Thursday, January 31, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2019

Hello hello subscribers!

Abby here, back in action from sandy Mexico to the arctic chill that Boston has now become.

Tough to see it, but the news awaits - and I am happy to be here, even happier you're

joining me.

It is the final day of January twenty nineteen.

Let's wrap it up together.

Remember, if you want access to the stories we cover and the resources we discover, sign

yourself up at

You'll get all the goods delivered right to your inbox on the reg.

In resources Let's face it.

Your website is the face of your business, often the first point of reference your users

come in contact with.

So Avocode sat down with Stefan Judis to hear a developer's perspective on why web performance

is so crucial to the bizz, and how to leverage your site's power.

Mailshake has four simple steps to bring your sales process from good to glorious.

The big thing is to step into your customer's shoes and think first about what you want

them to experience, not what you need to do to make the sale.

In headlines Shopify looks to inspire the next wave of

entrepreneurs with Shopify Studio.

They've partnered with some big wigs in production - think creators of Mr. Robot,

Spotlight, and Queer Eye - to make documentaries all about the creative folks that keep that

innovation coming.

In their 2018 transparency report, Microsoft's GitHub reveals the number of gag orders they've

received outpaces the number of information requests, preventing them from following through

on their disclosure policy to affected users.

Stripe, a power behind mega-companies like Facebook and Uber, has received an additional

$100 million in investments, and we sniff potential IPO.

And in extra time, we are covering the product launches that make your business better.

Today we're about Indigo Notes - which helps you leverage that notes app.

If you're a mobile worker like myself, you're always on the move, yet you know jotting notes

is nonetheless a must.

And synchronization with Indigo is a cinch.

Indigo Cloud was designed to work natively on all Apple products, including your Apple

watch, so you won't have to sacrifice performance for mobility.

And there you have it, your Thursday Subscription60.

If you like what we have going on here and you're not on the list, go to

to get episodes delivered straight to you each morning.

Alright crew, thanks for warmly welcoming me back to the hostess seat.

From ProfitWell Recur, I'm Abby, and I will see you in February.

For more infomation >> Avocode Knows Web Performance, Mailshake(s) It Up, and Shopify Goes Creative | Subscription60 - Duration: 2:21.


1/28/19 5:36 PM (812 Eastgate S Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45245, USA) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 1/28/19 5:36 PM (812 Eastgate S Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45245, USA) - Duration: 5:01.


Zela, Ruspina, & Thapsus (47 to 46 B.C.E.) - Duration: 26:56.

It was late in the year 47 B.C.E., and Julius Caesar had just barely survived the Siege

of Alexandria by installing a Roman ally on the Egyptian throne.

He had prevailed against Pompey in the Roman Civil War a year earlier, but as reality set

in it was becoming clear that his victory was shallower than originally thought.

While Caesar was busy in Egypt, the Old Order in their various forms began to creep back

in and fray at his conquests.

This fraying allowed three major crises to emerge.

First, an allied foreign king turned against Rome in hopes of recapturing his father's

lost territory.

Second, politicians back in Rome were up to their old tricks, using street violence to

push for radical political reform.

Third, a recalcitrant Pompeian Faction under the leadership of Cato had begun the process

of rebuilding down in North Africa.

It was looking like Caesar would have to win the Civil War for a second time.

But first things first.

A foreign king had invaded a Roman province!

If Caesar simply ignored this threat, drumming up political support for anything else would

become extremely difficult.

So, off to Asia Minor!

The king in question was a guy named Pharnaces of Bosporus, one of the sons of Mithridates

the Great.

Ever the opportunist, Pharnaces went rogue during the Civil War and captured a huge chunk

of Roman territory.

Departing Egypt, Caesar set a breakneck pace up the Mediterranean coast, foregoing supplies

for the sake of speed.

Pharnaces knew that Caesar was dealing with a bunch of crises at once, and so offered

Caesar a few minor concessions if he would just agree to leave him alone.

Not only did Caesar reject this offer, but he rejected any further offers to negotiate.

If you remember, he had just given away an entire Roman province in a negotiated settlement

with the Queen of Egypt, so it would be a pretty bad look if he turned around and did

the exact same thing with a foreign invader.

There would be no negotiated peace.

Caesar advanced further and further into Asia Minor.

Eventually, Caesar and Pharnaces encountered each other near the town of Zela.

The two armies deployed across a steep valley, each on their own separate hill.

This would be the beginning of a weeks or even months long process where each side would

engage in subtle maneuvers in hopes of gaining a slight tactical advantage.

Caesar was uniquely good at this aspect of warfare, and it's fair to assume that he was

walking in there with a fairly detailed game plan.

But Pharnaces had something else in mind.

His first move was to have his army advance straight down the hill and into the valley.

We are told that when Caesar saw this, he burst out laughing.

He turned to his advisers and told them that this was an extremely obvious fake out, and

that Pharnaces must think that they were a bunch of idiots if he thought that some weird

aggressive posturing would scare them off their hill.

But when Pharnaces's army reached the foot of the Roman hill, they didn't turn back.

One imagines the smile fading from Caesar's face.

All of his preparation was for naught.

The entire campaign would come down to this moment.

The Romans sounded the alarm.

The majority of Caesar's army were off in the distance building the camp, but there

were just enough legionaries milling about to throw together a crude, disorganized line.

When Pharnaces's army charged, this line was there to meet them.

The Roman line buckled.

For a moment there was panic behind Roman lines as it looked as if they were going to

be completely overrun.

Fortunately for the Romans, the moment passed as legionaries from the camp were able to

reinforce the line and stop the bleeding.

But now what?

The Romans were fighting for their lives and operating entirely without a plan.

Pharnaces had a whole bunch of chariots at his disposal, which apparently had been kitted

out to be used as heavy cavalry.

These chariots now began to crash into weak sections of the Roman line.

The Romans had not considered how to counter attacks like this, and so they had no choice

but to ignore the chariots for the time being.

The only thing that the Romans really had going for them was the fact that they were

fighting downhill.

They basically leaned into this advantage and began to use brute force to push forward

as best they could.

As the day wore on, the Romans were able to push Pharnaces's army all the way down the


Suddenly, there was an unexpected breakthrough on the Roman right.

The Roman infantry immediately rushed in to fill that gap.

It wasn't very long before Pharnaces's centre collapsed as well, which sent the entire army

was in full flight.

Pharnaces would be dead within a matter of days.

His successors offered Caesar their unconditional surrender.

Everybody - including Caesar - had assumed that the reconquest of Asia Minor would be

a year or years long grind.

In the end the entire campaign was over in something like 5 days.


But as we've just seen, this victory had very had little to do with Caesar and everything

to do with Pharnaces's recklessness.

That being said, Caesar was never one to squander a propaganda opportunity, and so in his next

report to the Senate, he wrote an open letter which simply contained the following words:

"Vini, Vidi, Vici."

This is usually translated as "I came, I saw, I conquered."

He also had pamphlets distributed in Rome that pointed out how Pompey's eastern campaigns

had taken years, while his had taken days.


Caesar had dealt with the first major crisis, but his work wasn't done.

Roman politics were still spinning out of control, and the Pompeians in North Africa

were still gearing up for a brand new Civil War.

It would be impossible for any long term planning to take place until these issues were dealt


Caesar set sail for Italy.

He had been away for nearly 3 years.

Along the way, he decided that his next priority would be Pompeians in North Africa.

The Roman Civil War had already ended once with Pompey's murder.

That probably should have been the end of hostilities, but for whatever reason, maybe

Caesar's inattentiveness, maybe the quality of the Pompeian leadership, the Old Order

was able to reestablish itself in North Africa and set the stage for a second Civil War.

