Saturday, February 10, 2018

Youtube daily report Feb 10 2018

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For more infomation >> Find The Real Facebook | Find The Odd Facebook Logo | Facebook Icon Games | Find The Difference - Duration: 5:28.


Albano e Loredana Lecciso in crisi: parla l'Avvocato | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Albano e Loredana Lecciso in crisi: parla l'Avvocato | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:06.


True All-Round Entertainers: Reasons Why We Love INFINITE - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> True All-Round Entertainers: Reasons Why We Love INFINITE - Duration: 4:57.


Claudio Baglioni scambia Favino per Nicola Savino a Sanremo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Claudio Baglioni scambia Favino per Nicola Savino a Sanremo | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:31.


Elle lave ses cheveux tout le temps avec cet ingrédient et ses cheveux poussent sans arrêt - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Elle lave ses cheveux tout le temps avec cet ingrédient et ses cheveux poussent sans arrêt - Duration: 4:55.


Opel Meriva 1.4-16V Enjoy Airco. Navi, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Meriva 1.4-16V Enjoy Airco. Navi, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:01.


Caso droga all'Isola dei famosi 13: l'ultima rivelazione di Francesco Monte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Caso droga all'Isola dei famosi 13: l'ultima rivelazione di Francesco Monte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.


오세훈 전 서울시장, 바른정당 탈당...총선 패배 뒤 갈팡질팡 행보 계속?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> 오세훈 전 서울시장, 바른정당 탈당...총선 패배 뒤 갈팡질팡 행보 계속?|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 7:39.


최순실이 이재용 석방 소식 듣고 보인 반응...검찰은 이재용 판결에 비판 쏟아내|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> 최순실이 이재용 석방 소식 듣고 보인 반응...검찰은 이재용 판결에 비판 쏟아내|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 8:12.


기아차, 국내형 올 뉴 K3 1.6L 심장에 CVT 조합[24/7 카] - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 기아차, 국내형 올 뉴 K3 1.6L 심장에 CVT 조합[24/7 카] - Duration: 5:14.


Remède 100% naturel pour traiter les infections urinaires – Un seul ingrédient - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Remède 100% naturel pour traiter les infections urinaires – Un seul ingrédient - Duration: 4:56.


벤츠 신형 스프린터 티저 공개, 라이벌과 격차 벌린다[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> 벤츠 신형 스프린터 티저 공개, 라이벌과 격차 벌린다[24/7 카] - Duration: 2:41.


초희귀 레어템 BMW 3.0 CSL, 매물로 나온 가격은?[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> 초희귀 레어템 BMW 3.0 CSL, 매물로 나온 가격은?[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 2:35.


En seulement 15 minutes, ces 3 ingrédients feront disparaître tous les poils de votre visage - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> En seulement 15 minutes, ces 3 ingrédients feront disparaître tous les poils de votre visage - Duration: 4:42.


메르세데스-벤츠, 미국서 AMG 판매량 2배 늘린다[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 메르세데스-벤츠, 미국서 AMG 판매량 2배 늘린다[dailycar kr love] - Duration: 3:56.


Appliquez ceci sur votre visage pour éliminer les rides, cicatrices et imperfections ! - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Appliquez ceci sur votre visage pour éliminer les rides, cicatrices et imperfections ! - Duration: 4:21.


不一樣的四十訂閱賀圖 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 不一樣的四十訂閱賀圖 - Duration: 3:10.


Geek Squad Same Day Scre...

For more infomation >> Geek Squad Same Day Scre...


Tip Of The Day: Red Leaf Romaine - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Tip Of The Day: Red Leaf Romaine - Duration: 1:00.


Percobaan Menghitung Volume Paru Paru Manusia - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Percobaan Menghitung Volume Paru Paru Manusia - Duration: 3:45.



Hi everyone is Cars Univers and today we meet for a new video

In which I will introduce

A car cars I will unpack

Here, Tymothy Twostroke

Yes, it is already a little bit open there but it does not matter

It is a little bit open there

But it does not matter do not pay attention

So here is...



So here it is Tymothy that has just been unpacked

And so here it is Tymothy that has just been unpacked it is just beautiful, I show you more closely

And so here is Tymothy closer


This is a very nice car

He is great

And so here is the license plate, I will display it at the bottom of the screen (B1324)


Just do not know if you see it

But there is a small gray task

On the red lightning in the air

I find it a pity because Mattel are not thinking make this kind of error

And yet I bought it was like that ...

It's pretty bad but it does not matter


And so, here is Tymothy


But afterwards if you want

Other image will see on the internet

Here's the name of the car ...


Somewhere in the picture ...

It was Cars Univers Thanks for watching this video do not hesitate to subscribe and to let go a little blue thumb !!!!!!

