Sunday, April 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Apr 30 2017

What is up guys

For more infomation >> WHAT ARE THESE TYPES!?! | Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Extreme Randomizer Soul Link Part 2! - Duration: 25:31.


Charging my EV With Solar And Changes to my Bill/Charging Habits - Duration: 16:56.

by this point most of you already know

that I have a 5.9 kilowatt hour solar

system on the roof of my house

scratch that not kilowatt hour kilowatt

it generates kilowatt hours worth of

electricity I am actually just hit my

first megawatt a couple days ago awesome

so the question I have been getting from

a lot of my viewers after posting my

first solar system tour video which was

filmed when it was really freaking cold

out wise have my electric car charging

habits changed at all

well yes considerably let's first go

back to what most people will have if

they have electric cars and that would

be time-of-use metering plans

that's where on peak during the daytime

on weekdays your rates are going to be

higher but then off-peak when electric

demand is at its lowest and also which

would also cover nights or be nights and


yeah when there's overproduction of

power which would otherwise be wasted

utility gives you a cheaper rate which

is basically an incentive to use the

power that would otherwise have been


well the utility is pretty much shooting

themselves in the foot at the moment at

least in my case now I do have time of

use power and because of what they're

doing I have actually considerably

changed my charging habits I am no

longer charging off-peak I'll get that

to that in the moment of course there's

also a flat rate billing for electrical

service as well if you have a smaller

solar setup that does not meet quite

meet your full power needs or and or you

do not create enough power to over

produce chances are you'd actually need

better off on a flat rate generation or

consumption rate plan you will probably

not get as much power if you do happen

to over produce or excuse me you will

not get paid as much if you do happen to

over produce but if your can

assuming more than you produce in the

end you might be a little bit better off

if you can manage your power wisely in

my case here's what we're going to do

we're going to plug the car in right now

today is a Friday during the daytime it

is 2:35 p.m. and in the past I would not

even fathom plugging the car in before

7:00 p.m. or letting it charge after

7:00 a.m. on a weekday but now I don't

mind let's plug into the I am down to my

last 15 miles on the car a writed range

Shazam and you know what I still haven't

changed my charge timer so I'm going to

go change that and hopefully the radio

doesn't start playing and we're going to

reach right here start charging

scheduled charging is Mable for this

location yes start charging anyways I

still have it set for 7:00 p.m. charge

start but that is no longer needed now

the reason I want Savin doing this in

the past is in the past I would be

paying 19 cents per kilowatt hour to

charge my car but in the off-peak I

would have only been paying about nine

cents right actually there's eight point

nine something something something

something something they have on the

bill so I'm going to explain why we're

going to go in the garage I have a piece

of cardboard I'm going to draw it out

for you and show you guys the map and a

copy of one of my bills now I this month

this is end of April this month bill

doesn't generate until tomorrow but I

will not be able to do this video quite

a while and I'm just getting too many

people asking me so I'm actually over

produced in the daytime and the

nighttime on this last bill and that's

due to being able to see my first bill

on solar and

my charging habits and energy usage

accordingly so let's go take a look here

is a copy of my We Energies bill now it

is a very poorly laid out and completely

confusing in terms of solar because

they're trying to confuse you in terms

of solar production how much use how

much you're getting credit for now what

you're getting paid it is so confusing

that before I even had my solar

activated I tried finding out exactly

how the payback works and the Consensus

foot from the energies and the answer I

got was just wait for your first bill

and it will be so much easier because we

actually have no Philip and clue how our

own billing works for solar so that's

what I did I waited for my first bill

and realized almost instantly I am

getting screwed now the most important

thing to take from this bill is I over

produced on the daytime so I have a zero

day time charges I did not print over

produce enough off-peak to cover all my

off-peak usage so I have a off-peak use

that I did not over produce of 342

kilowatt hours so that is what I'm

getting charged for I'm getting charged

30 dollars in 66 cents with the 342

kilowatt hour of power that I used that

I did not over produce although I did

over produce in general for the 196

kilowatt hours of peak on peak over

