Thursday, December 28, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 28 2017

This week's video is going to address how copyright law affects

the creation and use of Open Educational Resources.

We'll do that by sharing five useful tips for navigating fair use, Creative Commons

licenses, and even what constitutes openness.

Tip number one: not all Creative Commons licenses are fully "open."

Creative Commons licenses are legally binding, customizable copyright licenses that you can

attach to a work to indicate what permissions users are allowed

to have when using your creation.

These licenses come in six types, with four distinct, interchangeable pieces.

These pieces denote the conditions under which an item can be used.

However, some of these Creative Commons licenses are more open than others, and allow users

to have more control over how they can use the items.

It's important when you're creating or using an Open Educational Resource that you

understand what these licenses mean, so you can avoid infringing on another owner's copyright,

and so you can decide which license you want to assign to your own resources as well.

Tip number two: Combining Creative Commons licenses isn't always easy.

When you're making a new resource out of a combination of old ones

(something that's actually pretty common with OER),

you need to take into account the individual licenses for each of the items you're using.

These three conditions, the ShareAlike, No Derivatives, and Non-Commercial conditions,

don't really mix well with resources licensed differently.

In fact, if you want to use an item licensed with a No Derivatives CC license

in a combination work, you just can't.

The only way you can include an item with a No Derivatives license is by linking out

to where it was originally shared.

As you can see on this graph, there are a lot of Creative Commons licenses that work

well with others, but the ShareClike, Non-Commercial, and No Derivatives licenses can be rough to

navigate around when licensing new materials that incorporate a combination of old ones.

When creating new OER or adapting existing materials, understanding how these licenses

work together can also be really useful.

Tip number three: Fair use is not a right.

It's a legally defensible position.

Now, this point has been argued a lot on the Internet, and as educators, I'm sure you're used to using

the "fair use" defense when deciding how to share copyrighted materials with your class.

But when you're creating a new Open Educational Resource and you want to include copyrighted

material… well, there are some things you need to remember.

According to the US Copyright Office, "Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom

of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works

in certain circumstances."

That's fairly vague language, and it's vague for a reason.

Fair use is a defense that you have to build.

If you infringe on a company or individual's copyright, they can take you to court for

that, and although you can fight back and say "fair use!" you also have to prove

that your use was fair.

But how do you do that?

There are four things taken into account.

The first is purpose.

This is probably the topic you have the most familiarity with.

It relates to the purpose of the use of the original work.

Are you using the work to teach, inform, parody, or critique?

This can make your case easier, but it isn't enough to prove fair use.

The second point you need to consider is the nature of the original work.

If you're sharing work from an encyclopedia or other factual creation, you are probably

going to have a better case than if you're borrowing material from a novel, movie, or song:

creative works that need more protection under copyright law.

Third, you need to consider the amount of the copyrighted work that you're using.

Is the clip or quote integral to the original work, or are you taking something insubstantial?

Finally, fair use considers the effect that your use of the copyrighted work has on the original.

Are you sharing copies of a newly published work, and diminishing potential sales?

Most uses of copyrighted works for educational purposes don't have a large effect on the

original, but this is still something to consider when you're thinking of using a "fair use" defense.

So, remember: although fair use is a good defense, it's not a guarantee of safety

if you choose to use copyrighted materials.

Even if you think that the way you're using those materials is consistent with the four

points I've just covered, the owner of those works can still fight to take down your creation,

and for a single image or sound bite, is it really worth the risk?

Tip number four: You might not own the copyright to "your" creations.

Let's say you're writing an open textbook, and you want to include a chapter you used

in your first scholarly monograph, because it covers the same material.

You'll edit the information of course, and update it, but it's still recognizable as the same chapter.

Is that illegal?

Well, if you signed a generic contract with your publisher when your book came out,

it might be.

Although you do own the copyright over things you've created, you might not own the copyright

for creations like research publications that you've signed a contract for and work completed

on company time for an employer.

Furthermore, you can't defend your copyright over works you don't have control over,

ideas you haven't expressed in some way, or works you've forfeited your rights over,

like for Creative Commons-licensed works.

