Saturday, September 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 30 2017

Ciao, sono Alex di all4shooters.

Oggi possiamo presentarvi una rivoluzione ottica:

il cannocchiale Swarovski dS. ma non lo spiegheremo,

ve lo mostreremo.

Lo Swarovski dS proietta le informazioni utili nel

campo visivo in tempo reale e visualizza automaticamente un

punto di mira corretto.

Questo include prendendo tutti i fattori chiave in considerazione:

distanza, pressione dell'aria,

temperatura e angolo.

Non è necessaria alcuna

regolazione manuale

perché il punto di mira è calcolato sulla

base dei singoli dati

balistici per la

combinazione arma -munizioni.

Il cacciatore inserisce questi dati utilizzando

un corrispondente configuratore app.

Successivamente la curva balistica

calcolata viene trasferita direttamente al Swarovski dS tramite Bluetooth.

E qui altre caratteristiche del dS:

Fino a 25x di ingrandimento,

21.5 gradi di campo visivo,

64 livelli di illuminazione,

la lunghezza è 403 mm,

il peso è 1.090 g.

Garanzia di 10 anni per l'ottica e di 2 anni per

l'elettronica dalla data di acquisto.

Il prezzo è di 3.890, - €.

Il cannocchiale è disponibile ora in America

e in Canada.

For more infomation >> Test: Cannocchiale da caccia Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P - Duration: 1:45.


Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P: Welche Vorteile bietet das "smarte" Zielfernrohr für die Jagd? - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Swarovski dS 5-25x52 P: Welche Vorteile bietet das "smarte" Zielfernrohr für die Jagd? - Duration: 1:45.


How Can I Get Ahead in Life Compilation - Duration: 14:37.

How do I get ahead in life?

The truth is, you can't get ahead in life

by leaving God behind.

God's the one who gives us everything

and he wants us to put him first

when it comes to the use of our time,

talents, treasures,

our temple,

and his truth.

The church word for that is "stewardship."

Now stewardship has gotten a bad rap,

but stewardship is a vital part

of the Christian life.

A steward is just another word for a manager.

And so stewardship

is managing God's resources

God's way

because of God's love.

And we're not just talking about

10 percent of our money.

We're talking about 100 percent

of everything he gives us.

And so each day this week,

we're going to take a look at one of those five T's

that God gives us to manage.

And so I want to start with talents today.

The Apostle Peter says,

"Each one of you

should use whatever gifts he has received

to serve others."

So first off,

how many of you have gifts?

Well, Peter says each one.

I actually know some people

who have said that

they don't have any gifts.

But that's simply not true.

God has given everyone talents

and he wants us to use those talents

not to serve ourselves

but to serve others.

I love the way the Apostle Paul

pictures God's relationship

with us and our relationship

to each other when it comes to our talents.

This is what he says in 1 Corinthians,

You are the body of Christ.

What's Paul's point?

Well, first off,

there is nothing in the body

that I want to sacrifice.

Do you think you're an unimportant

part of Christ's body?

Think again.

Do you think your toenails are unimportant?

Well, I just recently golfed with someone who,

because of an accident,

lost his big toenail

and he had to golf in flip flops.

You know what? He would tell you

just how important that big toenail is,

especially from the sand trap.

But secondly,

when it comes to our talents,

we have to realize that each one

is unique.

There is no one like you.

No one has the same gift set as you.

The body needs you.

And since you're part of the body,

one body,

there's no need for jealousy in the church.

My gift is your gift

and your gift is my gift

because we are part of that one body.

When a pitcher throws a no-hitter,

the paper doesn't say the next day,

"His right arm won the day."


it gives credit to the whole person.

And here's the best part:

Jesus is our head.

He loves us so much

that he won forgiveness for us

on a cross

so that through faith,

he made us part of his body.

And this is

such a beautiful thing to think through.

Jesus doesn't need


But he chooses to need you

as part of his body.

And now he gives you talents

to serve him

and to give him glory

and to serve

one another.

God's blessings on your service to him.

How much time in an average day

would you say you waste?

Probably more than we'd like to admit, right?

What are the prime suspects?

There's TV.

You've got email.




These very things

that were meant to save us time,

it's ironic to me that

they're some of our biggest time wasters.

