Friday, December 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 29 2017

Hello, I'm I William!

Hello, I'm Tae Exzenfire!

I've heard it's illegal to carry...

...pepper spray in Thailand, right?

Yup, so I've heard

But today I'm going to teach you to make your own...

...pepper spray that's not illegal... using some items around the house.

Alright, let's go see what we'll use.

The first thing we need to do is grab...

...peppers. About a fistful.

And pluck the stems off... as if you're making Som Tam.

Ok, I think that's probably enough.

There's probably ten to fifteen in there

Grind it up finely.

Again, like you're making Som Tam.

It's starting to sting my eyes and nose

It smells really spicy.

Smash it till it's fine.

Next we'll pour in a bit of water

This is going to hurt a lot. For sure.

Next we'll pour in some oil.

It can be vegetable oil, peanut oil... any kind of oil.


...about that much.

After that just... mix it up a bit

I know the water and oil aren't going to mix...

... but the oil helps the effect stay longer.

Next we're just going to...

...pour it into our empty bottle.

For more infomation >> DIY Pepper Spray!! (Ft. Tae Exzenfire) - Duration: 6:05.


The top 10 gift ideas for small business owners and entrepreneurs in 2018 - Duration: 26:40.

Top 10 New Year's Gift Ideas for Small Business Owners in 2018

Is one of your relatives, friends, or family member the owner of a small or a medium enterprise?

Are you looking for a suitable gift for them that doesn't look cliché?

2018 is right around the corner and today we are talking about the top 10 new year's

gift ideas that your entrepreneurial friend will really appreciate and will remember you

fondly for years to come.

Before we start counting down, here are couple of rules we followed.

Almost all these gift ideas are less than a thousand dollars.

None of these gifts are cheap, or inexpensive.

But they aren't extremely expensive either.

Some of these gifts can be had for as little as a hundred dollar, and none of them is way

over the thousand dollar limit.

An important thing to keep in mind is that business owners, especially successful business

owners aren't price-conscious.

Instead, we are value-conscious.

I own a small enterprise, and we cater to SME's business-to-business, so all my clients

are also small or medium enterprise owners.

And one thing I've found that's common across the board is value-consciousness.

For instance, a high-quality item that I can use for a decade on a daily or weekly basis,

and can extract some productivity out of… is immensely more valuable to me than an alternative

that's much cheaper, but not quite as high-quality and durable.

For this list, we're only going for high-quality and durable items.

And more importantly, we're going to list items that your entrepreneurial friend or

family member can actually put to use on a regular basis, and extract a lot of value

out of.

This means that you'll be at the forefront of their mind for years to come.

It's also important that you have a vague idea of what they already have and what they


Otherwise you might end up gifting them something they already have.

One last consideration, or suggestion if you will, before we start counting down… is

that often you can get together with a bunch of people and chip in together to buy some

of these items.

Entrepreneurs are frugal about what's needed, and would rather have one very valuable gift

from five people than five different gifts which don't add much value.

So, without further ado, here are our top picks for new year's gifts that you an buy

for your entrepreneurial friends before 2018 rolls up.

Number TEN: PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier

To start off this list, this HEPA air purifier is an especially great choice for your entrepreneurial

friends who live or work in big cities.

Air pollution and smog conditions can get especially bad in some places like San Francisco,

and can become a great health hazard.

Even in small towns, many small businesses are based in industrial zones where the quality

of air is not that great.

A high-quality air purifier can be used everyday, and can last years.

Most people don't realize how much they need one until they finally start using it

in their home or office.

Often, an air purifier helps greatly with congestion, breathing problems or chronic


Not only will you help them breathe clear air, but you might literally help them increase

their life-span and not just their quality of life.

People who spend a lot of time breathing in low-quality polluted air are at a greater

risk for heart disease.

So if you're on a budget, but still want to blow their mind with your gift choice,

you can't go wrong with an air purifier.

Our choice is a PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier that you can buy on Amazon for

around one hundred dollars.

You can find a link to the Amazon listing in the description below, where you can read

other customers' reviews and more details about this air purifier.

Number NINE: Allen Edmonds Cordovan Shoes

Shoes are not something you'd gift in a business setting, traditionally speaking.

But since you're watching this video for a friend, family member or relative who also

happens to be a small business owner… the Allen Edmond Cordovan Shoes can be a great


We came to understand the sheer value-proposition of a pair of these when a client of ours told

us how he's owned a pair now for almost eighteen years…

And with a little bit of mending and tending from time to time, his pair of shoes still

look like they're absolutely new.

Extremely comfortable shoes also mean greater productivity.

When it comes to productivity, comfort is the number one factor.

If you're uncomfortable with your apparel, or your shoes, you're just not going to

be as productive.

The Allen Edmonds Cordovans are both extremely comfortable, and extremely long lasting…

making them an unbelievable value-proposition, even at the roughly six-hundred-dollar price


Of all the things on this list, these shoes are the only ones that you don't have to

worry about redundancy either… since everybody can own several pairs of shoes at once.

Number EIGHT: Caster Sleep Mattress with Memory Foam

Speaking of comfort, nothing's more important than a good night's sleep.

Not only does your general comfort in life depend upon how well you sleep, but also your

willpower is directly dependent upon your sleep quality.

Given that you spend almost a third of your entire life on a bed, wouldn't it stand

to reason that you should invest in a high-quality mattress?

The Caster Sleep Mattress is made out of Memory Foam, and with its ten-year manufacturer's

warranty, it's an extremely high value-proposition, even at the roughly nine hundred dollars that

it costs.

In fact, it's such a high-value equipment for your entrepreneurial friend that the only

reason why it's not ranked in the top-three gift ideas of this list is because it's

very highly likely that already have a high-quality mattress.

And yes, I did refer to a mattress as equipment.

That was deliberate.

An entrepreneur's ability to succeed depends largely upon his willpower and his ability

to keep a straight head when things seem to be going belly up.

A mattress is a tool that recharges your entrepreneurial friend's willpower, and as such, no less

than an equipment.

By the way, if you'd like to go for an even better mattress… check out some latex foam

mattresses on Amazon.

While those are likely to be even more expensive, latex often outlasts memory foam by 250%...

and is 100% natural.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number SEVEN: Herman-Miller AERON Chair

In the same vein as the mattress, we have this task chair by Herman Miller called Aeron.