Caesar started to make preparations for a crossing to North Africa.

During this time, Caesar kept himself busy by issuing instructions to his allies back

in Rome.

I'm not going to get into Roman politics right now because if I do we'll all turn into Zardoz

skeletons, but we'll circle back to this when the time is right.

One thing that I do need to mention here is that Caesar had a legion mutiny on him.

The reason for this was that Caesar had made significant promises his oldest legions if

they would agree to delay their retirement until after the Civil War.

That had been several years ago.

Now, after winning the Civil War, Caesar had delivered on exactly zero of his promises,

and was now gearing up for yet another campaign.

They were right to be upset.

Caesar went out to meet with the mutineers, and after an emotional back and forth he told

them that for the loyalty over the years, they were free to retire whenever they wished.

This unconditional offer came as a shock to the mutineers.

Caesar followed this up by humbly asking if they would consider on one last campaign with


After that, they could retire in peace, and he would devote the next years of his life

to fulfilling every one of his promises.

Upon receiving this specific commitment, the mutineers agreed to go on one last campaign.

Time was of the essence.

The mutiny had shown Caesar that his most experienced legions would not tolerate any

more dilly-dallying.

A plan was hatched to set sail with whatever legions were ready to go.

The rest would just have to catch up whenever they could.

It was customary for the Romans to kick off a voyage like this with an animal sacrifice.

On this occasion, the bull selected for the sacrifice had an IQ of like a million, and

so when it caught sight of the knife it got all turnt up and was able to break free of

its restraints.

When the Romans tried to calm the bull down it zigged and then zagged and then booked

it off into the distance, becoming the freest bull who ever lived.

This wasn't a great omen, but whatever.

The fleet set sail on schedule.

But here's the thing: the Romans were notoriously bad sailors, and during the crossing ill winds

blew the entire fleet wildly off course.

After several stressful days at sea, only a small fraction of Caesar's original fleet


When the group caught sight of land, they decided to make camp on the beach so that

the rest of the fleet could track them down.

But when Caesar came ashore, his foot got caught on the lip of the boat and he fell

face first onto the beach.

Thinking quickly, he bounced to his feet with his hands full of pebbles and shouted for

the benefit of his soldiers: "Africa, I have hold of you now!"

After Pompey's death, the senator Cato seized control of the Pompeian Faction and pledged

to raise new armies and restart the Civil War in North Africa as soon as possible.

Cato was not a military guy, and so he handed command of the Pompeian army over to a guy

named Scipio, who, yes, was a descendant of that other Scipio from the Second Punic War.

In fact, there was a rumour going around saying that according to prophecy, it was impossible

to defeat a Scipio in North Africa.

No such prophecy existed, but the rumour persisted anyway.

Caesar was aware that this could be a damaging piece of propaganda, and so he plucked one

of Scipio's distant cousins out of obscurity and threw him into the military equivalent

of middle management.

The last major Pompeian that we should be aware of is Caesar's old right hand man Labienus,

who was serving as one of Scipio's officers.

What's weird about this is that Labienus was undeniably the better general, but Cato preferred

Scipio due to his conservative politics and his prestigious family name.

Cato was also able to solicit the support of a Roman ally, King Juba of Numidia, who

brought his world-class Numidian cavalry to the Pompeian cause.

Back on the beach, most of the scattered Caesarian fleet had been able to track Caesar down.

But there was already a problem.

In their haste to cross the Mediterranean, the Caesarians brought virtually no food with


This SEEMS like bad planning, and it was, but the legions had kinda forced Caesar to

set sail before the invasion was 100% ready.

Food and reinforcements were coming, they just weren't here yet.

In the mean time they would just have to live off the land.

When King Juba of the Numidians became aware of this weakness, he immediately launched

a series of raids along the coast.

This activity made foraging virtually impossible.

One of these raids has a real "truth is stranger than fiction" quality to it, so if you'll

indulge me for a moment I'll include it here.

Caesar's army included a bunch of Gallic cavalry, and these dudes were sitting around a fire

one night, talking, maybe drinking, whatever, when out of the darkness a North African local

approached the fire and began playing the flute and doing a little dance.

The Gallic cavalry dudes were super impressed by this, and a small crowd gathered to watch

the performance.

The purpose of the music and of the crowd was to drown out the sound of hooves.

King Juba's Numidian cavalry charged out of the darkness right into the crowd.

Before the Roman camp could respond, the Numidians slipped away.

Raids like this were a daily threat, which was super frustrating.

Caesar decided to change things up by taking half of his army and marching inland to capture

a few North African desert towns.

Remember, he didn't necessarily need to defeat the Pompeians immediately, he just needed

to keep his army fed until reinforcements arrived.

Capturing a town or two would accomplish that.

A few kilometers into the desert, the Caesarians noticed a dust cloud coming up behind them.

It was the entire Numidian army, under the command of Caesar's old right hand man Labienus.

The Caesarians turned and prepared for the fight of their lives.

Marching inland had been a huge mistake.

Labienus had a tonne of cavalry with him, and he used this to his advantage by having

them ride out and occupy all of the hills surrounding Caesar's position.

He knew that Caesar was uniquely good at playing up small tactical advantages, and with this

one move he took that option off the table.

Given the size and makeup of Labienus's army, Caesar's was primarily concerned with being

flanked, and so he deployed his infantry in a long, thin line.

Labienus and the Numidians advanced, and as they did so their cavalry fanned out wider

and wider and wider.

Only now did it become clear that Labienus had been hiding his numbers by packing his

cavalry tightly together.

Caesar was much more badly outnumbered than he originally thought.

Then, Labienus attacked everywhere at once.

Infantry in the centre, cavalry on the wings.

Caesar's line was already as wide and as thin as possible, so they were unable to stop the

Numidian cavalry on the wings.

Before too long, the Caesarians were completely encircled.

Caesar turned every other cohort around so that they could face attacks from two directions

at once.

But this didn't do much good.

Labienus's cavalry refused to let themselves get pinned down.

They attacked, wheeled, attacked again, threw javelins, shot arrows, and basically behaved

as unpredictably as possible.

The Caesarians had no answer to tactics like this, and as the day wore on his army began

to waver.

During a break in the fighting, Labienus took off his helmet and rode up and down the front


He began to taunt the Caesarian soldiers, shouting things like: "How is it going, recruit?

Don't you boys look dashing.

Caesar sure has lead you all into a dangerous situation.

Wish I could help!"

Mind you, Labienus would have known many of these soldiers by name, making these taunts

all the more biting.

Labienus knew the truth.

He was winning the battle.

Caesar was losing.

It was only a matter of time.

Caesar came up with a radical plan.

On his signal, he had his legions throw their javelins and charge in both directions at


Labienus's encircling cavalry didn't want to be pinned down, so they wheeled and pulled


This created an opening.

Caesar ordered an immediate withdrawal.

But it wasn't that simple.

The Caesarians moved as quickly as possible, but it wasn't long before Labienus's Numidian

cavalry caught up with them.

Caesar's exhausted legions turned and prepared to fight their second battle of the day.

As Labienus and the Numidians closed in, the Caesarians went on the offensive.

The infantry charged, and refused to let the Numidians take the initiative.

Labienus's Numidian cavalry continued to hit the Caesarians with javelins and arrows, but

were forced to pull further and further back as the Caesarians continued to advance.

During this onslaught, Labienus was probably thrown from his horse and injured.

The Caesarians abruptly turned and began their second withdrawal of the day.

