Sunday, September 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

Gareth Southgate claims England have no chance of matching Spain yet – as his players lack Champions League pedigree

GARETH SOUTHGATE saw Spain slice Italy apart in Saturday night's World Cup qualifier from the comfort of his sofa. But the England boss would have been better off hiding behind it. Gareth Southgate says his England side cannot be compared to Spain.

Harry Kane will once again have the pressure of supplying the goals for England.

It will only be safe to come out when he has found a way to stop Isco, Marco Asensio and the rest of the gang tearing it up at next  summer's World Cup.

Spain, average age 27, walloped the Italians 3-0 at  the Bernabeu. It was a performance of real shock and awe.

Southgate admitted: "How can we possibly compare ourselves to a team who have Champions League winners on a consistent basis — and have a World Cup and two European  Championships under their belt?.

"We are a work-in-progress. We have some players, such as Phil Jones, who have won trophies — but a lot have won none.

"We have nowhere near the number of caps, yet we do have some exciting young players who can be good going forward.

Midfielder Eric Dier leads some strong-arm tactics from England in training. "We will have to go through some of the hardships the Spaniards went through to get to the top.

"If we are looking for some kind of Messiah to change things, I don't think that's realistic. The great shame is, it is impossible to argue with Southgate.

Spain are so good that Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas — the best player in the Premier League so far this season — does not even get in their SQUAD.

Chelsea midfielder Cesc Fabregas has been in brilliant Premier League form but cannot get in the star-studded Spain squad. They are true masters of the ball, something England will never manage because of the old kick-and-rush culture in this country.

The Three Lions are light-years behind Spain — underlined by a dreadful first-half performance in Friday's 4-0 victory over Malta. But tonight England will get a chance to make up for it.

To finally  deliver a positive and  convincing performance against  Slovakia under the Wembley lights.

Isco destroyed Italy with a double and a dominant midfield show as Spain won 3-0. Southgate, 47, added: "My job is to build. The next step is to qualify, to develop, to build the team, to bring  new players into the fold.

"I could sit here and say we want to be quarter-finalists, semi-finalists, fifth in the world — but that is irrelevant. We have to back it up. "I've not experienced at being with Germany or Italy from the inside.

Jamie Vardy hopes England can have a ball against Slovakia at Wembley tonight after they struggled in their 4-0 win away to Malta. "Maybe they have just had better  players over the years.

There is no arguing with that. It is impossible to believe  this current England side can beat, say, Germany, Spain and Portugal over successive matches in tournament conditions. That is a pipe dream.

Spain are  something different, a throwback to the days when they won Euro 2008, the 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012 consecutively.

They are a special group of players. It is Southgate's job to make the most of striker Harry Kane, to use his  talismanic presence to England's advantage when it matters most.

Marcus Rashford is tipped to start after shining as a sub in the 4-0 win in Malta.

Behind him, the options are limited. Raheem Sterling, destroyed by the sharks on social media at Euro 2016, is back in recovery after Friday's brutal half-time substitution in Malta.

The Manchester City winger cannot possibly start against Slovakia. Instead, it seems the bounding runs and  ceaseless energy of Marcus Rashford will be rewarded with a start tonight.

The Manchester United forward deserves to pull on the shirt in front of 70,000 England fans at Wembley.

Southgate explained: "Marcus is a real  talent with high potential. We really like his mentality, so we wouldn't hesitate to start him. I think he has been playing very well for United all season.

Nathaniel Chalobah, Michael Keane and Phil Jones lead out England in training. "Starting him was a possibility in Malta but he missed some training and we were looking after him a bit.

The temptation to play him now is looking irresistible. Rashford, 19, is unaffected by the pressures that come with pulling on the England shirt.

This is a big game for these boys, with added scrutiny now on the players following the surprise reaction of the away fans in Malta.

Defender Phil Jones says entertaining fans should be part of the package. Whatever way the  manager or players dress it up, the performance was diabolical before Kane scored the first goal after 53 minutes.

Three more late goals followed — and the squad thought they were off the hook. At least they are adapting to the heightened tensions around the camp, with the players accepting that someone, somewhere, will always be digging them out.

Phil Jones, set to start alongside Gary Cahill in the centre of defence tonight, said: "We want fans to enjoy the game.   They pay good money to watch and we try to supply that.

  England manager Gareth Southgate says there is no disconnect with the fans after Malta match. "When I was younger, I used to follow Blackburn all over the country and I would be shouting, 'What the hell has he done that for?'.