Is it expensive?


At roughly $1000, it is expensive.

But is it valuable?

Again, sure.

Because it does come with a twelve-year warranty from Herman Miller.

There is an infinite number of videos on how Herman Miller's chairs, especially Aeron,

have helped entrepreneurs world-wide gain better performance and achieve better health.

We spend at least a third of our day sitting in a chair, and if the chair is just not good

enough, well then you gotta get a good one.

Their spine will thank you for the next decade.

Every single day.

The Herman Miller is available on Amazon and you can order one right now for your businessman


Or businesswoman friend.

If you have the budget, and if they don't have a professinla grade ergonomic task chair,

you can really never go wrong with a Herman-Miller.

Number SIX: DSLR setup or accessories

One of the things that has worked exceptionally well for our clients in 2017, and will continue

to get even better in the next two to five years is video based marketing.

Every small business needs a Youtube channel, or a way of showcasing what it is that they

do to the world.

Every small business today needs a way to quickly and efficiently talk about the problems

that their customers are facing, about tips and tricks that their customers can use, and

so on.

Video marketing is the next big wave.

Of course, video has been around forever… but with the high quality, low price gear

that's available today, there is no reason why every entrepreneur shouldn't dabble

into it and spend some time creating video content.

Your entrepreneurial friend already realizes this, most likely.

They either already have a video capturing rig setup… or they don't.

A rig is basically a camera, a lens, a couple of lights, and a decent location to film at.

And a tripod stand to mount the camera.

If they don't already have such a setup going on, you can help nudge them along in

that direction by gifting a very inexpensive but high-quality DSLR like the Canon T6i,

which is what I am using right now to film this video.

The Amazon link in the description below comes with everything they could need to get started.

Now, if they already have camera and the basic accessories, the next best item to gift to

them is a very handy, very compact, and very inexpensive little HDMI capture card from

a company called Elgato.

This basically enables an entrepreneur to run live shows, live webinars, and online

seminars while using the high quality DSLR footage that you can never achieve with a

basic webcam… no matter which one you use.

Another great gift idea is a lens or two.

A high quality prime lens can produce far better image quality than the lens included

in the kit for free, because prime lenses, especially the Canon 50 mm and Canon 24 mm

lenses can let in a lot of light.

This means sharper focus, and that cool background blur which gives even home or office footage

a cinematic look.

The 50mm comes in two variants – the F/1.8 lens, which costs around $125… and the F/1.4

lens, which costs about $350.

The only difference between these two is that the $350 lens lets in about 70% more light…

which means even better low light or indoor performance.

The 24mm lens costs only around $130, which is extremely cheap for what it is capable

of doing.

Links to all three of those lenses can be found in the description.

And lastly, for someone really into video marketing… a very inexpensive but high-utility

gift idea is a continuous battery pack for their lens.

This allows them to plug their camera into a power outlet directly, so that they never

have to worry about the battery power running out.

You can find these continuous power supply packs for any camera, but since we mentioned

T6i as our camera of choice for small business owners, we have included a link to a continuous

power pack compatible with the T6i.

Number FIVE: Appsumo Gift Card

Some kind of SAAS, or software-as-a-service, is something that every business owner needs.

Appsumo is a deal aggregator… kind of like Groupon for business software with extremely

large discounts… that lets entrepreneurs purchase lifetime subscriptions to any of

the dozens of SAAS deals that they bring to the table every year.

These deals range from accounting software, to social media automation software, to content

promotion deals, to web-design software, all the way to customer-relationship-management

software and even platforms that allow you to connect with other influencers in your


Normally these software cost anywhere from $10 to $150 a month, but on Appsumo, you can

subscribe to these SAAS for a lifetime, for as little as $25 to $49.

An Appsumo gift card is always a great gift option for anyone who's already familiar

with Appsumo.

If you didn't know anything about me, about what I do, what I have and what I need…

as an entrepreneur you could gift me an Appsumo gift card, and that'd always be a welcome

and very valuable gift to me.

Appsumo gift cards start from as little as $300 and go all the way up to $1000.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number FOUR: Sterling Silver .925 Square Cufflinks

Yes, cufflinks are cliché.

But the ones listed here are Sterling Silver.

At $65 these aren't exactly cheap.

But cufflinks are cliché for a reason.

These cufflinks look great, and work with suits of all colors.

These are professional looking and high quality.

These will likely last them a long time, and everytime they out these cufflinks on, they'll

be thinking of you.

And just like the shoes, it's OK to be redundant here.

One can, and does own several pairs of cufflinks, and still own another.

The only difference is that which you can't formally gift a pair of shoes, you can always

gift a pair of cufflinks while still maintaining formal decorum.

This is the reason why we've listed these cufflinks on number four of this list.

You can give them to any entrepreneur, so it's a versatile gift.

At $65, they are high quality and durable without breaking the bank.

And since they will be used several times over the years, the recipient will be thinking

of you everytime they wear these.

Number THREE: Montblanc John F. Kennedy Special Edition Ballpoint Pen

Does a humble pen sound cliché?

Well, this pen is definitely not.

Here's how that is...

A business owner signs big deals throughout the week.

They whip out their pen in front of clients, prospective clients, suppliers, vendors and

so on.

They use their pen to sign deals, contracts, agreements, memoranda, and other documents

that make or break a business.

And most business owners still don't have a dedicated tool for all those activities.

Think of the Montblanc JFK Special Edition Ballpoint pen as the very LAST pen they'll

ever need.

This pen will last them decades, and they'll use it daily.

The refills are readily available and are extremely cheap.

You don't know the power of a high-quality pen unless you hold one and use one on a day-to-day


Sure, nobody's going to compliment you on a pen like they would on a well-tailored suit.

But, people who notice quality do notice quality in pens.

My own Waterman has gotten me several impressed, but very subtle compliments from clients and

others over the years.

I do important work with my pen.

And the pen is the tool I use for the most important part of building my business…

signing contracts and accepting new clients.

And even signing checks for vendors and other highly skilled people.

With our recommended Montblanc being a ballpoint pen instead of a fountain pen, the risk of

your entrepreneurial friend smearing their bespoke suit due to leaked ink is infinitely


And once again, they'll be using it everyday, so they'll be thinking about you everytime

they do anything important in their business.

