Thursday, January 31, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2019

Hey what's going on guys it's Ascend Dazs here.

Today is a quick video to highlight some changes in this patch that affect sniping.

My goal is to help inform you of changes you may or may not know.

Practice Range has gotten some more love and updates.

While we still need specialization you can now at least cycle the Zeroing of the gun

and fight moving targets.

I get hit up in the comments what is the best way to practice with leading targets.

The answer is by simply memorizing it.

This practice range I recommend going in and taking your time with each show and record.

Memorize the location in where you aimed based on the distance and keep doing this until

it becomes second nature.

Remember each gun has a different velocity so each will have a different lead.

Some quick obvious are the changes to healing.

As you can see the bar when you are replenishing health color now changes when it is going


This is vital as it gives you clear info on when to push or wait.

As we have talked before is very important when playing as an aggressive sniper.

Also there is a helpful highlight icon that appears on the screen to let you know to use

your health pack.

The kill cam bug is changed and is now much cleaner.

No longer are we dealing with the cam being delayed or stuck in a rut.

The vaulting and climbing is now much smoother animation style.

For snipers pulling off those shots this is important as it makes people's movement

much more predictable and visually is not jarring.

Also when playing aggressively we can ledge grab much faster.

Bugs not addressed are still the sniper on PC having issues of when you zoom in the screen

will blacken.

Bugs that are also persisting I when pushed by a tank of vehicle your scope will blur.

Got a video in the description where I go into further detail.

Company coin has been fixed and addressed.

So if you have not logged in, you should have a crap ton of Company Coin.

I personally used mine for all the bolt action skins.

Rumors are going around that the Ross bolt action is coming out on February 24th.

If that is indeed the date, I will make a guide and tips and tricks video for you guys


There is a new graphic setting feature that is appearing as well, it is located right


Another change are maps mesh quality with grass is a lot more present so you can't

drop graphics to add more visibility.

This is most apparent on twisted steel.

So as an FYI you might have lost FPS on some maps depending on your rigs.

Menus have also been reworked and tweaked to look cleaner and overall this patch has

fixed more than it breaks.

I hope you guys found this quick patch review helpful getting right to the point on what

a sniper might find helpful.

Additionally if you did find it helpful, hit the like button.

If not, leave a dislike.

Thank you for watching and will see you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Leading Shots (test range) & Patch Sniper Insight - BF5 patch Lightning Strikes 2.0 - Duration: 3:14.


✅ Tajemství zesnulého Luďka Munzara (†85): Podvod s datem narození! - Duration: 1:34.

 K letadlům ho to táhlo od prvních krůčků. Sen herce, který zemřel v sobotu, se ale splnil až po druhé světové válce

„Když skončila válka, tak jsem hned šel na hradecký letiště do aeroklubu

Tatínek mi tam musel ale připsat dva roky navíc. To byl asi jediný podvod, který v životě spáchal

Takže mi bylo třináct a půl roku, když jsem začal poprvé lítat," přiznal až po letech Munzar, pro kterého bylo létání celoživotní láskou

  Poprvé v nebi  Proto také až do smrti nezapomněl na svůj první let

„Bylo to v podvečer v neděli. Byl jsem poprvé tři sta padesát metrů nad zemí sám v oblacích

Instruktor pode mnou na zemi mi jen ukazoval vlajkou, jakým směrem mám letět, kdy mám dělat zatáčku," vyprávěl herec

„Tam nahoře jsem měl pocit, že objímám něco – vzduch kolem sebe, zem

" popisoval v dokumentu České televize Neobyčejné životy.   „Dole jsem pak zahlídl instruktora, jak mává zběsile tou vlajkou, ať jdu pryč z toho stoupáku

A já jsem si říkal – ne, ne, to je nádhera, já musím výš…A vykašlal jsem se na něj

Viděl jsem jen, jak instruktor praštil s tou vlajkou a šel k hangáru," prozradil herec, kterého letadla vyprovodí do nebe i v den jeho pohřbu v pátek

Před posledním rozloučením v Národním divadle přelétne nad střechou zlaté kapličky třikrát dvoumotorové letadlo typu L200 Morava

 VIDEO: Takto Martin Trnavský zachytil poslední Vánoce Luďka Munzara, který zemřel 26

ledna 2019   Video délka: 00:15 360p REKLAMA  Takto Martin Trnavský zachytil poslední Vánoce Luďka Munzara, který zemřel 26

ledna 2019 Facebook Martina Trnavského

For more infomation >> ✅ Tajemství zesnulého Luďka Munzara (†85): Podvod s datem narození! - Duration: 1:34.



