Sunday, July 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 29 2018

How many have you broken the change in the middle of a route and have you had to walk again or by other means?

Do not miss the solution we give you in this video to go home pedaling!

It is not the first time that you have come to our workshops with the change in hand or twisted or

rolled with the chain; and of course, with the bike in tow because you were left lying in the middle of a route.

It is not a common fault though, if it is serious. But it has a solution and it is easier than you think.

It is normal that you do not carry a spare change in your exits but if you do not want to abort the route due to any mechanical problem, it is

essential that you carry: a multiherramienta, a troncha chains and a pin or quick link corresponding to your chain.

And at least one

removable cover, preferably plastic.

How strange, right? Well now you will see why. Let's go to the practical case: we have removed the sheave


that could also happen to us, a sheave is broken ... the change no longer works and we have to eliminate the change.

What was the first thing we had to do? Well, of course, as we have already told you, carry a chain and open the chain.

As we have a pin to put it on then, we eliminate the bolt altogether. We already have the chain open, now

we eliminate

change and we leave it free. What do we have to do next? Well with our multitool,

Remove the change cable,

we loose the tensioner to remove the cable,

and now we are going to hit a little pull to eliminate the stop and that the cable comes out of the change.

We already have the cable here loose, and now we finish removing the change

loosening the screw that holds it to the pin.

The change then we put it in our camelbak backpack or we put it in the pocket of the malliot, where we want ...

Leaving it here can mean that we are hooked with the chain and it is better to remove it from the bike.

What do we have left now?

The loose cable will also bother us ... we could remove it and remove it whole or, if we want

give it a spin around here by the pod

and then hold it

with a bridle We are going to choose to remove it completely.

Once the chain is open, we will have to measure it again to place it in our transmission. How do we do it?

we will have to think about the way we have left to go home. Keep in mind that if we are not going to be able to change,

the development,

the choice of the dish and the pinion will be crucial to get it right.

That all we have left is flat or downhill ... perfect! We can choose large plate

if we have more than one, and an intermediate or even small pinion. But now well ... if what we have left is everything

uphill you will have to take advantage of the smaller plate and a medium pinion or pulling large.

Well, we are going to choose an intermediate position. We are going to use a large plate ... we pass the chain through the large plate

and for example the fifth pinion 1 2 3 4 and we gear in

the fifth, and now what we do is passing the chain through the big plate

we tensed it by hand to see where we would be able to unite it.

It gives us this link, so now what we do is we take our chain chains and let's open the chain

for this link.

Remember to collect all the debris that you drop to not leave any residue

In nature... We already have the chain at the correct length

So that it meshes with the greater tension in that pinion as we are going to have a lot of tension and it will cost us

put the pin then what we do is that we lower the chain

to the smallest pinion, and so we can work well with it.

We have a pin

for this chain and what we do is join the chain with the pin.

We already have it in place and now we take our tenth chains

And we are going to

put it so that the chain is completely closed.

And if you want to use a quick link instead of a pin, nothing happens, but consider the length of the quick link when

go to measure the length of the chain.

And now with the Tronchacadenas de Topeak,

we eliminate the part of the pin that we have left over. We already have the chain closed.

What do we have to do now? put back

the fifth pinion. For that is what we are going to use the demountable, we do not recommend that you do it

with your hand because you can get your finger between the chain and the pinion. With the demountable then, we will place it below

of the axis and we're going to do it as if it were the derailleur, pushing the chain

towards the largest pinions until we engage

in the fifth pinion.

And there we have it!

Notice that we have left the chain

quite tense, if we did not have this tension, the normal thing is that it would go away

coming out ... falling towards the lower pinions ... or coming out completely.

We have done it

with this Mighty colt! as you probably do not want to go with the road horse, because if you just go with a friend, you can pick up a little

the bike, it helps you pedal, and you with the derailleur

Place it on your hip in its place and if you are alone then you turn the bike around supporting it in the saddle

and on the handlebar and you yourselves use it. And nothing more! Thank you very much for

listen to us, if you have been interesting, you have learned something, we always recommend it!

And we said goodbye with a smile:

An old woman in the middle of a religious service

She bends over to her husband and says: - I missed a petedete, but it has been

silent what do I do? And the husband says: nothing but when you go out change the batteries to the sonotones! hehe

See you ... in the next video!