Not that they're bad things.

I mean, is it wrong to

watch a 21-minute Netflix episode

to wind down at night?


But six hours of binge watching?

I think you see my point, right?

Listen to what the Apostle Paul says.

So we want to use our time in a way

that is pleasing to the spirit,

not to our sinful flesh.

Now, does that have to be bad things?

No, not necessarily.

It's all about keeping the proper priority in life.

The church father Augustine

called God

"the highest good"

and he said that anything we put above God

becomes evil even if it's a good thing

like our work or even our families.

So it's not necessarily that we love bad things.

It's just that sometimes,



good things badly.

But there was one who never wasted a second.

He never viewed a minute

of his time as his own.

He never hesitated to wake up

each day

and live each day for you

and die on a cross for you

so that one day,

you could spend each day with him forever.

Now, does that change things,

knowing that

that we have eternal life waiting for us?


And so let's say you wake up one day

and you

have the alarm clock going off,

the most annoying noise in the entire world,

and it won't

shut off, kind of like on the movie Groundhog's Day.

And you throw it out against the wall and

and then you sit up in bed

and you hit your bed, head on the headboard.

And then you get out of bed and you walk

down to the end of the bed and you stub your toe

on the footboard and and then the coffeemaker broke

so you have no coffee

and you get in the shower

and the water heater went out through the night.

How good is the first 11 minutes of your day?

Not so good.

But now imagine that the whole rest of the day

was the best day you have ever had in your life.

Everyone's nice to you.

You meet the love of your life and

you get engaged in the same day.

You win the lottery three times without even playing.

Just, you name it.

You get a promotion at work.

It's just the best day.

Now, imagine that I come to you

at the end of the day and I say,

"So, how was your day?"

What would you say?

"Ugh, you would not believe my first 11 minutes."


You wouldn't even remember that first 11 minutes

because of how awesome that day was.

That's what it's like knowing that

we have eternity before us,

knowing that my life is just a sliver

compared to eternity.

I can give a ridiculous amount of myself

and my time in service to God

and my neighbor.

And in fact, that line doesn't even do it justice.

What is the hymn writer John Newton

say in "Amazing Grace?"

"When we've been there, 10,000 years,

we've no less days to sing God's praise

than when we'd first begun."

What better way to use our time

than for Jesus.

God wants us to be managers

of the body or the temple

that he's given us.

This is what he says in God's Word,

he says,

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

That puts in perspective

how we want to treat our bodies.

Well, how do you treat temples?

In the last congregation

that I served, shortly before I arrived,

someone actually threw a beer bottle

through one of the beautiful

stained glass windows of the church.

What do you suppose people's reaction

was when when they heard about that?

They were appalled!

They said,

"This is a church! You can't do that to a church!"

And that's a right reaction.

Because that building

is a symbol of God's presence.

And yet,

it's still just a building.

How much more appalling is it

if we defile the temple

where the Holy Spirit says

he dwells?

And now truth be told,

scripture gives us an awful lot of freedom

in making decisions about how we manage

our bodies.


can disagree

or make different decisions, we'll say,

and they can still be good Christians.

I know some Christians who drink

coffee and soda and some who don't.

I know Christians that

drink beer or wine

and some who don't.

I know some that work out seven times a week,

or two to three times a week,

or one time a week.

Is it wrong to eat a Big Mac?

I kind of like Big Macs.

Everything in moderation, right?

The point is this:

If you remember that your body

is a temple of the Holy Spirit,

then it helps you make those decisions

about how you're going to treat your body.

And Paul gives us the "why."

He says,

"You are not your own.

You were bought at a price."

There we were,

penniless and alone,

destined for the fire of hell,

and an eternity of suffering,

when someone saw us

and took pity on us

and simply put, loved us.

Jesus went to his father

and asked,

"What will it take to buy them?"

And the father said,

"Only the most priceless offering will do."

And so Jesus offered himself on the cross.

You were bought at a price.

That almost sounds like an understatement.

So what is the only thing

we can think to do?

Honor God

with the body he's given you.

God wants us to manage his truth.

He's entrusted it to us.

1 Corinthians 4 says,

Well, so how do you manage

God's truth?

A part of it

has to do with

just appreciating the treasure

that we have here,

and not go looking for meaning in our lives

anywhere else.

