Sunday, September 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 3 2017

I am just 26, 26, 26

I'm just 26, 26

What are you looking at?

Why do you have that creepy smile?

Like this, huh? Like this, huh?

Why do you keep doing that?

(More than yesterday)

I've become stranger

(Today as well)

I am not like myself

(When tomorrow comes)

Unimaginable myself

Someone I don't know Someone you don't know

I'll have changed

How I am Babe babe babe babe

In front of you Babe babe babe babe

I never knew I would change like this

When I look at you I unwillingly change

I must want to hear it

Tell me I¡¯m your babe babe

U make me 25, 25, 25

U make me 24, 24, 24

I feel like 21, 21, 21

I must want to hear it again

Tell me I¡¯m your babe babe

Take me with you and spend time with me

Why do you treat me like a baby?

I can't tell what my age is when I'm with you

Did you cast a spell on me?

I am anxious because of you

I am pining for you every day

Why does my body keep squirming, babe?

Yes, I am being like a baby

Pamper me

How I am Babe babe babe babe

In front of you Babe babe babe babe

I never knew I would change like this

When I look at you I unwillingly change

I must want to hear it

Tell me I¡¯m your babe babe

U make me 19, 19, 19

U make me 17, 17, 17

I feel like 15, 15, 15

I must want to hear it again

Tell me I¡¯m your babe babe

I can't fall asleep tonight

I can't fall asleep because of you

I can't stop thinking about your gaze and speech

I can't fall asleep

Because of you eyes Babe babe babe

Because of your touch Babe babe babe

How I am Babe babe babe babe

I must want to hear it again

Tell me I¡¯m your babe babe

U make me baby girl baby girl baby girl

Now I¡¯m your baby girl baby girl baby girl

For more infomation >> [MV] HyunA(현아) _ BABE(베베) - Duration: 3:24.


[MV] SUNMI(선미) _ Gashina(가시나) - Duration: 4:11.

Your cold gaze is killing me

The flame inside your heart Why are there only ashes left?

Time must be the answer

I become weaker as time passes by

Pain of sorrow becomes dull

Fine, in order to forget you

I will live like the flowers That's who I am

Can't nobody stop me now no try me

Everyone wants to smell my fragrance

Why are you the only fool who doesn't smell it?

Have you gone crazy?

Why are you leaving such a beautiful woman like me behind?

Why are you leaving me behind?

Why are you leaving me?

How can you leave me so easily?

You promised that we will be together

Why are you leaving me?

You will regret it when you see how sharp I've gotten

I'll dig into you deeper like a thorn

It's already been plucked

Don't feel bad

The one who's actually been plucked is you, not me

Fine, in order to forget you

I will live like the flowers That's who I am

Can't nobody stop me now no try me

Everyone wants to smell my fragrance

Why are you the only fool who doesn't smell it?

Have you gone crazy?

Why are you leaving such a beautiful woman like me behind?

Why are you leaving me behind?

Why are you leaving me?

How can you leave me so easily?

You promised that we will be together

Why are you leaving me?

You've wilted, I've bloomed

And it's over

Even if you want to come back to me

You think you can go on living well

Without me, right?

Have you gone crazy?

Why are you leaving such a beautiful woman like me behind?

Why are you leaving me behind?

Why are you leaving me?

How can you leave me so easily?

You promised that we will be together

Why are you leaving me?

Why are you leaving such a beautiful woman like me behind?

For more infomation >> [MV] SUNMI(선미) _ Gashina(가시나) - Duration: 4:11.



Yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here

I can't even count the number of time i have tried to record this video

For more infomation >> COD WW2 BEST GREASE GUN CLASS SETUP - WW2 GREASE GUN BEST CLASS SETUP - Duration: 9:36.



For more infomation >> IRMA HURRICANE, PUNTA CARIBBEAN - USA NEWS 03/09/17 - Duration: 3:15.


Schweden-Junge ist endlich da: Alle Infos zur royalen Geburt - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Schweden-Junge ist endlich da: Alle Infos zur royalen Geburt - Duration: 1:45.


Note 8 Reveal, Shot by Linus! He's... Terrible - Duration: 11:17.

Oh, this is already not going very well. So, I'm here for the Samsung Note 8 launch. I forgot my shaving supplies

and they didn't have a budget to send me with a camera person, so I have to figure out how to put this camera together.