For more infomation >> Cómo arreglar el cambio roto de una bicicleta. Singlespeed - Duration: 6:34.


Random Livestream! DOING WHATEVER - Duration: 4:15:18.

For more infomation >> Random Livestream! DOING WHATEVER - Duration: 4:15:18.


洪水被害を受けたフェラーリ「488スパイダー」が555万円にて販売中。自走可能、傷一つ無しのある意味極上品 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> 洪水被害を受けたフェラーリ「488スパイダー」が555万円にて販売中。自走可能、傷一つ無しのある意味極上品 - Duration: 3:15.


もはや戦意喪失。ドノーマル仕様のマクラーレン「720S」vs750馬力仕様の日産「GT-R」がドラッグレースバトル→「GT-R」惨敗【動画有】 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> もはや戦意喪失。ドノーマル仕様のマクラーレン「720S」vs750馬力仕様の日産「GT-R」がドラッグレースバトル→「GT-R」惨敗【動画有】 - Duration: 4:43.


Resultados Sorteo Loteria Domingo 29 Julio 2018 Nacional Panama Numeros Que Jugo Salieron Dominical - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Resultados Sorteo Loteria Domingo 29 Julio 2018 Nacional Panama Numeros Que Jugo Salieron Dominical - Duration: 1:15.



For more infomation >> ERVAHI EZELDEN NOTA SOLFEJ SADE VE İLERİ SEVİYE Gökhan Çelik - Duration: 21:30.


汪小菲一脸不耐烦质问大S:你妹怎么又来电话?对小S备注亮了! - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> 汪小菲一脸不耐烦质问大S:你妹怎么又来电话?对小S备注亮了! - Duration: 3:30.


No Mans Sky Patch for bug fixes 1.52 - Duration: 2:30.

Hello its Ricardo and I'm currently playing no man's sky there's been yet

another set of fixes released so we're now on patch 1.5 - and that's been

released to the pc now bug fixes are as follows they have fixed an issue that

will restore more safe games for players who say we partially repaired tech

they've also fixed an issue where players who had partially repaired a

piece of broken technology would have an incorrect item in the repair interaction

they've also fixed an issue where players in underwater bases played the

wrong animation and fixed an issue where Freitas incorrectly reported they did

not have enough fuel to walk more fixes include a fix to a crash in the base

building system improved garbage collection and reduced memory footprint

of physics and prevented the occasional crash in animation reduced memory

footprint of planetary textures from space now it went from Eric's

experimental patch status to full patch status late last night and it will be

rolled out to other console platforms the PlayStation and Xbox via Xbox Live

and the PlayStation medium if you have any Denso do me a favor click the like

and subscribe button and also look for the notification icon those

notifications and depending on what youtube is feeling like you may get some

notifications in regards to what's happening with what I'm doing with no

man's sky and the dangerous subnautica and other games thank you very much for

watching this has been a quick update in regards to the 1.5 - no man's sky patch

that's been released to address certain bug fixes the bug fixes I'll put into

the comment section fly safe and I'll see you soon


For more infomation >> No Mans Sky Patch for bug fixes 1.52 - Duration: 2:30.


成龍道歉馮小剛,馮小剛不給面子,回懟:今天給你個教訓 - Duration: 3:58.

現在的娛樂 圈可謂是 非常的熱 鬧紛繁, 從崔永元 爆料娛樂 圈的黑幕 ,.

馮小剛和崔 永元的口 水戰、袁 立手撕李 冰冰等等 各種大戰 ,都成為 人們熱議 的話題, .

不過說到馮 小剛,很 多人對他 這個人的 為人和素 質各方面 爭議不斷 ,但是每 個人都有 每個人的 立場。

如今的馮小 剛和崔永 元的口水 之戰,還 沒有分出 勝負,.

但是很多網 友卻扒出 了他之前 在一檔選 秀節目中 刁難成龍 的事情。

曾經在一檔 選秀節目 《我看你 有戲》中 ,.

作為評委的 成龍、張 國立、李 冰冰都為 一個很優 秀選手亮 燈。

唯獨馮小剛 遲遲沒有 表態,成 龍覺得馮 小剛太墨 跡,.

