Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 30 2018

더 많은 것을 읽으십시오 »

For more infomation >> 매일 시금치 조리법을위한 5 개의 조리법➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 12:32.


레몬, 생강, 치아의 빠른 핥기➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 10:24.

이 요법은 3개월마다 한번씩 반복할 수 있다.

For more infomation >> 레몬, 생강, 치아의 빠른 핥기➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 10:24.


대퇴부를 현명한 방법으로 만드는 9 가지 팁➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 10:27.

다음과 같은 팁을 따르면 단 몇 달 만에 훌륭한 뒷태를 얻게 될 것이다! 주요 이미지 제공 : wikiHow.com

For more infomation >> 대퇴부를 현명한 방법으로 만드는 9 가지 팁➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 10:27.


오이 해독 스무디 5 개➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 11:38.

더 많은 것을 읽으십시오 »

For more infomation >> 오이 해독 스무디 5 개➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 11:38.


하루 동안 지방을 태우는 10 가지 간단한 방법➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 13:17.

이 방법은 아주 쉽다! 오늘 이 방법들을 실천해보지 않겠는가?

For more infomation >> 하루 동안 지방을 태우는 10 가지 간단한 방법➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 13:17.


다이어트를 돕는 7 가지 음식➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 11:36.

물론 열량의 적당한 균형을 필요로 하긴 하지만, 동시에 건강도 생각하자.

For more infomation >> 다이어트를 돕는 7 가지 음식➤Health Wiki✅ - Duration: 11:36.


Wireless Free Energy Signals Electricity With DC motor Generator - New Technology projects at Home - Duration: 7:42.

Wireless Free Energy Signals Electricity With DC motor Generator - New Technology projects at Home

For more infomation >> Wireless Free Energy Signals Electricity With DC motor Generator - New Technology projects at Home - Duration: 7:42.


Useful Words to Say Things Are Cheap and Expensive - Duration: 10:13.

- Today we're learning some very useful vocabulary,

keep on watching to learn some different ways

to say cheap and expensive.

Now these two words, cheap and expensive, are among

the most common adjectives out there. And I thought

it would be time to teach you how to say them differently.

We don't always want to say this is cheap, this was

so cheap, this is so so cheap, (gibberish).

Boring. And it's not just boring, sometimes it doesn't

adequately describe something. So today

I'm going to give you different words that kinda more

accurately describes these two very important adjectives

because we work with them all the time.

So stick with me and learn

some new great words.

So let's start with cheap, the first synonym, and this

is a direct synonym, meaning you can use it interchangeably

is inexpensive. So if something is inexpensive it means

it's cheap, it just doesn't cost a great deal.

- This one you can use for most things, so instead

of saying cheap, just say inexpensive.

Okay, now another direct synonym for cheap is

I forgot the word. Another direct synonym for cheap is

low-price. Again, this is interchangeably, so you can

use cheap, you can use inexpensive

or you can use low-priced.

The next synonym for cheap is affordable. Now, yes,

of course this is a synonym, we can talk about something

cheap being affordable, but I think I hear this a lot

with big ticket items, so if something that is kind

of usually expensive or usually is worth a lot of money.

So talking about things like a car or a house or

something that is usually very expensive. It doesn't

cost too much, it's cheaper than we expected to be.

Maybe we can say that it's affordable.

The next one is cost-effective. And this one

is one of those synonyms that has a very specific meaning.

So, not only is it cheap, but it produces some

good effect without costing a lot of money.

So, it's kinda like good for the price. Cost-effective.

It does the job and it doesn't have to cost you a lot.

Our next adjective is budget, and don't confuse this

one with the noun budget, because they mean slightly

different things. When used as an adjective just

stands for inexpensive. You know it's just

a synonym for cheap.

Our next synonym is reasonable, and this another one

that is not quite a direct synonym for cheap.

So if something is reasonable, it just kind of means

that the price is not necessarily too cheap, but

more like fair or moderate. Not too expensive.

- It's not more or less, it's just fair. But of course

you can use it as a synonym for cheap in the context

that you're talking about fair prices.

The next word is steal, and for this one I don't

the verb to steal, it's a noun. So when you

refer to something as a steal, that's kinda how we use it.

It just means that's so cheap, almost like you stole it.

- It shouldn't be that cheap, it should be illegal that

it's that cheap, but it is. So this one is probably one

of my favorites, because if I find something that's

a steal, I'm having a great day, don't have

to pay a lot of money, so life is great.

Our next synonym is bargain, and this one just kind of means

the same as steal, except steal is more informal.

But really, they mean the same thing, it just mean

something really really cheap. And usually bargain

has the implication that whatever item you bought,

you bought it on a sale for a price that's usually

much lower than expected and maybe you just got a really

good sale or deal.