Before releasing an open educational resource, consider what rights you would like to retain

and what rights you would like to allow others to exercise over your works.

Tip number five: CC BY alone doesn't make it "open."

Open Educational Resources are unique.

Unlike open access research articles, a lot of an OER's value

comes from its ability to be edited by users.

In fact, to be usable in different classrooms, OER need to be

both accessible and adaptable.

Because of this, open licensing is only the first step to making an educational resource "open."

Sharing the resources in proprietary formats, like pdf, limits users' abilities to edit your resource,

and makes your CC-BY license pretty useless.

One thing you can do to make your resources more adaptable is to share them in multiple formats.

Feel free to share your work in your preferred file formats, but make sure that at least

one of your shared formats is something users can get into without needing to pay money

for different software.

Understanding copyright is important when creating and sharing OER, but

saying someone can edit your work and making it possible for them to edit it are two very different things.

Take both into account when you're creating or adapting a new Open Educational Resource.

And remember: although it can be confusing and difficult to navigate,

copyright law is there to protect your rights.

When sharing resources openly, you still have control over

how many and which of those rights you want to keep.

And as always, if you have any questions about any of the topics this video covered today,

feel free to contact your librarian, or check out our library guides on OER and copyright in the description.

For more infomation >> 5 Tips for Navigating Copyright for OER - Duration: 6:30.


Il Natale dei Rodriguez: look e allestimenti - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Il Natale dei Rodriguez: look e allestimenti - Duration: 3:03.


인피니티 럭셔리세단 M45 - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 인피니티 럭셔리세단 M45 - Duration: 6:35.


Barbara d'Urso a ruota libera: Il mio Natale a Napoli tra ricordi e feste, ho futuro da attrice. - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso a ruota libera: Il mio Natale a Napoli tra ricordi e feste, ho futuro da attrice. - Duration: 3:19.


아우디 A8, 미국 영국서 ´최고의 럭셔리카´로 선정 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> 아우디 A8, 미국 영국서 ´최고의 럭셔리카´로 선정 - Duration: 1:53.


포르쉐, 매출 증가로 주식 상승, "우리 기분 짱이야" - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> 포르쉐, 매출 증가로 주식 상승, "우리 기분 짱이야" - Duration: 0:49.


포털사이트에서 가장 많이 검색된 車 2위는 티볼리..그럼 1위는? - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> 포털사이트에서 가장 많이 검색된 車 2위는 티볼리..그럼 1위는? - Duration: 4:15.


Barbara D'Urso ha lasciato l'Italia: il messaggio sui social - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Barbara D'Urso ha lasciato l'Italia: il messaggio sui social - Duration: 2:07.


이수경 성형전 사진, 몸매 화보 나이, 이수경 고지용 결혼 루머|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 이수경 성형전 사진, 몸매 화보 나이, 이수경 고지용 결혼 루머|조회수4.989.283 - Duration: 5:13.


The Best Cheap Pizza Bagel in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:19.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the $5 Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys

onto the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.

What do you mean the hookah spot with the wine glass?

What is this?

- Oh, you go to a hookah spot.

You inhale some smoke, you got the wine glass.

You got like halfway in, you can tilt it up.

- But does it--

Listen, Disembodied Hand.

Y'all gotta chill.

I mean, how you have two hands and no body?

C'mon, Hand!

All right.


Easy, we can get that anywhere.

Go down the street and get one.


Also too easy.

We can go anywhere and get a really good bagel.

But, if we combine them, it becomes pizza bagel!

Hey, let's do that episode!

Guys, you guys know where to get a pizza bagel?

- Yo, we working.

- Wow, OK, um, I'll just figure it out myself then.

Pizzas and bagels.

Separate, they're a heated debate, but together,

they're one of New York's favorite Frankenfoods.

Now, are we really about to do

an episode about pizza bagels?

Hell yeah, we are!

Not only am I gonna show you where to get them,

we're going to the legendary Kossar's,

who has one of the best bagels in this city.

So, they decided to put a pizza on top of it.

Let's go.

These are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, because nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less,

and whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode.

