Monday, January 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jan 29 2018

hey guys in this video I'm gonna be teaching you how to get a mentor so what

is a mentor mentorship is defined as a relationship in which a more experienced

or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less

knowledgeable person towards the goal so a lot of people are really confused and

go about getting him into a wrong I get tons of emails a month about people

asking to be mentored by me and I know if I get up a bunch then people like

Gary Vee Grant Cardone and ty Lopez and other big business people are getting

loads of requests so here's the big deal you do not need their permission to be a

mentee go out and consume everything that they put out go buy all of their

books all of their courses and actually you don't even have to pay just look up

stuff on YouTube read blog posts about them everything you can find consume it

if they have taken the time to make a course or write a book they did that so

that you can learn I got a whole bunch of emails on dating advice and my top

videos were actually about dating so what I did was I made an entire course

of premium content just teaching you how to find get and keep your dream girl now

you're gonna get much more out of that than if you're just asking me a simple

question the difference is you searching for my content versus you asking me to

give you the content most of the time the mentors you love already have put

out a ton of content you just have to look for it the difference is you

putting in the work versus me putting in the work so don't ask go seek out their

stuff another thing I'm going to hit on is that books are Mentors last year I

read over 300 books and it changed my life my income my relationships is just

life-changing books for me are the best form of Mentors

this is just for me though I haven't really had the opportunity to be around

wise and older mentors but I can definitely read their books books on

money books on relationship books on sales funnel books on health they say if

you read four books on any topic you're in the top 90% of the population that

knows information about that topic so imagine how much more reputable you

would seem if you read just one book a month in your industry they say an

average CEO reads over 52 books a year and that's because there's always

something new to learn there's - always changes happening and they have to stay

on top with cutting-edge business so you need to do the same to keep learning

also there's three ways to learn you can learn from someone else you can learn

from what someone else wrote down and you can learn from your own mistakes

which one do you think is the easiest I also want to answer the question why do

you need a mentor so how did you learn to walk when you were a baby you watched

other adult professional walking humans walk no really that's how you learned we

can copy this strategy and use it to learn almost

anything else if you want to learn how to ride a unicycle shout out to Brandon

if you want to learn how to animate shout out to Yusef if you want to learn

how to create an awesome sales funnel shout out to Clarke you learn from the

experts my favorite way my favorite way to learn

is to learn from other people and that includes books this is why I mentorship

is so important if you're a fan of evolution you know that a species that

learns from its own mistakes does not live as long as a species that learns

from the mistakes of others it will just survive longer you can do the same by

learning from other people's mistakes also on mentorship I want to talk about

the differences between mentoring and hand-holding so when I was creating my

dating course I had Alex from create and go mentoring me he had created a couple

courses before and I needed help in the course creation process so he helped me

now he wasn't holding my hand but he was there to double-check my work and answer

any questions that I had we sent e-mails back and forth he would answer them in

video format and I got a lot out of just seeing his thought process about course

creation and getting more sales now notice how he didn't do the work for me

he just showed me the way this is something else that's very important

mentors aren't there to hold your hand they have a lot of other obligations but

they're there to guide you help you along the way

a lot of people think that mentors are there to do the work for them but in

reality a mentorship is when a mentor shows you the way not gives you the way

another little tip I want to give you guys is that when you're looking for

Mentors see if they have any mentors a lot of books I've read cite other books

and if I see a book cited more than twice I immediately buy that book you

can do the same with mentors maybe a lot of people have looked up to Tony Robbins

maybe a lot of people have cited Gary Vaynerchuk so what's the difference

between a mentor and a coach a mentor is deeply invested in a personal

relationship with the person that you're trying to improve the secret here is

that they have an emotional relationship with you and they want to see you

succeed now what's a coach a coach is usually paid and they're not necessarily

invested they just want the money but they have the skills and knowledge to

teach you the difference is that if you fail one of them is going to feel bad

and that's going to be a mentor so do you want to be around other people who

can mentor you you want me to be your mentor do you want a way you can track

your growth what about getting the knowledge out of books without spending

hours reading well I recently created a private membership group where I will

read books animate them and give you a whole bunch of resources including mp3s

PDFs and actionable worksheets to help you read a book a week if you sign up to

practical growth today I will personally send you $20 of

an Amazon gift card in under 48 hours there's no kicker I'm literally paying

you three dollars to try your first month you can cancel any time in the

future if you use the link in the description the discount lasts for a

lifetime so you'll only be paying $17 a month for the rest of your life and you

can cancel anytime but I can't give out $20 Amazon gift cards forever so sign up

today before I remove that bonus thank you guys so much for watching and I hope

you learned something

For more infomation >> How to Find and Get a Mentor! - Duration: 4:58.





Určení netěsnosti redukčního ventilu - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Určení netěsnosti redukčního ventilu - Duration: 0:36.


BBB18 :Lucas alerta Mahmoud: "Você pode estar cavando sua própria cova" - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> BBB18 :Lucas alerta Mahmoud: "Você pode estar cavando sua própria cova" - Duration: 1:42.


مبدع الرعب تجربتي مع ويجا ، ونتائجها2018ا(واقعية مثل قصة ayman senpai) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> مبدع الرعب تجربتي مع ويجا ، ونتائجها2018ا(واقعية مثل قصة ayman senpai) - Duration: 3:37.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Určení netěsnosti redukčního ventilu - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Určení netěsnosti redukčního ventilu - Duration: 0:36.


BEYOND THE LYRICS: A Million Men (Melanie Martinez) - Duration: 2:11.

Um... See a lot like documentaries about something is really sad

So, I wrote a story

Um, basically it's like a... Yeah, it's like a story

And, I call it more a story than a song

Just because... The lyrics kinda go through the whole girl's life so... yeah

Um... yeah. I hope you like it!

(It's about a girl) who had been through, um... Sex trafficking

So I wrote a song about it

Aaaaand it's really, no, it's a serious topic, so...

I... hope you guys like it! *Melanie being her cute adorable self*

*Laughs cutely*

For more infomation >> BEYOND THE LYRICS: A Million Men (Melanie Martinez) - Duration: 2:11.


Chef Showdown | Season 2: Episode 1 Promo | Topgolf - Duration: 0:36.

This week on Topgolf Chef Showdown.

>> Woo, it's good stuff.

I consider myself to be a go big or go home type.

>> I am the kind of person that intimidates.

>> See what we got here.

>> I can't wait for them to see what's in this basket.

>> Hi.

>> Just like I thought, pork ribs.

All right. >> I am in a bit of trouble right now.

>> Only one of you can move on to the finals

>> And that chef is.

>> Whew.

For more infomation >> Chef Showdown | Season 2: Episode 1 Promo | Topgolf - Duration: 0:36.


Joker "Dance with the Devil" | Batman (1989) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:56.

My life is really...


All right, listen. You know how a normal person gets up and...

goes downstairs...

and eats breakfast...

and kisses somebody good-bye, and goes to...

a job and, you know.



All right, look.

Vicki, what I'm trying to tell you is...

Hey, it's okay.

- You can tell me. - Okay.

What I'm trying to tell you is...

is a ...

- I'll be right back. - All right.

Miss me?

Nice place you got here. Lots of space.

Vicki, we really should have a talk.

I'm very upset.

We were having dinner.

I was a man doing well with a beautiful woman.

And without so much as an apology...

you ran off with that sideshow phony.

You know, Vic...

I've recently had a tragedy in my life.


threw herself out of the window.

Oh, my God.


you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.

Well, Ms. Vale...

another rooster in the hen-house?

Take thy beak from out my heart.


Bruce Wayne, n'est-ce pas?

Most of the time.

I know who you are.

Let me tell you about this guy I know, Jack.

Mean kid. Bad seed. Hurt people.

I like him already.

You know what the problem was?

He got sloppy. You know, crazy.

He started to lose it. He had a head full of bad wiring, I guess.

Couldn't keep it straight up here.

He was the kind of guy who...

couldn't hear the train until it was 2 feet from him.

You know what happened to this guy, Jack?


He made mistakes.

Then he ended up with his lights out! Now you want to get nuts?

Come on! Let's get nuts!

Tell me something, my friend.

You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?


I always ask that of all my prey.

I just like the sound of it.

Never rub another man's rhubarb.

Why is it every time we got company...

somebody always gets in the way?

I'll need a moment alone, boys.

I'm only laughing on the outside.

My smile is just skin-deep.

If you could see inside...

I'm really crying.

You might join me for a weep.

For more infomation >> Joker "Dance with the Devil" | Batman (1989) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:56.


The County Seat Utah Legislative Process - Duration: 28:51.

