Thursday, April 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Apr 26 2018

To battle!

СУ-76И Коготь, what a beautiful appearance, so still legendary!

I'm testing him in battle!

First frag

Second frag

Third frag

Subscribe to the channel and put like under this video!

For more infomation >> СУ-76И Коготь Бой на прем танке! Монтаж World of tanks blitz gameplay letsplay - Duration: 2:18.


BMWが新型8シリーズのティーザー画像と動画を公開。M850iは530馬力、4WDのハイパフォーマンスクーペ - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> BMWが新型8シリーズのティーザー画像と動画を公開。M850iは530馬力、4WDのハイパフォーマンスクーペ - Duration: 3:55.


航続可能距離は400km以上。BMWの電気自動車モデル「iX3」が北京MSにてワールドプレミア - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 航続可能距離は400km以上。BMWの電気自動車モデル「iX3」が北京MSにてワールドプレミア - Duration: 2:51.


Avengers: Infinity War

For more infomation >> Avengers: Infinity War


Arsenal 's Arsene Wenger shares his biggest REGRET as he eyes final European glory ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:30.

Arsene Wenger wants to bow out of Arsenal as a winner as he aims to put his biggest

regret behind him by lifting the Europa League this season.

The Gunners boss admits that losing the 2006 Champions League Final was the one thing that

disappoints him most in his glittering 22-year career at the club.

Wenger's star-studded Arsenal side at the peak of their powers saw keeper Jens Lehmann

sent off early on as they crashed to a 2-1 defeat at Barcelona.

And with a European trophy with Arsenal the only glaring omission from his CV, Wenger

is eyeing a fairytale end to his long spell in charge.

Wenger said: "It was my biggest regret, yes.

"We knocked Juventus and Real Madrid out that season, and then lost with 10 men in

the final in an unfortunate way.

"We had a very young team and didn't concede a goal against them.

We went to the final without conceding a goal.

On paper, tonight's challenge against Atletico Madrid looks almost as steep.

Diego Simeone's men are second in Spain's La Liga and were runners-up in the Champions

League in two out of the last four seasons.

Wenger said: "If you look at the table they are the second best team in Spain.

They have no real weakness.

They are strong offensively.

They strong defensively.

We will need a complete performance.

"It's a Champions League night.

For two reasons.

First, because a Champions League position is at stake, more for us than them, and second

because these are two teams used to playing in the Champions League."

Privately, Wenger knows that lifting the trophy would be a special way to bring down the curtain.

But publicly he insists it is all about his players.

He said: "Is there a perfect goodbye?

First of all, I don't know.

I just want to do as well as I can because this team has quality, these guys - I've

seen them this season be challenged mentally.

For more infomation >> Arsenal 's Arsene Wenger shares his biggest REGRET as he eyes final European glory ● News Now ● #AFC - Duration: 2:30.


André Boudou : victime d'un infar­c­tus, le père de Laeti­cia a échappé à la police - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> André Boudou : victime d'un infar­c­tus, le père de Laeti­cia a échappé à la police - Duration: 3:05.


Sting : boule­versé, le chan­teur revient sur son concert de réou­ver­ture du Bata­clan - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Sting : boule­versé, le chan­teur revient sur son concert de réou­ver­ture du Bata­clan - Duration: 3:16.


BLHELI ESC Firmware Update - Arduino Nano - Duration: 4:10.

Hello everyone, I'm Mirko, and today I update the firmware of the ESC BLHeli with an Arduino Nano

To update the BLHeli ESCs usually we use the Betaflight Passtrough method

But sometimes it can happen that yours flight controller does not support this method,

or because it is particularly old or because you have a KISS

In this case, to proceed to ESC flash we use an Arduino NANO

if you have to buy it you will find the link in the description.

The programmer arrives with this series of pins to be soldered

since for the ESC flash only GND and D3 pins are used, we prepare a series of 3 by removing the central pin.

This is because a possible ESC with integrated BEC it may damage the programmer.

If instead you have already soldered the pins on the programmer, remove the 5V cable from the servo connector.

We place the pins in the GND and D3 holes and proceed to solder.

The final result will be this.

Updating the ESC firmware is important to have an increasingly stable and precise flight.

However, during the upgrade, it is extremely important to remove the propellers.

This is because the engines could start without warning causing damage to things and people.

The update procedure is the same for the ESC BLHeli_S or BLHeli_32

be sure to download the suite suitable for your ESCs, find the link in the description

We connect the programmer to PC and we start the BLHeli Suite

First of all we have to flash ours Arduino Nano

this procedure should be performed only the first time we use this programmer

and it is not necessary to do it for the other ESCs.

We click the MAKE INTERFACES tab.

We choose the COM port related to ours Arduino, in my case 11.

On Arduino Board make sure that either Nano w/ ATmega328 is selected

Baud Rate must be at 57600

Finally we proceed to the flash of the programmer by clicking on Arduino BLHeli Bootloader then Yes

In this case I used the BLHeli32 suite but if you use the BLHeli_S suite you have to do the exact same steps.

Click on OK

We connect the ESC to the programmer reminding us to put ground and signal in the right direction

and then connect the LIPO battery

Now click on ESC setup then go to the interface and select "BLheli32 Bootloader (USB \ Com)"

Then we choose the correct COM Port and click on FLASH BLHELI.

In this screen we leave everything by default because the system recognizes automatically

the model of our ESCs and makes us install the latest firmware revision available.

Then we click on OK, then we give YES and it will start the update process

Once finished click on ok, the firmware is installed!

If we have more ESCs, we repeat the operation for each of them

This was my tutorial to update BLHeli firmware with an Arduino Nano

Thanks for watching the video, please like and subscribe.

You can also support me on Patreon by clicking the link at the end of the video.

For more infomation >> BLHELI ESC Firmware Update - Arduino Nano - Duration: 4:10.


Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 313 CDI 130 pk L3H2 Airco, Bijrijdersbank, Elek. Pakket, Laadruimte Pakket, S - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 313 CDI 130 pk L3H2 Airco, Bijrijdersbank, Elek. Pakket, Laadruimte Pakket, S - Duration: 0:52.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Comfort - Duration: 0:56.


Marta Kaczyńska przygotowuje córki na wielkie zmiany! Nowe rodzeństwo to nie wszystko! || LVTszok - Duration: 7:53.

Marta Kaczyńska przygotowuje córki na wielkie zmiany! Nowe rodzeństwo to nie wszystko!

Choć miała ustabilizowane życie na Wybrzeżu, prezydencka córka dokona ogromnej rewolucji i przeniesie się do Warszawy.

Czy jej dzieci są gotowe na takie zmiany?.

To bardzo szczęśliwy dla niej czas.

Jak pisaliśmy, Marta Kaczyńska (37 l.) przygotowuje się do ślubu ze swoim ukochanym - biznesmenem Piotrem Zielińskim - i spodziewa się jego dziecka.

