Thursday, August 31, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 31 2017

[music only]

Hey guys it's Trina and this is my August reading wrap-up. There are time

stamps in the description of this video in case you want to jump straight to one

of those book reviews or if you want to jump over one because you're not that

interested in my thoughts on it. But we're gonna start out with my TBR

check-in. So, I had six books on my TBR for August and I read all six of them.

This is the first month in a long time, if not the first month in this entire

year, where I read all the books on my TBR all within that month. Out of the

nine books total that I read this month, four of those I actually listened to the

audio books of and the other five I read in the print format. Any of the

audiobooks I listened to this month I'll put a little note on the screen to

let you guys know which ones those were, and don't forget that I do an audiobook

review series where I talk about just the narration but I haven't yet reviewed

any of these audiobooks that I listened to this month. That will be in an

upcoming video so stay tuned for that if you are very interested in thoughts on

audiobooks. So into the book reviews for August now. As always, I'm starting at the

lower end of the books that I liked the least

working my way up to my favorite books of the month. First up I'm talking about

Perfect Days by Raphael Montes. I rated this book one-star unfortunately. It is

an adult thriller novel. This is set in Brazil and written by a Brazilian crime

thriller author and it is about a main character who is a stalker. He falls for

this girl and he like wiggles his way into her life in some creepy ways and

then he ends up kidnapping her and taking her on a road trip. A lot of

people compared it to the book You by Caroline Kepnes. That is a very apt

comparison. They do have similarities. My main overall issue with this book was

there was absolutely zero tension or suspense, which is something that I need

a lot more than this book gave me when it comes to the mystery and thriller

genre. It's just so straight forward like a killers manual of what he's gonna do

and then him getting away with it and just, you know, it wasn't interesting

because you knew what was gonna happen. He's telling you what's gonna happen and

then it happens. There's no hurdle no obstacle! What this book really has going

for is its readability. It was gripping. I always wanted to keep reading it because

I just kept holding out hope that the other shoe would drop and something

would drastically change the course that events were taking. It never happened in

a way that fulfilled me unfortunately. And going back to that comparison with

You, if you hated You and the reason you hated that book was because you thought

the main character was just too awful, you will definitely hate this book as

well because this character is just as awful, if not more so. In the end I just

wasn't fan. The next book I read this month was The Lying Game by Ruth

Ware. This is another adult mystery thriller and it is about these four

friends who were best friends in like their high school or boarding school and

they used to play all these pranks. They had this game called The Lying game

where they just tried to lie to people and see who would believe it. One of

these lies and things that they got involved in ended up getting them

expelled from the school and now it's like 15 years after they got kicked out

of school, these girls have not seen each other in the past many years, they've all

moved on with their lives, and then one of them calls the other three and says

she needs them and they all end up back in that town going to like the reunion

dinner of their old boarding school and the reader starts to see how all these

different events from the past and from the present fit together and we're

basically just trying to learn about what that event was that got them kicked

out and what really happened. This book had all of these suspense and all of the

tension that I want. You really don't know where things are going, you suspect

everyone and everything, there are a lot of obstacles and hurdles and stuff.

However, this book only got three stars because I just don't think that this

improved upon Ruth Ware's previous two books. I am a fan of her writing, her

mysteries are lacking and this one was the most lacking of her three books so

far. It just didn't set itself apart from the genre or from this author's previous

books for me so it was a little bit lackluster. I had four four star reads

this month and the first one I'm going to talk about was Map of Fates by

Maggie Hall. This is the second book in The Conspiracy of Us trilogy. This is a YA

contemporary adventure series about a girl who finds out that she's actually

part of this like ancient secret society. I really

definitely thought that this was a big improvement on the first book. For being

such a clue based actiony series, the first book didn't give me enough clues

and action but this book brought it. There was a lot of world travel, a lot of hunting

clues, and the romance kind of picked up for me because I just wasn't feeling it

before but I could start to feel it in this book. And yeah I just thought that

this one was really an improvement over the first book and so that is why I enjoyed

it so much. People call it the National Treasure or The Da Vinci Code of YA.