There was a farmer who lived in Pennsylvania

in the 1850s.

And he was very happy on his farm.

But then his cousin moved to Canada

to go work the oil fields.

And suddenly the farm didn't seem that great.

And so he sold the farm.

The county records said that he sold it

for $883.

When the

new owner came out to survey the land,

he came across this stream.

And he noticed that the farmer

had placed a board diagonally on the stream

because there was this black scum

on the water

and the cattle didn't want to drink.

And so he put the board there

and it would skim off the black scum

so that the animals would drink.

Do you know what the black scum was?

The farm was in Titusville, Pennsylvania,

where there is so much oil,

it, it seeped out of the ground

and went into the streams and rivers.

In Titusville, Pennsylvania

is the site of John D. Rockefeller

and Standard Oil.

The farmer sold the farm for $883

and for the next 50 years,

Titusville was the site

of the most millionaires per capita

in the world

because it turns out

the only thing you needed to become a millionaire

in Titusville

was to

own a farm.

The guy went searching halfway around the world

for something he already had.

When you're searching for treasure,

you don't have to go anywhere else.

You have that treasure right here.

Just think about what you have

in this book.

You have a love letter

from your father in heaven,

written and signed

in the blood of Jesus

that gives you all of the answers

to life's biggest questions.

It gives you counsel

in every situation.


in every tragedy.

And it tells you about

the heaven that waits for you

because of Jesus' life and death for you.

This is the truth

you've been entrusted with.

So how do we manage it?


it starts with:

read it every day.


be prepared to give an answer

to someone who objects to it.

We want to make sure we read it every day.

We want to make sure that we don't

water it down.

We want to make sure that we read it every day.

And then we also

want to share it with everyone

in our lives.

And then, oh yeah,

read it every day.

And then

make this

the only guide for our lives.

Did I mention

read it every day?

God's blessings as you manage God's truth.

Let's say that you go to the bank down the road,

and you take $10,000 to put on deposit there,

expecting the bank manager to

manage the money and then

come back with interest.

And after a year you go back,

and you say to the bank manager,

"I'd like my $10,000."

And the bank manager hands you a check for


And you say,

"What in the world? I gave you $10,000.

I'm expecting it back with interest."

And the bank manager says,

"Oh, you're totally gonna understand this.

You see, my wife and I haven't been on a vacation

in forever.

And then she saw these shoes

that she absolutely needed, and, well,

here's a check for $6,423."

Would you be okay with that?

No way! You would say,

"But that was

my money."


Do you view

your money

from God's perspective

or do we view it as

our money

like that bank manager?

God tells us that

in order for us to have contentment in life

we need to make him the priority.

And so he gives us guidance in his word

about how to do just that.

This is what it says in 1 Corinthians 16.

It says,

And so I want to break down

what this passage teaches us

about putting God first.

On the first day

of every week.

In other words, this goes back

to the whole priority thing

we were just talking about.

That God wants us to make

this the first thing that we do.

It's what gives us contentment.

What would you rather have?

Contentment or a billion dollars?

There's a right answer.

It's contentment.

And we can't have contentment unless we put God first.

Next it says,

"Each one of you."

In other words,

everyone who's been blessed

can give. This includes children.

And I think this is one of the neatest lessons

for both parent and child

when this takes place.

When Grandma and Grandpa give

my 4-year-old

$5 for her birthday,

and I say to her,

"Well, how much do you want to give to Jesus?",

do you know what she says at that age?

She says,

"All of it."

And then I'm in the awkward position of going,

"Oh, sweetie. You don't need to give all of it."

But it's such a powerful lesson.

Why does she want to give all of it?

It's because she implicitly trusts me

to provide for her needs.

We can trust God, too.

And finally, he says,

"in keeping with his income,

saving it up."

So God wants us to plan

our offerings

and then give a proportionate amount.

Is $10,000 a big offering?

Well, absolutely

if you make $50,000 a year.

But if you make a billion dollars a year,

not so much.

Well, why are we going to want to do this?

Well, it's a way for us to say "Thank you."

This is the time in worship

when we can say "Thank you"

with not just our mouths

but our hands as well.

The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians,

Managing our treasures

is one way that we can say,

"Thank you, Jesus."