沒有爭得馮 小剛同意 ,走上前 就把馮小 剛的燈也 按亮了。

這時候尷尬 的一幕出 現了,馮 小剛一臉 不屑的對 成龍說: 「我沒有 說不給他 ,大哥, 我只是在 考慮呀。

不能大哥你 說什麼, 我們就必 須要同意 ,是不是 ?.

接著馮小 剛補充道 :「你是 不是想幫 他,但是 現在你把 他毀了, .

我本來想給 他按燈的 ,但是你 破壞了規 則。

張國立趕忙 說道:「 別這麼殘 酷,成龍 按了你的 燈不算, 那可以理 解,.

但是你不能 說成龍自 己的那一 票也不算 數。 」 張國立看 到台上此 刻的情況 不對,就 站起來趕 緊協調。

」結果馮小 剛並不買 賬,反而 更急了, 他接著舉 了個例子 :「足球 場上,你 用手摸 球 ,不僅要 罰球,還得把你罰 下場。

但是成龍我 就不把你 罰下去了 」。 這 時候現場 火藥味很 濃,李冰 冰表情也 一臉凝重 。

為了節目錄 製能順利 進行,成 龍一直露 出不自然 的相容, .

最後向馮小 剛示弱, 「我錯了 ,那等下 我給你按 回我一次 行不行? .

」不料馮小 剛還是咄 咄逼人, 直接回懟 :「踢足 球,能不 能說這次 我手球一 次,.

下次你手球 一次,那 是幹什麼 的?」很 多看到這 段視頻的 網友都表 示,馮小 剛似乎在 刻意刁難 成龍。

因為馮小剛 是一個很 自大的人 ,也是一 個很小氣 的人,他 的領導意 識太強, .

當導演當習 慣了,沒 有人敢在 他面前耍 滑頭,所 以面對眼 前的成龍 ,他為了 顯示自己 的主導地 位,.

依舊擺出一 副很霸道 的樣子。

不過也有網 友表示, 成龍按下 去太不應 該,不過 雖然最終 馮小剛用 自己的復 活牌復活 了這個選 手,.

不過之前一 番話可以 說是給了 成龍下馬 威。

素材來源於 網路,如 有侵權, 請聯繫作 者刪除!

For more infomation >> 成龍道歉馮小剛,馮小剛不給面子,回懟:今天給你個教訓 - Duration: 3:58.


Karine Ferri et Yoann Gourcuff, la fin d'une belle histoire ? - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri et Yoann Gourcuff, la fin d'une belle histoire ? - Duration: 1:27.


รีวิว จีซัส เบอร์เจส - Pirates kingdom :D #EP.12 - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> รีวิว จีซัส เบอร์เจส - Pirates kingdom :D #EP.12 - Duration: 12:08.


Il dio del calcio manda in estasi la città più composta d'Italia - Duration: 1:09.

 L'epifania è attesa per oggi. Il dio del calcio arriverà dal cielo - a Caselle, calato da una macchina volante, come gli dèi nel teatro euripideo - e una città sta impazzendo

Ma la città è Torino: la più composta, più tetragona d'Italia che perde la testa per CR7

Mai successo. Questo è il posto dove i calciatori potevi (e puoi: quelli umani, non il divo Cristiano) trovarli al ristorante o a passeggio in centro, dove con subalpino - un po' masochistico - riserbo confuso a timidezza chi li in

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For more infomation >> Il dio del calcio manda in estasi la città più composta d'Italia - Duration: 1:09.


Meghan Markle « terrorisée » par la famille royale ? - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle « terrorisée » par la famille royale ? - Duration: 1:35.


Star Trek: Dominion War (Part 2 of 3) - Duration: 6:47.

Severely weakened from years of civil strife, Maquis rebellion, and war with the Klingons,

by 2373 the Cardassian Union was reduced to a third rate power, unable to defend their

borders and by some accounts even suffering food shortages on their homeworld.

In addition, due to their proximity to the Bajoran wormhold, it was entirely possible

they might become the first major target of a Dominion Invasion fleet, when they began

their inevitable invasion of the Alpha Quadrant.

