Hello everyone my name is Mateusz Śliwka, but you can call me Matthew. Today we'll be
doing sort of kitchen tiles white tiles with really cool pattern of
course in substance designer, so open up your substance designer and let's create
this. I will hit new substance and choose a proper name I will name it "tutor tiles".
Resolution to 2048 by 2048 and choose the metallic roughness cause we will be
doing it for blender and blender using metallic roughness hit OK and I can
delete some nodes, metallic won't be useful because we are not creating any
metallic surface and it will be good if you want your tiles pretty close to
camera you can you can create height texture but I will stick only to normal
and maybe I'll show you the height too. So we'll be starting by adding pattern I
created in GIMP because yeah it was the fastest way I think, so
drag bitmap from file and this file will be in the description. So I have it saved
somewhere I'll try to find it yeah it is I think this pattern think am I right?
And import resource. Yeah it is it really simple pattern 2048 by 2048, to
much the overall resolution. So first of all we want this to be tileable or
maybe seamless it will be easier to pronounce we want seamless texture so
how will we do this? Hit space and tap "crop grayscale"
it's really cool node yeah but before we do crop grayscale we need to
convert the color information to the grayscale information because we don't
really need color information it's just black and alpha. Grayscale conversion so
link these nodes and you can say you don't see anything in here because we
need to hit "flatten alpha". Black is always the concave area and white is
convex area so we'll invert this image type invert grayscale and put this node
in here so we have everything good for now we don't really know how to crop it
right we need to to get one more node this node will be we can just drag it
over from this menu "transformation 2D" and plug it into the output from the
crop grayscale and you can see in this node by double clicking it you can see
it's in this area, I don't know how it's named texture panel maybe yeah I'll name it
texture panel. When you single click the crop grayscale you can modify
the crop grayscale and simultaneously see the result from the "transformation 2D".
So we'll drag this "crop grayscale" maybe not drag but type values for this stretch.
For now it's scaled two times so to get the proper scale this box, covering this area,
we need to type 200 apply and also in here 200 and apply so we have normal
resolution of this we will need also the "blend" node and into the "blend" node put
the "invert grayscale" information on top drag this over and we can plug the this
image into here also the opacity from this image and just grab this maybe
we'll make this by the slider so it will be "x" slider so slowly drag it, maybe not
like this and also to see the result double click the "blend" click the
"transformation 2D" once so you see automatically the result of this tool
and you can see it's something weird going on here
I think the opacity is not set right. So we need another "invert grayscale" and put
it into the opacity and it'll be good I think yeah it's good so click two
times on the "blend", one time on the "transformation" and try to do with this
slider and you can see that you can't go further because it's too big we need to
stretch it a bit so I don't, it shouldn't be like here like like this I know
what is bad, we need to drag the output from the crop to the foreground of the
"blend" and now two images will be stretched
yeah it's good I think yeah it's pretty great so we have seamless texture on "x"
but we need also on "Y" axis. We can plug the result to just see if you are doing it
right or wrong I will go to [materials> default>edit] and raised the tiling a bit
to see if we're doing it correct so it's good this thing is good we need to do
this one more time so I will select this node [Ctrl C] [Ctrl V] and yeah it's
good. Plug this blend into the crop drag it over here and this "blend" in here. Now
we will be transforming on the "y" axis.
I'll hit this blend to see the result
yeah this "blend" and we can see it's too big drag the offset to the minus 0.5.
It's the final value and we only need to adjust the crop tool. So on the height
we'll try some values, 120 will be good I can see that there are some strange
stripes so this crop tool is doing something, something bad I will delete
this crop tool and add this again, maybe it has some values in it the new one should
work better we need to adjust this "crop" because it's zoomed two times
so type 200, apply 200 so we need to adjust the "y" value.
It's looking good you can see it's perfectly seamless, that's great.
To don't get confused what this whole thing is you can comment it by this this
frame thing, you can type the title so "seamless creation" maybe and drag it over
here so now we want to add some color to this because it's just black and white.
Do drag this "gradient map" and hit the "gradient editor". Pick some grey
value maybe like this gray doing anything is it working?
I don't really yeah it's working okay so oh yeah I just added over here another
pin, yeah it's great now okay I just messed up sorry. Just make this concave
this gray and the tile will be pretty white maybe 239. Now of course we need to
add the "normal map", but before this you can see that, this is really sharp edge
yeah we don't want that sharp edge, blur this think I'm considering to blur also
the color, yeah maybe I will do this so not that much of course
we'll see on the normal if it's looking good is it good yeah. You can see it's
it's not looking bad yeah so this way you will be pretty good for it around
1 exactly.
Now we have roughness so maybe pull some levels over here and drag this to the
"blur". The dark value is smooth and white value is rough so we need to invert this
just drag this
and it'll be invert, preety nicely and the reflection we don't want exactly 255 white
and zero black so drag this a bit to make it slightly rougher and this black
to make it slightly brighter. You can also drag this to the height and it will be
nice height map. So here's my tip, if you want the height map you can drag
this blur to the height map I don't want height map I can delete it but I need
some imperfections because you can see it's really shiny like like in the
vacuum where it's not exposed to light dust or anything else so we need to add
these imperfections one cool thing I've discovered recently is they let me find.
Okay, I found recently this really cool thing which is not here but you can
type "edge dirt" it's really cool you can plug this blur output to the curvature
input and you can see it's doing something really cool it's adding a dirt
to the crevices drag the levels a bit more and you can see the dirt only
appears on the concave areas it's really cool you can can add to the color this
"blend" node drag this "edge dirt" to the opacity and drag like simple color
"uniform color" and plug it into this will be foreground and this will background
and display the this effect you can see it's adding
the dirt on the edges, but that is not exactly black which is a value like this
really dark brown or or something like that.
Yeah you can see it's pretty it's pretty good but also we need to add bigger
imperfections so go to noises and I will use maybe this "black and white spots 2"
will be good and blend it into the roughness put this black and white to the
background, levels to the foreground and for the opacity we can use this blur.
It's not exactly what we want it we want it to be inverted so type invert grayscale
and drag opacity, drag blur and you get this nice imperfections, which is this
dirt sort of think on the floor or on the kitchen tiles just everything you
want. You can increase or decrease by adjusting maybe, maybe we will add levels.
Here it's levels and adjust with maybe this slider yeah it's this lighter. The more
black it is the more gloss it is yeah so now it's read dirty no it's pretty clean
so this is really cool I think I'll leave it like this or expand it to see
the material more and there you have it. You can change color
of course you can do everything you want you can change color with this "gradient map"
and it's the tiles so you maybe want the black tiles here it is black tiles
maybe you want the red tiles, go for red tiles. It's looking like brick yeah it's pretty good
brick. I didn't knew that let me look at yeah
it's it looking pretty great.
So thank you for watching and tell me what do you think about this material?
Bye, bye!
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