Sunday, December 31, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 31 2017

Hi my name is J.Weathers AWS Solutions Architect Professional and MCSA cloud platforms today

we're doing and getting started with AWS SageMaker. We will deploy AWS Sagemaker

instance define IAM roles to work with s3 review the Juniper notebook and

algorithms that are actually deployed with the AWS SageMaker instance at the

end we'll overview what we learn and talk about next steps so first things

first let's login to our AWS account

re:Invent was this year and was awesome Andy Jazzy looking great guys he did an

awesome job of re:invent ok so we're going to sign into our console it's a

couple ways you can get to AWS Sage maker you can scroll down under machine

learning clicks aja maker it's under your recently visited items so we'll be

here or you can just type in the sage maker first thing you want to do is

create a notebook instance so we're gonna click create notebook instance

we're gonna name it deep learning demo for this demo we're

going to use a ml.t2.medium instance you can select

ml.m4.xlarge or ml.p2.xlarge but for demo purposes the t2.medium will be just fine.

For the execution roles you can actually create a new role or enter a Amazon Resource Name (ARN)

from a existing role or using the existing IAM role, but right now we're going to create a new

role so for a specific s3 bucket what you need to do is actually get the name

of a bucket that already exists. So let me go here well I'm gonna login into AWS again

all right we're going to go to s3. Okay we want to go to s3 that's our storage

where our data our csv files will be kept. The bucket I'm going to choose is Deepapp1

so you see this bucket right here DF one I want to type that here

it's called deepapp1 right okay so this bucket s3 policy will

be created for this bucket specifically and we're going to go through that so Deepapp1

is a bucket that I already have I'm going to click create role so now this

is the role that is actually with my policy when I click on this it takes me

to identity access management (IAM) here's my role and here's the policy that was

actually created for this so you can see this is the resource and s3 deepapp1

and I'm allowed to get objects which means pull objects from s3 put

objects which means I can put objects into the bucket or delete objects for

the bucket for deepapp1 so that looks great now we're going to talk

about the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) so you have your VPC we're selecting the default VPC for this

particular demonstration Amazon recommends that if you're doing a

production based app that you can you create your own VPC and you can do that

by utilizing cloud formation and cloud formation is a tool that you can use to

automate all your infrastructure. So now we're going to select the subnets in

this availability zone in this region us the East one and the security group I'm

going to use a default security group for encryption keys that's basically you

have to protect your data with an encryption key you can do this you can

go to encryption keys you can use a key that you already have like I have this

key right or you can create a brand new key so you can create a key you can just

have an Alias for the key deep learning demo. demo key,

advanced options

kms only next step you can do it for lets say an app env you can

do dev that's the Tag next step then you can choose other things that can access

it we're going to go to the next steps well actually we're going to go to our

stage maker execution role both of those

click next steps and click finish so here is everything that can actually

access with this roll the stage make for execution rolls both that we just did

and you can see all create, describe, enable, list, put, delete click finish we

have our app deep learning demo key we can copy this on go back to sage maker

paste the arm here and there we have our encryption key create a notebook instance.

as you can see deep learning demo is pending that means it's deploying.

I have a instance in service and I have an instance stopped. The great thing is if

you're not working on your sage maker instance or in your Juniper notebook you

can stop your instance start it and all your data still be there. So while this

one was pending we're going to go ahead and open a instance that I've already

created. I'm gonna open that and here we see sample notebooks. so when we actually

take a look at the sample notebooks we're going to... you can actually see the

models that are deployed with AWS sage maker. You have advanced functionality

and introduction to Amazon algorithms, introduction to applying machine learning algorithms.

these are pre-installed and are samples with data and algorithms are

already there and you can actually start to train and predict breast cancer using

this linear learner model with features derived from images of breast mass.

So you can actually walk through this right now

and start learning how to do modeling for breast cancer which is amazing. Now

if we go back here we're going to take a look at a few more so let's go back that

was actually introduction to apply machine learning let's look at

introduction to Amazon algorithms so if we take a look at these

we have factorization, image classification model, IDA topic modeling

linear learner modeling with MS NIST that's the data set for image

recognition and then you have sequence of sequence and x boost with mnist

let's go back a little bit more go back to where we were and now we have the

sage maker Python SDK here you have your Gloun on for and mnist.

sentiment analysis and then you have your Tensor flow models for distributed

mnist you can actually start to learn tensor flow and work on tensor

flow if that is your framework of choice okay we're going to go ahead and wrap up

this particular session for the Amazon algorithms in part two we'll actually

start to look into introduction to Amazon machine learning and the first

model of will run is the breast cancer prediction. As promised for the overview

we deployed the sage make for instance we defined the I am role to work with s3

will review the for notebook and algorithms for our next

steps we encourage you to join our slack channel and you can go to our website

here click on our slack channel button we want you to be a part of our

community we want to help you learn deep learning and answer any questions that you

might need you might want to join our Kaggle team and help us solve and win

Kaggle competitions. You might form your own kaggle team from the deep learning

teams resources and talent or you might just want to become a part of the deep

learning team and start teaching how you build algorithms. Regardless of what you

want to do, we want to hear from you. We want to get to know you and we want to

create great change with this new technology. Ok see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Getting Started With AWS SageMaker - Duration: 9:31.