Labienus was probably no longer in command, and whoever succeeded him chose to let the

Caesarians go.

Some historians criticize this decision, but bear in mind that the other half of Caesar's

army was only a few kilometers away.

If the Numidians chased Caesar all the way back to the coast, they would almost certainly

run into them.

Much better to just take the win and let them go.

Labienus had just defeated his old friend in open battle.

The myth surrounding Caesar's skill as a general had been forever tarnished.

Labienus must have been pretty happy with himself.

The Caesarians returned to the coast exhausted, demoralized, hungry, and unsure as to what

to do next.

So long as Labienus continued to patrol the desert, any further inland incursions would

be impossible.

Months passed.

The Caesarians spent this time huddled in a defensive crouch on the coast.

The only thing that kept them from starving was the fact that they found a hidden food

stockpile belonging to a nearby town.

Otherwise, the military dynamic remained unchanged.

No word on the reinforcements from Italy.

Over this period, a daily ritual developed where Scipio would deploy for battle just

outside the Caesarian camp, and Caesar would decline the offer.

Caesar feared that an attack may happen at any time, and in desperation brought all of

his sailors down off the ships and pressed them into the infantry.

You might be asking yourself why Scipio didn't attack at this time.

There's a good reason.

Scipio's basic military strategy said that a stalemate in North Africa was basically

as good as a victory.

The Pompeians correctly assessed that Caesar's political support was shallow, and believed

that a prolonged North African campaign would shatter Caesar's reputation and allow Pompeian

politicians to reassert themselves back in Rome.

Say what you will about Scipio, but his strategy was coherent.

At long last, those reinforcements from Italy showed up.

Two additional legions, bringing Caesar's total up to rough parity with Scipio at 8

legions apiece.

Caesar was still technically outnumbered if you counted King Juba's 4 additional legions,

but at least now Caesar could now get out of his defensive crouch.

Caesar surprised Scipio by marching off and seizing a set of nearby hills.

Labienus kept up the pressure by launching a series of hit and run cavalry raids.

The pressure worked, because after a day or so Caesar abandoned the hills and advanced

on a nearby town in hopes of restocking on food.

Scipio wisely put his army in between the Caesarians and the town, and Caesar was forced

to pull back.

The Caesarians were running out of options, and the Pompeians were slowly tightening their


But Caesar was in for some luck.

Two more legions arrived in North Africa, bringing his total up to 10.

Now, Caesar began to behave much more aggressively.

Both armies deployed on favourable ground, but neither side wanted to be the one to initiate


The Caesarians turned and marched away.

The Pompeian army followed.

Finally, Caesar and his legions approached the coastal city of Thapsus and began building

siege equipment.

It's unclear how serious Caesar was about actually storming the city, but he knew that

the threat of doing so might push Scipio into attacking.

The Pompeians closed in.

Scipio encamped on the west.

King Juba encamped on the south.

Caesar would have to attack one of these positions if he wanted to withdraw again.

The two armies deployed opposite each other.

Each side occupied favourable ground, and just like before, each wanted the other to

attack first.

Scipio and King Juba and Labienus deployed with infantry in the centre and cavalry on

the wings.

King Juba controlled 60 war elephants, and Scipio placed these in front of the line near

the wings.

These elephants would pose a unique challenge for the Caesarians.

The Pompeians had a significant cavalry advantage, which made it was pretty obvious where most

of the action would be.

Caesar moved his strongest and most experienced legions to the wings.

In fact, there was a lot of internal debate over who would get the honour of facing off

against the elephants.

In the end Caesar tapped the veteran Fifth Legion, who had served under him in Gaul,

and put them on elephant duty on each wing.

For most of the day, the two armies just stared at each other.

Whoever attacked first would be at a slight disadvantage, and nobody wanted to take that


There are several different version of what happened next.

It all had to do with Caesar's veterans.

Remember, Caesar had promised that this would be their last campaign.

For months they had suffered humiliation after humiliation at the hands of Labienus and others,

and now, retirement was one decisive battle away.

They were grumpy and impatient.

The veterans on Caesar's right attacked without orders.

Later they would claim that they detected a weakness in Scipio's line, but I don't buy


It's worth mentioning here that one account claims that Caesar suffered from a seizure

earlier in the day and spent several hours recovering in his tent.

If this happened it would explain some of the miscommunication going on here.

Caesar suffered from seizures for his entire life, but this is the only instance where

his condition may have directly impaired his ability to command.

When Caesar discovered that his right had moved to attack he ordered the veterans to

get back in line, but these orders were ignored.

The right made contact with the enemy, and more and more neighbouring units moved in

to help.

It quickly became clear to that the battle could not be stopped.

Caesar ordered an all-out attack and rode forward to personally take command of the

endangered right.

Scipio's elephants charged.

Caesar's legions had trained for this, and opened up holes in their line so that the

elephants could pass through unharmed.

The Fifth Legion was waiting, spears in hand, just behind the Caesarian line.

Their only job today would be to face this elephant charge head-on.

The battle dragged on for hours.

The veterans on Caesar's left and right repulsed Labienus's cavalry again and again and again.

The Fifth Legion held their own against the elephants, but one source describes a horrific

scene with elephants throwing soldiers with their trunks and stomping on anybody who fell

to the ground.

Nightmare stuff.

Hours passed, and the sun began to set.

Bloodied and bruised, the Fifth Legion threw one last volley of javelins, which at last

caused the war elephants to panic and flee.

What followed was absolute chaos.

The elephants crashed straight into the Pompeian line, causing it to crumble.

Those who held their ground quickly fell under a renewed push from Caesar's legions.

The Caesarians then descended into what can only be described as a killing frenzy, where

many thousands of disarmed Pompeian prisoners were murdered on the spot.

Caesar frantically issued orders telling the legions to leave the prisoners alone, but

these were just outright ignored.

Caesar completely lost control of his army.

By the time the madness passed, virtually no prisoners were left alive.

In the days that followed, Scipio and King Juba of the Numidians would take their own


Labienus, ever resourceful, was able to escape with some survivors and set sail for Spain,

where he vowed to continue the fight.

But of course, Labienus and Scipio were not the leaders of the Pompeian Faction.

That man was Cato, who was headquartered in the nearby town of Utica.

When Cato learned of the resounding Pompeian defeat at Thapsus, he took his own life.

The details surrounding Cato's death have been highly romanticized, which I don't want

to play into here.

However, this incident would become famous within Caesar's lifetime, so I should mention

it in passing.

Cato stabbed himself in the stomach, inexplicably survived, and then later ripped open his stitches

and disemboweled himself with his own bare hands.

It was a gruesome death.

With the passing of Cato, the Roman Civil War ended for a second time.

Although Labienus and others Pompeians survived, it's safe to say that for the first time,

Caesar was in full control of Roman territory.

He was finally free to return to the city of Rome and begin the hard work of forging

a lasting piece.

If such a thing was even possible.

For more infomation >> Zela, Ruspina, & Thapsus (47 to 46 B.C.E.) - Duration: 26:56.


Jerry Pritchett @ 2016 Arnold Strongman Classic - Duration: 2:28.

Jerry Pritchett @ 2016 Arnold Strongman


For more infomation >> Jerry Pritchett @ 2016 Arnold Strongman Classic - Duration: 2:28.


Gilets jaunes: préparent à l'acte XII - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Gilets jaunes: préparent à l'acte XII - Duration: 5:32.


"My Fuzzly Valentine" 💖 Music Video w/ Abby Hatcher, PAW Patrol & More! | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:55.

Happy Hearts and Hugs Day, everyone!

- Whoa! - Whoa!

