Saturday, September 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2017

good morning World Wide Web what's going on it's your boy Marlon Oh Bennet the

original student of the game so beautiful wedding warning outside guys

the Sun is perfectly aligned in the middle of the sky it's about 67 degrees

outside on the East Coast here in Gaithersburg Maryland and it's a great

day guys to learn some things you never knew you never knew what's going on guys

in today's video guys I want to talk about our free report that I'm putting

together right up and it's concerning our youtube video ranking strategy right

it's a report I'm putting together about how to get your videos ranked on the

very first page of YouTube okay within just minutes and for less than the price

of a cup of coffee okay now the report I'm putting together

is actually going to have someone of explosive information a couple of video

presentations inside right it's going to include I'll tell you guys right now the

video is going to include my legendary marketing duplicate Dave presentation as

well as my lead lightning automated list building done-for-you

sales funnel okay but let's talk about a one of the benefits or some of the

benefits of getting your YouTube's ranked on a very first page of YouTube

guys you want to get more views on your YouTube videos you want because

ultimately it can translate into more subscribers for your you know on YouTube

and if you can get more views on YouTube and you can get more views and more

subscribers then naturally guys you can get more leads you can build your list

even bigger right so we as video marketers and as internet marketers and

particularly for me as an email marketer and for you aspiring email markers or

marketers or even you guys already email a product for email marketing business

you have your own email marketing business well you can get more YouTube

views and get more video YouTube views guys that is only a win-win situation

for you now what a partner of mine a week ago maybe two

or three weeks ago now shared this strategy with me guys it got me really

super pumped and really super excited because of something fact that I had

already you know stepped out and was starting to learn how to write my videos

on YouTube okay I had actually achieved first page

ranking in my own right but when I was made when I got in access to this

particular information that one of my partner's share with me guys it got me

really super pumped and really super excited

particularly for anybody who's looking for a way to get their videos ranked on

the very first page of YouTube as well guys okay doing video marketing this is

definitely something that's going to interest you and if you're not you need

to pay even more attention guys because video marketing is hot and it's

definitely something that you want to start implementing in your business okay

so what I've done guys over the course of the last week or so is I've been

implementing this particular strategy okay this youtube video ranking strategy

and what I'm gonna share with you guys are summaries results I've got early on

guys and I'm still implementing that strategy I've already recorded about two

or three other videos that you guys haven't even seen yet because they're

unlisted right because I'm working on the SEO part of getting these videos

ranked on the very first page of YouTube and I can tell you guys when I say that

you can do it in just minutes and you can do it for less than the price for a

cup of coffee that's exactly what I mean so I'm going through these processes and

I'm actually putting up videos you guys don't see them yet but by the time you

see them they will already ranked on the very first page of YouTube and right now

