Monday, July 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 30 2018

Do you want to know why someone who is an adamant supporter of spanking is now completely against it

What would make someone decide to forego everything they were raised with to do the complete opposite

Well, that's what we're going to talk about on this episode of this parenting life

Hi, I'm Mary and this indulgent life I help you navigate parenting education and living your

extraordinary life

So this week for our first episode of this parenting life

We are going to look at the 7 reasons why I decided to become a gentle parent

Have you decided to be a more gentle and respectful parent?

Let me know why in the comments below and if you're still on the fence

What are you worried about that's holding you back?

So this week on this parenting life we're talking about my journey to gentle parenting the 7 reasons

I decided that this would be the parenting method that I

Move forward with despite everything I used to believe I

Used to believe that kids needed spanking they needed timeouts and

I am

Pretty much a Yeller. That's what I grew up with

It's I guess what I'm used to and I'm working on it, but I've realized that

What I thought gentle parenting was aka permissive parenting. It's not

Gentle parenting does not equal permissive parenting. And so I had to let that worry go first off

Then I had to start looking at

Why was spanking yelling timeouts? Why did those things?

Not work, or did they work?

It's started I think as a teacher

I am an art teacher and I a few years ago

I started looking into teaching for artistic behavior. We're really trust children the whole premise

is that children are the artist and the art room is their studio and if there's a lot of trust that goes on there because

Kids design their own artwork they get their own materials. They clean up their own materials

There's a lot of trust that goes into that that's not something most teachers

Allow to happen

So as I was learning and teaching I

Started seeing kids in a different light and I started trusting them more and I started realizing

You know what?

Kids have their own ideas. They have their own feelings

they're not just

vessels to input everything into

They don't need us telling them what to do all the time in order to make the right decisions or good decisions

There's more to them than that. I

Also started looking at our culture and if you realize our culture

Does not think well of children, I mean just look at our language don't act like a child

Stop being so childish

You can just see in the way that we talk we don't think very much of children

When I realized that needed to change

so the deciding moment came when booky was 10 months old and

He kept we had this fan sitting on the small platform

Totally within reach of his little fingers

Childproofing isn't really something we did or could do where we lived so he just kept going for the fan

He wanted to stick his fingers and the grades of the fan. I don't know why

But this was his thing

And my husband got a little annoyed with that I did too

But he thought we needed to stop it now and he asked me to slap his hands and I realized at that moment

Something did not feel right my instincts kind of went into overdrive and I was just like why am I slapping his hands and

Until that point I had completely trusted my instincts with parenting

Whatever felt right is what we ended up doing and it had gotten us pretty good so far. So we

decided to really look into this feeling I


Realized through some Facebook mom groups that you know, I'm addicted to that

What I did was a little bit more towards the attachment parenting style

So I started researching that which led me to gentle and respectful parents and then that kind of opened my eyes

into this world in

Realizing. I mean I even researched

What our different parenting styles I went that far?

I wanted to know what the different parenting styles were with the differences where the pros and the cons and

I I'm a respecter holic, so I researched all and in the end I decided that I was wrong

I could see all the science behind the

Authoritarian style of parenting and I realized I did not want that for my child

So quick disclaimer. I do not blame my parents for everything wrong in my life

I know that's a big one that people say Millennials and my generation does I don't

Our parents did what they thought they needed to do our parents

Tried the best that they could with what they had. I know my mom in her

Just wanted to make sure I didn't turn out like her. I'm fairly certain. There's a big like wave

It's like a roller coaster each generation. We kind of go back and forth trying to not do what our parents did

But in the end I think my mom turned out pretty great I think that

Her fears were

part of what pushed her and

She got some advice that she thought she should go with

But as we all know know better do better they didn't have the research that we have now

So they couldn't have done anything different. They just did what they could and my kids. I'm sure will do the same

So there's no mom judging here. No mom shaming

Everyone is on their own journey

Everyone is at different stages in their journey

I just hope that this helps you kind of look at your parenting style a little bit and make sure that you understand why

You have chosen what you have chosen?

So my seven reasons

Why I decided to begin, which other parent reason number one

Punitive punishments don't work

studies over the last several decades have showed us

But they don't work if they do work. It's only in the immediate

Part that they work long-term

Instead shows us so many other things

for one hitting baguettes hitting

When you hit your child your child will then go hit others

it's just they are little sponges and they soak up everything that you do and

they see you punishing them when you're upset and you feel they wronged you and

So when somebody else wrongs them?

That's how they solve their problem

Emily Rothman of the Boston University she's an associate professor. She says that's and I'm going to read it here

So give me a second the experience of having someone

direct aggression to you

Increases the likelihood that you'll fall back on aggression would in a fight-or-flight


Having been hit by a parent can elevate stress and reduces a child's coping skills

So they may lash out. I

Would say they would do lash out most the time

in fact whenever as a teacher

I've seen kids hit other kids and I bring them over and I talked to them every

Single time

Or at least 98% of the time

That child

Child a hit child B

Because he felt child B had wronged him in some way and so he felt he needed to hit him

when you don't teach your child how


handle these situations without hitting

Then that's what they're gonna revert to

When you spank a child for what they've done wrong?

They're going to feel the need to hit other child when they do wrong

It's just the way things work, it's just that's what they have associated

That's the step by step process that they have come to the conclusion of

punitive punishments also create a cycle of misbehavior

Catherine Taylor says the odds of a child being more aggressive at age five

Increased by 50% Let me say that again the odds of a child being

more aggressive at age five increased

50% if he had been spanked more than twice in the month prior to the study began

50% so if just two speakings in a month increases aggression, imagine what?

Spankings every day or even once a week would do

So most children don't behave better just because there's pain in fact studies have shown that

The more you spank the more child miss a child will misbehave

Children will learn to lie better. They will learn to hide things better

And if it does work, they just kind of learn to give up

because it just starts feeling like

They are bad and they can't do anything right? They'll never get it right every time they try

They just get spanked because the child doesn't have impulse control yet

They don't have that ability to regulate and to stop themselves from squirreling off

And so even though they've tried and tried and tried to try to try and hosen and they fail then they get spanked

To them. It doesn't matter that they've tried a hundred times already

They make mistake once

What's you know?

Do I cry anymore?

So as you can see, even though spanking does work. It just creates a fear of doing wrong. It creates anxiety


Mean you get afraid of annoying people

You are afraid of yourself even and that brings us to point number two

reason number two

Spanking is actually detrimental to your child's health mental health and their physical health

There have been numerous studies over the last several decades that show the damaging effects on the brain as well as the toll it takes

on the body

There are several studies and if you read the blog you can see several links to these studies or articles on these studies

That show the effects on mental health you have depression anxiety

Antisocial tendencies, especially in little boys

suicidal thoughts if not actions

Personality disorders self-injury and even substance abuse

Some of these will start early most of these take 5 10 15 years to really show the effects

Studies have shown that

physical punishment may actually decrease the gray matter in your brain and that gray matter is actually

really important to your overall

Working system. It is in charge of the nervous system. It is in charge of sensory perception

It controls your memories and so much more there was also another study that says that spankings

Correlated with an increased risk of obesity

arthritis and even heart disease


Not only did I just read this

Ok, I mean, but I feel like my husband and I actually have experienced this

For me personally

Obviously, we actually we both have the obesity issue

But I would say that's not completely just for spankings. I mean, don't get me wrong

There's a whole series of reasons there. I do have arthritis

And then my memories I do have long term memory, but my short term memory is very very

Short I don't have one. Okay, my short term memories

Suck for like a better word. I

I've always felt since I was a child

That I had the memories of an eight year old woman in the body of an 80 year old woman. I

Experienced tons of physical issues I have sensory issues

I mean

smells touches taste I

Can't stand some things to the point where it actually affects my ability to do things

So I do have nervous system issues. I do have endocrine issues

so I would say that it's quite a possibility that

The spankings had something to do with all of these issues. I wouldn't say all of them, but it's a possibility

My husband herself. He has gut issues he has

aggression issues we both have anxiety issues


Would say probably we've also both had a suicidal issue our thoughts faith is the only thing that's gotten me through those

We've probably both have gone through depression


Yeah nurse I'm not gonna get into the particulars here again

You can read more on the blog

But we have a lot of things that kind of correlate with these studies and you start to wonder

If even a small percentage of this is true

if even just a fraction of the issues that we have can be

Attributed to our spankings and physical punishments as a kid

Why am I going to risk my son having any of these?

Why would I if there's another way why won't I take that way?

So yeah number two is a big one for us. It really could affect your child's health

Reason number three

Punitive punishments do not teach a child to self-regulate their emotions

Research shows that time and time again

children who are raised in spank control households

Do not have the tools to regulate their emotions

They routinely rely on aggression or repression to not only deal with their own emotions, but the emotions of others

we cannot expect our children to

Control their temper if we cannot control our own

So in how this relates to us personally for me

I bottle up my emotions and then I explode

in my household negative emotions were not to be displayed and

If they were you could expect to be either punished or ignored

So I really don't know how to deal with my emotions very well. This is a whole learning journey that I'm sharing with you

For Hubby emotions were dealt with by making jokes

We're kind of just shoving it under the rug. I

Mean I get it jokes break the tension it's easier to deal with emotions when all of a sudden you're laughing about it instead

And negative emotions aren't comfortable things to deal with. I'm not sure which direction was better, but it definitely has

attributed to our own issues as adults

Not being able to process our own emotions and deal with the emotions of others

Is definitely one of the top three reasons why we have decided to try gentle parenting

You see hubby has anxiety and OCD has

Possibly even a DD as well as his father and his siblings by his father as well

So there's a genetic component there that I have to be aware of with my son

And then of course there's me

As I've gotten older I become more and more and more afraid of messing up to the point where I don't even start things. I

Have anxiety in most situations. My hubby has had to actually push me to get out of the house sometimes

Because he can be hard for me in social situations

People think of me as a social butterfly because once I you know get started, I'm usually okay

But be honest, I'm scared out of my mind most the time. I'm afraid of being rejected

I struggle to maintain my composure when I feel overwhelmed most days

Basically, we can barely name more than the handful of emotions. Never mind know how to deal with them. I

Don't want that kind of life for boogie if he is gonna have a genetic predisposition

to anxiety depression and

Feeling of being overwhelmed

anxiety then I want to make sure to give him the tools that he needs to deal with those issues in a

Productive and not destructive way

Reason number four why I've decided to gentle parent punitive punishments make it more difficult to learn

In a quote by Molly s Costello PhD, she says I'm going to read her mere

spanking of Rhodes developmental growth in children and decrease as a child's IQ a

Recent Canadian study shows this analysis conducted at the Children's Hospital of Eastern

Ontario in Ottawa offers new evidence that corporal punishment causes cognitive impairment and

long-term developmental difficulties

difficulties, sorry


Think that sign is it up right there. I don't know I need to go on but basically

there's actually been

studies that have showed a correlation with a

decrease of IQ and

development through spanking

When you use shame hitting spanking and yelling, you actually ignite the flight-or-fight response

In your child and it shuts down the analytical side of the brain

here are a few problems that I've also listed in the blog along with some others with corporal punishment and

Its effects on learning and development

One study showed that just a light slap of the hand of a toddler delayed exploratory development

children explore the world through their hands

They have to to touch everything

It's kind of like a puppy with their mouths and puppies put things on their mouths children in need. They do the mouth, too

But they need to touch it. They want to know what things feel like how it moves and how it fits in their hand and

When you slap their hands you're training them to not explore

At that age children can't really distinguish between good object and bad object

They just know that sometimes they touch something in their hand gets that so for them

They learn to not touch anything and that's going to delay the development of your child

There have been multiple studies that have shown that the use of corporal punishment by the time a child is in kindergarten

Can actually affect their education

Vocabulary math and so on by the time the child is in fifth grade. I

Want to think about that

Your child's future education can be determined by if you use corporal punishment

When they are preschoolers

Spankings lead to resentment of authority figures

Think about it

Something happened to school the teacher tells you you spanked the child


Did that child?