Okay, so now that you know some wonderful

synonyms for cheap, how about we talk about expensive.

I just realized these are not gonna be as fun

as cheap, because nobody likes to talk about

expensive things. So we are going to start with the most

kinda direct synonym for expensive and this one is costly.

Now pay attention how you pronounce this word, because

you do not hear the t, it's a very subtle, almost

silent t. It just means costing a lot. If something's

costly, costs a lot of money. So, it's expensive.

It's costly.

Our next synonym is overpriced, and this one has a slightly

different meaning and it just kind a means if something

is overpriced, it cost more than it should. Yes, it's

expensive, but it shouldn't be this expensive. It just

it's way too much, it's overpriced.

The next one is pricey, and this is kinda like

costly, is kind of a direct synonym for expensive, and

it just means costing a lot of money. It's expensive.

The next one is valuable, and this one kinda

has two meanings, one of them is, obviously the directly

related to money. If something is valuable it means

it's worth a lot of money.

- But it can also mean that it has another kind of

value as well. It doesn't necessarily have to be

about money. So something valuable to you could be

maybe something one of a kind.

- I'll say this many times when we're talking about

valuable, we are talking about, um, I hear to jewelry a lot.

So, you know, like her ring or earing or something

would be valuable.

Our next word is extravagant, and I would say that this one

also has a slightly different meaning, usually when

something is extravagant, it cost a little

bit more than you can afford or more than you should

pay for it. Extravagant, is kind of connected to

like a life of luxury. So extravagant can also be more

than something reasonable, it's just too much.

Our next word is lavish, and I put extravagant and

lavish together because they are kind of related.

So when we're talking about lavish is kinda

still that idea of that life style. If it's something

that is elaborate, that's expensive, that a lot of

money was spent on it and maybe just something that

it's a little bit abundant. Lavish, it's really

kind of luxurious.

So maybe you've notice that this words have kind of gone

from just, you know, expensive to like, crazy expensive.

Well, our next word is even crazier on the expensive scale.

And it is exorbitant. Something is exorbitant it means that

it is at an unreasonably high price, the price is so high

that it just, no. Why would you pay so much for this?

It is exorbitant. So whenever you use this word you

wouldn't just describe expensive, but you would describe

something so expensive that it is almost insane.

- Completely unreasonable, it doesn't make any sense,

yet it cost this much. Exorbitant.

And our next synonym is kind of an idiom.

Well, it's not kind of, it's an idiom. Therefore it's

a little bit less formal, and it is an arm and a leg.

It means very expensive not as expensive as exorbitant,

but it just means very very expensive.

Okay, so now I want you to practice this words

that we've just learn, so what I want you to do is

in the comments, use one of the words we learned and

tell us about something you think it's cheap or expensive.

Remember, the more you use the vocabulary the better

it will stick in your mind, so you know if you want to

tell us about ten things, twenty things,

whatever, the better you'll remember them.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson

and learned some new vocabulary words, if you did,

please give us some love, thumbs up, share, whatever you

want to do. I also hope that your purchases in the

future are not exorbitant or extravagant. But instead

they are reasonable and affordable.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time. Bye.

For more infomation >> Useful Words to Say Things Are Cheap and Expensive - Duration: 10:13.


【デレステ】Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage: Etude wa Ikkyoku Dake (English Sub) - Duration: 47:27.

Opening: Every Girl is the Actress

Miyu, Haruna: Improvisational drama project!

Rin, Nao, Ranko: "Étude wa ikkyoku dake" !

Rin: You know, "Étude" can mean "Practice music" or "Improvisational Theater"

Nao: Improvisational Theater....

Isn't that when there isn't a script and you act individual scenes of a play through dialogue and movements following a certain theme?

Miyu: Apparently it also acts as training for acting and while I know what it's about....

it's my first time actually doing it

Ranko: Without any form of divine protection, I alone stand atop the stage

Tch....Is that the price for being a Fallen....!?

Haruna: To tell you the truth, we haven't even been told about the theme for the improv. theatre!

Is this feeling of excitement or nervousness?

Moderator: Yes! Exactly! The broadcast is split into five parts, one for each of them, And the shoot is what follows! It really exciting to shoot after knowing the theme!

Alrighty, with the explanations over for the most part. Then it's about time! Let's reveal the theme for the improv. theater!

Ranko: So it's finally time to open Pandora's box...!

Moderator: The theme is.... This, "Romance in the music room"!

Rin: In the music room...?

Nao: ROMANCE ! ?

Moderator: That's right! Romance in the music room! With the music room as the stage, everything else is up to your acting and ad-libbing!

Miyu: I see, it's a theme that's present in the lyrics....

Ranko: T-that's....a fruit that's very much too early for me....