I'm gonna show you guys some of the early results that I've been able to

achieve using this strategy so let's go over to a very first set of results guys

and you can see right here out of search results over I was twenty six million

nine hundred thousand guys you can see there I am right there on page one and

position number one right there guys you can see there I am

right there with the video did I did actually just three days ago okay this

video is just three day three days ago guys so we're talking about getting a

little view for your YouTube videos you can see that I've got over a thousand

views in the last few days on that particular video and I want to make sure

I'm not down here in the first place or else because what's happening guys and

what I'm learning is these things got me super pumped and super excited because

I'm learning how to do this and oftentimes guys more than one of my

videos are ranking on the very same page I'm taking up more than one spot on the

first page and so I'm gonna show you guys that guys dead in the next set of

results okay so over here guys you see the search results right over here on

the left hand side while I'm kind of playing around right here and you see my

videos ranked at their very first page and at the very top but if you come down

here guys and you look at that I've also hold a spot for the second place for

that particular string of keywords and if you come down guys I got the number

three spot as well let's see if I have any others on this particular set of

keywords I don't think that I do but so but also for spot number one spot number

two and spot number three out of over nine million but numbers right guys

search results let's move on to number three guys becoming the right place

let's go back maybe I'm wrong okay we're just at that one I think okay here we

are again no that's not the right one I think this is it okay here we are again

example number four guys you can see the search results will right up here on

your left hand side and you know this particular strain of keywords guys I'm

actually taking position number one position number two position number

three four and five on the very first page of YouTube guys and again you can

see that I put that video up just four weeks ago don't have as many views on

that come downhill edition you can see I already got more over just over a

thousand views on that video as well and the same with this video to you guys

know that I can't do my phone ringing of course my phone is

ready guys I'm gonna go to ignore this call so we can continue with this very

last set of results and I will show you guys how you can actually get this free

strategy guys you can get it I'm gonna show you guys how you can get your hands

on it right here guys um is uh I'm on my page for lead light and you guys know

that League Lightning is responsible for my lead generation a lot of money

generating efforts you guys okay and I'm gonna leave a link to this page below in

the YouTube description area right so you guys can actually watch this

presentation if you're looking to get more leads for your business and you

want to automate it dumb for your sales phone it actually brainy's leads into

your business guys and pays your six dollar Commission at the same time you

should pick up lead lightning so the way that you're going to get the youtube

video ranking strategy guys is you're going to you're going to UM you're gonna

purchase lead lightning okay when you purchase lis like it I'm going to give

you guys just gonna get back I'm gonna give you guys I'm gonna some training

guys so you guys gotta give me a give me a minute here you guys are gonna get

instant access to the youtube video ranking strategy or got again I'm up

here on the page this guy's where you guys get to see those results and so I

actually I don't know what I did with my page then I was on but it doesn't really

matter guys if you guys go inside it you pick up lead lightning today

I'm going to actually send you over the youtube video ranking strategy so you

guys can um so you guys get a chance to uh start implementing that strategy in

your business again I'm building a product around it but I haven't finished

yet so I was going to use the lead lightening automated list building come

for your sales funnel as a way for you guys to get the actual of the youtube

video ranking strategy and until I have that full product complete

then you guys will bid for one-time payment seven dollars so win-win because

you better pick up the lead light in automated list building sales follow and

you'll also be able to get your hands on that automated list building YouTube

strategy guys I mean youtube video ranking strategy now let's go back there

one more second guys because I want you guys to understand that when when when

you could get more views on YouTube but if you're branding yourself and you

should be if you have an online business if you an internet marketer if your

email marketer oh it's all about exposure okay so when I talked about it

being a win-win where the lead lighting automated list building sales follow

Spencer we're talking about leads okay we're talking about exposure exposure

for your business building your list okay that's that's the cornerstone of

email marketing I was building an email list collecting the names and/or email

addresses of particular prospects who may be interested in your business and

when they got into your capture pages your squeeze pages obviously they are

that's the cornerstone of building your business bigger guys okay so when you

can rank your videos on the very first page of YouTube what that means is

you're just gonna end up with a lot more exposure guys because people are putting

strains and keywords inside the YouTube browser guys on your videos one of the

very first ones just popping up and when you have the ability to occupy space one

two and three positions on a very first page of YouTube with your videos and you

can do it with every video that you put up but you upload to YouTube because I'm

gonna give you don't rank each strategy and you can implement the strategy

within minutes so that's the benefit guys of being able to do this type of

thing and so the other good thing is the other benefit guys is these numbers are

only going to continue to go up YouTube just like Google you know as part of

YouTube or Facebook the search engines love new content guys so as these videos

get on the first page of YouTube and they're brand new Delaware

the SEO algorithm inside of YouTube recognizes it as new content so new

people are constantly being this is pushing your video is pushing the vid

that you're going to get to your video up even faster because it's new content

and again the search engines love the new content so guys if you guys are

super pumped in you're super excited if you're an internet marketing you looking

for a way to build your list even bigger you're looking for way to get more leads

you're looking for way to get more views and more views on YouTube more

subscribers to your YouTube channel okay but then on this youtube video ranking

strategy is definitely something that you want to have so what I will leave in

the description are again of this a YouTube video what you guys are going to

find you gonna find a link right here to lead lightening as soon as you guys are

purchase lead lightening I will get a notification again that's just a

one-time $7 payment what should you guys I'm going to send you oh well what you

need to do I will get the notification but what you need to do is email me at

it's Marlin o better at again that's this model open at you'll find my email in the description area email me guys with up