"There will be games where we don't play well but win 1-0 and  still get criticised. "The fans are entitled to their opinions.

They certainly voiced them in Malta on Friday   night — they are just not happy with what they are watching. Sadly, it will never be anything like Spain.

For more infomation >> G.Southgate claims England have no chance of matching Spain yet - Duration: 8:20.



For more infomation >> ALLERGIA AGLI ACARI: IN ARRIVO PRIMO FARMACO | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:42.



For more infomation >> LO ZUCCHERO NEL SANGUE FAVORISCE L'ALZHEIMER | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:47.



Welcome back beautiful and amazing human beings and ...

yeah let's talk about North Korea because now it's not a ...

matter of if there will be a war with North Korea but when it ...

in this important video I not only want to talk about the ...

latest news with North Korea but I also wanted to get into ...

some of the propaganda and misinformation about North ...

Korea the larger geopolitical implications for the United ...

States actually attacking North Korea and how Russia ...

and China are standing in the way of that which may not ...

only soon cause an economic War but even a bigger War ...

then just with North Korea now just moments ago we are ...

learning that North Korea has tested its most powerful ...

nuclear bomb yet and advanced hydrogen bomb that ...

could be sat on top of an intercontinental ballistic ...

missile whose recent test sent Tremors all across the region ...

being 10 times more powerful than last year's tests this ...

latest nuclear test was so powerful it reportedly shock ...

buildings in Russia and China caused a magnitude 6.3 ...

earthquake and as many people speculate could be ...

used as a super powerful EMP against the United ...

States of course this is very Define.

Extremely aggressive move by North Korea that of course ...

directly defies the United States and Donald Trump and ...

has garnered International condemnation even by fellow ...

countries like China and Russia which is a very ...

significant move by Russia and China and we will get to ...

their significance later in this video now moving forward and ...

in no way taking away the seriousness of North Korea's ...

latest actions I wanted to talk about the other side because ...

there has been a lot of disinformation and ...

propaganda on the US mainstream media regarding ...

North Korea and at this very important time it's critical for ...

us to understand both sides of the story here the majority of ...

the mainstream media supposedly all Terry experts ...

and analysts actually do work for the military industrial ...

complex and Military contractors that do profit off ...

War there's a very clear agenda and we have seen ...

many blatant Lies by the US mainstream media to ...

demonize North Korea that were factually untrue as I'm ...

covered by this very interesting documentary called ...

the haircut which I will link in the description below and ...

what are the stories that they uncovered was the.

Pleat lie and propaganda used against you to demonize ...

North Korea was the news report that supposedly Kim ...

jong-nam made it a law that everyone has to have his hair ...

cut and we've seen that news reported all over the US ...

mainstream media hairstyles it's getting a lot of attention.

As pedestrians can we whom you.

Peter Costa you get today unbelievably.

What with the US mainstream media forgot to tell you was ...

that this was an absolute lie coming from a one news ...

source with an anonymous source whole story was ...

fabricated Push by a supposed.

Private nonprofit International Broadcasting Corporation ...

Called the radio free Asia which surprise surprise ...

surprise was started by the CIA and just off this one and ...

use organization off of their one anonymous source they ...

ran the headlines all across the country and it's not just ...

about haircuts in North Korea that same cia-funded news ...

organizations ran headlines that North Korea band ...

sarcasm that 120 hungry dogs killed Kim jong-un's uncle and ...

the list goes on and on and on now it's important to note here ...

the United States tested 1032 nuclear weapons at a crazy ...

cost not only to the environment but also its fellow ...

citizen North Korea looks like a prime country for the United ...

States to invade reportedly they have an estimated 6 ...

trillion dollars in Mineral Resources don't have a ...

central bank like many countries the United States ...

invaded before them and they have a very young unstable ...

leader in his early thirties of course is very unpredictable ...

and rash what is Action Now understand this is not a ...

black-and-white issue whether you're for North Korea or not ...

for North Korea. All I'm trying to do is explain ...

the situation as honestly as I can explain this very ...

confusing mess as simply as I can and this big International ...

mess doesn't only include the United States and North ...

Korea but mainly China and Russia as we seen former ...

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice by the way ...

she's the woman who helped start a war based on ...

imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that killed ...

around a million people she is coming out of the woodwork ...

right now and saying that Donald Trump has a right to ...

threaten China over North Korea it's not just old ...

neoconservatives coming out of the woodwork to push for ...

more war with North Korea it's also the mainstream media ...

said of course Praises Donald Trump gives them a boost up ...

every time he commits a very strong military action now ...

