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5 Mysterious Unsolved Cases #5 - Duration: 15:08.5 Mysterious Unsolved Cases Part 5
Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon
On April 1st 2014, Dutch students Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon mysteriously disappeared
while hiking in the popular mountains of Boquete, Panama.
The two girls reportedly were walking alone, but were accompanied by a dog named Blue,
who was owned by the family with which the girls were staying.
Allegedly, this host family became alarmed later that evening when Blue returned home
without the girls.
Despite this, it took around three days for authorities to begin an official search.
The girls took with them only a small amount of supplies, including a camera.
Photographs recovered on this camera show the girls hiking, smiling, and seemingly heading
off-trail on a route that is designed not for tourists or hikers, but for indigenous
This trail is, however, fairly clear and easy to follow.
Photographs found on the camera also include a large number of mysterious, disturbing and
unclear images which were taken 7 days after the girls disappeared.
These pictures include an image of what appears to be Kremers' bloodied head.
The camera was given to authorities along with the girls' shared backpack and its contents.
It was handed to them by a local tribeswoman 9 weeks after the girls disappeared.
The backpack also contained two bras, two pairs of sunglasses, two cellphones and $83
in cash.
Logs from the cellphones show that they were used to call emergency services on April 1st,
2nd and 3rd.
The cellphones were also used to check signal on the following three days before being disused
until the April 11th.
On the 11th, signal was checked again on the phone belonging to Kremers, though no pin was
entered, then the phone was switched off.
In August, after extensive searches, authorities eventually found bone fragments of the girls,
near where their backpack was found.
They found 33 fragments.
Two of these belonged to Kremers, 28 belonged to Froon, and three could not be identified.
Froon's left foot was discovered still in its shoe.
Officially, authorities say that the girls died by falling.
They speculate that Kremers died first, which accounts for photographs of her bloodied head,
and that Froon, after trying to leave her friend's body in a discoverable location,
then later fell in a different place.
The case, however, has many suspicious and alarming details.
Firstly, only a relatively small amount of the girls' bones and clothes have ever been
The bone fragments show no evidence of a fall or contact with animals, and their remains
are far too decomposed to account for natural decomposition in such relatively cool weather.
Some of the bones are also believed to have been bleached.
Perhaps most strangely, there was a photograph deleted from the girls' camera.
This photograph is non-recoverable, which implies that it may have been deleted using
a computer.
The contents of this photograph remain unknown.
A number of photos have also not been released to the public.
Although the authorities maintain that the girls died in a simple hiking accident, other
investigators aren't so sure.
In the last eight years, around 25 unsolved kil lings and disappearances have occurred
in the same region.
Most of them happened after the girls went missing.
JonBenet Ramsey
JonBenet Ramsey was a 6-year-old beauty pageant queen who was found dead in the basement of
her parents' home in 1996.
She died in the early hours of December 26th.
A garrotte, which had been used to strangle her, was tied around her neck, she had most
likely been sex-ually assaulted, and she had suffered a fractured skull from a heavy blow
to the head.
Duct tape covered her mouth, nylon cord was found around her wrists and her body was covered
in a white blanket.
Her body was discovered only a few hours after Ramsey's mother, who was herself a former
beauty queen, called authorities to report that she had found a three-page ransom note
in the family home.
This ransom note demanded $118,000 from the family for their daughter's safe return.
It contains many spelling errors, many strange phrases and lots of unusual demands.
The note was written on paper belonging to the family and was signed with the initials
When Ramsey's father found her body, he immediately moved it upstairs, irrevocably altering the
crime scene.
Strangely, Ramsey's mother claims that the clothes worn by the body of her daughter were
not the same clothes which she was wearing for bed the previous night.
The parents were initially considered as the main suspects in the case along with Ramsey's
9-year-old brother Burke, as there was no real evidence of a break-in at the family
All three have since been officially exonerated.
Investigators now believe that an intruder did indeed commit the crime.
There had been many burglaries and assaults in the nearby region at the time.
In 2000, a local man named Gary Oliva was arrested on drug charges, and was found carrying
a photograph of JonBenet in his backpack.
He explained that the reason he had the photo was because he was deeply touched by the case.
A friend of Oliva's claimed that he has recieved a phone call a day after the murder, where
Oliva said : "I hurt a little girl.
I hurt a little girl."
However, Oliva's DNA did not match the DNA found at the crime scene.
John Mark Karr, a former elementary school teacher, was arrested in Bangkok and confessed
to the crime, but his DNA also did not match anything found at the crime scene.
His confession is considered to be false.
During the autopsy, pineapple was found in the stomach of Ramsey's body, but her
parents cannot remember feeding pineapple to their daughter.
The significance of this strange anomaly remains unknown.
After all these years, the bizarre case still remains unsolved.
Some still adamantly believe that the break-in claim is a lie, and there was instead, a cover-up
by the Ramsey' parents and brother.
Another wacky theory states that JonBenet Ramsey never died, and she is in fact still living - as
a world-famous pop singer under the name of Katy Perry.
But.. we're not so sure.
