Sunday, September 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 3 2017

Welcome I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with this week's Angel Messages.

What I'd like you to do is place one or both of your hands over your heart just

like angel wings invite your angels to guide you to either message one, two, or

three, that's card one two or three. All right

What you can also do is invite your angels to guide you to a particular place in the

video and move your cursor along and then the place that you intuitively feel

you need to stop there's an extra special message for you right there too.

Okay ready? So we're gonna use some of Doreen Virtue's tarot cards. I'm going to shuffle

them three times of course and then we'll pick three cards. See if you can

intuit where I'm going to pick those cards from. Especially your card. When spirit comes in I

shake. I feel like I want to go over here for the first one this one feels like

the second one it feels like the very last card is the third one okay.

So let's see what we have number one you have Nine of Fire. Now normally that

would be Nine of Wands it says "Don't give up. Protect that which you've created.

Have courage and believe in yourself." Now when I'm looking at this card I see a

very powerful woman and she is it's almost like I don't think I'm not sure if

her hand is there it's like her hand is saying to the dragon "No this is what I'm

doing. You stay right there I'm doing my own thing right now." and there's a lot of

power around her and it almost looks like the dragon is also holding the

wand of fire. So when I look at this my sense with it

is that you are standing in your power. You're saying with fear as well because

that fiery vibration can be about fear you're saying "No I'm not taking any

notice of this fear anymore. This is the direction I'm going and this

is what I'm going to do. This is what I'm going to focus on." and I feel that that

of course it's a feminine vibration there. Feminine energy is creative it's

creative and it's creativity it's intuitive,

it's that passionate vibration of course too and she's wearing this pink top that

pink is love so it's something that you love or someone that you love. Now with

this because I'm saying it's someone that you love that dragon could be the

person and you're saying "No more. You're not doing this anymore. This is not what

I signed up for or this is is not how you need to treat me or you need to

respect me more." I feel that that is what's going on here too. That vibration 9 is

a number of completion there's lots of nines in the universe isn't there? Nine

months for for a baby to be born that creation energy is right there too. There

is a feeling with this that you are coming into your power and just turning your

back on something but you don't need in your life anymore and I feel that's what

that drag and vibration is right there because the dragon is just a symbol of

fire the fire that's been burning and that fire may well be that you're angry,

or frustrated, or that you are setting setting something a light within

yourself and saying "This is where I need to be. This is what I need to be doing.

I'm turning my back on everything else." I was feeling like there was violent in

here as well that violet down here in her pants or her at the bottom

half she could be wearing a dress or skirt or something. That part of

it that violet, violet is a color of transformation, and because it's on that

lower half that's about that movement forward. So I do feel that something is

changing around where you're going and where you're coming from.

So that violet is also saying you have faith about that next step the pink is

move towards what you love. And you are what you love. So focus on love. Okay our

next card I'm gonna cheat take a look at the light it's another fire card. This is Six

of Fire now isn't that interesting? Six of Fire now look at this there's a

horse this is very much usually this is a victory card. So it says yes that's exactly

what it says it says "Victory! Good news is on its way,

public recognition or rewards." Now when I look at this card what I notice is

there's an arrow right in the center and that arrow it has a rainbow color moving

through it but it's also the sword that the that the knight is holding. That

there's warrior is holding on one end that sword is the fire energy from

before. So when I'm looking at this I'm feeling as if he has completed a task

that's with the rainbow this is for you as well you've completed a task theres

something that you've completed a project, could be a relationship that

you've completed, it could be a thought or an idea or even a diet that you've

completed. Whatever it is you've completed that victory is in there. It's

saying that you've won. You've done really well. Give yourself a pat on the

back. The horse is there horse is a very

again about power. It's a symbol of power and then there were lots of people

around this image and those people are they seem to be smaller than both the

horse and the warrior. My sense with this is that you're rising above a situation

that you are are moving through this time this period with there's almost a

sense of everything that you need that's in the rainbow. Everything you need to

succeed. Everything you need for your next step. Everything that you need that

is going to help you to move into this place that you're really proud of, that

you're really happy with. I feel as if you're especially with these people

around there's a sense of support that's there for you but you need to reach out

for that support. It's right there but ask them. Ask for support, ask your angels

your guides, ask your friends, your family, go to support groups. There's a sense of

receiving support for whatever it is you want to take that next step into. With

the rainbow energy, there's also a sense of healing and a sense that whatever it

is you need to heal again that whatever you need is available to you. It's right

there all around you. There's a lot of green in this cart and you know six is a

number six is the number of venus, aphrodite, love. That green the green is a it's very like camouflage green there's a

feeling with this that you may have been through a difficult time but now you

need to know that it's time to step out. Step out of your heart this healing

that's happening here but you've done really really well. Now it's time to

maybe realize that achievement and make an intention to move forward. Getting a

sense of is there anything else there? Our final card is Ace of Water. This would normally be the ace of cups.