In the scale of more important to New York,

which do you feel is more important, pizza or bagels?

- Bagels. - Yeah, pizza.

- Pizza. - Pizza.

- Isn't New York one of the first places

where pizza was introduced in America?

- That's true. - I mean,

that's pretty quintessentially New York.

- What do you think about pizza bagels?

- It sounds processed.

- It sounds processed to you?

- When I think of pizza bagels,

I think of the soggy things that you would get

served in the cafeteria. - Get in the freezer.


You know the pizza bagel song?

Pizza in the morning.

- Pizza in the evening.

Pizza at suppertime.

- Pizza's on a bagel.

You can eat pizza anytime.

Thank you, you're the first person who knows that song.

That's how I know she's a real one.

Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo.

Bang, fun fact.

So, guys, Richard Katz of Katz Bagel Bakery

in Chelsea, Massachusetts, a third-generation bagel baker,

claims that his father Harry invented pizza bagels in 1970.

Only problem is, there's nobody out here

raving for Massachusetts bagels, so, no.

Almost stepped on poop.

We are in Kossar's, the world-famous bakery

in the Lower East Side, and as soon as you walk in,

you're hit with a proper bagel smell.

They're making it right behind me.

I'm trying to get me some of this pizza bagel.

Of course you can see all of

their different selections behind us,

but I'm here for one thing and one thing only,

and I'm trying to eat it right now.

Let's go.

- A bagel is a 24-hour process.

Like, we'll roll the bagels today for tomorrow.

- [Prez] Really?

- [Baker] Yes.

Bagels are boiled and then baked,

and they're baked upside down first

to get the crust on the bottom,

and then they're flipped over off the board

so they're baked on burlap-covered boards.

- OK.

- And then baked on top.

It's a bit of a process.

- We're here for the pizza bagel, which I see is $3.25,

but for all of the who are gonna be mad

that we came to Kossar's and only got a bagel,

could we also get a bialy?

Like, how much would that come out to?

- Comes out to about five bucks.

- About five bucks?


Let's do that -- let's get both.

I'm starving and super-excited.

Let's do it.

How much does that come out to?

- That comes out to $5.06.

- OK, um, well, this is--

Oh, thank you so much, Disembodied Hand.

Shout out.


- Thank you!

- Guys.

Got my bagel, got my bialy.

Let's do it.

Get in nice and close.

Just a classic bagel, beautifully baked.

A Bagel Bite's a little, tiny, little bagel

that you stuff in your oven or your microwave,

and you nuke or burn the crap of in like two seconds.

This is a 24-hour process, this pizza bagel right here,

as I just learned, and they're not messing around.

This isn't like a fake pizza bagel

where they just drop some cheese

and maybe like a pepperoni on top.

This is, like, real.

Look, the cheese is, like, gooey!

The sauce is under.

If it's done right, it's tough and crisp on the bottom,

but then it's fluffy on the inside.

It's dense, but it's not too dense, you know what I mean?

It's the perfect balance.

A New York bagel is a balancing act,

and that's why we do it the best, you know?

Let's get into it.


Mmm, yup, yup, yup.


Now this sauce is like a sweet sauce

rather than anything else, and I love me a sweet sauce.

I like a sweet sauce.

I'm a second-wave pizza kind of guy,

so this is hitting it for me.

I'ma let you guys on a little secret.

You ever wanna know why our pizzas and bagels are the best?

It's our tap water.

Shout out to New York City tap water.

Y'all made our industry fantastic.

Like, look at this.

It's beautiful.

It's crunchy, but it's soft at the same time.

Now, my favorite part of the pizza bagel

is that you get to eat it twice.

So I have to say that this is my favorite Frankenstein food,

but sometimes I think to myself,

"What else could I put together

to make something delicious?"

Maybe like a sushi burrito?

Philly cheesesteak donut?

Bacon, egg &cheese sauce?

That'd be good, right?

Get a look at that.

It's steaming, it's smoking, it's fresh.

Last bite.

The last morsel.

I love you.

Today is a good day.

Today's mission: pizza and bagels.