And I tell you Ciao !!!!!! ( By Google Traduction )

For more infomation >> CARS - HUGE BUG OF PAINTING !!!! PRESENTATION OF TYMOTHY TWOSTROKE CARS 1 !!!!!! - CARS UNIVERS - Duration: 1:36.


Jim Twins - Duration: 2:18.

Hello everyone

It is what the theme ? Twins

This history is really unusual

I am going to tell it you

The twins were born on August 19th, 1939

in Etats-Unis

They were separately adopted

Both family did not know each other

They never saw each other

and never cross

Nevertheless they live in 100 km one of the other one

Both families gave the same first nom Jim

The twins finaly met for the first time

When ?

40 years later !

It was in 1979

I show you the photo

When they met

They did not know that he has a twin brother

They are for the same size, 6 pieds

The same weight 180 livres

They had a dog which named also Toy

They had a first woman who was named Linda

and the second woman who was named Betty

They have the same mark of a car and the same color

Holiday resort, they went there also

They smoke of the same mark, Salem

They also drink of a beer Miller Life

They named their sons James Allan

They have the same job : Policeman

Their manias : eat away also at nails

They have the same chronic disease

the migraine

The studies, they adored the math

They adore tinkering

Lots of thnigs, they are similar !

Really, this history is incredible !

And it is totally unheard of !

Besides, they never met

and they did not grow together

40 years later ? You imagine ?

Your notices by commeting

See you soon

For more infomation >> Jim Twins - Duration: 2:18.





¿Cómo tener éxito? | El trabajo arduo - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo tener éxito? | El trabajo arduo - Duration: 5:02.


Water Gun Coloring Pages | Learn Colors For Kids | Coloring Page For Kids | Coloring Page Kids Tv - Duration: 10:04.

Water Gun Coloring Pages

Learn Colors For Kids


For more infomation >> Water Gun Coloring Pages | Learn Colors For Kids | Coloring Page For Kids | Coloring Page Kids Tv - Duration: 10:04.


Justin Bieber est-il un fanboy ? 5 fois où il a crushé sur d'autres célébrités - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber est-il un fanboy ? 5 fois où il a crushé sur d'autres célébrités - Duration: 4:49.


Camila Cabello en couple avec Matthew Hussey, que sait-on de son nouveau chéri ? - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello en couple avec Matthew Hussey, que sait-on de son nouveau chéri ? - Duration: 3:45.


Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia réveillés en pleine nuit, ils poussent un coup de gueule ! - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Jessica Thivenin et Thibault Garcia réveillés en pleine nuit, ils poussent un coup de gueule ! - Duration: 2:01.


Alumni Success Story

For more infomation >> Alumni Success Story


$70k in Passive Income in 2017 with a SIMPLE Amazon Affiliate Niche Site - Duration: 16:14.

so this is a little crazy in 2017 I had a simple niche site and it made $70,000

my name is Doug Huntington I'm the founder of niche site project and I talk

about Amazon affiliate marketing internet marketing in general and

project management because I'm a project management professional let me tell you

about this site so this site made seventy thousand dollars in 2017 for

some set of people it's enough money to live for a couple of years for other

people it may not be able to replace your full-time income or provide for

their full household but regardless for most people seventy K that's a good

chunk of change now let's rewind let's look at 2016 and I

want you to see the growth that we had there so this site made $100 in January

of 2016 and by the end of 2016 December the site made almost $15,000 I

think it was like fourteen eight hundred or something like that so pretty solid

and I shot a couple other videos where I explained what I did in the year of 2016

but basically I added a line of content I added about 200 articles that were

keyword golden ratio compliant and if you're unfamiliar with a keyword golden

ratio it is a data-driven way to find keywords that other people aren't

targeting it's literally like the supply and demand of keywords it's a

mathematical formula and it's deeper than what we're talking about today so

definitely be sure to check out the link in the description to learn more about

the keyword golden ratio there's actually a playlist that sort of walks

you through the process I go through a demo and everything so check that out at

a high level you use a specific search in Google it's called the all-in title

so in the Google search bar you type in all in title colon and then you type in

your search phrase right so let's say it's like best ballpoint pen for

journaling something like that you type in all in title colon best ballpoint pen

for journaling no quotes nothing like that just type it in and it'll give you

the number of results that have that phrase in the

title hence the name all in title so it's pretty easy to do that search but

finding keyword golden ratio content is a little more difficult because the next

step is you take that on title and you divide it by the local monthly search

volume the local monthly search volume should be one hundred two hundred and

fifty and you want the ratio to be 0.25 or less so you went the kgr keyword

golden ratio to be below 0.25 so I added a whole lot of that content 200 posts or