Teraz gazecie Na Żywo udało się dowiedzieć, że prezydencka córka zamierza przenieść się z Sopotu do Warszawy, gdzie interesy prowadzi jej przyszły mąż.

O swoich planach Marta poinformowała córki - Ewę (15 l.) i Martynkę (10 l.).

Długo czekała na odpowiedni moment, by porozmawiać z nimi na temat przeprowadzki - zdradza Na Żywo dobrze poinformowana osoba.

- Zależało jej, aby w tak ważnej kwestii zapytać córki o zdanie i nie stawiać ich przed faktem dokonanym - twierdzi rozmówca.

Jak się okazuje, Ewa i Martynka początkowo były bardzo zaskoczone faktem, że ich mama pragnie, by wyprowadziły się z Trójmiasta.

Miały do matki wiele pytań.

Chciały wiedzieć, czy będą mogły zabrać ze sobą psa i konie, do jakich szkół pójdą, czy w nowym domu znajdą się dla nich osobne pokoje - wyjawia osoba zaprzyjaźniona z rodziną. .

Mama ze spokojem rozwiewała wątpliwości i obiecała córkom, że zrobi wszystko, by w Warszawie były szczęśliwe.

Nie ukrywała, że przeprowadzka jest dla niej ważna.

Będąc w trzeciej ciąży, nie chce zostać sama w Trójmieście i mieszkać na odległość z ukochanym, który na co dzień pilnuje swoich interesów w stolicy. .

Wybranek prezydenckiej córki to właściciel ogromnego majątku i niezmiernie zapracowany przedsiębiorca.

Pełni funkcję prezesa dwóch spółek - jedna zajmuje się chowem bydła i hurtową sprzedażą mięsa, a druga zakwaterowaniem i transportem wodnym.

Zieliński jest także wspólnikiem w spółce zajmującej się obróbką mechaniczną elementów metalowych.

Ale poza pracą ma także liczne pasje.

Prowadzi szkółkę jazdy konnej oraz stadninę pod Warszawą.

Stara się też popularyzować znaną wśród zachodnich elit dyscyplinę Horseball - połączenie polo z piłką ręczną.

Piotr jest prezesem polskiego stowarzyszenia tej dyscypliny - informuje tygodnik jego znajomy.

Marta poznała ukochanego dwa lata temu na zawodach hippicznych.

Jako wielbiciele jazdy konnej szybko nawiązali nić porozumienia.

Oboje byli na życiowym zakręcie, gdyż ich małżeństwa się rozpadały.

Spotykali się głównie w Sopocie, a Piotr mógł poznać bliżej córki ukochanej.

Sam jest ojcem trójki dzieci.

Pociechy pary zaprzyjaźniły się i łączą je serdeczne relacje, co cieszy rodziców.

Kiedy Marta dowiedziała się, że spodziewa się dziecka, niemal od razu wspólnie z Piotrem zaczęli się zastanawiać, jak stworzyć dzieciom spokojny dom.

Doszli do wniosku, że muszą jak najszybciej zamieszkać razem - twierdzi informator gazety.

Będąca w stanie błogosławionym prawniczka cieszy się na wspólną przyszłość z Piotrem.

Jesteśmy bardzo szczęśliwi i dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy nam gratulują i cieszą się razem z nami - napisała na swoim profilu społecznościowym.

Przenosząc się do Warszawy, Marta będzie mogła częściej widywać swojego stryja - Jarosława Kaczyńskiego (68 l.), który zastępuje jej córkom dziadka.

By dziewczynki lepiej zniosły życiową rewolucję, obiecała im, że przeprowadzka odbędzie się po zakończeniu roku szkolnego.

A w czasie wakacji córki będą mogły odwiedzać kolegów na Wybrzeżu.

For more infomation >> Marta Kaczyńska przygotowuje córki na wielkie zmiany! Nowe rodzeństwo to nie wszystko! || LVTszok - Duration: 7:53.


《流星花园》重新上线 大S耿直批"杉菜是绿茶" | CCTV 365 - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 《流星花园》重新上线 大S耿直批"杉菜是绿茶" | CCTV 365 - Duration: 5:16.


Voici comment détoxifier vos organes et perdre du poids...! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 9:57.

For more infomation >> Voici comment détoxifier vos organes et perdre du poids...! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 9:57.


Céline Dion, malade : les fans très inquiets, Pepe Muñoz donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Céline Dion, malade : les fans très inquiets, Pepe Muñoz donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 2:09.


Des études démontrent que les maris stressent leurs femmes plus que les enfants - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Des études démontrent que les maris stressent leurs femmes plus que les enfants - Duration: 5:46.


Avec cette recette naturelle vous pouvez dire adieu à la graisse abdominale ...| MuLLu TV - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> Avec cette recette naturelle vous pouvez dire adieu à la graisse abdominale ...| MuLLu TV - Duration: 10:24.


[Car Passion 2018] Chặng 2: Hà Nội - Ninh Bình | XSX - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> [Car Passion 2018] Chặng 2: Hà Nội - Ninh Bình | XSX - Duration: 10:20.


Akuma By Angel - Lost star - Duration: 2:14.

Day By Day

loss after loss

I pull the trigger near my lips

I can feel it by my tongue

day by day I lose everything I got

day by day I become undone

what have I done !!?? why am I losing everything I won !!

!! NO !!

no I`ll never miss the feeling of being loved !!

I`ll just miss giving love

like the moon in the dark night that never meets the sun

my love has ended !! my love astray has gone !!

where can I go !? I got no place to run !!

the stars around me want to steal my soul & force me to fall for them

since I have no one

what should I do !!??

I only see one star all day long !!

a star that shines like no other stars !!

a star that shines day & night !!

a star that I`m blinded by her light !!

a star I threw away for my pride !!

and now I can never find the star that was the rest in my life !!

!!... End of story ...!!

I quit !! I`ll never ever again write !!

For more infomation >> Akuma By Angel - Lost star - Duration: 2:14.


「 A Peek into the Reality of the World of "Utaite" that Teens are Going Crazy for!!」[ Eng Sub ] - Duration: 29:53.

Theme: Utaite!

These people who upload themselves singing on video uploading sites

Are not called kashu (歌手 → singers, especially professional ones),

But are called utaite (歌い手).

Among them, there are many people that cover Vocaloid songs, anime songs and game songs.

Within those people, people that release major label CDs,

And people who hold live concerts are present as well.

A particular characteristic of those people are~

"They don't really show their faces that much,

In a certain sense, they're mysterious people."

Right, not showing their faces, many utaite are existences surrounded by a veil.

Hmm, I want to know more about these utaite!

That being said!

For this program, we've obtained a video clip of this person's super treasured appearance!

And then--

"Thank you for having me~"

A successful one-on-one interview with this person too!


In the studio, oh my, a live singing showcase!

"I'm so glad to be alive~"

"She's crying-?!"

This special feature about these 'utaite' capturing the hearts of teenagers all over,

Let's start it!!

First of all!

Asked to 11,970 teenage girls,

The most liked utaite top 3!

In 3rd place is!