Man, two things that are equally loved in New York City.

Now, I don't know if it's something in the water

or the mountain of tradition.

I mean, it's not something that we're gonna solve today,

nor am I gonna try, but we came down to Kossar's

to have what I believe is the best bagel in the city,

and they took it up a notch by

putting some pizza on top of it.

Come down here and try it.

I 100% co-sign this.


We've hit every single one of our points.

Mission success.

It's in budget, not a big chain, and it's damn good,

which is the most important part.

Guys, try this.

Really, try this.

Now I'm gonna take my bialy and eat it for dinner.

See you guys later.

Yo, just sing better.

I don't understand what the problem is.

Oh, hey, guys.

So, we have an Instagram now at @5dollarlunchguy.

Hit us up in the comments.

Send us DMs as to where we should go next.

Follow, like, share, subscribe,

and I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Pizza Bagel in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 7:19.


BTS J Hope Boy Meets Evil Dance Practice (But It's Reversed) - Duration: 2:11.

J Hope BTS

Boy Meets Evil

Reversed Dance Practice

For more infomation >> BTS J Hope Boy Meets Evil Dance Practice (But It's Reversed) - Duration: 2:11.





Naruto and Kurama amv - See You Again & One Call Away - Duration: 3:11.

It's been a long day

Without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way

From where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again...

Call me baby if you need a friend

I just want to give you love

C'mon ,C'mon ,C'mon

Reaching out to you so take a chance

No matter where you go

You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

It's been a long day

Without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way

From where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again

Come along with me and don't be scared

I just want to set you free

C'mon ,C'mon ,C'mon

You and me can make it anywhere

No matter where you go

You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

I'm only one...

Call away...

For more infomation >> Naruto and Kurama amv - See You Again & One Call Away - Duration: 3:11.


Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 0:06.

For more infomation >> Ma vidéo éditée - Duration: 0:06.


LA VIE EST BELLE(MARE) - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> LA VIE EST BELLE(MARE) - Duration: 2:43.


Singalong With The Strong H...

For more infomation >> Singalong With The Strong H...



What's up guys it's your boy Nick and welcome back to a channel where I talk

about how to make money every single day today I'm gonna be showing you a crazy

website well not really crazy but website a lot of people don't even know

about that you can easily look at to get ideas or entice on where to start free

commerce Shopify things like that you can even you just website for other

ventures if need inspiration for developing a website or whatever it is

you're looking to do online involving a website but today in particular I'm

going to show you how one storage generating over a hundred and forty

thousand dollars per month a lot of times I hear a lot of people saying oh I

don't know where to get started with Shopify I'm not how to select a niche

and all this and that how to build a website but little do they know these

things are pretty simple to do and I always tell people don't overthink going

into a niche it's not that difficult to select I always tell people go where the

money is and you find where things are validated by looking at stores that are

already successful already making a lot of money because if they're making you

money then obviously they're consumers you want that product or that there are

consumers in that niche whatever they're selling so you'll necessarily have to

copy them you can kind of design or sell products similar to theirs but before

we get to the video make sure you smash that like button subscribe and leave a

comment below because I had to respond to every single person's questions below

so without further ado let's get right to the video and see how you were making

an absolutely insane amount of money per month a few videos past I made a video

about another website that little Shopify owns on how to look at other

successful stores who are selling their websites and you can literally just look

at how much what they're doing you can look at how much they're making per

month you can look at what kind of traffic they're driving etc and kind of

model your store after that they give you a detailed list of the apps are

using and all that you can look for through a few videos back and look at

that video if you want that if you want to learn about that website as well but

today's video we're simply going to go to what flipper calm is it

pretty much allows one person who has a website they can sell it for X amount of

dollars to another person who wants to buy it so why do people wanna buy

websites well obviously it takes away a lot of the work in the beginning stages

to design the website already have traffic coming in if the website being

sore - traffic coming in there are a lot of reasons why you would want to buy a

website that's already been established and so right here it's called flipper

calm again it's very easy website and a lot of people don't know about it so

overall it's a pretty useful website but specifically we're gonna use it and

release the ecommerce Shopify so if you go into

the website right here we can see Shopify there's domains website so they

have all different kind of things you guys can search around in but

specifically today let's hit Shopify so once we hit Shopify they have this

integrated feature it'll come up with all of the websites that people have on

Shopify that they want to sell or people have listed it on here so as you can see