with the payment proof of lead lightning and I will miss and make sure you use

your email with that email and I will email you the youtube video ranking

strategy immediately guys is ready to go you guys can once you open up the email

that I've seen you is going to give you instant access to the youtube video

ranking strategy and within mere minutes guys and for less than the price of a

cup of coffee you guys will be able to start ranking your videos on the very

first page of YouTube again it's a win-win situation for anybody who is

looking to get more leads to build your list you get more views and get more

views on your YouTube videos get more subscribers which you'll see over time

guys I want to continue to build my youtube subscriber list as well as my

email list so it's a win-win situation so you guys walk well I should say run

don't walk to the bottom of the description area in the video go ahead

on and get started with lead lightning today guys make sure you email me the

proof of payment and I'm gonna shoot that YouTube video marketing strategy

right I'm gonna shoot that right over to you guys on out it's actually uh it's

actually uh I'm going to include one of my favorite solo ad sources inside of

inside of that email for you guys and you guys can get inside of that

particular solo ad vendor if you start running solo ads as well that's a great

place you know we talked about suspects but exposure this is one of my favorite

vendors although I'm really really vetting my Silhouette vendors a little

close more closely these days guys because uh it's a lot going on with solo

ads there's some great sources but they're also some some people out there

guys will rob you of your money okay so I'm really really clamping down on a

depending process in terms of the soul and fingers don't use it but anyway I'll

include us well one of my favorite silhouette vendors as well as the

youtube video ranking strategy as soon as I received we see a payment for lead

lightning I can't wait to see those notifications coming from you guys in my

inbox and you guys should be watching your inbox as well so you guys can get

started okay as always this is your boy Marlon open wishing you guys wisdom

peace prosperity and to live in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle

without limits keep banging guys hope you see you on the other side

For more infomation >> Get your videos RANKED first page of Yotube how to get more views on youtube - Duration: 14:47.


Andrea Berg - Ja ich will (Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel - 2017-09-30) - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> Andrea Berg - Ja ich will (Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel - 2017-09-30) - Duration: 9:52.


How to Auto-reply Messages in WhatsApp and Other Apps On Android 2017 | NO ROOT - Duration: 3:03.

hi guys in a meeting driving clamoring up a mountain face in

a library it is almost an endless list when you consider the places no very

convenient for taking a phone call or replying to texts but you probably don't

want to be rude and ignore people who are sending you the messages especially

those special people in your life who expect an instant response when they

text view then there are situations where you simply left your phone at home

and can't respond if only there was an app that could automatically respond to

calls or messages even better if it could do so not for SMS but also

messages on whatsapp the app is quite simple to use once you have it installed

which you can from the Google Play Store when you open the app you're introduced

to the components of the main page which is mostly all there is in the app tap on

the toggle in the top right corner to enable can't talk after that you can

change the message that will be automatically sent by taping message box

below that you will find options to enable the audio replies for SMS calls

and apps tapping on the toggle simply enables the service tapping on the

actual card lets you select for which contacts or apps you want to enable auto

reply for the first card in the app screen should be labeled auto reply to

send this is the automatic message that will be sent by default so just tap on

the card and edit the message with the text you want it to convey and then

press save

the app will reply to a message or a text from the same person once every 15

minutes this means if your mom is calling you over and over she will get

one reply after you miss her first call and the next ought to reply 15 minutes

late if she's still calling you can change this frequency by going to the

apps advanced settings here you can decrease the frequency to 30 minutes one

two four and eight hours or you can have Ken Tov send an audio reply to every

single text message or missed call you can see all the audio replies that have

been sent and reply history onto the log section that's it you have just enabled

the app to auto reply messages on whatsapp telegram Gmail hangouts etc

enjoy the app

For more infomation >> How to Auto-reply Messages in WhatsApp and Other Apps On Android 2017 | NO ROOT - Duration: 3:03.


