Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 30 2017

Chișinău Approach, Moldova 893, climbing Flight Level 240.

Air Moldova 893, Chișinău Approach, Good day, Identified.

Air Moldova 893, Cleared direct BUDOP.

Say again.

APP: Air [blocked by 893]. MLD893: Direct [ahhhhh] to BUDOP, [ahhhhh] Air [ahhh] Moldova 893.

Chișinău Approach, Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, Approach.

Moldova 893, we have some problems with the landing gear, we have to return back to Chișinău, request holding.

Air Moldova 893, roger, problems with landing gear, expect to approach back to Chișinău, and holding.

And request to maintain 4000 [feet].

Air Moldova 893, maintain altitude 4000 feet, QNH 1016.

Maintaing 4000, QNH 1016, Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, would you like to hold over DIKOD?


Air Moldova 893, Roger, Proceed to DIKOD for a holding.

To DIKOD, Moldova 893.

Moldova 893, we have NAVIGATION DEGRADED, request heading to DIKOD.

Air Moldova 893, Roger, vectors to DIKOD, turn right heading 110.

Heading 110, Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, Approach.

Yes, go ahead, 893.

Air Moldova 893, now turn left heading 105 for DIKOD, and when ready report intentions, and give some information about nature of problems.

OK, Heading 105 and ...

...our weight is too much for landing..

..we have to do a few holdings over DIKOD..

..and I will call you for intentions.

Roger, Thank you.

[Other traffic: Frankfurt] Chișinău Approach, Air Moldova 863, Bună ziua, after take-off, runway heading, climbing 3000.

Air Moldova 863, Chișinău Approach, Bună ziua, Identified continue climb Flight Level 240

Continue climb 240, runway heading, Moldova 863

Approach, Moldova 893.


Air Moldova 893, requesting a long vectoring for ILS approach Runway 26.

Air Moldova 893, Roger, will give you long vectoring for ILS 26, but confirm you are ready for approach now?

Not yet, in about 10 miles.


Air Moldova 893, advise do you declare emergency?

Negative, 893.

Roger, expect vectoring for ILS 26, now turn left heading 085.

Left heading 085, Moldova 893

[Other traffic] Air Moldova 863, cleared direct KARIL.

Direct KARIL, Moldova 863.

Молдавскии 893, Подход.

Я вас слушаю.

Молдавскии 893, с АирМолдовы позвонили и попрoсили чтобы вы в ПДС позвонили, по возможности.


Транзит, Молдавскии 893.

893, не со мной, 131.7. A там позвонить, если у вас есть мобильник или прочее, там же... позвоните в ваш центр.

[NOISE] Сейчас попробуем.

[Other Traffic] Air Moldova 863, contact Chișinău Control, 128.975. Zbor plăcut.

128.975 with Control, Air Moldova 863. Mulțumim, o zi bună.

Молдавскии 893, Подход.

Минуточку, мы cейчас по телефону говорим.


Air Moldova 893, ready for left turn?

Just a moment.

Air Moldova 893, turn left heading 340.

Heading 340, Moldova 893.

[Another Pilot] IGOR?


Ia 1 2 și mai departe.




Salut, ce s-a intamplat?

Landing Gear Shock Absorber FAULT și ECAM Actions e scris ca Landing Gear Keep Down.

Heading 300, Moldova 893 . [Transmision on wrong frequency]

E scris că Landing Gear keep down și nu lucrează Auto-Thrust-ul, Autopilot-ul, adică nimic.

Voi vă întoarceți, nu?

Da, ne întoarcem.

Da gear îi dat drumul?

Îi dat.

Îi bun, dar hai, peste cât aterizezi?

Ahhh, în 5 minute.

Так, mai spune-mi o dată cum se numește fault-ul?

Ce să dau?

Cum se numește defectul?

Landing Gear Shock Absorber Fault.

Ok. Hai că transmit la tehnici.

Hai, даваи!

Air Moldova 893, turn left heading 300.

[Air Moldova 893 a răspuns pe frecvența greșită - 123.45]

Air Moldova 893, confirm ready for approach.


Ready, Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, descend to altitude 2500 feet, cleared ILS 26, report on localizer.

Descending 2500 feet. Call you established localizer, Moldova 893.

Молдавский 893, подтвердите, у вас сохраняются проблемы с шасси?

Мы просто не можем убирать шасси, не можем дальше лететь.


For information, wind runway 26, 330 degrees 15 knots.

Copied, thank you.

Moldova 893, approaching localizer ...

...runway 26.

Air Moldova 893, distance 12 miles, continue approach.

Continue approach, Moldova 893.

[Another Traffic: Istanbul] Chișinău Approach, Bună ziua, Air Moldova 745, after take-off.

Air Moldova 745, Approach, Bună ziua, Identified.

Air Moldova 893, distance 8 miles, contact Tower, 118,1. Good bye.