Feel like he had done something wrong

Possibly not he may or she may feel

That that was unwarranted and that it's unfair and they resent you for that and then they resent their teacher for that

And when they don't trust their teacher

They're not going to want to listen to what they have to say

Same with you

When you just continuously lecture yells Bank and other forms of hitting them

They're gonna stop listening to you. I know I did

And finally studies have found that

students who have grown up in punitive environments

Actually do worse in their executive functioning skills

including delayed gratification

Which is often one of the reasons why parents spank because a child couldn't wait

So essentially you are creating more of a problem if you spank your child for not being able to wait

time to think about

Reason number five why I've decided to be a gentle parent and stop spanking. I

Learned through extensive research that spankings are actually not biblical

Let me say that again spankings are not biblical. I

Know I'm gonna get a lot of flack from my fellow Christian community

But you know, what do some research?

yes, the Bible is infallible, but

Translations are not

Go back to the original

Translations. Okay. So here's some reasons on why I think that the

Spanking is not biblical and if you go to the blog, I've actually posted a ton of links

That you can read more about this including some free ebooks

So let me start off first by saying that host bear the rod spoil the child quote that everybody likes loves to quote

It's not even in the Bible in


It's from a fairly lewd poem in the 17th century

Called hubris. I think that's how you pronounce it by Samuel Butler

so let's stop using that phrase because it's not even a biblical phrase and it's actually

Really gross when you start using it in reference to children

Just putting that out there do your research on it?

so this topic is

Quiet and in deep and deep that anymore. This topic is quite in-depth

So I'm only gonna cover just like the surface level here in this video

Again go to the blog look at those links, you'll find way more information that I can cover in this short little clip

So start with proverbs first of all proverbs is filled with

Poetry and metaphors. So if you kind of take that and content

Automatically maybe that's not what they're talking about. But let's say it's it's straight fact. Okay, let's say that. Yes

parents did gain their children

few things that go with that

First of all in the original Hebrew. Okay, not a translation

Then there general Hebrew the word that they used that we now translate as child

Actually meant a boy between like 12 and 20

I don't know how to pronounce the word so I'm not going to but it's na apostrophe AR


Basically that word is used when they're talking about a child

Who is no longer gonna be a child? It's somebody that can be ripped away from their mother

Okay, that's why it's used in reference to Moses because he was ripped away from his mother

but that's one of the only two times in the Bible it's used for someone that's not of

That bull way 12 to 20 age group, okay

second of all


This kind of discipline was used to prevent actual death

Because back then

You could actually be stoned for defying your father's so it's either

Hit him with a cane now. That won't break his back or he dies by stoning later. I

Would say in that kind of situation you might want to go ahead and spank but we're no longer in that situation anymore

so that's null and void a

Second Jewish leaders actually speak out against corporal punishment

The Jewish people who follow the rules of the Bible write the laws of the Old Testament

They don't even believe in spanking

So again, it was there to prevent a fate right that would be better than death

Secondly, we have the New Testament and in the New Testament Jesus

came to save us from our sin and the

Old Testament law

Was no more

Otherwise we wouldn't be able to eat pork

we would have to circumcise we

There's so many things we would still have to do including

sacrificing animals

but again

Jesus came and saved us from all of those things

Next jesus said he that is without sin among you let him first

cast a stone at her

john, 8 7

So if Jesus has told people when the law has said they can do this by the way

To cast the first stone only if you've done no wrong

I'm guessing we should probably do the same as parents

Jesus is that gentle parent right like

Jesus can do it. So can we

He specifically has said only those who have not sinned may cast the first stone

So if you've never lied, you've never cheated you've never yelled screamed hit

Then I guess you've been spanked but my guess is you've done all those things

Jesus his story was filled with grace

So if we were to be more like Jesus and we should be showing the grace to our children that

Jesus shows us


God doesn't punish us for all of our

transgressions and offenses and he died on the cross to save us from all that and gives us grace and

We just suffered natural consequences

Then I'm fairly certain our children should also just suffer

Maybe logical consequences, but mostly just natural consequences

something to think about I want to end this reason with a wonderful quote I found

It says we do not yell spanked or threatened because the end result of those things is fear in a wise man

kku, Jesus

Once said that perfect love drives out fear

Okay, now we're at reason number six

spanking hitting and shame

Tells children they are not in control

Now, I know you're saying they're thinking well, they're not married. They are children. How could you let the children be in control?

Well, first of all, sometimes you should let children be in control. Otherwise, how are they going to be adults in control?

But that's not really what I'm talking about as an adult. You need to be ultimately in control the situation

To keep everyone safe

The problem is you're dealing with a human being that has their own pains

Thrown desires their own mote emotions and their own needs

when we punish them for

Expressing all of those to us then we're actually teaching them not to trust themselves

Why is this important

Spanking sell your child they are not in control of their body

It's training them that those bigger control those who are smaller that those who are stronger

Control who those who are weaker?

Shame based discipline actually trained a child not to trust their instincts

Whether it's and about food their own skills or around other people

They will continually question themselves and probably the most

Important one for me in this is that spankings can lead to abusive relationships?

It's really personal to me but children learn two things was baking even if they don't realize it

One hitting equals power they see that whoever hits has the control

And the fastest way to get what you want is to hit

- they learn that you were spanked because the person that loves you once was best for you

Now think about that you've probably if you see if you have spanked or were spanked as a child

You've probably heard that phrase. I spanked you because I love you

Great so when they're an adult or even a teenager and they get into a relationship with an abusive


And that person then hits them and says I'm hitting you so you've learned not to do this because I love you

And what was best for you then? That's okay, right?

Think about that for a second problem is that does become a

child's mentality as an adult


What happened to me? Okay, and so many of other other abusive people, you know, you sit there and you look and

Which I guess you follow a victim

And you're like, why did you stay? Why would you stay with somebody like that? Well, this is kind of what goes through their head

They don't want to hurt me

But I'm doing something wrong and I need to learn to not do that

And so they punished me for that so because they love me

They're trying to help me be a better person. I deserve it

Because I've done something wrong. I

Know it sounds really stupid right now


That's essentially what you're telling a child when you spank them to teach them a lesson

So it brings me to my final point number seven

if it is not acceptable for

One adult to hit another adult why is it acceptable for an adult to hit a child?

This quote kind of clinched my decision to become a gentle parent for me

When a child hits a child

We call it aggression when a child hits an adult. We call it hostility when an adult hits an adult we call it assault

When an adult hits a child we call it discipline

It's a quote by I'm probably gonna pronounce this wrong, but Hames, you know

Like I said this

These last two points are quite personal in my first marriage. I did experience this

I always thought of spanking as a necessary thing you must do

But then when I realized that we we can't even hit a dog

Without getting in trouble, but we can hit a child

What is right with that


if we

Think it's so wrong

In this day and age to hit our spouse

Why can we why can we hit a defenseless child?

Elysa spouse is an adult who has

Ultimately some control over their lives they can at least leave

Our tribal camp a child has no control over their situation

So why is that? Okay

It's not it's not okay. If you can't get another adult if a child can't hit you then you can't hit your child

It's just simple as that if hitting is wrong, then hitting is wrong you you can't

You can't have that kind of dichotomy it doesn't actually work it doesn't actually exist

You either have to say that sometimes hitting is you have to either say hitting is right to teach a lesson or hitting is wrong

We should only be should be teaching our kids that the only time to hit somebody is in

self-defense to get out of a bad situation

And somebody is hitting us

Then it's okay to hit back because you're trying to get away. It's to get away

It's your self-defense that I think is okay, but you're not actively trying to punish somebody at that point

You're just trying to get away

So why is it okay if we hit our child?

Some people will say well you don't leave marks on a child

My ex didn't leave marks on me. I don't bruise easy. I

Couldn't even take photos of things because what he did to me couldn't see

so is that ok then is my

Abusive ex-husband in the clear because he didn't leave marks on me just like you don't leave marks on your child

Did that sounds stupid to you it is it's stupid. It doesn't work. They're both wrong


In conclusion, I just want you to think about

These things because I know I had not

It took me kind of just kind of second-guessing

My trained response because that's what it is

Me going to hit my child to keep him from doing something that would cause him

Danger, so me causing him pain to keep him from pain, basically

Was a trained response?

So I want you to think about


You have decided to do what you have decided to do whatever that is with a gentle parent or mainstream parenting

So there you have 7 reasons we decided to become more gentle and respectful

parents, I

Hope this episode not only answered some questions. You might have had

But I hope it also has helped you kind of reflect on your parenting styles. It made you just

Either more firmly believe what you do believe or made you question something that may need changed in your parenting

Please comment below with why you parent the way you do or what's holding you back from choosing the gentle parenting path?

If you want to be inspired if you want to be more mindful parent if you want to know what takes

To take that next step into creating your extraordinary life

Then make sure to hit that subscribe button below and then don't forget to hit the like

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Thank you so much for watching and see you soon for the next episode of this parenting life

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Γρηγόρης Πετράκος: "Άντε να εξηγήσεις στην κυρία Καρύδη τι είναι η προσευχή" | News | - Duration: 4:37.