so and that was over the course of five months I invested right I spent about

four thousand dollars on that content but as I mentioned the revenue went up

from a hundred dollars in January to almost 15,000 in December obviously it

was a good investment and I was able to essentially reinvest the earnings

reinvest the revenue into the content so I never had to outlay the cash

specifically I just reinvested into the site now fast-forward to 2017 you can

see the graph here where earnings were pretty consistent at least four thousand

a month and it got higher as we got to the retail season you will notice in

March there is a drop right so the thing that happened then is Amazon change that

of commission rate structure so everything with a commission rate

changed and just at a high level my Commission's went down by about 34% or

so by one-third so that is the reason that earnings went down a little bit and

you know there's nothing we can do about that Amazon had to make a business

decision and we're working with an ecosystem I'm grateful to be able to do

it so if they made the adjustment it's something I have to work with luckily I

kept adding content and was able to keep increasing the revenue so that said when

we look at how much this site was earning so you can see the 2016 and 2017

earnings when we look at the expenses we do have a couple things to consider

right so a lot of times you will see people say they're making twenty thirty

thousand dollars a month top-line revenue but it's really important to

understand your expenses top-line revenue is

certainly interesting but if you're spending you know a huge chunk of change

your margins could be left this is actually one of the reasons why I love

the affiliate program from Amazon or you know any other place but if you are

doing like a physical goods business like an FBA business that's fulfilled by

Amazon or drop shipping or something your margins are going to be lower

because you're actually buying like physical stuff but with the Amazon

affiliate program most other affiliate marketing your margins are really high

so here are the expenses in 2016 I spent about $4,000 on content and in 2017 I

spent about six thousand dollars in content the other big thing that you

have to consider is hosting so as my site was growing I was getting more and

more traffic over a thousand visitors a day sometimes up to three thousand

visitors per day that sort of traffic needs to have better hosting than the

cheapest package that you can get right so at some point I realized my site was

a little slower sometimes it would crash so I knew I needed to upgrade my hosting

so that said I upgraded my hosting when I got about say 1200 to 1500 visitors a

day I upgraded my hosting so I was paying a little bit more actually a

considerable amount more so I was paying about 25 bucks a month and I went up to

125 bucks a month I kind of look at the pricing packages because each hosting

company sort of they have a different offering so if you look at what you're

paying and you look at you know other companies then you can sort of make a

decision based on the price points so I find that when you start out maybe

you're only getting a few hundred visitors a day you're on a shared

hosting plan then you can move up to what they call like a semi dedicated

hosting plan where you're maybe paying 25 bucks a month but I would say that's

probably good from 300 visitors a day to about 1,000 or 1,200 visitors per day

and then once you're getting you know more than that you know say 1200 or more

you'll probably need to move over to a hosting plan that you know maybe you're

paying $100 250 a month and I would hope if you're

getting that much traffic you're able to monetize it and that is you know just

the price of doing business because you obviously need to be able to serve the

website you need a stable environment so it's definitely worth it to upgrade the

hosting that is one of the big expenses that a lot of people won't talk about

over the past two years I've invested about ten thousand dollars in the site

has obviously made way more than the ten thousand dollars and we look at 2017

that means the profits are still you know well over you know sixty thousand

dollars again that's pretty good for business that I only spent a couple

hours a week on let me go over the details of the site with you so a lot of

people ask about you know how I have certain things set up and stuff like

that so I'll tell you about it here now I won't reveal the site that's just not

my style I've seen too many of my friends get their sites hit with

negative SEO and just have basically a bad outcome with any sort of public case

study other people do share their sites and if you're interested in that sort of

thing you know check them out I know the income school guys share their site so

if you're interested in that sort of thing you want to see examples you can

you know look at their case studies as I mentioned I published a pretty good

amount of content on the site there are over 300 posts on the site how long are

the posts you may be thinking they're about a thousand words each for most of

them however there's a small percentage probably about you know 10 or 15 of them

that are much longer they are anywhere from 2,000 words to 15,000 words if you

are thinking no one's gonna read 15,000 words you could be right but it turns

out from an SEO perspective it's actually a very good thing to have a lot

of words on the page a lot of images and captions the more words you have on the

page the more opportunities you have to rank for longtail keywords so for the

most part most of the articles are a thousand words or so there's just that

small subset where larger search volume term and I know I need

content there or maybe it just happens to be a post where there's a lot of

information available at a lot of products and I found that you know

having more words there can be helpful the other part is how much traffic is a

site getting per day per month and that sort of thing so on average it varies

right so most of the year that the site's giving 1000 1500 visitors per day

over the retail season that's sort of the second half of November to December

the site's getting you know up to three thousand visitors a day it really kind

of explodes at that point in time when we look at the revenue from November to

December and we compare it most of the time and I've talked to you know several

of my peers and friends who run sites as well most of the time we see that the

revenue in December is about two to three times greater than November so if

you have a site you could kind of gauge how much your site's gonna make in

December by the earnings in November now it always varies there's there's so many