Oh, I wish Brandon was here.


[Intro Music]

The Corsair One features a compact form factor that is fast, quiet,

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Ok, well... at least the camera will look good even if the operator doesn't?

I think I've got the audio working

I'm not sure. The audio level monitoring is here, but... I'd love to play around with this but in my infinite wisdom

I didn't bring a charger for the batteries. So I've got what I've got and besides

I've got to be over at the event in like

Oh great, don't have a charger for that either

Ok so hopefully this sounds ok because otherwise I'm screwed

I still don't know exactly what today's format will be so right now

I'm just lamenting that I didn't bring a better way to carry this stupid camera around with me all day

This thing is very heavy, and I'm filled with regret right now, but on a positive side Ubisoft followed me on Twitter

I'm famous!

Rate my skills with... hold on, you're out of focus. Oh, man

I can't even use the phone! "Rate my skills on how to... oh wait, I don't know how to use the phone"

Rate my skills on operating the Red camera out of 5


Ah, 1.


Oh my God, there's so many stairs, this thing is so heavy

Fortunately for everybody who's with me, I've resolved to suffer in silence.

All the silence That's pretty good

I got Austin's approval Let's not be rash here and say approval

let's not throw words like that around. Also you know you can zoom in, right, like you can do like something

Oh, I could oh right, I do a little, right, this is a zoom lens

Yeah, so you can do it like that and get actual proper 8k. Oh, there you go. There we go, 8K Wi-Fi password


Thank you everybody

Thank you


Oh man, I finally pull out the camera, and it's over. And now I get to haul it down all the stairs

It's a good thing I got all that great footage

during the presentation.

In 8K.

You've got to be kidding me... Access to the product demo space... Wait, what?

Hey guys, we can just wait here for a bit

We're trapped on the stairs

Well come on, like, this is a concern

I'm trying to get me walking on the crazy water display, and I can't even get my SSD to mount. Come on, Red!

There's one thing that is epic. An epic fail.

Wow, this is a super trippy... Oh, I'm not apparently allowed to be out here. Well, everyone else was walking on it

It is a freakin zoo in here

Try and get some... oh, you have gotta be kidding me

Austin's Mag isn't mounting now, either.

I'm gonna have a new Red rant pretty soon. The last one was: it's expensive

The next one's gonna be: it doesn't work when you need it to work.

Your Mag's not detecting, dude What? It's not?

It's really broken? Look! No, I'm not even joking

It's gotta be your camera, dude. Well, I mean, that's not good news, either.

Holy crap, this is, like, terrible.

Shoot it on an iPhone, man. I'm not using it and just shoot it on the iPhone. Yeah

After four minutes of detecting

We have SSD. Okay...

Time to get some footage before I breathe on it too hard.

Alright, so let's get some initial handling impressions here

Well, Bixby is still there, so if you were hoping that wasn't then

you were hoping wrong

In fact one of the big things they were talking about is how you can use Bixby to essentially program like voice-activated macros

Which does sound kind of cool, although I'd have to spend some time with it to evaluate exactly how well it works.

Like the Note 7, the holdability is

much better than previous Notes for me, thanks to the rounded shape along the edges.

I don't know how people do this whole, like, filming yourself, like I'm back here trying to

hold it up and keep it in focus. This is impossible.

Austin, you just wrecked my shot again, bro. I was trying to show off the Bixby button

Wow, what?


I always get such a kick out of people who carry around cleaning cloths for phones, because, like, I carry around a cleaning cloth

It's called my shirt


Look at that... okay... Well... It didn't do a great job. Yeah, I think you're just making it worse

Wow, I think it's... is that scratched? Hahahahaha

Oops, I didn't even drop it! Look, they even installed Linus drop-proof floors. It's carpet!

So we're actually going to lunch with Samsung, but they're giving out bag lunches

So I don't really need the lunch, but check this out. It's like a it's like a Happy Meal

You don't really want the food, but it's the goodie that's important. It's got S-Pens inside.

Okay, I can't find my S-Pen! Our Uber's here...


What is this? You've got to be kidding me... Hahaha

That's not, wait, what? That's not an S-Pen.

Well one of them's an S-Pen, it's got like a little plastic cover on it, but the other two are just pencils.