 Tις σκέψεις της αναφορικά με τις φονικές πυρκαγιές που έπληξαν τη χώρα μας τις τελευταίες μέρες μοιράστηκε η Σμαράγδα Καρύδη με τους διαδικτυακούς της ακολούθους, μέσω ενός μακροσκελούς κειμένου

 Η ανάρτηση της ηθοποιού που, μεταξύ άλλων, τόνισε, ότι δεν αρκεί να προσευχόμαστε αλλά θα πρέπει να κάνουμε πράξεις σε όλη τη διάρκεια της ζωής μας και όχι μόνο όταν συμβαίνει κάτι μη αναστρέψιμο, δεν πέρασε απαρατήρητη και πολλοί όταν αυτή που την αναδημοσίευσαν και συντάχτηκαν μαζί της

 Φαίνεται ωστόσο πως υπήρξαν εξαιρέσεις, καθώς ο Γρηγόρης Πετράκος σχολιάζοντας το κείμενο της Σμαράγδας Καρύδη, έγραψε στον προσωπικό του λογαριασμό στο Facebook

«Άντε να εξηγήσεις στην κυρία Καρύδη τι είναι η προσευχή».  Θυμίζουμε πως η Σμαράγδα Καρύδη είχε γράψει: «Μήπως το πιο φοβιστικό πράγμα που κυκλοφορεί αυτές τις μέρες είναι αυτό το #prayforGreece; Αυτό το μοιραίο και μοιρολατρικό pray; Γιατί όχι ένα χασταγκ με το change, το work, το responsibility; το πως το λέτε εσείς εκεί γιατί δε θυμάμαι και πως το λέμε εμείς εδώ;  Μόνο εμένα ανατριχιάζει; Τι σημαινει pray;  Οτι Αφού ούτως η άλλως δε μπορεί ν αλλάξει τίποτα

Αφού θα ψηφίζουμε όπως πάντα τους ανίκανους, τους πονηρούς, αφού διαχρονικά θα καιμε τα δάση, θα χτιζουμε όπου και οπως να ναι,  αφού και οι επόμενοι που θα ψηφίσουμε θα μας τα νομιμοποιήσουν όπως κι οι προηγούμενοι, αφού θα μπαζωνουμε τα ρέματα, αφού έτσι κι αλλιως θα αδιαφορουμε για τα σκουπιδια μας για τους δρόμους μας, για το πως οδηγούμε για το που παρκάρουμε, για την κακοποίηση των ζώων, αφου θ αφήνουμε τον συγκυβερνήτη να μας μαλώνει που καήκαμε-γιατί που είχαμε το μυαλό μας;; - Αφού θ ακούμε τους αρμόδιους να αυτοσυγχαιρωνται για το πόσο αλάνθαστα και τέλεια έδρασαν και μετά απλώς θα ξεσπάμε στο τουιτερ και θα συνεχίζουμε τη ζωή μας

Χωρις να ενεργοποείται το σώμα μας που έχει παρει το σχήμα του καναπέ. Χωρις να ξεσηκωθεί ο παραμόρφωμένος μας αντίχειρας απ το πληκτρολόγιο

Χωρις να επαναστατεί ο αυχένας μας σκυμμένος στην οθόνη. Χωρις να ξεθολώσει το μάτι μας

Θα συνεχίζουμε τη ζωή μας. Αφού δε κάηκε το δικό μας παιδί. Ακόμα. Αφού το δικό μας σπιτι είναι ακόμα στη θέση του

Αφου όπως κλαίμε τώρα έτσι σε λίγο θα ξεχάσουμε . Αφου θα βγαίνουμε πάλι στους δρόμους μόνο να μη πειραχτούν τα δικά μας προνόμια κι όχι για το περιβάλλον μας , ποτέ για να αναδασωθουν τα καμένα μας, για το πάρκο μας που ρημάζει, δε θ απαιτήσουμε ποτέ να παψουν τα πανεπιστήμια μας να είναι το λημέρι του κάθε εγκληματία , ποτέ τα νοσοκομεία μας να γίνουν ανάλογα των εισφορών που πληρώνουμε, ποτέ για καλύτερα σχολεία γιατί δε μας ενδιαφέρει να μάθουμε αλλά να να διοριστούμε, αφού το μεγαλύτερο ταμπού μας είναι η αυτοκριτική και η ανάληψη ευθυνών, αφού το αίσθημα ότι όλα είναι μάταια έχει εγκατασταθεί μόνιμα μέσα μας σαν αυτοάνοσο, αφού είμαστε τρομερά συναισθηματικοί και καθόλου ευαίσθητοι, αφού δε θα προστατέψουμε τον ανήμπορο, τον ανάπηρο, τον διπλανό, Μόνο θα λυπηθούμε αφού θα έχει καταστραφεί και θα κάνουμε εράνους για να νιωσουμε καλοί και αλληλέγγυοι, αφου δε θα απαιτήσουμε να νομοθετήσουν ΤΩΡΑ τα απαραιτητα μέτρα για να μην ξαναέρθει η συμφορά

ΤΩΡΑ που ξερουμε ότι αν καεί το σπιτι του γείτονα θα καεί και το δικό μας, ΤΩΡΑ που ο είδαμε ότι ο πλησίον κι εμεις ειμαστε ένα ,αφού ενώθηκαν αγκαλιασμένες οι στάχτες των σωμάτων μας για πάντα , αφού δεν κανουμε και τώρα το πρώτο βήμα της αποδοχής και της αυτογωσιας μπας και μπορέσουμε να κάνουμε ποτέ και τα υπόλοιπα, αν δεν νιώσουμε την ομορφιά του ν αναλαμβανεις την ευθύνη, τότε ας προσευχηθούμε

Κι αν δε πιάσει κι αυτό ας ξεματιαστούμε ή ας φτύσουμε στον κόρφο μας Ισως πράγματι για το μόνο που είμαστε καλοί είναι η προσευχή  Η προσευχή να μη βρει εμάς το κακό  Η προσευχή να μην είναι δικό μας το παιδί που κάηκε  Η προσευχή να είμαστε απ τη μεριά αυτών που δεν έχασαν τίποτα αλλά οργίζονται στο τουιτερ  Και θα βγούμε ξανα θυμωμένοι στους δρομους για τα εθνικά μας θέματα αλλά όχι γι αυτό το όμορφο γεμάτο ζωή και χαρά κορίτσι που πήδηξε στο γκρεμό

Όχι για τον εννιάχρονο αδερφό της. Όχι για το πατέρα τους; Για την ανείπωτη δυστυχία της μάνας τους

Όχι για αυτά τα δίδυμα παιδιά. Για τους γονείς τους που δε θα σταματησουν ποτέ να τα ψάχνουν

  Για αυτή τη γυναίκα με κινητικά προβλήματα που δεν μπόρεσε να τρέξει. Για τον αντρα της που δεν την άφησε κι έφυγαν μαζί αγκαλιασμένοι

  Δε θα βγούμε για τη Χρυσα, το Δημήτρη, τον Αντρεα, την Αγγελική, το Βικτωρα, την Εβελίνα και τη Μαριλια  Αυτοι οι άνθρωποι για τους οποίος κηρύτουμε εθνικό πένθος δεν είναι θέμα μας εθνικό;  Ω Ναι! Η Μακεδονία είναι ελληνική

  Όπως και το Μάτι, ο Μαραθώνας, ο Νέος Βουτζάς, το Πικέρμι, η Ραφήνα  Όπως κι η Ελλάδα  Η Ελλάδα είναι Ελληνική

Δυστυχώς  #pray».

For more infomation >> Γρηγόρης Πετράκος: "Άντε να εξηγήσεις στην κυρία Καρύδη τι είναι η προσευχή" | News | - Duration: 4:37.


Начало вестей в 14:00(Россия 1 +2, 30.07.18) (DVB - C I RIP) - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Начало вестей в 14:00(Россия 1 +2, 30.07.18) (DVB - C I RIP) - Duration: 1:44.


Nguyên nhân ban đầu khiến 13 người tử vong trên xe rước dâu ở Quảng Nam - TIN HOT 24h - Duration: 3:00.

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つば九郎とトラッキーがデュエットしたようです(Kinki Kidsの「硝子の少年」) - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> つば九郎とトラッキーがデュエットしたようです(Kinki Kidsの「硝子の少年」) - Duration: 2:54.


The Apocrypha - The Book of Judith - Duration: 55:02.


Now Arphaxad king of the Medes had brought many nations under his dominions, and he built

a very strong city, which he called Ecbatana, of stones squared and hewed: he made the walls

thereof seventy cubits broad, and thirty cubits high, and the towers thereof he made a hundred

cubits high.

But on the square of them, each side was extended the space of twenty feet.

And he made the gates thereof according to the height of the towers: And he gloried as

a mighty one in the force of his army and in the glory of his chariots.

Now in the twelfth year of his reign, Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians, who reigned in Ninive

the great city, fought against Arphaxad and overcame him, In the great plain which is

called Ragua, about the Euphrates, and the Tigris, and the Jadason, in the plain of Erioch

the king of the Elicians.

Then was the kingdom of Nabuchodonosor exalted, and his heart was elevated: and he sent to

all that dwelt in Cilicia and Damascus, and Libanus, And to the nations that are in Carmelus,

and Cedar, and to the inhabitants of Galilee in the great plain of Asdrelon, And to all

that were in Samaria, and beyond the river Jordan even to Jerusalem, and all the land

of Jesse till you come to the borders of Ethiopia.

To all these Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians, sent messengers: But they all with one mind

refused, and sent them back empty, and rejected them without honour.

Then king Nabuchodonosor being angry against all that land, swore by his throne and kingdom

that he would revenge himself of all those countries.

In the thirteenth year of the reign of Nabuchodonosor, the two and twentieth day of the first month,

the word was given out in the house of Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians, that he would revenge


And he called all the ancients, and all the governors, and his officers of war, and communicated

to them the secret of his counsel: And he said that his thoughts were to bring all the

earth under his empire.

And when this saying pleased them all, Nabuchodonosor, the king, called Holofernes the general of

his armies, And said to him: Go out against all the kingdoms of the west, and against

them especially that despised my commandment.

Thy eye shall not spare any kingdom, and all the strong cities thou shalt bring under my


Then Holofernes called the captains and officers of the power of the Assyrians: and he mustered

men for the expedition, as the king commanded him, a hundred and twenty thousand fighting

men on foot, and twelve thousand archers, horsemen.

And he made all his warlike preparations to go before with a multitude of innumerable

camels, with all provisions sufficient for the armies in abundance, and herds of oxen,

and flocks of sheep, without number.

He appointed corn to be prepared out of all Syria in his passage.

But gold and silver he took out of the king's house in great abundance.

And he went forth he and all the army, with the chariots, and horsemen, and archers, who

covered the face of the earth, like locusts.

And when he had passed through the borders of the Assyrians, he came to the great mountains

of Ange, which are on the left of Cilicia: and he went up to all their castles, and took

all the strong places.

And he took by assault the renowned city of Melothus, and pillaged all the children of

Tharsis, and the children of Ismahel, who were over against the face of the desert,

and on the south of the land of Cellon.