For more infomation >> How Can I Get Ahead in Life Compilation - Duration: 14:37.


ホンダ・新型「シビック・タイプR」見てきた。 - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> ホンダ・新型「シビック・タイプR」見てきた。 - Duration: 11:09.


アルファロメオがニュルで7:51を記録し「世界最速SUV」へ。 - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> アルファロメオがニュルで7:51を記録し「世界最速SUV」へ。 - Duration: 4:00.


2040年以降にガソリン/ディーゼル車両の販売禁止を検討中 - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 2040年以降にガソリン/ディーゼル車両の販売禁止を検討中 - Duration: 2:34.


アニバルがポルシェ「911ターボS」をベースにした900馬力超えのスーパーカーを公開 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> アニバルがポルシェ「911ターボS」をベースにした900馬力超えのスーパーカーを公開 - Duration: 2:31.


Father Figures Trailer

For more infomation >> Father Figures Trailer


アニバルがポルシェ「911ターボS」をベースにした900馬力超えのスーパーカーを公開 - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> アニバルがポルシェ「911ターボS」をベースにした900馬力超えのスーパーカーを公開 - Duration: 2:31.


PHOTOS – Entre M Pokora et Chris­tina Milian tout va très vite : ils s'ins­tal­le­ra - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Entre M Pokora et Chris­tina Milian tout va très vite : ils s'ins­tal­le­ra - Duration: 2:55.


Very powerful viewpoint of Tokyo Tram. S-shaped curve near the Ohtsuka-ekimae Stop. - Duration: 3:19.

Very powerful viewpoint of Tokyo Tram. S-shaped curve near the Ohtsuka-ekimae Stop.

Tram horn.

Frictional sound of rail and wheel flange.

Railroad crossing warning sound.

Railroad crossing warning sound.

Switching sound of a switch.

Frictional sound of rail and wheel flange.

瓢六堂 hyourokudou

For more infomation >> Very powerful viewpoint of Tokyo Tram. S-shaped curve near the Ohtsuka-ekimae Stop. - Duration: 3:19.


Après une année diffi­cile et la mort de leur fille Laurence, Claude Chirac - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Après une année diffi­cile et la mort de leur fille Laurence, Claude Chirac - Duration: 3:07.


20 Aliments que les femmes enceintes doivent absolument consommer - France 365 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 20 Aliments que les femmes enceintes doivent absolument consommer - France 365 - Duration: 1:46.


Eliminez la graisse du ventre en dormant en buvant cette incroyable boisson - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Eliminez la graisse du ventre en dormant en buvant cette incroyable boisson - Duration: 5:51.


Vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre estomac est gonflé, comment vous en débarrasser ! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre estomac est gonflé, comment vous en débarrasser ! - Duration: 4:36.


GSXR Girl - Comment choisir ses gants de moto ? - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> GSXR Girl - Comment choisir ses gants de moto ? - Duration: 1:15.


– Fauve Hautot (Danse avec les stars) publie un cliché d'elle ado, elle n'a - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> – Fauve Hautot (Danse avec les stars) publie un cliché d'elle ado, elle n'a - Duration: 2:42.


Wii | Wii Sports Resort | with my cousin Laila | pt 1 | Bowling | I GOT 8 STRIKES IN A ROW!!! - Duration: 15:22.


Can you play as me for a second


Another one


Hi guys welcome back to another video and today we are playing some Wii Sports Resort

100 Pin Bowling

With my friend Laila

Cousin laila

Well yeah my cousin laila


Yeah so i'm first

Wait are you still putting that on

That doesn't matter

is it

No it's my turn this time






i always get strikes

i got four strikes in a row once


i'll try


So do you press this button when you do it

You press like umm like the umm the b bucket button *sorry for the bad speaking*

that's on the back here


side this side

wait why did you do that

i'll show you

Why did you just turn that

i'll show you how to do it look


Yeh hello



i still smell the fart

You farted right there

Me too i still smell the fart

From my butt

Your butt

My butt cheaks

My butt cheaks

Wait want me to do a front flip of it


Oh nah i can't really do it

What if i could do it

That was crazy

Yeah woah

What are you doin

For more infomation >> Wii | Wii Sports Resort | with my cousin Laila | pt 1 | Bowling | I GOT 8 STRIKES IN A ROW!!! - Duration: 15:22.