8 miles, to contact Tower 118.1, Moldova 893.

Chisinau, to Air Moldova 893..

...we have some...

...maintenance problem...

... and request to DIKOD point, initially climb 4000 feet.

Air Moldova 893, copied. Proceed to DIKOD and climb altitude 4000 feet by QNH 1016.

4000 feet, by QNH 1016, Air Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, state your intentions.

We'll be come back to Chisinau for landing...

...but now we talk with Air Moldova...

... because for landing ... overweight landing...

... we need to burn fuel...

Now we talking. Calling you now.

Air Moldova 893, copied. Proceed to DIKOD and call when you will be ready for approach .

OK, we call you. Initially to DIKOD point. Maintain 4000 feet. Air Moldova 893.

Кишинёв Транзит, Молдова 893.

893, на приёме, Транзит, слушаю вас. Что за проблемы у вас?

Да, у нас шасси ......... и нам необходимо вернуться.

Только я хотел уточнить чтобы...

Наш OCC связалась с техниками:

Лучше для нас сесть с "overweight landing"...

...или сжигать топливо?

Но топливо нужно много сжечь будет.

Ну... сейчас значит... диспетчер слышал, подскажет. Будьте на связи. Я вам передам.

Да, нам нужно будет сжечь две с половиной тонны, либо садится с overweight.

893, пока будьте на связи. Решают ваш вопрос.

И... если с посадкой, будет вам стояночка 25-я будет.

Кишинёв, Аир Молдова 893, повторите пожалуйста. Я работал с диспетчером.

Я вас понял. Сейчас центр решает ваш... ваш вопрос. Я вам подскажу. Будьте на связи.

Да. Что лучше: либо 2,5 тонны сжечь, либо сесть с overweight?

Хорошо. Принял. Сейчас решают они.

893, Перрон


OCC передал вам значит садится аккуратно. Как предыдущий экипаж.

... вот. Стояночка 25-я. Заходим на посадку?

Мы поняли. Да, будем заходить тогда сейчас на посадку.

Согласна процедуры.


Air Moldova 893, for separation, can you turn right on heading 130?

Affirmative, Air Moldova 893.

[APP to another aircraft] FIA312, continue descend to altitude 2500 feet, QNH 1016.

Descending altitude 2500 feet QNH 1016, FIA312.

Air Moldova 893, proceed to DIKOD.

Proceed to DIKOD, Air Moldova 893.

[APP to another traffic] FIA312, turn left heading 300, cleared ILS approach runway 26, report established on localizer.

Turning left heading 300, cleared ILS approach runway 26, we'll report established on localizer, FIA312.

FIA312, established on localizer runway 26.

FIA312, distance 9 miles from touch-down, contact Chișinău Tower, 118.1. Seară bună.

118.1, FIA312. Спасибо, всего хорошего.

Всего доброго.

Air Moldova 893, Approach.


Air Moldova 893, please advise, what kind of problem do you have, and will you declare emergency?

Negative. We unable to retract gear. Everything OK., except unable to retract gear. Gear down and everything OK.

Air Moldova 893, copied, gear down, and unable retract gear.

Air Moldova 893, hold over DIKOD, and report when ready for approach. Will be runway 26.

Hold over DIKOD. We will call you...

Now, our maintenance decision will be or two hours to burn fuel, or landing with ov.... [overweight].

Air Moldova 893, copied.

Air Moldova 893, over DIKOD, and we are ready for...

...radar vectors for runway 26.

Air Moldova 893, copied. Expect radar vectoring for ILS approach runway 26.

Confirm, are you ready now to approach, for approach?

Affirmative, Air Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, turn right heading 340.

Heading set 340, Air Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, request descend.

Air Moldova 893, descend altitude 2500 feet, QNH 1016, and right turn heading 350.

Right heading 350, and descend to altitude 2500 feet by QNH 1016, and could you please advise latest wind?

Air Moldova 893, wind for runway 26, 350 degrees 13 maximum 21 knots.

Copied, thank you, Moldova 893.

Air Moldova 893, could you advise if you need any assistance upon arrival?

Negative, Moldova 893.


Air Moldova 893, turn left heading 300, cleared ILS approach runway 26. Report established on localizer.

Left... Left heading 300, cleared for ILS approach runway 26. We'll call you on localizer, Moldova 893.

Moldova 893, established on localizer runway 26.

Air Moldova 893, 8 miles from touchdown. Contact Chișinău Tower 118.1. O seară bună.

118.1, Moldova 893. Thank you, good bye.

For more infomation >> 29.08.2017 Air Moldova 893 ER-AXV L/G FAULT - Duration: 16:53.


How GREAT Promotional Art Sells More Games - The ART! - Duration: 10:15.

I'd be willing to bet that you're the type of person that will AT THE VERY LEAST

look up a trailer for a game before you go out and buy it.