Nao: If it's acting with a script or putting emotions into the song lyrics, even with Romance as the theme I feel that I'd be able to handle it to an extent....

But doing improv....?

Rin: (Well, Producer did say that he'll help when we're having trouble but....)

P: Leave the support to me

Haruna: (I see....the cue card....! So you're planning to help us using that...!)

Moderator: Well then, who'll be the first to challenge the improv. theater?

Miyu: (As the oldest here I wonder if I should go....

But, conversely, I might limit everyone else's options for acting....)

Haruna: Previously during "shabon song" I've done a romance drama but doing improv. would be difficult...!

Nao: P-please give me some time to think.... I can't seem to come up with the story development...!

P: There's no script for Romance

Ranko: ....!

So it is not present in the chronicles of the gods, I see....

Miyu: That's right It's probably more perculiar for there to be one

Everyone's surely fumbling around and experiencing failures as they attempt their own romance

Haruna: There're no retakes, and there's no time to think of the script. A one take improv. theatre

That's what makes it interesting and dramatic....so that's what you mean!

Rin: It won't start if you keep thinking about it yourself, I see.

You're right. We have to try to tackle it

Rin: I'll be first, I'll give it a shot

Moderator: Ooh! Rin-chan, that's great! Well then, first up, take it away!

Rin: I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it well... But I'll give it my all, so be sure to watch me

Chapter 1: Only once for the scene of dreams

- During the shoot -

Rin: Then, I'll start.

Erm....don't laugh alright?

My theme is [Cultural festival with the person from the light music club]

Rin: Making me come all the way to the music room to bring you a single item you forgot ....

Geez, you really work your friend hard....

Rin: How's the light music club?

You said that there're not a lot of members, but are you getting along with everyone?

I see, then that's good

Rin: ....me?

Club activities....I'm fine not having any. I also need to help out at home

Also, isn't it hard to devote yourself to something?

Rin: You're recruiting new members ? No, while I do have some interest in light music....

I got it already. I'll go have a look Oh you're so pushy....

Rin: ( -and so. The encounter I had there changed my whole life)

- Music room -


....that person, he's amazing

Rin: The one singing while playing the guitar

How do I put it. How do I put it....he looks ernest

He looks like he's having fun, but also a little desperate.

Somehow....it's really electrifying

Rin: (I'm average when it comes to everything. So, I don't really understand the hardships, nor the joy of overcoming something.)

( And so, that sound really resonated with me)

Rin: (Aah, I see. So this is....)

(the joy of attempting something with your all. This is, it's brilliance)

- Home -

Rin: ....I bought it. A bass....

It's not like I joined the light music club or something....

Rin: (Somehow, it felt like I'll be a hindrance to him And I haven't even talked to him)

Rin: Well, whatever. Yea Let's try practicing. Then, even I could....

Rin: (Sometimes, I watch him practicing. And I'll practice my bass on my own)

Rin: (Even so, as I slowly get better at the bass, I feel like I've gotten a little closer to him....)

(And unknowingly, my every day has become really fulfilling)

Rin: (And so, the day of the cultural festival....)

Rin: The day, of the cultural festival....

Rin turns to me with a troubled look....

1- The light music club bassist suddenly falls ill -

Rin: ...!

- The day of the cultural festival -

Rin: ...eh? The light music club bassist suddenly fell ill...?

No way, are you all ok? I mean, you'll be performing right?

Rin: You're looking for a replacement.... But that's....

Rin: Erm.... Ah, erm, you see....!

- Music room -

Rin: (And so began my first ever music session)

Rin: (With the different sounds becoming one, it feels like our hearts are also joining as one)

Rin: (Chasing after him, this passionate, distant dream of mine.)

(As I aim for it, the beating of my chest, it felt like we were able to feel it together)

2- When you go to the roof, that guy is there... -

Rin: ...!

- The day of the cultural festival -

Rin: ....*phew*

This lively atmosphere, I don't hate it but....

It's a little tiring. I should head up to the roof for a breather

Rin: (With that, when I opened the door to the roof)

(There was the beautiful blue sky and....him, playing the guitar alone)

Rin: What are you doing...?

I can see that you're playing the guitar

That's not what I meant....

Rin: Playing the guitar is more fun than the cultural festival?

Hm~m, you sure are weird

Rin: Me? I wanted to get away from the bustle

Also, I really like....the scenery from here

May I stay here, for a little while longer?

Rin: (After that, we didn't speak much I felt that we spent an invaluable time together)

Rin: ( -in the end. I wasn't able to tell him my feelings.)

(But, I felt that it was fine that way)

Rin: (I mean, I fell in love not with his face when he smiles at me, but at his profile when he plays his guitar with his all)

Rin: -end

Rin: *phew*.... Somehow I managed to finish it

As I thought, it's kinda, yea, it's embarrassing

Haruna: Not at all, it's not embarrassing at all!