we have all these different websites but I'm not really interested in these

websites automatically when I'm thinking money I want to go to the website that's

performing the best what's performing the best I can model that and make the

most money possible you know I'm not interested in Stuarts making a hundred a

two hundred a I want to start making a thousand ten thousand a five thousand a

so we cut the little guys out we go all the way to monthly profit ten to twenty

thousand and we hit search so we come down here and we can see that it gives

us four options so there's three days left and this or something over two

thousand five hundred and they're making what sixty nine thousand oh there ain't

200k per month and they're selling it for two thousand five hundred what seems

a little odd you know so they have these three half of the URL hidden so you can

even see what the website is but nevertheless only here they're selling

over two thousand five hundred but they're making 200k a month which seems

a little odd to me usually on Rock online right now if you love website

that makes a thousand a month you can sell that for twenty four X whatever

it's making per month so if you have websites making a thousand a month you

in kinda you can sell that for twenty four thousand that's just generally what

I've seen the prices are going right now it used to be like twelve months but now

it seems to be twenty four months but nevertheless let's go right here this

one right here the URL is hidden again but they're selling kitchen accessories

as we can see and it's even a drop shipping store so a lot of people say

drop shipping dead absolutely not we can see right here that they are profiting

or they're making yeah seventeen thousand profit four hundred eighteen

dollars per month so that's pretty good and there's something over two hundred

and twenty-five thousand what seems relatively reasonable and you can do a

buy now this one actually lets you see the website

dropship e-commerce again t-shirt brand doing 140 K per month and revenue again

guys t-shirts or a way to make a lot of money it's always been a successful

method and a couple videos back showed you how to make a t-shirt I

showed you an example of a t-shirt that literally had three words on it three

simple words again it was a bit it was a part of like a campaign or something but

nevertheless or a fundraiser and movement some charity I don't know I

don't exactly remember but nevertheless it had three words on it and literally

did like six teeth out or did it over a million dollars one t-shirt so again if

you have a shirt or if you have a website a Shopify website e-commerce

website with good t-shirt designs that can literally be minimalistic very

simple they can make a lot of money assuming you target the right people in

the right niche for those t-shirts so they're selling this for 120,000 and

they're generating 140 thousand a month in revenue so that's pretty crazy we'll

look at that in a second and then finally the last one women's fitness and

yoga apparel four hundred and ninety one thousand and revenue in twelve months so

you could just divide that by twelve but they're selling that for one hundred

thirty seven thousand again the URL is hidden I'm sure if you sign up for an

account and I clicked on one of these and in order to see what they're doing

it will just do it for example you have to sign up and you have to sign a

confidentiality agreement I mean you can pretty much just by looking at the niche

and looking at these numbers identify that yeah it's invalid market so what do

people like in fitness and yoga yoga mat yoga clothing so this pretty much

already validated what you were you were looking for it gave you an idea give you

a niche idea women's fitness and yoga and women females in general buy a lot

online so now that you have Lee print-on-demand you can literally come

to this website and just do more do more searching around you have to necessarily

go for the the stores that are profiting ten to twenty thousand a month you can

kind of look around get more ideas of niches but again print Wonder Man is a

great way right now to make a lot of money online although now that you do

once you have the niche you validated that people want it is kind of just you

know look at their designs maybe if you want to go into the same thing they're

selling you can kind of base obviously don't want to copy directly because

maybe you can get into copyright or trademark problems but just go off and

kind of you know design something that is similar to theirs but obviously you

don't copy their design and you can even go into the same niche as well that you

know that's validated so just go through this website look up some niches then go