Those are definitely great comparisons and I would recommend it if you like

either one of those things. Then I read Wild Swans by Jessica Spotswood, which is

a YA contemporary novel about a girl who has this strong family legacy that

she is struggling with living up to because all of the women in her family

have been these greatly talented ladies, like poets or singers or artists and

then they all have met tragic ends with the exception of her and her mother. Her

mother fled her life and abandoned her as a child and then in this book her mom

comes back into town, back into her life, so she is dealing a lot with family

issues as well as the pressure and expectation for her to also come up with

this great talent which so far she doesn't have. I really enjoyed the family

emphasis in this book and how the main character struggles with her mom and the

whole family legacy. I really enjoyed the romance in this book. Jessica Spotswood

writes absolutely fantastic bookish nice guys. This book is very

atmospheric, you're gonna get a strong dose of the setting. If you're looking

for something with a very strong plot I don't think this is it but if you love

very atmospheric reads that are character driven and have an emphasis on

family with lots of diverse side characters I definitely think that this

is one that you would enjoy. Next is Girl Out of Water by Laura Silverman,

which is a 2017 debut novel. This is also a YA contemporary. This one follows

our main character who has grown up in Santa Cruz, California. She's a surfer

girl, she loves her surf town and she never ever wants to leave but then all

of a sudden her aunt gets into a car accident and breaks both of her legs

so the main character and her father have to pack up and move away from all

the things and all of the friends that our main character loves so that she can

help to take care of her three cousins over the summer and this book just

explores the new friendships and relationships that she makes and again

it has a very strong family connection in it and there is a really great love

interest that I really loved. He was just a really great, sweet nice guy and

this one also has a ton of diverse side characters in it. Laura Silverman has

been pretty open on her Twitter account that she has a disability and although

the main character does not, the love interest does have a form of disability

and then of course the aunt does too although they aren't the same thing

about Laura Silverman has, I believe. But there are some really great

conversations in this book about the main character who is able-bodied kind

of adjusting her way of thought about these other characters and their

disabilities and I felt that that was pretty great. I'm sure that that comes

from a place of experience from the author. I really connected to the parts

of this book where Anise is dealing with her friendships, like I felt like this

book was calling me out. I could so completely relate to why Anise was

really reluctant to open up to and connect with her friends because she

just got into her head about it and as someone with anxiety, I don't know if

this main character has anxiety, but it was something that I was like oh I know

those feelings so well. I totally hold myself back all the time and yeah it was

just really relatable to me. I really really enjoyed spending time in this

story and I would recommend it for sure. Next up is The Gentleman's Guide to Vice

and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. This is a YA historical romance adventure novel and

in it we are following our young main character Monty who is bisexual. The

author of this book is also bisexual. And Monty is about to go off on a grand tour

of Europe with his sister Felicity and his best friend Percy who he has a crush

on. There is a very prominent male/male romance and flirtation all throughout

this book that is very evident by the book summary and by chapter 1. Monty as a

character was amazing. He's very smarmy, he's very flirtatious, he's very sassy

and his narrative voice really made the book for me. There is a pretty

action packed and very intriguing, interesting plot in this book that I was interested

in but I found that it kind of dragged at times. It was really the characters

that made this book such an enjoyable experience. The love interest Percy is

also black and he has epilepsy so there are some good conversations again about

these things but because this is a historical setting there's a lot of

racism, and ableism, and homophobia presented in this story because of the

time period but our main characters never embody those ideas, they never

support those ideas, they try to fight back against them. I just really

enjoyed this because it's those characters, like they're an amazing trio.

I really love them. The last three books I read this month were all rated 5

stars. They are all all-time favorites and one of them was a reread. I'll start

with that. It's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling, book 2

in the Harry Potter series. I listened to this on audiobook. I don't really have

any new thoughts to tell you guys so I won't keep you here listening about

Harry Potter, I will say the same thing I did last month about the audiobook: it is

absolutely fantastic to get to relive this world and this story in a new to me

format so I'm really enjoying my audio reread of these. The last two books on

this list were both my absolute favorites of the month. They were both

new reads for me and they both made it into my all-time favorites list as of

now because they both just showed me such strong pieces of myself. And I'm

going to talk about Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli first. This one

is a YA contemporary romance about Molly who is a Jewish, overweight, anxious girl -

she takes medication for her anxiety - and all three of those things are own voices

representation. And she's a girl who's had a lot of crushes. She's had 26

crushes in her life but she's never had a boyfriend, she's never been kissed, and

her twin sister gets into a new relationship with a new girlfriend and

the two of them team up to kind of push Molly out of her comfort zone and say

we're gonna set you up with someone, we want you to get a boyfriend, because

Molly is now like feeling a little bit left out because her sister's in a new

relationship. She feels like everyone's pairing off and she doesn't know why

she's holding herself back from romance. I related to Molly hard, hardcore because I

also am overweight and I also have anxiety. It was such a positive portrayal

of both of these things but very very real because, you know, not everybody has

positive thoughts about those things. And I also hardcore related to the love

interest in this book because he embodied a lot of things that I connect with and so

I just saw myself so much in this book. I really enjoyed it. It was so cute.