Deciding that something drastic needed to be done, Gul Dukat, a prominent figure in

cardassian politics with connection both to the military and civilian factions of their

government, overthrew the Detapa Council by negotiating a deal to voluntarily bring the

Cardassian Union into the Dominion.

This mutually beneficial arrangement would leave Gul Dukat as the unchallenged ruler

of the Cardassian people, while the Dominion gained a much needed foothold in the region

from where they might launch a full on invasion of the Alpha Quadrant.

At first, this relationship proved beneficial, as Dominion reinforcements allowed the Cardassian

Union to finally crush the Maquis rebellion, and recapture all territories lost to the

Klingon Empire.

In addition to ships and soldiers, the Dominion brought food and necessary supplies with many

believing that at last the years of scarcity and hardship were at an end.

Meanwhile, after being swiftly defeated by Dominion forces, Chancellor Gowron was ready

to retreat into Klingon space and prepare for a fight to the death, but was instead

convinced by Benjamin Sisko of DS9 to re-sign the Khitmor Accords, and once again ally with

the Federation to face the approaching enemy together.

Although war had not yet been officially declared, the Federation-Klingon Alliance was determined

to prevent the arrival of more Dominion reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant, however their initial

plan to collapse the wormhole was sabotaged by a changeling infiltrator posing as doctor

Julian Bashir aboard deep space nine.

Fortunately the deception was eventually revealed and the enemy agent destroyed when a number

of prisoners, including the real Dr. Bashir and General Martok of the Klingon Empire,

escaped a dominion penal colony and returned to the Alpha Quadrant.

Still needing to stop ships from coming through the wormhole, the Federation alliance came

up with a plan to litter the area with self-replicating mines, fully aware this would be seen as a

hostile action and provocation for war.

And so began the Dominion War, with Gul Dukat, alongside Wayoun of the Vorta, overseeing

the Dominion war effort, beginning with an invasion fleet sent to capture Deep Space

Nine, so they might destroy the minefield.

Opposing this Gamma Quadrant power, would be the Federation, whose forces were led by

Admiral William Ross, and the Klingon Empire whose warriors followed General Martok.

Realiizing they were unlikely to win the opening battle at Deep Space Nine, the Federation

alliance sis not defend their position, instead hurrying to finish placing the minefield around

the wormhole, and abandoning the station, arranging for the computer systems to be sabotaged

before the arrival of enemy forces.

Then, with the invasion fleet distracted at Deep Space Nine, the Federation Alliance sent

their ships to destroy enemy shipyard on Torros III, thereby making it a costly victory for

the Dominion.

As the war escalated further, the Dominion quickly found themselves in the superior position,

winning the vast majority of early confrontations, including their victory in the Tyra system

against the Seventh Fleet, destroying 98 out of 112 enemy ships.

Fortunately for the Federation Alliance, their minefield was proving difficult to dismantle

and so no new enemy reinforcements could arrive.

In addition the Alliance found some success in smaller scale confrontations, successfully

destroying individual shipyards and ketracel white facilities.

Eventually this led to a shortage that threatened to destabilize Dominion forces, as Jem Hadar

warriors were known to go mad without the white.

Nevertheless, the Dominion were largely winning the war, as the Federation alliance was constantly

pushed further back into their own territory.

In desperate need of a significant victory, and knowing that the minefield was all that

kept Dominion reinforcements from flooding into the Alpha Quadrant to secure their victory,

Benjamin Sisko, recently promoted to Adjutant to Admiral Ross, organized Operation Return,

gathering a Federation-Klingon armada to retake Deep Space Nine.

Unfortunately, Chancellor Gowron was hesitant to commit so many of their ships to a single

engagement, and so Sisko sent Commander Worf and General Martok to convince him to commit

his forces.

However as the fleet was gathering, Sisko received a message from trusted friends who

had formed a Alliance resistance cell on Deep Space Nine, informing him that the Dominion

were days away from destroying the minefield which would mean thousands of new ships brought

in to join their war effort.

Believing they could not wait for the rest of the Armada to assemble, Sisko led nearly

700 federation ships into the battle, determined to stop those reinforcements from coming through

the wormhole.

Although they fought well, the Federation was badly outnumbered, and defeat was all

but assured, if not for the late arrival of the Klingon fleet, which allowed Benjamin

Sisko aboard the Defiant to pass through an opening in the enemy line.