Depending upon who you're buying it for, at $700, it just might be a bargain.

I bought one for myself for a similar amount of money, and it has been worth it to me.

Every penny of it.

Number TWO: Yamaha YDP-143R Arius Console Digital Piano - Rosewood Bundle with Furniture

Bench & Accessories

Entrepreneurs are busy people.

Very busy.

Our work takes up most of our time.

Very often, it becomes very hard to have any hobby at all whatsoever.

This Yamaha YDP-143R is a small and compact sized piano with a BIG impact.

First, it is so small that sits nicely in the corner of their office, home-office, or

living room.

It has a beautiful wooden finish to it, and looks extremely high quality, because in almost

every way, it is.

It comes with a matching wooden and leatherite bench that looks equally amazing and is equally


Second, it is a hobby that a businessman can pursue even if all they have is ten to fifteen

minutes a day.

Even fifteen minutes a day of daily practice can work wonders, when those fifteen minutes

are compounded over a few years.

Which is a good thing, because the third big reason to buy this is durability.

These Yamaha digital pianos can last literally a decade or longer if properly cared for.

Fourth, this is one gift that's quite visible, no matter where they put it.

And the impressiveness is unequalled.

And finally, it is actually a very good instrument in terms of its performance and build-quality.

It sounds almost like a real concert grand to the beginner's ears… and has weighted

down keys, so it does simulate the experience of playing a real piano very closely.

Not to mention the sound, which it also replicates very well.

At less than $1000, it's an amazing bang for your buck.

Not only will the recipient really enjoy and appreciate it, but also it will blow the minds

of just about anybody who finds out how they got it.

Which, experience tells me, can be quite a lot of people.

Number ONE: OURA Ring

At the top of our list is an unchallenged winner in this category.

With its $299 entry-level price point, and it's 100% utility rate, the OURA Ring is

one of the greatest gifts you can buy for ANY adult… not just entrepreneurs… if

they don't already have it.

Think about Fitbit and its popularity right now.

It's a great way to track your activity and your rest.

I have one, and I have been rather satisfied with it.

But it does come with a great big problem.

First, I can't workout with a FitBit on.

I lift very heavy weights, and it's just not comfortable.

And I have broken one in the past while working out.

And secondly, the even bigger challenge is that I really hate sleeping with Fitbit on.

It's just flat out uncomfortable at nights.

The OURA Ring takes care of both those problems for you.

With its solid titanium construction, and its waterproof design, you'll never need

to take it off, whether you're working out, or showering, or swimming.

And with its totally unobtrusive design, you can sleep with the ring on every single night

of the year, and not feel any problems whatsoever.

So why is that important?

Because the OURA Ring intelligently assigns scores to three things…


The OURA Ring is not just about calculating steps, miles or calories, like every other

fitness tracker in the world… but also about guiding you towards your own unique activity

and rest balance.

In fact, it's so state of the art that we are not going to discuss its features and

benefits here.

We'll just leave a link in the description below for you to discover everything about

the OURA Ring on your own.

What we will talk about is its use case for an entrepreneur.

In case you haven't noticed yet, we have placed a great deal of emphasis over the quality

of sleep you get as an entrepreneur.

For an entrepreneur, success is largely a function of how productive they are… and

how well-balanced, well-rested and calm their state of mind is when they're making important

business decisions throughout the day.

A tired entrepreneur is a grumpy entrepreneur… or a passive-aggressive one.

And that makes for a rather unsuccessful entrepreneur.

With its state of the art technology, the new OURA Ring tracks so many things about

being rested and being ready for action or decision-making, that it's one thing every

entrepreneur should have on their ring at all times.

And the new version is more compact and requires only once a week charging, so it's the easiest

upgrade you can make for any entrepreneur.

And at $299, without breaking a bank whatsoever.

If your business owner friend doesn't have an OURA Ring already, you can basically forget

about almost everything else on this list, and buy one for them.

It's built out of solid titanium, so they'll be looking at their OURA Ring Android or iOS

app for years... and thanking you, and thinking about you… for years to come.

So those are our top ten picks for new year's gifts for entrepreneurs and small business

owners in 2018.

Do you agree with our list?

Leave a comment below to let us know, and to tell us if we missed something.

If you liked this video, hit Like.

Leave a comment and subscribe for new videos related to entrepreneurship and small business

systemization and strategy on our channel.

My name is Lakshay Behl, and on behalf of myself and the entire team here at Westernston,

I wish you and yours a very productive and prosperous new year 2018.

For more infomation >> The top 10 gift ideas for small business owners and entrepreneurs in 2018 - Duration: 26:40.


日産 タイタン がスターウォーズのAT-M6に変身 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> 日産 タイタン がスターウォーズのAT-M6に変身 - Duration: 0:58.


Crazy Fact About New Years Eve 2017! | FFF 105 - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> Crazy Fact About New Years Eve 2017! | FFF 105 - Duration: 9:29.


Jamaika, vorbei! | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Jamaika, vorbei! | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 2:21.


リラックスするクラシックメドレー【心地よく優しい~作業用BGM/勉強用BGM】 - Duration: 1:01:11.

For more infomation >> リラックスするクラシックメドレー【心地よく優しい~作業用BGM/勉強用BGM】 - Duration: 1:01:11.


Pixel Gun 3D ЧИТЫ Как скачать читы на пиксель ган? на русском! Взлом Pixel Gun NO ROOT HACK 2018 - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Pixel Gun 3D ЧИТЫ Как скачать читы на пиксель ган? на русском! Взлом Pixel Gun NO ROOT HACK 2018 - Duration: 4:51.


Growing our connections

For more infomation >> Growing our connections


Sway D - G-Shock [Official Video] - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Sway D - G-Shock [Official Video] - Duration: 3:26.


Atteinte d'endométriose, Enora Malagré a choisi de se « faire retirer l'utérus » - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Atteinte d'endométriose, Enora Malagré a choisi de se « faire retirer l'utérus » - Duration: 1:21.


Laeticia Hallyday : ça se corse avec Sylvie Vartan - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday : ça se corse avec Sylvie Vartan - Duration: 2:21.


Rubik's Clock Pochmann method tutorial! - Duration: 5:20.