Hello everybody welcome to this week's episode of the county seat I'm your host Chad booth we are at the Capitol today

In one of the conference rooms that is usually very busy during the session

it's appropriate because this room is where weekly all the county officials from across the state meet the treasurer's the

recorders the Assessors the commissioners the sheriff's to talk with legislators about pending legislation to make sure

That the policies the state makes does not have a crippling effect on the counties, or you as its citizens

So that's the topic of our show today to see how important this relationship is between County elected officials and state legislators

We're going to start by trying to understand the mechanics of the process we will do that with this week's tutorial with Brigham Larson

Thanks, Chad over

the course of the next few months if you visit your County Commission

Offices or almost any other office at your county seat for that matter

You might find them oddly empty, but I can tell you with all honesty

That is a good thing

From January through the start of March many of your county officials will be finding their way over and over again to Salt Lake City

And Capitol Hill as the Utah legislative season moves forward, but don't worry it isn't parties or dinners bringing them

It's hard work to make sure that the legislature knows best how to help your local counties

To understand why this is important, let's first learn what it is that the legislature does?

the Utah Legislature consists of two bodies the Senate and the House of

Representatives together these two bodies of government work together to draft and approve new laws

Ordinances and budgets what makes the Utah Legislature different from other legislatures across the country, it's too simple

but very

Important details speaker the House Greg Hughes explained it to me when I met with him earlier this month our state legislature has been in

In our state constitution we have 45 calendar days

45 calendar days actually include Saturday and Sunday, but we don't really come in on those days, so we really have about 31

working days

to put to review bills House and Senate and

In committees as well as on the floor, and then put our whole state budget together, and so we are on a very fast-paced

It's one of the shortest General Sessions of any state in America

Even the governor says the buzz on the L is because of this busy season here it's a beehive of activity

I don't pun intended at the Beehive State but a lot of things will happen

I know that they hear a myriad of pieces of legislation being talked about over 1200 pieces

I expect they'll pass around 500 the second factor ties in with the first the Senators and Representatives

are part-time

legislators these men and women while making sure laws are written and passed still have to eke out an existence just like you or I

They've got jobs and businesses to get back to which motivates them to keep on pace and wrap up a session

It also means that they know the struggles their communities are facing because they are there on the ground right along with you

But how does all of that tie back to County leadership?

On some level each and every law that is written and considered by lawmakers on Capitol Hill

Will have an effect on your County?

If that changes to medicating you talk you can count on the county needing to step in and help to administer those changes

If the state level law is established such as new drinking limits

It's gonna fall on the sheriff to get involved and help enforce those laws

To make sure that the right changes are made and the county's concerns are heard state lawmakers rely on County leaders like

commissioners to step up and make their voices heard

That's why on any given day most if not all of the county's leadership can be found in Salt Lake talking with legislators

Attending meetings and giving testimony on how a new law will affect their County

So now you know why you might find your county offices empty during the beginning months of a year to help us understand better

How counties in the legislature work together? We'll be right back with our panel?

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Welcome back to the county seat today. We are answering the question

Why do County officials spend so much time at the legislature where there are other elected officials?

Doing the business of the state well

We're going to continue that conversation and answer the questions on how important it is for County officials to be

Engaged with the legislature to make sure both sides are represented joining us today is a sheriff from Weber County Terry Thompson

we have representative Lee Perry district 29 in northern, Utah from the House of Representatives here at the

Legislature, and we have Breton Coburn who is a Davis County Commissioner gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time

I know this isn't at your leisure, but it'll be a good conversation

That's somebody else's leisure. I'm sure

Exact and we start with you

Lee as to how important it is for you to get input from these guys when you are working on legislation

Well as a member of the house representatives

one of the titles in front over the speaker's desk says Vox Populi which is voice of the people in order for us in the

house to do our job right we have to be in touch with the people and

in order to do that you have to reach out to county officials city and mayor's and

Reach out to the citizens as well

But these folks in the county are as close to anybody in our communities as we can get

Specific to law enforcement and the things that go on in individual counties, and I represent two counties Weber in boxelder

So I have to reach out to my commissioners in both areas the sheriff's in both areas and long as the mayors of City Council

and it's critical because

Otherwise we wouldn't be doing what we're committed to do and that's represent the people

But there would be an argument that would say okay. Well if it's Vox Populi

You're representing the people your constituents getting in touch with you they complain about something

And then you respond and build a law so aren't you fulfilling your obligation there. I am but quite often

They'll go to the sheriff or the commissioner and say oh, this is this is something we got to fix and sometimes

It's not something that can be fixed just in the county level it has to be fixed to the state level

And then that's when we get involved so what happens

Just the sausage come out, right

Boy, and all the times I've had people come to me and say that Lee Perry's got this all wrong

And I'm just teasing and Lee and I have a lot of things we discuss and we occasionally have

We occasionally look at things differently right and have different perspectives, but really on Lee's part and really with all of our representative

Weber County I can't tell you how really wonderful they are

Because they're open they allow us to come visit with us to let us sit down with us

And they get pulled in a thousand different directions up here particularly this time of year and so

What I've tried to do in my area is try to keep in touch with them all year long, right?

I don't try to wait until you know the legislators come and I need to talk to him and so

Occasionally Mae Lee may have accused me of being just a little bit annoying or obnoxious

Because he gets emails from me all year

Every week sometimes several a week because I want him to know what's going on

We were counting what's important to us

And how can he make really informed and educated?

Decisions here if he doesn't know that one of the recurring themes that has come up is this a good point

One of the recurring things that comes up that I've heard a lot from

Counties in the decade that I've been working closely with counties and these programs is you know the legislature?

you know they they will put passed a new law and give us a requirement and

And they look good because they cut their budget and then we have to pick up the slack in our County revenues

And we have unfunded mandates never happens

Just like it happens from the federal government and that and that's the trick and that's we're listening to the county officials


Hopefully they see these bills coming and that's why we tell the public as well as especially the county officials watch the bills

There's a lot of them come up. I mean I've seen bills even right now as a state representative

I'm like wow this is a bill that somebody's running

I they start to get numbered and I don't get to see them and tell they're numbered until they're out there, so

It can be a little bit of a shock for me to all this in a way that wait a minute

And that's where I reach out to

Ricky hatch and and Marla young our

Recorders up their inbox that are in Weber County about things that have to with election law I reached out to the sheriff and say

Sheriff how's this gonna affect your Jail he and sheriff Thompson is by far one of the best sheriffs

I've ever seen the state for communicating with legislators like he said he sends his emails noxious thing I mentioned

It's good, and I'm I'm grateful

I work in law enforcement

Full-time and so I see a lot of the things and I know a lot of the things that he's sending to me

But I can tell you knowing my counterparts aren't in law enforcement and the information he's providing to all those legislative leadership and leaders is

Critical for them to understand and know so that when they hit this session if somebody throws a bill out, they're not caught off guard

So I love the communication we have because it helps not get these unfunded mandates funding and obviously is a big deal

And we're trying to be a fiscally responsible state

I just can't I just

Imagine that the pressure on the legislature from from groups that want their own bidding and their own piece of legislation some of it

Protectionists, I want to keep other people out of my trade and something. I just imagine it's a huge amount of pressure

How do you sort through it?

That's difficult

That's where I reached out to constituents in that's where having expertise in the field comes in

It's having people I can reach out to and talk to because on my own

It's just like you said you can't be a jet you can't know it all and if I don't have good

Sources to reach out to and that includes lobbyists sometimes they bring information to me that it's beneficial even though sometimes

They're representing a need and they want to go for that specific need hearing from their side

and then hearing from the opposite side is always beneficial to kind of way out and the thing I always put the back of my

Mind what is best for the taxpayers and all the citizens of Utah so?

That leads me to an interesting point and all of you can

Pass judgment on this or putting your two cents worth

When you say lobbyists the general the general reaction of people is that oh my gosh what horrible despicable


people they are

but but you bring up a good point is that that in certain areas they bring a level of expertise and connection to

Things that might be a problem

Are they value are they a valuable resource other than for campaign and contributions I?

Think so I mean I think they I think they bring

information and

whether it's them themselves or they bring us the people that have the information we need I think they do bring a value to the

Table, and I think they're a conduit for a group

You know you've got a whole group of folks who you know Lee can sit down with all of us

And so you have that representative and yeah?

That lobbyist that can sit down and convey you know your your interest and your concerns

one-on-one with them


There's some value in that well the the importance that I find in the lobbyist and I think the Sheriff would probably agree here is

Is we still have?

Things that we're doing every day in administering our respective offices back in our counties

Yes, you know the county work still goes on and that that needs to be taken care of we can't be down here

every moment of that 45 days and

Addressing and taking advantage of you know these folks are so busy

That you only get them in real quick snippets of time and having that lobbyist here to convey that message and have them

be here to

walk these halls and be

Ready to convey that message

So you guys are thinking in terms of like represent ative or the sheriffs Association and Utah sociation and counties tell?