And he passed over the Euphrates and came into Mesopotamia: and he forced all the stately

cities that were there, from the torrent of Mambre, till one comes to the sea: And he

took the borders thereof from Cilicia to the coasts of Japheth, which are towards the south.

And he carried away all the children of Madian, and stripped them of all their riches, and

all that resisted him he slew with the edge of the sword.

And after these things he went down into the plains of Damascus in the days of the harvest,

and he set all the corn on fire, and he caused all the trees and vineyards to be cut down.

And the fear of them fell upon alit the inhabitants of the land.

Then the kings and the princes of all the cities and provinces, of Syria, Mesopotamia,

and Syria Sobal, and Libya, and Cilicia sent their ambassadors, who coming to Holofernes,

said: Let thy indignation towards us cease: for it is better for us to live and serve

Nabuchodonosor the great king, and be subject to thee, than to die and to perish, or suffer

the miseries of slavery.

All our cities and our possessions, all mountains and hills, and fields, and herds of oxen,

and flocks of sheep, and goats, and horses, and camels, and all our goods, and families

are in thy sight: Let all we have be subject to thy law.

Both we and our children are thy servants.

Come to us a peaceable lord, and use our service as it shall please thee.

Then he came down from the mountains with horsemen, in great power, and made himself

master of every city, and all the inhabitants of the land.

And from all the cities he took auxiliaries valiant men, and chosen for war.

And so great a fear lay upon all those provinces, that the inhabitants of all the cities, both

princes and nobles, as well as the people, went out to meet him at his coming.

And received him with garlands, and lights, and dances, and tumbrels, and flutes.

And though they did these things, they could not for all that mitigate the fierceness of

his heart: For he both destroyed their cities and cut down their groves.

For Nabuchodonosor the king had commanded him to destroy all the gods of the earth,

that he only might be called God by those nations which could be brought under him by

the power of Holofernes.

And when he had passed through all Syria Sobal, and all Apamea, and all Mesopotamia, he came

to the Idumeans into the land of Gabaa, And he took possession of their cities, and stayed

there for thirty days, in which days he commanded all the troops of his army to be united.

Then the children of Israel, who dwelt in the land of Juda, hearing these things, were

exceedingly afraid of him.

Dread and horror seized upon their minds, lest he should do the same to Jerusalem and

to the temple of the Lord, that he had done to other cities and their temples.

And they sent into all Samaria round about, as far as Jericho, and seized upon all the

tops of the mountains: And they compassed their towns with walls, and gathered together

corn for provision for war.

And Eliachim the priest wrote to all that were over against Esdrelon, which faceth the

great plain near Dothain, and to all by whom there might be a passage of way, that they

should take possession of the ascents of the mountains, by which there might be any way

to Jerusalem, and should keep watch where the way was narrow between the mountains.

And the children of Israel did as the priest of the Lord Eliachim had appointed them, And

all the people cried to the Lord with great earnestness, and they humbled their souls

in fastings, and prayers, both they and their wives.

And the priests put on haircloths, and they caused the little children to lie prostrate

before the temple of the Lord, and the altar of the Lord they covered with haircloth.

And they cried to the Lord the God of Israel with one accord, that their children might

not be made a prey, and their wives carried off, and their cities destroyed, and their

holy things profaned, and that they might not be made a reproach to the Gentiles.

Then Eliachim the high priest of the Lord went about all Israel and spoke to them, Saying:

Know ye that the Lord will hear your prayers, if you continue with perseverance in fastings

and prayers in the sight of the Lord.

Remember Moses the servant of the Lord, who overcame Amalec that trusted in his own strength,

and in his power, and in his army, and in his shields, and in his chariots, and in his

horsemen, not by fighting with the sword, but by holy prayers: So shall all the enemies

of Israel be, if you persevere in this work which you have begun.

So they being moved by this exhortation of his, prayed to the Lord, and continued in

the sight of the Lord.

So that even they who offered the holocausts to the Lord, offered the sacrifices to the

Lord girded with haircloths, and with ashes upon their head.

And they all begged of God with all their heart, that he would visit his people Israel.

And it was told Holofernes the general of the army of the Assyrians, that the children

of Israel prepared themselves to resist, and had shut up the ways of the mountains.

And he was transported with exceeding great fury and indignation, and he called all the

princes of Moab and the leaders of Amman.

And he said to them: Tell me what is this people that besetteth the mountains: or what

are their cities, and of what sort, and how great: also what is their power, or what is

their multitude: or who is the king over their warfare: And why they above all that dwell

in the east, have despised us, and have not come out to meet us, that they might receive

us with peace?

Then Achior captain of all the children of Ammon answering, said: If thou vouch safe,

my lord, to hear, I will tell the truth in thy sight concerning this people, that dwelleth

in the mountains, and there shall not a false word come out of my mouth.

This people is of the offspring of the Chaldeans.

They dwelt first in Mesopotamia, because they would not follow the gods of their fathers,

who were in the land of the Chaldeans.

Wherefore forsaking the ceremonies of their fathers, which consisted in the worship of

many gods, They worshipped one God of heaven, who also commanded them to depart from thence,

and to dwell in Charan.

And when there was a famine over all the land, they went down into Egypt, and there for four

hundred years were so multiplied, that the army of them could not be numbered.

And when the king of Egypt oppressed them, and made slaves of them to labour in clay

and brick, in the building of his cities, they cried to their Lord, and he struck the

whole land of Egypt with divers plagues.

And when the Egyptians had cast them out from them, and the plague had ceased from them,

and they had a mind to take them again, and bring them back to their service, The God

of heaven opened the sea to them in their flight, so that the waters were made to stand

firm as a wall on either side, and they walked through the bottom of the sea and passed it

dry foot.

And when an innumerable army of the Egyptians pursued after them in that place, they were

so overwhelmed with the waters, that there was not one left, to tell what had happened

to posterity.

And after they came out of the Red Sea, they abode in the deserts of mount Sina, in which

never man could dwell, or son of man rested.

There bitter fountains were made sweet for them to drink, and for forty years they received

food from heaven.

Wheresoever they went in without bow and arrow, and without shield and sword, their God fought

for them and overcame.

And there was no one that triumphed over this people, but when they departed from the worship

of the Lord their God.

But as often as beside their own God, they worshipped any other, they were given to spoil,

and to the sword, and to reproach.

And as often as they were penitent for having revolted from the worship of their God, the

God of heaven gave them power to resist.

So they overthrew the king of the Chanaanites, and of the Jebusites, and of the Pherezites,

and of the Hethites, and of the Hevites, and of the Amorrhites, and all the mighty ones

in Hesebon, and they possessed their lands, and their cities: And as long as they sinned

not in the sight of their God, it was well with them: for their God hateth iniquity.

And even some years ago when they had revolted from the way which God had given them to walk

therein, they were destroyed in battles by many nations, and very many of them were led

away captive into a strange land.

But of late returning to the Lord their God, from the different places wherein they were

scattered, they are come together and are gone up into all these mountains, and possess

Jerusalem again, where their holies are.

Now therefore, my lord, search if there be any iniquity of theirs in the sight of their

God: let us go up to them, because their God will surely deliver them to thee, and they

shall be brought under the yoke of thy power: But if there be no offense of this people

in the sight of their God, we can not resist them, because their God will defend them:

and we shall be a reproach to the whole earth.

And it came to pass, when Achior had ceased to speak these words, all the great men of

Holofernes were angry, and they had a mind to kill him, saying to each other: Who is

this, that saith the children of Israel can resist king Nabuchodonosor, and his armies,

men unarmed, and without force, and without skill in the art of war?

That Achior therefore may know that he deceiveth us, let us go up into the mountains: and when

the bravest of them shall be taken, then shall he with them be stabbed with the sword: That

every nation may know that Nabuchodonosor is god of the earth, and besides him there

is no other.

And it came to pass when they had left off speaking, that Holofernes being in a violent

passion, said to Achior: Because thou hast prophesied unto us, saying: That the nation

of Israel is defended by their God, to shew thee that there is no God, but Nabuchodonosor:

When we shall slay them all as one man, then thou also shalt die with them by the sword

of the Assyrians, and all Israel shall perish with thee: And thou shalt find that Nabuchodonosor

is lord of the whole earth: and then the sword of my soldiers shall pass through thy sides,

and thou shalt be stabbed and fall among the wounded of Israel, and thou shalt breathe

no more till thou be destroyed with them.

But if thou think thy prophecy true, let not thy countenance sink, and let the paleness

that is in thy face, depart from thee, if thou imaginest these my words cannot be accomplished.

And that thou mayst know that thou shalt experience these things together with them, behold from

this hour thou shalt be associated to their people, that when they shall receive the punishment

they deserve from my sword, thou mayst fall under the same vengeance.

Then Holofernes commanded his servants to take Achior, and to lead him to Bethulia,

and to deliver him into the hands of the children of Israel.

And the servants of Holofernes taking him, went through the plains: but when they came

near the mountains, the slingers came out against them.

Then turning out of the way by the side of the mountain, they tied Achior to a tree hand

and foot, and so left him bound with ropes, and returned to their master.

And the children of Israel coming down from Bethulia, came to him, and loosing him they

brought him to Bethulia, and setting him in the midst of the people, asked him what was

the matter, that the Assyrians had left him bound.

In those days the rulers there, were Ozias the son of Micha of the tribe of Simeon, and

Charmi, called also Gothoniel.

And Achior related in the midst of the ancients, and in the presence of all the people, all

that he had said being asked by Holofernes: and how the people of Holofernes would have

killed him for this word, And how Holofernes himself being angry had commanded him to be

delivered for this cause to the Israelites: that when he should overcome the children

of Israel, then he might command Achior also himself to be put to death by diverse torments,

for having said: The God of heaven is their defender.

And when Achior had declared all these things, all the people fell upon their faces, adoring

the Lord, and all of them together mourning and weeping poured out their prayers with

one accord to the Lord, Saying: O Lord God of heaven and earth, behold their pride, and

look on our low condition, and have regard to the face of thy saints, and shew that thou

forsakes not them that trust on thee, and that thou humblest them that presume of themselves,

and glory in their own strength.

So when their weeping was ended, and the people's prayer, in which they continued all the day,

was concluded, they comforted Achior, Saying: the God of our fathers, whose power thou hast

set forth, will make this return to thee, that thou rather shalt see their destruction.

And when the Lord our God shall give this liberty to his servants, let God be with thee

also in the midst of us: that as it shall please thee, so thou with all thine mayst

converse with us.

Then Ozias, after the assembly was broken up, received him into his house, and made

him a great supper.

And all the ancients were invited, and they refreshed themselves together after their

fast was over.