No what's up guys it's Adrienne and in today's video I'm going to do a full

face using 2017 s worst craziest ugliest and most cringe-worthy viral beauty

trends why I have no idea Instagram can be a dark dark place when it comes to

things that go viral and it's been a weird year for Beauty let me tell you

I'd be innocently scrolling through my Instagram feed when BAM

someone is making their eyebrows into a Christmas tree okay no but who I'm

literal earth decided that furry nails would be a trend and don't even get me

started on glitter buds I'm sorry what is the purpose can't even know I'm not

doing it sorry not doing it give this video a thumbs up and share it with your

grandma because honestly if we think it's weird and worth of the age of

people who created these trends whether you were a fan of these trends or not

they need to die in 2018 so to give them one little last moment breath of life

I'm gonna put them on my face let's do this alright guys really going in with

this one so gotta pull the hair back I'm already regretting so many life

decisions right now okay so first we're gonna start with our

face and some dump decided that we should use every item in the house to

blend our makeup except a Beauty Blender yes we should do that but obviously

first I gotta prime my face this parts boring so first we were going to use a

condom to apply face makeup who on earth thought this was a good idea

like who just sat around one day being like you know what why use it to protect

yourself let's just use it to put makeup on our face one thing I will say though

is that you know how you're just like dampen your Beauty Blender well this is

already okay you th this condom looks disgusting what is that what is that it

doesn't expire until 2019 why the heck is there like crap in it it's not just a

Lube yeah well this is already damp so it's like 2ne1 you don't even need an

infinite how does this work okay I'm gonna go ahead and stick my Beauty

Blender in it I'm so sorry Beauty Blender I do not like that if it's nice

and lubed up I wonder how that will affect my makeup really why I do

okay smell bad I don't like the noise at night I also just can't help but think

like someone already use this even though they didn't this just feels so

wrong so is this like the part for the under eye concealer cuz it's smaller and

it's can't be good for your skin okay on to the next I've also seen various

people try blending their makeup with a tampon not quite sure how this is gonna

work seeing is it's very rough am I supposed to like dampen it to expand it

feel like this is just gonna wipe it all off okay a fully expanded tampon is

definitely something I could have gone my whole life without seeing let's try

this though this is way more like a damp Beauty Blender how can I still do wiping