20 WL CEKILIS BITTI! YENI CEKILIS 1 DL! :O - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 20 WL CEKILIS BITTI! YENI CEKILIS 1 DL! :O - Duration: 3:11.


US news: A bad week for Trump ends with Tom Price's resignation MSNBC highlights - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> US news: A bad week for Trump ends with Tom Price's resignation MSNBC highlights - Duration: 6:49.


Indian bride inspired look | แต่งหน้าเป็นเจ้าสาวอินเดีย - Duration: 6:39.

hello, everyone I am back. :)

today, I am going to show you how I do this intense make up look, inspried by indian bride make up

because for me, I would want my bride make up version to be more interesting and different

If you want to know how I make this work, just keep on wacthing

I starting of by apply eye primer all over my eye lids

this step is really important to help increase stay power of your eyeshadow and make it last all day

after that, I apply blue eyeshadow on my eyelids

in this step you don't need to be precise

just don't bring it up over your eye crease too high

than I use blending brush, blend out the edge of bule eyeshadow

after that, I going to define the depth of the eye

by apply black eyeshadow on the outter V of the eye

then blend out the harsh edge

next, I apply gold cream eyeshadow on the eyelid (cut crease)

this will intensify the different of eyeshadow on the eyelid and upper crease area

then I use black and blue eyeshadow to blend the edge of gold eyeshadow out

so it won't left the harsh line

next, I apply silver glitter on top of gold eyeshadow

acually it's glitter mascara but I don't have any glitter eyeshadow, so this will do.

then use the finger blend the glitter on the gold eyeshadow evenly

next step is drawing eyeliner.

I draw eyeliner longer than usual and also wing out the tail

then move to skin makeup

I apply face primer all over my face

this step is also important to bride face makeup

because we would want our makeup last the whole day

and not get oily or greasy during the day

then apply foundation on my skin

using the foundation that have really high coverage, high staying power

and also high mattifying power

mix with a little bit of the dewy foundation

to bring back the skin-like finish

this can help the foundation blend out easier on skin

and also help the foundation stay on your face smoothly the whole day

after that apply concealer on the area that needed extra cover

for me most of it is the under eyes area

and a little bit of spots all over my face

personally, I prefer using my finger to blend out concealer

but you can also use brush or make up sponge depend on what you like

next step I am going to set everything with power

by using translucent powder so it won't change the color of foundation

mostly, I concentrate on under eyes area

because I layer up concealer and foundation on that area

so it tend to move and wear off easier than other area

than I apply blue cream eyeshadow on the my lower lash line

then I apply blue eyeshadow on top of it and blend out

after that I found that using only blue eyeshadow on lower lash line

is a little bit too much

so I decied to apply gold cream eyeshadow

on the inner part to the middle part of the lower lash line

then apply silver giltter on top

now move to eyebrow

I start with using eyebrow pencil draw the outline

then fill in with eyebrow powder

or brown eyeshadow on top

after I put on false lashes

this step is going to be a little bit scary

by line the water line with black eyeliner pencil

for define my eyes even more

then the mascara step

I apply mascara lightly on the upper eye lashes

to make the false lashes blend with my real lashes

and also apply mascara on the lower lashes

next step, I am going to add more definition to my face structure

starting with contouring my nose

using bronzing powder on both side of my nose to create illution of shadow

then I apply highlight on the area that should be pop out

such as nose bridge, highest point of cheek bones

cupid's bow of my lips and also chin area

then I contouring my face using bronzing powder

on the natural face shadow area

this step is very important to defind your face structure

especially under the flash light, the defination of your face can be wash out easily

after that I apply blush-on on the apple of my cheeks

I will apply it a little bit heavy than usaul

so I still have some color left on my cheek under the flash light of photograping

Lastly, I use the pink lipstick all over my lips

so that is it. How I do make up for this indian bride inspired look

now we got one of the make up look that can't use in daily life (haha)

please leave me a comment what do you think about this look

or if you find this make up tutorial helpful and can adapt it to use in your own style

please share it with me

see you in the next video. bye~~~~

For more infomation >> Indian bride inspired look | แต่งหน้าเป็นเจ้าสาวอินเดีย - Duration: 6:39.