It has that straightforward feeling of youth, it's a splendid play!

Ranko: Yes. The seeker's passion has been made clear even to me

Rin: Is that so? Thanks you two

Haruna: Alright....well then Next up, I'll do it!

Chapter 2: Only One Love Letter


Haruna: My theme is glasses!

Or ...Not

Well, here I go. "Classmate in Brass Band."

"I've seen a lot of your good points in you."

" If you don't mind..."

Haruna: This is OK, right?

...Yep, it must be, i guess.

Let's seal...

...Before that, let me check it one more time...

...No, I'll keep on checking if it stays like this.

Eei! ...I, I sealed it...!

The only thing left to do is to give this to...


I couldn't fall asleep due to being so nervous.

My eyes are now heavy...

...Huh? What's wro... Uwa.

Ah, no, nothing.

...I feel sleepy...

Ahahaha, do you think?

(The one talked to me is a classmate with a fantastic pair of glasses. Because of him, I didn't sleep well.)

(I was always writing the letter that I wanted to give to you)

Haruna: Daybreak...

I must deliver it quickly

To be honest, my heart can't hold it anymore.

Hey! I want to talk to you about something!

Yes... Well, it's...

Actually, there's something I want you to have...

It's... the... The...

(Although I said that I wanna give it during the first period... Come to think of it, there are a lot of people around. )

(Giving it in this situation, it's too... W-what should I do...)

P: Seems like Haruna is confused...

(Option Selected: Glasses)

Haruna: Glasses!

The glasses! It's super light and contains shape memory!

It's the newest frame with little burden, from the view of ergonomics!

How's this? I want to tell you this, as a glasses-mate!

Yes, yes! It's good, right?

Heh heh heh, I'm satisfied! Bye-bye!


I didn't tell him!

I, I just brushed him off!

(Option Selected: Letter)

Haruna: L, l, l....!

(But, but... There are so many people around. In that situation... Uhhh....)

Haruna: ...I, I'm sorry! It, it's nothing at all!!

(Producer-san! I'm sorry! I can't give the letter, if I think of this scene!)

Haruna: Uh...

In the end, it's after school again, and the letter is still with.

Today, I secretly watched him practice in the band, again.

(That person is the brass band. He plays tuba. )

(About what I like about him ...

Of course, glasses! ...Wait, it's not.)

(The look of him working on club activities, with full strength.

The look that even though it's not the instrument which will stand out if you play, he still keeps working on the unthankful task.

The other people may not be looking at him, but I know a lot of your good points!

But, I know a lot of your good points!

Yes, I want to tell him about that.

Haruna: I'll try tomorrow again. About my feelings...

*deep breath*


(My heart is beating loud.)

( I'm so nervous, but with excitement.)

(How would he think about me...?)

Haruna: ...Excuse me! Please accept... my feelings!

...The end.

Haruna: *deep sigh*

I was so nervous.

Both in performing, and the feeling of being in the shoes of the heroine.

Nao: Well, that was a passionate performance! My heart also beat so hard in the end!

Miyu: Yes, it's a good performance.

You have brought out the vivid color and the bittersweet part of the first love.

You can say it's part of youth.

Haruna: That's great, if that's the case.

...There will be a good result if you work hard!

Nao: OK! I'll be the next! Throw away the embarrassment... and here I go, in one shot!

Chapter 3: There is Only One Destination for the Entrance Exam


Nao: Alright! I'm going with theme 'Graduation of my senior', please have fun watching!

Nao: Hmm... It still doesn't work.

I can't perform the instrument well.

It's just the same instrument, but why do the pitches sound so off?

It's because the performers are different-?

Of course, I do understand that!

Crap~... Senpai, hanged out with me during my solo practice today.

(It's been a while since I've entered the brass band.)

(A third-year senpai who's playing the same instrument is always supervising my practices.)

Nao: Don't praise me as a diligent person, I'm not a kid, geez!

I only got two notes wrong!

W-wait, why are you trying to pat my head!?

My hair!? Don't dare touch, it's so embarrassing!

It's fluffy? I said, it's a NO to touch it!

Damn it! Come on! Start the practice!

I want to improve! Teach me the proper way!

(He seems like messing around, but he never complains and hang out with me during my solo practices)

(He listens to my complaints, and he's very kind in important moments. Before I even noticed it, my heart was captured by such a senpai.)


-Few days later-

Nao: Wait, what? The seniors won't be attending the club because of the entrance exams?

(A classmate told me that. Though it's something I would have expected, I was still shocked to hear it.)

Nao: I see...

Senpai will be leaving...

That's right.

Everyone gets promoted, graduates, and leaves.