I loved all the side characters. Not only does Molly have some own voices

representation, there's a ton of diversity in the side characters. I think

it's an important read and also a very fun read and I loved it. That's all I can

really say. [laughing] And then we are to Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios and this is

a YA contemporary novel that is about an abusive romance between a girl and a

guy. This is a very difficult book to read. There are going to be

extraordinarily huge triggers for an abusive relationship, for rape, for

thoughts of suicide, but this book is so real, it is so powerful, it is so

important and it means so much to me because I've said before, I'm sorry to

repeat myself but because I get a lot of new viewers on wrap-ups, I have been in

an abusive toxic relationship before and this book hit home so hard and I think

part of the reason is because the author says in her author's note that she wrote

this based partially on some of her own real-life experiences. And I loved the

format of this book so much because the main character, she's writing to him in

the past now that she knows all these things were abusive. She'll say, "this is

how many days it took me to fall out of love with you," so there is the use of "you"

quite frequently throughout this book as she is talking to him so we get to see

just such a very genuine journey of her meeting this guy and falling for him -

which that's the thing I think I wish more people would understand, why people

fall for abusers - but at the time that these bad things are happening in this

relationship the narrator is able to stop and take that step back and she's

able to call it out right there on page as it has happened.

So you can see that genuine fall but then also have those things called

out at the exact same time and I loved the format, I loved how that was set up.

It absolutely is not going to cover everybody's experience with an abusive

relationship. This should not be your guidebook to what abuse looks like but I

definitely think that if you've been through an abusive relationship this

book will probably be pretty cathartic, and if you've never been through one I

think this book would also kind of shed some light on what behaviors are abusive.

I really appreciated the jealousy and the manipulation and the assault aspects

in this relationship and just how much of a struggle it was for the main

character to recognize this relationship for what it was. This book nailed it, it

really nailed it and it means a lot to me. It's one of those books that I'm

never gonna forget. I would definitely recommend it if you're interested in

those things but I'm not going to give you guys like a blanket recommendation

because I think it could be very upsetting and harmful to people who are

not yet past some of these things that are in this book. Luckily, I'm in a

place where I can read about this stuff now and I enjoy reading about it, so you

know, I'm not trying to push anyone that you need to read this if you've experienced

abuse and manipulation. You don't. Take care of yourself because this book is

very intense. Just be prepared before you go into it but it was my favorite book I

read this month and it is absolutely one of my favorites of the year. That's

everything that I read in August and I would love to hear if you guys have read

any of these books and you want to talk about them further we can definitely

chat down below and I would love to hear what your favorite book of the month was.

I'm gonna have my TBR video up for you guys soon. Thank you so much for watching,

I hope any of these reviews have been helpful to you, and I will see you in the

comments. Bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> August Reading Wrap Up | 2017 - Duration: 14:59.


Shovel Knight: King of the Cards digs into the 2018's game release schedule - Duration: 1:30.

Shovel Knight: King of the Cards digs into the 2018's game release schedule

The future of games, plus lessons from the past, only at GamesBeat 2017, San Francisco, Oct.

5 + 6. Register now for 40% off! Nintendo revealed during its Nindies stream today that Shovel Knight's last character campaign, King of Cards, is coming out for the Switch in early 2018.

It should release for Shovel Knight's other platforms — PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, 3DS, and Wii U — during that same time. Shovel Knight is a hit retro side-scroller that first came out in 2014.

Since its release, developer Yacht Club Games has released new campaigns with different heroes: Plague of Shadows and Specter of Torment. King of Cards is the last of these post-release adventures.

It has players controlling King Knight, who served as a boss in the other campaigns.

Along with new abilities, King of Cards will also include an actual in-game card game (which, to this Final Fantasy fan, looks a lot like Final Fantasy VIII's Triple Triad). Above: Shovel Knight: King of Cards.