For more infomation >> OS 7 TELHADOS VERDES MAIS ICNRÍVEIS!!! - Duration: 3:21.


[H30.12.29] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~特急宗谷 増結・臨時北斗84号・特急Sとかち1号原色込み6両~ - Duration: 14:52.

For more infomation >> [H30.12.29] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~特急宗谷 増結・臨時北斗84号・特急Sとかち1号原色込み6両~ - Duration: 14:52.


Trump Vs The Intel Community What We Need To Know - Duration: 13:41.

Welcome back beautiful amazing human beings and ...

in this specific video I wanted to talk about the bigger truth ...

behind the verbal War that's happening right now between ...

US President Donald Trump and the US intelligence ...

agencies know as we know Trump's relationship with the ...

Intel Community hasn't been the best one with him ...

previously comparing the leaks that were coming out ...

about him from the intelligence Community ...

Action to Nazi Germany now this of course makes many ...

people speculate about a deep state.

Surely the situation is a lot more complicated as we're ...

going to document in this video not as clear-cut as you ...

think by the way that sponsored by you what you ...

checking on your t-shirts will you get what you could ...

probably just click in a description or the probably ...

images below this video where you could click ...

purchase some new merchandise especially the ...

new t-shirts that we have right now and be a part of the ...

direct user support for this Independent Media Channel ...

know a lot of the information that we're going to be talking ...

about today actually relates to a video that we just made ...

a couple days ago criticizing a mainstream media news ...

article that said that us intelligence agencies quote ...

or saying that Russia and China are plotting to interfere ...

in the 2020 elections this video will be available in the ...

description so you can get a better context and ...

understanding of what's Happening Here No I was ...

actually going to grab a news article surrounding this ...

specific case and critique it but honestly there's so much ...

disinformation and propaganda around that.

Tissue that it's going to be important for me to actually ...

do deep dive into this and show you a series of Articles ...

and evidence so you understand this very ...

confusing situation unfolding now and of course it all starts ...

with the dni chief coming out and hearings that are ...

happening right now in the Senate intelligence ...

committee where the heads of key intelligence agencies ...

are coming out and publicly rebuking US President ...

Donald Trump on his assertions about Isis Iran ...

North Korea and climate change while course also ...

warning that China and Russia will interfere in the ...

2020 election of course our allegations coming out in ...

these hearings from the US intelligence Community which ...

of course is something with the mainstream media is ...

eating up and loving because it is Donald Trump's policies ...

that are being criticized where he is actually in my ...

opinion doing the right thing which specifically ...

withdrawing troops from Syria trying to withdraw.

Trips from Afghanistan and starting.

Dialogue and also and also reaching out to a bigger piece ...

DeLand denuclearization with North Korea now of course ...

Donald Trump is being attacked because of this by ...

the very predominantly War happy mainstream media.

And it is important to note here that this information is ...

coming from the same intelligence community that ...

has often times been caught red-handed lying to the ...

American people specifically when it comes to the bigger ...

context of war and conflict usually lying to get us into ...

these problems why off course at the same time ...

faking intelligence to keep us in there and prolonged East ...

Conference conflicts which of course big profit motives for ...

big Industries especially the military industrial complex ...

and this is why a lot of people are characterizing what's ...

happening now as a war and then attack by Donald Trump ...

supposedly against these intelligence communities ...

which clearly disagree with each other on key American ...

policy other very interesting part here in the bigger ...

contradiction here that's important for you to ...

understand is the very fact that Donald Trump isn't that ...

big of a piece neck as. Think he is and verbally with ...

this entire situation unfolding verbally he has come out and ...

said that the intelligence Community hasn't been ...

tough enough on Iran chastising that intelligence ...

Community for not being as hawkish as he wants them to ...

be characterizing them as being soft on Iran which as ...

we know has been an Israeli Saudi Arabian and a neocon ...

dream to invade for a very long time engaging and in a cup.

What's that country so I think it's fair to conclude here with ...

a lot of people are coming to the conclusion of is that this is not.

Pro-war vs. anti-war argument or bigger ...

conflict in fight that's happening here cuz this is a ...

more confusing one about which Wars should and ...

shouldn't be fought and it's fascinating to see the US ...

intelligence Community come out verbally and say that they ...

do not believe that Iran is currently under taken quote ...