From a state legislator standpoint, I know you were interrupted getting here

and and so I know how valuable your time is how can this process improve with constituents and

And and they're trying to access and how the counties work with you. How what would make your life better as a legislator representing them

Well if people would would look at the things before they come

That's the honest truth is we realize there's lots of bills out there

Find out what your expertise in areas and watch the legislative website and and mark in there and say hey

I want to track anything that deals with this particular area

and then reach out to us and let us know and

Know that your county officials are watching out for this so if you see it, and you say hey

Maybe representative Perry won't respond back to me. I try to

Represent them and respond back as best. I possible, but I also have you know not everybody you may have my phone number

But I guarantee it sheriff Thompson does

So they have my ability to reach me and they're good conduits

So if you see it reach out to the sheriff reach out to the commissioners reach out to those those leaders and say hey

We got to get this message to represent in Perry that this is a big deal to us in Weber County Box Elder County

Davis County wherever we are in the state of Utah, that's a great cause make an example of that

So we've got we've got an organization Weber County that is absolutely critical to and we think goes goes it was

As far as I'm concerned my 30 years of existence and law enforcement

There's no other organization that does more for the demographic that we deal with

Our past offenders and getting them back on track and addressing that recidivism

It's called cottages of hope

Not to most people and I was a little skeptical years ago when I first heard it kind of sounds generic like other places

This group does more for our community, and we could do a whole segment on it

but but they

What they do is they they have all the community resources under one roof a lot of these folks even if you've got resources

You can't get them there

We we have we get them through one door and we deal with everything from financing budgeting

We get them into in some really good paint not just minimum wage some good jobs, and we get them

You know we work on on their on their tax returns that many haven't done for years their credit scores

We get them in transportation housing and then we plug them in we have good relationship with adult probation parole

Weber Human Services Midtown clinic people helping people and we bring it all under one roof

I mean, it's just unbelievable what they do for folks in

Ogden is a unique community

And they do more for that community than you can possibly imagine and and we brought we got this from the Bay Area

Which is an area that you know something's gonna work? You're gonna find out. It's gonna work. They're not it's phenomenally successful

So I brought all my legislators together

most all of them and

Leaves very familiar with it brought them all together last week set him down brought them all up to speed and said here's the problem

They've they've primarily existed off of funding that has passed through federal funding state grants, but for some reason

And we don't know why it's starting. It's starting to dry up well

Who's the guy?

That's gonna figure that out, or who's the people the folks are gonna

Help us figure out where the problem is to keep this funded because it is so critical to the community Lee and other state


They're the ones that can dig into it and help us provide that ongoing funding to keep it

Effective and and and so that's just a good example of how I could work with my local officials bring them together set them down

Bring in those folks have them run up the give them a a

A good up-to-speed here's what's going on this what we're doing this

We're saving the the community in the state millions by getting people back on track and productive and contributing

How can the legislature and not necessarily an individual representative but as a system?

Help you be better informed to get things pre-planned a little bit better

I you know Bill's surface all the time and they just appear out of nowhere. They don't really seem an interim committee

Is there is that like the biggest problem the constituents and counties have is not knowing what guys are thinking so?

It boils in my mind it boils down to a simple thing is communication and having the relationship


I think generally speaking you know speaking from a body perspective

It's there, but folks get so busy, and you're and you're running a million miles an hour and sometimes you might

They might not think to bring somebody in or whatever

But but just keeping an open dialogue in the having trust with one another and being being very

candid on

On issues gentlemen this has been a great conversation. Hope it's helped you at home

Thank you for joining us for this part will continue by taking a personal look at what it takes to actually navigate the legislature

From a legislators perspective when we come back get your track shoes up

Let's be honest you don't know much about Beaver County well. Let me tell you about it

It's the birthplace of outwalk Butch Cassidy and adventurer Philo T, Farnsworth

Some of the best seen in Utah is at equal point you've got camping Canyon breeze golf course crusher in the touchers beaver territorial courthouse

snowmobiling renewable energy pioneer Car Show squeaky cheese goes down six-four best water in the country by ATV trails old frisco killed for Suri's flooding


Place to live beaver county mountains. Have fun. I could tell you more. What are you gonna see it for yourself?

Welcome back to the county seat. We've gotten ourselves up to speed and had a really good conversation

I would like to add that if you would like to see the long form

version of the conversation we just had on the show you can go to our

Website you can go to our youtube channel or our Facebook page and watch the entire

Conversation we had with the sheriff the Commissioner and the legislature

Right now we want to let you see the personal side of what it takes to make the legislature move

So we decided to put a secret camera in behind one of the state legislators on a typical day

Early in the session before it gets too crazy. Just to see well. How busy and what it is they do

I'm Kevin Stratton. I represent House District 48

That's northeast pro-bowl northeast Orem and the East half of Glendon. Oh good to see you always

Yeah, only 40-watt forty three and a half days level now yeah

I'm on the road at six. We have some coalition's and caucuses

generally by seven o'clock

And then we move into committee meetings

as we begin the session we begin to set the tone for the 45 days our legislative session at 45 days the

shortest in the nation yet

we have the best manage state then so we're running very very fast as we go through that process we need to make sure we

Establish a good foundation rhythm to build upon we work on our budget. That's the first priority

We started the day in in some caucus some

Coalition meetings great different stakeholders and issues related to the family

issues related to

social concerns within our state there's a great foundation to build upon and the things are taking place there and then

we have our appropriations main team the first thing that we do as a

Legislature so our first order is to balance the budget so we have beginning of this session

fairly intense

appropriations, hearings right now

For example it's our gold by the end of January to have our base budget completed. We really scrutinize

How we're spending the money now?

To make sure that we're affecting the fishing and all that we're doing take care of what I say every penny now

We're going to the House floor

to take care of some

Daily business will potentially hear a few bills

we're moving bills out of drafting into sighting into committees and then passing some of our legislation over the Senate as well I

Had several meetings with


Ivan I'm working on others with some of the agency heads that I share a

natural resource environment and the agricultural committee we don't want to punish I

Certainly the the very thing where we value and desire we can do that sometimes with the policies so Thank You mr. Chair

This afternoon there's more committee meetings appropriations meetings and Standing Committee meetings

So we just need to be prepared to answer those questions and give an accounting yes recognized especially in the house

We are the voice of the people

Government is not over people but government is by the people and

In order to for us to govern all three plus million of us in the state you thought we need to have a good understanding

Good transparent communication on once what's taking place the directions are being pursued it's such a smorgasbord of

just fascinating issues certainly, but behind those issues are people and

People's lives and so it's really the relationships and interacting with

wonderful great the great people of the state of Utah

And those that are seeking to promote the good the things that are there we have

Everything that we need we can recognize


What we've been given the stewardship spur for us

and we build a wonderful foundation for the future those that are here and the rising generation I

Don't know about you, but right now. I'm feeling like I need to put on running shoes. Just to keep up anyway

We will be back with our closing thoughts here on the county seat in just a minute. There's a little place

all the Utah man

four hours raised

Where my heart say?

where the sagebrush grows

wild in high

The stars come out

Faced with the Ute reservation scheme starvation that deucing family

The Utah Farm Bureau began as a collection of farmer supporting each other to raise the food we enjoy today Farm Bureau membership

Encompasses everyone whether ranchers growers or just everyday folks like you and me

Members enjoy discounts on items like vehicles and ATVs or insurance that's very affordable

You don't have to be a farmer to join and dues are small

But together we make a big difference in keeping our food supply local and abundant

join, Utah, Farm Bureau

The Layton Hills Mall offers more than just shopping bring the whole family and enjoy Seaquest

interactive aquarium to feed the fish and exotic birds hold live reptiles and even swim with the stingrays or

Pump up the action to visit dart side Utah's premier soft foam dart tag arena and don't forget the great room escape where you can

Challenge your friends to solving mysteries

Inside themed rooms so come and experience great fun at the Layton Hills Mall and visit playing Davis comm for other great activities

Welcome back to the county seat let's recap our show so far for this week first off. We learned the relationship between the counties and

The legislature and how the mechanics of that all works in our tutorial then we looked at some of the examples in our

conversation of

How it has done well and where we've missed the boat in certain examples of the importance of counties working together with state


Then we took a personal look at how much work

Actually takes place in a very short window of time up here by following a state legislator around for half a day

And I point out that was only half a day

So what do we take away from all this? There's one element in the process?

That's still not being dealt with and that is you and me as citizens we

Rely on people to make best decisions in our interest when legislation is being passed

But we do have access to the legislative process

And it's just like the political process of electing people we complain about the problems in our electoral process

in our legislative process

But we ourselves

Do not get engaged until it's just a matter of a slogan a phrase or a concept

What's really important for us to be more engaged in the beginning levels of this to actually go on to the legislative site like?

representative Perry said and as citizens take the time to try and understand the impact laws have before they're passed and

Make our contributions and our thoughts these guys are all at the legislature lay legislators

They are not professional policymakers. They are they are law enforcement officers and attorneys and salesmen and

Housewives in some cases. They're just the entire spectrum of population that do their duty to try and pass laws and

Represent you your input is very important

That's my two cents worth is we need to get more engaged you can go to the Senate site

You can go to the legislative site at the Utah gov and you can start the process of learning more

Thank you for being with us as always on the county seat remember that you can share us on social media

You can interact with us on social media during the week

and you can follow the a county seat on Facebook will try and give you updates of things that are happening during the week as

news breaks

Thanks. We'll see you next week on the county seat

For more infomation >> The County Seat Utah Legislative Process - Duration: 28:51.





Une alternative prometteuse pour traiter la dépression pourrait voir le jour ! - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Une alternative prometteuse pour traiter la dépression pourrait voir le jour ! - Duration: 4:11.