Hey guys, KT CUBER here and in this video I will show you tutorial on Rubik's Clock with Pochmann method

Lets start!

Like a first I will show you steps of this method

You solve cross and get on 12 hour.

Rotate, make the same thing on that side and then solve corners

And it is solve!

Here is also ,,Pin order of Stefan Pochmann,, . It is something like you have to do solve in less than 14 moves

And when you will have 1 TPS you can be good and fast

We can count it.

12 move and I solve clock!

Explanation of first cross: You can predict it and solve it under 6 moves.. Pair two or more clocks and mooch if is it lots of clock solve.

I saw those two!

Now I predict where will be Clock ,, UL in cross when I will solve two other clocks.

Explanation of second cross: Solve it in any orientation, use only one pin for solve clock.. Is it just same thing like first cross

Now corners:

Corners aren't hard, but for beginers maybe is.

You eject all pins

One of those I choose and plug in.

And then I turn with one of winder (in this case DL,DR,UR) and match cross with corner. And the same thing with other.

I hope you like this video, if yes get like and subscribe! Bye!

For more infomation >> Rubik's Clock Pochmann method tutorial! - Duration: 5:20.


JAY-Z & Beyonce's "Family Feud" Video Looks Like The Confrontation Fans Have Been Waiting For - Duration: 7:33.

JAY-Z & Beyonce's "Family Feud" Video Looks Like The Confrontation Fans Have Been Waiting For

Its been roughly a month since JAY-Z confirmed the long-brewing rumors that hed cheated on Beyoncé, but already, it looks like hes committing those words to screen.

In a teaser released Thursday for JAY-Z and Beyoncés Family Feud video, the rapper feeds into themes of infidelity, betrayal, and forgiveness, paralleling the publicly documented affair that nearly tore apart his marriage.

In keeping with the songs title, the visual features the Carter-Knowles clan interspersed throughout a cathedral church.

JAY-Z walks he and Beyoncés daughter, Blue Ivy, down the central aisle, while Queen B towers over the pulpit in a regal, Pope-esque gown.

Love scenes of an unidentified man and woman flash in between, until things suddenly shift from sexy to violent as the woman, quite literally, stabs the man in the back.

JAY-Z then settles into a confessional booth, where Beyoncé sits on the other side, seemingly waiting to hear his sins.

Family Feud, set for release Friday on TIDAL, marks yet another intimate glimpse at JAY-Z and Beyoncés elusive private lives.

Though notoriously reserved, the couple has been more candid about the inner-workings of their marriage in recent years, first with Beyoncés emotionally bare 2016 album, Lemonade, then with JAY-Zs introspective June record, 4:44.

Together, they play as a sort of call and response.

Where Beyoncé belts, You better call Becky with the good hair on Sorry, Jay retorts, Leave me alone, Becky on Family Feud..

The video, then, serves as the culmination between the two.

Gossip surrounding JAY-Zs infidelity has been circulating since at least 2014, when the infamous elevator confrontation between him and Beyoncés sister, Solange, went viral.

When Beyoncé put out Lemonade two years later, speculation intensified, and again when JAY-Z released 4:44.

However, it wasnt until November that JAY-Z finally addressed the rumors.

He didnt go into any specifics about who he cheated with or when, but he did acknowledge that it happened, saying that because of the way he grew up, he went into survival mode. Through therapy, he came to understand that he and other men who were raised in neighborhoods like his, the Marcy projects, dont want anyone else to see their pain, so they close themselves off.

As he told T: The New York Times Style Magazine, You have to survive.

So you go into survival mode, and when you go into survival mode what happen? You shut down all emotions.

So even with women, you gonna shut down emotionally, so you cant connect.

And then all the things happen from there: infidelity..

Thus far, JAY-Z has stayed behind the camera for many of his 4:44 videos: The Story of O.J. is a four minute-long animated clip, while the more recently unveiled Marcy Me, Legacy, and Smile unfold like short, narrative-driven films, actors included.

That means that Family Feud is not only one of the few 4:44 visuals JAY-Z appears in, but the first time fans will see him and Bey together on screen since his years-in-the-making confession.

Given the songs autobiographical resonance, the story they pair with it should be an indicator for where their relationship stands today, or at the very least, a peek into what was going on behind scenes during all those years of silence.

It should also act as a prelude to the collaborative album JAY-Z told T in the same interview that he and Beyoncé are working on.

Theyve teamed up for music in the past, but rarely since the cheating allegations surfaced JAY-Z isnt featured on Lemonade, while Family Feud is the only 4:44 track Beyoncé appears on.

To see them together, after the storm, should give fans a deeper understanding of both where their art is coming from and where it might go from here.

For more infomation >> JAY-Z & Beyonce's "Family Feud" Video Looks Like The Confrontation Fans Have Been Waiting For - Duration: 7:33.


Cafe Racer (Choose the Top 10 Best Motorcycles of 2017) - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Cafe Racer (Choose the Top 10 Best Motorcycles of 2017) - Duration: 6:05.


Michel Sardou « s'en tape » de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Michel Sardou « s'en tape » de Johnny Hallyday - Duration: 1:41.


الأحلام و الأهداف ◆ تذكر أن كل نجاح كان حلم في وقت من الأوقات ◆ الدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 20:01.

For more infomation >> الأحلام و الأهداف ◆ تذكر أن كل نجاح كان حلم في وقت من الأوقات ◆ الدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 20:01.


Start Consuming These Vitamins If You Are Experiencing Insomnia, Common Headaches And Low Energy! - Duration: 4:03.


Start Consuming These Vitamins If You Are Experiencing Insomnia, Common Headaches And

Low Energy!

Nowadays' busy lifestyle triggers the appearance of many symptoms that all of us tend to neglect:

insomnia, headaches, low energy, etc.

But, have you thought that something may be causing them?

Some of the important things that can certainly cause them is vitamin deficiency, especially

when the levels of vitamin K and magnesium are really low.

Here, we're going to present you numerous important facts about these microelements.



Magnesium is very important for almost 300 chemical reactions that happen in our body.

It produces new proteins from amino acids and helps our organism to convert food into


Our organism mainly uses it to fight fatigue, in addition to ease stress and anxiety.

Magnesium can help us treat migraines and prevent frequent headaches.