(Time passes when I was hesitating what to do. In a flash, the day of farewell finally came.)

Nao: Senpai, umm...

(Umm... How should I begin the conversation...?)

(Huh! Help me Producer-san...!)

P: Looks like Nao is looking for some help...

Branch 1 -Let me touch your hair? -

Nao: Huhhhh!?

(He-heyy...! Producer-san, I'm believing you!)

Nao: Do you want tou-touch my hair...?

Don't purr... Yikes, wait... Geez!

(He knows nothing about my feelings, and pats my hair easily)

Nao: Hmm, I did remember you told me you want to touch my hair?

Of course I do, because you said it.

Whatever you say, I'll remember it for sure.

... Therefore, senpai,

After going to university... Don't forget about me.

Branch 2 -There's something I want to hear from you-

(Ohh! I see, got it!)

Nao: Senpai, which university are you going to?

... Huh!? Isn't that university awesome!? How you are reviewing right now?

Ughhh... Nope I won't lose.

What will I work hard for, that's of course...

I'll be aiming at the same university as yours.

Umm... I'll catch you up soon, so wait for me.

(I started aiming at to enter the same university Senpai went for)

(Graduation isn't the end of everything. I can still catch up with him.)

(My feelings towards him is yet to end!)

Nao: ... The end. ... I guess.


That was very embarrassment!

Crap!! Hey, can you delete the whole thing!?

Rin: If the clip was deleted then you'll have to retake it~

Besides you don't need to worry, it was fantastic.

Your straightforward personality gets shown.

Ranko: The bashful maiden of thick eyebrows...

Indeed, the name is like a fitting hat on you...

Nao: Stop-it-right-now!

If you keep saying things like that I'm going to explode~!!

Ranko: Good... Seeing the bashful thick-eyebrow maiden's gallant figure, I finally decided.

I shall be the next one!

Chapter 4 There's Only One Principle of Love


Ranko: Hahaha...

This is my stage, and its name is 'The Pagoda Towards the God of Music'. Starts now!

(I concealed my wounded wings and fell into the world of humans... Received a moment of ease from the orchestra of melodies...)

Moderator: Ranko-chan! Stop! Stop!

Ranko: Hm? What was the matter?

Moderator: I'm sorry Ranko-chan but we really understand nothing!

Rin: You can speak like that in your usual conversations, but for acting in a drama...

Even if the protagonist speaks the same way as you do, I think the monologues should be spoken normally.

Ranko: Hmph... It cannot be helped.

I am also a fallen angel... Ehem

I must behave well in both acting and working, I know.

So anew, my theme is 'The Choir's Instructor'!

-'The Choir's Instructor' -

(Recently I'm paying too much attention to my choir's instructor)

Ranko: Ugh, hmpphh...!

Music in the sky is the terminal of this thorny path...!

(The teacher listens to my complains, he looked at me while telling me not to slack off)

(It's quite difficult for me to communicate with people who don't understand my language of darkness)

(Most teachers at school are aware of that and rarely talk with me... But this teacher is different)

(Although it's not like that he comprehends my language of darkness)

(He always sympathizes with me like he's doing now, and tries to understand the language of darkness without indifference)

(It's my first time to encounter such an adult so my attention got drawn... And that started everything. )


Ranko: Hello, the notes tuner!

What kind of trees do you prefer when you rest your wings?

You warm your throat when it's sore?

Hm, hmm...

Enough! Forget it

The guide of orchestra! Who is performing the melody that resounds to you?

I should practice more on the soprano pitches?



Ranko: I'm back...


I still haven't told him that yet...

(He tries to understand me, and talk with me... But of course, he never really got my language of darkness...)

Ranko: What should I do...

Should I talk normally with him?

But even if I speak normally all of a sudden, will everyone understand my feelings...?


I want Teacher to look at this Ranko properly...

A,And to love this side of me...

What should I do...


(Really what should I do... M-my friend~~~~!)

P: Ranko's words reached me...

Choice 1 -Embrace-

Ranko: Kyaa!!


(F-f-for instance... Emb-em-embracing together...)

(Nope! I can't do it! But wait, hmm...)

(No I really can't! How many times you ask me to think it will still be a NO~!!!!)

(But, there are still ways to express feelings other than words...)

Choice 2 -Sing-

Ranko: (Singing... I see. Expressing feelings by singing and dancing... This is what my friend has taught me...)

(After that, I put much more effort in club activities than I ever did)

(Teacher also praised how enthusiastic I am. ...Ehehe♪)

(One day, I asked the instructor to watch my solo practice. The song I sang was a popular love song used in the culture festival)

Umm... Teacher, I will sing with all my feelings. Therefore...

(I hope my feelings can reach you)

The closing bell rings...