to the Shopify store whatever look up print for any of the print on demand

services and you guys find those services start go

you can go to once you validate something then you want to do a

little bit more research about that so we see right here in this flippa that

they are doing drop shipping t-shirts or clothing so if you have no idea how to

well just probably the case you have no idea how to design design t-shirts and

mugs and all that I have to do is go to Fiverr it's a great source for pretty

much anything get cheap work done you can say t-shirt design and boom you have

all these lists for $5 $5 $5 again look at the stars like 1 k+ readings at 5 so

Long's are like with 4.8 to 5 with a lot of ratings that's pretty good so you can

literally get any of these t-shirts designed so once you find a good person

to design your t-shirt just this em hey I'm in this niche I want some t-shirts

that are similar to this or make some t-shirts with this idea don't make it

for you and then you can kind of go from here and make a great website so again

this is a super easy way to generate a lot of money and it avoids that the

problem with long shipping times again the e packet is great because it doesn't

take that long but the printed demand is even better because some of these print

on demand services literally take three days two days depending on the shipping

packages that you choose and again they handle everything so I know how to

express you can have the overlap and just import them directly but they with

apparel demand they literally handle everything they sync it with your store

so it's great so I think you guys so much for watching that video I hope you

guys found some inspiration something useful out of that video so that us two

can start making money on Shopify on e-commerce online whatever is you guys

are doing but like I always say unless you take action this is useless

information so make sure you take action look around validate a certain product a

website or something that's working and kind of model something after it you

don't have to have to be interested in it but as long as you know it's making

money then at the end of the day you can also make money from it as well

as soon you'll have good ad and you have a good website so it's the simple things

don't write that lead to a lot of success and so I hope you guys found

this video useful again don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

For more infomation >> $140k PER MONTH ON SHOPIFY STORE (PRINT ON DEMAND) 💰 - Duration: 8:54.


VAL - Tutorial Hunter | ENG SUBS | Left 4 Dead 2 - Todo sobre el Hunter - Duration: 8:01.

What's up vicietas! VAL here, with a new Left 4 Dead 2 video, in which we will talk

about the bunter, jante.... Hunter!


The hunter is a sort of skater, karateka, junkie

who prefers a casual but trendy outfit at the same time.

He has very long and sharp nails which would come in handy to play the spanish guitar.

He is the only special infected that never makes noise when he is standing up,

but when he crouches, he growls like a panther.

The word vertigo isn't in his dictionary and his favourite sport is the wingfly,

whenever he falls over someone.

His primary attack, I mean, the one performed with the left mouse button, is the pounce,

that is sort of special because the hunter has to be crouched to do it.

His energy bar fills up in just one second.

This attack has two parts: The "jump and grab" part, with variable

damage depending on the distance (and not on height, as people usually think)

And the "funny tickles on the chest" part, which substracts 5 points every half a second, approximately.

The pounce in a near distance makes no damage, in a middle distance takes out 10 points more or less.

At maximum distance, which you have to do from a high place, takes out 25 points.

25 is the maximum. You cannot substract more than 25 points, not even jumping from the stratosphere.

Doors have a trick. If they are in one piece, the hunter will crash against them, making a hole.

If they have already a hole, the hunter will cross them as if they were paper walls

from the Takeshi's Castle show, so it's better to leave them ready.

The hunter will always crash against windows but if he is close to them,

he will cross them. If you want to do things easier, just break the window with the claw and pass.

And remember this attack has stun, so you will push away the survivors that are near to the victim.

A useful tactic on some situations.

The secondary attack, I mean, the one which is made with the right mouse button, is the claw,

that takes away 6 points. It seems that Rochelle is not very upset about...

-Ohh, shut up!

Ok, by the way, like the smoker, he has 250 life points, so he will stay 50 seconds burning away.


The hunter is the special infected who has more techniques, and all of them have already a name

so I cannot invent new stupid names, as I normally do.

The first one is called Wall Jump, and it's done bouncing off a wall against

which you were going to crash in the trajectory of a jump.

You can do it very easily, you just have to turn back when you reach the wall, and click again to take impulse.

You can do this all the times you want, and it's the technique used to bounce on the corridors.

The next one is The Ninja. It's useful to surprise the survivors

because we don't need to crouch, so we won't do any noise until the end.