all think about it you're not trying to go out and spend 12 bucks on my period

and another 12 bucks to blend makeup into my face honestly though not bad

it's like this little sponge when it's all flattened out I don't mind it

I'm gonna keep using the tampon for my under eyes because honestly feels kind

of good this like is kind of revolutionary holy crap I knocked this

before I tried it alright so for bronzer and contouring there is one item that I

heard you have to try using to blend one last item seems the most legit an egg

and it's freezing that's not okay oh my

if I had a fidgets spinner I would now be applying more makeup with a fidgets

spinner but thank goodness I don't have one anymore it is not here it is

somewhere in the depth of my room in LA so yeah there were a ton of trends to

blend makeup on your face using other objects and I find them all extremely

weird although I will say the tampon one was pretty legit okay moving on and now

the moment you have all been waiting for wavy eyebrows this was the actual

weirdest thing I've seen in my entire life

like who woke up one morning being like you know what I'm gonna be different

today I'm gonna do wavy eyebrows I don't want to do straight eyebrows the

Internet is a scary place people this is the picture that I'm gonna try to

already create good luck to me let's be honest my artistic skills with real

eyebrows abort abort not on fleek so I'm gonna use my boyfriend's sumo tech

elastic molding that sounds a little dangerous I end up

without my brow after this r.i.p just gonna take some white powder

oh I'm supposed to put good sealer okay in case the world was ever wondering

what I look like without eyebrows you're welcome come on let's do it

and thus the wavy burr how was born oh I'm sorry do I look normal

the next eyebrow trend that I saw would be carved brow I mean it looks kind of

cool but it's still weird like why are we highlighting our eyebrows so much

again really not my makeup Pro so you imagine yours like getting ready with

your friends like let's go to a club oh my god I'm a cup should i do today I'm

gonna do a carved eyebrow oh yeah good idea Sally Singh okay after blending is

complete it still looks completely ridiculous that looks absolutely stupid

okay good oh good my boy for as long as my home I really hope he walks in on me

like this alright now that my eyebrows are

completed the next trend is using way too much highlighter yo your girl loves

a good highlight but when it's all over your face you start to look so scary

like this one like your girl loves a good highlight but not trying to look

like the Tin Man from Wizard laws Oh next we are going to do some faux

freckles now mystery I actually didn't know it was horrible but then I saw too

many people doing it and I'm like you literally look like you just splattered

paint on your face I think I need to be more random okay obviously I did that

horribly a bit and it doesn't even look it looks like you I obviously just took

eyeliner straight to the face mmm hey what do you think of my face so far no

do you like the fake freckles they don't look fake they look like disease you're

like some sort of cat especially with this going on up top oh my god wait in

camera it looks like kind of fine clothes there nothing no one no one yeah

so next is this neon eyeliner trend it's actually kind of cute

put like not on an everyday basis obviously so I don't have any neon

eyeliner but the best I have is a pink lip liner pencil so I'm just gonna kind

of wing it okay I probably could have done without the eye shadow to be honest

but honestly just because the other picture had it put a little bit up here

really look I'm glad all right and the next one Gallade our lips this is cute

but totally not functional not to mention glitters being like banned

because the plastic is bad I guess for environment in the ocean and all that

which I support but first just gonna moisten the lips with some lip balm and

just for the sake of convenience I'm using the tampon as my glitter holder

take a wee bit of glitter this is the environment and bad for the water it's

probably bad it feels like I just got my lips injected and so I can't move them

although I've never gone my lips injected so I don't even know what that

feels like I regret not doing this one last ok the next trend is your makeup

what apparently it is a thing to put makeup on your ear how does one do ear

makeup I can't wait till today when makeup artists do your makeup tutorials

Hey look at that yeah ok the next trend was a black

highlighter I love you so much Jeffrey star but what the I'm sorry but isn't a

highlighter meant to highlight highlight highlight highlight if it's Jeffrey's

are approved I can't argue it very Jeffrey nope I don't see it

alright guys now that my face is complete and looks absolutely ridiculous

the last but not least beauty trend of 2017 belongs to miss Kim kardashian-west

and it is the wet hair red carpet look I really don't know how I'm gonna wear

just my hair here

I mean the good news about this hairstyle is you can save a fortune on

going to my hairstylist you see literally just pop your head

under the faucet beauty all right guys that is the end of putting all of 2017

worst most disgusting viral beauty trends on my face so now that we got it

out of our systems let's never do it again if you guys like this video

subscribe to our Channel and give it a thumbs up oh yeah to be honest I really

have nothing more to say besides I hope you all have an awesome new year I love

you so much you can always always leave video requests down in the comment

section I always want to know what you guys want to see sometimes I do really

random crap like this anyway guys thanks for watching on through next video happy


For more infomation >> WORST VIRAL BEAUTY TRENDS 2017 - FULL FACE! - Duration: 9:22.


ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part29【minecraft1.10.2】0145【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part29【minecraft1.10.2】0145【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:18.


Family fun on the water

For more infomation >> Family fun on the water



Jump over it! Are you a soldier or not

Oh Sh*t Claymore!!!


F*ck that


Let's go Rambo

Let's GO

GO, Will

Let's Go(x2)

Let's Go(x2)

Let Wilson go first

TF was that?


Indeed a freakin' sh*t

That was close

TF was that?

The hell hitting me just now?




(LOL) The way he died

Get Closer!(x2)

Stupid! The C4 didn't stick

Don't shove into it la, Sel



OMG, Hansel



Eh! I mean RED ZONE!

Sh*t That's a lot


Oi oi! Don't leave the commander




I'm gonna get there first before i get the ride

Is it a hardcore server?

I don't know

If it's hardcore it won't give infos about the map or etc.

Sh*t shit!!



P*ssy, don't!

What The HELL!



How did you do that?!


Oh Sh*t


It suddenly exploded

He's gonna run if u shoot him like that


We stay in here!

get down!(x2)


C4 LA好吗!!!

*** 怎么样?(how?)

What!? you killed that thing using the HE(High Explosive)?

I was also killed by my own C4






It's just the EOD BOT, why are you chasing it?!

Eh, Ezra there!

OMG the freeze


F**k, It got away

Go up(x5)


Woah there are soldiers there

he can't be locked

Wait he's riding that


They are coming! Theyre gonna be shooting at us

We've spotted three of them


Calm down(x2)

They are five!