Much to their disappointment, the crew soon learned that they were too late, and the minefield

was destroyed.

However Sisko refused to retreat, instead ordered his ship to fly directly into the

wormhole, where the defiant would await the 2800 dominion ships coming through from the

other side, in a desperate last stand to eliminate as many enemy vessels as possible before they

passed into the Alpha Quadrant.

However due to the special relationship between the non corporial Aliens known as the Prophets

and their Emissary Benjam Sisko, he received a vision while inside the wormhole.

When the Prophets made it clear they could not allow the Sisko to die, he convinced them

to intercede on his behalf, causing all Dominion reinforcements to instantly vanish, and would

prevent any future enemy ships from passing through the wormhole.

Shocked and utterly perplexed at the loss of their reinforcements, on whom they were

depending to win the battle, the Dominion quickly abandoned deep space nine and retreated

into Cardassian space.

All except Gul Dukat, who suffered a nervous breakdown after losing the battle and watching

his second in command Damar kill his daughter Ziyal after she admitted to working with the enemy.

For more infomation >> Star Trek: Dominion War (Part 2 of 3) - Duration: 6:47.


Thomas Markle says his daughter's number has been disconnected - Duration: 2:07.

 Speaking to The Mail on Sunday from his home in Mexico, Mr Markle says he is unable to contact his daughter, as the phone number he had for her and her personal aides have been disconnected

 He said the numbers had been cut off as punishment for him staging fake paparazzi pictures before the wedding and criticising the Royal family for changing Meghan

 In the interview, Mr Markle, 74, who missed the Royal wedding due to heart surgery, suggested it would be easier for his daughter if he died

 "It wouldn't be so bad. I have something of a Buddhist philosophy about death. Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died," he said

 "Everybody would be filled with sympathy for her. But I hope we reconcile. I'd hate to die without speaking to Meghan again

' He also said despite the punishment from the palace he said: "I won't be silenced

" In a separate interview with The Sun, Mr Markle also hit back at comments by TV show host, Sharon Osbourne who attacked Mr Markle's behaviour, claiming he was an alcoholic

 On her US talk show, Mrs Osbourne urged him to "get clean" and stop embarrassing Meghan

 He fired back at Mrs Osbourne, telling The Sun her comments were ridiculous. "She should look closer to home before analysing me and my family

," he said. "Of course I am not an alcoholic. Of all people to call me an alcoholic with the amount of times Sharon's family has f***** up


For more infomation >> Thomas Markle says his daughter's number has been disconnected - Duration: 2:07.


A NEW LIFE ! + UPPER LOWER body WORKOUT - Duration: 10:04.

Hello everyone and welcome to this new video !

We wanted to tell you that we're super happy

because we are now 60 K on this youtube channel !

Thank you for all your kind messages,

for your support,

thank you for every kind words you say to us !

it affects us !

we are going to continue making videos for you !

for those who are joining us today

we are two young people

who create videos about fitness, nutrition,

travels, and a lot of others things that we are interested in

we are showing you a lot of things

we recently created a fitness bodyweight program to do at home

that allows you to reach your goals

and allows you to get back in shape easily from home

we let you the link right here

we just moved in !

we are almost settled down

it was a big moving, we sorted a lot !

but we will get there

this room was full of boxes !

until here !!

and we have a garden !!

it's so cool !

our flat is way smaller than the other one

but we have a garden !

and we are in one of the cities we love the most in the whole world !!

try to guess !

but now we are going to go workout !

new gym, let's get started !

For more infomation >> A NEW LIFE ! + UPPER LOWER body WORKOUT - Duration: 10:04.


Benjamin Pavard, un bleu fou de sa sublime Rachel Legrain-Trapani - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Benjamin Pavard, un bleu fou de sa sublime Rachel Legrain-Trapani - Duration: 1:22.


SUPER MARIO TENNIS #4 cartoon game for kids Baby new in SPT Super Mario Tennis Aces - Duration: 11:44.

For more infomation >> SUPER MARIO TENNIS #4 cartoon game for kids Baby new in SPT Super Mario Tennis Aces - Duration: 11:44.