We are people of the internet after all.

Imagine for a second that you had to buy all of your games based SOLELY off of what the

box art looked like.

How many terrible games do you think you would have gotten duped into playing?

When most people think of video game art, THIS is what they think of.

But, there are so many other artistic tasks that are more detrimental to the development

of a game.

Concept art is messy.

There's room for mistakes.

The goal here is to turn out a lot of different ideas or to show the team what the end product

should look like.

Key Art is for promotional use.

It's to grab the attention of a potential buyer.

This is VERY important.

It's most likely the first imagery the general public will see.

It could take months of planning.

It usually goes through many different iterations, and gets passed between many different people.

It could be focus tested over and over until it's exactly what will catch the eye of the

most amount of people.

These pieces rarely depict actual in-engine gameplay.

A good example would be the first Mega Man.

Capcom already had promotional art worked out for this little blue guy.

So without the limitations of the NES, THIS is what they envisioned Mega Man to look like.

But for SOME REASON, they decided THIS would sell more games.

This cover art is actually blamed for the games weak sales at the time.

But I'd consider this to be an example where the game looks BETTER than the box art.

Fallout New Vegas is an example of a game that looks WORSE than it's box art.

Look at the graphical fidelity here.

You mean to tell me that was rendered on an Xbox 360?

This box art looks phenomenal.

I'm not saying the game looks inherently bad, it just never had a chance of ever looking

THAT good.

And by no means is Fallout New Vegas the only title that decided to jazz up it's box art.

Every AAA game publisher does this.

There's just a fine line they have to walk between adding a little bit of extra polish,

and blatant false advertising.

As graphics get better, this disconnect seems to be fixing itself.

I think Metal Gear Solid V is one of the few games where I'd believe it if you told me

that this image was rendered in engine.

But even when a publisher tells you it's rendered in engine, you have to be a little


The Call of Duty WW2 reveal trailer started with a title that said "Actual In-Game Footage."

That trailer contained EXCLUSIVELY cutscenes and scripted events, and no gameplay footage.

Even the so called "in game screenshots" used for promotion can go through a lot of editing.

A looot of people called bullshit on this Far Cry 4 preview screenshot.

Anybody can tell it's just...

TOO perfect.

How the hell would a person actually capture that moment.

It's also possible to use a lot more processing power to render a single screenshot, adding

a LOT more detail than you'd find in actual gameplay.

It's less taxing than rendering all of these things moving around.

This is how Horizon Zero Dawn's photo mode renders beautiful crisp photos.

But even with tricks like this, key art is never as simple as taking an in game screenshot.

Sometimes it could START that way, but there's always much, much more work to be done.

In fact there can be many different mediums at play.

In game models can be posed to perfection, then colored, rendered in SUPER HIGH detail,

and painted over to make sure the image is immaculate.

In some cases, photography is used.

Then it's mashed together in photoshop and again, painted over.

I know I just summarized it pretty quickly, but this process could take MONTHS.

Last year we got a pretty good look behind the key art of Battlefield 1 from Senior Concept

Artist Robert Sammelin.

He's the guy responsible for the general theme of the Battlefield covers since Bad Company


When you see a mostly blue image of a soldier walking towards screen with bright orange

highlights and lot's of blown out lens flair, you know it's a Battlefield game.

Robert and his team started with a bunch of sketches and speed paintings to get the general


Then they got some props, brought in some models and had themselves a photoshoot.

Lot's of photo's are taken and mashed together.

This cape was likely added in later.

Cloth is so finicky, it's just easier that way.

The model in the cover art for Battlefield 3 was a motion capture artist.

He notes that on normal mo-cap days he's dressed in a motion capture suit.

You know, one of those leotards with the white balls all over it.

On the monitor though, he could see a real time feed of himself wearing full military


However, for the cover art shoot, he had 65lbs of actual gear on.

The Battlefield 1 art took eighteen months of planning and 3-4 months of hands on work.

Of course, it's finished towards the end of production as to get the most accurate representation

of the game, incase things change.

So, is this disingenuous?

I mean, it's a photograph, and NOT rendered gameplay.

This type of realism literally could not exist in the game.

I guess it's not much different than say, an over the top movie poster.

There's a weird sort of fine line between artistic license and actual false advertising.

How good can you make this game look without promising something that it's not.

People seem more able to suspend their disbelief for box art, not so much for so called "in

game screenshots" or "pre-rendered trailers"

Good key art is iconic.

It immediately makes you think of the franchise it represents.

It doesn't have to be complex.

It can be abstract or minimalistic and still serve it's purpose.

To me the simpler the better.

What if the Order 1886 cover was just it's logo?

Well, they don't have the same brand recognition as lets say, Elder Scrolls.

The Skyrim box art is just the logo.

It's stylized really well, but even if we take away all of the detail you still know

exactly what game franchise it is.

This is just good design.