Haruna: How should I say... Amazing, Ranko-chan.

Miyu: Right. She doesn't only speak in the way she likes to, but also consider the other's feelings while looking at the others...

I can totally relate to that.

Ranko: D-Don't flatter me too much...

It makes me embarrassed...

But, thank you.

Miyu: *giggle*, so I'm the last one.

I should try going for a slightly different orientation from you all.

Chapter 5: The Hidden Heart for Only One Song

- During the shoot -

Miyu: While I said that I'll be going for a different approach, my theme might be a little like Ranko-chan's

Well then, I'll begin .... "The music teacher and her student"

Miyu: Yes~, good-bye

Those going for club activities do your best . For those without activities, take care on the way home

(Several years have passed since I became a music teacher, it was my dream job since I was young.)

( It's fun and really rewarding, but I've grown accustomed to these endless days)

Miyu: ...oh Yes, sure.

Today as well, later in the music room, alright?

(I met this student along the corridor and talked to him, and I too, slowly made my way to the music room)

Miyu: The fingering here is difficult, so let's take it slow first, and keep on practicing.

Yes....right, just like that

(A student from my form class came to ask me for advice on instrument practice.)

(And so, with him playing the piano, we've started practicing like this, the two of us after school....)

Miyu: Be mindful of the difference in tempo and the stress

For example- could you come a little closer? .... just like this, see?

(Whenever I leaned a little closer to show him how to do it, I could feel his nervousness)

(His eyes are always constantly on the keyboard, but he'll be looking at me from the corner of his eyes....

(While I'm slow when it comes to these subtleties, even I could tell his budding affection, one fitting of a student)

- On the way home -

Miyu: -*phew*

When I get home, I must organize the lesson plans for tomorrow's class....

(Making my way back home on the daily. Whenever I think about next day's work absentmindedly, he will unknowingly appear in my mind)

(Yes, every time I will recall his....)


(W-what should I do.... his eyes? His smile? His voice? His mannerisms? )

(There are so many choices, I can't narrow it down....)

P: Miyu seems to be troubled....

1. - Eyes - 2. - Smile -

Miyu: (His eyes....

His earnest look when facing the keyboard....)

(And yet, when I get closer, he will look back at me, looking a little troubled, and a little happy)

(I keep remembering his earnest eyes....)

(An adult teacher who brushes off a student's affection.... that's how I've been disguising it as)

Miyu: But, I probably like him as well....

Miyu: (His smile....)

Miyu: His face of joy when he manages to play a difficult part)

(His bashful smile when I praise him, his innocence)

(I can't help but be drawn to his carefree and honest smile....)

(An adult teacher who brushes off a student's affection.... that's how I've been disguising it as)

Miyu: But, I probably like him as well....

- Next day -

Miyu: .... welcome

Let's do something a little different today

Let's play piano four-hands (TN: Piano four hands is a type of piano duet in which the two players play on a single piano)

Here....sit beside me

You don't have to be reserved Yes, come a little closer....

Let us both play a single melody

Let our hearts overlap, softly

(Share some of your pure passion with me)

(With me, someone who's no longer able to convey what she wants even when she wants it, and even thinking of wanting something will entail a lot of excuses)

(Then perhaps I too can be a little more honest with myself-)

Miyu: .... *giggle*. Thank you. It was fun

Let's play piano four-hands like this once in awhile

Let's leisurely enjoy our time together....

Miyu: .... that's the end

How did you all find it...?

Nao: Wow....it was, so mature....

Rin: Even though it's the same "Music room", who knew it could turn into something so different

Miyu: Unlike everyone, I'm not a student

That's why, I thought about....how I could act out a different scenario

Moderator: The contents change depending on the actor....

after seeing everyone's acting, I totally understood what makes this so interesting!

Moderator: Well then now that we've enjoyed everyone's improv. theater, lastly, can we have a few words from each of you?

Rin: This is different to any acting work that we've done before, it was fun both acting and watching

I'd like to do this again if the opportunity arises

Haruna: It was nerve-wrecking not having a script, but, I think that perhaps a real romance would be even more nerve-wrecking

A girl in love sure is amazing...!

Nao: Everyone else's acting sure was interesting....

So that's how everyone interpreted it, was what I thought

.... but it was embarrassing to be the one doing it....

Ranko: I was shown an instant of brilliance.... From the abyss....

Miyu: Everyone made my heart skip a beat....

it's not a line from the play but it even made me feel like I was back to being a student

If my acting could make your heart skip a beat too, then I'll be happy

Moderator: Thanks everyone! And with that…

Moderator: The five-part improv. drama project "Étude wa ikkyoku dake" has ended! Thanks for watching!

Ending: During the Performance

-After the Program-

Haruna: Which means, I thought of something.