♪ Every time we get together For a little fun ♪


Poor little scaly, whaley thing.

♪ I feel so happy Even after all the playing is done ♪

You're a kissing bear!

♪We laugh, and run, and dance And ride a bike and climb a tree ♪

♪ But just that warm and fuzzly feeling Is enough for me ♪

Thanks for always looking after me, Sunny.

♪ I'll always be here for you ♪

Cool beans! Thanks, you guys!

- Best friend! - Best friend.

♪ I'm gonna sing loud and clear For me and for you ♪

♪ You're such a friend of mine I'm happy all the time ♪

♪ And every day is sunny Because we make each other shine ♪

♪ I don't care what we do As long as it's with you ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my silly, sunny Friendly, fuzzly valentine ♪

♪ We may be different But you'll always be perfect in my eyes ♪

Chickaletta, you silly chicken!

You're my best friend.

♪ Remember friendship comes in Every color, shape and size ♪

You guys are the best.

♪ You might be furry, fuzzly Slow or speedy, big or small ♪

♪ It doesn't matter I will always catch you when you fall ♪

Oh, Teeny Terry.

♪ I'll always be here for you ♪

Bubble Guppies!

I missed you, boy.

♪ I'm gonna sing loud and clear For me and for you ♪

♪ You're such a friend of mine I'm happy all the time ♪

♪ And every day is sunny Because we make each other shine ♪

♪ I don't care what we do As long as it's with you ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my silly, sunny Friendly, fuzzly valentine ♪

♪ You're such a friend of mine I'm happy all the time ♪

♪ And every day is sunny Because we make each other shine ♪

♪ I don't care what we do As long as it's with you ♪

♪ 'Cause you're my silly, sunny Friendly, fuzzly valentine ♪

♪ My silly valentine ♪

♪ My sunny valentine ♪

Best day ever!

♪ My awesome valentine ♪

♪ My fuzzly valentine ♪

So beautiful.


You can find more of your favorite shows weekday mornings on Nickelodeon,

and everywhere you find Nick Jr.

For more infomation >> "My Fuzzly Valentine" 💖 Music Video w/ Abby Hatcher, PAW Patrol & More! | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:55.


1/29/19 6:18 PM - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 6:18 PM - Duration: 8:43.


1/29/19 6:12 PM - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 6:12 PM - Duration: 5:59.


Brigitte Macron, son ras le bol face aux critiques sur sa « gueule » - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> Brigitte Macron, son ras le bol face aux critiques sur sa « gueule » - Duration: 8:03.


1/29/19 6:33 PM - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 6:33 PM - Duration: 5:16.


1/29/19 6:02 PM - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 6:02 PM - Duration: 5:01.


Firefly in 2019 (Stronghold Next & New Project!) - Duration: 3:43.

Hey everyone, Nick here from Firefly Studios. Today, in addition to wishing you a very

happy 2019, I'm also going to be giving you a rundown of our productions

scheduled for this year, related Stronghold and our other projects at the

studio. We'd like to start off by thanking you for sticking with us over

the course of the last year, staying tuned for our weekly videos, and leaving

all those lovely supportive comments.

We're sorry we haven't been able to reveal Stronghold Next just yet, but we

hope that the dev updates have been able to tide you over for the time being. Now, on

the topic of Stronghold Next, we're actually celebrating 1 million views for

Stronghold Next videos here on YouTube with a giveaway, so if you'd like to win

yourself a copy of the Stronghold collection, which actually includes new

Steam additions for Stronghold 2 and Legends, check the link in the

description below. Going forward ,our main focus on this channel will be on two

different projects: one being Stronghold Next and the other a new unannounced title

from Firefly Studios. So expect to see lots of changes here on YouTube and our

social media pages as we dive into the strategy games we'll be working on in 2019.

Now, with that out of the way, I'll stop being so vague and we can start off

by talking about Stronghold Next.

Over the past year we've released as much

Stronghold Next info as possible, ranging from community Q&As to team interviews

and whatever a fireside chat is. While we've held back on the gameplay revealed

due to a few behind-the-scenes changes, including some improvements to the wall

system, specifically to how they look feel and how strong they are, we're now

in the homestretch and we're looking towards a spring reveal, but we can give

you a look forward to our plans for 2019 both before and after the gameplay reveal.

The first show this year we'll be taking Stronghold to is in fact E3 with our

intention to reveal the game in the run-up to the show.

E3's worked great for us in the past with the Crusader 2 reveal and we're

confident we're gonna have the game ready to show off in June. Now, after the

reveal we're planning a few things. First off is a feature-length

Making Of documentary, directed by our very own Aaron Hayden. We're also gonna

be doing a behind-the-scenes look at the sound design of the game and of course

lots and lots of raw gameplay. You can expect an official Discord Server to the

launch of the game in the next few months, where you can win cool t-shirts

and competitions that we'll be running, but there's actually a community

Stronghold server live right now, so if you're interested in talking strategy

with fellow lords and ladies, please check the link in the description below.

Now, earlier this video I mentioned we're going to be focusing on two projects in 2019.

One of those is completely new and not

Stronghold Next related in any way. I know, hold back the tears. We'll be

announcing the game next week, so I'm going to be more than a little ambiguous

here, but I can tell you that it's another historical strategy game

developed by a different internal team at Firefly. Firefly is currently working as

two separate creative teams: one meticulously crafting Stronghold Next

while the other is knee-deep on this exciting new project. Following this

teaser trailer, we'll also releasing an interview with Simon Eric which will go

into their hopes for the game as well as providing some insight into the gameplay

you can expect from this new title. So if this new project sounds interesting to

you, make sure you tune in next week for our full announcement.

While we are focusing on these two new projects in 2019, we'll of course be dedicating

resources to Stronghold Kingdoms and making sure we update that game

regularly. Now, at a basic level these updates will of course come in the form

of new worlds to conquer, new world types and even a few new maps

to battle across. We'll also be running plenty of in-game tournaments, sales and

other events throughout the year, so make sure you check out that Stronghold Kingdoms

newsfeed for regular updates. We'll also be releasing regular updates for the PC, Mac

and mobile versions of the game, so if you're a Kingdoms player, rest assured

there's plenty more on the way in 2019. So there you have it, a new game

announcement coming next week, Stronghold Next reveal in the spring and plenty of

Kingdoms updates in the meantime to keep you busy. If you want to be the first to

see our new game announcement, Stronghold Next reveal and more over the next 12

months, make sure you smash that notification bell. And as always, if you

like the video, make sure you give us a like and subscribe here on Firefly Studios

YouTube for more Stronghold goodness every week.

For more infomation >> Firefly in 2019 (Stronghold Next & New Project!) - Duration: 3:43.


Czego możemy nauczyć się od zwierząt? - Recenzja książki "Duchowe życie zwierząt" - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> Czego możemy nauczyć się od zwierząt? - Recenzja książki "Duchowe życie zwierząt" - Duration: 12:00.