Andrea Berg - Diese Nacht ist jede Sünde wert (Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel - 2017-09-30) - Duration: 9:33.

For more infomation >> Andrea Berg - Diese Nacht ist jede Sünde wert (Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel - 2017-09-30) - Duration: 9:33.


New: Osmo MindRacers

For more infomation >> New: Osmo MindRacers


Peugeot 208 1.4ehdi active 2-tronic automaat - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.4ehdi active 2-tronic automaat - Duration: 1:01.


Get your videos RANKED first page of Yotube how to get more views on youtube - Duration: 14:47.

good morning World Wide Web what's going on it's your boy Marlon Oh Bennet the

original student of the game so beautiful wedding warning outside guys

the Sun is perfectly aligned in the middle of the sky it's about 67 degrees

outside on the East Coast here in Gaithersburg Maryland and it's a great

day guys to learn some things you never knew you never knew what's going on guys

in today's video guys I want to talk about our free report that I'm putting

together right up and it's concerning our youtube video ranking strategy right

it's a report I'm putting together about how to get your videos ranked on the

very first page of YouTube okay within just minutes and for less than the price

of a cup of coffee okay now the report I'm putting together

is actually going to have someone of explosive information a couple of video

presentations inside right it's going to include I'll tell you guys right now the

video is going to include my legendary marketing duplicate Dave presentation as

well as my lead lightning automated list building done-for-you

sales funnel okay but let's talk about a one of the benefits or some of the

benefits of getting your YouTube's ranked on a very first page of YouTube

guys you want to get more views on your YouTube videos you want because

ultimately it can translate into more subscribers for your you know on YouTube

and if you can get more views on YouTube and you can get more views and more

subscribers then naturally guys you can get more leads you can build your list

even bigger right so we as video marketers and as internet marketers and

particularly for me as an email marketer and for you aspiring email markers or

marketers or even you guys already email a product for email marketing business

you have your own email marketing business well you can get more YouTube

views and get more video YouTube views guys that is only a win-win situation

for you now what a partner of mine a week ago maybe two

or three weeks ago now shared this strategy with me guys it got me really

super pumped and really super excited because of something fact that I had

already you know stepped out and was starting to learn how to write my videos

on YouTube okay I had actually achieved first page

ranking in my own right but when I was made when I got in access to this

particular information that one of my partner's share with me guys it got me

really super pumped and really super excited

particularly for anybody who's looking for a way to get their videos ranked on

the very first page of YouTube as well guys okay doing video marketing this is

definitely something that's going to interest you and if you're not you need

to pay even more attention guys because video marketing is hot and it's

definitely something that you want to start implementing in your business okay

so what I've done guys over the course of the last week or so is I've been

implementing this particular strategy okay this youtube video ranking strategy

and what I'm gonna share with you guys are summaries results I've got early on

guys and I'm still implementing that strategy I've already recorded about two

or three other videos that you guys haven't even seen yet because they're

unlisted right because I'm working on the SEO part of getting these videos

ranked on the very first page of YouTube and I can tell you guys when I say that

you can do it in just minutes and you can do it for less than the price for a

cup of coffee that's exactly what I mean so I'm going through these processes and

I'm actually putting up videos you guys don't see them yet but by the time you

see them they will already ranked on the very first page of YouTube and right now