production yes this is sounding

confusing here's the deal if you didn't

watch my last video talking about how

the utility is screwing over customers

and this is not just Wisconsin this is

all over I'll get to that in a moment so

the important number is 342 kilowatt

hours of off-peak power that I did not

over produce enough to eliminate so

we'll take that 342 kilowatt hour which

cost me I'm being charged $30 in 66

cents for now for the 196 30.6 6 Sigma

for the hundred ninety-six kilowatt hour

that I over produced during the day time

I am getting paid or another word in

this case credited only nine dollars and

three cents credit and I pay okay now

this is how the utility used some

billing trickery now my original

understanding and the best that the

utility was able to explain to me is

that before I would get billed for

anything I would first get all the power

subtracted from my production so that

means I shouldn't have even gotten paid

yet or given or credited for the hundred

ninety six kilowatt hour nine hundred

ninety six should have been subtracted

from the three hundred and forty two

kilowatt hour because remember payback

I'm only getting this is off this is

winter season so for payback I am

getting four point six zero eight cents

a kilowatt hour but for off-peak

consumption I have to pay eight point

nine six four zero cents a kilowatt hour

so I am getting credited on peak

production half of what I have to pay

for off-peak so obviously that kind of

sucks so what I should what my

understanding was was that I would get

credited or all my power would be

deducted off of my production before I

would have to get billed so my

understanding would be three hundred and

eighty four kilowatt hours minus 196 of

over-production what a meant I only

would have had 188 kilowatt hours of

off-peak to be billed if that was the

case times eight point nine six four

cents a kilowatt hour so 188 times eight

point nine six four cents would mean my

math sucks

3:42 I screwed up somewhere here 42

minus 196 146 146 okay I'm sorry

one know how 146 must hit a wrong button

146 would have been what I did not

produce enough to cover so hundred forty

six times eight point nine six four

cents what a mint there we go

what a mint my bill should have been

thirteen dollars and nine times because

of this x87 four forty we'll just round

up so this is what I thought what would

happen I would have gotten I would have

only had to pay $13.98 66 cents you see

what they did is they separated off peak

and on peak production and consumption

so instead instead of me having to pay

this there's this I had to pay this and

that means 30 dollars and 66 cents and

then they paid me for the overproduction

at a four point six zero eight cents per

kilowatt-hour rate so that means I ended

up having to pay out of pocket 20

dollars in 63 cents does that make sense

does that make sense so far you guys are

you guys following me so they used

billing trickery and very confusing

billing tactics to get an extra twenty

dollars and 63 cents out of me no to get

what am i screwing up here okay here we


oh god this is so frustrating you kissed

me confused okay 36 - six - thirteen

point zero nine means they got 1757

$17.50 more out of me by billing me in

this fashion instead of subtracting all

my usage out of the production first but

now on the other hand now because my

system is just enough to basically

eliminate my my usage at least during

the summer season I'm definitely going

to be producing a ton during the winter

season I'll probably still be using a

bit more than what I'm producing but at

the same time I'm still going to be

producing more during the daytime so how

is this hurting utility well here is

what's what's happening and why is

hurting the utility yes there's some gas

candle there no there's not gas in them

they're filled with waste motor oil

the idea is to help the utility they

should really want me to charge off-peak

even though my solar system is

generating you know I could be

generating a megawatt of power during

them during the day time of it during

the month but if I'm charging at a

higher rate I mean the car can charge it

up to 20 kilowatt whereas my solar

system it's absolute max output at any

one moment is going to be 5.9 well of

course a little fluctuation but I'll

never be able to output more at the same

time using it in the car so that means

it's basically like a peak demand kind

of thing the utility wants to avoid peak

demands they want to avoid high spikes

in their usage because they're going to

have to ramp up additional emergency

generation if that peak gets too high

such as in the summertime when you got

all these air conditioners going and

their generation facilities are maxed

out and then here comes you know and

then down the line a little bit a ton of

electric car owners plugging in the

middle of the day and charging at full

power they're going they might have a

brownout blackout it seems to me what

what might be going on a little bit in