Fallout 4 is a better example.

That power armor helmet provides all the information you need.

The logo and the power armor were actually the first designs created in the development

of Fallout 4.

They wen't through more iterations before they made their way to the cover, but the

general idea was there.This is also fairly close to what we see in the game.

You might also remember this image from the promotion of Fallout 4.

It's basically a summary of the "Welcome Home" trailer, just in one long image.

The art book shows us how much work went into this trailer, and in turn, this key art.

It's not just a screenshot.

It's WAY too beautifully rendered.

And this screenshot, which is just as beautifully rendered, is on the back of the box.

It's placement gives off the impression that it's just promotional art and not an

in-game screenshot like the 3 we see at the bottom.

You know at this point, I think we've seen so much bullshit from the games industry that

we're just trained to sort through it.

Of course, this isn't limited to the video games industry.

Key art also applies to movies, TV shows, music, hell even YouTube Videos.

It's purpose is to draw you in, peak your curiosity and give you the BEST representation

of the work.

But ALSO give you an accurate representation so that you don't fee swindled after you're

done consuming the content.

If you do feel swindled, ya got CLICKBAITED.

And that's the fine line content creators have to walk.

How can I show the most idealized version of my product without giving people a false


If you're going to draw people in with a fancy image, you better have what it takes

to back it up.

And if promotional art is something you'd like to do yourself someday, well good luck

to you.

Key Art is a very specialized type of art.

Having some drawing chops often isn't enough.

You've got to wear a lot of hats.

Granted most of the time it's a large team of people with varying skill-sets who create

the key art for these AAA games.

I don't necessarily think that box art being rendered differently than in-engine footage

is necessarily malicious.

It just should be at least a LITTLE representative of the content inside.

I think screenshots and promotional material these days are WAY MORE malicious.

It's much MORE likely that a potential buyer could be tricked by this sort of advertising.

Every other form of media has trained us NOT to judge a book by its cover.

So next time you look at your game collection, take a minute to consider the sheer man hours

that just went into creating the physical boxes that decorate your bookshelf.

And next time you see a game ad out in the wild, consider how it was designed to pull

you in and take your money.

So what do you guys think about promotional art?

What are some of your favorites?

It's very difficult for me to pick a favorite but I like the illustrative ones like Red

Dead Redemption or Metal Gear Solid 2.

That Yoji Shinkawa.

Mwah. MWAH.

Firewatch is great too, if only the GAME WAS AS GOOD.

ANYWAY leave it in the comments below and if you LIKE THIS VIDEO show us by clicking

that like button.

If any of you like The Storyteller series here, Jason, the voice of the Storyteller

will be at SacAnime from Sept 1-3rd.

He'll be walking around in his Storyteller shirt.

If you find him, he's got some free loot for you.

SIGNED loot.

Hey if your interested in these Art videos, I did an analysis of the Art of Sonic Mania

over on my channel.

So if you want to hear more of my big dumb voice go check that out.

Anyway thank you guys very much, and have yourselves a very good week!

For more infomation >> How GREAT Promotional Art Sells More Games - The ART! - Duration: 10:15.


Gossip U&D news, ecco chi è il nuovo tronista dell'edizione 2017/2018 | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D news, ecco chi è il nuovo tronista dell'edizione 2017/2018 | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:37.


Uomini e Donne: una nuova crisi per Fabio Colloricchio e Nicole Mazzocato | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: una nuova crisi per Fabio Colloricchio e Nicole Mazzocato | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:28.


Al Bano in concerto da Putin: senza Romina Power, porta Loredana Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Al Bano in concerto da Putin: senza Romina Power, porta Loredana Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:48.


Spider-Man's Costume

For more infomation >> Spider-Man's Costume


Blade Runner 2049 Short - 2036 Nexus Dawn (EN & HU subtitles) - Duration: 6:31.

When I first saw Blade Runner, I was stunned.

Ridley Scott's vision struck so many chords.

I could immediately recognize its impact on the entire cinematic world.

Now I've been given the amazing opportunity to continue the story and direct Blade Runner 2049,

which picks up 30 years after the first film.

So with that in mind,

I decided to ask a couple of artists that I respect

to create three short stories

that dramatized some key events that occured after 2019,

when the first Blade Runner takes place,

but before 2049,

when my new Blade Runner story begins.

My friend, Luke Scott has directed this short film you're about to see.

I hope you enjoy this special glimpse into the world of Blade Runner 2036.

Our memory bearings from the time...

They're all damaged in the blackout.

But there are sometimes fragments.


Conclusive session 11:17 p.m.

Testimony of Niander Wallace to the magistrate sectors

EL1 at 9 through 26 and so forth.

Ended MD.

Thank you...

for your patience.

I did not intend to keep you waiting.

The particulars of my affliction...

make travel difficult.

Mr. Wallace, we've granted you this meeting in deference to your...