Audi E-Tron Radar & Camera for Drivers Assistance Features at Audi Milwaukee Part 2 - Duration: 4:07.

okay taking a look at the driver assistance features we start at the top

we have a forward facing when we come down to the front bottom and we do have

radar that I have to switch now and that is the radar unit I'm gonna throw this

out there and guess that they're probably using the Bostick sensor same

as Tesla now they left it a little more open

kind of like the original model classic front-end Model S but they have a nice

domed housing on it now Tesla decided to go in place it behind the front bumper

instead and we're gonna switch on night shot here there we go

Oh check that out night shot goes right

there cover

that is huge and that also looks like see that they have yeah

Tesla needs to do this they have a keep the front of defroster strip on the

radar to keep the slush and snow off the Tesla I know your radars heat up but not

like this the radar is behind their reflection but

now we're also going to look at the cameras now this car does not have auto

pilot it is much more restrictive they have 360 bird's-eye view but it only

does Lane Assist Lane Keeping Assist it will not I don't know a better way of

putting it but it will not do auto pilot it will not keep driving for you it does

have like traffic where cruise control which is about what you would expect but

it will not keep going for you like you're not supposed to but in a Tesla

you take your hands off the wheel it will keep going of course until it nags

you enough where it says you're not paying attention and then it pulls you

over brings it to a stop this will help you stay in your lane but it will not go

to that extent they're much more restrictive

traffic aware cruise control would work about and what you would expect with

traffic aware cruise control you know slow you down if the vehicle in front of

you slows down collision avoidance about standard seem with pretty much any of

these other vehicles it does not use the side cameras for its Lane Keeping Assist

there's a camera here that camera there now those cameras and then you got the

trunk camera right there backup camera that's all for the bird's eye view and

VR view which you would see on my interview with Jacob

For more infomation >> Audi E-Tron Radar & Camera for Drivers Assistance Features at Audi Milwaukee Part 2 - Duration: 4:07.


1/29/19 5:57 PM - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 5:57 PM - Duration: 5:01.


1/29/19 6:26 PM - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 6:26 PM - Duration: 4:22.


My Story of How I Got 55 Million Views on YouTube (NEW BOOK) - Duration: 7:56.

now I'll never forget the first time that I publicly release a YouTube video

to run my coaching business it literally felt like there was a jackhammer just

inside my ribcage thinking of everyone watching these videos to say I was

nervous is an understatement but I was desperate for something to change in my

life see eight years ago I started an online

business helping people get out there be confident and find love and nothing

seemed to be working to get new clients and what's worse is sometimes I would

actually get very busy and then other times I would have absolutely no clients

I was really struggling with consistency and overall I just didn't feel like I

was building a brand yes I was getting clients I was getting customers but I

didn't really have a brand that people could really connect with now if you're

an entrepreneur or someone who's marketing a business you know exactly

what I'm talking about now I knew that YouTube was where my customers were so I

wanted to really test it out by shooting your video about how to do a clothing

makeover so I spent four hours scripting it two hours shooting it three hours

editing and finally two hours uploading it because this is back in the day when

the internet was so slow I put all this energy into creating this video and then

it came time to go from private to public my heart was racing on my chest I

was just thinking to myself am I really going to do this what was going to

happen are people going to make fun of me was it gonna go viral all these

things are just going through my mind because I had poured my heart and soul

into creating this video so I said screw it and I went public hey guys I'm the

dolt right here and this is what I used to wear and then I waited for the views

to just pile on and I would keep refreshing I would maybe see one view a

day coming in probably one from mom one from dad three from a couple friends of

mine who were probably making fun of me behind my back it was a complete

disaster now I learned at this moment the most important video marketing

lesson I would ever learn and that is without the right strategy your video

marketing efforts will fail so I started testing everything I possibly could from

different types of headlines to different thumbnails the different types

of emotional intent out writing videos serious videos weird

videos complex videos to see what would work and it took me a year to really

test exactly what was working and then finally I got the equation right and my

channel and my business went absolutely viral 55 million views later with over

400,000 subscribers as of today over the past few years producers from major

television networks are contacting me to be a host for a TV show recently landing

a gig as being a host on a major TLC television show absolutely catapulting

my business - an international brand and most importantly I get to wake up every

single morning with hundreds of comments from just everyday people watching these

videos organically and getting so much out of them and all this is possible

because I went from having no strategy to really implementing the three

strategies that I talk about in my brand new book viewership and the best part of

all this is that your brand or your business could be getting millions of

views on YouTube if you follow the three steps that I discussed in this book my

name is Adam little J I'm the founder of viewership comm where my agency helps

companies grow their viewership on social media I help companies and brands

just like you generate millions of views all across the world and really generate

real business using the exact same strategy that I use to build my brand

and all this is outlined in my brand new book right here now whether your

personal brand author coach or you have just some type of online business it

could be ecommerce or service you know that your brand needs to build a

viewership to be successful so what exactly is a viewership viewership a

loyal audience of customers and prospects who consistently watch your

brand's video content now have you ever tried to create marketing videos but

really just struggle to get them seen or you're just not quite hitting the right

message look I've been there and I've gone through the pain of releasing

videos they get absolutely no views and aren't generating any business so I put

all the knowledge that I've learned over the past eight years of releasing video

on YouTube and building an online business I put it all in this book right

here in this book I'm gonna be teaching you how to attract new customers and

prospects who are actively searching for your products and services online you'll

also learn how to build a deeper relationship we

your existing prospects and customers to generate more frequent high ticket sales

and most importantly I'm gonna teach you how to make your brand famous all around

the world gaining exposes to millions of prospective customers and if you're like

most entrepreneurs I work with you know that video is absolutely critical to

marketing your business and without a viewership your competition will eat you

alive there's one thing I can guarantee right now and that is that your

competition right now they are putting together a video marketing strategy and

if you don't have one you will be left behind I'm sorry to say it so go ahead

grab the book right now you can grab it on Amazon click the link on this page or

anywhere on this page and you're gonna learn the step-by-step strategy on how

to prove high quality content that people actually want to see and how to

get it to rank all across YouTube this has been my life's work and I'm so

excited to be able to share this with you and also for a limited period of

time I'm making my signature course available to you if you buy the book

today my course viewership Academy walks you through video step by step by step

of exactly how to implement the concepts that are in this book it's all you got

to do is go ahead and buy the book on Amazon right now and then you'll see a

form at the bottom of this page where you enter your email and just the

receipt number that you get set to whenever you buy something on Amazon

submit those things and you get instant access to these amazing bonuses that are

worth over $500 the first bonus that you'll get is access to my signature

viewership Academy programing outlining the exact process that I use to generate

over fifty five million views on YouTube the second bonus is you'll get access to

a free studio setup guide showing you exactly how we quickly and easily create

videos in a studio just like this the third bonus is you'll get access to

a program where I teach you it's called charisma on camera and I'll teach you

how to feel a little bit more confident and comfortable presenting in front of a

camera just like this I use a lot of the techniques that I learned as a

professional speaker having traveled all across the country speaking to literally

over 300 universities across the country and there are a few little techniques

that you can use to really come off as more charismatic on camera even if that

doesn't come natural the fourth bonus is you get what I call

free dynamic editing simplified we're basically going to teach you three

simple editing techniques that are going to make any of your videos even if

they're like amateur videos I'm gonna make them look like they're produced by

the pros and finally bonus number five is access to what I call video without a

face I'm gonna teach you eight simple ways to create stunning videos without

ever having to show your face in front of a camera maybe you don't want to get

in front of a camera like this but you have content you want to share in this

bonus program you're going to want to access this you get access to the entire

step-by-step system where you can create videos that will rank without ever

getting in front of camera like this all you got to do right now is go to right now search for viewership or click the link right there

below buy the book and then once you're emailed your receipt which is instant

because it's Amazon simply come back to this page and you'll see a form right at

the bottom of this page where you can enter your order number and you get

access to all five of these bonuses for free this is just my way of really

giving back to the community and I really of course want to give you access

to all the information as is along with this book so make sure you go ahead and

grab it come back to this page enter that information and I look forward to

seeing you in those bonus programs in just a moment thank you so much speak to

you soon bye bye

For more infomation >> My Story of How I Got 55 Million Views on YouTube (NEW BOOK) - Duration: 7:56.