I'm gonna show you guys some of the early results that I've been able to

achieve using this strategy so let's go over to a very first set of results guys

and you can see right here out of search results over I was twenty six million

nine hundred thousand guys you can see there I am right there on page one and

position number one right there guys you can see there I am

right there with the video did I did actually just three days ago okay this

video is just three day three days ago guys so we're talking about getting a

little view for your YouTube videos you can see that I've got over a thousand

views in the last few days on that particular video and I want to make sure

I'm not down here in the first place or else because what's happening guys and

what I'm learning is these things got me super pumped and super excited because

I'm learning how to do this and oftentimes guys more than one of my

videos are ranking on the very same page I'm taking up more than one spot on the

first page and so I'm gonna show you guys that guys dead in the next set of

results okay so over here guys you see the search results right over here on

the left hand side while I'm kind of playing around right here and you see my

videos ranked at their very first page and at the very top but if you come down

here guys and you look at that I've also hold a spot for the second place for

that particular string of keywords and if you come down guys I got the number

three spot as well let's see if I have any others on this particular set of

keywords I don't think that I do but so but also for spot number one spot number

two and spot number three out of over nine million but numbers right guys

search results let's move on to number three guys becoming the right place

let's go back maybe I'm wrong okay we're just at that one I think okay here we

are again no that's not the right one I think this is it okay here we are again

example number four guys you can see the search results will right up here on

your left hand side and you know this particular strain of keywords guys I'm

actually taking position number one position number two position number

three four and five on the very first page of YouTube guys and again you can

see that I put that video up just four weeks ago don't have as many views on

that come downhill edition you can see I already got more over just over a

thousand views on that video as well and the same with this video to you guys

know that I can't do my phone ringing of course my phone is

ready guys I'm gonna go to ignore this call so we can continue with this very

last set of results and I will show you guys how you can actually get this free

strategy guys you can get it I'm gonna show you guys how you can get your hands

on it right here guys um is uh I'm on my page for lead light and you guys know

that League Lightning is responsible for my lead generation a lot of money

generating efforts you guys okay and I'm gonna leave a link to this page below in

the YouTube description area right so you guys can actually watch this

presentation if you're looking to get more leads for your business and you

want to automate it dumb for your sales phone it actually brainy's leads into

your business guys and pays your six dollar Commission at the same time you

should pick up lead lightning so the way that you're going to get the youtube

video ranking strategy guys is you're going to you're going to UM you're gonna

purchase lead lightning okay when you purchase lis like it I'm going to give

you guys just gonna get back I'm gonna give you guys I'm gonna some training

guys so you guys gotta give me a give me a minute here you guys are gonna get

instant access to the youtube video ranking strategy or got again I'm up

here on the page this guy's where you guys get to see those results and so I

actually I don't know what I did with my page then I was on but it doesn't really

matter guys if you guys go inside it you pick up lead lightning today

I'm going to actually send you over the youtube video ranking strategy so you

guys can um so you guys get a chance to uh start implementing that strategy in

your business again I'm building a product around it but I haven't finished

yet so I was going to use the lead lightening automated list building come

for your sales funnel as a way for you guys to get the actual of the youtube

video ranking strategy and until I have that full product complete

then you guys will bid for one-time payment seven dollars so win-win because

you better pick up the lead light in automated list building sales follow and

you'll also be able to get your hands on that automated list building YouTube

strategy guys I mean youtube video ranking strategy now let's go back there

one more second guys because I want you guys to understand that when when when

you could get more views on YouTube but if you're branding yourself and you

should be if you have an online business if you an internet marketer if your

email marketer oh it's all about exposure okay so when I talked about it

being a win-win where the lead lighting automated list building sales follow

Spencer we're talking about leads okay we're talking about exposure exposure

for your business building your list okay that's that's the cornerstone of

email marketing I was building an email list collecting the names and/or email

addresses of particular prospects who may be interested in your business and

when they got into your capture pages your squeeze pages obviously they are

that's the cornerstone of building your business bigger guys okay so when you

can rank your videos on the very first page of YouTube what that means is

you're just gonna end up with a lot more exposure guys because people are putting

strains and keywords inside the YouTube browser guys on your videos one of the

very first ones just popping up and when you have the ability to occupy space one

two and three positions on a very first page of YouTube with your videos and you

can do it with every video that you put up but you upload to YouTube because I'm

gonna give you don't rank each strategy and you can implement the strategy

within minutes so that's the benefit guys of being able to do this type of

thing and so the other good thing is the other benefit guys is these numbers are

only going to continue to go up YouTube just like Google you know as part of

YouTube or Facebook the search engines love new content guys so as these videos

get on the first page of YouTube and they're brand new Delaware

the SEO algorithm inside of YouTube recognizes it as new content so new

people are constantly being this is pushing your video is pushing the vid

that you're going to get to your video up even faster because it's new content

and again the search engines love the new content so guys if you guys are

super pumped in you're super excited if you're an internet marketing you looking

for a way to build your list even bigger you're looking for way to get more leads