When we're deficient in magnesium, our levels of serotonin are reduced which constricts

the blood vessels and in that way, affects the functioning of the neurotransmitter.

When the magnesium in our organism is really low, we can also have insomnia and feel depressed.


Men aged 19-30 needs to take about 400 mg of magnesium and the older ones, 420 mg.

Women aged 19-30 should take about 310 mg of magnesium and if they are older, 320 mg.

These are some dietary sources that can assist you intake magnesium every day:

Avocado Nuts

Spinach Fish

Meat Brown rice

Bread (wholegrain) Vitamin K

Benefits Vitamin K is responsible for the synthesizing

of proteins that we need and are important to stop bleeding and clot blood.

If we're deficient in it, we'll struggle with bleeding or excessive bruising.

Vitamin K is also very important to protect our valves and arteries from the process of

calcification, as well as to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

If it is combined with vitamin D, it will lead the calcium to our bones, but it will

also bind to them and they'll become stronger.

Numerous fractures can appear if the levels of vitamin K in our organism are decreased.

The weight, age and gender are crucial for the daily consumption of vitamin K. Adults

should intake 0.001 mg of vitamin K for each 1 kg of body weight.

These are a few of the best dietary sources that will help you intake vitamin K every


Green leafy veggies: mustard greens, kale, turnip greens, spinach, beet greens, collards


Hot spices including chili powder, cayenne pepper, curry and paprika.

Brassica vegetables that include pak choi, Brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, broccoli,

cauliflower and cabbage.

Herbs including parsley, basil, chives, sage, marjoram, thyme and coriander.

Sources like: pickles, fennel, asparagus, soybeans, leeks, olive oil, dried fruit and


Salad greens like spring garden cress, onions, romaine lettuce, radicchio, watercress, iceberg

lettuce, rocket, red lettuce and celery.

Always talk to your doctor before you decide on taking a supplement which contains vitamin

K or magnesium, due to the fact that if you take them excessively, they can be harmful

and cause different side-effects.

They also shouldn't be used in mix with some medicines.

Make sure you consume a balanced diet which is very healthy and help you intake enough

vitamin K and magnesium!

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Subscribe our channel for more!

For more infomation >> Start Consuming These Vitamins If You Are Experiencing Insomnia, Common Headaches And Low Energy! - Duration: 4:03.


KARAOKE | Buồn Của Anh REMIX(Tone Nữ)| K-ICM, Đạt G, Masew - Duration: 6:27.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Buồn Của Anh REMIX(Tone Nữ)| K-ICM, Đạt G, Masew - Duration: 6:27.


L.O.L Big Surprise Doll Limited Edition - BOOWHOWOO Haul : TOY - Duration: 15:12.

Hello everyone. I'm BOOWHOWOO.

I've got a gift from China again!

It is very big.

Let's open it right now.

Wow ~

Come here.

An unique bag came out.

What is this?

It is written as L.O.L.

It is written as "surprise" here.

It is very big.

Can you see how big it is?

Here is a zipper to open.

I'm so exciting.

I should be surprised as it was written as "surprise".

Wow ~

What I see now is

a lot of tiny capsules.

It seems there are more under this step.

Wow ~

Here are 5 capsules, slightly larger than I saw just before.

Is that all?

Wow! Still there!

Wow It's big!

At the bottom of the step

Here are 4 biggest capsules

Today, I am going to open all of them.

Which one should I open first?

Let's open the biggest one.

I will take

this one.

I guess it contains a doll like this.

Let's open it anyway.

I have to tear it again.

It is still wrapped!

I have to tear it again.

How many time do I have to open?


Finally I got it!

The capsule is an unusual form.



There are so many kinds of doll.

So many dolls.

First, I got a headband.

I will try another one.

A milk bottle.

Yellow shoes.

You need to take the middle parts apart.

Wow, so cute.

Let's take a look at the long-awaited doll.

It is glittering!

The hair is pink

and really glittering.

These are what was in the first capsule.

I wonder why there are no clothes for her.

Maybe, later.

Hello everyone!

She has no underwear, too.

The bottom is so real...

Capsules can be

a handbag,

and a room, when it opened.

What is this?

(Mom) There was still a pocket.

Here here!

I just wondered what it is, and I could open.

There was a clothes!

Clothes had been hidden like secret saving.

So cute!

Wow it is cute!

Ta-dah! I made her dressed.


I will let her wait in her room for a while.

Then let's go to the next one.

I will open the biggest capsule again.

I know I need to tear the wrapping so many times.


Open the door!

Or should I say "Open sesame"?

This time, I will open from here first.

Wow ~

I got a green milk bottle.

Rubber boots? Snow boots?


I got the same clothes.

Well, let's see the long-awaited doll.

Oops, this is the same headband.

Her hair style is ...

Her hair style is quite funny.

She has extremely big eyes.

It is cold now.

I am going to make her dressed right now.

Ta-dar! How is it?

I've just opened 2 capsules yet,

I feel that I had already opened a quite many of them.

OK, let's go to the next 3rd & 4th capsule.

They are slightly smaller than those of before.

I would like to open these two at the same time.


There are bags.

This one is

with ribbon.

Is this a basket?

It seems like a basket which young people carry around.

And here it is

like a backpack.

These are the same parts.

It seems something of parts.

Or hangers?

There are rings.


This is


Oh ~

What is this?

This is

Maybe a trophy.

I thought this was a cup at first, but maybe this is a trophy.

I guess these are for decorating the room

like this.

What's this?

This is maybe a megaphone.

These are all blue.

A blue world.

So cute.

They are wearing underwears somehow.

Oh babies.

Very cute.

Oops, I have to check the back of the ball again!

Oh, there isn't.

I got very cute babies.


Very cute.

Anyhow, I opened the all of the first-step.

This time I will try this step.

There are

10 capsules.

They are

smaller than those of before.

There are many but

I guess I can open them fast

because there is no wrapping around them.

I guess I can get some babies' belongings.

This is a skirt.

The second one is

also ... the same skirt.


This is the third one. I hope no twinsies anymore.


The 4th one.



They are all yellow.

Now it is in the half of them. The 5th one.


Something like boots.

So tiny.

The 6th one.

Same again...

The same shorts.


Um? Nothing inside.