Kylian Mbappé oublie Alicia Alyies avec une blonde - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Kylian Mbappé oublie Alicia Alyies avec une blonde - Duration: 1:24.


La muerte | #draw this in your style de un personaje original de mi novio ;) (sub. english) - Duration: 8:45.

Hey guys! How are you? I'm Vale

and I welcome you again to my channel

Valkitty's World

So, this notebook you see here

is nothing else than my boyfriend's Paco sketchbook.

whom if I haven't tell you before

is a very good drawer.

Why I'm showing it to you?

Well, 'cause today we're going to make

a draw this in your style.

For this challenge

I selected three of my favorite Paco's drawings.

The first one is a tiefling called Aktos

who is based on the races from dungeons and dragons game.

and I think he's a very nice character.

The second one is an amazing version

of the mexica god Huitzilopochtli

Of this one, I love all the details and the colors

I think he's so catchy and very well done.

But, at last, I decided to go with the third one.

who is The death

What do you think if we start

while I talk about this character?

The death is a character from an original comic made by Paco.

She looks like a young girl

with a red alive hair and dark clothes

She loves rock and metal music

among his favorite bands is AC/DC

She can play the guitar, very good by the way

In the bottom of her sickle, there are two keys

One of them serves to open a portal to the temple of Rock

from where she can get some objects

like her guitar, another weapons and concert tickets.

Hey, I want a key like that

Where are they sold? Haha

Well, the other key opens

nothing more and nothing less than her locker.

I chose this character over the other two

'cause I've always liked it a lot.

She's very funny, I love her role in the comic

and also her design.

Besides, I already wanted to draw her before

What else can I tell you? (STAIIIN!!!)

(Prismacolor Premier colored pencils)

And now, talking a little more about the drawing

I wanted to stand out the red color

For this, I mixed two type of reds: crimson and poppy

I made the shadows with dark brown

and highlighted with yellow

also to make a transition to orange.

I'll tell you a little about the comic.

It's about a math teacher who is really bad with her students.

Everyone is afraid of her.

And one day, during a class, Dizz appears.

an alien from the future

who has the mission of capture the teacher

to be judged for causing the destruction

of his natal planet.

It's a very good comedy

if any time it gets to publish, i'll make you know.

Maybe you wonder why I use Sharpies.

Well, with my drawing experience

I can tell you they save me lots of black colored pencils, haha.

As you can see

I use it just as a base

afterwards I give volume to it with black and white color (the next day XD)

And, in some cases, I add another colors

according to the situation, to the drawing and to the ambient.

In my opinion, it gives a really good result.

This is the result after giving highlights and shadows to the Sharpie.

At last, we go to the background.

I wanted to preserve the original color to contrast the reds

and also, I added a little of yellow

to denote her power.

Well, I think I need to practice

to draw better backgrounds

But I like it anyway.

After this, it only rest to ink again.

I'm very happy with the final result.

This challenge was so interesting

'cause you can see your own interpretation

of another person's character

And also, the difference of work style.

Personally, I recommend you to do this challenge.

This is all for today, guys.

I hope you liked it.

On the next video, I'll show you the illustration Paco selected from my portfolio

To make the draw this in your style.

Also, I'll be showing it to you in my instagram

if you want to follow me.

Don't forget to like and subscribe to see more of my works.

See you on the next video.

Bye bye.


For more infomation >> La muerte | #draw this in your style de un personaje original de mi novio ;) (sub. english) - Duration: 8:45.


MINI, 더 커지고 강력해진 클럽맨 디젤 출시 - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> MINI, 더 커지고 강력해진 클럽맨 디젤 출시 - Duration: 7:42.


No Mans Sky Patch for bug fixes 1.52 - Duration: 2:30.

