind of playing around right here and you see my
videos ranked at their very first page and at the very top but if you come down
here guys and you look at that I've also hold a spot for the second place for
that particular string of keywords and if you come down guys I got the number
three spot as well let's see if I have any others on this particular set of
keywords I don't think that I do but so but also for spot number one spot number
two and spot number three out of over nine million but numbers right guys
search results let's move on to number three guys becoming the right place
let's go back maybe I'm wrong okay we're just at that one I think okay here we
are again no that's not the right one I think this is it okay here we are again
example number four guys you can see the search results will right up here on
your left hand side and you know this particular strain of keywords guys I'm
actually taking position number one position number two position number
three four and five on the very first page of YouTube guys and again you can
see that I put that video up just four weeks ago don't have as many views on
that come downhill edition you can see I already got more over just over a
thousand views on that video as well and the same with this video to you guys
know that I can't do my phone ringing of course my phone is
ready guys I'm gonna go to ignore this call so we can continue with this very
last set of results and I will show you guys how you can actually get this free
strategy guys you can get it I'm gonna show you guys how you can get your hands
on it right here guys um is uh I'm on my page for lead light and you guys know
that League Lightning is responsible for my lead generation a lot of money
generating efforts you guys okay and I'm gonna leave a link to this page below in
the YouTube description area right so you guys can actually watch this
presentation if you're looking to get more leads for your business and you
want to automate it dumb for your sales phone it actually brainy's leads into
your business guys and pays your six dollar Commission at the same time you
should pick up lead lightning so the way that you're going to get the youtube
video ranking strategy guys is you're going to you're going to UM you're gonna
purchase lead lightning okay when you purchase lis like it I'm going to give
you guys just gonna get back I'm gonna give you guys I'm gonna some training
guys so you guys gotta give me a give me a minute here you guys are gonna get
instant access to the youtube video ranking strategy or got again I'm up
here on the page this guy's where you guys get to see those results and so I
actually I don't know what I did with my page then I was on but it doesn't really
matter guys if you guys go inside it you pick up lead lightning today
I'm going to actually send you over the youtube video ranking strategy so you
guys can um so you guys get a chance to uh start implementing that strategy in
your business again I'm building a product around it but I haven't finished
yet so I was going to use the lead lightening automated list building come
for your sales funnel as a way for you guys to get the actual of the youtube
video ranking strategy and until I have that full product complete
then you guys will bid for one-time payment seven dollars so win-win because
you better pick up the lead light in automated list building sales follow and
you'll also be able to get your hands on that automated list building YouTube
strategy guys I mean youtube video ranking strategy now let's go back there
one more second guys because I want you guys to understand that when when when
you could get more views on YouTube but if you're branding yourself and you
should be if you have an online business if you an internet marketer if your
email marketer oh it's all about exposure okay so when I talked about it
being a win-win where the lead lighting automated list building sales follow
Spencer we're talking about leads okay we're talking about exposure exposure
for your business building your list okay that's that's the cornerstone of
email marketing I was building an email list collecting the names and/or email
addresses of particular prospects who may be interested in your business and
when they got into your capture pages your squeeze pages obviously they are
that's the cornerstone of building your business bigger guys okay so when you
can rank your videos on the very first page of YouTube what that means is
you're just gonna end up with a lot more exposure guys because people are putting
strains and keywords inside the YouTube browser guys on your videos one of the
very first ones just popping up and when you have the ability to occupy space one
two and three positions on a very first page of YouTube with your videos and you
can do it with every video that you put up but you upload to YouTube because I'm
gonna give you don't rank each strategy and you can implement the strategy
within minutes so that's the benefit guys of being able to do this type of
thing and so the other good thing is the other benefit guys is these numbers are
only going to continue to go up YouTube just like Google you know as part of
YouTube or Facebook the search engines love new content guys so as these videos
get on the first page of YouTube and they're brand new Delaware
the SEO algorithm inside of YouTube recognizes it as new content so new
people are constantly being this is pushing your video is pushing the vid
that you're going to get to your video up even faster because it's new content
and again the search engines love the new content so guys if you guys are
super pumped in you're super excited if you're an internet marketing you looking
for a way to build your list even bigger you're looking for way to get more leads
you're looking for way to get more views and more views on YouTube more
subscribers to your YouTube channel okay but then on this youtube video ranking
strategy is definitely something that you want to have so what I will leave in
the description are again of this a YouTube video what you guys are going to
find you gonna find a link right here to lead lightening as soon as you guys are
purchase lead lightening I will get a notification again that's just a
one-time $7 payment what should you guys I'm going to send you oh well what you
need to do I will get the notification but what you need to do is email me at
it's Marlin o better at gmail.com again that's this model open at
gmail.com you'll find my email in the description area email me guys with up
with the payment proof of lead lightning and I will miss and make sure you use
your email with that email and I will email you the youtube video ranking
strategy immediately guys is ready to go you guys can once you open up the email
that I've seen you is going to give you instant access to the youtube video
ranking strategy and within mere minutes guys and for less than the price of a
cup of coffee you guys will be able to start ranking your videos on the very
first page of YouTube again it's a win-win situation for anybody who is
looking to get more leads to build your list you get more views and get more
views on your YouTube videos get more subscribers which you'll see over time
guys I want to continue to build my youtube subscriber list as well as my
email list so it's a win-win situation so you guys walk well I should say run
don't walk to the bottom of the description area in the video go ahead
on and get started with lead lightning today guys make sure you email me the
proof of payment and I'm gonna shoot that YouTube video marketing strategy
right I'm gonna shoot that right over to you guys on out it's actually uh it's
actually uh I'm going to include one of my favorite solo ad sources inside of
inside of that email for you guys and you guys can get inside of that
particular solo ad vendor if you start running solo ads as well that's a great
place you know we talked about suspects but exposure this is one of my favorite
vendors although I'm really really vetting my Silhouette vendors a little
close more closely these days guys because uh it's a lot going on with solo
ads there's some great sources but they're also some some people out there
guys will rob you of your money okay so I'm really really clamping down on a
depending process in terms of the soul and fingers don't use it but anyway I'll
include us well one of my favorite silhouette vendors as well as the
youtube video ranking strategy as soon as I received we see a payment for lead
lightning I can't wait to see those notifications coming from you guys in my
inbox and you guys should be watching your inbox as well so you guys can get
started okay as always this is your boy Marlon open wishing you guys wisdom
peace prosperity and to live in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle
without limits keep banging guys hope you see you on the other side