Key activities needed to produce a nuclear bomb and ...

assessment which of course is totally contradicting ...

Trump's Administration and of course the bloodthirsty ...

demon-like creature John Bolton Trump advisor and ...

picked Trump advisor Donald Trump issued set the ...

intelligent people seem to be extremely passive and naive ...

when it comes to the dangers of and that they are making ...

trouble all over the Middle East and Beyond was just ...

caught a potential danger in conflict and if you've been ...

watching our previous geopolitical breakdowns on ...

this channel. A lot more to this bigger call ...

for conflict with Iran and that these comments are not only ...

not genuine but also not in the best interest of the United ...

States but of course for some of our key allies but ...

regardless of those facts I think the one constant that ...

we do have here is the fact that the mainstream media no ...

matter what just wants War just ultimately wants blood ...

once boots-on-the-ground wants us intervention with ...

even some mainstream media journalists like Max Booth ...

insinuating that the United States needs to be in Syria ...

and Afghanistan for as long as three hundred years the ...

mainstream media at the same time is urging ...

Democrats to get past their hatred of Donald Trump's you back.

Donald Trump's Administration Zephyr tat ...

quote democracy in Venezuela who are literally ...

characterizing Donald Trump as the next Hitler yes you ...

should definitely trust this man with quote pushing the ...

goals of democracy with a coup d'etat in a foreign ...

country also having the power to take away your ...

second amendment at the same time as well.

Cognitive dissonance on a lot of these never trumper's is ...

absolutely insane and their virtues and goals are ...

becoming more apparent and that of course is just the ...

promotion of a conflict that does not need to happen no ...

out of the ridiculous amount of candidates running on the ...

Democratic party against Donald Trump in 2020 the ...

only Democrats that owes regime-change efforts in.

Venezuela or of course Bernie Sanders and of course ...

Tulsi gabbard that says that the United States should stay ...

out of Venezuela personally seeing a lot of the bees on ...

the ground in Caracas Venezuela I could say for ...

sure I am not a fan of Nicolas Maduro nor his regime and I ...

do hope that the people of that country rise up against ...

their government but in my opinion it needs to be done ...

independently of foreign interference for a very specific ...

reason which I will mention at the end of this video because ...

again I believe it's the logical safe smartest thing to do in ...

this particular situation.

And unlike the mainstream media like the New York ...

Times what you're literally there's even an opinion piece ...

right now talking about how the US government should ...

bribe the Venezuelan military while at the same time also ...

praising the government of Pinochet of Chile a ridiculous ...

article that is just a laughable now of course Donald ...

Trump's actions when it comes to this very specific ...

issue in Venezuela has actually garnered him praise ...

not only amongst Democrats but also of course the ...

mainstream media actions like this.

And specifically Donald Trump selecting Elliott ...

Abrams who literally as assistant Secretary of State ...

covered up massacres and other human rights violations ...

at the Reagan Administration engineered in Latin America ...

before as literally the man took quote bring back ...

democracy to Venezuela and he of course would be ...

characterized as a deep State asset which I think is fair to ...

call him that since he played a major role in most of the ...

Gospel e acts committed by US foreign policy within the ...

past 40 years I think it's pretty clear here that you know ...

people who actually care about supposed democracy ...

don't plot coup de ta's abroad.

That's a very fair statement to make sure and of course ...

while the media and some government officials are ...

throwing the word around democracy like they actually ...

care about the will of the people or what the people ...

think which is just laughable we have course also have ...

John Paul and that's kind of more direct here there's just ...

even admitting yeah there's actually great us interest in ...

Venezuela's oil capabilities Venezuela has the world's ...

largest oil reserves totaling.

297 billion barrels to the point where even China ...

significantly invested in that country an estimated 70 ...

billion dollars that chime hand it over to Venezuela.

Of course demanded to be repaid back in oil and of ...

course with apps.

Mismanagement and horrible government policies by ...

Maduro But Country still is.

Starving starving why of course he eats empanadas ...

during National addresses has actually gained weight ...

and released Instagrams with salt baked now of course this ...

larger issue with Venezuela is not just about democracy and ...

oil it's also with other key geopolitical issues and larger ...

attainments and financial institutions like the u.s.

petrodollar but regardless of this kind of bigger dispute ...

he's having with the intelligence community's the ...

United States and its allies is still sending its troops to ...

neighboring countries and of course tential plans with ...

specifically Israeli soldiers coming to Brazil and US ...

soldiers according to a notepad.