Ace of cups is a symbol of love is a card of love this one looks like a

mermaid doesn't it? It is a mermaid and it looks like

she's going down to the bottom of the ocean to get this Cup like a Holy Grail.

It says "Falling in love or the resurgence of a relationship, spiritual

growth and enhanced intuition. A new home." Is kind of interesting. Now when I look

at this card I see that mermaid or fish in the background and then the face very

strongly there and I see your little aspect of the cup. Water is the emotions

the emotional energy. That Cup is saying you know last week we said about one of

the cards is about having your cup full or being an open being a bigger cup to

receive more abundance. This it's going with this mermaid is going right to the

bottom of the ocean to get that Cup. This is digging deep in your emotions to

really access your emotional power, your intuitive power. It's it's realizing that

everything is down to you. If your relationships aren't working not

necessarily about them. There's something to maybe access within yourself. Now as

I'm saying this what I'm being inspired by by my guides and angels is that the

symbol of this is love and you're digging deep within your emotional being

within your soul to find the love for yourself.

But as you find that love for yourself then others will see the love within you

that you respect and acknowledge within yourself. It's a little mirror. If you

don't love yourself it's not that others won't love you it's just that you may

not be satisfied with the love that you receive until you truly love yourself.

And I feel that's what this card is about for you. Blue is a color of healing

there's turquoise all around this card turquoise is a color that links in with

the higher heart. This chakra that comes between the

heart and the throat. So it's that higher heart vibration. An aspect of that is

communication and there's a sense of healing rejection. This is again very

much about accepting yourself and loving yourself. I feel that this week for you

that you have a lot of healing to do around loving yourself

but look at your relationships. Look at what kind of relationships you have

around you. Is there a common common theme in the relationships around you?

It's interesting that this week there seems to be a lot of love and power

energy coming into these cards and I feel that with this particular card this

is very powerful for you it could very well mean as well that you've achieved

that love for yourself. You've already achieved it, you've healed it and you're

open now to receive the relationship that you deserve because you have this

amazing relationship already with yourself.

Okay that's it for this week's Angel Messages I hope you enjoyed them.

Now make sure to get my free gift, you'll see a link above, below in the

description. You'll get an angel prayer perfect for you at this moment. Also do

let me know if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up if it really

resonated with you. Let me know in the comments below if the messages resonated

as well and please share this video with your friends I'm sure they would love to

have an Angel Message. I will see you next week. Lots of angel blessings to you. Bye!

For more infomation >> Angel Card Reading SEPTEMBER 3-9 with Elizabeth Harper - Duration: 14:16.


Johny Johny Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa


Mazda 2 5-drs. 1.3HP S-VT Executive AUT. AIRCO | LM-VELGEN | REGENSENSOR - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mazda 2 5-drs. 1.3HP S-VT Executive AUT. AIRCO | LM-VELGEN | REGENSENSOR - Duration: 0:57.


Tesla VS Bicycle - Duration: 3:05.

successful stop and add you has a car for a second theorem

and won't even let me get the 25 it caught me so quick it won't even let me

get the 25 they're right start slowing me down way back there

this time this time you showed up at a bar after I completely stopped tell

water it's time you showed up as a car after I completely stopped and now it

does not press accelerator to resume I'm gonna try it yes okay I wanted to take

off after it stopped after asking the person results and went right through

yeah but it did stop for you

got it

all out to the road

this time he didn't show up at all on the radar along stream what auto car

stop yeah but once you got the car wash to the sides I probably hit your foot

under legend going but I thought you were turned up off the road but it

didn't slow down to an almost stop I mean if someone doesn't catch that when

they're driving I mean they're they're pretty sweeping at will

work he described to happen document archive maybe the warning told and it

also slowed down significantly and then once again naturally actually

the alert only operate but it's been addressed over you can see stopped

problem is too close for me to risk designated women actually dedication who

are active avoid most weather than less severe than it or

women crops bottles Costabile comes in restraining

For more infomation >> Tesla VS Bicycle - Duration: 3:05.


Voici ce qui prend autant de temps aux hommes dans la salle de bain - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Voici ce qui prend autant de temps aux hommes dans la salle de bain - Duration: 3:43.


Su lugar de nacimiento e interés en la meditación - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Su lugar de nacimiento e interés en la meditación - Mingyur Rinpoche (sub. esp.) - Duration: 2:36.