Well now I feel like an idiot for shooting anything back at the event, this place is way cooler, check this out.

And Eber's here too, and we've got our own phones to run around and shoot B-Roll with

So as long as the camera's working, then hopefully I'll get some more footage here.

Good news, the camera is working and

the more serious setting is gonna bring about a more serious tone to the rest of the video.

Let's talk about some actual impressions here.

So, number one: Ergonomics. A lot of what was good about the Note 7 returns.

Like the Note 7, this is a phablet

that is actually holdable even with my tiny lady hands.

Part of that is due to the fact that the sides are

curved on both the front and the back, and another part of it is actually due to this flat

part that they've got on both the left and right side.

It gives it a little bit more grip around the edges, and I personally really like the change.

Other changes: The screen. It's still the 18 1/2 by 9 aspect ratio that I personally, absolutely

loved on the Galaxy S8, just more of it.

Whether you're scrolling through

you know, long walls of text or your Twitter or Instagram feed, or

watching wide aspect ratio content like Brandon's recent review of the Red Weapon 8K camera

There's just more of it to love. I'm a huge fan.

I absolutely love the taller size. With that said, it does affect ergonomics a little bit

And I'm probably not the only one who was really hoping that Samsung was going to deliver an under-screen fingerprint sensor on this guy

rather than the one at the back, because it takes me a couple shuffles to get up there to unlock the phone.

Another improvement on the screen, though, is the always-on functionality. So, I checked this out on the show floor

But now you can actually create up to a hundred pages of notes just on your lock screen

in a way that consumes very little power and allows you to quickly jot down like a tracking number or phone number or

whatever else the case may be

The camera is already generating some mixed feedback. The telephoto lens which has a 2X optical zoom

does not capture images that are nearly as sharp as the wide-angle

but, for me personally

I don't mind the approach because

With dual capture, you've got the option to do the whole, like, adjust the background blur boka thing in post

Which is neat if you're into that kind of artsy stuff, but it's really not my bag, but, for me

What's cool about dual capture is the fact that I don't really have to compromise. So, I can try and capture the close-up

but if it kind of looks soft

or doesn't look as good or I got the framing kind of wrong, then at least I can fall back to the

wide-angle shot and know that I've captured the moment, which is far more important for me when it comes to cell phone cameras.

On the subject of things that matter to me

Styluses generally not so much

The Note 7 was my first Note device

and I had precious little time with it before the recall, so I never really have gotten in the habit of using a stylus

But apparently this one's

better than ever with more pressure levels and lower latency

So I look forward to, you know, kind of tinkering around with it over the next couple of weeks while I work on my full review.

And on that subject

Bixby voice has finally launched in Canada.

So when I did my S8 review, Bixby seemed pretty freaking pointless, just a

regrettably un re-mappable button on the side that I would always hit by accident, and that would annoy me.

Hopefully, I'll change my mind. Their pitch for it is like pretty hardcore, they're like "yeah, you can change your Wi-Fi settings

You can adjust your screen brightness, it can to do everything."

But that remains to be seen. I've been promised that I can talk naturally to my device and it will behave in a way that

I'd expect, a lot of times

and it's never really come through. But one thing that's gotten my attention is apparently the ability to program Bixby with like


So you can tell it to take a picture

Save it to a particular album and open up a photo editing program, or something like that.

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We'll have that linked below.

So that's it you guys, that's my Note 8 initial hands-on. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

I did my best without a camera person and editor, which is not really my forte.

If you guys disliked this video, you can hit that button

but if you liked it, hit the like button, get subscribed, and maybe consider checking out where to buy the stuff we featured at the

link in the video description.

Also down there is our merch store, which has cool shirts like this one, and our community forum, which you should totally join.

For more infomation >> Note 8 Reveal, Shot by Linus! He's... Terrible - Duration: 11:17.


Best Cheap Chevy 350 Mods—Dyno-Proven! - Engine Masters Ep. 24 - Duration: 18:23.

- You've got a small block Chevy in your car,

and you need more power on a budget.

And, that's what you're going to find out about

on this episode of Engine Masters.

(engine parts moving) (dramatic music)

(chorus singing) (engine roaring)

This is Engine Masters, presented by AMSOil,

and, man, am I going to get a lot of flack for this episode,

because, yes, it's another small block Chevy,

and this is going to be real basic.