John Bolton portrayed obviously very openly to the ...

media allegedly US troops going to Columbia of both of ...

countries that I was documenting weeks ago or ...

even openly talking about invading Venezuela video ...

that you can see on our Channel but for me this is not ...

the right move and I. Free with other statesman's like Ron Paul.

Who says we must leave Venezuela alone and to be ...

the worst option of course here is war and direct us ...

intervention because even the threat of that has been ...

galvanising a lot of support for Maduro and a lot of the ...

sanctions and a lot of this bigger economic war and ...

also unfair play with a history of US intervention in Latin ...

America that has been atrocious by the historical ...

record all of those combinations combined are ...

still leaving support for Nicolas Maduro in that ...

country and are one of the fundamental reasons why he ...

is still in power and still has some support as seen by this ...

video with a large demonstration all wearing red ...

supporting him and in my own personal belief and ...

Analysis from studying this and looking at this and also ...

being on the ground in Venezuela the geopolitical ...

situation will look completely different if it wasn't for the US ...

pudding. Snows in there and the ...

current situation that is unfolding wouldn't be there ...

because there wouldn't be an excuse to prop up a Monday.

So I guess that's just my analysis I could be ...

completely wrong and if you think I'm wrong let me know ...

why in the comments section I always look forward to ...

learning from you engaging in a bigger dialogue because ...

that's what journalists her supposed to do I have my ...

own thesis you might have your own prove me wrong I ...

look forward to actually doing what a lot of these ...

mainstream media companies don't do and that's not only ...

just not being a shield but also having the comment ...

section open which conveniently a lot of big ...

organizations don't anymore as it's becoming more ...

obvious about the direct interest that they serve.

Yeah thanks for supporting me especially through our ...

t-shirt store allowing us to be truly independent working for ...

you the American people and of course people are the ...

world because if it wasn't I want to be here that's why.

Love you guys thank you again so much watching stay ...

tuned for a lot more here on

Are change.

For more infomation >> Trump Vs The Intel Community What We Need To Know - Duration: 13:41.


Voters back May in poll on new talks with EU but only one in three think she will win a compromise - Duration: 4:02.

Theresa May has clear public support for her attempt to win a new Brexit deal if the EU agrees to a compromise on the so-called Northern Ireland 'backstop', according to a survey commissioned by the Mail

But many voters believe it will be a mission impossible, even if the Prime Minister digs in her heels until March 29 – the day the UK is due to cut ties with Brussels

And most – including a large number of Tories – believe the reason she toughened up her stance on Brexit was to appease the hard-line Tory Brexiteers and staunch the blood-letting in her party

The Survation poll was carried out after the Commons voted to back a new attempt by the Prime Minister to re-open Brexit negotiations

The survey underlines the risk to Mrs May of handing the No 10 keys to Jeremy Corbyn if, as some experts believe, the Brexit crisis leads to a general election

While she has a 39-27 personal ratings lead over Mr Corbyn in how the two leaders have handled Brexit, Labour is on 39 points overall, with the Conservatives on 38

Voters are as split as MPs over how to respond if the EU refuses to change the deal

An overwhelming 60 per cent of Tory voters say that in that eventuality, the UK should leave without a deal

However, overall public opinion favours a so-called 'softer Brexit'.A total of 38 per cent say they would support a new Brexit deal if the EU offered some form of compromise on the 'backstop', against 28 per cent who say they would not

However, only one in three voters believe Mrs May will succeed even if she sticks to her guns until the last minute

Anew proposal drawn up by an alliance of Brexit and Remainer Conservatives – dubbed 'Plan C' – attracted 34 per cent support, against 27 per cent who opposed it

Under the plan, Britain would leave on March 29 as planned in a 'managed No Deal', carry on trading with the EU as normal and pay the EU during a three-year transition period, with the aim of avoiding a 'backstop'

Nearly four in ten Tories say the longer the stalemate goes on, the more likely they are to support a No Deal departure

Asked about the most likely final outcome of the Brexit crisis, 36 per cent of voters forecast it will result in the UK leaving with No Deal; 25 per cent say Mrs May will get the 'backstop' removed, and 20 per cent believe she will fall back on her existing deal

For more infomation >> Voters back May in poll on new talks with EU but only one in three think she will win a compromise - Duration: 4:02.