California with all the brownouts it

should be their incentive to have me

dump 90 kilowatts of power into my car

at night not during the day it's that

demand that spice of power draw so

because of this billing trickery it's

actually going to cost me less or in

this case well on that last bill cost me

less because I ended up having to pay

$20 in 63 cents for that power usage

instead of $13.99 off-peak then I could

have wiped that out or if I switch my

billing for the time being to flat rate

then it doesn't matter if I generate it

at night and use it generate it in the

day use it at night since I'm on a flat

bill there is no antique and off-peak

they're shooting themselves in the foot

right now yeah they're getting a few

extra cents out of me now but in the

long run it's going to really hurt them

because now I'm going to switch all my

heavy loads to daytime yeah and use up

as much as my over production and I can

now in the case of once I have my rough

maxed out now all my off-peak generation

for solar

pretty much going to be done on weekends

and holidays because that's the only

time the sun's going to be out on the

off-peak and I guess I get a little bit

in the morning but extremely little

before 7 a.m.

I only generate maybe two or three

hundred watt hours after 7 p.m.

I might generate 3 or 400 watt hours

it's just not enough sunshine here in

Wisconsin at those times and off-peak so

it's going to be weekends but if I have

a bigger system then yeah

this is going to work out just fine

because I'll be producing enough in my

own off-peak to cover all the usage but

it really makes no difference just use

it during the day

now once Tesla finally delivers my

founders Edition powerwall 2 then things

are going to change again because now I

can have that power walk to generate or

recharge during the daytime and then

dump that power back into the house at

night so I'll basically be using my

stored daytime solar power for

everything off-peak and once I got that

set up it I can basically forget about

time of use altogether

I'll keep it because when I over produce

I'll get paid more or yeah I will get

paid more accredited more if I'm cutting

it very close on my usage and I can

pretty much use the power any time of

the day I want so I can run that air

conditioners full blast during the day

if I feel like it don't have to worry

about having an insane bill so I hope

you're able to follow this a bit and

learn a little bit about how tricky

these utilities are getting and it used

to be much better but they lobbied for a

6% increase in rates and they snuck a

whole bunch of stuff into their bills at

least here in Wisconsin back in 2014

which went into effect January 1st 2015

a lot of people were caught off guard on

that and it really really hurts and for

those that managed to get locked into

contracts before that change took place

or they're raking in a lot of money

they're getting as much as 27 cents per

kilowatt hour on peak payment because

they have to get paid whenever

back-to-back then before the change they

would get paid whatever the retail rate

was that the customer would have to pay

the utility so at the moment utilities

are kind of double dipping and but it's

still great in that last bill my bill is

still like a hundred bucks but that was

still a lot of winter you gas usage for

heating the house

and now that I have have this figured

out I'm actually charging during the

daytime and I even put the timer off I

have a deep chest freezer in my

downstairs and that was always on the

timer maximum max the coldest possible

temperature kickin at 7:00 p.m.

run all night and on weekends and then

just shut off during the daytime and

powers that peak so I got rid of the


so basically care less want to use my

power now it's actually giving me more

freedom I have in the solar being able

to charge whenever I want not being

stuck to a time use plan so if you have

any questions post in the description

box below and if you didn't watch it yet

here's the other side of the cardboard

showing yesterday's video which if you

haven't watched it the link is coming up

let's put the link right here and you

can click on that and I'll take it to

the other video the prologue of this bin


For more infomation >> Charging my EV With Solar And Changes to my Bill/Charging Habits - Duration: 16:56.


Projet d'Orangina - Duration: 0:44.


Nous voudrions deux oranginas s'il vous plaît

Bien sûr monsieur, qui coûte cinq euros


Merci beaucoup

De rien

Qu'est-ce que tu fais?

Je voudrais du jus d'orange, mais tout ce que j'ai est cette orange

Ooh! Merci Beaucoup!

Secoue ce

Orangina, Secouez-Moi

For more infomation >> Projet d'Orangina - Duration: 0:44.


What's new |VOSTFR - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> What's new |VOSTFR - Duration: 5:21.



For more infomation >> СЛИВ МОДА ADRENALIN RP(СНГ) | ПОД ОСНОВУ - Duration: 9:34.


PewDiePie sings hentai song - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> PewDiePie sings hentai song - Duration: 0:40.