And afterwards all the people were called together, and they prayed all the night long

within the church, desiring help of the God of Israel.

But Holofernes on the next day gave orders to his army, to go up against Bethulia.

Now there were in his troops a hundred and twenty thousand footmen, and two and twenty

thousand horsemen, besides the preparations of those men who had been taken, and who had

been brought away out of the provinces and cities of all the youth.

All these prepared themselves together to fight against the children of Israel, and

they came by the hillside to the top, which looketh toward Dothain, from the place which

is called Behlma, unto Chelmon, which is over against Esdrelon.

But the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, prostrated themselves

upon the ground, putting ashes upon their heads, praying with one accord, that the God

of Israel would shew his mercy upon his people.

And taking their arms of war, they posted themselves at the places, which by a narrow

pathway lead directly between the mountains, and they guarded them all day and night.

Now Holofernes, in going round about, found that the fountains which supplied them with

water, ran through an aqueduct without the city on the south side: and he commanded their

aqueduct to he cut off.

Nevertheless there were springs not far from the walls, out of which they were seen secretly

to draw water, to refresh themselves a little rather than to drink their fill.

But the children of Ammon and Moab came to Holofernes, saying: The children of Israel

trust not in their spears, nor in their arrows, but the mountains are their defense, and the

steep hires and precipices guard them.

Wherefore that thou mayst overcome them without joining battle, set guards at the springs

that they may not draw water out of them, and thou shalt destroy them without sword,

or at least being wearied out they will yield up their city, which they suppose, because

it is situate in the mountains, to be impregnable.

And these words pleased Holofernes, and his officers, and he placed all round about a

hundred men at every spring.

And when they had kept this watch for full twenty days, the cisterns, and the reserve

of waters failed among all the inhabitants of Bethulia, so that there was not within

the city, enough to satisfy them, no not for one day, for water was daily given out to

the people by measure.

Then all the men and women, young men, and children, gathering themselves together to

Ozias, all together with one voice, Said: God be judge between us and thee, for thou

hast done evil against us, in that thou wouldst not speak peaceably with the Assyrians, and

for this cause God hath sold us into their hands.

And therefore there is no one to help us, while we are cast down before their eyes in

thirst, and sad destruction.

And now assemble ye all that are in the city, that we may of our own accord yield ourselves

all up to the people of Holofernes.

For it is better, that being captives we should live and bless the Lord, than that we should

die, and be a reproach to all flesh, after we have seen our wives and our infants die

before our eyes.

We call to witness this day heaven and earth, and the God of our fathers, who taketh vengeance

upon us according to our sins, conjuring you to deliver now the city into the hand of the

army of Holofernes, that our end may be short by the edge of the sword, which is made longer

by the drought of thirst.

And when they had said these things, there was great weeping and lamentation of all in

the assembly, and for many hours with one voice they cried to God, saying: We have sinned

with our fathers we have done unjustly, we have committed iniquity: Have thou mercy on

us, because thou art good, or punish our iniquities by chastising us thyself, and deliver not

them that trust in thee to a people that knoweth not thee, That they may not say among the

gentiles: Where is their God?

And when being wearied with these cries, and tired with these weepings, they held their

peace, Ozias rising up all in tears, said: Be of good courage, my brethren, and let us

wait these five days for mercy from the Lord.

For perhaps he will put a stop to his indignation, and will give glory to his own name.

But if after five days be past there come no aid, we will do the things which you leave


Now it came to pass, when Judith a widow had heard these words, who was the daughter of

Merari, the son of Idox, the son of Joseph, the son of Ozias, the son of Elai, the son

of Jamnor, the son of Gedeon, the son of Raphaim, the son of Achitob, the son of Melehias, the

son of Enan, the son of Nathanias, the son of Salathiel, the son of Simeon, the son of

Ruben: And her husband was Manasses, who died in the time of the barley harvest: For he

was standing over them that bound sheaves in the field; and the heat came upon his head,

and he died in Bethulia his own city, and was buried there with his fathers.

And Judith his relict was a widow now three years and six months.

And she made herself a private chamber in the upper part of her house, in which she

abode shut up with her maids.

And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the

Sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.

And she was exceedingly beautiful, and her husband left her great riches, and very many

servants, and large possessions of herds of oxen, and flocks of sheep.

And she was greatly renowned among all, because she feared the Lord very much, neither was

there any one that spoke an ill word of her.

When therefore she had heard that Ozias had promised that he would deliver up the city

after the fifth day, she sent to the ancients Chabri and Charmi.

And they came to her, and she said to them: What is this word, by which Ozias hath consented

to give up the city to the Assyrians, if within five days there come no aid to us?

And who are you that tempt the Lord?

This is not a word that may draw down mercy, but rather that may stir up wrath, and enkindle


You have set a time for the mercy of the Lord, and you have appointed him a day, according

to your pleasure.

But forasmuch as the Lord is patient, let us be penitent for this same thing, and with

many tears let us beg his pardon: For God will not threaten like man, nor be inflamed

to anger like the son of man.

And therefore let us humble our souls before him, and continuing in an humble spirit, in

his service: Let us ask the Lord with tears, that according to his will so he would shew

his mercy to us: that as our heart is troubled by their pride, so also we may glorify in

our humility.

For we have not followed the sins of our fathers, who forsook their God, and worshipped strange


For which crime they were given up to their enemies, to the sword, and to pillage, and

to confusion: but we know no other God but him.

Let us humbly wait for his consolation, and the Lord our God will require our blood of

the afflictions of our enemies, and he will humble all the nations that shall rise up

against us, and bring them to disgrace.

And now, brethren, as you are the ancients among the people of God, and their very soul

resteth upon you: comfort their hearts by your speech, that they may be mindful how

our fathers were tempted that they might be proved, whether they worshipped their God


They must remember how our father Abraham was tempted, and being proved by many tribulations,

was made the friend of God.

So Isaac, so Jacob, so Moses, and all that have pleased God, passed through many tribulations,

remaining faithful.

But they that did not receive the trials with the fear of the Lord, but uttered their impatience

and the reproach of their murmuring against the Lord, Were destroyed by the destroyer,

and perished by serpents.

As for us therefore let us not revenge ourselves for these things which we suffer.

But esteeming these very punishments to be less than our sins deserve, let us believe

that these scourges of the Lord, with which like servants we are chastised, have happened

for our amendment, and not for our destruction.

And Ozias and the ancients said to her: All things which thou hast spoken are true, and

there is nothing to be reprehended in thy words.

Now therefore pray for us, for thou art a holy woman, and one fearing God.

And Judith said to them: As you know that what I have been able to say is of God: So

that which I intend to do prove ye if it be of God, and pray that God may strengthen my


You shall stand at the gate this night, and I will go out with my maidservant: and pray

ye, that as you have said, in five days the Lord may look down upon his people Israel.

But I desire that you search not into what I am doing, and till I bring you word let

nothing else be done but to pray for me to the Lord our God.

And Ozias the prince of Juda said to her: Go in peace, and the Lord be with thee to

take revenge of our enemies.

So returning they departed.

And when they were gone, Judith went into her oratory: and putting on haircloth, laid

ashes on her head: and falling down prostrate before the Lord, she cried to the Lord, saying:

O Lord God of my father Simeon, who gavest him a sword to execute vengeance against strangers,

who had defiled by their uncleanness, and uncovered the virgin unto confusion: And who

gavest their wives to he made a prey, and their daughters into captivity: and all their

spoils to be divided to thy servants, who were zealous with thy zeal: assist, I beseech

thee, O Lord God, me a widow.

For thou hast done the things of old, and hast devised one thing after another: and

what thou hast designed hath been done.

For all thy ways are prepared, and in thy providence thou hast placed thy judgments.

Look upon the camp of the Assyrians now, as thou wast pleased to look upon the camp of

the Egyptians, when they pursued armed after thy servants, trusting in their chariots,

and in their horsemen, and in a multitude of warriors.

But thou lookedst over their camp, and darkness wearied them.

The deep held their feet, and the waters overwhelmed them.

So may it be with these also, O Lord, who trust in their multitude, and in their chariots,

and in their pikes, and in their shields, and in their arrows, and glory in their spears,

And know not that thou art our God, who destroyest wars from the beginning, and the Lord is thy


Lift up thy arm as from the beginning, and crush their power with thy power: let their

power fall in their wrath, who promise themselves to violate thy sanctuary, and defile the dwelling

place of thy name, and to beat down with their sword the horn of thy altar.

Bring to pass, O Lord, that his pride may be cut off with his own sword.

Let him be caughtin the net of his own eyesin my regard, and do thou strike him by the graces

of the words of my lips.

Give me constancy in my mind, that I may despise him: and fortitude that I may overthrow him.

Forthis will be a glorious monument for thy name, when he shall fall by the hand of a


For thy power, O Lord, is not in a multitude, nor is thy pleasure in the strength of horses,

nor from the beginning have the proud been acceptable to thee: but the prayer of the

humble and the meek hath always pleased thee.

O God of the heavens, creator of the waters, and Lord of the whole creation, hear me a

poor wretch, making supplication to thee, and presuming of thy mercy.

Remember, O Lord, thy covenant, and put thou words in my mouth, and strengthen the resolution

in my heart, that thy house may continue in thy holiness: And all nations may acknowledge

that thou art God, and there is no other besides thee.

And it came to pass, when she had ceased to cry to the Lord, that she rose from the place

wherein she lay prostrate before the Lord.

And she called her maid, and going down into her house she took off her haircloth, and

put away the garments of her widowhood, And she washed her body, and anointed herself

with the best ointment, and plaited the hair of her head, and put a bonnet upon her head,

and clothed herself with the garments of her gladness, and put sandals on her feet, and

took her bracelets, and lilies, and earlets, and rings, and adorned herself with all her


And the Lord also gave her more beauty: because all this dressing up did not proceed from

sensuality, lent from virtue: and therefore the Lord increased this her beauty, so that

she appeared to all men's eyes incomparably lovely.

And she gave to her maid a bottle of wine to carry, and a vessel of oil, and parched

corn, and dry figs, and bread and cheese, and went out.

And when they came to the gate of the city, they found Ozias, and the ancients of the

city waiting.

And when they saw her they were astonished, and admired her beauty exceedingly.

But they asked her no question, only they let her pass, saying: The God of our fathers

give thee grace, and may he strengthen all the counsel of thy heart with his power, that

Jerusalem may glory in thee, and thy name may be in the number of the holy and just.

And they that were there said, all with one voice: So be it, so be it.

But Judith praying to the Lord, passed through the gates, she and her maid.

And it came to pass, when she went down the hill, about break of day, that the watchmen

of the Assyrians met her and stopped her, saying: Whence comest thou? or whither goest


And she answered: I am a daughter of the Hebrews, and I am fled from them, because I knew they

would be made a prey to you, because they despised you, and would not of their own accord

yield themselves, that they might find mercy in your sight.