Did I drop it?

I don't think so.

There isn't any.

Did you see if I dropped it?

The 7th capsule was empty, which I never thought.

How in the world is it?

No way...

Well then,

The 8th one.

I have to make sure if it is in or not.



The same skirt again.

I wonder how many times I get the same items.

Now, this is the last one.

I've got the exact same items so much...

Well, but it is still cute anyway♥

I got three exactly the same yellow skirt,

two exactly the same yellow shorts,

and two exactly the same shoes.

Let me try her on.

It does not fit on thighs...

Amazingly tight.

Now I understand how to use the parts.

Put the hole in the capsule,

like this,

through the ring.

You can carry around it like this.

I opened all of the tiny 10 capsules.

Let me open the last 5 capsules.

I don't think they are

capsules, something heavy.

I guess they are bath ball because they have a good smell.

They smell like strawberries.

Usually bathballs are

played in a bathtub.

But it's not a time for bathing yet,

So I will put these bathball here,

to let these babies in the bath.

Well, what will I get? Let's put them in.

Sounds like some noodles boiling.

Wow, the color is ultra-pink pink!

It is a strange feeling.

Dissolving dissolving...

And feel fizzing carbonate by hand.

It feels good.


It has been mostly dissolved.

Dissolving dissolving...

Now I can slightly see the inside.

What will I get?

They have been dissolved all and something is floating.

OK, it is bath time for them.

Pouring warm water on them,


Also, the babies are going into the bathtub.

Oh, the babies are sinking!

Oops, are you alright?

They spit out water from their mouths!

This hole on the capsule helps

to make a wet doll stood

to wipe the body.

Good girls--

The bath time is over.

What I got from the bathballs are

Two rackets,

A milk bottle

French fries 🍟 and

A piece of Pizza 🍕

How was the video today? I hope you love it.

It was my first time for me to open such a many capsules at once.

I enjoyed a bath play with dolls,

and I got cute accessories and dolls and some items.

It was so exciting time.

It is amazing that the capsules changes to keychain

or dolls' room

and even a bag. It is so amazing.

And I laughed very much when I happened to see the empty capsule.

Please check the link at the video description

for more information about this product.

Thank "TOMTOP" for sending me this gift.

And thank you for watching today.

See you next video!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> L.O.L Big Surprise Doll Limited Edition - BOOWHOWOO Haul : TOY - Duration: 15:12.



For more infomation >> МОЯ НОВАЯ СБОРКА МОДОВ ДЛЯ ПВП НА 1.8.9 БЕЗ ЛАГОВ! ЛУЧШИЕ МОДЫ ДЛЯ ПРОФФЕСИОНАЛОВ! - Скайварс - Duration: 10:46.


Featuring Musician Megan Ni...

For more infomation >> Featuring Musician Megan Ni...


The top 10 gift ideas for small business owners and entrepreneurs in 2018 - Duration: 26:40.

Top 10 New Year's Gift Ideas for Small Business Owners in 2018

Is one of your relatives, friends, or family member the owner of a small or a medium enterprise?

Are you looking for a suitable gift for them that doesn't look cliché?

2018 is right around the corner and today we are talking about the top 10 new year's

gift ideas that your entrepreneurial friend will really appreciate and will remember you

fondly for years to come.

Before we start counting down, here are couple of rules we followed.

Almost all these gift ideas are less than a thousand dollars.

None of these gifts are cheap, or inexpensive.

But they aren't extremely expensive either.

Some of these gifts can be had for as little as a hundred dollar, and none of them is way

over the thousand dollar limit.

An important thing to keep in mind is that business owners, especially successful business

owners aren't price-conscious.

Instead, we are value-conscious.

I own a small enterprise, and we cater to SME's business-to-business, so all my clients

are also small or medium enterprise owners.

And one thing I've found that's common across the board is value-consciousness.

For instance, a high-quality item that I can use for a decade on a daily or weekly basis,

and can extract some productivity out of… is immensely more valuable to me than an alternative

that's much cheaper, but not quite as high-quality and durable.

For this list, we're only going for high-quality and durable items.

And more importantly, we're going to list items that your entrepreneurial friend or

family member can actually put to use on a regular basis, and extract a lot of value

out of.

This means that you'll be at the forefront of their mind for years to come.

It's also important that you have a vague idea of what they already have and what they


Otherwise you might end up gifting them something they already have.

One last consideration, or suggestion if you will, before we start counting down… is

that often you can get together with a bunch of people and chip in together to buy some

of these items.

Entrepreneurs are frugal about what's needed, and would rather have one very valuable gift

from five people than five different gifts which don't add much value.

So, without further ado, here are our top picks for new year's gifts that you an buy

for your entrepreneurial friends before 2018 rolls up.

Number TEN: PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier

To start off this list, this HEPA air purifier is an especially great choice for your entrepreneurial

friends who live or work in big cities.

Air pollution and smog conditions can get especially bad in some places like San Francisco,

and can become a great health hazard.

Even in small towns, many small businesses are based in industrial zones where the quality

of air is not that great.

A high-quality air purifier can be used everyday, and can last years.

Most people don't realize how much they need one until they finally start using it

in their home or office.

Often, an air purifier helps greatly with congestion, breathing problems or chronic


Not only will you help them breathe clear air, but you might literally help them increase

their life-span and not just their quality of life.

People who spend a lot of time breathing in low-quality polluted air are at a greater

risk for heart disease.

So if you're on a budget, but still want to blow their mind with your gift choice,

you can't go wrong with an air purifier.

Our choice is a PureZone 3-in-1 True HEPA Air Purifier that you can buy on Amazon for

around one hundred dollars.

You can find a link to the Amazon listing in the description below, where you can read

other customers' reviews and more details about this air purifier.

Number NINE: Allen Edmonds Cordovan Shoes

Shoes are not something you'd gift in a business setting, traditionally speaking.

But since you're watching this video for a friend, family member or relative who also

happens to be a small business owner… the Allen Edmond Cordovan Shoes can be a great


We came to understand the sheer value-proposition of a pair of these when a client of ours told

us how he's owned a pair now for almost eighteen years…

And with a little bit of mending and tending from time to time, his pair of shoes still

look like they're absolutely new.

Extremely comfortable shoes also mean greater productivity.