Коронарография. 💓 Амбулаторная коронарография сосудов сердца всего за 5 часов. Пироговский Центр - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Коронарография. 💓 Амбулаторная коронарография сосудов сердца всего за 5 часов. Пироговский Центр - Duration: 3:22.


EJ Carter is Up Next

For more infomation >> EJ Carter is Up Next


Vitamin D 3 das Coimbra Protokoll deutsch aussichtsreiche Behandlung für Multiple Sklerose [HD] - Duration: 29:40.

For more infomation >> Vitamin D 3 das Coimbra Protokoll deutsch aussichtsreiche Behandlung für Multiple Sklerose [HD] - Duration: 29:40.


PHOTO – Carla Bruni : sa décla­ra­tion d'amour pour l'an­ni­ver­saire de Nico­las Sarkozy - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> PHOTO – Carla Bruni : sa décla­ra­tion d'amour pour l'an­ni­ver­saire de Nico­las Sarkozy - Duration: 2:40.





O CARRO ASSASSINO! - Duration: 12:13.

What's up guys?

Hey Boltz, are you there man?


- Hi - Are you there Suzi?

- Hi, couple -

Let's play, guys

- Suzi doesn't want to play -

So go f* yourself, Suzi - Don't you wanna play? -

- Let's play - - Nice -

Hello? Sorry, now we can't play anymore

We invited two others

We invited Gustavo Lima and Lucas Lucco

Your mic is ridiculous - Is it not working properly? -

No, of course it's normal - Maybe it's just an echo, then, from the room -

I think it's from you webcam - Oh, yeah, that's it -

You're so dumb, man, oh my God

- Is it working now? - Now, it's really f*ing good

And Suelen didn't say it wasn't good your mic

- I didn't notice to be honest - I can see that

- Come here - There's a squad coming here, help

I'm free-flying

I landed all wrong on the electric wire

Oh my, I touched the electric wire and I took a shock

- Oh no -

Are you crazy, bro? Jumping around

I'm getting shot even with my glasses on

I can see that there's one running over there

but I can't do nothing

I'm going to aim this guys, I'll try to make a head shot

If I don't, you'll die and that's what happen

- There are three of them over there - - Shay is down -

Ouch, almost a head shot

Yes man, a head shot

Did you die, love?

I thought I've saved you

I gave 2 head shots here on that losers

What the hell?

I'll lay down

It's move or die

Take that

I won't die to this guy

I'll throw gasoline on him

- He's running over there - Where is he?

He's here, ouch

I'll lay down

I'll get up, noob

I'm up

Give a shot

I lay down

He's confused

I'm up again

I give another shot

- Right over there, straight to you -

- On the circle, right other the whole -

I'm dead

No, not this jump that I wanted

That's was the one, for sure

Relax, don't worry

I'm fat, I don't fit in, what's happening?

I'll put my gun on a side and..

What's up Neymar, you good, bro?

Neymar it's here on the chat

Hi, Ney, thanks for watching, man

They watch us, you see?

(Fer, I'm hope you fail on Major)

What thee hell, bro?

Why don't youu tell that for Boltz?

Not cool

No, baby, come here with us

Here on that part, come here

I'm tilted already, I'll close stream

I'm tilted on stream

I'm high of gasoline

Look where I landed, I'm so good on this game

I'll jump the window

There isn't a place to land well here

Yes, there's nothing here, I just jumped - Just jump -

I jumped, and jumped on you, what?

What's that? *Boltz singing brazilian song: Se Joga*

You got that reference right, bro? - You see? -

He likes brazilian funk

If you know, you know

Just the ones that know are with us

Now I'm serious, who asked to land here on that part of the map?

No, baby, let's land here, come with us

What a terrible place

(Fer in your opinion, who's gonna be the Major's MVP? Henrique, Lucas or Boltz?)

What a great joke, oh my God

that was a nice joke, man - very good -

that was not cool, for Boltz I thought it was funny

to Henrique and Lucas I didn't like it

And for Boltz it was funny because he's a loser - That's me -

Is it possible to go up on that stairs, guys?

Let's see

No, it's not - It wwas a nice joke -

No Suelen, it wasn't good

Everybody voted negative to the joke

He's asking for you, Boltz, to say "Hi" to him on the chat

- Hello, your son of a b* -

- You're too agressive today -

What's happening, guys?

Whar are you.. There's a car passing here very fast

It's not possible, man, people are joking in the game

No man, I'll shot the flat tire - I can't find a backpack, if you see one tell me -

I'm with a backpack for a long time

I changed to the level two and now I'm with the level 3

and you didn't find one

Nice, Suelen, nice - Not even one -

You're playing nice

- We're f*ed - I'm seeing wheree the shots come from, no I'm just listening

I saw it - Where is it? -

South.. S on the stone, I got one

I'm chasing the guy here, I don't care, I'm all alone

- I'll get him on the back -

I'm sure it's a trap

Let him shoot me if he's that good

- He's there on the stone, yet -

- He's there - - No -

Oh my, I almost surfed like Medina now, Hello Medina

Medina from surf

Let's go. Baby you know what we got here close to us?

- What? - A car ready to go

- Just because you said that, I won't give you something -

There's no car

What the hell? Are you gonna step on my head, are you nuts?

Boltz wanna catch these, you can throw, I'm faster

Oh my, two? You f*ed me

Give me one, I'll shoot the other tire

Jesus, I'll put some weight here too

- Me too - Or we'll fall

I hope we explode

If we fall, we'll walk


This one was not good

Relax, I'm slowing down

I work in the circle

- Go to the right, no -

To the right?

- No -

I'm seeing, right there -

I'm down, almost dead

It's your time, go

Right after Skipinho

I'm seeing him, he's down

Nice, man, you played nice

That's my face, I'm with all the stuff

- Wait, Suelen - Suelen

Now that's mine

- Wait for me -

- No, this one, no -

- Get out. A cap level 3, nice -

No, that's mine

That's mine

Now it's on the floor, let's go, let's fight, shoot

The shoot fight will start

Where is it?

Priorities, Skipinho is streaming take that gun

- What's that? - He's streaming, take that gun


Hello? Give me the Kar

Give the the Kar

I'll shoot you, give me that gun

Not nice, Boltz

The car is not working, love, no gasoline

- No - You can try, it's not turning on

- You're lying - I'm serious, it's not working, try it

Nice, now you helped

It's going to explode, stop


Let's go

Buggy group

(Have you played CS already?)

Yes, bro, I'm streaming for 17 hours

16 hours playing CS and I started PUBG now

Stay, bro, stay

I'm kidding, I'll play CS for you guys, wait, don't be sad

There's a Buggy over there in thee middle of nowhere

Very suspicious

- There a guy over there - - Look, there one -

Go, let's go

I stopped, I didn't see anything

Let's go

- Where is he? - What did he do?

- On the left -

I'll take some guns here

- Fer is taking everything -

Where's the Buggy?

- What's that? - Where's the Buggy? I don't know

No, are you idiot?

I was talking about their Buggy not ours

Now we'll walk - What the hell -


- That was close -

We'll walk, but it's f*ng far from us

Come, baby, let's go - Nice, love -

- I'll shoot -

If you shoot the tire, I'll get mad

I'll go like this, no problem

I'll go without another one, too

Now, I can't drive

That's nice

Oh my, the car is almost exploding, you almost killed us

It wasn't my fault - You didnt stop the car -

The car was driving alone

- I'm going this way, bye guys -

I'll shoot your feet, wait for us

Let's stop joking around


The airdrop will fall right here, close to us

- It's mine -

If you get the airdrop..

- I'll be under the airdrop - You can take it

I'll shoot the container, I wanna see who's gonna take it first

Let's se if you have balls

I just wanna see the characters flying

- Someone took it, no -

Vest level 3

and a 4x extra, who wants it? I got an extra one

Who wants a 4x?

The shoot came here on us, someonee is watching us

I won't go there, he's seeing us

I want to find him, I won't go without seeing him first

- He shot me -

I'll protect you, baby

What the hell, man? - What was that? -

There was a veest 3 on her, he's very good - Look, Fer -

- Come here, guys - I was protecting her

I was trying to heal her, but he shot on the face

I won't go there, I'm leaving, I don't give a f*

- They are looting her -

I was protecting her putting a pan in front of her

What am I supposed to do?

- Now she's dead, and you're looting -

What am I suppose to do? Take her body and take her with me looting around?