Your Cinch-contribution.

We recognize that for the public good.

For their health.

You remember hunger.

So you indulge the recluse, whose patterns keep that hunger at bay.

I believe in life.

In fact I have run more life from our Earth than ever before.

But it is dying.


...are dying.

Which brings us to...

...our present concern.


We have made clear

our position.

The prohibition of replicant technology is not subject to debate.

Nor is its repeal.

Yet we are...


All was that was lost in the blackout, this cut of history,

died them on(?).

Humanity has only survived this long by crushing the Earth to suit its needs.

The stars,

our only hope, are hidden beyond the lives

you will not allow me to create.

Off world colonies are thriving.

Insufficient to the needs of ultimate survival.

Your laws have changed the hands of progress.

The laws keep blood off the streets.

Nexus phase is unreliable.

Safeguards put in place by Tyrell with negligent.

Too many have died.

We will not add to that number.

My replicants...

...will live as long or as short as a customer will pay.

My replicants will never rebel.

They will never run.

They will simply obey.

Step forward.

Find your weapon, do this now.

What is this?

This... an angel.

And I made him.

Look up to the left reveal.

You're committing a crime, Wallace!

Now that's enough!

Lift the glass.


No no. No. No.


This is wrong.

Does it hurt?


You must make a choice.

Your life or mine.

Do you understand?


Do this now.

Jesus Christ.

This is wrong.

Human action...

...resounds in the heavens.

The bell echoes above what we decide here today.

We'll polish or crack the firmament.

What shall it be?

For more infomation >> Blade Runner 2049 Short - 2036 Nexus Dawn (EN & HU subtitles) - Duration: 6:31.


Very Fresh - Duration: 3:33.

F.R.E.S & H, so fresh

F.R.E.S & H, 'til death

F.R.E.S & H, what's left

Four tres two uno uno two

Everybody say!

Geujeo geureon geotteureun naege neomunado pyeongbeomhae

(Pyeongbeomhae pyeongbeomhae)

Ije saeroun geotboda deo saeroun ge piryohae


Deiteu narira geureonji

(Oh woah oh) Deiteu narira geureonji

Eoje kkumdo joeun kkum kkwotji

Neoga joahaneun geotteullo yeogin gadeukhae

(Hyeongwanmuneul yeolgo nagamyeon)

Maeil ttokgateun saegeul jom bakkwobwa oneul omajuneun kamelleon

Urin seoro dareun jeolmeun yeonghongwa salmeul Gajyeosseotgo taechobuteo daedaero

Hamkke noneun geoya kkirikkiri

DJ jeopshi deo hwikkihwikki

Onmomi ganjilganjil dugeundugeun

I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae

Aju Fresh

Jigubuteo dalkkaji

Aju Fresh

Bamsaedorok kkeutkkaji

Everybody say Fresh

Jerobuteo baekkkaji

Aju Fresh

(Oh woah oh woah!)

I'm 365 so Fresh

(Four tres two) I'm 365 so Fresh

Mwo hana mureobolkke

And you can take it

geunyang gogae kkeudeokgeorigo nal ttara hamyeon dwae

(Break it down, break it down)

(Ooo Woah)

I can take it

Eoryeobji ana eoseo nal ttara

Shake your head

Gyesok shake your head

(Hey!) (Woah woah)

I kkeuchi eopneun daldo chwihan i bame


Jamdeureoitdeon six sense

Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge

Player champagne, showtime!

I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae

Mwoya eotteokhae

Aju Nice

Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Nice

I'm 365 so Nice

Urin haneul wikkaji

(Aju Nice) Urin haneul wikkaji

(Aju Nice) Naraoreuneun i gibun so free

Naraoreuneun i gibun so free

Eotteon sarameun malhajyo

(F.R.E.S & H so fresh) Eotteon sarameun malhajyo

Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago

(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago

(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Geugeollo kkeuchirago

Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge

(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge

(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Neoro shijakhae neoro kkeunnael su itge

Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom

(F.R.E.S & H) Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom

(F.R.E.S & H) (Urin kkeuchi eomne)

(Urin kkeuchi eomne)

Ttak bwado naneun neoreul wihan A to Z


Jamdeureoitdeon six sense

Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge

Player champagne showtime

Jinjihande tteungeumeopjiman


Woa oneul nan marya

(I'm 365 so) Woa oneul nan marya

(Nice) Fresh

Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Fresh

I'm 365 so Fresh

(Nice) I'm 365 so Fresh

Gibun joge kkeutkkaji

(Aju Nice) Gibun joge kkeutkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji

Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji

I'm 365 so

(Fresh! So fresh, so fresh) Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo

Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo

Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

(So fresh, so fresh) Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

(So fresh, so fresh) Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

(So fresh, so fresh) Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

Woah woah!

I'm 365 so fresh

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Very Fresh - Duration: 3:33.


