Water Slime Recipes!
Lego kids story-------------------------------------------
Queen Victoria Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa (Africa). The best of Queen Victoria Hotel - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
Massez ce point entre vos sourcils. Regardez ce qu'il arrive à votre santé ! C'est magique ! - Duration: 6:35.-------------------------------------------
Capturer la sortie HDMI d'une console pour pas cher ?! (~30€) - Duration: 11:46.-------------------------------------------
Appliquez ceci sur votre tête et tous vos cheveux blancs vont disparaître ! - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
I made PVC fujara! :D - Duration: 6:45.I've just finished making a PVC fujara
More PVC! (you never have too much of it)
It looks like this and is made of...
1: A PVC pipe which is a length of...
1,05m length. I guess.
Length length -_- AND diameter of
32mm if I remember well
And I think I do. This one time.
2: A smaller PVC pipe which length and diameter I do not know, but it was laying around so I took it
3: Corks... Eee... Two corks.
The Cork nr.1
with a nice florisitic pattern
which we are probably not going to see...
Or maybe we will...
But not as well as we could...
Oh, there's some wine leaves on him or something
cuz it's a wine cork.
And here's a Cork nr.2. Yyy...
The same problem as in a bass recorder (water gathering in pipe)
Also a cleverly
Duct tape, The Silver Tape
Which I wrapped in a skin strap. Of course with an use of Hot Glue
Cuz Hot Glue is a second
most importnant material in The-world-of-making-everything
(Just after a duct tape)
Yeah, I wrapped it in a strap so it would not be seen that it is a duct tape.
Here I also used a strap
Of course there was a silver tape also.
Here I used a piece of steel pipe
which diameter I also do not know.
And it sounds like this:
And as it is a PVC pipe...
It's quite modifiable
We can take
Some other PVC pipes
Connecting pieces are the best
As using connecting pieces can let us to make some more interesting...
More PRACTICAL! Shapes of
instrument lengthening than
a straight, long pipe which ends somewhere far away
and we can't close it with our hand. So... CONNECTING PIECES <3
We put it in *wsshhh*
Actually with this piece it is finely tuned to D or A (I never know how does it work with overtone flutes like fujara)
It made no big change, so
let's take more PVC pipe!
And again we put it in... If... We're... Strong enough...
I do not, as I'm vegan which makes me anemic... Nope.
But, erm, PVC's sometimes are hard to connect
So THIS THING was created
It looks very emm... Well... Majestic
But yeah
Tu dudu
So, well, yeah, but... *breath out*
PVC's we could add infintely
As PVC's have those wonderfull connectors
I shall add one more
Honestly I do not know if this will
make any sound. I mean... It will, but the sound
will be very quiet.
So I'll move closer to phone
Daaamn this sounds... Tibetan'ish if I can say so. I feel like it would work well with proper throat singing :D
And what if...
It didn't change a lot. So yeah
We can actually add PVC's infinitely
and in fact this will soon be really hard to hear
But we can add'em aye?
And due to the attributes of PVC
We can also play it another way around
It does not didge well
Yeah. Not really.
Not really, for
the both out holes
are very very small so the air
doesn't flow out well and it does not didge
Oh and hey we could possibly also kaval it
Well... This way you can make a sound of anything so... Whatever.
I HAVE CREATED!!! An instrument. I will possibly
make it prettier and nicer and make holes in it
although I am a bit affraid of that, for I feel like i may fck it up
If I make something with it, I'll share it
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