- There's a guy over there -

I hope you die - This guy is very good -

He played very nice

- In the moment Shay died he was looting her - I'm traumatized

He killed my girlfriend in front of me

- He shot me - I told you he a good one

- Give me the 4x, I'm going - I'm leaving, I'm going to another way

You're already dead

I told you, I'll get a car and I come back to take you

- Oh my God - These guy is a cheater

This Alex - He's not a cheater -

He may be, it's not possible - We're f*ed -

He can't be that good

Are you safe, or not? - Yes, I am, but I'll die probably -

You're gone, the gas is closing

I'm far, but I'm trying to find a car

That's the faster thing I can do - You're playing nice -

- Boltz maybe you'll save - Maybe Boltz, yes

I'm waiting the car to work properly

- He's already here, Alex, I'm gone - Oh, you'ree so dead, dude

Oh man, can I do this? - You have time, you can do it -

I'll go on foot, the car is so heavy - No -

The car is not going up

- Now he's dead - - GG -

The car was not going up, there's nothing I can do

- Oh my God, it's so good to play on a squad - Thanks, bro

I told you guys to leave, let's leave, these guy is good

No, let's stay here, oh Alex killed me

I'm telling you, these guy is good, let's get out of here

He's here

- What did you want me to do? -

He's not a cheater, no, Alex

I shoot him 3 times, 3 head shots and he didn't die

And he killed me

I'll report Alex

I'm good, we're good, he's looking arounrd

What's that?

I was about to shoot him, laying down, take that

- He gave me a ridiculous shot - Just report him

What? No, he's a cheater - Yes, he's a cheater -

He killed me, and he put another one down

that's so wrong, what a son of a b*

That's the option, I'll mark all the options, they will know

Mark all the options

All the possible reports

- Three of us going after one gun -

Well, that's it, onthe war everything is worth


For more infomation >> O CARRO ASSASSINO! - Duration: 12:13.


Mornings [Overwatch Comic Dub] - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Mornings [Overwatch Comic Dub] - Duration: 0:38.


Laeti­cia Hally­day : qui la soutien­dra pendant les vacances de février ? - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia Hally­day : qui la soutien­dra pendant les vacances de février ? - Duration: 2:18.


The 3 Lessons I learned in 2017 [The Duilioverse #1] - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> The 3 Lessons I learned in 2017 [The Duilioverse #1] - Duration: 7:38.



Hay guys it's me JJ.

And I know, I've been gone for a week.

But if you follow me on Instagram you would know for the past week I was in Rio!

So if you couldn't tell by the title, obviously this video is about my trip to Rio.

I just wanted to say first this is kind of like the "trailer" form with music and stuff.

A preview for the vlog I will be doing, it will be more like a "David Dobrik" style and it will

have all of the talking and little funny bits that we did.

But here's this, I'm so surprised I was able to actually fit in the whole experience in

like less than three minutes.

But yeah hope you guys enjoy!

For more infomation >> EXPLORING BRAZIL: RIO DE JANEIRO! - Duration: 3:43.


The Good Life - Frank Shelton Ministries and Music By Kenn Mann - Duration: 58:31.

For more infomation >> The Good Life - Frank Shelton Ministries and Music By Kenn Mann - Duration: 58:31.


Daisy | Mystic Messenger CMV | Jaehee x MC - Duration: 2:25.


Always climbing up the same tree

Finding love in all the wrong scenes

Daisy, you got me


Always walking down the wrong streets

Starting fires out of dead weeds

Daisy, you got me

Let me show you how a kiss should taste

Trust me

I won't give your heart away

Why you runnin', runnin'

When you got it right here?

Oh I would love you if you'd let me


Always dancing to the same beat

Broken record stuck on repeat

Daisy, you got me


Don't you know that you're amazing?

Broken heart just keeps on breaking


And I would take the light out of the stars to help you see

Anything to guide you straight to me

Let me show you how a kiss should taste

Trust me

I won't give your heart away

Why you runnin', runnin'

When you've got it right here?

Oh I would love you if you'd let me

I won't give your heart away

Why you runnin', runnin

When you've got it right here?

Remove your flower.

But I felt pretty!

You've been deflowered.

For more infomation >> Daisy | Mystic Messenger CMV | Jaehee x MC - Duration: 2:25.


Jesus Christ - Saviour Machine (sub español) - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Jesus Christ - Saviour Machine (sub español) - Duration: 8:47.


CBC NL Here & Now Monday January 29 2018 - Duration: 1:02:02.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Monday January 29 2018 - Duration: 1:02:02.


A Little Update | Thank You So Much For The 600 Subs! | +Voice Reveal - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> A Little Update | Thank You So Much For The 600 Subs! | +Voice Reveal - Duration: 0:21.


When Bad Improv Resulted In Epic Bloopers - Duration: 3:34.

Improvisation is a great tool for actors and directors.

It improves morale on the set because it makes the performers feel like they're a larger

part of the creative process as they try to find lines that are better or funnier than

the screenplay.

But sometimes, a noble attempt at improv cracks up the cast and leads to an unusable outtake.

For example ...


A laughter-free take of this scene made it into the credits of this classic retro comedy,

including a line Will Ferrell apparently made up on the spot, but that doesn't mean the

whole take was laughter-free.

It comes early in the movie, when Ron Burgundy is conducting vocal warm-ups in the minutes

leading up to live news broadcast.

One is so ridiculous that even a pro like Ferrell can't handle it ...

"The skeleton ran out of shampoo in the shower."

"The Human Torch could not get a bank loan."

"The Hu— "

"The Human Torch was denied a bank loan."

Anchorman 2

While filming the sequel to 2004's Anchorman, writer-director Adam McKay threw out line

suggestions on-the-spot for young actor Judah Nelson — one involving warm apple juice.The

kid gives it his all, but he can't quite get through it …

"Can you yell, 'I don't want to drink hot frothy horse p---?'"

"I don't wanna drink hor ... forthy …"

This is 40

Judd Apatow is a director that likes to feed improvised lines to his actors.

While Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day has no problem playing punk rock in front of thousands

of rowdy fans, repeating one of Apatow's off-the-cuff jokes while filming This is 40 made him lose

his composure.

Maybe it hit a little too close to home?

"Yeah, I'm really trying to get back in touch with my anger."

"It's hard to stay angry when you're this rich."

"It's hard to stay angry when — "

The 40-Year-Old Virgin

Some actors and directors work together so often that they develop a rapport that results

in movie magic — real-life couple Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow are definitely on that


In this clip from the filming of The 40-Year-Old Virgin, it's clear that Apatow treats Mann

like any other actor, providing on-the-spot line suggestions to improve the scene.

Mann is game at first, but then breaks character when Apatow crosses the line ...

"Do you wanna f--- in the car?"

"So, do you wanna f--- in the car?"


"Do you like xtc?

Let's do some 'E' at my house."



Honey, we have kids!"


LeBron James is obviously a great basketball player, but who would've thought he'd be such

a charming and funny actor?

He holds his own as a thrifty, sensitive version of himself in Trainwreck opposite formidable

comic talents like Amy Schumer and Bill Hader.

James rolls with all the improvised lines fed to him, cracking up his co-stars …

"I had tortilla soup.

I can't get a hamburger.

Look at how big I am.

You think a tortilla soup is gonna last me for the rest of the day?"

The Hangover

When your movie stars a veteran of The Office and The Daily Show and a one-of-a-kind standup

comedian, it's best to just let them do their thing.

In this scene from the first entry in the Hangover trilogy, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis

engage in a rapidly escalating war of words, reaching absurd, specific, and ridiculous

heights …

"You look like someone puked hair on your chest."

"You look like someone puked hair on your face."

"Guys, did you see his body?"

"You look like you just swallowed two frozen turkeys.

Happy Thanksgiving."


Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> When Bad Improv Resulted In Epic Bloopers - Duration: 3:34.


Ed Wood's The Sinister Urge: Review - Duration: 6:06.

'Now, let's see those legs.'

Welcome back to my Dark Corner of this Sick World.

'Ah, it happens every week.'

The Sinister Urge was directed by Edward D. Wood jr.

'Who needs good film in this business anyway.'

but this isn't about aliens, monsters or Bela Lugosi, it's about...


Which is disappointing but it's still Wood, so we still get posters of his films on the wall.

'Those were made by a friend of mine, you will find the movies I make entirely different.'

Visible microphones...

'Alright, send him in.'

and dialogue that veers between ponderous...

'Maybe she grew up during that moment of truth, as she died.'

and painfully hip.

'Don't try it Daddio'

Sometimes so hip that it has long since ceased to have any meaning.

'You and the broad "something unintelligible" and leave me with the crumbs.'

This scene of a teen brawl was shot for a different film.

Adapted for this one by cutting in shots of actor Dino Fantini watching.

While this one of some girls roughing up an ice cream vendor, who is apparently mixed up in organised crime...

'I'm gonna push that ice cream right down his throat.'

feels like it's from another film, but apparently isn't.

'How about that?'

Put all this together, and you've got Wood.

'Oh, funny, funny'

The film opens with the murder of a woman.


She seems fine, we'll leave her there.

But this isn't the first such killing.

'Same MO, killed the same way, same everything.'

'With one great difference.'

'What's that?'

'Her name will be different.'

All the victims have been actresses for a local porn outfit.

'The dirty picture racket can be directly connected to a good percentage of the major crimes in this city'

'Just how?'

And the film is a moral crusade against the damage done by these films

'Show me a crime and I'll show you a picture that could have caused it'

and in no way an excuse for low budget nudity.

This 2nd murder highlights a serious plot chasm that's starting to open up,

concerning where the murders happen.

'Same place, the park'

Not just the same park, the same spot, and the next killing happens there too.