"I like this so much--"


Uploading videos ever since 2010,

Until now, he's an utaite that reaches around 3 to 6 million video playbacks.

His charm points are~

"Part if it is because he sings arranges for songs,

He's really cool ❤"

"She's so cute~"

"He sings freely."

"I really like the arrange!"

Other than that,

'A young boy-like crystal clear voice is really charming' kind of voice.

After having fulfilled a major debut in 2014,

("Listening to this, you'll really want to see his face.") He continues uploading videos as an utaite.

Continuing on!

In 2nd place is!


"What a nice voice." "A really good voice." "A really good voice~"

"Ah, how nice~ This is totally drawing me in--"

He started uploading videos since 2008.

He is also able to write song compositions by himself.

After successfully having his solo performance in Yokohama Arena and such,

The field of possibility for his activities has been widening.

An example of Soraru using his specialty is-- this voice!

"For Soraru-san, his low voice is really wonderful,

It has a great compatibility (with my tastes)."

With a low bass tone and deepness, his voice is often said to be a "handsome guy voice" / ikemen voice,

He continues to draw in fans.

And finally, at 1st place!! [ oh man i wonder who it is ]

"Aah cute!" "So cute~" "Cuuute~"


"Ah, how cute!" "So cute~"

Despite being a man, he possesses a female-like high toned voice.

Moreover, the delicate, yet difficult-to-understand lyrics of his compositions seem to craft a world of his own.

"Based on the song, he can change the way he sings."

If it's gentle then he'd sing gently,

If it's a song that goes like, 'gatsun!', somehow,

He'd sing it powerfully. That sort of thing."

From performing with musical instruments to even mixing, he can do it himself,

As he calls himself, a jack of all trades! (nandemoya - lit. someone that can do anything)

That being said! The most liked utaite chosen by teenage girls are!

Amatsuki! Soraru! Mafumafu! These three!

"What do you think? They're cool."

"They're so cool~" "It was wonderful!"

"That last one... was a guy?"

"He's a guy."

"His voice sounded completely like a girl's!"


"I felt like I was gonna melt, just now."

"About to melt? (lol)"

As a result of these, Akka who's a regular at utaite live concerts says--?

"My friends had a method to drag me into the road of liking utaite,"

"A method?"

"At the very start, they made me listen to Soraru-san."

"At first, with Soraru-san's low voice, I was entranced,

When I was thinking "Ah, how ikemen",

Next, they made me listen to Amatsuki-san.

As for Amatsuki-san, his voice is high, but he lets out a boy-ish voice.

And from there, I was thinking "Ah, a high voice might be unexpectedly cool too!".

And then lastly, with Mafumafu-san,

"Ah, it's high and girl-like, what a cute voice!" and he uses his throat so strongly too."

"With this, be it a close friend, or anyone,

You can make anyone fall deep into this swamp that is the path of Utaite."

[ basically "this is how you can get anyone to fall into utaite hell" ]

"So that's how you bait them in, 1 - Sora, 2 - Ama, 3 - Mafumafu."

And now! Releasing of a super treasured video clip!!

Most liked utaite rank 1 Mafumafu-san has offered R the very best scenes of his appearance in his live concerts!

What kind of live concert is it?

Have you been moved by Mafumafu-san's live?

To 11,970 teenage girls nationwide, we tried to ask "What is an utaite's charm?"

Ranked number 1 is!

Voice and singing ability is amazing!

If we try looking at utaite's videos--

Voices are individually unique, and there are many that have outstanding singing ability.

For Ogawa-san who's a music magazine editor and is very knowledgeable about utaite,

"Songs like vocaloid songs, even though they've never had an actual person sing them before as a basis,

There are times when they (utaite) will be able to sing them."

Right, there are utaite that possess singing ability that can let them sing even Vocaloid songs that have a wide vocal range and fast tempos.

For example this song--

Female utaite Ikasan can, by herself, can be able to use 8 varieties of female and male voices.

Let's try to listening to it a bit!

Whoaa, amazing! As expected!

An utaite's charm, Ranked 2 is!

Their original songs are fascinating!

For popular utaite, they still abide by covering Vocaloid songs and such.

There are many cases where they sing original song as well.

Within those, there are also those that make self-compose their songs too.

Voices that deliver their outlook on the world are numerous.

An utaite's charm, Ranked 3 is!

They're within close distance to the fans!

According to questionaires... Utaite...

"In concerts, they invite us to go backstage!"

"They followed me back!"

It seems that there are cases that this happens.

This kind of closeness is something that can barely be found with major artists.

"In 'live song delivery'-- It's something where they'll deliver songs requests live,

And so in the comments "I want you to sing this song!" "I want you to sing this song!" you'd send that,

And there are times they'll sing it for you."

"After all, I think If my requests can be answered then I'd definitely want to."

An utaite's charm, Ranked 4 is!

You can listen to all sorts of different ways utaite sing the same song

Here we have a Vocaloid song singing about the parting of two lovers, Charles.

Many utaite are doing covers of it, however!

When Dasoku who's charm point is his bass voice sings,

"It's completely different!"

Somehow, you can hear the sadness in it.

Next, when Megatera Zero whose specialty is his rough edgy voice sings it,

"Wow! There are so many ways they sing it."

With vigor, a fleeting love!

It seems many teenage girls enjoy the same songs based on the mood rather than the utaite, they say.

An utaite's charm, Ranked 5 is!

The special feeling of not being able to see their appearances much

"You don't really see their faces anywhere huh? I want to see them."

"You can't see them often, but it was mentioned earlier right? You can go see them in live concerts, it seems."

"Now, let's go see the data we've collected from one of those live concert venues itself."

Hello~ Arun here!

The place we've come in hopes of seeing utaite is Takamatsu city in the Kanagawa prefecture.

I hear 6 popular utaite are gonna have a live concert in this venue!

It's 5 hours before the opening, but fans are already gathering!

"5 hours prior?"

If you try to investigate how severe it is...


It's still going on and on!

"Wow..." "I wonder how many people there are?"

Somehow-- It even reaches 300 meters!

Where did you come from?

"From Okayama..." [ according to google maps that's 75.8 km from the venue ]

"We came through the Great Seto Bridge."

"From Hyogo Prefecture." [ 158 km ]

So they're popular enough to have people rushing from outside the province huh...

Roaming about this early is so they can buy goods of the utaite they like.

There are even things that immediately run out of stock, it seems!

She sure bought a lot huh...

"They're buying so much."

There are lots of different goods but...

Things showing utaite's appearance are mostly illustrations! We have to enter the venue after all!

Now! Let's embark to the inside of the venue~

"Uwah, I wanna go~"

Finally! we can see utaite's appearances!

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

Or, so you think but... You can only record up to this far. [ Filming not allowed ]

We couldn't see utaite's appearances...

"For what purpose did we even go... Give me a break..."

After that, we asked to collect data from tons of utaite but...

We couldn't get a good reply~

At that time, from a certain person, we received a positive reply!

"No way--" "Really?!"