For this reason I thought with myself, saying: I will go to the presence of the prince Holofernes,

that I may tell him their secrets, and shew him by what way he may take them, without

the loss of one man of his army.

And when the men had heard her words, they beheld her face, and their eyes were amazed,

for they wondered exceedingly at her beauty.

And they said to her: Thou hast saved thy life by taking this resolution, to come down

to our lord.

And be assured of this, that when thou shalt stand before him, he will treat thee well,

and thou wilt be most acceptable to his heart.

And they brought her to the tent of Holofernes, telling him of her.

And when she was come into his presence, forthwith Holofernes was caught by his eyes.

And his officers said to him: Who can despise the people of the Hebrews who have such beautiful

women, that we should not think it worth our while for their sakes to fight against them?

And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting under a canopy, which was woven of purple and gold,

with emeralds and precious stones: After she had looked on his face bowed down to him,

prostrating herself to the ground.

And the servants of Holofernes lifted her up, by the command of their master.

Then Holofernes said to her: Be of good comfort, and fear not in thy heart: for I have never

hurt a man that was willing to serve Nabuchodonosor the king.

And if thy people had not despised me, I would never have lifted up my spear against them.

But now tell me, for what cause hast thou left them, and why it hath pleased thee to

come to us?

And Judith said to him: Receive the words of thy handmaid, for if thou wilt follow the

words of thy handmaid, the Lord will do with thee a perfect thing.

For as Nabuchodonosor the king of the earth liveth, and his power liveth which is in thee

for chastising of all straying souls: not only men serve him through thee, but also

the beasts of the field obey him.

For the industry of thy mind is spoken of among all nations, and it is told through

the whole world, that thou only art excellent, and mighty in all his kingdom, and thy discipline

is cried up in all provinces.

It is known also what Achior said, nor are we ignorant of what thou hast commanded to

be done to him.

For it is certain that our God is so offended with sins, that he hath sent word by his prophets

to the people, that he will deliver them up for their sins.

And because the children of Israel know they have offended their God, thy dread is upon


Moreover also a famine hath come upon them, and for drought of water they are already

to be counted among the dead.

And they have a design even to kill their cattle, and to drink the blood of them.

And the consecrated things of the Lord their God which God forbade them to touch, in corn,

wine, and oil, these have they purposed to make use of, and they design to consume the

things which they ought not to touch with their hands: therefore because they do these

things, it is certain they will be given up to destruction.

And I thy handmaid knowing this, am fled from them, and the Lord hath sent me to tell thee

these very things.

For I thy handmaid worship God even now that I am with thee, and thy handmaid will go out,

and I will pray to God, And he will tell me when he will repay them for their sins, and

I will come and tell thee, so that I may bring thee through the midst of Jerusalem, and thou

shalt have all the people of Israel, as sheep that have no shepherd, and there shall not

so much as one dog bark against thee: Because these things are told me by the providence

of God.

And because God is angry with them, I am sent to tell these very things to thee.

And all these words pleased Holofernes, and his servants, and they admired her wisdom,

and they said one to another: There is not such another woman upon earth in look, in

beauty, and in sense of words.

And Holofernes said to her: God hath done well who sent thee before the people, that

thou mightest give them into our hands: And because thy promise is good, if thy God shall

do this for me, he shall also be my God, and thou shalt be great in the house of Nabuchodonosor,

and thy name shall be renowned through all the earth.

Then he ordered that she should go in where his treasures were laid up, and bade her tarry

there, and he appointed what should be given her from his own table.

And Judith answered him and said: Now I cannot eat of these things which thou commandest

to be given me, lest sin come upon me: but I will eat of the things which I have brought.

And Holofernes said to her: If these things which thou hast brought with thee fail thee,

what shall we do for thee?

And Judith said: As thy soul liveth, my lord, thy handmaid shall not spend all these things

till God do by my hand that which I have purposed.

And his servants brought her into the tent which he had commanded.

And when she was going in, she desired that she might have liberty to go out at night

and before day to prayer, and to beseech the Lord.

And he commanded his chamberlains, that she might go out and in, to adore her God as she

pleased, for three days.

And she went out in the nights into the valley of Bethulia, and washed herself in a fountain

of water.

And as she came up, she prayed to the Lord the God of Israel, that he would direct her

way to the deliverance of his people.

And going in, she remained pure in the tent, until she took her own meat in the evening.

And it came to pass on the fourth day, that Holofernes made a supper for his servants,

and said to Vagao his eunuch: Go, and persuade that Hebrew woman, to consent of her own accord

to dwell with me.

For it is looked upon as shameful among the Assyrians, if a woman mock a man, by doing

so as to pass free from him.

Then Vagao went in to Judith, and said: Let not my good maid be afraid to go in to my

lord, that she may be honoured before his face, that she may eat with him and drink

wine and be merry.

And Judith answered him: Who am I, that I should gainsay my lord?

All that shall be good and best before his eyes, I will do.

And whatsoever shall please him, that shall be best to me all the days of my life.

And she arose and dressed herself out with her garments, and going in she stood before

his face.

And the heart of Holofernes was smitten, for he was burning with the desire of her.

And Holofernes said to her: Drink now, and sit down and be merry for thou hast found

favour before me.

And Judith said: I will drink my lord, because my life is magnified this day above all my


And she took and ate and drank before him what her maid had prepared for her.

And Holofernes was made merry on her occasion, and drank exceeding much wine, so much as

he had never drunk in his life.

And when it was grown late, his servants made haste to their lodgings, and Vagao shut the

chamber doors, and went his way.

And they were all overcharged with wine.

And Judith was alone in the chamber.

But Holofernes lay on his bed, fast asleep, being exceedingly drunk.

And Judith spoke to her maid to stand without before the chamber, and to watch: And Judith

stood before the bed praying with tears, and the motion of her lips in silence, Saying:

Strengthen me, O Lord God of Israel, and in this hour look on the works of my hands, that

as thou hast promised, thou mayst raise up Jerusalem thy city: and that I may bring to

pass that which I have purposed, having a belief that it might be done by thee.

And when she had said this, she went to the pillar that was at his bed's head, and loosed

his sword that hung tied upon it.

And when she had drawn it out, she took him by the hair of his head, and said: Strengthen

me, O Lord God, at this hour.

And she struck twice upon his neck, and out off his head, and took off his canopy from

the pillars, and rolled away his headless body.

And after a while she went out, and delivered the head of Holofernes to her maid, and bade

her put it into her wallet.

And they two went out according to their custom, as it were to prayer, and they passed the

camp, and having compassed the valley, they came to the gate of the city.

And Judith from afar off cried to the watchmen upon the walls: Open the gates for God is

with us, who hath shewn his power in Israel.

And it came to pass, when the men had heard her voice, that they called the ancients of

the city.

And all ran to meet her from the least to the greatest: for they now had no hopes that

she would come.

And lighting up lights they all gathered round about her: and she went up to a higher place,

and commanded silence to be made.

And when all had held their peace, Judith said: Praise ye the Lord our God, who hath

not forsaken them that hope in him.

And by me his handmaid he hath fulfilled his mercy, which he promised to the house of Israel:

and he hath killed the enemy of his people by my hand this night.

Then she brought forth the head of Holofernes out of the wallet, and shewed it them, saying:

Behold the head of Holofernes the general of the army of the Assyrians, and behold his

canopy, wherein he lay in his drunkenness, where the Lord our God slew him by the hand

of a woman.

But as the same Lord liveth, his angel hath been my keeper both going hence, and abiding

there, and returning from thence hither: and the Lord hath not suffered me his handmaid

to be defiled, but hath brought me back to you without pollution of sin, rejoicing for

his victory, for my escape, and for your deliverance.

Give all of you glory to him, because he is good, because his mercy endureth for ever.

And they all adored the Lord, and said to her: The Lord hath blessed thee by his power,

because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nought.

And Ozias the prince of the people of Israel, said to her: Blessed art thou, O daughter,

by the Lord the most high God, above all women upon the earth.

Blessed be the Lord who made heaven and earth, who hath directed thee to the cutting off

the head of the prince of our enemies.

Because he hath so magnified thy name this day, that thy praise shall not depart out

of the mouth of men who shall be mindful of the power of the Lord for ever, for that thou

hast not spared thy life, by reason of the distress and tribulation of thy people, but

hast prevented our ruin in the presence of our God.

And all the people said: So be it, so be it.

And Achior being called for came, and Judith said to him: The God of Israel, to whom thou

gavest testimony, that he revengeth himself of his enemies, he hath cut off the head of

all the unbelievers this night by my hand.

And that thou mayst find that it is so, behold the head of Holofernes, who in the contempt

of his pride despised the God of Israel: and threatened thee with death, saying: When the

people of Israel shall be taken, I will command thy sides to be pierced with a sword.

Then Achior seeing the head of Holofernes, being seized with a great fear he fell on

his face upon the earth, and his soul swooned away.

But after he had recovered his spirits he fell down at her feet, and reverenced her

and said: Blessed art thou by thy God in every tabernacle of Jacob, for in every nation which

shall hear thy name, the God of Israel shall be magnified on occasion of thee.

And Judith said to all the people: Hear me, my brethren, hang ye up this head upon our


And as soon as the sun shall rise, let every man take his arms, and rush ye out, not as

going down beneath, but as making an assault.

Then the watchmen must needs run to awake their prince for the battle.

And when the captains of them shall run to the tent of Holofernes, and shall find him

without his head wallowing in his blood, fear shall fall upon them.

And when you shall know that they are fleeing, go after them securely, for the Lord will

destroy them under your feet.

Then Achior seeing the power that the God of Israel had wrought, leaving the religion

of the gentiles, he believed God, and circumcised the flesh of his foreskin, and was joined

to the people of Israel, with all the succession of his kindred until this present day.

And immediately at break of day, they hung up the head of Holofernes upon the walls,

and every man took his arms, and they sent out with a great noise and shouting.

And the watchmen seeing this, ran to the tent of Holofernes.

And they that were in the tent came, and made a noise before the door of the chamber to

awake him, endeavouring by art to break his rest, that Holofernes might awake, not by

their calling him, but by their noise.

For no man durst knock, or open and go into the chamber of the general of the Assyrians.

But when his captains and tribunes were come, and all the chiefs of the army of the king

of the Assyrians, they said to the chamberlains: Go in, and awake him, for the mice coming

out of their holes, have presumed to challenge us to fight.

Then Vagao going into his chamber, stood before the curtain, and made a clapping with his

hands: for he thought that he was sleeping with Judith.