How quiet does a park have to be for no one to notice this?

'Say this park's filling up fast'

With corpses possibly, but the only other people to come here, besides killers and porn actresses,

is the film unit itself.

'OK cut it, comeon back girls.'

Which does raise the question of why the girls come here on their day off

'I wouldn't put a woman in that position, that killer is a mad man.'

And the larger question; is there a reason the cops haven't staked the place out,

beyond needing to make the film longer?

'Ah, he's right, this thing is dragging out'


'We'll put a sweater and a skirt on a policeman'

Got him! Call for back up!

Yeah, there's no back up.

They sent along one man in drag to bring in a serial killer.

'I'm not sure I like that idea'

It turns out, murderer Dirk actually works for the outfit and the first killings were ordered by big boss Gloria.

'Now what about Shirley'

'Dirk's already carried out your orders'

But now Dirk has started to go rogue.

'You know what happens when he gets hold of a certain kind of pictures'

Let me just clarify; you hired, to work in your dirty film business,

a man who becomes uncontrollably violent when he sees naked ladies?

'Nothing can go wrong'

This makes the police look practically competent by comparison.

'Well I'm glad to see you realise that gentlemen'

The most basic thing wrong with the sinister urge, is that it fails in its premise.

'I wouldn't want them to know what a failure I've been'

We hear about young people watching this filth but the only young people we see are in the brawl,

and they don't play much of a role what with being in a different film.

'Let's finish it Danny'

Dirk is certainly spurred on by the pornographic images,

even taking them along as a reference point for his killings.

Yep, that's what I'm gonna do.

But I'm pretty sure he had some issues going in.

'You know what happens to Dirk when he looks at pictures like this'

Making this less a shocking expose of the dangers of the porn industry,

and more a shocking expose of its poor hiring practices.

'He's just crazy enough'

The Sinister Urge would be Ed Wood's last legitimate film,

ironically after this he almost exclusively made dirty movies.

'I look at this slush and I try to remember, at one time I made good movies'

He never really did, but I still find that a very sad line.

'pornography, a nasty word for a dirty business.'

Thanks for watching, for new bad movies every Tuesday, subscribe here.

A surprising number of B-movie villains are let down by their hiring policy,

what films can you think of where the ending would be very different if just employed a better henchman.

Let us know in the comments below.

For more infomation >> Ed Wood's The Sinister Urge: Review - Duration: 6:06.


Gino D'Acampo launches bid to close off public footpath | news 24h - Duration: 9:39.

TV chef Gino D'Acampo launches bid to close off public footpath beside his £1.25m Georgian townhouse over claims 'fans are harassing' his family - but locals say it provides 'vital' access to a doctor's surgery

TV chef Gino DAcampo is trying to close off a footpath next to his £1. 25million home over claims he is being harassed by fans and fears for his familys safety.

The millionaire chef says he and his family are fed up with people knocking on the door of his home in Hertfordshire, begging for pictures and autographs.

But the pathway next to the Grade II-listed home provides vital access to a GP surgery and patients would be forced to travel four times as far if it were to close.

Gino DAcampo, pictured with his wife Jessie, and children Rocco and Luccian, in July 2010.

TV chef Gino DAcampo, 41, says he and his family are fed up with people knocking on the door of his home in Hertfordshire (pictured), begging for pictures and autographs.

The Italian-born 41-year-old chef, who is known his food-focused programmes on ITV, insists the closure of the walkway in is for the safety of his family.

DAcampo and his wife Jessie, 44, said they have found people in their garden taking pictures and once even found a stranger standing in their hallway.

In a letter to Broxbourne Borough Council, Mrs DAcampo wrote: I just want my family which includes young children to feel safe and secure and have some privacy.

A couple of times I have had people in my garden taking pictures and there are frequent knocks on the door with people asking for pictures of Gino or signed books.

I often get abused in the driveway and it is obviously dangerous for members of the public to treat the driveway effectively as a public space without concern about my family or our visitors car driving up and down the driveway.

DAcampo and his wife, who wed in 2002 and have three children, bought the four-storey Georgian townhouse, which has seven bedrooms, in 2016. DAcampo bought the four-storey Georgian townhouse, which has seven bedrooms, in 2016.

The pathway runs down the side where a door can be accessed. There is a ramp at the end of the driveway which slopes down to a GP surgery for wheelchair access.

But if the driveway were to close, wheelchair users would have to travel four times as far to reach the practice. The DAcampos application has so far had 15 responses - with 14 people rejecting the proposal to close the walkway.

One of the most notable objections comes from practice manager of the surgery, Christine Price.

She said: Many of our patients are elderly and the longer walk around to the surgery would have an affect both on them and the surgery with the possibility of patients registering with other GP practices with easier access.

This driveway was closed earlier in the year and this caused problems to staff and patients. DAcampo and his wife Jessie, 44, said they have found people in their garden taking pictures.

A Broxbourne Council spokesman said of his application to have the footpath closed: The planning application has been received and is under consideration.

Niki Hillier, office manager of Pen Underwriting, said: This is the only disabled access to the offices and surgery as the only other access to goes down a very narrow private road with a small path.

Accountancy firm Croucher Needham is about to commit to a lease of an office in Lime Court and considers the pathway an extremely important access route.

In a letter objecting to the plans, the firm states: As accountants we will not only have staff present in the building, but visiting clients who will expect that public right of way to remain open.

I assume that you are also aware that a doctors surgery and pharmacist operate from the surgery, access via this passageway is vital to their function.

It concludes: Should the council agree to this amendment of this public right of way, then you will agree to closing off access from a dedicated 25,000 square foot purpose built office complex. There is no pavement access to the surgery..

DAcampo rose to fame as a chef on ITVs This Morning after appearing on reality TV show Im A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

He has also presented cookery programmes including Lets Do Lunch, Theres No Taste Like Home and Ginos Italian Escape. DAcampo (second right) appears on ITVs comedy panel show Celebrity Juice with Holly Willoughby, Keith Lemon and Fearne Cotton.

In their application, his wife says she has monitored the publics use of the driveway for months and believes most office workers could easily take another route and there are a couple to choose.

Some elderly are dropped off by the gates either by a relative or taxi for the surgery but they could be dropped off at the surgery, she said.

I really do not feel that the short additional walk for people who have a genuine need to access buildings to the rear of our house would cause any real difficulty or concern.

I truly believe that most people would understand our plight. No one wants strangers knocking on their door, shouting at them, entering their home or garden uninvited, its just not fair on us as a young family and is actually quite scary..

She concludes her application by stating they love being part of the community and has insisted local business and people have been so welcoming.

The couple have been approached for comment. A Broxbourne Council spokesman said: The planning application has been received and is under consideration.

No conclusions have been reached about whether the proposal is acceptable or not, and it is not yet possible to say when the application will be determined.

For more infomation >> Gino D'Acampo launches bid to close off public footpath | news 24h - Duration: 9:39.


Gulaan, l'"ovni" qui transcende Zazie et les autres coachs avec un chant traditionnel kanak - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Gulaan, l'"ovni" qui transcende Zazie et les autres coachs avec un chant traditionnel kanak - Duration: 3:07.


The County Seat Utah Legislative Process - Duration: 28:51.

Hello everybody welcome to this week's episode of the county seat I'm your host Chad booth we are at the Capitol today

In one of the conference rooms that is usually very busy during the session

it's appropriate because this room is where weekly all the county officials from across the state meet the treasurer's the

recorders the Assessors the commissioners the sheriff's to talk with legislators about pending legislation to make sure

That the policies the state makes does not have a crippling effect on the counties, or you as its citizens

So that's the topic of our show today to see how important this relationship is between County elected officials and state legislators

We're going to start by trying to understand the mechanics of the process we will do that with this week's tutorial with Brigham Larson

Thanks, Chad over

the course of the next few months if you visit your County Commission

Offices or almost any other office at your county seat for that matter

You might find them oddly empty, but I can tell you with all honesty

That is a good thing

From January through the start of March many of your county officials will be finding their way over and over again to Salt Lake City

And Capitol Hill as the Utah legislative season moves forward, but don't worry it isn't parties or dinners bringing them

It's hard work to make sure that the legislature knows best how to help your local counties

To understand why this is important, let's first learn what it is that the legislature does?

the Utah Legislature consists of two bodies the Senate and the House of

Representatives together these two bodies of government work together to draft and approve new laws

Ordinances and budgets what makes the Utah Legislature different from other legislatures across the country, it's too simple

but very

Important details speaker the House Greg Hughes explained it to me when I met with him earlier this month our state legislature has been in

In our state constitution we have 45 calendar days

45 calendar days actually include Saturday and Sunday, but we don't really come in on those days, so we really have about 31

working days

to put to review bills House and Senate and

In committees as well as on the floor, and then put our whole state budget together, and so we are on a very fast-paced

It's one of the shortest General Sessions of any state in America

Even the governor says the buzz on the L is because of this busy season here it's a beehive of activity

I don't pun intended at the Beehive State but a lot of things will happen

I know that they hear a myriad of pieces of legislation being talked about over 1200 pieces

I expect they'll pass around 500 the second factor ties in with the first the Senators and Representatives

are part-time

legislators these men and women while making sure laws are written and passed still have to eke out an existence just like you or I

They've got jobs and businesses to get back to which motivates them to keep on pace and wrap up a session

It also means that they know the struggles their communities are facing because they are there on the ground right along with you

But how does all of that tie back to County leadership?