To do it, you have to put your back against a wall, walk backwards, jump and click.

When you master it, you will be able to do it whilst moving.

When we want to climb to a high place, the easiest technique to do so, is the Vertical Wall Jump.

Some walls, like this one, for example, are invisible, and we will be able to see them

if we say the magical words: HERE'S JOHNNY.

As you can see, the wall is there, and even if we don't see it, we will be able to climb it.

To do so, you have to put your back against it, and leave the crosshair at mid distance from the wall,

as we can see here, then pounce and hold the S key while your are clicking repeatedly until you reach the top.

It seems that we are flying, but if we show the lines, we will notice that we are on a big block.

At perfect height to do a pounce.

The next technique is the Pounce Sliding. Sometimes, depending on the angle and the velocity,

you can slide through some objects to extend your pounce without loosing distance points,

like we do here, bouncing on the fence, and making 25 points.

The Jump Curving is just to make the hunter spin on the fly. For example, we can't see any survivors here,

but if we turn the corner, we could share some love with Rochelle.

How's my hair?

The next technique is the Kai Jumping which is just simply crossing horizontally a wall without touching the floor.

It's a little bit complicated, but it's all in the movement of your wrist.

We have to jump outwards turning quickly the crosshair towards the wall.

With those jumps, hold the crosshair near to the wall because if not, you will jump outwards instead of forward.

An easier way to cross horizontally a wall is doing the Fake Kai Jumping or Automatic Kai Jumping.

If we say again HERE'S JOHNNY, we can see two blocks, pink on the right and salmon on the left.

As we saw before, the salmon block shows us a wall, so to do this technique,

we will stand side to side to the wall, holding the crosshair a little bit further from the wall than with

the standard Kai Jumping, and we will pounce, holding the A and S keys, and clicking repeatedly.

What we are watching is the Vertical Kai Jumping.

You can do it pouncing towards the wall, and turning to the other side in the middle of the jump, then, pouncing again. Always going upwards.

Last but not least, we have the Ceiling Jump, that is one of the hardest because you have to find the exact angle and hold it.

To do so, you have to jump towards the ceiling, move down quickly the crosshair to a middle point and then click.

We can turn horizontally while we are on the ceiling, but if we turn vertically, we will fall down.


The hunter is drawn to survivors that are helpless, so if you are going to attack someone

who is standing which is behind someone that's already on the floor, you are probably going to attack the survivor who is lying down.

To try and solve this the best thing you can do is make a steep angle upwards

and fall nearly vertically on the survivor that is standing up.

This infected, as most of them, isn't very keen on pushes, as we can kill him shoving him 5 times.

As if this weren't enough we can do a dead stop if we push him at the same time that

he is jumping towards us to pounce us. If the survivor stops you, you're screwed.

Another weakness of the hunter is the skeet. Killing him with a shot when he is in flight.


As we have seen in other tutorials, the hunter can steal the victim from a jockey or a smoker

so it will be convenient that he starts the attacks to avoid conflicts.

The boomer will be of great help if we want to eat a survivor as fast food

but it's a big misfortune if one of them explodes near you

because the stun can make us set the survivor free.

As I always say, the spitter is the perfect infected to attack with the hunter because

when the survivor is freed he will get up on a pool of acid

that he won't be able to avoid.

The hunter is not the best infected to do instant kills but,

if we calculate execution times, the charger can seize the moment

when the survivor stands up to charge him to the water.

One thing, be careful on trusting the graphics because sometimes you can go through the survivor

doing the fail of your life.

Last but not least, on some specific points the hunter can make an instant by himself

but if the smoker helps him out, it's best.

So this is all vicietas, I'm Val, don't forget to subscribe to Valergamer's channel

and Like the video. Likeeee. HuHa!

For more infomation >> VAL - Tutorial Hunter | ENG SUBS | Left 4 Dead 2 - Todo sobre el Hunter - Duration: 8:01.


2017 Cycling Season Recap - Duration: 4:38.

** Fest / Picnic music, don't bother about the meaning **

** Polish military song **

** "White Teddy bear" song **

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