But when with hearkening, he perceived no motion of one lying, he came near to the curtain,

and lifting it up, and seeing the body of Holofernes, lying upon the ground, without

the head, sweltering in his blood, he cried out with a loud voice, with weeping, and rent

his garments.

And he went into the tent of Judith, and not finding her, he ran out to the people, And

said: One Hebrew woman hath made confusion in the house of king Nabuchodonosor: for behold

Holofernes lieth upon the ground, and his head is not upon him.

Now when the chiefs of the army of the Assyrians had heard this, they all rent their garments,

and an intolerable fear and dread fell upon them, and their minds were troubled exceedingly.

And there was a very great cry in the midst of their camp.

And when all the army heard that Holofernes was beheaded, courage and counsel fled from

them, and being seized with trembling and fear they thought only to save themselves

by flight: So that no one spoke to his neighbor, but hanging down the head, leaving all things

behind, they made haste to escape from the Hebrews, who, as they heard, were coming armed

upon them, and fled by the ways of the fields, and the paths of the hills.

So the children of Israel seeing them fleeing, followed after them.

And they went down sounding with trumpets and shouting after them.

And because the Assyrians were not united together, they went without order in their

flight; but the children of Israel pursuing in one body, defeated all that they could


And Ozias sent messengers through all the cities and countries of Israel.

And every country, and every city, sent their chosen young men armed after them, and they

pursued them with the edge of the sword until they came to the extremities of their confines.

And the rest that were in Bethulia went into the camp of the Assyrians, and took away the

spoils, which the Assyrians in their flight had left behind them, and they were laden


But they that returned conquerors to Bethulia, brought with them all things that were theirs,

so that there was no numbering of their cattle, and beasts, and all their moveables, insomuch

that from the least to the greatest all were made rich by their spoils.

And Joachim the high priest came from Jerusalem to Bethulia with all his ancients to see Judith.

And when she was come out to him, they all blessed her with one voice, saying: Thou art

the glory of Jerusalem, thou art the joy of Israel, thou art the honour of our people:

For thou hast done manfully, and thy heart has been strengthened, because thou hast loved

chastity, and after thy husband hast not known any other: therefore also the hand of the

Lord hath strengthened thee, and therefore thou shalt be blessed for ever.

And all the people said: So be it, so be it.

And thirty days were scarce sufficient for the people of Israel to gather up the spoils

of the Assyrians.

But all those things that were proved to be the peculiar goods of Holofernes, they gave

to Judith in gold, and silver, and garments and precious stones, and all household stuff,

and they all were delivered to her by the people.

And all the people rejoiced, with the women, and virgins, and young men, playing on instruments

and harps.

Then Judith sung this canticle to the Lord, saying: Begin ye to the Lord with timbrels,

sing ye to the Lord with cymbals, tune unto him a new psalm, extol and call upon his name.

The Lord putteth an end to wars, the Lord is his name.

He hath set his camp in the midst of his people, to deliver us from the hand of all our enemies.

The Assyrians came out of the mountains from the north in the multitude of his strength:

his multitude stopped up the torrents, and their horses covered the valleys.

He bragged that he would set my borders on fire, and kill my young men with the sword,

to make my infants a prey, and my virgins captives.

But the almighty Lord hath struck him, and hath delivered him into the hands of a woman,

and hath slain him.

For their mighty one did not fall by young men, neither did the sons of Titan strike

him, nor tall giants oppose themselves to him, but Judith the daughter of Merari weakened

him with the beauty of her face.

For she put off her the garments of widowhood, and put on her the garments of joy, to give

joy to the children of Israel.

She anointed her face with ointment, and bound up her locks with a crown, she took a new

robe to deceive him.

Her sandals ravished his eyes, her beauty made his soul her captive, with a sword she

cut off his head.

The Persians quaked at her constancy, and the Medes at her boldness.

Then the camp of the Assyrians howled, when my lowly ones appeared, parched with thirst.

The sons of the damsels have pierced them through, and they have killed them like children

fleeing away: they perished in battle before the face of the Lord my God.

Let us sing a hymn to the Lord, let us sing a new hymn to our God.

O Adonai, Lord, great art thou, and glorious in thy power, and no one can overcome thee.

Let all thy creatures serve thee: because thou hast spoken, and they were made: thou

didst send forth thy spirit, and they were created, and there is no one that can resist

thy voice.

The mountains shall be moved from the foundations with the waters: the rooks shall melt as wax

before thy face.

But they that fear thee, shall be great with thee in all things.

Woe be to the nation that riseth up against my people: for the Lord almighty will take

revenge on them, in the day of judgment he will visit them.

For he will give fire, and worms into their flesh, that they may burn, and may feel for


And it came to pass after these things, that all the people, afterthe victory, came to

Jerusalem to adore the Lord: and as soon as they were purified, they all offered holocausts,

and vows, and their promises.

And Judith offered for an anathema of oblivion all the arms of Holofernes, which the people

gave her, and the canopy that she had taken away out of his chamber.

And the people were joyful in the sight of the sanctuary, and for three months the joy

of this victory was celebrated with Judith.

And after those days every man returned to his house, and Judith was made great in Bethulia,

and she was most renowned in all the land of Israel.

And chastity was joined to her virtue, so that she knew no man all the days of her life,

after the death of Manasses her husband.

And on festival days she came forth with great glory.

And she abode in her husband's house a hundred and five years, and made her handmaid free,

and she died, and was buried with her husband in Bethulia.

And all the people mourned for seven days.

And all the time of her life there was none that troubled Israel, nor many years after

her death.

But the day of the festivity of this victory is received by the Hebrews in the number of

holy days, and is religiously observed by the Jews from that time until this day.

For more infomation >> The Apocrypha - The Book of Judith - Duration: 55:02.


Netz-Hate für Kim K.: Hat sie ihre Haut dunkler gemacht? - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Netz-Hate für Kim K.: Hat sie ihre Haut dunkler gemacht? - Duration: 2:42.


【MUKBANG】 [Matsuya] Plenty OF Veggies Beef Bowl & Green Onion Salt Pork Galbi 10 Items 7385kcal[CC] - Duration: 7:05.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i bought from Matsuya a lot of new items

and for what i wanted to try for today...

Plenty of Veggies Wasabi Beef Bowl

everyone know the Dashi, isn't it ?

it's a yamagata's dish, and it's so tasty

and it's a limited edition until July 17th

and Green Onion Salt Pork Galbi rice bowl is a limited edtion as well until july 10th

Matsuya always create great things even in summer


let's start with the beef bowl

this is what called dashi

and it contains, Cucumber, radish, eggplant, ginger, Green onion, green onion

and Matsuya's special wasabi

and some soy sauce as well

adding this to the rice, is something so delicious

and with the beef, it's going to be much more better

and i asked for this as a plus, that i wanted really to try it

this is the beef bowl

let's add first the "tororo"

and we add the "dashi"

and matsuya gives you with it some black sesame seasoning

hay, like this

the dashi is well mixed, and it looks so tasty


the meat is so soft and tasty

and eating it with rice is the best thing

the texture of the Cucumber and the other ingredients is so crispy, and this create a differentiated in the texture in a good way

girls will like it a lot

and the smell of the wasabi is good

this wasabi burn a little bit, but it's not spicy

we did it

the crispy texture of the cucumber and radish is so tasty

this time i bought 4 from each kind

this is jiggly


it's like a sticky natto, i really like the sticky food

it's so great to eat such a things in summer

this meat is so tasty


we did it

it's like a dish that your grandmother will make it for you

next is, Green Onion Salt Pork Galbi rice bowl

hay, looks so tasty

and smell of the green onion is so good

the meat is so tasty as well


this galbi meat is more crispy

and because the green onion is so refreshing, it's so tasty

and the salty taste of the Galbi goes so well

there is plenty of the green onion


the salty Galbi meat with black pepper is really good

and to have 10 plates for today...

i ordered 2 ordinary standard items

Grated radish ponzu beef rice bowl

grated radisg and the ponzu sauce

the cat blushed now

with the ponzu


the meat is so refreshing

and it's so soft and tasty

next, the ordinary beef bowl with plenty of green onion

the onsen eggs looks so tasty

the spicy beef with the onsen eggs is so tasty

and the amount of the green onion is good as well

the last bite, itadakimasu

mmmm, we did it


the beef bowl and the galbi bowl was so tasty

and the dashi was so amazing as well

it was so refreshing

and it's so good for those who are in diet

and it goes so well with the rice

and especially with the beef, you can eat this dish without worrying about the calories

the sticky food always has a nice amount of nutrition

and the galbi was so tasty with all of this green onion

and because it was so tasty, why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Matsuya] Plenty OF Veggies Beef Bowl & Green Onion Salt Pork Galbi 10 Items 7385kcal[CC] - Duration: 7:05.


Perfect for the summer! Fancy flashy makeup of gal【Eng Sub】Black Diamond Aochan - Duration: 12:32.

Like summer, I will be exploding

so really summer like!

Hello. I am Aochan from Black Diamond

I did Fes makeup which is great for summer

It's long but watch till the end

Let's start

The circle lens are different from usual

It's green circle lens

It's circle lens for cosplay

and whether there is light or not, this is a vivid green color

For flashy makeup I thought the circle lens should be flashy as well

so I chose a much flashy one

Starting with base makeup

CANMAKE Perfect Serum BB Cream No.1 Light

Revlon color stay makeup

no.370 mixed together

Since today is FES makeup, I'm mixing this BB cream with sunblock with foundation

making one process less

and trying to make the skin lighter

Next is the concealer

CANMAKE Cover and Make Concealer in no.1

As usual on the nose, under the eyes, and places you want to make higher

For the concealer, I found out lately that sponge spreads better than brushes,

I am using this type of sponge. You can get it for 400yen at Donquijote. Try it out

Covering pimple marks

KATE stick concealer natural beige

The CANMAKE base had quite a coverage

so there was less space to add the concealer

so I'm adding to only parts I couldn't cover

Adding the powder next

AC High Cover Matte Powder in color Healthy Skin

It will probably won't be even

adding too much will make it worse

so in the right amount not putting too much

adding many only to parts where it glares and others in thin layer

The eyebrows

Kate designing eyebrow in light brown color

Before I only used it on my outer corner

but the eyebrows have grown even more

and don't need the pencil type any more

so only using this powder

For the eyebrows shape I try to make it thick but not too long

just about the outer corner meeting the outer corner of th brows

I worry quite much about the width of my face

If I draw it too long, it will enhance the look

so I always draw it short

Covering the color of the eyebrows

As usual Kiss Me Heavy Rotation Coloring Eyebrow

in color light brown

The eyebrows have grown

adding a little will make it a natural eyebrow

If you don't like fake looking eyebrows, when you grow your eyebrows and use eyebrows mascara

It will become a fluffy eyebrows

Making double eyelids

Using Koji Eye tape which is glue for eyelid

Over that using this...