On some level each and every law that is written and considered by lawmakers on Capitol Hill

Will have an effect on your County?

If that changes to medicating you talk you can count on the county needing to step in and help to administer those changes

If the state level law is established such as new drinking limits

It's gonna fall on the sheriff to get involved and help enforce those laws

To make sure that the right changes are made and the county's concerns are heard state lawmakers rely on County leaders like

commissioners to step up and make their voices heard

That's why on any given day most if not all of the county's leadership can be found in Salt Lake talking with legislators

Attending meetings and giving testimony on how a new law will affect their County

So now you know why you might find your county offices empty during the beginning months of a year to help us understand better

How counties in the legislature work together? We'll be right back with our panel?

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Welcome back to the county seat today. We are answering the question

Why do County officials spend so much time at the legislature where there are other elected officials?

Doing the business of the state well

We're going to continue that conversation and answer the questions on how important it is for County officials to be

Engaged with the legislature to make sure both sides are represented joining us today is a sheriff from Weber County Terry Thompson

we have representative Lee Perry district 29 in northern, Utah from the House of Representatives here at the

Legislature, and we have Breton Coburn who is a Davis County Commissioner gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time

I know this isn't at your leisure, but it'll be a good conversation

That's somebody else's leisure. I'm sure

Exact and we start with you

Lee as to how important it is for you to get input from these guys when you are working on legislation

Well as a member of the house representatives

one of the titles in front over the speaker's desk says Vox Populi which is voice of the people in order for us in the

house to do our job right we have to be in touch with the people and

in order to do that you have to reach out to county officials city and mayor's and

Reach out to the citizens as well

But these folks in the county are as close to anybody in our communities as we can get

Specific to law enforcement and the things that go on in individual counties, and I represent two counties Weber in boxelder

So I have to reach out to my commissioners in both areas the sheriff's in both areas and long as the mayors of City Council

and it's critical because

Otherwise we wouldn't be doing what we're committed to do and that's represent the people

But there would be an argument that would say okay. Well if it's Vox Populi

You're representing the people your constituents getting in touch with you they complain about something

And then you respond and build a law so aren't you fulfilling your obligation there. I am but quite often

They'll go to the sheriff or the commissioner and say oh, this is this is something we got to fix and sometimes

It's not something that can be fixed just in the county level it has to be fixed to the state level

And then that's when we get involved so what happens

Just the sausage come out, right

Boy, and all the times I've had people come to me and say that Lee Perry's got this all wrong

And I'm just teasing and Lee and I have a lot of things we discuss and we occasionally have

We occasionally look at things differently right and have different perspectives, but really on Lee's part and really with all of our representative

Weber County I can't tell you how really wonderful they are

Because they're open they allow us to come visit with us to let us sit down with us

And they get pulled in a thousand different directions up here particularly this time of year and so

What I've tried to do in my area is try to keep in touch with them all year long, right?

I don't try to wait until you know the legislators come and I need to talk to him and so

Occasionally Mae Lee may have accused me of being just a little bit annoying or obnoxious

Because he gets emails from me all year

Every week sometimes several a week because I want him to know what's going on

We were counting what's important to us

And how can he make really informed and educated?

Decisions here if he doesn't know that one of the recurring themes that has come up is this a good point

One of the recurring things that comes up that I've heard a lot from

Counties in the decade that I've been working closely with counties and these programs is you know the legislature?

you know they they will put passed a new law and give us a requirement and

And they look good because they cut their budget and then we have to pick up the slack in our County revenues

And we have unfunded mandates never happens

Just like it happens from the federal government and that and that's the trick and that's we're listening to the county officials


Hopefully they see these bills coming and that's why we tell the public as well as especially the county officials watch the bills

There's a lot of them come up. I mean I've seen bills even right now as a state representative

I'm like wow this is a bill that somebody's running

I they start to get numbered and I don't get to see them and tell they're numbered until they're out there, so

It can be a little bit of a shock for me to all this in a way that wait a minute

And that's where I reach out to

Ricky hatch and and Marla young our

Recorders up their inbox that are in Weber County about things that have to with election law I reached out to the sheriff and say

Sheriff how's this gonna affect your Jail he and sheriff Thompson is by far one of the best sheriffs

I've ever seen the state for communicating with legislators like he said he sends his emails noxious thing I mentioned

It's good, and I'm I'm grateful

I work in law enforcement

Full-time and so I see a lot of the things and I know a lot of the things that he's sending to me

But I can tell you knowing my counterparts aren't in law enforcement and the information he's providing to all those legislative leadership and leaders is

Critical for them to understand and know so that when they hit this session if somebody throws a bill out, they're not caught off guard

So I love the communication we have because it helps not get these unfunded mandates funding and obviously is a big deal

And we're trying to be a fiscally responsible state

I just can't I just

Imagine that the pressure on the legislature from from groups that want their own bidding and their own piece of legislation some of it

Protectionists, I want to keep other people out of my trade and something. I just imagine it's a huge amount of pressure

How do you sort through it?

That's difficult

That's where I reached out to constituents in that's where having expertise in the field comes in

It's having people I can reach out to and talk to because on my own

It's just like you said you can't be a jet you can't know it all and if I don't have good

Sources to reach out to and that includes lobbyists sometimes they bring information to me that it's beneficial even though sometimes

They're representing a need and they want to go for that specific need hearing from their side

and then hearing from the opposite side is always beneficial to kind of way out and the thing I always put the back of my

Mind what is best for the taxpayers and all the citizens of Utah so?

That leads me to an interesting point and all of you can

Pass judgment on this or putting your two cents worth

When you say lobbyists the general the general reaction of people is that oh my gosh what horrible despicable


people they are

but but you bring up a good point is that that in certain areas they bring a level of expertise and connection to

Things that might be a problem

Are they value are they a valuable resource other than for campaign and contributions I?

Think so I mean I think they I think they bring

information and

whether it's them themselves or they bring us the people that have the information we need I think they do bring a value to the

Table, and I think they're a conduit for a group

You know you've got a whole group of folks who you know Lee can sit down with all of us

And so you have that representative and yeah?

That lobbyist that can sit down and convey you know your your interest and your concerns

one-on-one with them


There's some value in that well the the importance that I find in the lobbyist and I think the Sheriff would probably agree here is

Is we still have?

Things that we're doing every day in administering our respective offices back in our counties

Yes, you know the county work still goes on and that that needs to be taken care of we can't be down here

every moment of that 45 days and

Addressing and taking advantage of you know these folks are so busy

That you only get them in real quick snippets of time and having that lobbyist here to convey that message and have them

be here to

walk these halls and be

Ready to convey that message

So you guys are thinking in terms of like represent ative or the sheriffs Association and Utah sociation and counties tell?

From a state legislator standpoint, I know you were interrupted getting here

and and so I know how valuable your time is how can this process improve with constituents and

And and they're trying to access and how the counties work with you. How what would make your life better as a legislator representing them

Well if people would would look at the things before they come

That's the honest truth is we realize there's lots of bills out there

Find out what your expertise in areas and watch the legislative website and and mark in there and say hey

I want to track anything that deals with this particular area

and then reach out to us and let us know and

Know that your county officials are watching out for this so if you see it, and you say hey

Maybe representative Perry won't respond back to me. I try to

Represent them and respond back as best. I possible, but I also have you know not everybody you may have my phone number

But I guarantee it sheriff Thompson does

So they have my ability to reach me and they're good conduits

So if you see it reach out to the sheriff reach out to the commissioners reach out to those those leaders and say hey

We got to get this message to represent in Perry that this is a big deal to us in Weber County Box Elder County

Davis County wherever we are in the state of Utah, that's a great cause make an example of that

So we've got we've got an organization Weber County that is absolutely critical to and we think goes goes it was

As far as I'm concerned my 30 years of existence and law enforcement

There's no other organization that does more for the demographic that we deal with

Our past offenders and getting them back on track and addressing that recidivism

It's called cottages of hope

Not to most people and I was a little skeptical years ago when I first heard it kind of sounds generic like other places

This group does more for our community, and we could do a whole segment on it

but but they

What they do is they they have all the community resources under one roof a lot of these folks even if you've got resources

You can't get them there

We we have we get them through one door and we deal with everything from financing budgeting

We get them into in some really good paint not just minimum wage some good jobs, and we get them

You know we work on on their on their tax returns that many haven't done for years their credit scores

We get them in transportation housing and then we plug them in we have good relationship with adult probation parole

Weber Human Services Midtown clinic people helping people and we bring it all under one roof

I mean, it's just unbelievable what they do for folks in

Ogden is a unique community

And they do more for that community than you can possibly imagine and and we brought we got this from the Bay Area

Which is an area that you know something's gonna work? You're gonna find out. It's gonna work. They're not it's phenomenally successful

So I brought all my legislators together

most all of them and

Leaves very familiar with it brought them all together last week set him down brought them all up to speed and said here's the problem

They've they've primarily existed off of funding that has passed through federal funding state grants, but for some reason

And we don't know why it's starting. It's starting to dry up well

Who's the guy?