Charging my EV With Solar And Changes to my Bill/Charging Habits - Duration: 16:56.

by this point most of you already know

that I have a 5.9 kilowatt hour solar

system on the roof of my house

scratch that not kilowatt hour kilowatt

it generates kilowatt hours worth of

electricity I am actually just hit my

first megawatt a couple days ago awesome

so the question I have been getting from

a lot of my viewers after posting my

first solar system tour video which was

filmed when it was really freaking cold

out wise have my electric car charging

habits changed at all

well yes considerably let's first go

back to what most people will have if

they have electric cars and that would

be time-of-use metering plans

that's where on peak during the daytime

on weekdays your rates are going to be

higher but then off-peak when electric

demand is at its lowest and also which

would also cover nights or be nights and


yeah when there's overproduction of

power which would otherwise be wasted

utility gives you a cheaper rate which

is basically an incentive to use the

power that would otherwise have been


well the utility is pretty much shooting

themselves in the foot at the moment at

least in my case now I do have time of

use power and because of what they're

doing I have actually considerably

changed my charging habits I am no

longer charging off-peak I'll get that

to that in the moment of course there's

also a flat rate billing for electrical

service as well if you have a smaller

solar setup that does not meet quite

meet your full power needs or and or you

do not create enough power to over

produce chances are you'd actually need

better off on a flat rate generation or

consumption rate plan you will probably

not get as much power if you do happen

to over produce or excuse me you will

not get paid as much if you do happen to

over produce but if your can

assuming more than you produce in the

end you might be a little bit better off

if you can manage your power wisely in

my case here's what we're going to do

we're going to plug the car in right now

today is a Friday during the daytime it

is 2:35 p.m. and in the past I would not

even fathom plugging the car in before

7:00 p.m. or letting it charge after

7:00 a.m. on a weekday but now I don't

mind let's plug into the I am down to my

last 15 miles on the car a writed range

Shazam and you know what I still haven't

changed my charge timer so I'm going to

go change that and hopefully the radio

doesn't start playing and we're going to

reach right here start charging

scheduled charging is Mable for this

location yes start charging anyways I

still have it set for 7:00 p.m. charge

start but that is no longer needed now

the reason I want Savin doing this in

the past is in the past I would be

paying 19 cents per kilowatt hour to

charge my car but in the off-peak I

would have only been paying about nine

cents right actually there's eight point

nine something something something

something something they have on the

bill so I'm going to explain why we're

going to go in the garage I have a piece

of cardboard I'm going to draw it out

for you and show you guys the map and a

copy of one of my bills now I this month

this is end of April this month bill

doesn't generate until tomorrow but I

will not be able to do this video quite

a while and I'm just getting too many

people asking me so I'm actually over

produced in the daytime and the

nighttime on this last bill and that's

due to being able to see my first bill

on solar and

my charging habits and energy usage

accordingly so let's go take a look here

is a copy of my We Energies bill now it

is a very poorly laid out and completely

confusing in terms of solar because

they're trying to confuse you in terms

of solar production how much use how

much you're getting credit for now what

you're getting paid it is so confusing

that before I even had my solar

activated I tried finding out exactly

how the payback works and the Consensus

foot from the energies and the answer I

got was just wait for your first bill

and it will be so much easier because we

actually have no Philip and clue how our

own billing works for solar so that's

what I did I waited for my first bill

and realized almost instantly I am

getting screwed now the most important

thing to take from this bill is I over

produced on the daytime so I have a zero

day time charges I did not print over

produce enough off-peak to cover all my

off-peak usage so I have a off-peak use

that I did not over produce of 342

kilowatt hours so that is what I'm

getting charged for I'm getting charged

30 dollars in 66 cents with the 342

kilowatt hour of power that I used that

I did not over produce although I did

over produce in general for the 196

kilowatt hours of peak on peak over

production yes this is sounding

confusing here's the deal if you didn't

watch my last video talking about how

the utility is screwing over customers

and this is not just Wisconsin this is

all over I'll get to that in a moment so

the important number is 342 kilowatt

hours of off-peak power that I did not

over produce enough to eliminate so

we'll take that 342 kilowatt hour which

cost me I'm being charged $30 in 66

cents for now for the 196 30.6 6 Sigma

for the hundred ninety-six kilowatt hour

that I over produced during the day time

I am getting paid or another word in

this case credited only nine dollars and

three cents credit and I pay okay now

this is how the utility used some

billing trickery now my original