Johny Johny Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa


The longest fights | You move, not me ! | Bazinga ! - Kolossium1v1 Dofus - Duration: 5:50.

Hello everyone, I'm Nohan, i hope you guy are doing fine, i'm myself, doing great.

In today's video we are facing eliotropes

So, against eliotropes, fights are so long because some of them need some time to deploy their game

And by playing well you can stop or delay them from deploying, So

Fights are long, therefore i cut moments where nothing was happening

Tell me what you thought about it in the comment section below, and i let you with the video

Why did he came closer?

Something i couldn't show you, but i tell it to you, at some point

The eliotrope had 2 portals in a corner and 2 in the other, I managed to block 2 of them, and therefore i was waitin'

him to move them, but he was waiting for me to move my ass

So we were looking at each other just like Cowboys wainting for the other to do something

It lasted 6 minutes

All of that and i still lost

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Thanks again for watching and see you later.

For more infomation >> The longest fights | You move, not me ! | Bazinga ! - Kolossium1v1 Dofus - Duration: 5:50.


Very Fresh - Duration: 3:33.

F.R.E.S & H, so fresh

F.R.E.S & H, 'til death

F.R.E.S & H, what's left

Four tres two uno uno two

Everybody say!

Geujeo geureon geotteureun naege neomunado pyeongbeomhae

(Pyeongbeomhae pyeongbeomhae)

Ije saeroun geotboda deo saeroun ge piryohae


Deiteu narira geureonji

(Oh woah oh) Deiteu narira geureonji

Eoje kkumdo joeun kkum kkwotji

Neoga joahaneun geotteullo yeogin gadeukhae

(Hyeongwanmuneul yeolgo nagamyeon)

Maeil ttokgateun saegeul jom bakkwobwa oneul omajuneun kamelleon

Urin seoro dareun jeolmeun yeonghongwa salmeul Gajyeosseotgo taechobuteo daedaero

Hamkke noneun geoya kkirikkiri

DJ jeopshi deo hwikkihwikki

Onmomi ganjilganjil dugeundugeun

I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae

Aju Fresh

Jigubuteo dalkkaji

Aju Fresh

Bamsaedorok kkeutkkaji

Everybody say Fresh

Jerobuteo baekkkaji

Aju Fresh

(Oh woah oh woah!)

I'm 365 so Fresh

(Four tres two) I'm 365 so Fresh

Mwo hana mureobolkke

And you can take it

geunyang gogae kkeudeokgeorigo nal ttara hamyeon dwae

(Break it down, break it down)

(Ooo Woah)

I can take it

Eoryeobji ana eoseo nal ttara

Shake your head

Gyesok shake your head

(Hey!) (Woah woah)

I kkeuchi eopneun daldo chwihan i bame


Jamdeureoitdeon six sense

Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge

Player champagne, showtime!

I gibuneun mwoya eotteokhae

Mwoya eotteokhae

Aju Nice

Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Nice

I'm 365 so Nice

Urin haneul wikkaji

(Aju Nice) Urin haneul wikkaji

(Aju Nice) Naraoreuneun i gibun so free

Naraoreuneun i gibun so free

Eotteon sarameun malhajyo

(F.R.E.S & H so fresh) Eotteon sarameun malhajyo

Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago

(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Yeonaeneun yeonael ppunirago

(F.R.E.S & H, 'til death) Geugeollo kkeuchirago

Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge

(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Geureotamyeon shijakjeomi kkeuchi doel su itge

(F.R.E.S & H, what's left) Neoro shijakhae neoro kkeunnael su itge

Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom

(F.R.E.S & H) Matjabeun du sone woncheoreom

(F.R.E.S & H) (Urin kkeuchi eomne)

(Urin kkeuchi eomne)

Ttak bwado naneun neoreul wihan A to Z


Jamdeureoitdeon six sense

Na ttaemune nuneul tteuge

Player champagne showtime

Jinjihande tteungeumeopjiman


Woa oneul nan marya

(I'm 365 so) Woa oneul nan marya

(Nice) Fresh

Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hanabuteo yeolkkaji

(Aju Nice) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) Yeogin mwol haedo neukkim oji

(Gibun gibun gibun) I'm 365 so Fresh

I'm 365 so Fresh

(Nice) I'm 365 so Fresh

Gibun joge kkeutkkaji

(Aju Nice) Gibun joge kkeutkkaji

(Aju Nice) Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji

Hana ppajimeopshi i chumeul kkeutkkaji

I'm 365 so

(Fresh! So fresh, so fresh) Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo

Oneul harudo aju jeulgeowosseoyo

Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

(So fresh, so fresh) Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

Daeum deiteudo ppalli haesseum jokesseoyo

Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

(So fresh, so fresh) Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

Jip deryeodajuneun giri neomudo jjalbayo

Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

(So fresh, so fresh) Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

Naeil i shigane tto mannayo

Woah woah!