Harris Brothers vs. Villano IV & V [2000-02-12] - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Harris Brothers vs. Villano IV & V [2000-02-12] - Duration: 4:39.


Policías del Metro auxiliaron a mujer que reportó intento de secuestro en Tacubaya - Duration: 5:02.

La mujer relató que caminaba por el pasillo del trasborde de la estación Tacubaya de la Línea 7 (FOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO

COM) Una usuaria del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo (STC) Metro fue auxiliada por dos policías, tras reportar que dos hombres la sujetaron y jalonearon en uno de los pasillos de la estación Tacubaya

La mujer relató que caminaba por el pasillo del trasborde de la estación de la Línea 7, cuando fue sujetada por dos hombres

Los sujetos la tomaron de los brazos, pero ella forcejeó para soltarse y al lograrlo escapó hacia los andenes, donde abordó un tren con dirección a Barranca del Muerto

La víctima descendió en la estación San Pedro de los Pinos, ubicada en avenida Revolución y Calle 4, colonia San Pedro de los Pinos, en la alcaldía Álvaro Obregón y se dirigió hacia los torniquetes para reportar la agresión de la que fue objeto

En los torniquetes encontró a dos uniformados, adscritos al Cuadrante del Sector H de la Policía Bancaria e Industrial (PBI), quienes la apoyaron y auxiliaron para activar los protocolos correspondientes y salvaguardar su integridad física hasta que un familiar llegó por ella

Éste es el primer caso de acoso o intento de secuestro en el que policías del Metro intervienen (FOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO

COM) Éste es el primer caso de acoso o intento de secuestro en el que policías del Metro intervienen

El propio STC indicó el pasado martes que no tenían reportes o denuncias de eventos similares en ninguna de las 195 estaciones que componen la red

El sistema de transporte explicó que a pesar de las denuncias hechas por varias mujeres en redes sociales, ninguna se había acercado con su personal para hacer pública la agresión

La jefa de Gobierno, Claudia Sheinbaum, desconoció que la Procuraduría General o la Secretaría de Seguridad tuvieran una denuncia de la modalidad del secuestro llamado en redes sociales "cálmate mi amor"

Instruyó al secretario de Seguridad Ciudadana, Jesús Orta Martínez, a contactar a las mujeres que han reportado el intento de secuestro para iniciar las investigaciones correspondientes

De acuerdo con Televisa y Publimetro, una menor de edad acudió a la Fiscalía Central de Investigación para la Atención de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes de la Procuraduría General de Justicia de la Ciudad de México para realizar una denuncia por un intento de secuestro

Las autoridades no tienen reporte de casos al interior del Metro (FOTO: ISAAC ESQUIVEL /CUARTOSCURO

COM) La joven mencionó que intentaron subirla a una camioneta afuera del Metro Mixcoac, cuando se dirigía hacia su casa

La actuación de las autoridades viene después de que en redes sociales se hicieron varias denuncias de mujeres, a quienes intentaron subir a una camioneta en las inmediaciones del STC Metro

Los casos de las víctimas del intento de secuestro que se denominó "cálmate, mi amor", son agrupados en dos mapas con los que se intenta ubicar los puntos de riesgo dentro del transporte

Dana Corres, consultora en movilidad y de temas de género, indica que todos los ataques tienen el mismo modus operandi de hombres que distraen o amenzan a las jóvenes para intentar secuestrarlas

La activista señala que hasta ahora han documentado 100 casos.

For more infomation >> Policías del Metro auxiliaron a mujer que reportó intento de secuestro en Tacubaya - Duration: 5:02.


老J宅空間 EP.5 御模道 X 次元模坊 奧特曼ULTRAMAN 精塗版 - Duration: 9:20.

For more infomation >> 老J宅空間 EP.5 御模道 X 次元模坊 奧特曼ULTRAMAN 精塗版 - Duration: 9:20.