Okay, so basically somebody commented

And there were like a challenge whether to do today

And this is it, but this is it

Yeah, spoonful of toothpaste. Let's just do it

Actually first let me just change my top

She didn't say what spoon, but I'm just gonna go with like a big one. Oh, it's just a piece when I've got

Okay, there's a lot there. It doesn't look like much on the spoon

So, I don't really know what I supposed to do with it, but look

I own it playing it on my teeth like gritty and like I

Feel horrible

But yeah, so if you want me to do your dares or challenges just comment on anything down below nothing. That's gonna kill me

But yeah, you can be a bit crazy with it. I don't mind

Yeah, just comment down below, okay, so I'm really bored now

So there's gonna be things to do when your


Number session call an old friend hello Josh

You would swap oh


Okay, so I was making this video, and I was like I need a way for people to click on this video like

ladies brought us fuck with

Yeah, I need a way for people to click on this video, so I was thinking of what could do and then I fought

Jay Paul these tracks

They're the two probably the most popular things on YouTube right now Paul moves together

I'm guaranteed about 7 million views so yeah, we're gonna be reacting to

Jmx is this track of I don't know how many people who listen to your heart, but I will make this video

Let's get into it and let's watch it. So yeah. It's cold. It's not everyday, bro

You know really fucking original just make he is naked

Okay to the first line you look like you're 18

Let's just quickly check. How old Jay Paul is Jay Paul was like 20 years old?

Is that really is that really a dis fucking? Oh? It's a an old in Matthew fucking going straighter is frozen

Jakey believe me oMG. I can't good. End up stopping this or every fucking couple of seconds, but again

You can't call anybody cringy

You can't call anybody cringy if you want a diss track on youtube

If it's a youtubers diss track

You're just as fucking cringy as them. I don't even care god

This is this could be absolutely sick YouTube these trucks just in general are all cringed although if it has been one

When people haven't cringed once blood the cringy

Level was just off the fucking sky was okay fat bloke

The chick popping crying like he is the victim PR told him did dis himself to avoid criticism

Embarrassing you probably did this cuz your therapist

But you still racist you really joke your band was a terrorist so arrogant I get in a bun attractable be no comparison

Don't know who this guy is for

to be fair

Admitted for lyrics. I'm guessing a year so like a rapper or somebody a youtuber

But ya know sounds good. This is actually doc

Probably want a little better dish facts out hood

Okay, so joy makes his lines coming off. I'm sure it can't be that bad can it like it

Just can't be that bad it ain't

so no Disney Channel flow and

You are just a number two bro. What the fuck is that?

You're a fail all your musics getting only get is still gonna feel like you dropped the soap even though you got out of jail

Downgraded from Alice I bet you miss so while you work, and yeah you may be getting back

What is he doing oh

My god, honestly just for that

This video deserves a dislike. It's gay, so gonna feel like you drop the soap

He's getting outta Jail the guy. Can't rap just fucking. What are you doing?

Please stop fuck yeah

You like McGregor in the 10th round you about a go to jail prepare to get bent down he must a more liver core

Mastermind okay, I'm done with this video. I can't watch anymore, but yeah

Chorus was you know it's decent the first guy was the first rapper, and you I was sick

Jmx I mean

JMX. What do I say about that guy oh?

I can't say anything honestly the fact that he doesn't have

Record labels trying to sign him. He's just beyond me

The guy's the some of the worthy points out was just absolutely

Magnificent gives me a fat fucking Robin that's gonna be in this video

Hopefully you enjoyed it if you did like and subscribe comment some dares or anything you want me to do next

see you guys next time and

You really call them lyrics. What the fuck is wrong with you

For more infomation >> 95% OF YOU WOULDN'T OF SEEN THIS JAKE PAUL DISS TRACK *RARE* - Duration: 7:27.


Accidentally fragging team mate - Duration: 0:08.

'Fuck' You kind of deserved it

For more infomation >> Accidentally fragging team mate - Duration: 0:08.


Sonic Adventure DX Part 16 - And The Brain - Duration: 21:33.

Please someone get my reference! :D

Story wise its on the weaker side to me, but i like the slower gameplay along with the amazing hammer.

I do get the hammer upgrade in my Hot Shelter extra video so don't ask for me to get it, i already have it.

I don't really have anything to say until we start the worst story AND gameplay in this whole game! :D

Stay beautiful <3

For more infomation >> Sonic Adventure DX Part 16 - And The Brain - Duration: 21:33.


Voici ce qui prend autant de temps aux hommes dans la salle de bain - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Voici ce qui prend autant de temps aux hommes dans la salle de bain - Duration: 3:43.




Just a little video to tell you that we are very proud

to live our first international Tour

with the Lorenzo Naccarato Trio project !

It's a Tour that promotes our first album,

released on the Label Laborie Jazz.

So we are going to in India,

from 15th to 24th of september

and we will give five concerts, in five different towns.

You can follow our next adventures

visiting our website,

lorenzo naccarato dot com

and also on our facebook page.

Finally, I'd like to thank the partners

that made this tour possible :

The Alliance française Inde-Népal, and

the Alliance française from Madras.

Also the Institut français from India, and

the company Oman Air.

See you soon, India !

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