Share Transition Proshow Producer - Free Downloads | Part 39 - Duration: 2:01.

the download link in the description

For more infomation >> Share Transition Proshow Producer - Free Downloads | Part 39 - Duration: 2:01.


20 Aliments que les femmes enceintes doivent absolument consommer - France 365 - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 20 Aliments que les femmes enceintes doivent absolument consommer - France 365 - Duration: 1:46.


GSXR Girl - Comment choisir ses gants de moto ? - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> GSXR Girl - Comment choisir ses gants de moto ? - Duration: 1:15.


Pomeriggio 5: Lidia e Jessica del Grande Fratello da Barbara d'Urso per rifarsi il seno - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Pomeriggio 5: Lidia e Jessica del Grande Fratello da Barbara d'Urso per rifarsi il seno - Duration: 3:38.


BBC 今日短語 170824 - Duration: 1:24.

A rough diamond


A rough diamond

John is a rough diamond; despite his appearances,

he gets on with everyone in the group.



I'm a bit of a rough diamond.

People think I'm rude but I'm actually a nice guy.



Mark's a bit loud and blunt but he'd help anyone.

He's a rough diamond.




For more infomation >> BBC 今日短語 170824 - Duration: 1:24.


Eliminez la graisse du ventre en dormant en buvant cette incroyable boisson - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Eliminez la graisse du ventre en dormant en buvant cette incroyable boisson - Duration: 5:51.


Vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre estomac est gonflé, comment vous en débarrasser ! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Vous n'êtes pas gros ! Votre estomac est gonflé, comment vous en débarrasser ! - Duration: 4:36.


Dépression : ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Dépression : ce que vous devez savoir - Duration: 5:30.


10 Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen And How To Start Flushing It Out Immediately! - Duration: 3:17.

10 Signs Your Body Has Too Much Estrogen And How To Start Flushing It Out Immediately!

Estrogen is the main female sex hormone that regulates the function of the female reproductive

system and some secondary sex characteristics.

Due to this, the hormone is very important and its levels should always be kept in check.

Nevertheless, many women are suffering from estrogen dominance, which can cause a variety

of health problems.

Here are the 10 most common signs of estrogen dominance

Heavy menstrual periods Bad PMS

Low sex drive Fatigue

Sleeping disorders Thyroid disorders

Slow metabolism Weight gain

Hair loss Brain fog

Here are 3 steps which will help you remove the excess estrogen from your body and restore

the hormone balance too:

Avoid exposure toxenoestrogens Xenoestrogens are compound which mimic estrogen

in the body and artificially raise its levels.

They can be found in plastic water bottles and Tupperware, soy protein isolate, BPA cans,

commercial cosmetic products, anti-static sheet and contraceptive pill, so it's best

to stay away from these items.

Improve your elimination Improper elimination is one of the main factors

for estrogen dominance.

In order to regulate the levels of the hormone, you have to improve your elimination, and

you can do it by drinking lots of water every day.

Consuming fiber-rich foods can help as well, as can adding vegetables to all your meals.

Consume probiotics (kefir, miso, tempeh, yogurt) more often, and make sure to take magnesium

supplements also which can improve your food digestion and bowel movement.

To promote better elimination, you should exercise regularly and go to saunas regularly.

Massaging your body can improve lymph flow and promote better elimination, as can dry

brushing after every shower.

Improve your liver health The liver is an essential organ that is responsible

for eliminating contaminants and waste from the body.

The liver removes waste in 2 phases– in the first, it turns the harmful compounds

to milder forms, and in the 2nd it transforms them to water-soluble compounds that can be

eliminate through urine.

In order to improve your liver function, you should stay hydrated by drinking lots of water,

avoid alcohol and eat a healthy diet rich in whole foods and veggies such as kale, dark

leafy greens, onions, garlic, leeks, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, shallots and beets.

Taking vitamin B supplements can help as well, and make sure to balance your hormones with

a hormone balancing formula that contains calcium-D-Glucarate, Indole-3-Carbinol and


Herbs such as burdock, red clover, Oregon grape root, gentian, licorice, milk thistle

and dandelion root can also improve your liver function and detoxify your body of harmful

compounds and excess estrogen.

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