Automatic beauty

Adding on

If I were to just put this on, the sides will come up

so adding the glue and then pasting is the key

so pulling a little and pushing it in will work

If you do it too hard, the skin will be pushed in

If you pull it just nicely, it will look good so try it out

For eyeshadow, I'm not using the normal

Star Gazer Neon.It's liquid

I don't think it's a shadow

I'm not sure what it is, but some color liquid

but if I did this with shadow, it will be too soft and won't give a vivid look

so using paint color to make it vivid

so I used this one

This will shine with UV light,

so if you go to a club,

you can...+*}_?=~

You will stick out

The area is, you should add quite to the outer corner

Look at the balance. If you add it the same here, it will look crooked

As a draft for eyeliner, or give some wing on the outer corner

and make it thinner as you go to the edge

Drawing the bottom eyelid

Star Gaze Neon Paint. The one before was orange but I'm using pink now

I wanted to use flashy color, and I like orange, yellow and pink

so for today I did use bright colors

When I put them all together on the inner corner, it will be too orange and pink

so adding mainly from the pupils to outside

Next is eye shadow

Maybelline hyper diamond shadow GD-1, gold type color

With only the neon color I had added, it will only be bloated

but I wanted to make it sharper

so with this brown I only added the inner edge

to make it blended in and sharp at the same time

Drawing the draft to add on the false lashes

K-Palette Real Lasting Eyeliner DB-1 , a brown color

Usually I use black. For the inner or outer corner I use black or brown

but for draft, I try not to show it. It's a draft so I'm drawing in brown

Next is inner and outer corner, and the bottom eyelid

K-Palette real lasting eyeliner

Color SB. Probably short for Super Black is my hunch

For the inner and outer corner, if you blend in too much, it won't be so clear

Especially for the outer corner, drawing clearly is better

since it will give your eyes a character so I always draw in black

The mascara. Maybelline the Magnum

Volume Express Waterproof Black

This is not the main mascara but just to blend in with the false lashes

so just adding little bit is ok

Attaching the false lashes

Dolly Wink no.2 Sweet Girly?

It says it's got volume. Popular no.1 pupil enhancing design

I'm cropping off two parts on the inner corner

Do it depending on the size of your eyes. My eyes are too small that I have to crop 2

For big eyed girls, you don't have to crop off

How to put is, from the end of the pupils to the inner corner is vertical

from there if you put it a bit flat, it will look droopy so it will be good

This part needs more, so I'm drawing a line with gel liner

Integrate Killer Wink Gel Liner BK 999


Not touching the inner corner but only the outer for just as much as you want droopy

Not too droopy will make it look nice

Adding the bottom lashes

It's been a while

Dolly Wink no.21. A light false lashes

Using two on the outer corner

When adding to the inner corner, the volume will not look cute,

but when you add to the outer corner, in a good position

It will stick a bit outside of the pupils so it will look cute

Next is nose shadow

Diamond Makeup Nose in Dolly Nose

The place to put is, under the eyes and to the nose in a reverse triangle shape

adding lightly and drawing one line will be good

If you add too much, the parts which should've been white will be dirty

so doing in the same direction will make it look pretty

The skin cosmetics I used today was different from usual so the makeup didn't apply well

The foundation came off easily so it didn't go so well

It may only be me, so try it out


MAC Studio Fix Face Powder

I forgot the number but it's the most black color

Between the brownish black and the reddish black, it's the brownish black

How to do it is, do this and

In the dent under the cheekbones, giving it strokes

Then do the jaw line really lightly

and straight line at the end

The reverse F shape

Next is the most important key of this makeup

The stickers

I didn't add each, but they are all connected so it's easy to add

I bought it at Claire's. The small Rhinestones are at 100yen store

700 yen includes 2 so it's great

Just adding one will make you stick out a lot so I thought of buying many

The bottom heart has same color x 4 and there are 6 colors

Add them wherever you like

If you only add the big ones, it will stand out too much

Add one line and the rest be filled with 100yen hearts and it will be good

Balance is king

On the shiny base, I'm adding these stars

Majolica Majorca Honey Pump Lip Essence

It says beauty lotion but the texture is close to lip gloss

Taking some on the mirror

CANMAKE Glitter Powder no.2

In parts you want to be shiny, taking out and applying it

Adding on to the parts you want to put on

Over that adding these stars as much and whichever color you like would be good

Lip gloss is not only for lips

The last one

The lipstick is for protection. DHC Moisture Lip Cream

The scent of honey

Whatever lipstick you use, or wherever you go

It's better to add base. Lips to get chapped

You get sunburned and it gets dry

This is also a classic. Patent Polish Lip Pencil Go For Girly. A MAC product

This is really cute

but it has been decided it will go out of collection

Adding this normally

This is MAC...Da..Si...Da...SE


Dazzle Glass Stepping Out

It's quite rare for me to add lip gloss

It's reddish pink with a lot of glitter in it

When I add to the whole lips, it will be too plump

but adding to the top and bottom only, it will be a nice plump-ness

Today's hair arrangement is quite an impact

The image is peacock. Yellow peacock

It's better to tie the hair in Festivals since the neck will be clear

I'll just make a normal pony tail

Adding this called fiber. I bought at Alice Shop in Harajuku

Orange and yellow. 1200yen each

The wing is two for 1500 yen

Make a pony tail. Tie these two

Put these together and tie it

Just your own hair and this hair will be braided

If you are not used to Fiber, it may tangle

If it tangles, there is no choice but to cut, so be careful

Tie the braids, and pin it

and finish

It's quite easy. Try it out

You can become flashy really fast

The key today is my favorite orange and yellow, and the belt is rainbow

It's summer so easy to move, and a wear that is ok to become wet

It's summer! Festival Time!

I love sun visors. It was around 1000 yen at Forever 21

Still some left?

The earrings from Yoshida Beads. Maybe the name changed to Yoshida Channel

I thought it was great for today so I attached some aliens.

How was the Fes makeup today?

I usually don't do this flashy makeup

With Rhinestone and Fiber, it becomes really flashy

It's cute and summer like so I want to do this a lot in my private life

Fiber may be difficult, but the sticker may be easy to try so

please try it out

There are many other videos, so please check them out

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Thanks for watching

This was Aochan. Bye bye

For more infomation >> Perfect for the summer! Fancy flashy makeup of gal【Eng Sub】Black Diamond Aochan - Duration: 12:32.


将棋名人「ひふみん」が愛する~クラシック名曲集 [集中・作業用BGM] - Duration: 1:00:40.

For more infomation >> 将棋名人「ひふみん」が愛する~クラシック名曲集 [集中・作業用BGM] - Duration: 1:00:40.


బియ్యం గింజలతో ఈతంత్రం పాటిస్తే అదృష్టమే అదృష్టం | ASTROLOGY | LUCK - Duration: 1:31.


For more infomation >> బియ్యం గింజలతో ఈతంత్రం పాటిస్తే అదృష్టమే అదృష్టం | ASTROLOGY | LUCK - Duration: 1:31.


[ENG SUB] | Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인) Ep 2 | Review & Reaction - Duration: 3:59.

Hello everyone, I am Mustafa Welcome to my channel

I am at the presence of you with review of Mr. Sunshine episode 2

However, because of the reaction scene I used in the previous video

people don't watch my video at South Korea

So that I won't use video on reaction scene but I will tell about the scene with photos

Because I want people to watch my video from South Korea

Since serie tells their story

After this information let's start reivew

We can see changes in Joseon clearly

We are learning more about Ae-Shin

She is struggling to get what he wants on the way she believes.

She does not hesitate to take all the risks for the change she wants

When we started to understand the timeline, we began to learn more about our characters' progress.

It was like a process reminiscent of a cat mouse chase

A chase with the unspoken truths

But Eugene seems more willing to tell his secrets than Ae-Shin

Maybe he's looking for some information about the lands he grew up , or something else in his plans

Even if he introduces himself as an American, I think he is eager to find some information about his homeland

Even if it's gone, there's still a yearning.

Ae-Shin's charcter is more agressive

She goes out on the streets as a fighter at night and defends her rights

At the same time she is proud

And I'm sure we'll see more

But I think that Eugene does not get his emotions out so easily because he represents a country

She is dissimulating

Our character as grandfather is protecting Ae-Shin

The reason for this may be his children who missed in time

I think that's why he treats to prevent Ae-Shin get herself into trouble

Of course it is difficult to prevent her

because when you stop a person for telling their thoughts they actually feel that they hit out even stronger

Grandfather doesn't want Ae-Shin interference into government affairs

But Ae-Shin's stubborn nature makes her grandfather give up

Seung-gu was teacher of Ae-Shin and he is preparing her life to fight difficulties

This shows that grandfather believes that she can accomplish something

Dong-Mae is another character who has a tragic story

We do not see him too much in this episode,

but he will be have an important place in the following episodes because of his punk-type and charming

I guess he also likes to challenge

He has a intelligence team and he is leader of it

In addition, women has important role until now on these episodes, so I hope it continues

Let's talk about impressive scene

Taylor's murder scene and the events on it

Logan Taylor and the minister of Joseon went to geisha's home

As Logan talks about American technology, he suddenly starts coughing

A geisha tells it could be because of smoke and opens the door

Of course, the aim of opening door is to make the target easier

So she is also involving on this case

At the same time, Ae-Shin is waiting for the right moment, focusing on its goal at the top of a building

But Logan is shot in the head, but this is not Ae-Shin's weapon

She looks around and sees someone on another roof

Then they start to chase each other

The running scene over the roof was really breathtaking

Eugene suddenly stops and points his gun at Ae-Shin

So Ae-Shin also do the same

They look at each other for a while

Face-to-face, they can only see their eyes of each other because they cover apart of their faces with a cloth

Looking at each other, they think: "One goal, two snipers. Can he be a comrade? "

When they hear the voice of those who try to catch them, they feel obliged to do something

and both of them suddenly lower their weapons and start running in opposite directions.

Now we come to the last scene of the episode

Eugene continues to interrogate everyone about the incident and he also urges Ae-Shin to question him

Ofcourse this interrogation is for show. Because we already know he killed Logan

They are left alone in the room for a moment and walk towards Eugene Ae-Shin

He implies that she was on there at that night

I just said they can see only their eyes

Eugene makes his hand like this and looks at her eyes

He looks her eyes and says that

I am sure that I saw somebody at that night

then Ae-Shin also did the same and said that I could see someone

and the epsiode ends there

the last scene is also impressive

Let's see what happens in other episodes

and what will be the scene that I liked

I am done for this video

I hope you like my video

Kisses all, takecare, goodbye

By the way

If you watch these videos and subcribe me

I will be extremeeely happy

And you already know that

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