you're looking for way to get more views and more views on YouTube more

subscribers to your YouTube channel okay but then on this youtube video ranking

strategy is definitely something that you want to have so what I will leave in

the description are again of this a YouTube video what you guys are going to

find you gonna find a link right here to lead lightening as soon as you guys are

purchase lead lightening I will get a notification again that's just a

one-time $7 payment what should you guys I'm going to send you oh well what you

need to do I will get the notification but what you need to do is email me at

it's Marlin o better at again that's this model open at you'll find my email in the description area email me guys with up

with the payment proof of lead lightning and I will miss and make sure you use

your email with that email and I will email you the youtube video ranking

strategy immediately guys is ready to go you guys can once you open up the email

that I've seen you is going to give you instant access to the youtube video

ranking strategy and within mere minutes guys and for less than the price of a

cup of coffee you guys will be able to start ranking your videos on the very

first page of YouTube again it's a win-win situation for anybody who is

looking to get more leads to build your list you get more views and get more

views on your YouTube videos get more subscribers which you'll see over time

guys I want to continue to build my youtube subscriber list as well as my

email list so it's a win-win situation so you guys walk well I should say run

don't walk to the bottom of the description area in the video go ahead

on and get started with lead lightning today guys make sure you email me the

proof of payment and I'm gonna shoot that YouTube video marketing strategy

right I'm gonna shoot that right over to you guys on out it's actually uh it's

actually uh I'm going to include one of my favorite solo ad sources inside of

inside of that email for you guys and you guys can get inside of that

particular solo ad vendor if you start running solo ads as well that's a great

place you know we talked about suspects but exposure this is one of my favorite

vendors although I'm really really vetting my Silhouette vendors a little

close more closely these days guys because uh it's a lot going on with solo

ads there's some great sources but they're also some some people out there

guys will rob you of your money okay so I'm really really clamping down on a

depending process in terms of the soul and fingers don't use it but anyway I'll

include us well one of my favorite silhouette vendors as well as the

youtube video ranking strategy as soon as I received we see a payment for lead

lightning I can't wait to see those notifications coming from you guys in my

inbox and you guys should be watching your inbox as well so you guys can get

started okay as always this is your boy Marlon open wishing you guys wisdom

peace prosperity and to live in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle

without limits keep banging guys hope you see you on the other side

For more infomation >> Get your videos RANKED first page of Yotube how to get more views on youtube - Duration: 14:47.


[閃文] 「最慘演唱會」黃國倫北京鳥巢開唱,結束沒人喊安可,至少慘賠5000萬,寇乃馨:「可能要變賣房產!」 - Duration: 15:52.

For more infomation >> [閃文] 「最慘演唱會」黃國倫北京鳥巢開唱,結束沒人喊安可,至少慘賠5000萬,寇乃馨:「可能要變賣房產!」 - Duration: 15:52.


Le Temps d'une Paix -Saison 4 -Épisode 89- - Duration: 23:13.

For more infomation >> Le Temps d'une Paix -Saison 4 -Épisode 89- - Duration: 23:13.


Fiat Ducato Paardentransport 35H 2.3 D 2-Paards Laadvermogen 1000KG - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Ducato Paardentransport 35H 2.3 D 2-Paards Laadvermogen 1000KG - Duration: 0:59.


Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 CRDI BUSINESS PACK - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 CRDI BUSINESS PACK - Duration: 0:57.


Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 16v Style (Airco/CPV/D-riem verv.) - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Chevrolet Kalos 1.4 16v Style (Airco/CPV/D-riem verv.) - Duration: 0:59.


Shorewood IL Drain Cleaning 815-630-1024 Shorewood IL Drain Cleaning - Duration: 1:09.

Shorewood IL Drain Cleaning. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


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