1/29/19 8:47 AM - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 8:47 AM - Duration: 7:04.


1/29/19 8:29 AM - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 1/29/19 8:29 AM - Duration: 5:01.


DİJİTAL EBEVEYN/ Yeni Nesil Android Anne ve Babalardan İlgi Göremeyen Çocuklar İçin Üretildi - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> DİJİTAL EBEVEYN/ Yeni Nesil Android Anne ve Babalardan İlgi Göremeyen Çocuklar İçin Üretildi - Duration: 1:36.


Propos de Jack Brink le long d'une paroi rocheuse | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Propos de Jack Brink le long d'une paroi rocheuse | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 1:15.


Echelle d'organisation de la matière et Phi - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Echelle d'organisation de la matière et Phi - Duration: 2:34.


BEHIND THE SCENES Period Instruments | XERXES Handel - Deutsche Oper am Rhein - Duration: 3:26.

I'm Kristin Linde, I play the oboe – and here I play the baroque oboe.

I also play the recorder in two arias – but mainly the oboe.

Of course this oboe looks different from modern oboes. It only has two keys –

fortunately I like it having fewer keys.

We don't need as many keys because the fingering that requires those keys

didn't arrive until the classical period. That's why it looks so beautiful and pure.

The fine tuning comes from this little reed here. I only need the threads

to make it a little deeper or a little higher.

If I reel in more thread then the reed sits higher,

so we can control our own sound.

This is great but a bamboo reed like this is very fragile,

dependant on the weather and the more

humid or warm or cold it gets, they tend to react.

That's a large part of our job, to produce these reeds

so that they sound good and will work.

My name is Andrea Baur. I play the lute in the orchestra.

This is a special kind of lute called the arciliuto or also the theorbo

and what's special about it is that you won't find one in a modern orchestra –

this lute more or less died out with the classical period.

Compared with the guitar that evolved parallel to the lute, it has more strings,

the body has a different shape and it's built differently inside:

its build is much lighter than a modern guitar.

It requires less string tension, the sound has richer overtones and here

specially for this kind of instrument, rather like a harp,

I have a whole diatonically tuned bass section from this neck extension.

The strings for the deeper notes simply need to have a lot of mass, whether

they're short and thick or long and thin, physically it all adds up to the same thing.

But in terms of sound the long thin strings are much more lingering

and voluminous than a short string.

For more infomation >> BEHIND THE SCENES Period Instruments | XERXES Handel - Deutsche Oper am Rhein - Duration: 3:26.


Images au sein d'un paysage sacré | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> Images au sein d'un paysage sacré | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 5:26.


DeLaval Clover™ liner – Improving cow health on the van de Keere farm - Duration: 2:55.

I'm Dirk van de Keere

I have a dairy farm,together with my son and my wife.

We have about 230 milk cows.

Liners are something that are highly underestimated by a lot of people.

It is in fact the most important part of the milk parlour

We had some udder infections with an increase of the cell count

We thought that something in the system was not right, without knowing what.

We tried a bit of everything,

And then we were proposed to switch over to the DeLaval Clover liner.

At first we immediately noticed less air slips during milking with this liner.

So the milk claws remained attached to the cow, which of course

is very positive for milking

Secondly, we've seen teat condition improve visibly

That happens quite fast in fact.

And the cows milk completely, smoother than before.

We used to have some trouble now and then with teat rings after milking,

which is something we don't see anymore.

When using DeLaval Clover we've very quickly and surprisingly seen

that our cell count dropped about 100.000 cells,

a lot less mastitis cases compared to before,

our cows have increased one kilogram of milk per cow per day.

So the cows give an additional kilogram of milk,

because they're milked better with the DeLaval Clover liner.

Something we also noticed, is that our cows

enter the parlour very smoothly, like to enter,

and that they're standing still on the platform,

and that they enjoy to be milked a lot.

They're ruminating, so a cow that is ruminating is feeling happy.

And happy cows make a happy farmer.

I think, every dairy farmer that uses other liners,

they should think twice

and try a DeLaval Clover liner once.

I'll stay with the DeLaval Clover liner

because it brings me money every day.

For more infomation >> DeLaval Clover™ liner – Improving cow health on the van de Keere farm - Duration: 2:55.


Courtney Hartman - Low Power Mode (Raw Talent) - Duration: 2:58.

- [Courtney] Do you give me a list of words?

- [Woman] We give you a made up song title.

Your song title is Low Power Mode.

(breath exhaling)

- OK.

(pen scratching)


That'll work.

It's one of those songs that's probably gonna unfold

and I'll know more about what it's about in time.


Um, OK.

(upbeat guitar music)("Low Power Mode" by Courtney Hartman)

♪ I'm moving these days, easy and slow ♪

♪ Look heavy and weighed of heavy loads ♪

♪ Taking our time, covering ground ♪

♪ Speaking the words we held profound ♪

♪ 'Cause face value is never enough ♪

♪ Face value was never enough ♪

♪ And we're breaking the balance of whose gotta hold ♪

♪ Calling for the low power mode ♪

♪ The windows are breaking, we jump from the sky ♪

♪ Our bodies are falling, cracking the light ♪

♪ The light that we thought would break us in two ♪

♪ And fall just out of the cage we knew ♪

♪ And face value is never enough ♪

♪ Face value is never enough ♪

♪ And we're breaking the balance of whose got a hold ♪

♪ Calling for a low power mode ♪

♪ Oh, face value is never enough ♪

♪ Face value was never enough for us ♪

♪ Breaking the balance of whose got a hold ♪

♪ I'm calling for a low power mode ♪

♪ Calling for a low power mode ♪

♪ Calling for a low power mode ♪

That's that. (laughing) (hands clapping)

I got the sniffles.

For more infomation >> Courtney Hartman - Low Power Mode (Raw Talent) - Duration: 2:58.


Protect Your Child from "Progressive" Education - Duration: 6:52.

Public education in much of the English-speaking

world is failing both students and the society, whose tax dollars are intended to pay for

educating its youth.

Not only are "progressive" or "child-centered" education methods ineffective, curriculum

has been massively gutted of knowledge objectives by far left activists who dominate the Faculties

of Education and government Education Departments.

What can you do to protect your children from so called "progressive" education?

In two previous Tomorrow's World Viewpoints, "Do Schools Discriminate Against Boys" and

"Crisis in Western Education," we highlighted several of the problems.

Now, let's examine some solutions.

One of the hallmarks of most current public education systems is the implementation of

"constructivism" or "discovery learning" methods, which have been proven ineffective in empirical


Discovery Learning works, but only when the learner has already developed a very substantial

knowledge base.

An unfortunate reality in all "progressive" education systems, is that reduced knowledge

goals leave students at a disadvantage compared to foreign trained students.

In many school jurisdictions handwriting, grammar, phonetics, formal geometry, geography,

comprehensive history, mental mathematics and memorization skills are no longer emphasized

or encouraged The world's leading experts in cognitive development

link "discovery learning" strategies to educational failure.

So what can you do to help your child if he or she attends a public school caught up in

"progressive" philosophy?

As a long-time educator and former school system administrator, I strongly recommend

some steps you can take:

Give your child a strong knowledge base.

In an environment where schools are reducing knowledge outcomes, it falls to the parent

to supplement the child's knowledge base.

You can: Teach your child phonetics, the code of pronunciation

and reading.

It will ensure your child can read early and also spell correctly.

Many resources are available to assist, only one of which is: Phonetic Help for Parents.

Oxford University Press.

Expand your child's Cultural Literacy.

Dr. E.D.