When it comes to productivity, comfort is the number one factor.

If you're uncomfortable with your apparel, or your shoes, you're just not going to

be as productive.

The Allen Edmonds Cordovans are both extremely comfortable, and extremely long lasting…

making them an unbelievable value-proposition, even at the roughly six-hundred-dollar price


Of all the things on this list, these shoes are the only ones that you don't have to

worry about redundancy either… since everybody can own several pairs of shoes at once.

Number EIGHT: Caster Sleep Mattress with Memory Foam

Speaking of comfort, nothing's more important than a good night's sleep.

Not only does your general comfort in life depend upon how well you sleep, but also your

willpower is directly dependent upon your sleep quality.

Given that you spend almost a third of your entire life on a bed, wouldn't it stand

to reason that you should invest in a high-quality mattress?

The Caster Sleep Mattress is made out of Memory Foam, and with its ten-year manufacturer's

warranty, it's an extremely high value-proposition, even at the roughly nine hundred dollars that

it costs.

In fact, it's such a high-value equipment for your entrepreneurial friend that the only

reason why it's not ranked in the top-three gift ideas of this list is because it's

very highly likely that already have a high-quality mattress.

And yes, I did refer to a mattress as equipment.

That was deliberate.

An entrepreneur's ability to succeed depends largely upon his willpower and his ability

to keep a straight head when things seem to be going belly up.

A mattress is a tool that recharges your entrepreneurial friend's willpower, and as such, no less

than an equipment.

By the way, if you'd like to go for an even better mattress… check out some latex foam

mattresses on Amazon.

While those are likely to be even more expensive, latex often outlasts memory foam by 250%...

and is 100% natural.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number SEVEN: Herman-Miller AERON Chair

In the same vein as the mattress, we have this task chair by Herman Miller called Aeron.

Is it expensive?


At roughly $1000, it is expensive.

But is it valuable?

Again, sure.

Because it does come with a twelve-year warranty from Herman Miller.

There is an infinite number of videos on how Herman Miller's chairs, especially Aeron,

have helped entrepreneurs world-wide gain better performance and achieve better health.

We spend at least a third of our day sitting in a chair, and if the chair is just not good

enough, well then you gotta get a good one.

Their spine will thank you for the next decade.

Every single day.

The Herman Miller is available on Amazon and you can order one right now for your businessman


Or businesswoman friend.

If you have the budget, and if they don't have a professinla grade ergonomic task chair,

you can really never go wrong with a Herman-Miller.

Number SIX: DSLR setup or accessories

One of the things that has worked exceptionally well for our clients in 2017, and will continue

to get even better in the next two to five years is video based marketing.

Every small business needs a Youtube channel, or a way of showcasing what it is that they

do to the world.

Every small business today needs a way to quickly and efficiently talk about the problems

that their customers are facing, about tips and tricks that their customers can use, and

so on.

Video marketing is the next big wave.

Of course, video has been around forever… but with the high quality, low price gear

that's available today, there is no reason why every entrepreneur shouldn't dabble

into it and spend some time creating video content.

Your entrepreneurial friend already realizes this, most likely.

They either already have a video capturing rig setup… or they don't.

A rig is basically a camera, a lens, a couple of lights, and a decent location to film at.

And a tripod stand to mount the camera.

If they don't already have such a setup going on, you can help nudge them along in

that direction by gifting a very inexpensive but high-quality DSLR like the Canon T6i,

which is what I am using right now to film this video.

The Amazon link in the description below comes with everything they could need to get started.

Now, if they already have camera and the basic accessories, the next best item to gift to

them is a very handy, very compact, and very inexpensive little HDMI capture card from

a company called Elgato.

This basically enables an entrepreneur to run live shows, live webinars, and online

seminars while using the high quality DSLR footage that you can never achieve with a

basic webcam… no matter which one you use.

Another great gift idea is a lens or two.

A high quality prime lens can produce far better image quality than the lens included

in the kit for free, because prime lenses, especially the Canon 50 mm and Canon 24 mm

lenses can let in a lot of light.

This means sharper focus, and that cool background blur which gives even home or office footage

a cinematic look.

The 50mm comes in two variants – the F/1.8 lens, which costs around $125… and the F/1.4

lens, which costs about $350.

The only difference between these two is that the $350 lens lets in about 70% more light…

which means even better low light or indoor performance.

The 24mm lens costs only around $130, which is extremely cheap for what it is capable

of doing.

Links to all three of those lenses can be found in the description.

And lastly, for someone really into video marketing… a very inexpensive but high-utility

gift idea is a continuous battery pack for their lens.

This allows them to plug their camera into a power outlet directly, so that they never

have to worry about the battery power running out.

You can find these continuous power supply packs for any camera, but since we mentioned

T6i as our camera of choice for small business owners, we have included a link to a continuous

power pack compatible with the T6i.

Number FIVE: Appsumo Gift Card

Some kind of SAAS, or software-as-a-service, is something that every business owner needs.

Appsumo is a deal aggregator… kind of like Groupon for business software with extremely

large discounts… that lets entrepreneurs purchase lifetime subscriptions to any of

the dozens of SAAS deals that they bring to the table every year.

These deals range from accounting software, to social media automation software, to content

promotion deals, to web-design software, all the way to customer-relationship-management

software and even platforms that allow you to connect with other influencers in your


Normally these software cost anywhere from $10 to $150 a month, but on Appsumo, you can

subscribe to these SAAS for a lifetime, for as little as $25 to $49.

An Appsumo gift card is always a great gift option for anyone who's already familiar

with Appsumo.

If you didn't know anything about me, about what I do, what I have and what I need…

as an entrepreneur you could gift me an Appsumo gift card, and that'd always be a welcome

and very valuable gift to me.

Appsumo gift cards start from as little as $300 and go all the way up to $1000.

Links can be found in the description below.

Number FOUR: Sterling Silver .925 Square Cufflinks

Yes, cufflinks are cliché.

But the ones listed here are Sterling Silver.

At $65 these aren't exactly cheap.

But cufflinks are cliché for a reason.

These cufflinks look great, and work with suits of all colors.

These are professional looking and high quality.

These will likely last them a long time, and everytime they out these cufflinks on, they'll

be thinking of you.

And just like the shoes, it's OK to be redundant here.