There must be glasses... for the teacher role.

Because of that, anyway, first let's...

Miyu: First...?

Um, Haruna-chan? Does that mean those 10 and more pairs of glasses...?

Ranko: What a troublesome sun! (Good morning)

Nao: Oh, Ranko. Morning-.

Rin: Good morning, Ranko.

...Well, everyone is gathered. Let's head to Producer's place.

Haruna: Producer-san, everyone is here. It's about the song "Etude wa Ikkyoku Dake," right?

P: First, thanks for hard work.

Miyu: Thank you. The broadcasting in few days ago seemed to have been received well. I'm relieved.

Haruna: The song used as a theme for the project, we also let a lot of people know it!

Nao: But... Watching our own performance once again in the broadcast makes feels shivers...

Ranko: The hellfire burning in my body...

P: But everyone was serious on that.

Rin: Of course. We were serious when performing.

Miyu: There is not much scope for us to care about how we look from the outside, after all...

P: That's why it's a good drama.

Ranko: Yes... And, we also unsealed the book of knowledge...

Nao: We really don't have the experience of falling in love.

We just have a feeling like, "So it's kinda like this~."

Haruna: There is no script and instructions, and there's no re-take.

I was nervous, but there is no way we can stop time...

Rin: But, we still thought about if we can do it well, for a little bit.

We still looked forward to it. That's why we worked hard.

Miyu: Even though it feels embarrassing and awkward, when we look back, we did go all out at that moment.

Nao: Love, is not easy...

P: Make good use of it after this.

All: Yes!

Nao: *long sigh* What should I say... it's kinda a tense job...

...Will we meet our own fantastic love someday?

Ranko: A shy girl of thick eyebrows...


Nao: ...Forget what I've said. It's too embarrassing. Please forget about it.

Rin: Nope, I memorized. I remembered it very well.

Nao's girlish line.


Miyu: It's all right, Nao-chan. It's nothing to be embarrassed.

I think it's good for you to be straightforward.

...By the way. Everyone, do you want to have some tea together after this?

It's not yet the scale of party...

As a memorial of singing and working together.

Let's have a small get together.

Haruna: Sounds good! Please count me in!

Ranko: I shall also go with you!

Nao: ...Will we meet some fantastic parfait?

Rin: *laughs* That's not a romantic meet.

All: *laughs*

For more infomation >> 【デレステ】Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage: Etude wa Ikkyoku Dake (English Sub) - Duration: 47:27.


الأرصاد: استمرار الأمطار الرعدية على المدينة - Duration: 0:30.

 أطلقت الهيئة العامة للأرصاد وحماية البيئة ممثلة بالنظام الآلي للإنذار المبكر اليوم , تنبيهاً متقدماً لحالة سقوط أمطار متوسطة إلى غزيرة مصحوبة برياح سطحية مثيرة للأتربة والغبار على منطقة المدينة المنورة تتسبب في ترد للرؤية الأفقية


For more infomation >> الأرصاد: استمرار الأمطار الرعدية على المدينة - Duration: 0:30.


NEW MODEL,이달의 도전자들 #1 - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> NEW MODEL,이달의 도전자들 #1 - Duration: 8:58.


Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born OST) (Cover by Seolhayan) - Duration: 3:40.

Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born)

Tell me somethin' girl

Are you happy in this modern world?

Or do you need more

Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm fallin'

In all the good times

I find myself longin' for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

Tell me something boy

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?

Or do you need more

Ain't it hard keepin' it so hardcore?

I'm falling

In all the good times

I find myself longing for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end

Watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface

Where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low

In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low

We're far from the shallow now

I'm off the deep end

Watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface

Where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low

In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low

We're far from the shallow now

Thanks for watching ♥

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born OST) (Cover by Seolhayan) - Duration: 3:40.


Rattrapée par ses vieux démons! J.Vignali - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Rattrapée par ses vieux démons! J.Vignali - Duration: 4:15.



So, next point, very important: your first gears!

You don't need a lot of gear

But a few things are very crucial

Especially if you want to do a competition

So, first, of course: shoes!

So take the shoes you want, try them in the shop

but don't spend too much money on expensive shoes

Especially when you begin:

Take something like Kalenji or other cheap brands

Because the most expensive shoes are not necessarily the best

It depends on what you want to do.

It depends on the ground, actually.

I have many shoes now because some races are in the mountains

for some, it's very muddy

for some races, it's very rocky,

so the shoes you need might change accordingly but

For you, If you're just starting off and doing a short race,

buy smart shoes and

then, you can upgrade 2-3 races after



الأرصاد: استمرار الأمطار الرعدية على المدينة - Duration: 0:30.