Amatsuki-san who entered the rankings of the previous Most Liked Utaite poll,

Offered a video clip of his appearance in a live concert!

Finally we can see his appearance!

That video clip is~ Here!

Ahh, how wonderful~

Moreover, he even let us do an interview!

Finally! Face-to-face with Amatsuki-san!

"My heart's beating really fast..."

How exciting~

"Thank you for having me~"

Ah... Showing his face isn't allowed after all...

But this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance! We tried asking Amatsuki-san questions teenaged girls were curious about~

"What made you decide 'I'll try being an utaite'?

[ Question 1 ] [ What reason made you start being an utaite? ]

"Well, it was like that, right from the start I liked listening to music,

And just around the timing when I was graduating high school and was about to go to university,

Somehow all sorts of people were having fun doing things like releasing music on the internet,

From there, I was thinking 'That seems fun...' and then it just suddenly started from there."

Continuing on, [ Question 2 ] If you didn't become an utaite, what would you be doing right now?

"Well, for university, I went to a university for childcare,

If it was that kind of job I'd do my best~ I thought,

But in the midst of that, well, I found something I liked so much more, it's that sort of thing."

Furthermore, this question too,

"Why do you get along so well (with other utaite)? Something like that, I'm kinda curious." "Yeah, I'm curious about that too."

Here we have Amatsuki-san and utaite Hashiyan-san's collab! Amatsuki-san collabs a ton with other utaite.

"Various utaite do performance live concerts, that sort of thing is something present in this field.

Just by being a singer, there's a big possibility of meeting others.

And from there, there are people you get along with.

For me personally, somehow there are a lot of people in the same kind of community around me."

And so, the final question! Why don't you show your face that much?

"Well, in the first place I've never been the type of person that has confidence in things like my face or such.

So somehow if I show my face-- Don't places like the internet say all sorts of stuff?

And well, I don't like that kind of thing.

For artists, it's like, that sort of stuff isn't really necessary, is it? When you listen to their music. That's how I feel."

"What's with those happy-looking faces?!"

"Well, each word he said had a lot of weight into it, and my heart started beating really fast."

"I get it!"

"Other than that, like the reason why he hides his face so much is because he isn't confident about it.

Wondering so much about that the internet would say."

"Ain't he definitely cool though?!" "He's definitely cool though!"

"The fact that he sings is cool too, right."

"It's the end for us guys now huh!"

"Isn't it better to just feign ignorance?"

"Should I try being more forward?" "Yes, sure. Sure..."

Admist that, there's also an utaite that's ultra successful!

In the span of ten years, a man who keeps standing as an utaite: Gero!

He first started uploading videos in 2008.

Driving a hard punch with his singing, fans and even other utaite alike,

Are hooked at first listen.

Having his major debut in 2013, he works on even anime songs and the like!

"That being said, let us welcome him on stage, go on ahead!"

"Excuse me!" "Thank you for having me!"

"Yes, yes, welcome!" "Thank you very much."

"It's Gero-san~!"

"Thank you very much."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Just by breathing the same air in the same place as him, I'm..."

"Wait but nobody said my name just now right?! You were all being a bit cautious."

"Does anyone have anything they want to ask?"

"Was there anything you were glad you became an utaite for, and on the contrary anything that troubles you?"

"Something I'm glad about really was, by doing music, something I like, I can feed myself."

"There are all sorts of genres and it's fun."

"And by doing something like this, I like doing concerts, so if I do a lot of concerts, it's something fun to me."

"If it's something that troubles me...

In particular there isn't anything, but... I'd be a lot better if I didn't have a name like this..."

"You seem to shout quite a lot, isn't finding a good environment for recording kind of hard?"

"Well, so it's all the same quality and such, I ask everyone to borrow a room that's soundproof."

"Also, with myself, at the very start, I would bring huge baggage bringing my computer and stuff,

I'd go and bring it to a karaoke place."

"So like, with ballads they have a really solemn tune,

I'd be singing tear-jerking ballads, and if you listen veeery closely, from the other room,

"After all I still like you~" [ part of a very old song lots of japanese people like to sing in karaoke w ]

"Another person singing can be heard."

"So it was like that?"

"Also, another question,"

"Since the boundary between utaite and singers are quite vague,

For Gero-san, what are the differences?"

"To be honest, I don't know either."

"But (being an utaite) is has a lot of freedom."

It seems there's something he has to say that proves how free utaite are!

"Just recently, a person by the name 'halyosy'-san offered me a song composition,

HoneyWorks helped arranged the song, and we uploaded a chorus of 25 people singing it."

That video is right here!

The magic of ikebo--! Amazing!!

"How did you manage that? Must've taken a lot of time."

"Everyone was all over the place."

"Since it wouldn't assemble into one style, so on LINE, I reached out to 25 people.

'I have something like this' 'If you'd like, is there a possibility you could participate?'

After a few days and months, 'Please give me your vocal data'."

"Without meeting, huh." "Yes,without meeting."

"How about an afterparty?" "There was none."

"So after it was done it was just 'Good job!'"

"On LINE, with a sticker, 'Good job everyone!'."

"Just drinking beer alone--"

"Just that (lol)"

And here, Akka and Sakura have a request for Gero-san,

"Can you sing at least a single line from a song, for the people who can't really go to concerts..."

"If there's a possibility! I'd like to hear it..."

"What should I do..."

"This is... quite the troubling thing huh--"

"What kind of song perhaps?"

"Kinyoubi no Ohayaou, or something."


"It's okay?!" "Ehh--"

Sorry for asking for so much~

Then, please and thank you!

"I'm so happy to be alive~"

"She's crying?!"

"Ehh-- She's really crying!"

"Excuse me,"

[ caption: Even I can do that!! ]

"Thank you very much"

"Let's end this here? It's no good after all (lol)"

Gero singing for real onstage is for the end of the show! Don't miss it!

When we asked 11,970 teenage girls, 54% of them wanted to face the challenge of becoming an utaite!

So here, two people from R will dare to try becoming utaite! Supporting them is~

Young but famous in the Vocaloid community, coach HachioujiP!

"Ehh--" "No way!"

Making his own compositions and letting Vocaloids sing to them, he's a producer that publicly posts those works.

He's even offered songs for real singer Nakagawa Shoko.

Furthermore, he's also done collaborations with many various utaite.

"What's so special is that everyone's having fun freely,

So I completely think it's best that you should sing whatever song you like."

Hence, let the challenge to be an utaite, start!

What these two will be singing is the previously introduced song, Charles.

"By the way, how do you two want to sing? Do you have any sort of impression in mind?"

"I wonder... Somehow I want to sing in a cool fashion."

"I want to sing high notes in a way that makes it sound pretty? I guess."

"Then, let's start."

Now that their ideal impressions are decided, for the mean time, they'll try singing!

"Is Joutarou gonna be okay..."

Joutarou! You don't seem very cool at all.

Continuing on, Shui will try singing too, but...

"Have mercy on us!"