One can, and does own several pairs of cufflinks, and still own another.

The only difference is that which you can't formally gift a pair of shoes, you can always

gift a pair of cufflinks while still maintaining formal decorum.

This is the reason why we've listed these cufflinks on number four of this list.

You can give them to any entrepreneur, so it's a versatile gift.

At $65, they are high quality and durable without breaking the bank.

And since they will be used several times over the years, the recipient will be thinking

of you everytime they wear these.

Number THREE: Montblanc John F. Kennedy Special Edition Ballpoint Pen

Does a humble pen sound cliché?

Well, this pen is definitely not.

Here's how that is...

A business owner signs big deals throughout the week.

They whip out their pen in front of clients, prospective clients, suppliers, vendors and

so on.

They use their pen to sign deals, contracts, agreements, memoranda, and other documents

that make or break a business.

And most business owners still don't have a dedicated tool for all those activities.

Think of the Montblanc JFK Special Edition Ballpoint pen as the very LAST pen they'll

ever need.

This pen will last them decades, and they'll use it daily.

The refills are readily available and are extremely cheap.

You don't know the power of a high-quality pen unless you hold one and use one on a day-to-day


Sure, nobody's going to compliment you on a pen like they would on a well-tailored suit.

But, people who notice quality do notice quality in pens.

My own Waterman has gotten me several impressed, but very subtle compliments from clients and

others over the years.

I do important work with my pen.

And the pen is the tool I use for the most important part of building my business…

signing contracts and accepting new clients.

And even signing checks for vendors and other highly skilled people.

With our recommended Montblanc being a ballpoint pen instead of a fountain pen, the risk of

your entrepreneurial friend smearing their bespoke suit due to leaked ink is infinitely


And once again, they'll be using it everyday, so they'll be thinking about you everytime

they do anything important in their business.

Depending upon who you're buying it for, at $700, it just might be a bargain.

I bought one for myself for a similar amount of money, and it has been worth it to me.

Every penny of it.

Number TWO: Yamaha YDP-143R Arius Console Digital Piano - Rosewood Bundle with Furniture

Bench & Accessories

Entrepreneurs are busy people.

Very busy.

Our work takes up most of our time.

Very often, it becomes very hard to have any hobby at all whatsoever.

This Yamaha YDP-143R is a small and compact sized piano with a BIG impact.

First, it is so small that sits nicely in the corner of their office, home-office, or

living room.

It has a beautiful wooden finish to it, and looks extremely high quality, because in almost

every way, it is.

It comes with a matching wooden and leatherite bench that looks equally amazing and is equally


Second, it is a hobby that a businessman can pursue even if all they have is ten to fifteen

minutes a day.

Even fifteen minutes a day of daily practice can work wonders, when those fifteen minutes

are compounded over a few years.

Which is a good thing, because the third big reason to buy this is durability.

These Yamaha digital pianos can last literally a decade or longer if properly cared for.

Fourth, this is one gift that's quite visible, no matter where they put it.

And the impressiveness is unequalled.

And finally, it is actually a very good instrument in terms of its performance and build-quality.

It sounds almost like a real concert grand to the beginner's ears… and has weighted

down keys, so it does simulate the experience of playing a real piano very closely.

Not to mention the sound, which it also replicates very well.

At less than $1000, it's an amazing bang for your buck.

Not only will the recipient really enjoy and appreciate it, but also it will blow the minds

of just about anybody who finds out how they got it.

Which, experience tells me, can be quite a lot of people.

Number ONE: OURA Ring

At the top of our list is an unchallenged winner in this category.

With its $299 entry-level price point, and it's 100% utility rate, the OURA Ring is

one of the greatest gifts you can buy for ANY adult… not just entrepreneurs… if

they don't already have it.

Think about Fitbit and its popularity right now.

It's a great way to track your activity and your rest.

I have one, and I have been rather satisfied with it.

But it does come with a great big problem.

First, I can't workout with a FitBit on.

I lift very heavy weights, and it's just not comfortable.

And I have broken one in the past while working out.

And secondly, the even bigger challenge is that I really hate sleeping with Fitbit on.

It's just flat out uncomfortable at nights.

The OURA Ring takes care of both those problems for you.

With its solid titanium construction, and its waterproof design, you'll never need

to take it off, whether you're working out, or showering, or swimming.

And with its totally unobtrusive design, you can sleep with the ring on every single night

of the year, and not feel any problems whatsoever.

So why is that important?

Because the OURA Ring intelligently assigns scores to three things…


The OURA Ring is not just about calculating steps, miles or calories, like every other

fitness tracker in the world… but also about guiding you towards your own unique activity

and rest balance.

In fact, it's so state of the art that we are not going to discuss its features and

benefits here.

We'll just leave a link in the description below for you to discover everything about

the OURA Ring on your own.

What we will talk about is its use case for an entrepreneur.

In case you haven't noticed yet, we have placed a great deal of emphasis over the quality

of sleep you get as an entrepreneur.

For an entrepreneur, success is largely a function of how productive they are… and

how well-balanced, well-rested and calm their state of mind is when they're making important

business decisions throughout the day.

A tired entrepreneur is a grumpy entrepreneur… or a passive-aggressive one.

And that makes for a rather unsuccessful entrepreneur.

With its state of the art technology, the new OURA Ring tracks so many things about

being rested and being ready for action or decision-making, that it's one thing every

entrepreneur should have on their ring at all times.

And the new version is more compact and requires only once a week charging, so it's the easiest

upgrade you can make for any entrepreneur.

And at $299, without breaking a bank whatsoever.

If your business owner friend doesn't have an OURA Ring already, you can basically forget

about almost everything else on this list, and buy one for them.

It's built out of solid titanium, so they'll be looking at their OURA Ring Android or iOS

app for years... and thanking you, and thinking about you… for years to come.

So those are our top ten picks for new year's gifts for entrepreneurs and small business

owners in 2018.

Do you agree with our list?

Leave a comment below to let us know, and to tell us if we missed something.

If you liked this video, hit Like.

Leave a comment and subscribe for new videos related to entrepreneurship and small business

systemization and strategy on our channel.

My name is Lakshay Behl, and on behalf of myself and the entire team here at Westernston,

I wish you and yours a very productive and prosperous new year 2018.

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