different factors that play into it but it can give you a pretty good idea and I

encourage you to you know look at your historical earnings each year and then

that'll give you a better idea for your specific site what happens from November

to December and then even January so if you're interested in learning how to

build one of these sites yourself here are the four main steps these are high

level and if you want to learn more definitely check out some of the stuff

on the channel and consider subscribing I put out new material all the time and

take a look at some of the playlists I'll put some in the description since

you know for each one of these steps and concepts I could talk for hours on each

one first part you have to pick a niche when you pick a niche you need to make

sure that people are actually searching for it and that it's actually profitable

if you get this part wrong if you pick the wrong niche you're kind of screwed

right there's no way you can recover if you pick the wrong niche say if people

aren't searching for it or there's no products to be sold or no monetization

method then you can't do anything about it even if you do everything else

perfect after that you're gonna have an issue the second part is creating the

site so you'll need to get a hosting package get

a theme most people build on WordPress but if you are a coder of some kind or a

designer and you like to use some other you know CMS out-there content

management system or if you just want to code in HTML you could do that

however WordPress is super easy and if you're trying to do Amazon affiliate

marketing it's best to focus on the marketing part not the design or coding

or whatever so I would just advise you just get a hosting package use WordPress

and move forward you need to spend your time on the marketing part once you have

your site set up and you have a theme and it looks nice and everything then

you publish content I recommend starting small now a lot of people will tell you

to go to the big model you don't want to have a small microsite but I say they're

making a big mistake and they recommend to publish like 50 or a hundred or 200

posts which is really hard even if you have like unlimited resources and all

the money that you need to have that publish it's still hard to say hire

writers pull together all the content get it published it's not just a slam

dunk and if you outsource all that stuff there's a lot of work just in the

administration and like sending e-mails back and forth like I said even if

you've got unlimited resources it's not easy to publish 200 articles for example

so I recommend to start and launch with 10 posts that's it just tag 50% of it so

5 articles should be affiliate reviews where you talk about a product and

recommended those are the ones that you can think of as like money articles and

the other 5 the other 50% should be how to or informational content you want to

have the blend you know Amazon wants you to have like a

regular sort of blog where you're not just publishing affiliate advertising

content but you're also providing value to the community at large

you know the niche community that is you're providing a site that people

actually want to read so if you just have like really aggressive sales

content Amazon is not gonna like that in fact

you may not even get approved to the program if that's all you have so make

sure you do 50/50 but don't go crazy just publish ten pieces of content to

launch after you have your site launched you have your ten pieces published then

you need to promote your site you need to get traffic to your site the primary

goal is to get organic SEO traffic from Google to your site yes there are other

search engines but the majority of it is through Google so I would recommend just

focusing on you know Google traffic even though there are other search engines

out there that said the main thing that you could do to rank well on Google and

staff good on-page SEO which I have like a checklist that I'll refer to another

video below in the description but basically you want to have your keyword

in the title you want to use the keyword in the first paragraph or so like the

first 100 or 200 words you want to have some images on the page that have a file

name which is keyword rich you don't want to stuff the whole article with

keywords that's kind of an old-school SEO tactic like a decade old that

doesn't work anymore so don't do that you'll want to have like a naturally

written helpful article that solves the problem of the visitor the other portion

of SEO is to have backlinks and there are two main areas that I want you to

focus on if you're trying to get backlinks blog commenting and guest

posting so I like to keep things simple that seems to be the most effective way

where you can sort of stand out from your competition so if you find blogs

and your niche comment on them build relationships with those bloggers and

then in the future say after you've made contact with them maybe like three weeks

till like two months you can ask them if maybe you could guest post on their site

what you don't want to do and what a lot of people do is they just send an email

and they ask if they can guest post on someone's site that can work sometimes

but really it's kind of aggressive and pushy and you're not making any friends

if you comment on people's blogs and have some correspondence with them first

you're kind of making like internet friends with them and that's a good

thing too because you're building a relationship

and basically those are the four main steps so those are high-level and if you

do want to learn more definitely check out some of the playlists that I've

placed in the description again have a look around check out some of the other

videos if you like what you see please subscribe I put out new content all the

time actually on Fridays I usually do a Q&A so if you have questions be sure to

hop on the live Q&A and I just answer your question here's the question of the

day what would you do if you had a site that was making you seventy thousand

dollars a year how would it change your life would you be able to say take more

vacations pay off debt eat out more often maybe you could pay off your house

early let me know in the comments below just curious about you know what you're

into and what you would do with an extra 70 thousand per year thanks for watching

the video again I'm Doug Huntington for niche site project

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