Hello its Ricardo and I'm currently playing no man's sky there's been yet

another set of fixes released so we're now on patch 1.5 - and that's been

released to the pc now bug fixes are as follows they have fixed an issue that

will restore more safe games for players who say we partially repaired tech

they've also fixed an issue where players who had partially repaired a

piece of broken technology would have an incorrect item in the repair interaction

they've also fixed an issue where players in underwater bases played the

wrong animation and fixed an issue where Freitas incorrectly reported they did

not have enough fuel to walk more fixes include a fix to a crash in the base

building system improved garbage collection and reduced memory footprint

of physics and prevented the occasional crash in animation reduced memory

footprint of planetary textures from space now it went from Eric's

experimental patch status to full patch status late last night and it will be

rolled out to other console platforms the PlayStation and Xbox via Xbox Live

and the PlayStation medium if you have any Denso do me a favor click the like

and subscribe button and also look for the notification icon those

notifications and depending on what youtube is feeling like you may get some

notifications in regards to what's happening with what I'm doing with no

man's sky and the dangerous subnautica and other games thank you very much for

watching this has been a quick update in regards to the 1.5 - no man's sky patch

that's been released to address certain bug fixes the bug fixes I'll put into

the comment section fly safe and I'll see you soon


For more infomation >> No Mans Sky Patch for bug fixes 1.52 - Duration: 2:30.



I have a license to use Nintendo's content in this video through the Nintendo Creators Program. This video is not sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo, but any advertising revenue from this video will be shared with Nintendo.

For more infomation >> 200CC SHELL ONLY... BIKIN KECEELLL...TAPI SERU ABIS!!! [MARIO KART 8 DELUXE INDONESIA] - Duration: 9:21.



For more infomation >> TIK TOK LUCU SI AIKAVITA - CANTIK DAN GEMESIN BANGET - Duration: 10:47.


海贼王历代五大将,谁能和凯多一较高下? - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> 海贼王历代五大将,谁能和凯多一较高下? - Duration: 5:49.


Le manque de fer, une anémie qui ne vous veut pas du bien - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Le manque de fer, une anémie qui ne vous veut pas du bien - Duration: 9:57.


A. Contat #3 : Pourquoi étudier la métaphysique ? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> A. Contat #3 : Pourquoi étudier la métaphysique ? - Duration: 2:19.


🔴 Trailer screen shot tuto august 2018 - Duration: 1:03.

Hello to everyone. It's Lou. I here you present the contents of the

chain. you will find hundreds of tutorials

on multimedia here on this channel, tutorials too

well on the creation of sites, on the video than on audio, largely of what

do multiple media and you will also find videos dealing with

games like world of warcraft or like minecraft. And it's here that I

you report on the progress of my different challenges. In summary, on the chain

you will find computer tutorials and multimedia gaming videos and

challenges. So subscribe!

For more infomation >> 🔴 Trailer screen shot tuto august 2018 - Duration: 1:03.


Cómo arreglar el cambio roto de una bicicleta. Singlespeed - Duration: 6:34.

How many have you broken the change in the middle of a route and have you had to walk again or by other means?

Do not miss the solution we give you in this video to go home pedaling!

It is not the first time that you have come to our workshops with the change in hand or twisted or

rolled with the chain; and of course, with the bike in tow because you were left lying in the middle of a route.

It is not a common fault though, if it is serious. But it has a solution and it is easier than you think.

It is normal that you do not carry a spare change in your exits but if you do not want to abort the route due to any mechanical problem, it is

essential that you carry: a multiherramienta, a troncha chains and a pin or quick link corresponding to your chain.

And at least one

removable cover, preferably plastic.

How strange, right? Well now you will see why. Let's go to the practical case: we have removed the sheave


that could also happen to us, a sheave is broken ... the change no longer works and we have to eliminate the change.

What was the first thing we had to do? Well, of course, as we have already told you, carry a chain and open the chain.

As we have a pin to put it on then, we eliminate the bolt altogether. We already have the chain open, now

we eliminate

change and we leave it free. What do we have to do next? Well with our multitool,

Remove the change cable,

we loose the tensioner to remove the cable,

and now we are going to hit a little pull to eliminate the stop and that the cable comes out of the change.

We already have the cable here loose, and now we finish removing the change

loosening the screw that holds it to the pin.

The change then we put it in our camelbak backpack or we put it in the pocket of the malliot, where we want ...

Leaving it here can mean that we are hooked with the chain and it is better to remove it from the bike.

What do we have left now?

The loose cable will also bother us ... we could remove it and remove it whole or, if we want

give it a spin around here by the pod

and then hold it

with a bridle We are going to choose to remove it completely.

Once the chain is open, we will have to measure it again to place it in our transmission. How do we do it?

we will have to think about the way we have left to go home. Keep in mind that if we are not going to be able to change,

the development,

the choice of the dish and the pinion will be crucial to get it right.