I'm 365 so fresh

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Very Fresh - Duration: 3:33.


"Game of Thrones" Major Night King Theory in Season 8 | What does he really want? - Duration: 2:29.

Major Game of Thrones Theory on Night King In Season 8!

The Night King is the biggest threat that the Seven Kingdoms have ever faced in the

history of Game of Thrones.

He's the Great Other, the one who controls all the Others, and the Wights.

The Night King was created by the Leaf and other Children of the Forest, who pushed a

dragon glass dagger into the heart of a First Man.

They wanted to turn him into a weapon.

it is assumed that to some point, they were able to control it.

However, soon, they began losing control, and it was hopeless in the end.

The Night King became the true enemy.

He raised more White Walkers along with him, and the dead were raised as Wights.

This led to the Children of Forest teaming up with the First men, who later pushed they

into a corner.

They were sealed off by the creation of the wall, supposedly by Brandon Stark, who was

known as Brandon the Builder.

The period when they battled against each other was known as the Long Night.

Since then, the White Walkers were quiet, but not anymore.

In "The Dragon and the Wolf", we saw how the Night King, who was riding Undead Viserion,

destroyed the Wall successfully, and rode past it.

But the question remains, why is the Night King doing this?

What does he really want?

The answer could be that the Night King just wants to kill all the men, as he was created

to do.

But, if that was the case, the Children of the Forest wouldn't have run from him.

I don't really have an idea myself, but I'm led to believe that the Night King wants


The Children of the Forest didn't push back the White Walkers.

They formed a peace treaty with them.

The wall was erected by The Night King himself.

But, the men weren't true to their word, and they began doing something that they shouldn't

have been doing.

This woke the White Walkers, and now, they think that humanity is too dangerous to be

allowed to live.

So what will happen in Season 8?

I believe it's a long shot, but I don't believe the White Walkers will be killed off


I think the peace pact will be remade by Bran, who is somehow, the only one who has seen

the Night King annd made contact with him, apart from Jon Snow.

I believe he's the one who'll do it.

Night King was able to enter the psyche of Bran before.

They have some sort of connection, but we're only going to find out in Season 8.

I don't believe they will kill the Night King without telling us about his end game.

Season 8 will bring all the answers to us.

What do you think the Night King's end game is?

For more infomation >> "Game of Thrones" Major Night King Theory in Season 8 | What does he really want? - Duration: 2:29.


مازوزي الصغير يتحدى فيصل الصغير 🎤 في اداء اغنية خسارة فيك كلمة نبغيك 💔 / من كان الأفضل في الاداء - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> مازوزي الصغير يتحدى فيصل الصغير 🎤 في اداء اغنية خسارة فيك كلمة نبغيك 💔 / من كان الأفضل في الاداء - Duration: 4:19.


tilloji pedn (The Golden Saddle) - Wakhi - Duration: 4:06.

jəm təj ji afsona dar borai tiloi pədn. Here is a story about a golden saddle.

ʃo iskandar dɨ çɨ waxt adzi amr rətk ki Back in his time, King Iskander commanded that

aftodsola kuj ji tsəj, musfid ɨmɨt whoever turned 70 years old, whether a man

jo kɨmpir ɨmɨt or a woman,

bojad ki aftruza awqoti javər de ji ruz randən, should be fed with seven days' portions of food

jan javi zinda gur tsarən. and then should be buried alive.

ajətrangin amr jawən twətk. Such an order he gave.

jan ar ruz sk nobat So then every day, in turn,

jiʝuni musfidət kɨmpirər awqot randən. each [time] an old man and an old woman

aftruza awqot jiwək randən, jan javi zinda gur tsarən. were given seven days' portions of food at one time and buried alive.

jan adət waxt ji oila twətk, At that time, there was a family

jawiʃ çɨ tati gur nə tsarən, mɨʃən jawi. who didn't bury their father and hid him.

jitʃkuj tsavi sirən xbar nə wost. Nobody was aware of what they had done.

jan ji waxt ʃo Iskandar nɨwɨzd səjl tsart. One day King Iskander went for a journey.

jan ji lup awz wind. He saw a big ocean.

da waz ʂiçən ji ʂax twətk, There was a mountain of sheer rock next to the ocean.

ja ʂax ɣa bland tuwətk. That rocky mountain was very high.

jan ada ʂax sar ji pədn twətk. On top of the mountain was a [horse's] saddle.

ja pədn tiloi twətk That saddle was golden,

jan aja tilo pədnən jaw ʃla ar jupk djətk. and the golden saddle was reflected in the water.

jaw jan adzi sdɨjd ki da awz mlung tilo. It looked as if gold was in the middle of the ocean.