"Wait wait-- it's really hard!"

"Ehh-- Have mercy on us, c'mon--"

"Do your best!!"

First go, not looking well at all.

HachioujiP cuts the parts that Joutarou and Shui will sing respectively.

He made it so the two can concentrate on only the parts they'll sing.

Afterwards, earnestly practicing!

And, finally! They try recording!

"That's good!" "It was good?!"

"Your effort practicing is showing results." "I'm glad!"

"So like this, let's try recording another take."

"So you can record it no matter how times too~" "Right, exactly."

For songs, you can take parts and record as much as you want.

From there, you can choose the parts sung well and connect them all together.

"Hmm... This 'waratte' part..."

"The way you said it so strongly, I like it."

"Oh so you liked it?!"

("A misleading compliment!") Next is Joutarou!

From HachioujiP is this piece of advice, ("So there are producers like this huh.")

"At first, it's okay if you look at other singers, and think 'That person sang like this~' or something like that."

"Ohh, I see."

"At the very start it's okay if you try imitating others." "Ohh," "Right." "I see,"

"His singing got better."

"He sounds cool!"

[ HachioujiP's advice ] Starting from imitating other people, and gradually making your own unique singing style is okay!

"You did well! It's perfectly good." "It's not bad at all!"

With HachioujiP's guidance, the two gradually improve.

After a span of 2 hours, recording has finished.

"That was fast!"

"Ya~y" "Good job!" "It's done!"

"At first I thought I wasn't sure what would happen~"

"From now I'll clean all the vocal data and organize it."

"And then the song will be pretty much complete."

While the music has been completed, next, they'll be trying to make the video!

If you have permission, you may be able to use the original song's video.

However, these two are going to draw illustrations and make a new video.


They form an image and impression taken from the feel of the song, and draw illustrations.

What they ended up making is! Here~

"There's a girl and a boy, and to follow the song lyrics, the girl has 'tears running down her cheeks'.

The boy also wants to cry but to keep that in, there's a lyric that says he 'just looks down at the town'."

"It's sad, but somehow their silhouettes still come to form a heart."

"Ahh, how clever," "Cute~" "Right,"

Based on what the two drew, Joutarou's friend who's an artist drew illustrations for them!

The product of completing the music and the video is shown here!

"Whoaa, it's really good!"

"Wow! I got goosebumps!"

"That's amazing!"

"Ah, their names are there too!"

"Who's that?!"

"His voice sounds cool!"

"That was the best!"

"How is it? Listening to the final product?" "Well, of course I'm overjoyed!" "I'm so happy!"

"It's really fun!"

"I feel like I want to get a mic like that too and I want to do it at home."

"But really! The singing, the illustrations, and even the video-- They were wonderful."

"It's something you could get addicted to huh,"

"If you do this for one more year you're gonna be rich."

Sorry to have kept you waiting! At last, we'll have Gero-san's studio liveshow!

At R no Housoku's homepage, you can see the final product of Shui and Joutarou's Charles! Now, access it immediately!

For more infomation >> 「 A Peek into the Reality of the World of "Utaite" that Teens are Going Crazy for!!」[ Eng Sub ] - Duration: 29:53.


Les remèdes naturels pour le ventre gonflé - Duration: 6:16.

For more infomation >> Les remèdes naturels pour le ventre gonflé - Duration: 6:16.


Mon Ket - Bande-annonce - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Mon Ket - Bande-annonce - Duration: 1:30.


Top Keynote Speaker 2018

For more infomation >> Top Keynote Speaker 2018


Support de mugs DIY en bois - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> Support de mugs DIY en bois - Duration: 5:20.


Badmintonforum d. 26. maj 2018- Søren Østergaard - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Badmintonforum d. 26. maj 2018- Søren Østergaard - Duration: 1:01.


André Boudou : victime d'un infar­c­tus, le père de Laeti­cia a échappé à la police - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> André Boudou : victime d'un infar­c­tus, le père de Laeti­cia a échappé à la police - Duration: 3:05.


MINI Countryman Mini 1.6 Cooper D Chili Navi - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> MINI Countryman Mini 1.6 Cooper D Chili Navi - Duration: 1:05.


Mercedes-Benz GLS 350 D 4MATIC - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLS 350 D 4MATIC - Duration: 0:55.


独家重磅!纳吉,放话给反对党!就这一句话,让全马【反对党】感到震惊! - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> 独家重磅!纳吉,放话给反对党!就这一句话,让全马【反对党】感到震惊! - Duration: 7:16.


Laura Smet « elle ne se bat pas pour l'argent » - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet « elle ne se bat pas pour l'argent » - Duration: 1:35.


Sylvie Vartan : « Maman, tu me manques » : la belle déclaration de sa fille - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Sylvie Vartan : « Maman, tu me manques » : la belle déclaration de sa fille - Duration: 1:25.


Des études démontrent que les maris stressent leurs femmes plus que les enfants - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Des études démontrent que les maris stressent leurs femmes plus que les enfants - Duration: 5:46.


SoulWorker 101: Dungeons - Duration: 1:18.

Welcome to SoulWorker 101!

The objective in SoulWorker is to complete dungeons, known in SoulWorker as districts.

You can either do this solo or as part of a team.

To create a group, walk up to another player.

When a smiley icon pops up, left-click and invite the person into your group.

To accept quests, chat with characters who have a big exclamation mark above them.

Once you have completed a quest,

submit it by speaking to the people with a colored question mark above them.

By completing quests, you will level up faster and also get useful items.

As soon as you are ready, choose a district.

The arrows next to the quest-tabs will show you the right way.

When you enter a district, first decide which episode you want to play

and at what difficulty level.

You can also see which quests can be completed in each episode.

Once you enter the district, it's up to you to fight your way through

and slay the boss at the end.

Once you finish the episode, you'll be given a rating and also a reward.

The districts get harder as the game progresses.

So try your best!

For more infomation >> SoulWorker 101: Dungeons - Duration: 1:18.


Logarithms Project but i tried to animate it - Duration: 9:56.

Hello, my name is Angel, and I am here to talk about logarithms and what they are used for.

A logarithm is the inverse of an exponent.

So basically, "what exponent can I raise this number to get this value?".

This is what it looks like.

How this works is this little your base.

The number next to your the result of applying a power to that base.

And your that power.

When you rearrange it... starts to become a bit more clear on what you got to do!

This is called exponential form.

To solve, you just need to remember your powers.

If you can't remember a whole power, or one cannot be found, then you would have to change base, which is when you put the log of your answer over the log of your base, like this.

And when I mean "answer", I mean the result of applying that power to the base.

When changing base, it is best to use a calculator to find your (log) value.

Quick example: log base 3 of 27 is equal to what?

If you can do it on your own, pause and solve it yourself.

If not, stick around for a bit for the process.



You should have gotten 3.

If you reorganize the log into exponential form, you would get 3 to the power of x is equal to 27.

3^3 is 27, so your answer would be 3.

Yeah, you could do change of base like this:

...but it would take longer to do so and would require a calculator.