understanding and the best that the

utility was able to explain to me is

that before I would get billed for

anything I would first get all the power

subtracted from my production so that

means I shouldn't have even gotten paid

yet or given or credited for the hundred

ninety six kilowatt hour nine hundred

ninety six should have been subtracted

from the three hundred and forty two

kilowatt hour because remember payback

I'm only getting this is off this is

winter season so for payback I am

getting four point six zero eight cents

a kilowatt hour but for off-peak

consumption I have to pay eight point

nine six four zero cents a kilowatt hour

so I am getting credited on peak

production half of what I have to pay

for off-peak so obviously that kind of

sucks so what I should what my

understanding was was that I would get

credited or all my power would be

deducted off of my production before I

would have to get billed so my

understanding would be three hundred and

eighty four kilowatt hours minus 196 of

over-production what a meant I only

would have had 188 kilowatt hours of

off-peak to be billed if that was the

case times eight point nine six four

cents a kilowatt hour so 188 times eight

point nine six four cents would mean my

math sucks

3:42 I screwed up somewhere here 42

minus 196 146 146 okay I'm sorry

one know how 146 must hit a wrong button

146 would have been what I did not

produce enough to cover so hundred forty

six times eight point nine six four

cents what a mint there we go

what a mint my bill should have been

thirteen dollars and nine times because

of this x87 four forty we'll just round

up so this is what I thought what would

happen I would have gotten I would have

only had to pay $13.98 66 cents you see

what they did is they separated off peak

and on peak production and consumption

so instead instead of me having to pay

this there's this I had to pay this and

that means 30 dollars and 66 cents and

then they paid me for the overproduction

at a four point six zero eight cents per

kilowatt-hour rate so that means I ended

up having to pay out of pocket 20

dollars in 63 cents does that make sense

does that make sense so far you guys are

you guys following me so they used

billing trickery and very confusing

billing tactics to get an extra twenty

dollars and 63 cents out of me no to get

what am i screwing up here okay here we


oh god this is so frustrating you kissed

me confused okay 36 - six - thirteen

point zero nine means they got 1757

$17.50 more out of me by billing me in

this fashion instead of subtracting all

my usage out of the production first but

now on the other hand now because my

system is just enough to basically

eliminate my my usage at least during

the summer season I'm definitely going

to be producing a ton during the winter

season I'll probably still be using a

bit more than what I'm producing but at

the same time I'm still going to be

producing more during the daytime so how

is this hurting utility well here is

what's what's happening and why is

hurting the utility yes there's some gas

candle there no there's not gas in them

they're filled with waste motor oil

the idea is to help the utility they

should really want me to charge off-peak

even though my solar system is

generating you know I could be

generating a megawatt of power during

them during the day time of it during

the month but if I'm charging at a

higher rate I mean the car can charge it

up to 20 kilowatt whereas my solar

system it's absolute max output at any

one moment is going to be 5.9 well of

course a little fluctuation but I'll

never be able to output more at the same

time using it in the car so that means

it's basically like a peak demand kind

of thing the utility wants to avoid peak

demands they want to avoid high spikes

in their usage because they're going to

have to ramp up additional emergency

generation if that peak gets too high

such as in the summertime when you got

all these air conditioners going and

their generation facilities are maxed

out and then here comes you know and

then down the line a little bit a ton of

electric car owners plugging in the

middle of the day and charging at full

power they're going they might have a

brownout blackout it seems to me what

what might be going on a little bit in

California with all the brownouts it

should be their incentive to have me

dump 90 kilowatts of power into my car

at night not during the day it's that

demand that spice of power draw so

because of this billing trickery it's

actually going to cost me less or in

this case well on that last bill cost me

less because I ended up having to pay

$20 in 63 cents for that power usage

instead of $13.99 off-peak then I could

have wiped that out or if I switch my

billing for the time being to flat rate

then it doesn't matter if I generate it

at night and use it generate it in the

day use it at night since I'm on a flat

bill there is no antique and off-peak

they're shooting themselves in the foot

right now yeah they're getting a few

extra cents out of me now but in the

long run it's going to really hurt them

because now I'm going to switch all my

heavy loads to daytime yeah and use up

as much as my over production and I can

now in the case of once I have my rough

maxed out now all my off-peak generation

for solar

pretty much going to be done on weekends

and holidays because that's the only

time the sun's going to be out on the

off-peak and I guess I get a little bit

in the morning but extremely little

before 7 a.m.