But, here's my defense.

I meet with a lot of aftermarket manufacturers,

and I as them, "What's your biggest selling part number?"

And, invariably, it is some tchotchke

for a small block Chevy.

LS engines may be super hot,

Fords and MoPars may be cool,

but the fact remains that the small block Chevy

still outsells everything else

in the muscle car marketplace,

and we still get questions from people going,

"Man, I just want to hop up the 350 in my truck,"

or whatever.

This engine is based on the architecture

founded in 1955, and they made these things

all the way through 2003 in some vans,

and Chevy still sells them as crate engines.

The 350, which is what this is, started in 1969.

There's a zillion of em.

Now, let's look at the absolute basic package

that we're going to be running on this show.

The engine is a crate motor from a place called

First Mate Automotive.

I bought it from Summit Racing for 1,399 bucks.

I mean, it is


Cast pistons, cast crank, minuscule flat tap-it cam shaft,

nothing trick, but for that price,

you get everything from the long block,

including a cam shaft, front cover, oil pan, valve covers,

but not the accessories.

Let me show you how I packaged this thing out.

Up top, Holley's most affordable and basic carburetor.

This is an aluminum version of the 1850,

which is a 600 CFM vacuum secondary,

single feed carburetor.

Our intake manifold is a basic low-rise dual plane

from Speed Master, that's 152 bucks.

The ignition system is an HEI, which GM came out with

in, I think, 1974, it means High Energy Ignition.

It has a coil and a module and the trigger

and everything right there.

That's your whole ignition system, 136 bucks.

The Excel 4000 Series wires are about 40 bucks.

These are Flow Tech one and 5/8 inch headers

for an early Chevelle, 152 bucks.

So, we're talking pretty cheap, pretty basic,

and watch this, cause it is going to make power

like you've never seen.


(dramatic music) (lights clicking on)

(engine firing)

(engine roaring)

We're going to start at 2,200.

My torque number is way wrong.

- Whoa, what a dog!

- It's a dog!

It made a lot more torque than I thought.

Call up the numbers, what was that?

You know what, it just sounds lame, doesn't it?

It's like, "Baw!"


So, our torque is 334.9 at 3,200 RPM.

I guessed it was going to peak at 2,800 RPM.

And, our horsepower is 235.7 at 4,100 RPM.

We're going to find out what happens when we add

a point of compression, a better cylinder head,

and 35 degrees more cam time.

- [Steve D.] 35 degrees?

- Well yeah, we're going to that 230 Magnum,

and this is a 194 in 50 cam.

- Wow. - So, 36 degrees.

- We might be able to make one horsepower per cubic inch.

- I think we're going to make it better than that.

- More than one horsepower per cubic inch?

- [Steve B.] Yeah.

- You think we're going to pick up 100 horsepower?

- With a good head and cam, shouldn't this thing

make 350 horsepower?

- We'll have to do another bet sheet.

- Yeah, I don't know.

You ready to wrench?

- Sure.


- Dude, that was bleak.

Can you imagine stabbing a brand new 350 Chevy into your car

and then telling your friends that you got less

than 240 horsepower?


I hope we're going to fix that right now, though.

Here are the key problems with that engine.

First of all, minuscule cam shaft, almost non-existent.

194 degrees of duration at 50,000 slip,

less than 400 thousandths lift on that turd.

We're going to solve that with a Comp cams 280 Magnum,

which is 230, 230 degrees of duration at 50,

and it has 480 thousandths lift.

It's a flat tap-it, just like the other one.

It's fairly affordable, it's 195 bucks

if you want to get the cam and lifter package,

so depending on what you need, you can decide

which kit you're going to buy there.

Next up, we got to look at the cylinder heads.

Now, these things appear almost identical,

but there are big differences.

On my left here, I've got the Swirl Port head

that came off of our crate engine.

This was used in 91 and earlier Chevy trucks,

and, basically, it's a complete turd.

Even though, it looks like a Vortec head

because it has those center bolt valve covers and stuff,

it's not.

This is a Vortec head.

These were used on 350 Chevies with the L31 designation.

From 1996 to the year 2000,

they were only in trucks and SUVs.

And, the things is you can still pick them up

in junk yards, that's the great thing about them.

There are some drawbacks, though.