It is best to use this method if you know that the value of the power is not going to be a whole number, such as log base 5 of 21 is equal to x...

...which would equal about 1.89 if you do the change of base.

There is also expanding and condensing logarithms, which I'll quickly touch on.

Just to quickly note, the base must stay the same the entire way through, and you cannot condense or expand logarithms with different bases.

Big no-no.

If a logarithm is set up like this:

...then it equals to log base b of x plus log base b of y, and vice versa.

If a logarithm is set up like this:

...then it equals to log base b of x minus log base b of y, and vice versa.

And if a logarithm is set up like this:

...then it is equal to the log of base b of x to the power of a.

Remember, you are applying a to the x only if you change it to this method.

But if you keep the *former form, you multiply a to your entire log, which is cleaner in my opinion, once you do find the logarithm that is.

These can be done in combination with each other, like this:

and in this case you would just do this:

Apply a to all parts of the ratio, then expand it to the quantity of log base b of x to the power of a plus log base b of y to the power of a minus...

oh look blooper

...log base b of z to the power of a.

And this is just one...

oh look another blooper

And this is just one combination you can be met with.

Again, this works the other way around.

For a more in depth talk about condensing and expanding, click the video in the description by Joe Schiavone

because I only have so much time to animate and I still need to get to my to-

These are used in the real world, quite often actually. A good example is decibels.

Sound is measured in decibels, along with power level and voltage.

The "-bel" in "decibel" comes from the Bell Telephone Labs after Alexander Graham Bell, the group that...

i am an animator, not a talker

...created this system.

while "deci-" means one tenth.

That means that one decibel means a 1/10 change in sound, voltage, etc.

But from this point on, I'll only be talking about sound intensity.

Decibel values depend on how far, loud, and fast a sound is travelling.

The equation used to calculate differences in decibels is:

tfw you forget to remove a pause in post

P is equal to power, with P1 representing your reference sound power, and P2 representing the actual power compared to your reference.

And your answer is how loud a sound is in the current situation.

This also...

i sound 12

Keep in mind this is also important.

Because when a question gives you the decibel, this is basically (a part of) your answer.

Unless there's more than one thing going on, which I'll explain later.

For calculating from threshold sound, you can just use:

...where I is equal to how many times louder a sound is than the threshold.

Technically, the equation is 10 log (I/I0), where that I0 means your threshold sound...

but I becomes how many times louder a sound is times I0, as in I becomes 2I0, 3I0, etc.; so that I0 is basically cancelled out.

Threshold sound is basically the quietest sound an organism perceives.

Since humans have differing hearing set ups compared to a dog, cat, bird, whatever, we typically use humans...

...because, y'know, we're humans.

tbh at this point i don't remember if this gap was intentional.

But basically, in a nutshell, this tells you how many decibels louder is it from threshold sound.

Although you do not need this value, but is important nonetheless, the threshold sound for humans is typically 4 dB, which is **4 time quieter than breathing at 10 dB.

Yes, there are sites that list average decibel values, such as BYJU'S chart here:

...but it is also important to calculate when multiple sounds are playing simultaneously, or you only know how much louder a sound is from the threshold.

And most chart values are only averages or approximates and depend on how close and *fast they are as well.

Here's a problem:

Let's say you have a couple of air horns. These air horns are about 130 decibels at 2 feet away. About how loud are they?

First things first, when calculating sound intensity, it is not as simple as adding up the decibels. You need to plug it into an equation.

For example, if two people were talking at the same volume, with the same intensity, are they twice as loud?


Louder, yes, but not twice as loud.

Now that that is settled, let's put these values into the equation.

Our reference level is 130 dB so that would be P1. Since there are two airhorns, your P2 is actually equal to 2*P1.

Now, DON'T solve yet, do not plug in your values.

You need to expand the equation first, then it gets easier from here. And I'll show you why.

This leaves you with 10 log 2 plus 10 log P2/P1. That 10 log P2/P1 becomes 130 dB because that is how loud the air horns are.

The reason that it is replaced is because, that's basically (part of) your sound intensity, they already gave (part of) it to you.

But the reason you expand it is because you need to also add in your decibel gain, which is on the left.

If you solve it just as is, you will only get the decibel gain. Now how much it is total.

Yes, you could add it to your given decibel count, but this makes sure you have all the parts with it.

Solve for 10log(2), which equals about 3 dB, so 3 plus 130 is 133 dB.

So two air horns going off at the same time is about 133 decibels.

Now here is one on your own: You have a group of ten people talking. Human conversation is at about 60 dB. How loud is that group?

Here is the equation for reference. I'll give you a minute. Pause if you need too.

Done? Okay, let's see how you did.

You should have gotten 70 decibels.


Do the same process as before:

Replace that P2 with 10*P1 since P1 is 60, and 60 decibels times **10 would be your actual power compared to that 60.

Expand your equation.

Input values.

Then solve.

And you get 70 decibels.

If you were to become an audiologist, knowing decibels is kinda important, especially since audiology is the branch of medicine responsible for hearing, balance, and other related disorders.

As an audiologist, you need to understand how sounds will affect hearing and which ones are dangerous to humans.

85 dB and over is dangerous and every 3 dB after that the safe hearing time cuts in half.

You can be exposed to 85 dB of sound for 8 hours before it is dangerous, 4 hours at 88 dB, 2 hours at 91, and so on.

Hearing is important, since the sensory hairs in our ear do not grow back, so once they are gone, they are gone, and **you'll go deaf.

Hearing is key for balance, so if you lose your hearing, you'd be a lot less balanced.

Audiologists treat these kind of issues once they identify that the issue was due to prolonged exposure to loud noises.

And these doctors often warn their patients of loud noises that exceed 85 decibels, such as those near or work at construction, and prescribe hearing medication and aids if needed.

For more infomation >> Logarithms Project but i tried to animate it - Duration: 9:56.


Buvez 2 tasses par jour pendant 1 semaine, perdez votre graisse ... ! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Buvez 2 tasses par jour pendant 1 semaine, perdez votre graisse ... ! | MuLLu TV - Duration: 7:35.


Nous sommes POUR ! - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Nous sommes POUR ! - Duration: 0:42.


Jhakkad Pakkad Dance | 6 Pack Band 2.0 | Feat. Karan Johar - Duration: 4:54.

People often fear

the things they don't understand.

At times, even ridicule them.

Autism is one such thing.

A neurological condition...

... that affects 1 in every 68 kids.

There are several symptoms of autism.

Like lack of eye contact,

repetitive behaviour,

inability to make friends.

But, society often displays the following symptoms...

Not accepting these kids,

making fun of them or...

running away from them.


Autism isn't contagious!

Given the right love and support

these kids are capable of doing anything, anything at all.

Probably better than us.

Did you know...

geniuses like Einstein, Mozart, Newton and Michelangelo,

they too had autism?

They need love, not fear.

So throw away the fear...

and make sure love is here!

Let's do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Uncle, please start the music!