 أطلقت الهيئة العامة للأرصاد وحماية البيئة ممثلة بالنظام الآلي للإنذار المبكر اليوم , تنبيهاً متقدماً لحالة سقوط أمطار متوسطة إلى غزيرة مصحوبة برياح سطحية مثيرة للأتربة والغبار على منطقة المدينة المنورة تتسبب في ترد للرؤية الأفقية


For more infomation >> الأرصاد: استمرار الأمطار الرعدية على المدينة - Duration: 0:30.


軍 "K-2전차 파워팩 결함은 ADD 책임" - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> 軍 "K-2전차 파워팩 결함은 ADD 책임" - Duration: 6:16.


해상사격 못하는 해병대, 육지 반출에 연간 20억원 소요 | korean army - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> 해상사격 못하는 해병대, 육지 반출에 연간 20억원 소요 | korean army - Duration: 4:21.


"BIGG BOSS 12" Latest News | Big Twist | Full Episode Review | By Dabangg Singh | 30 Oct 2018 - Duration: 3:37.

"BIGG BOSS 12" Latest News | Big Twist | Full Episode Review | By Dabangg Singh | 30 Oct 2018

For more infomation >> "BIGG BOSS 12" Latest News | Big Twist | Full Episode Review | By Dabangg Singh | 30 Oct 2018 - Duration: 3:37.


[MV] 【IZONE~La Vie en Rose~】Japanese guys react to a rising Kpop star group (ENG subtitle) - Duration: 6:19.

Finally, IZONE has debuted!!

Because we are in US now, it is 4 am.

We stayed up all night only for watching this music video!

This is the second time to stay up all night to watch Kpop music video.

First time, I watched BTS's "Fake love"

Now, it is 4:10, so we are gonna watch IZONE's debut music video.

We uploaded the video "why IZONE 100% will be popular" last time.

So, I think you can enjoy the video too.

Are you guys ready?

Okay, let's watch the music video together!

It has 20 mins since this video uploaded.

But, it's already 180,000 views, lol.

10,000 views per minute...



Yujin looks like Japanese

(Toshi is Chaeyeong fan.)

It sounds "girlcrush" tone.

Eunbi fits with girlcrush atmosphere.

Yuri's high voice is awesome~

Clothes's color is good.

Wonyong is 14 years old...

Yuri's voice is sooo coooool!!

It was more than what I expected.

It has both cutie and girlcrush aspects.


Yuri's voice is just... awesome...

Let's go Julina next time!

She is even not member...

I think I'll listen to this song when I go to school, everyday...

I like the colorful background of the video.

Red, White, Red, White.

I feel like sleeping.


There'll be a show concert from 6...

OMG, I can't sleep...

I think we gotta skip tomorrow's class.

We watched goood video today.

Hope they'll have a big success!!

Please subscribe our channel~

For more infomation >> [MV] 【IZONE~La Vie en Rose~】Japanese guys react to a rising Kpop star group (ENG subtitle) - Duration: 6:19.


Girl Has An Entourage Of Dogs Following Her Everywhere | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:37.

This place is so colorful~

On the way to school

Ring, ring

Riding the bicycle

On the way to school

It follows even my neighborhood friends

Wagging its tail

Butt from side to side

It follows me front and back

Stay here

They're so happy, I can't

family portrait

Out, out


The sunlight makes me drowsy

Class dismissed

Srsly the aesthetics are unreal.. The drone quality hehe

Even the bridge is pretty


You're home?

Come here!

Come here, children!

What are they eating?

Oh corn..


It's a hard knock life


Dog in a flower field.. Again with the visuals..

Is it cozy in there?

What's the matter with him?

She went on a field trip

So they couldn't follow her

Aww they're waitingㅜㅜ

She's back!

Did you wait for me?

Those bowls tho

Live long and prosper~

For more infomation >> Girl Has An Entourage Of Dogs Following Her Everywhere | Kritter Klub - Duration: 3:37.


Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born OST) (Cover by Seolhayan) - Duration: 3:40.

Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born)

Tell me somethin' girl

Are you happy in this modern world?

Or do you need more

Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?

I'm fallin'

In all the good times

I find myself longin' for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

Tell me something boy

Aren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?

Or do you need more

Ain't it hard keepin' it so hardcore?

I'm falling

In all the good times

I find myself longing for change

And in the bad times I fear myself

I'm off the deep end

Watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface

Where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low

In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low

We're far from the shallow now

I'm off the deep end

Watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface

Where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-low

In the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-low

In the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-low

We're far from the shallow now

Thanks for watching ♥

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - Shallow (A Star Is Born OST) (Cover by Seolhayan) - Duration: 3:40.



Thank you big sister!

What is your name?

Who has a pencil?





For more infomation >> ANG MGA PINOY MAGAGALING TALAGA SA KALOKOHAN! :p - Duration: 0:39.



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