Donald Trump has come out after these latest nuclear test ...

by North Korea and he has said quote that appeasement ...

will not work and of course he's issuing very harsh ...

statement about this but those statements cannot be met ...

with action mainly because of China and also because of the ...

Grave implications if he would act on those words because ...

they're. No way the United States ...

could launch a limited attack on North Korea because the ...

North Koreans could strike back and that would risk not ...

only 30,000 US troops but also 25 million people who live ...

very close to North Korea in Seoul South Korea and what ...

many artillery bases on the border of North Korea and ...

South Korea of the situation would be disastrous if there ...

was only quote limited strike on North Korea now the ...

second Factor Here China is even more of a dangerous ...

situation that the United States is putting itself in as we ...

seen Donald Trump tweet today that quote do United's is ...

considering an addition to other options stopping all ...

trade with any country doing business with North Korea ...

and trust me here he's not just saying any country he ...

specifically talking about Russia and China which many ...

people claim according to rogue agent &

Middleman in that country help fund North Korea's ...

nuclear program and with Donald Trump saying he ...

would stop all trade with these countries we are pretty much ...

facing an all-out trade war with China which has been ...

brewing for a very long time and with the.

Bilateral diplomatic efforts and failing to work on an ...

agreement about North Korea look very likely and would be ...

disastrous for both countries know one of the reasons why ...

China has been steadfast in not wanting a US invasion of ...

North Korea is because the Chinese View North Korea as ...

a buffer State the Chinese in Americans have already been ...

bunting heads over the man-made South agency ...

military bases that China is building and if North Korea ...

Falls they do not want to see your United South Korea.

Of course as a very strong Alliance to the United States ...

right at its border Russia also has very similar geo-political ...

aspirations and we've seen Russia and China work ...

together in order to protect these bigger geopolitical ...

interests and they have done so would very significant ...

military moves as we've seen Russia and China mobilize ...

their military and not only surround the US military in the ...

region but also follow them and these actions are only ...

escalating as Vladimir Putin the president of Russia just ...

sent bombers over the Korean Peninsula moments ago ...

China. Has also launched War ...

Games as a warning to the United States and North ...

Korea over the previous conversations these countries ...

had just a few days ago and their messages very clear ...

they do not want a war in North Korea and just days ...

ago issued a statement calling for a mutual freeze on North ...

Korea's nuclear program and us-south Korean military ...

Maneuvers in the region China has intervened many ...

times in between North Korea and the United States and ...

have even offered a deal which the United States keeps ...

declining which would stop North Korea's nuclear ...

program only if United States and South Korea stop doing ...

military drills in the region practicing I'm doing dry run ...

bombing campaigns of North Korea North Koreans have ...

agreed to this deal the United States keeps declining it ...

Donald Trump Pursley said no to this deal two times and it ...

could be in part because of the lack of trust the United ...

States has with the Chinese but it is clear that these ...

military drills that continue the practice dry run bombing of ...

North Korea only help worse. The situation now of course ...

two wrongs do not make a right but I think the bigger ...

picture here that a lot of people are missing is the fact ...

that this conflict is not just one-sided and that there's ...

very little hope that Kim Jong on the ever get rid of its ...

nuclear programme since he even speaks himself of the ...

lessons learned from Omar Kadafi and Saddam Hussein ...

before him which creates are very uncomfortable situation ...

for the United States which is continuing to face off against ...

China and Russia and it's not only happening with North ...

Korea but it also happened with Iran and Syria which the ...

Chinese and Russians have aligned themselves with ...

Factor this in with some of the economic war that has been ...

happening with the u.s. petro-dollar versus moves that ...

the Chinese have been making with their gold back ...

and Russia's economic trade move against the US ...

petrodollar it's clear that this is a lot bigger of our standoff ...

than just the US vs. North Koreans and hopefully ...

with the clear facts and getting this video out there we ...

could understand the full picture of What's Happen.

Add prevent any rash action let me know if you agree or ...

disagree in the comments section below and of course ...

thank you guys from the bottom of my heart or allowing ...

me to do this job for you since we are primarily and only ...

sponsored by you and your donations only you have no ...

idea how important you guys are to me I love you guys stay ...

tuned for more important content here on ...

for we are change.

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