Image Credit: Nintendo King of Cards will be available to anyone who owns the Treasure Trove edition of Shovel Knight. Otherwise, you'll have to purchase it separately. These extra campaigns were originally promised as a stretch goal during Shovel Knight's crowdfunding on Kickstarter.

Although back then Yacht Club games just promised different playable characters, the new stars' unique abilities and added features make each campaign almost feel like a new game.

The last one, Specter of Torment, featured redesigned levels and some updated and even entirely new bosses.

For more infomation >> Shovel Knight: King of the Cards digs into the 2018's game release schedule - Duration: 1:30.


Affaire du "temple sexuel" : R.Kelly reçoit la visite de la police ! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Affaire du "temple sexuel" : R.Kelly reçoit la visite de la police ! - Duration: 2:15.


[ENG SUB] [RECIPE] "What do we eat today?" Hambak set menu 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:23.

First of all, cut the vegetables to put in the salad.

Parboil vegetables in the water after adding little bit of salt

Filter the vegetables from the water.

Stir fry the vegetables after putting hot water and butter in the heated pan.

At this point, you should put salt and sugar and pepper stir-fry it.

Boil the potato and eggs to put in the salad.

Peel off the boiled potato and eggs and then Cut the potato in thick layer and separate egg into white and yolk

Mash potato to put in the salad and put the mashed boiled yolk to put in the sauce

and mix them up

Cook the Hambak steak till it gets golden yellowish on the heated pan.

I will make the sauce to put on the Hambak steak.

Stir fry sliced onion with cooking oil and when the onion gets blurred color, put mushrooms and keep stirring fry.

After putting Hambak steak, keep cooking it.

If you put butter and pepper on the sauce, it is much softer and delicious!

Put the potato salad, warm salad on the plate and put the sauce and Hambak steak as well.

Simple recipe Hambak steak!

These tasty looking salads are matching well with Hambak steak!

Warm salad is better than I expected!

Using the Gourmet Burger Steak, I tried a simple Hambak steak recipe.

This is very soft and it is really delicious :)

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] [RECIPE] "What do we eat today?" Hambak set menu 이제이레시피/EJ recipe - Duration: 4:23.


Sofia The First Moma€™s the Word Megan West - Duration: 16:35.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE video! Thank you very much!

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Moma€™s the Word Megan West - Duration: 16:35.


Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Maître Michel LEDOUX - Duration: 24:17.

For more infomation >> Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Maître Michel LEDOUX - Duration: 24:17.


Mireille Darc : l'in­croyable histoire de sa robe au décol­leté chaus­sure noire - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Mireille Darc : l'in­croyable histoire de sa robe au décol­leté chaus­sure noire - Duration: 3:08.


Kim Karda­shian : sa fille North serait « une meilleure prési­dente » que Donald Trump - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Kim Karda­shian : sa fille North serait « une meilleure prési­dente » que Donald Trump - Duration: 2:12.


【鍼灸国試】第18回臨床医学各論.問題69【解説】 - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 【鍼灸国試】第18回臨床医学各論.問題69【解説】 - Duration: 0:39.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


Pierre-Ambroise Bosse, le médaillé d'or du 800 m, victime d'une terrible agression - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Pierre-Ambroise Bosse, le médaillé d'or du 800 m, victime d'une terrible agression - Duration: 1:50.


Changer le nom d'un utilisateur Jablotron OASIS JA-80 - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Changer le nom d'un utilisateur Jablotron OASIS JA-80 - Duration: 2:50.


Toyota Avensis 2.2 D-4D EXECUTIVE | Navigatie | Trekhaak | Leer | Climate-ctrl - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Toyota Avensis 2.2 D-4D EXECUTIVE | Navigatie | Trekhaak | Leer | Climate-ctrl - Duration: 1:03.


6 problèmes de santé causés par la moisissure - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> 6 problèmes de santé causés par la moisissure - Duration: 3:45.


"On t'aime fort" : Pierre-Ambroise Bosse consolé par les internautes (et Cyril Hanouna) après ... - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> "On t'aime fort" : Pierre-Ambroise Bosse consolé par les internautes (et Cyril Hanouna) après ... - Duration: 2:43.


Vanessa Paradis, le patrimoine de ses enfants bradé par leur père Johnny Depp - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis, le patrimoine de ses enfants bradé par leur père Johnny Depp - Duration: 3:13.


Lion and the Unicorn | Kids Song | Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | Preschool Cartoons | Baby Songs - Duration: 1:45.