Hirsch (University of Virginia) wrote The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, which delineates

a range of key elements of knowledge that will make for a well-rounded education.

Its history section is oriented to the U.S., but Canadians for instance can supplement

with other resources (some online) to ensure your children are knowledgeable and understand

their heritage and history of their country.

A solid awareness of heritage literature,

history and geography is central to the future adult's ability to analyse and understand

events and to make reasoned decisions.

Such people are also an asset to any employer.

Also, Ensure your child is introduced to Geometry.

Geometry is central to the development of Western mathematical thought, and is still

the most powerful problem-solving tool in mathematics.

Formal geometry is almost absent in many Western schools.

Foster Memorization Skills: The development of memory is the biggest contributing factor

to increased attention span.

Engaging children in family memory games, memorization of passages of literature or

poetry etc. is a huge contributor to success in school and other endeavors.

Give your child experience in the real world.

In this age schools encourage children to be immersed in technology and a virtual world

even though studies warn of the dangers of excessive screen time.

The young person will benefit from experiences in the intricate real world.

So: Let them experience the out doors, and

if possible encourage and teach them to work with self-replicating organic technology,

i.e. plants, cats, birds etc.

There are many excellent books helping students do experiments with plants, or gardening.

Let them see and appreciate the natural world and its wonders.

Develop some manual skills.

If opportunity permits, assist your child in developing skills in working with wood

or other materials where they are interacting in three dimensions, not just the two-dimensional

world of the computer screen.

Help your child develop confidence.

One of the reasons so many young people fall prey to peer pressure is due to a lack of

confidence in their own ability.

It is vital that your child develops skills that lead to a more positive development socially.

Encourage physical fitness.

The development of a healthy and reasonably strong and flexible body is good for your

child's confidence.

A balanced approach to sports, both team and individual, is healthy.

This along with ensuring good dietary habits, helping to avoid obesity, will be a lifelong


Help your child express himself or herself in public.

This is a most important asset, and assists the student in expressing ideas and feelings

clearly, politely and effectively.

Parents can cultivate this development skill by engaging their child in conversation early

in life, encouraging them to speak not only within their peer group, but to trusted adults

as well.

Research has shown that a failure to express oneself effectively is a contributor to frustration

and violent behavior.

If progressive education is not working to prepare your children for success, it is possible

to provide a background that can overcome the deficiencies, and equip your child to


I am Stuart Wachowicz for Tomorrow's World Viewpoint.

Subscribe and click the notification bell to receive updates about new content.

Visit for more articles, telecasts and booklets.

For more infomation >> Protect Your Child from "Progressive" Education - Duration: 6:52.


Opération Hunter-Killer - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Opération Hunter-Killer - Duration: 1:48.


Plus Size fashion - Latest Summer Fashion Weekend 2019 - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Plus Size fashion - Latest Summer Fashion Weekend 2019 - Duration: 3:12.


Can Denis Suarez play against Manchester City after completing Arsenal transfer? - Duration: 3:20.

 After weeks of negotiations, Arsenal have finally completed the loan signing of Denis Suarez from Barcelona

 The 25-year-old arrived in England on Wednesday to undergo his medical and the move was confirmed just after 12 noon on deadline day after all the necessary paperwork was completed

 Suarez, who signed a contract extension until 2021 with Barcelona before joining Arsenal, will wear the No

22 shirt at the Emirates.  His loan deal has an option which will allow the Gunners to buy him at the end of the season for around £18 million, should they wish to do so

 The delay in getting the deal done was the Barcelona wanted that option to be compulsory, something Arsenal refused to agree to

 After completing his move, Suarez, said: "I'm very pleased to be here and to be joining Arsenal

I've been pushing hard to come here. I'm finally here now and I'm really pleased

Picture special: Denis Suarez's first day as an Arsenal player View gallery  "I've come here to play as much as possible and try to help the team qualify for the Champions League

I'd like to win the Europa League with Arsenal too - why not? It's a trophy I won under Unai Emery at Sevilla and I'd love to win it again here

"  On announcing the arrival of Suarez, Arsenal stated that the loan deal is 'subject to the completion of regulatory processes'

 That is not expected to take a significant amount of time, however, and Suarez will be available to face Manchester City, where he spent two years as a youth player between 2011 and 2013, on Sunday at the Etihad

 The capture of Suarez will come as a big boost for Unai Emery, who worked with the player when he had him on loan at Sevilla during the 2014/15 season

 "We are very happy that Denis Suarez is joining us," said Arsenal's head coach. "He is a player we know well and I have worked with him at Sevilla

 "He brings us quality and options in many different attacking positions, so he'll be able to help the team

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Can Denis Suarez play against Manchester City after completing Arsenal transfer? - Duration: 3:20.


Au Ciel plus de besoin - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Au Ciel plus de besoin - Duration: 2:02.


Journée internationale de l'Université de Perpignan - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> Journée internationale de l'Université de Perpignan - Duration: 4:10.


Alex Carey-Jake Weatherald partnership plunders reigning champions into submission - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Alex Carey-Jake Weatherald partnership plunders reigning champions into submission - Duration: 3:03.


Meghan Markle au bord de la crise de nerfs ? Elle fait face à une crise - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle au bord de la crise de nerfs ? Elle fait face à une crise - Duration: 5:52.


My Story of How I Got 55 Million Views on YouTube (NEW BOOK) - Duration: 7:56.

now I'll never forget the first time that I publicly release a YouTube video

to run my coaching business it literally felt like there was a jackhammer just

inside my ribcage thinking of everyone watching these videos to say I was

nervous is an understatement but I was desperate for something to change in my

life see eight years ago I started an online

business helping people get out there be confident and find love and nothing

seemed to be working to get new clients and what's worse is sometimes I would

actually get very busy and then other times I would have absolutely no clients

I was really struggling with consistency and overall I just didn't feel like I

was building a brand yes I was getting clients I was getting customers but I

didn't really have a brand that people could really connect with now if you're

an entrepreneur or someone who's marketing a business you know exactly

what I'm talking about now I knew that YouTube was where my customers were so I

wanted to really test it out by shooting your video about how to do a clothing

makeover so I spent four hours scripting it two hours shooting it three hours

editing and finally two hours uploading it because this is back in the day when

the internet was so slow I put all this energy into creating this video and then

it came time to go from private to public my heart was racing on my chest I

was just thinking to myself am I really going to do this what was going to

happen are people going to make fun of me was it gonna go viral all these

things are just going through my mind because I had poured my heart and soul

into creating this video so I said screw it and I went public hey guys I'm the

dolt right here and this is what I used to wear and then I waited for the views

to just pile on and I would keep refreshing I would maybe see one view a

day coming in probably one from mom one from dad three from a couple friends of

mine who were probably making fun of me behind my back it was a complete

disaster now I learned at this moment the most important video marketing

lesson I would ever learn and that is without the right strategy your video

marketing efforts will fail so I started testing everything I possibly could from

different types of headlines to different thumbnails the different types

of emotional intent out writing videos serious videos weird

videos complex videos to see what would work and it took me a year to really

test exactly what was working and then finally I got the equation right and my

channel and my business went absolutely viral 55 million views later with over

400,000 subscribers as of today over the past few years producers from major

television networks are contacting me to be a host for a TV show recently landing

a gig as being a host on a major TLC television show absolutely catapulting

my business - an international brand and most importantly I get to wake up every

single morning with hundreds of comments from just everyday people watching these

videos organically and getting so much out of them and all this is possible

because I went from having no strategy to really implementing the three

strategies that I talk about in my brand new book viewership and the best part of