That's gonna figure that out, or who's the people the folks are gonna

Help us figure out where the problem is to keep this funded because it is so critical to the community Lee and other state


They're the ones that can dig into it and help us provide that ongoing funding to keep it

Effective and and and so that's just a good example of how I could work with my local officials bring them together set them down

Bring in those folks have them run up the give them a a

A good up-to-speed here's what's going on this what we're doing this

We're saving the the community in the state millions by getting people back on track and productive and contributing

How can the legislature and not necessarily an individual representative but as a system?

Help you be better informed to get things pre-planned a little bit better

I you know Bill's surface all the time and they just appear out of nowhere. They don't really seem an interim committee

Is there is that like the biggest problem the constituents and counties have is not knowing what guys are thinking so?

It boils in my mind it boils down to a simple thing is communication and having the relationship


I think generally speaking you know speaking from a body perspective

It's there, but folks get so busy, and you're and you're running a million miles an hour and sometimes you might

They might not think to bring somebody in or whatever

But but just keeping an open dialogue in the having trust with one another and being being very

candid on

On issues gentlemen this has been a great conversation. Hope it's helped you at home

Thank you for joining us for this part will continue by taking a personal look at what it takes to actually navigate the legislature

From a legislators perspective when we come back get your track shoes up

Let's be honest you don't know much about Beaver County well. Let me tell you about it

It's the birthplace of outwalk Butch Cassidy and adventurer Philo T, Farnsworth

Some of the best seen in Utah is at equal point you've got camping Canyon breeze golf course crusher in the touchers beaver territorial courthouse

snowmobiling renewable energy pioneer Car Show squeaky cheese goes down six-four best water in the country by ATV trails old frisco killed for Suri's flooding


Place to live beaver county mountains. Have fun. I could tell you more. What are you gonna see it for yourself?

Welcome back to the county seat. We've gotten ourselves up to speed and had a really good conversation

I would like to add that if you would like to see the long form

version of the conversation we just had on the show you can go to our

Website you can go to our youtube channel or our Facebook page and watch the entire

Conversation we had with the sheriff the Commissioner and the legislature

Right now we want to let you see the personal side of what it takes to make the legislature move

So we decided to put a secret camera in behind one of the state legislators on a typical day

Early in the session before it gets too crazy. Just to see well. How busy and what it is they do

I'm Kevin Stratton. I represent House District 48

That's northeast pro-bowl northeast Orem and the East half of Glendon. Oh good to see you always

Yeah, only 40-watt forty three and a half days level now yeah

I'm on the road at six. We have some coalition's and caucuses

generally by seven o'clock

And then we move into committee meetings

as we begin the session we begin to set the tone for the 45 days our legislative session at 45 days the

shortest in the nation yet

we have the best manage state then so we're running very very fast as we go through that process we need to make sure we

Establish a good foundation rhythm to build upon we work on our budget. That's the first priority

We started the day in in some caucus some

Coalition meetings great different stakeholders and issues related to the family

issues related to

social concerns within our state there's a great foundation to build upon and the things are taking place there and then

we have our appropriations main team the first thing that we do as a

Legislature so our first order is to balance the budget so we have beginning of this session

fairly intense

appropriations, hearings right now

For example it's our gold by the end of January to have our base budget completed. We really scrutinize

How we're spending the money now?

To make sure that we're affecting the fishing and all that we're doing take care of what I say every penny now

We're going to the House floor

to take care of some

Daily business will potentially hear a few bills

we're moving bills out of drafting into sighting into committees and then passing some of our legislation over the Senate as well I

Had several meetings with


Ivan I'm working on others with some of the agency heads that I share a

natural resource environment and the agricultural committee we don't want to punish I

Certainly the the very thing where we value and desire we can do that sometimes with the policies so Thank You mr. Chair

This afternoon there's more committee meetings appropriations meetings and Standing Committee meetings

So we just need to be prepared to answer those questions and give an accounting yes recognized especially in the house

We are the voice of the people

Government is not over people but government is by the people and

In order to for us to govern all three plus million of us in the state you thought we need to have a good understanding

Good transparent communication on once what's taking place the directions are being pursued it's such a smorgasbord of

just fascinating issues certainly, but behind those issues are people and

People's lives and so it's really the relationships and interacting with

wonderful great the great people of the state of Utah

And those that are seeking to promote the good the things that are there we have

Everything that we need we can recognize


What we've been given the stewardship spur for us

and we build a wonderful foundation for the future those that are here and the rising generation I

Don't know about you, but right now. I'm feeling like I need to put on running shoes. Just to keep up anyway

We will be back with our closing thoughts here on the county seat in just a minute. There's a little place

all the Utah man

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Where my heart say?

where the sagebrush grows

wild in high

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Faced with the Ute reservation scheme starvation that deucing family

The Utah Farm Bureau began as a collection of farmer supporting each other to raise the food we enjoy today Farm Bureau membership

Encompasses everyone whether ranchers growers or just everyday folks like you and me

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Challenge your friends to solving mysteries

Inside themed rooms so come and experience great fun at the Layton Hills Mall and visit playing Davis comm for other great activities

Welcome back to the county seat let's recap our show so far for this week first off. We learned the relationship between the counties and

The legislature and how the mechanics of that all works in our tutorial then we looked at some of the examples in our

conversation of

How it has done well and where we've missed the boat in certain examples of the importance of counties working together with state


Then we took a personal look at how much work

Actually takes place in a very short window of time up here by following a state legislator around for half a day

And I point out that was only half a day

So what do we take away from all this? There's one element in the process?

That's still not being dealt with and that is you and me as citizens we

Rely on people to make best decisions in our interest when legislation is being passed

But we do have access to the legislative process

And it's just like the political process of electing people we complain about the problems in our electoral process

in our legislative process

But we ourselves

Do not get engaged until it's just a matter of a slogan a phrase or a concept

What's really important for us to be more engaged in the beginning levels of this to actually go on to the legislative site like?

representative Perry said and as citizens take the time to try and understand the impact laws have before they're passed and

Make our contributions and our thoughts these guys are all at the legislature lay legislators

They are not professional policymakers. They are they are law enforcement officers and attorneys and salesmen and

Housewives in some cases. They're just the entire spectrum of population that do their duty to try and pass laws and

Represent you your input is very important

That's my two cents worth is we need to get more engaged you can go to the Senate site

You can go to the legislative site at the Utah gov and you can start the process of learning more

Thank you for being with us as always on the county seat remember that you can share us on social media

You can interact with us on social media during the week

and you can follow the a county seat on Facebook will try and give you updates of things that are happening during the week as

news breaks

Thanks. We'll see you next week on the county seat

For more infomation >> The County Seat Utah Legislative Process - Duration: 28:51.


Sandrine Kiberlain et sa fille Suzanne : "Elle a beaucoup de caractère..." - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Sandrine Kiberlain et sa fille Suzanne : "Elle a beaucoup de caractère..." - Duration: 3:29.


她17歲失身,孩子才半歲就自殺身亡!如今她「兒子」長大了,模樣超帥! - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> 她17歲失身,孩子才半歲就自殺身亡!如今她「兒子」長大了,模樣超帥! - Duration: 9:29.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


FIRST Victim Of FISA Memo! – Andrew McCabe To STEP DOWN Effective! - Duration: 2:04.

FIRST Victim Of FISA Memo! – Andrew McCabe To STEP DOWN Effective!

On Monday, a thunder hit FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe as the FISA memo showed that

he has been involved in dozen of illegal activities and spying on thousands of influential people.

NBC News reported that he has "stepped down effective today" and this news has hit liberals

like a bolt from a clear sky.


McCabe, who served a brief stint as acting director of the bureau, was already expected

to leave.

He will stay on "terminal leave" until he is eligible to retire with benefits in


One source familiar said McCabe was exercising his retirement eligibility and characterized

his decision as "stepping aside."

McCabe has been at the center of ongoing tensions between the White House and the FBI and has

reportedly been under pressure to quit from President Donald Trump, whose campaign is

being investigated for possible collusion with Russia.

Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that after Trump had fired FBI Director James

Comey, he met with McCabe in the Oval Office and asked him whom he voted for in the 2016


Trump was asked on Monday whether he knew McCabe was stepping aside and the president

did not answer.

More on McCabe's resigning have to say the Gateway Pundit:

"Last week, the Daily Beast reported former FBI Director James Comey, bureau Deputy Director

Andrew McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein are officially named in the

"shocking" FISA abuse memo.

According to the Washington Post, McCabe intended to resign from the FBI once he was eligible

for full pension benefits in March."

One thing that can note from this case is that McCabe is indeed, in big trouble and

that the FISA memo is only getting opened.

There is much more to be learned from the memo and I am absolutely sure that it will

bring much more to their knees.

What do you think about this?

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