The lion and the unicorn

Were fighting for the crown

The lion beat the unicorn

All around the town.

Some gave them white bread,

And some gave them brown;

Some gave them plum cake

and drummed them out of town.

The lion and the unicorn

Were fighting for the crown

The lion beat the unicorn

All around the town.

Some gave them white bread,

And some gave them brown;

Some gave them plum cake

and drummed them out of town.

For more infomation >> Lion and the Unicorn | Kids Song | Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | Preschool Cartoons | Baby Songs - Duration: 1:45.


Harry en colère après la mort de Diana: Des photos sont prises alors qu'elle était mourante - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Harry en colère après la mort de Diana: Des photos sont prises alors qu'elle était mourante - Duration: 2:27.


【海賊王】10大真相 One piece 非惡魔果實能力 懸賞金最高 的10位強者,正式公佈了薩博的懸賞金 中文字幕 cc - 草帽海賊團 channel - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> 【海賊王】10大真相 One piece 非惡魔果實能力 懸賞金最高 的10位強者,正式公佈了薩博的懸賞金 中文字幕 cc - 草帽海賊團 channel - Duration: 11:15.


Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Maître Michel LEDOUX - Duration: 24:17.

For more infomation >> Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Maître Michel LEDOUX - Duration: 24:17.


La Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Mathieu PICARDEAU - Duration: 6:46.

For more infomation >> La Leptospirose - Entrevue avec Mathieu PICARDEAU - Duration: 6:46.



For more infomation >> JAK WYSADZIĆ WIOSKĘ BY SIE NIE SPALIĆ PORADNIk - Duration: 0:24.


La Leptospirose - Entrevue avec le Docteur Jean-Marie ESTAVOYER - Duration: 17:30.

For more infomation >> La Leptospirose - Entrevue avec le Docteur Jean-Marie ESTAVOYER - Duration: 17:30.


Mireille Darc : l'in­croyable histoire de sa robe au décol­leté chaus­sure noire - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Mireille Darc : l'in­croyable histoire de sa robe au décol­leté chaus­sure noire - Duration: 3:08.


The last of us 05 - Duration: 21:16.

Remember, we have to follow the leader of the Fireflies to get our arms.

Small characters blocking.

Ah, this time, I succeed !

Ah, this time, I didn't succeed...

Oh Ellie !!

Good atmosphere between the two characters, it starts well! :)

I searched a bit while walking, just to grab some gear. Sometimes I can not find anything ...

Is she climbing alone?

Apparently yes !

For more infomation >> The last of us 05 - Duration: 21:16.


Kim Karda­shian : sa fille North serait « une meilleure prési­dente » que Donald Trump - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Kim Karda­shian : sa fille North serait « une meilleure prési­dente » que Donald Trump - Duration: 2:12.


CASCATE SERIO video apertura, Sentiero 305 (andata) e sentiero 332 (ritorno) - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> CASCATE SERIO video apertura, Sentiero 305 (andata) e sentiero 332 (ritorno) - Duration: 5:19.


Academy of Art University: Co...

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University: Co...



Gwyneth Paltrow says she 'f***ed up' many past relationships

Gwyneth Paltrow wasnt always great girlfriend material, confessing she has had to work hard to get to a place where shes comfortable in a relationship.

The Iron Man star was married to Coldplay frontman Chris Martin from 2003 until their divorce was finalised last year and she also was engaged to Brad Pitt and dated Ben Affleck.

Now dating producer Brad Falchuk - her boyfriend since 2014 - she reveals romantic relationships have always been an issue for her over the years. Ive f**ked up so many relationships, she tells Sophia Amoruso during an interview on the Girlboss podcast.

Im actually a pretty good friend, and a good sister and daughter and mother, but Im at my potentially most vulnerable and f**ked up in the romantic slice of the pie.

Its taken me a lot of work to get to the place where I have a good romantic relationship. Gwyneth explains having quality relationships is the real measure of success for her.

I think without relationships of quality, you are not a successful person, she continues. So, if you dont have a good relationship with your partner, your children, your best friends, then its really hard to claim success.

She also reveals she has learned a lot about herself after dealing with recent criticisms of her Goop newsletter and lifestyle brand and the scrutiny she has faced as a celebrity.

In my case, all of the lessons, as painful as some of them have been, have been about my lack of willingness to step into who I am, she adds. Going into a hole is exactly the opposite of the lesson.

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