The biggie is that they won't handle a lot

of valve lift without machining,

because the bottom of the retainer hits

the top of the valve guide.

You can only put about 450 thousandths lift in em,

before you run into a problem.

They also have press-in rocker studs,

just like this Swirl Port head,

and you get a lot of valve string pressure on em,

those tend to pop out.

So, you want to modify em to have

a screw-in stud, just like this one has been modified.

The other thing is you'll often find

in the aftermarket heads

that they'll put bigger valves in em.

Blueprint Engines, actually did this set of Vortecs for us,

and they've got a 2.02 inch intake valve,

instead of the stock 194.

The really big deal here, though,

is that the intake port on the Vortec

is so much superior than it is on the Swirl Port,

it's ridiculous.


if you look at the chamber,

this is your standard smog era, garbage bath tub of a

combustion chamber,

whereas here on the Vortec,

you've got a much nicer heart-shaped chamber,

more of a modern design,

and this is 64 CCs, instead of 76,

that means that we're going to take our crate engine

from 8.25 to one with a Swirl Port head

to 9.2 to one with a Vortec head

and that is going to be a really big deal.

Next up, you're going to have to consider your intake manifold

if you're changing from a Swirl Port head, or an older one,

to a Vortec head.

Now, this is a Speed Master intake manifold.

It is designed to run both the TPI pattern

or the classic, old-school pattern that you'd find

in, like, a 69 Camaro or 74 Monte Carlo.

The old-school pattern, all of the bolts

go in at the same angle.

The TPI pattern on this Swirl Port head

is different in the middle, just like it would be

on, like, an 87 TPI Camaro.

The Speed Master intake has adapters to do both,

but it won't fit a Vortec head,

because the Vortec head intake has bolts that go

straight up and down, and they also take a different

intake gasket for that reason.

Now, this intake manifold, for the classic set-up,

is about 152 bucks.

This one for the Vortec's almost 170,

so you do need to keep that in mind

if you're being budget conscious.

Speaking of which,

if you don't want to scrounge the junkyards

for your Vortec heads,

I like a place called Scoggin Dickey.

It's a Chevy dealership, and they offer a package of

brand new heads with all of these upgrades on em.

They're 890 bucks, but

you can do it much cheaper if you scrounge on your own,

and when you do, you're going to make a whole bunch more power,

or at least that's the theory.

And, we're going to go find out if it's true, right now.

(futuristic metallic sounds warping)

(upbeat rock music)

Out with the world's smallest cam shaft.

I got this Comp Cams, what they call a K-kit,

which comes with a cam, lifters, timing chain,

some valve seals,

and springs and retainers.

Everything that you need.

Let's guide that cam in,

and boom, no fancy installation tool required.

Dots are lined up, simple as it gets.

No degreeing of the cam shaft, here.

These three bolts here on the end of the cam,

sometimes you'll see a locking plate on em,

which is a really good idea.

In this case, I would brake clean em

and get rid of all the oil and use Loctite on em.

Really don't want these backing out.

(socket wrench clicking)

Alright, we just slapped the cam in,

and as usual, with a flat tap-it,

you have to break in the cam with a special oil.

AMSOil makes that break-in oil.

Once that's been run through the engine,

this time, we're using an oil you've never seen

on Engine Masters, the OE line from AMSOil.

It's a 10-30, this is an affordable synthetic oil.

It's about five bucks a quart,

and that's why they thought it would be the perfect thing

for our low-buck, little small block Chevy here, but

first up, we got to make sure that this cam doesn't go bad.

Ah, so much easier with no valve cover, right?


Intake manifold, I pre-fit it,

so I'm pretty sure this is going to work.


- [Steve D] Ooh, perfect squish.

- Perfection.

Here's the difference between a vacuum secondary

and a double pumper carburetor,

see this vacuum pod right here,

it senses air speed through the venturi up here,

which creates a pressure drop,

which opens up the secondaries.

On this thing, it's all mechanical,

and this thing

the 1850 carburetor,

only has a primary accelerator pump discharge nozzle,

which we also call a squirter.

Whereas, a double pumper pumps twice.

It has one in the front and one in the back.

Way more betterer.

So now, once again, Brule has been

through the tuning process,

he knows the answer.

I have my number's written down,

but let's wait until we actually pull it

to see who's right.