Missy Bevers
45 year old Fitness instructor Terri 'Missy' Bevers was found murdered in a Texas church
on April 18th, 2016.
She was at the church to prepare and lead one of her regular exercise classes.
Her body, which was discovered by one of her students, just before 5AM, had a number of puncture wounds
to the head and chest.
Several of the church doors and windows had been damaged and broken.
CCTV footage shows an unidentified person walking through the church just moments before
the murder.
Strangely and somewhat disturbingly, this person was wearing SWAT gear.
In the footage, they can be seen casually vandalising the church with a hammer.
The persons walk has led some to believe that the mysterious figure is a female, though
this of course cannot be confirmed.
Investigators have established that the injuries on Bevers' body were most likely inflicted
with a hammer.
In the period leading up to the murder, Missy had been suffering from financial problems
and marital issues, though her husband denies any role in the murder.
She had also allegedly received a 'creepy and strange' message on social networking
site LinkedIn from an unknown male.
During the investigation, Bevers' father-in-law was questioned by police after taking a
woman's bloodied shirt to a dry cleaner.
He claims that these stains were the result of a fight between his dog and another, which
was confirmed by a local veterinarian.
In this video, footage of Bevers' father-in-law and the person in the CCTV footage have been
placed side by side.
Many people believe that the walks look very similar, with some stating that they look
What do you think?
Investigators have not yet identified the figure shown in the CCTV images.
They are working based on the official assumption that Bevers walked in on a robbery in progress,
which unfortunately led to her de ath.
However this is just a theory and the case remains unsolved.
Abigail Williams and Liberty German
At 1pm on February 13th, 2017, 13-year-old Abigail Williams and 14-year-old Liberty German
were dropped by a family member at an old bridge in Delphi, Indiana, to go on a short hike.
They were given instructions to return to the bridge at 5:30pm.
When they did not return, they were reported missing.
The following day, their bodies were discovered on the trail.
They were located only around one kilometre from where they had originally been dropped
Just after 2pm on the day of their disappearance, German eerily uploaded two pictures to Snapchat.
One of these simply showed Williams hiking happily along a bridge.
The other picture ominously showed a man following the two girls on their hike.
It is believed that this man is the killer of the girls, and that German took this picture
in order to help police discover him in case of their de aths.
A disturbing audio file was also found on German's cell phone, in which the alleged
killer can be heard calmly and quietly saying the three words ''down the hill''.
The exact significance of this phrase is unknown.
Authorities have confirmed that this footage is longer in its entirety, but contains disturbing
content which is not suitable for public release.
Up to now, police have received around 20,000 tips from the public, but have been unable
to find the killer.
They have also released an e-fit of his face.
Autopsies have been undertaken, but police have not yet revealed how the girls were killed,
what wounds they had and whether any weapons were used.
Speculation surrounding the case is of course rife, with some guessing that the case may
be linked to the mur-ders of Lyric Cook and Elizabeth Collins, two young girls who were
mur-dered in 2012 while hiking in Evansdale, Iowa.
Some have also speculated that the man who owns the land on which the girls were hiking
may be involved.
This man is currently serving time in jail for drunk driving charges.
The theories continue, as does the investigation.
Henry McCabe
On September 7th, 2015, Minnesota resident Kareen McCabe received a strange and disturbing
voicemail message from her husband, Henry McCabe.
It was sent at around 2:30am.
In the voicemail, growls, groans and moans can be heard, along with a voice that appears
to say 'stop it'.
The message then abruptly ends.
The 32-year-old man was reported missing the following day.
According to some sources, He was last captured on CCTV cameras at a gas station, where his
friend, William Kennedy, had dropped him off.
They, and perhaps some others, had been drinking together at a club Spring Lake Park.
Kennedy had allegedly taken McCabe's wallet in order to stop him from buying more alcohol.
According to Kennedy, McCabe had asked to be dropped at the gas station instead of at
But what is particularly strange is that the gas station is in the opposite direction of
where McCabe lives.
His apparent motive for wanting to be dropped off there remains unknown.
When Kennedy spoke to the police, he initially gave inaccurate information about where he
had dropped off McCabe and inaccurate information about other key details,.though as of now,
his involvement in the case is not being considered as suspicious.
McCabe had also called his brother that night, and left a voicemail, but this audio has not
been released to the public.
McCabe's body was found six miles away from the gas station, around 8 weeks later, floating
in a lake.
The autopsy revealed that he had drowned, though investigators have left the case open,
largely due to the disturbing sounds in the voicemail.
Speaking to reporters, McCabe's wife Kareen said "I try to picture where he was, what
it might've been like, what circumstances would've made him sound like that.''
There are many inconsistencies in the case, including how many people McCabe had been
clubbing with, whether or not he had possession of the keys to his home, and why he was dropped
at the gas station.
The exact involvement of Kennedy and McCabe's other friends remains largely unknown.
Henry Mcabe was a husband and father of two, and seemingly had no reason to end his own
Some people believe that the bizarre voicemail sounds like he may have been attacked by some
kind of animal, while others believe that it sounds like he was hit with a tazer or
stun gun.
However, no-one can be sure of the truth.
The case continues.
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