I only generate maybe two or three

hundred watt hours after 7 p.m.

I might generate 3 or 400 watt hours

it's just not enough sunshine here in

Wisconsin at those times and off-peak so

it's going to be weekends but if I have

a bigger system then yeah

this is going to work out just fine

because I'll be producing enough in my

own off-peak to cover all the usage but

it really makes no difference just use

it during the day

now once Tesla finally delivers my

founders Edition powerwall 2 then things

are going to change again because now I

can have that power walk to generate or

recharge during the daytime and then

dump that power back into the house at

night so I'll basically be using my

stored daytime solar power for

everything off-peak and once I got that

set up it I can basically forget about

time of use altogether

I'll keep it because when I over produce

I'll get paid more or yeah I will get

paid more accredited more if I'm cutting

it very close on my usage and I can

pretty much use the power any time of

the day I want so I can run that air

conditioners full blast during the day

if I feel like it don't have to worry

about having an insane bill so I hope

you're able to follow this a bit and

learn a little bit about how tricky

these utilities are getting and it used

to be much better but they lobbied for a

6% increase in rates and they snuck a

whole bunch of stuff into their bills at

least here in Wisconsin back in 2014

which went into effect January 1st 2015

a lot of people were caught off guard on

that and it really really hurts and for

those that managed to get locked into

contracts before that change took place

or they're raking in a lot of money

they're getting as much as 27 cents per

kilowatt hour on peak payment because

they have to get paid whenever

back-to-back then before the change they

would get paid whatever the retail rate

was that the customer would have to pay

the utility so at the moment utilities

are kind of double dipping and but it's

still great in that last bill my bill is

still like a hundred bucks but that was

still a lot of winter you gas usage for

heating the house

and now that I have have this figured

out I'm actually charging during the

daytime and I even put the timer off I

have a deep chest freezer in my

downstairs and that was always on the

timer maximum max the coldest possible

temperature kickin at 7:00 p.m.

run all night and on weekends and then

just shut off during the daytime and

powers that peak so I got rid of the


so basically care less want to use my

power now it's actually giving me more

freedom I have in the solar being able

to charge whenever I want not being

stuck to a time use plan so if you have

any questions post in the description

box below and if you didn't watch it yet

here's the other side of the cardboard

showing yesterday's video which if you

haven't watched it the link is coming up

let's put the link right here and you

can click on that and I'll take it to

the other video the prologue of this bin


For more infomation >> Charging my EV With Solar And Changes to my Bill/Charging Habits - Duration: 16:56.


How to use the only voice calls to turn off the mobile network communication of Android - Duration: 2:08.

How to use the only voice calls to turn off the mobile network communication of Android

Hello everyone

This time, we will introduce how to use the only voice calls to turn off the mobile network communication of Android

If you turn off the mobile network communication of Android it will not perform mobile data communication

This is especially valid configuration in the case of operating the order, for example, the Android with only Wi-Fi communication

Since it possible to perform incoming and outgoing voice calls Turning off mobile network communications, by applying this setting,

For example, it will also be possible to operate the Android as a phone-only machine of voice calls

How to turn off the mobile network communication of Android, first open the settings of Android,

In the "Wireless and network" category "data usage" or touch the item, such as "data used"

Proceed to turn off the switch of the display "data" usage "page of the top" mobile data "

This Android mobile network communication is turned off by

If you turn off the mobile network communication, mobile data communication even if the antenna is standing it does not take place

Because I think where you want to avoid is especially unnecessary communication etc. If you are doing a mobile data communications contract of pay-as-you-go, it is better that has been done this setting

If you turn off the mobile network communication in the way, how was I am allowed to introduce this time,

Since the mobile network communication even replace the SIM will remain off,

Please so as to re-check the settings, etc. If you want to change the operation to perform mobile data communication

Above, it was the introduction of how to use the only voice calls to turn off the mobile network communication of Android

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