Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 26 2017

Watch! What Happen, When She Drink Coca Cola Regularly

For more infomation >> Watch! What Happen, When She Drink Coca Cola Regularly - Duration: 4:04.


Menjadikan Kebaikan Sebagai Pagar Kehidupan: Keutamaan 10 Hari Kedua Bulan Ramadhan - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Menjadikan Kebaikan Sebagai Pagar Kehidupan: Keutamaan 10 Hari Kedua Bulan Ramadhan - Duration: 7:02.


Call of Duty: (COD) WW2 SMALL MULTIPLAYER TEASE PREVIEW - Duration: 5:30.

you what is going on guys it is your boy

Yogge here today I am very very happy

so today we actually got the reveal of

Call of Duty World War two now there's a

lot of stuff in here like I'm not in

this video but in the livestream talking

about campaign how it's gonna work and

there's even like new information to the

point where like you can't regen your

health anymore and you have to ask a

medic from your squad or something so it

sounds interesting there's also zombies

they just showed this picture right here

of it but anyway that's not what I want

to talk about we're talking about

multiplayer today right here right now

now guys before I even get into the

preview and talking about all the

details they generally would like for

one or two I'm so happy that we have it

today I'm so happy that the reveal was

today and I have multiplayer details and

a preview to show you guys if I didn't

make that clear earlier may I leave a

like if you are new subscribe then yeah

let's get into this video so if you guys

watch the live stream for Call of Duty

World War two Michael Condrey actually

give us some details on the multiplayer

he also gave out a little preview which

I'm going to show you guys in a couple

of seconds first of all let's talk about

war this narrative driven mode brings a

gripping new layer of excitement two

axes vs. allies team play now I'm

reading this off of obviously a website

so you know this is not my word this is

all quotes from the live stream from

today and um I really don't know what

this means

I'm guessing it's kind of like faction

play we're like two teams are gonna have

to like really really play competitively

for like objectives or something like

that or maybe you can have like clan

wars I don't know maybe something like

that I'm not sure anyway then we have

divisions a new approach to create a

class and character customization as you

listen to division and progress through

the ranks I'm guessing this is their new

competitive mode their new ranked player

something I don't know it's gonna be

something like that so what it sounds

like to me so all we know right now

there is a new mode called war there is

a new basically ranked play and call of

duty and then the newest thing added

into coal Duty now I don't know how to

feel about these guys okay now they


we obviously bought this from destiny a

brand new social feature for Call of

Duty where you rally and interact with

your fellow soldiers now I'm going to

show you a preview of this right now

so as we saw we all saw what it was

right it was it was like two people

standing on the hill as you see I'm

guessing they're in a party or something

they're both on 55 depends up all the

way to show a bunch of people I'm

guessing this is the headquarters HQ a

place where everybody's just running

around and messing around I guess but

see here's the problem if they made it

like destiny this is going to be very

very poor boring and it's going to have

really no point to it

I hope they do something really really

crazy with this headquarters social type

of thing honestly I would rather wish

they'd not put this in at all basically

if you guys still don't understand what

it is it's kind of like a social place

where you can see like people that are

probably playing the game that are in

the social area yes you can interact

with them alike new and gain things to

buy by Activision maybe like supply

drops give you like new emotes or

something where you can like wave or

dance or do some crazy shit they're

probably going to add that in there

let's be honest I mean why would they

put this in or probably to promote more

like DLC or I don't know how this is

gonna work but it's basically like a

destiny tower where you can like run

around and meet people but to be honest

the tower is pretty boring so we'll see

how this works out my bet is that it's

gonna be boring guys I'm sorry to say

but this headquarters feature in my

opinion that they do if they do

something different then it might be a

brand new innovation that will probably

speak to that call duty for a while

agent even if this game is good we still

don't know if the multiplayer is going

to be good yet or not but just thinking

about good multiplayer and good campaign

which looks like it's gonna have really

really good campaign the story looks

really nice so just thinking of all

those three modes being good campaign

most player and zombies they're gonna

have to do something different with

headquarters or different something

different with social interactions in

general to make that fun and not boring

because if it is what's the point of

having in the game right now I'm not

going to go out and say it's the worst

decision that they could have done or

something like that I'm going to give it

a chance because at least is not

affecting the gameplay it's not supply

drops right even if they do add it in it

cannot like really really mess up the

game even if they add it into it to the

point where it's like blah

can you from finding matches faster they

could probably patch that easily so this

really isn't that big of a deal guys but

it's just weird to see something like

this in Call of Duty because we've never

seen it before so yeah guys that is all

we have I showed you guys a preview of

multiplayer I told you guys information

tell me what you guys think about this

is the kaaba's down below what do you

guys think about this headquarters new

feature being in world war ii talk to me

about the visions are you a competitive

player or not and tell me if you guys

what you guys think about this war

game-mode anyways guys we would like for

a World War 2 I'll see you guys on the

next one stay healthy and

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