all this is that your brand or your business could be getting millions of

views on YouTube if you follow the three steps that I discussed in this book my

name is Adam little J I'm the founder of viewership comm where my agency helps

companies grow their viewership on social media I help companies and brands

just like you generate millions of views all across the world and really generate

real business using the exact same strategy that I use to build my brand

and all this is outlined in my brand new book right here now whether your

personal brand author coach or you have just some type of online business it

could be ecommerce or service you know that your brand needs to build a

viewership to be successful so what exactly is a viewership viewership a

loyal audience of customers and prospects who consistently watch your

brand's video content now have you ever tried to create marketing videos but

really just struggle to get them seen or you're just not quite hitting the right

message look I've been there and I've gone through the pain of releasing

videos they get absolutely no views and aren't generating any business so I put

all the knowledge that I've learned over the past eight years of releasing video

on YouTube and building an online business I put it all in this book right

here in this book I'm gonna be teaching you how to attract new customers and

prospects who are actively searching for your products and services online you'll

also learn how to build a deeper relationship we

your existing prospects and customers to generate more frequent high ticket sales

and most importantly I'm gonna teach you how to make your brand famous all around

the world gaining exposes to millions of prospective customers and if you're like

most entrepreneurs I work with you know that video is absolutely critical to

marketing your business and without a viewership your competition will eat you

alive there's one thing I can guarantee right now and that is that your

competition right now they are putting together a video marketing strategy and

if you don't have one you will be left behind I'm sorry to say it so go ahead

grab the book right now you can grab it on Amazon click the link on this page or

anywhere on this page and you're gonna learn the step-by-step strategy on how

to prove high quality content that people actually want to see and how to

get it to rank all across YouTube this has been my life's work and I'm so

excited to be able to share this with you and also for a limited period of

time I'm making my signature course available to you if you buy the book

today my course viewership Academy walks you through video step by step by step

of exactly how to implement the concepts that are in this book it's all you got

to do is go ahead and buy the book on Amazon right now and then you'll see a

form at the bottom of this page where you enter your email and just the

receipt number that you get set to whenever you buy something on Amazon

submit those things and you get instant access to these amazing bonuses that are

worth over $500 the first bonus that you'll get is access to my signature

viewership Academy programing outlining the exact process that I use to generate

over fifty five million views on YouTube the second bonus is you'll get access to

a free studio setup guide showing you exactly how we quickly and easily create

videos in a studio just like this the third bonus is you'll get access to

a program where I teach you it's called charisma on camera and I'll teach you

how to feel a little bit more confident and comfortable presenting in front of a

camera just like this I use a lot of the techniques that I learned as a

professional speaker having traveled all across the country speaking to literally

over 300 universities across the country and there are a few little techniques

that you can use to really come off as more charismatic on camera even if that

doesn't come natural the fourth bonus is you get what I call

free dynamic editing simplified we're basically going to teach you three

simple editing techniques that are going to make any of your videos even if

they're like amateur videos I'm gonna make them look like they're produced by

the pros and finally bonus number five is access to what I call video without a

face I'm gonna teach you eight simple ways to create stunning videos without

ever having to show your face in front of a camera maybe you don't want to get

in front of a camera like this but you have content you want to share in this

bonus program you're going to want to access this you get access to the entire

step-by-step system where you can create videos that will rank without ever

getting in front of camera like this all you got to do right now is go to right now search for viewership or click the link right there

below buy the book and then once you're emailed your receipt which is instant

because it's Amazon simply come back to this page and you'll see a form right at

the bottom of this page where you can enter your order number and you get

access to all five of these bonuses for free this is just my way of really

giving back to the community and I really of course want to give you access

to all the information as is along with this book so make sure you go ahead and

grab it come back to this page enter that information and I look forward to

seeing you in those bonus programs in just a moment thank you so much speak to

you soon bye bye

For more infomation >> My Story of How I Got 55 Million Views on YouTube (NEW BOOK) - Duration: 7:56.


Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 - Duration: 1:21.


GM laisse des Canadiens dans le froid - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> GM laisse des Canadiens dans le froid - Duration: 0:33.


Découverte et interprétation du lieu | K'aka'win | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Découverte et interprétation du lieu | K'aka'win | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 2:37.


Vanessa Paradis impatiente, elle donne rendez-vous à Lily-Rose Depp aux César - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis impatiente, elle donne rendez-vous à Lily-Rose Depp aux César - Duration: 1:19.


Menaces et préservation du lieu | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Menaces et préservation du lieu | Aisinai'pi | Des images dans la pierre - Duration: 1:42.


Die Genossenschaft F/L Think Tank forscht über das Leben in der Zukunft - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Die Genossenschaft F/L Think Tank forscht über das Leben in der Zukunft - Duration: 1:36.


Le Cercle By Mab'ish #32 // AUGUST GREENE // Dance Guests: Zihé & Krees - Duration: 12:58.

For more infomation >> Le Cercle By Mab'ish #32 // AUGUST GREENE // Dance Guests: Zihé & Krees - Duration: 12:58.


IMPACT 30 UNDER 30: 2019 - YOSEF HAYEEM - Duration: 0:53.

Why should I make it to Impact 30 under 30, It's because, I'm not a stranger to staying-up long enough to see the night sky turn to light.

I'm not a stranger to cancelling personal-plans to meet a project deadline.

I'm not a stranger to be being the only person left in the conference room, trying

to find a better way to write a copy for a key-visual creative.

I'm not a stranger to vending-machine dinners, long-pending dates with people of the opposite-sex…a

To having to re-work something.

To meetings being cancelled or briefs being changed.

I'm not a stranger to sipping multiple cups of coffee, green tea or whatever it takes

to keep going.

By not being a stranger to all these things, I simply prove that I am committed to excellence,

even if it means that I'm the only one striving for it.

Because one of my talents, is the ability to not give up.

To keep at it, so that the task that's been taken on, does see the light of day.

I'm Yosef Hayeem, Group Creative Strategist at WATConsult.

For more infomation >> IMPACT 30 UNDER 30: 2019 - YOSEF HAYEEM - Duration: 0:53.


Ariana Grande fixes misspelled palm tattoo after online mockery - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Ariana Grande fixes misspelled palm tattoo after online mockery - Duration: 0:42.


Μπέττυ Μαγγίρα: Σε γνωστό εμπορικό κέντρο με τον σύζυγο και τις κόρες τους | News | - Duration: 1:18.

 Οικογενειακή έξοδος για τη Μπέττυ Μαγγίρα η οποία βρέθηκε σε γνωστό εμπορικό κέντρο με τον αγαπημένο της, Δημήτρη Μάζη και τις κόρες τους

Η φετινή σεζόν είχε και ιδιαίτερο νόημα για τη γνωστή ηθοποιό, η οποία κάθισε στη θέση της κριτικής επιτροπής για τις ανάγκες του My Style Rocks

 Τις επόμενες ημέρες μάλιστα θα γνωρίζουμε και τη μεγάλη νικήτρια για το ριάλιτι μόδας, αφού η Μπέττυ Μαγγίρα με τον Στέλιο Κουδουνάρη και τον Δημήτρη Αργυρόπουλο, έκριναν αρκετές εμφανίσεις κοριτσιών, προκειμένου να φτάσουν στις φιναλίστ του φετινού My Style Rocks

 Ο φωτογραφικός φακός του FTHIS.GR απαθανάτισε τη Μπέττυ Μαγγίρα και τον Δημήτρη Μάζη σε γνωστό εμπορικό κέντρο με τις κόρες τους

 Δείτε τις παρακάτω φωτογραφίες…

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