I'm being chased

This is crazy!

U think that I am not?

We ain't doing anything for the team

Come to my cockpit!

So disgusting!

Are you crazy? This is not the F-35


Holy sh*t are you crazy?

I was killed by my own HVM rocket launcher

Oh he died already

Oh so slippery

I'm gonna die


Stay in here

He is inside this bulding

Watch out!! the ship(x4)

F*ck it!

For real!

It's rolled!

It got rolled

He's running

He's running away

Whatever, for God's sake

Just wait for the next round

Look at that!! (LOL)


He was shooting at the ground


He is pissed off

That was so funny



I was hit by the horse!

Holy sh*t you ain't doing it easily

Holy sh*t enemy spotted

Oi, that's a tank!

Running away!

We've just rolled

Easy easy, just calm down, Sel!

Ok do not calm down(x3)

Um, Sel?

Sel, faster!, Sel(x3)

Stupid, oi!



For more infomation >> BATTLEFIELD - STUPID MOMENTS - Duration: 10:20.


Sandrine Quétier quitte TF1 : les vraies raisons de son départ | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Sandrine Quétier quitte TF1 : les vraies raisons de son départ | Nouvelles 24 - Duration: 2:20.


[VOSTFR] Les voeux des BTS pour 2018 ! [SOUS-TITRES BIENTOT COMPLETS) - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> [VOSTFR] Les voeux des BTS pour 2018 ! [SOUS-TITRES BIENTOT COMPLETS) - Duration: 9:07.


80位明星的素顏照曝光! - Duration: 16:33.

For more infomation >> 80位明星的素顏照曝光! - Duration: 16:33.


Thank You. - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Thank You. - Duration: 2:03.


Jessica Thivenin (LMvsMonde2) confondue avec une actrice de films X, elle est au plus mal ! (VIDÉO) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Jessica Thivenin (LMvsMonde2) confondue avec une actrice de films X, elle est au plus mal ! (VIDÉO) - Duration: 2:21.


She'd rather go naked: Ellie Goulding retires clothes for temperature-raising reveal - Duration: 1:36.

She'd rather go naked: Ellie Goulding retires clothes for temperature-raising reveal

The Love Me Like You Do songstress turned 31 yesterday — Saturday, December 30 — and she made sure to celebrate in style.

Taking a very literal approach to the birthday suit trend, the starlet posted a nude picture on her Ellie Goulding Instagram profile. With only a satin sheet draped around her naked curves, the singing sensation left very little to the imagination.

As the sheet fell down her upper body, Ellie exposed a hint of cleavage as she stared into the distance However, it was undoubtedly the intricate floral tattoo on the Brit beautys back that stole the limelight.

Celebrating her female form in all its glory, Goulding allowed her tousled locks to fall loose around her face. Adding a touch of bling to the black and white shot, she rocked a statement pair of heart-shaped drop earrings.

" I like your tattoo and freckles" An Instagram follower Captioning the scene for her 14.2 million followers, the singer-songwriter quipped: Waking up on my birthday like. For good measure, Ellie added three red balloon emojis to the comment.

True to form, fans rushed to praise the picture that has racked up close to 400,000 likes in just one day.

Among the countless birthday wishes, one awestruck viewer wrote: Beautiful girl in a beautiful pic. Another said: Natural beauty at its best, alongside a kissing face emoji.

Adding to the compliments, a follower posted: Cute photo — I like your tattoo and freckles. With both her birthday and New Years Eve to celebrate, something tells us Ellie will be having the time of her life tonight.

For more infomation >> She'd rather go naked: Ellie Goulding retires clothes for temperature-raising reveal - Duration: 1:36.


🌞 Hoşgeldin 2018!!!! 🌞 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 🌞 Hoşgeldin 2018!!!! 🌞 - Duration: 2:15.


Ivana Mrazova, per la modella un programma in tv con Nicola Savino - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Ivana Mrazova, per la modella un programma in tv con Nicola Savino - Duration: 2:45.


Gabano taclé par une célèbre candidate de télé-réalité, c'est inattendu - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Gabano taclé par une célèbre candidate de télé-réalité, c'est inattendu - Duration: 2:27.


Emerging threats

For more infomation >> Emerging threats


Meatball Sub Bread Bowl | Food Network - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Meatball Sub Bread Bowl | Food Network - Duration: 0:51.


🌞 Hoşgeldin 2018!!!! 🌞 - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 🌞 Hoşgeldin 2018!!!! 🌞 - Duration: 2:15.