We don't dance

to anyone else's beat

We got our own moves on repeat

Move like a snake

Make your body shake

Move like a snake

Make your body shake

Let people say

Whatever they wish!

Life is too short

Don't you dare miss a chance

Don't miss a chance

Don't miss a chance to do theů

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Hey Ganpat... drop that bass!

Weirdos, whackos

Whackos, weirdos

Of heart, we're still really pure

No matter how

'different' we may be,

We are all one You can be sure!

Weirdos, whackos

Whackos, weirdos

Of heart, we're still really pure

No matter how

'different' we may be

We are all one You can be sure!

Come on, let's have a blast

Let's make it last

Come on, let's have a blast

Let's make it fast

No matter how you dance

Just make sure you make it last

It's your wish

Whether you want desi or trance

Desi or trance

Desi or trance

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Jhakkad Pakkad

Jhakkad Pakkad

Do the Jhakkad Pakkad dance!

Hey Ganpat

Uncle we're done

Now, let's go grab a tea!

Are you ready for some madness?

'Cause we're coming to take over your hearts!

Are you ready for some madness?

All salute Mother India...

This is the best promo you can have.


For more infomation >> Jhakkad Pakkad Dance | 6 Pack Band 2.0 | Feat. Karan Johar - Duration: 4:54.


SGM Eksplor Soya - Lebih dari Solusi Alergi - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> SGM Eksplor Soya - Lebih dari Solusi Alergi - Duration: 0:31.


Mort de Ludo­vic Chan­cel : après les accu­sa­tions de sa belle-fille, Sheila passe à l'at­taque - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Mort de Ludo­vic Chan­cel : après les accu­sa­tions de sa belle-fille, Sheila passe à l'at­taque - Duration: 2:51.


CHEAP tool makes HUGE difference! - Duration: 9:24.

just like this

Using the pen like this, you can add in highlights

Let's do this!

Today Mikey's brought THIS

What is it?

White out

What's it for?

It's for corrections when the ink spills out

but also for adding hair highlights etc

And eye highlights

It's used like that

So, how about even a human like this?

This was just lying around here...

Hightlights go where?

Well, areas like here

And it's not an issue here but

When you want to separate character from chair

You can add some white here

For now Tony and I will draw

If we draw a face will you show us the whiteout tech?


Show us how to use whiteout

You're drawing very carefully

How much detail should I draw?

I'm going to add whiteout so draw it as dark as possible

First, before the whiteout

We need to draw a character

This time, let's draw a long haired girl

Is that a High School character?

Looks...looks that way!


What direction?

Which way to sway the hair?

Getting lost. Don't know what hairstyle I'm drawing anymore

Know the feels

I'm not really conscious of how I want it to end up


it's a problem?

moreover, if that's case, how will I do the whiteout later?

Ok, somehow!

There is hair.

ok then, let's go Tony


Tony, what kinda character will you draw?

The girl you drew inspired me


I got inspired

Just now was a long haired girl

As another pattern, let's draw a short haired girl

Recently, haven't been drawing humans at all

No humans?

yea, mostly just weird "hen" things

Heard you say "hen"

hen as in "weird" - ohh that kind of "hen"

Hen as in hen***....oi oi oi!

Not that kinda of "hen"!

Aren't animals hard to draw?

well, often I draw weird poke***

A weird poke***?

the sort you don't wanna catch?

I like a challenge

Yes, it's important

hair truly is difficult

Yes, I think so too

if you just give me 2 months

I'll be drawing very differently

ok then, looking forward to 2 month's time

Pressure's on!

We're expecting things!


good work

good work!

good work

Mikey sensei, please

Take our careless drawings

and make them better!

"Make them better"?

What pen is this?

It's a "maru" pen

What's the first step?

Dip it in water

Then apply the whiteout

for example, line up with the curved ruler

it's like this

it's over pencil so, hard to see

you can draw it freehand too

What do you keep in mind while adding whiteout?

Generally it's the highlights

Considering the direction of light source

Usually thinking of that

Also it's part of your art expression

Artists all have their own ideas of where it can look good

so it doesn't have to be just for adding light in the "correct" areas

Let's add whiteout. freehand or with curved ruler

White can be used for highlights

But also just as a form of expression

So not really a rule

Just wherever it looks good

Yes, if it makes it look good put it anywhere

everyone has their own opinion there

it would be easier if the shadows were darker

The tails of the whiteout lines start out thick

it looks round here

But it's hair so you want to make it thin

Have the end of the line sharpen

For example, for hair that separates

The rest flows this way, but this one does not

just like this

you can separate it

The hair appears to separate - great tip

looks like it rests on the shoulder? - indeed

Not enough ink. it's like this

you can do it freehand too

Eyes also

You can just add in light as usual

Add it as you like - came even more to life!

also, if there's a dark background behind the character

Say this was completely black here

You can have it float above like this

Perhaps G-pen is better

G-pen can draw more thickly

like this

and this

like earlier, the line tail is round

so later you can shape it with ink

but it has to be dry first

or it'll stick to your hand

Be careful of that

Can add it to the head here too

Using the pen like this

Adding in light

Not sure how the hair is built up here

Ah, indeed

You can shave away at it like this

Make it properly spike in shape like this

and refine it too

Just in case, I'll draw similar hair here

Looks like a beard

So it does

I kinda drew it carelessly but...

it makes it easier to add whiteout now but

I don't really know what this is

Just like this

it's a bit

Why did you draw it here and not there

First of all, I don't know what this is

it's puffing out here

rising up the highest here

so the next area would be here

It's like this

if you see it from the side

Thinking of it like that

it becomes like this

so, the areas flowing to the back are dark

Sharpen the ends

make the ends come to a point

Also, adding "playful" hair

like this

single hairs gleaming

Actually if there were tone here

Like if there were color back here

you could see the hair extend out

have the hair more playful

would be easier to see it freely moving

Let's do Tony's drawing now

With this kind a simpler approach is enough

Not the kind of art for detailed whiteout

When the hair is thin you can add whiteout

But for thicker hair

You can mostly not add any whiteout

The way you've drawn it

There's one bunch of hair here

and this one is a separate bunch right?

And then a third one in the back here

But if it's all black they blur together

That may be ok for some

but if you want to separate it

you can change it

separate the fringe like this

ink is...

make it like this

If you want to clearly define the hair boundaries

let's apply the whiteout

Then wait til it dries

Then shave away the end here

and make it clearer that you want this hair separated

in the background

Imagine a tree here

if it were colored in black

you won't see the boundary line here

Manga can use "sen nuki" or

I can separate it from the background

separate like this

It became Manga-esque



That's how you can use whiteout

not just correction, many other way to use it

like a sideways highlight in the eye

It can be used like that

Great! - That was useful

Ok everyone, let's use whiteout

well, perhaps with color illustrations

when the background is a separate color to the character

perhaps this technique isn't required

but for Manga

it's super useful

separate the character and background

Have the character float over it

When drawing attention to something

I purposely separate it like this

Thank you (x3)

(pachi pachi pachi)

For more infomation >> CHEAP tool makes HUGE difference! - Duration: 9:24.