- I'll be right. - Got yours right there.

- I never get to play cause I always have to tune it first.

- I know.

Not always, only sometimes.

(engine fires)

So, to review,

different carburetor in the same CFL,

slightly different intake manifold,

but essentially the same,

better cylinder head,

much more cam shaft,

one more point of compression.

- And both were stock heads, too.

- Yeah.

- You know production OEM heads.

- Alright, let's see what we pick up.

- [Steve B.] Alright, you guys ready?

(dramatic music) (lights clicking)

(engine fires)

(engine roars)

- [David] Killin it!

- That's a lot of improvement. - That's a lot!


- That's totally worth it.

- That's way over 100 horsepower.

- Let's see what it did.

- [Group] Wow!

- [David] We just made 397 pound feet of torque at 4,000 RPM

and 364.9 horsepower at


We made 130 horsepower.

- Looked like heroes, huh?

- (laughing) A hundred and!

That's like a 50% gain,

almost, 40% gain.

- But, see if we had something that made one horsepower

and turned it into two, it would be 100% gain, so

we had some room to grow.

- We had 62 pound feet, let's see the overlay

before and after.

- [Steve D.] That's, like, a whole different engine now.

- [Group] Whoa!


- Wow, obviously, these lines way down here

are our base line, with the original heads

and everything on it.

And, up here is everything we just did.

There is no way to overstate the difference

this feels like in the car.

It's ridiculous. - Well, it's

125 shot of nitrous, all the time.

- All the time. - Wow.

- Okay, are you ready for this?

- Are you? - Yes.

- The envelope, please. - Yep.

- Don't pull out the wrong envelope.

- Let's hear yours first. - Academy Awards style.

385 torque at 4,200,

so I was 10 foot pounds off and

100 RPM off.

- Okay. - That's good.

- What about you?

- For torque? - Yeah.

- 402 at 3,900. - Ooh.

- You were closer than me. - Closer.

- Yep.

At what RPM?

- [David] I called 3,900 and it did at 4,000.

- It said 4,000, so you're 100 off, as well, that's, wow!

- 375 at 5,600.

- 365 at 5,500.

(moans) (laughing)

- Why do we need a Dyno?


- That was dead nuts! - Boom!

- [Steve D.} Nice Job There, Freiburger.

- Should I tell him?

- (laughing) No, you didn't?

You cheated?

(moans) You got me again.


- You were close, but you know what, though,

is you didn't know the torque.

- No, I didn't know the torque.

- And, that was a good shot,

that was a good shot on the torque

within just a couple of pound feet, so

excellent job.

- He told me the power number.

He said, "Oh, 60."

And, I went from there.

- Aw, dude.

- But still, amazing. - So, you back-calculated?

- Way good.

- And, you know what, that's not really

an expensive thing to do.

- Well, I did all the math on that.

I'll tell you exact numbers on how much that all cost

when we do our wrap-up.

- Okay, I'll be all ears, let's go.

- Go!

So, here's the cha-ching on the whole deal.

- Okay, let's hear it.

- So, I added up every dime it cost to duplicate this.

I mean, gasket, everything, with the exception

of the electric water pump, the two-piece front cover

and the water deck. - Okay.

- Everything.

So, step one, that made 237 whopping horsepower.

- Weakling. - 2,250 bucks.

- Pretty cheap, though, for all new.

- It's, actually, it is.

This, though, in the 365 horsepower configuration

3,550, it's a difference of 1,300 bucks.

- You know, for the power gain.

- Totally worth it.

- I don't think there's any way

you can get it cheaper than that.

- The thing is I know a lot of people

are going to look at those numbers and go,

"I can put a Turbo LS in my car for that!"

And, you know what, with scrounging, you probably could,

but what do you think you could put this together with?

What are you spending?

- You could find the heads

in classifieds or machine shops or

even a wrecking yard,

you could get all this stuff a lot cheaper than,

you know, your retial price, so.

- Yeah, I bet you we could make this happen for 1,800 bucks,

something like that. - Oh yeah, probably.

- That was really my point,

to show people if you've got, like,

your 82 Chevy truck driving around,

this is the type of package you can look for,

and it's the cheapest way I think you're going to get

350/360 horsepower.

- Practically any small-block Chevy 350

can take these parts, even an old one.