Major Scandal In Washington DC – AG Jeff Sessions Caught Obstructing POTUS!!! - Duration: 3:04.

Major Scandal In Washington DC – AG Jeff Sessions Caught Obstructing POTUS !!!

FBI informant William D. Campbell revealed that he has proof that connects former Secretary

of State and President, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to the scandalous Uranium One


Freedom Daily reported that:

During testimony last week, Sessions tried to suggest there was no connection between

Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case.

He argued that the criminal charges weren't filed until 2014, while the Committee of Foreign

Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred in October


The Hill reports:

For instance, both Attorney General Jeff Sessions in testimony last week and Deputy Attorney

General Rod Rosenstein in a letter to the Senate last month tried to suggest there was

no connection between Uranium One and the nuclear bribery case.

Their argument was that the criminal charges weren't filed until 2014, while the Committee

of Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approval of the Uranium One sale occurred

in October 2010.

"The way I understand that matter is that the case in which Mr. Mikerin was convicted

was not connected to the CFIUS problem that occurred two to three years before," Sessions

testified to the House Judiciary Committee last week, echoing Rosenstein's letter from

a few weeks earlier.

But investigative records show FBI counterintelligence recorded the first illicit payments in the

bribery/kickback scheme in November 2009, a year before the CFIUS approval.

Sessions testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee and he said:

President Donald Trump warned Jeff Sessions and the whole Department of Justice saying

that unless the Attorney General does not decide to prosecute Clinton he will be forced

to step in and take drastic measures.

On this, Trump told the reporters:

A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me.

He also wrote on Twitter after the revelation of Donna Brazile that Clinton's campaign

was controlling DNC operations and fundraising before she won the primary

This is real collusion and dishonesty.

Major violation of Campaign Finance Laws and Money Laundering – Where is our Justice


People are angry.

At some point, the Justice Department, and the FBI must do what is right and proper.

The American public deserves it.

The saddest thing is because I'm the President of the United States, I'm not supposed to

be involved in the Justice Department, I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI.

I am not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I'm

very frustrated by it.

These were some of the many things Trump said regarding the criminal deeds of Clinton and

the passiveness of Jeff Sessions.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Major Scandal In Washington DC – AG Jeff Sessions Caught Obstructing POTUS!!! - Duration: 3:04.


Dos caminos, un camino (Mateo 7: 13-27) - John MacArthur [ACTIVAR LOS SUBTÍTULOS]. - Duration: 55:00.

For more infomation >> Dos caminos, un camino (Mateo 7: 13-27) - John MacArthur [ACTIVAR LOS SUBTÍTULOS]. - Duration: 55:00.


Joe Rogan Tour of the UFC Performance Institute - Duration: 3:58.

hey guys make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all MMA news

I'm getting a tour of the UFC performance institute from the great forrest Griffin.

Best tour guide ever.

This place is incredible.

What's up clint?

This place is amazing.

Forrest Explain this.

Forrest: It's science.

No this is basically a giant video board where you look at technique you look at like hey

you're not countering enough with the straight, everything like that.

You can also change to a different angle.

Rogan: we got bobby green in here working right now.

Hello, hahaha.

Tour guide: the whole deal is that this place is a destination right?

So if someone flies in from Germany, Sweden they can come for a consultation come and

chill out in some sleeping pods.

Rogan: Sleep pods?

These are sleep pods?

What are we in a movie?

This is crazy what is this?

Guide: ambient light, plays music Rogan: what!?

It talks to you and plays music?

Ahhhh I feel better already.

Sleep pod.

I'm at the UFC performance institute this place is literally insane.

This place is absolutely incredible.

I mean one of the most amazing places I've ever been to in my life.

I can't even put it into words how amazing this place is.

I'll have to try.

Guide: this is our laser light therapy pod.

It uses infrared light to penetrate deep into the muscle tissue that helps promote circulation

and deliver nutrients.

Whole body Cryotherapy pod and this is a cool unit because it actually does contrast it

goes up to 170 and down to -340.

So if someone doesn't like doing the ice bat or the cold pool you can still get…

rogan: This is the hot and then cold.

This is 50 degrees and that's you know Jacuzzi.

That's Wilson hayes.

That's jeff navinski.

Hello, Wilson, what's up?

This place is insane.

Angela is going crazy here.

Underwater treadmill.

Angela hill, going nuts.

How is this thing?

Angela: it's cool, it's weird.

Rogan: how long you been doing this for?

Angela: like a minute.

Rogan: I'm here at the UFC performance institute about to rap this up Quinton wankenberg, Dunken

Fresh, Jeff Navinski, and this place is F**** amazing.

Literally, one of the most impressive facilities I have seen in my life.

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