For more infomation >> ARCHES DE LA CASCADE DU CHIEN | RIVIÈRE D'ABORD - Duration: 2:28.


Mini number cake recette facile - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Mini number cake recette facile - Duration: 2:16.


Healthy 8 Ingredient Appetizers! Holiday Recipe - Duration: 4:03.

A day holiday appetizers and treats you can make with three ingredients or less

though appetizer season the time of year when it's perfectly acceptable to pile a bunch of tiny

and delicious things onto a plate and call it dinner

or if you're the one playing host

agonize over what impressive yet insanely simple small bites you'll serve while you ringle a Turkey and sixth sides in the other room

still planning your main meal

don't miss these clean Turkey buying tips and super food side dish recipes

a quick google search reveals that all stupid easy appetizers require some combo of cheese bacon and dates

now we're not knocking bacon despite what you've heard it's not going to make you drop

dead or cheese or dates but our taste buds are bored so

we scoured the Balog a sphere for two and three ingredient apps and treats that you haven't made a million times before

and of course we kept an eye out for cleaning greedy and sit like fresh herbs

roasted nuts dark chocolate

and organic produce give the small bites ago and you'll never sat out the boring brick of cheese and sleeve of crackers combo again

cinnamon pair chips instead of dumping a bag of sad looking potato chips into a bowl take a few extra minutes to bake the sweet and

addictive Asian pear chips from the healthy may then your guests will think you

if veggie chips are more your thing check out five unique ways to Deion I why them roasted figs drizzled with balsamic and topped with

goat cheese crumbles these roasted figs from joelle charming are nothing shy of an stig ram were the

three ingredient chicken wings with herbs and honey

for get what you think you know about wings they don't have to be frightened covered in buffalo sauce this cleaned up version of the

sports bar staple from the roasted route is a prime example

there calio friendly and use only a squeeze of honey and some fresh herbs for flavor

or check out this sticky Chinese chicken wing recipe

to Mccurdy shrimp in case you're unfamiliar to Mccurdy is an amazing blend of fresh herbs

parsley oregano

and cilantro red onion

citrus garlic vinegar and a few spices

talk about flavor

whether eudy I why a head of time or buy it from the store

the sauce Peres perfectly with quick's haute aid shrimp in this recipe from Guinea some of and

key lime pistachio bites looking for a treat that isn't drowning in added sugar

these key lime pistachio bites from the healthy maven are the perfect mix of salty and sweet

and they're made with just limes dates and pistachios

two ingredient calio fudge

you can have fudge indulgent

creamy chocolate lee fudge for only two ingredients and no added sugar when you

make it using this recipe from gluten free DVD Pesto stuffed mushrooms

one word should have you hoped on these mini mushrooms from gimme some of and Pesto the spread alone makes Annie appetizer worth

hoarding that had meaty mushrooms and a shave of parmesan and you've got a throw together appetizer that'll have people talking

coconut macaroons

got the Santa size suite to oath that no patience to deal with cookie dough

make these two ingredient macaroons from glitter cottage

go for unsweetened coconut and sweet and within no Cal study a sweetener to keep sugar Grams in check

For more infomation >> Healthy 8 Ingredient Appetizers! Holiday Recipe - Duration: 4:03.


Promposal - Cute 80s Short F...

For more infomation >> Promposal - Cute 80s Short F...


핫이슈 l f(x) 크리스탈 공항패션 셔츠 청바지 가방 "정수정 성형전후 비키니 제시카 카이 동거" 루머 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l f(x) 크리스탈 공항패션 셔츠 청바지 가방 "정수정 성형전후 비키니 제시카 카이 동거" 루머 - Duration: 5:13.


СУ-76И Коготь Бой на прем танке! Монтаж World of tanks blitz gameplay letsplay - Duration: 2:18.

To battle!

СУ-76И Коготь, what a beautiful appearance, so still legendary!

I'm testing him in battle!

First frag

Second frag

Third frag

Subscribe to the channel and put like under this video!

For more infomation >> СУ-76И Коготь Бой на прем танке! Монтаж World of tanks blitz gameplay letsplay - Duration: 2:18.


Six Healthy Foods You Should Never Add to Your Smoothie - Duration: 3:20.

Six healthy foods you should never add to your smoothie

tail and cilantro

that's kid stuff its 2015

which means that you're probably up for adding anything to your smoothies

that just because something is crazy good for you doesn't mean you should stick it in your blender and hit pols need proof

the six ingredients are guaranteed to ruin your smoothies taste or texture

or even break your favorite kitchen appliance

one mustard greens

techie a their pact with nutrition

that uncooked they've got a distinctly spicy flavor that not even the sweetest fruit on earth can fully mask stick with kale or baby spinach

for your greens smooth base and save these full flavored leaves Forster fries and saltines instead

no one will think you're weaker for doing so

promise to raw beets

that deep magenta color is so pretty

right that unless you Gotta vide mix steer clear of tossing these raw root veggies into your drink

at Howe hum blender is only really capable of blitzing your beets into the texture of quick cooking oatmeal

you if you want to do read smooth the top and peel your beets first

wrapping them in foil and baking at 425° F for an hour will do the trick

three fresh ginger

contrary to what art flea photographed smoothie recipes might suggest

you can't just toss a knob of fresh ginger into your blender and get a delicious uniformly flavored drink

instead he'll get a smoothie that tastes mostly ginger Liss with a few random spicy chunks of ginger floating throughout Vida mix folks aside

always finely mince or great your ginger before tossing it in the blender

for celery you know those stringy bits you get when you bite into a piece of raw celery their

fine when you're snacking on a stock but if you try to drink that

you're probably gonna gad five whole dates no doubt

fiber rich dates are a better smoothie sweetener than things like sugar honey or egg

of the that he even after blending hole dates for 5 minutes

the best you'll usually get our stick each angst that don't disburse the deist sweetness evenly you can totally add them to your drink

just chop them finely first or soak them in hot water for 15 minutes to soften them up to six on ice weight doesn't a smoothie need ice

definitely not and in fact

your drink is better off without it

ice dilutes us movies flavor and leaves the texture slushy and watery

not to mention over time it totally Rex the blades of your blender

if you like your smoothie cold use frozen fruit and chilled liquids

read no almond milk from the cart and that's been sitting in your pantry


For more infomation >> Six Healthy Foods You Should Never Add to Your Smoothie - Duration: 3:20.


Чага с женьшенем как заваривать - Duration: 0:41.

Making Chaga extract with ginseng extract is very simple!

Now we will show how this is done

Open the package with Chaga extract

Pour 200 ml (7 fl oz)of water into a glass, temperature 60°С (140°F)

Take half a teaspoon of extract from the package

Pour into a glass and stir

Stir the Chaga extract until completely dissolved

Chaga extract with ginseng extract is ready for use

Chaga extract with ginseng extract and other extracts on the site

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