- Like you told me,

"You can never go wrong with a 350 Chevy."

- I like it. - Yeah.

- Now.

- (laughing) Now?

It was a turd before?

But, now it's good. - I didn't like it before.

- But, wait till you see what we do with this thing, next.

It's actually going to be really good.

I'll just give you a hint.

(whispering) Boost. - Oh boy.

- Yeah. - I can't wait.

- See ya next time on Engine Masters, presented by AMSOil

and supported by Mr. Gasket and Earl's Vapor Guard Plumbing.

So, why do they call a poly-lock, a poly-lock?

- Because it has more than one part, two parts.

Poly means more than one.

It's from ancient Greek.

- [David] Whoa, I'm impressed.

For more infomation >> Best Cheap Chevy 350 Mods—Dyno-Proven! - Engine Masters Ep. 24 - Duration: 18:23.


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For more infomation >> Wie verschollen: Was ist mit YouTube-Star LionT los? - Duration: 1:32.


Also doch! 7. GoT-Staffelfinale klärt die Fan-Theorie auf - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Also doch! 7. GoT-Staffelfinale klärt die Fan-Theorie auf - Duration: 1:46.


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Pete Carroll is that it again the Seahawks cut wide receiver Kasen

Williams next on the skill

welcome to another exciting episode of the skill I'm your host King Coopa J and today

we're gonna be talking about the Seattle Seahawks cutting wide receiver

Kasen Williams now we know Pete Carroll is back at it again why would you cut

your number-one preseason receiver okay now look at this they just released

Jermaine Kearse all right so this is shocking news to me I'm thinking okay

they bought the turn-up because Kasen he turned up what was it the preseason we

want game against the set of the Chargers turned up do have a couple of

highlights if you ain't you can check him out right here I'm gonna have

something running right here for you guys and check that out what the dude

was turning up in preseason now he's like a second-year receiver right he

didn't do nothing first year and I believe he was like he entered training

camp and that's how he got um with the Seattle Seahawks now from wrong somebody

make a comment but anyway this dude turned up and preseason and then like he

had another game one-handed catch right against the Vikings right against the

buck turned up Odell Beckham light with this news surfacing right because I mean

we know people had to cut so they cut back to get their 53 man roster now

Richard Sherman took this to Twitter he was furious he took it to Twitter he got

into it with a guy named um and well I'm not gonna say he got into it and I'm

gonna run those tweets for you guys but it was a guy named Hawk blogger I

believe he had to know a couple things to say about okay one of the tweets he

said there is no explanation for this with a explanation at the end turned up

like he's really like speaking out against this I bull kid you not guys if

this isn't like one of the stupidest moves Seattle has made now they kept

rookie Amara Darboh or something like that he's a rookie he made the team

despite only having three receptions for 22 yards didn't do nothing sucked and

they're keeping this guy and another tweet Richard Sherman turnt up about

that keeping this rookie he goes to Twitter

and he responds one player better dot-dot-dot the tape would justify I'm

running that tweet too so Richard is really and his feelings

about this now honestly after trading Jermaine Kearse to the New York Jets for

Sheldon Richardson who's a defensive lineman

I'm guessing again like I said I thought they would keep this cop man you guys

gotta let me know what you think in the comment section

hopefully the Colts will get him we just let you know you boy go you know what

this being said do you think this was a good move for Seattle to cut Kasen

Williams or was it a smart move to cut their best receiver from preseason i

just don't know what's going on anymore you you I just don't know what's going

on anyway if you new to this channel make sure you hit that like button make

sure to subscribe and remember being here to debate you here to hate peace

For more infomation >> SEAHAWKS CUT WR KASEN WILLIAMS | RICHARD SHERMAN REACTS - Duration: 3:26.


Bye bye, See you soon | Dizzy, He forgets to cast Evasion but still survive - Dofus - Duration: 5:49.

Hi everyone I'm Nohan, I hope you guys are doing fine, I'm myself soing great

In today's video we are facing Sacriers

I'm finally able to upload 2.42 content, I couldn't before, because if i did

I wouldn't be able to show you all I had from 2.41 and it would be a shame

I also noticed that my set kinda sucks, can be countered too easily

So, i'm trying to get a better one

Anyway, I let you with the video

GG :) Good night

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My socials media are in the descritpion, And see you later.

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