That all we have left is flat or downhill ... perfect! We can choose large plate

if we have more than one, and an intermediate or even small pinion. But now well ... if what we have left is everything

uphill you will have to take advantage of the smaller plate and a medium pinion or pulling large.

Well, we are going to choose an intermediate position. We are going to use a large plate ... we pass the chain through the large plate

and for example the fifth pinion 1 2 3 4 and we gear in

the fifth, and now what we do is passing the chain through the big plate

we tensed it by hand to see where we would be able to unite it.

It gives us this link, so now what we do is we take our chain chains and let's open the chain

for this link.

Remember to collect all the debris that you drop to not leave any residue

In nature... We already have the chain at the correct length

So that it meshes with the greater tension in that pinion as we are going to have a lot of tension and it will cost us

put the pin then what we do is that we lower the chain

to the smallest pinion, and so we can work well with it.

We have a pin

for this chain and what we do is join the chain with the pin.

We already have it in place and now we take our tenth chains

And we are going to

put it so that the chain is completely closed.

And if you want to use a quick link instead of a pin, nothing happens, but consider the length of the quick link when

go to measure the length of the chain.

And now with the Tronchacadenas de Topeak,

we eliminate the part of the pin that we have left over. We already have the chain closed.

What do we have to do now? put back

the fifth pinion. For that is what we are going to use the demountable, we do not recommend that you do it

with your hand because you can get your finger between the chain and the pinion. With the demountable then, we will place it below

of the axis and we're going to do it as if it were the derailleur, pushing the chain

towards the largest pinions until we engage

in the fifth pinion.

And there we have it!

Notice that we have left the chain

quite tense, if we did not have this tension, the normal thing is that it would go away

coming out ... falling towards the lower pinions ... or coming out completely.

We have done it

with this Mighty colt! as you probably do not want to go with the road horse, because if you just go with a friend, you can pick up a little

the bike, it helps you pedal, and you with the derailleur

Place it on your hip in its place and if you are alone then you turn the bike around supporting it in the saddle

and on the handlebar and you yourselves use it. And nothing more! Thank you very much for

listen to us, if you have been interesting, you have learned something, we always recommend it!

And we said goodbye with a smile:

An old woman in the middle of a religious service

She bends over to her husband and says: - I missed a petedete, but it has been

silent what do I do? And the husband says: nothing but when you go out change the batteries to the sonotones! hehe

See you ... in the next video!

For more infomation >> Cómo arreglar el cambio roto de una bicicleta. Singlespeed - Duration: 6:34.


[시승기] 이것이 진짜 '픽업트럭', 포드 F-150 슈퍼크루캡 - Duration: 11:27.

For more infomation >> [시승기] 이것이 진짜 '픽업트럭', 포드 F-150 슈퍼크루캡 - Duration: 11:27.


Thomas Markle says his daughter's number has been disconnected - Duration: 2:07.

 Speaking to The Mail on Sunday from his home in Mexico, Mr Markle says he is unable to contact his daughter, as the phone number he had for her and her personal aides have been disconnected

 He said the numbers had been cut off as punishment for him staging fake paparazzi pictures before the wedding and criticising the Royal family for changing Meghan

 In the interview, Mr Markle, 74, who missed the Royal wedding due to heart surgery, suggested it would be easier for his daughter if he died

 "It wouldn't be so bad. I have something of a Buddhist philosophy about death. Perhaps it would be easier for Meghan if I died," he said

 "Everybody would be filled with sympathy for her. But I hope we reconcile. I'd hate to die without speaking to Meghan again

' He also said despite the punishment from the palace he said: "I won't be silenced

" In a separate interview with The Sun, Mr Markle also hit back at comments by TV show host, Sharon Osbourne who attacked Mr Markle's behaviour, claiming he was an alcoholic

 On her US talk show, Mrs Osbourne urged him to "get clean" and stop embarrassing Meghan

 He fired back at Mrs Osbourne, telling The Sun her comments were ridiculous. "She should look closer to home before analysing me and my family

," he said. "Of course I am not an alcoholic. Of all people to call me an alcoholic with the amount of times Sharon's family has f***** up


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