jan adət waxt ʃo iskandar kɨ joʃvi tsart dʒam. So at that time King Iskander gathered all the young people

jan adzi çanda: and said,

"saiʃ niv wəzjəv, be sk nobat "Now each one of you will take a turn,

rətʂəv aja tiloi mar atsa jupk dəstən wɨzməv. go and bring me the gold from inside the middle of the ocean.

kujki jaw mar wozomdi, Whoever brings that to me

wuz kamkto tsə çɨ dawlatən jarək randəm". I will give some of my wealth to him."

jəm joʃiʃ kɨ rozi wotsən. All the young people agreed.

jan adət waxt ʃo iskandar At that time King Iskander,

tsum xalgi tsə rimit jawiʃ ara awz tʃərmən ɣarq wotsən, whoever he sent — they drowned in the ocean [never to return].

ja jupk ɣa gləts tuwətk. The water was very deep.

jan aja oilaiʃ ki, çɨ tati tsə moʃti, travi nobat ʝat. Then came the turn of the family who had hid their father.

jawiʃ jan rətʂən çɨ tatər çanən. They went and told their father.

çanən: "e tat sak tsrəng gonən? They said, "Oh father, what should we do?

sak jawi niçvak nəkətsrən ja awz ɣa gləts. We won't be able to take out the [gold], the ocean is very deep.

jəm tum xalgiʃ kɨ mərti". All these people have died."

jan jaw tat çand: "saiʃ maʐ çiʂ tsə ðɨrəv, Then their father said, "If you listen to me,

aja ʃla tsəj tsa ʂaxən ara jupk djətk. that is the reflection from the rocky mountain.

aja pədn tsəj jaw təj ska ʂax sar. The saddle is up on top of the mountain.

saiʃ rətʂəv ta ʂax jawi wɨzməv tsanən You go climb up that mountain and bring it down from there,

jan jaw randəv podʃor". and give it to the king."

jaw zmaniʃ bə çɨ tat qsai ʝiʂ ðɨrən. His children followed what their father said.

kamonək də çatən dɨrzən, mɨltiq də çatən dɨrzən They took a crossbow and rifle with them

sanən ta ʂax. and climbed up the mountain of sheer rock.

jan ki ja ʂax ɣa bland twətk jawiʃ ata pədn ʝtak nəkətsrən. As the mountain was very high, they could not reach the saddle.

jan atsəm bənən ta sar utʂ kaʈən. Then they shot upwards from down where they were.

jaw da pədnən dəjt ja pədn wazd aravi prɨt. Their shot hit the saddle, and it fell down in front of them.

jawiʃ jaw dɨrzən, jundən ʃo iskandarər jawi randən, They took it and brought to King Iskander.

jan ja podʃo ɣa ajron wost The king was surprised

jan dzi çanda: "savər ajət tʃiz tsə kumən and said, "How did you

nəsib viti ki, saiʃ diʃti know that

aja pədn rə jupk nastət ta ʂax sar?" the saddle wasn't inside the water, but on top of the mountain of sheer rock?"

jan jawiʃ çanən ki, Then they said,

"prɨt tsə ajawi ki, sak tarək çanən jət sababi, "Before telling you the reason [secret],

tu sakər itʃizi baxʃiʃ tsara?" would you forgive us for something?"

jan jaw ɣa xɨʃ tuwətk ja iskandar. As Iskander was very happy,

jan tsə xɨʃin çand ki: "ən, uz savər baxʃiʃəm tʃiz ki tsə çanəv". from his gladness he said, "Yes, I will forgive you, whatever you say".

jan ja zaiʃ çanən: "ada waxt tut amr tsə rəti ki, The children said, "At that moment when you ordered,

musfidət kɨmpiriʃ aftodsola ki vit ʃajəv javi. that old men and women turning 70 must be killed,

sakən çɨ tati nə ʃiti, sakən çɨ tati moʃti. we did not kill our father, we hid him.

itʃkuj nədiʃt ajət spo siri." Nobody was aware of our secret".

jan ʃo iskandar çand ki: "uzmɨʂ bojad daroi ajət gno ʃitu savi. King Iskander said, "For that sin, I am supposed to kill you all,

amo az sababe, ki saiʃ ʐɨ orzui çəti, but as you made my wish come true,

ajət tʃizəm tsə çati, saiʃ jəti çəti uz savər baxʃiʃ tsarəm". whatever you said, I forgive you".

jan adət waxt ʃo iskandar sək çɨ wada goçt. So at that moment the king Iskander kept his promise.

tsɨç dawlatən kam kto ja zavər rand. From his wealth he gave some to the children.

jan javi tsart ruxsat jawiʃ rətʂən. Then he let them go, and they left.

jan atum dɨstan ajət metaləv çnətk ki: Because of that there is a phrase,

be pir marav, ki dar bimoni, "Don't go without the elders, or you will be behind [fail at what you do].

hartʃand iskandari zamoni! It doesn't matter how much you are the Iskandar of your time!"

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