TRYING TO VLOG A WHOLE DAY - Duration: 8:51.

today I think we are going to do some filming for Corissa's YouTube channel

she has a haul to do so I'm gonna help with that and whatever way I can

I thought it would be nice to show you all what it's like in one day for me so

I'm gonna try to vlog the whole day we'll see how it goes I don't know gonna

be actually interesting but this is a day in the life all right everybody got

another it's morning actually about 10 a.m. on Saturday also my sleepy voice

sorry about that you wanna eat? hi bb

Petty c'mere what you grumblin about I know Bubba

oh somebody wants to come in look at that beautiful angel hey homie hi buddy

tacos still at training he is supposed to learn a bunch of like commands and

it's gonna help with his anxiety it's gonna help with his slightly aggressive

sort of scared behavior so he's been gone for a week now and we

pick him up tomorrow guess I should feed that one too I decided that a meouse here

hasn't got enough appreciation so 2019 is all about like actually appreciating

Meouse and giving her extra loves because we tend to forget we even have a cat

you're so good move outta the way though beesh what is

it what are you *bark* what do you have to say about it

well you're upset cuz petty gets to eat yeah you don't eat till noon I understood

I do so Holmes is Corissa's sister's dog and TonTon the like really beautiful one is

Corissa's sister's dog as well and they are like 12 and 13 or something they're

like a little bit older obviously yeah they're old but they're fucking

beautiful and wonderful in perfect angels so my morning routine consists of

getting up waking up all the puppies letting them out and I feed petunia and

taco cuz they get the morning and evening and then homie and TonTon get

midday and evening then I usually toss in some laundry I empty the dishwasher

load it back up because I surely didn't do it last night and then I make

breakfast this guy's still begging me for food num-num nummers

we makin eggs and sausages this mornin

you got it babe so the pans not looking so hot

don't do it bitch babe your eggs look gross because I'm cooking them in the

pan with the bit I cooked the sausage in I mean they just like have like brown

and serve they're brown lol meouse is helping me bring your breakfast you're welcome

baby Wow I mean this is beautiful yeah I mean

that doesn't suck lets see how the driving goes the driving will be fine i'm an expert and an Aries look at the magic

whoa whoa whoa it's magic I'm still vlogging cuz I'm a vlogger

this is quality content looking good baby

why do you hate me

thank you next thank you next. babe the Wi-Fi isn't working so I think I need to

go to sleep I just posted my first video for this new series I'm doing on YouTube

a couple days ago and there's like I know what you been up to I've been here

I'm doing the vlog...the response has been just so positive and like people are

excited about it and that makes me super excited about it see? super exciting now I

think I'm about to hang out with Corissa while she films a video I'm gonna help

Corissa by just sitting and watching her record a video and adding commentary

because I'm the funny one biiiiitch lol homie, hey homes, hom....he's deaf. BRING ME MY DICKS! Oh jesus christ lmao

See this is so fun hi guys my name is Corissa this is the fat girl flow channel and today

we apparently have been giving off this vibe that maybe we need some vagina on

vagina sex toys because we got a big box of them I invited you guys to ask

questions about fat sex and queer sex and sex sex

over on my Instagram so I am also going to sprinkle in some answers to your

questions while I show you what we got from eves toys dot-com great thanks

please click that subscribe button hit the notification bell make sure you see

when I upload a new video because let's be honest it happens really irregularly

until next time please make sure you like and comment and I will see you then

bye yay thats a wrap a rizzity rizap no babe a rizzz... no a rizzo... no no babe

it's a wrap yeah

For more infomation >> TRYING TO VLOG A WHOLE DAY - Duration: 8:51.


★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019 - Duration: 2:09.

★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019

Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus

For more infomation >> ★Alecia Lena★ Gorgeous fashion model instagram stylish summer fashion style | Outfit Ideas 2019 - Duration: 2:09.


GÉMEAUX ♊, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:18.

Hello here is your horoscope for the week of February 1st to 7th,

if you like the channel of course you subscribe and then there is a novelty from tuesday

you will have the opportunity to ask me questions in a live that will last about an hour

I will give you the time slot on my social networks on instagram

or on twitter.


in your horoscope this week we're going to talk about the Venus love planet that goes back to Capricorn

we will then move on to the

new moon of Aquarius and we will end with

Mars and its evolutions.

Venus enters Capricorn

it's not really very fun,

Capricorn he has a lot of humor that's for sure but it's still the sign of Saturn so Venus being in Saturn's sign

she is rather a little selfish!

that does not mean that you will be

more selfish than usual but maybe it's life that will not give you much

especially that, well Capricorn is a money house for

Gemini so maybe you will find that you miss; you do not have enough, that you're not enough paid or that you

maybe you will not have been paid in time for a job you've done it's possible too...

Well it's not, see, it's not extremely fun. Love side then

it's more like a sexual Venus

we will say there are not too many feelings, there is more

the carnal side of the relationship

who will gain importance for you and again if you are alone ...

We arrive at this new moon which is in full

Aquarius center, on the fifteenth degree

so really, there are 30, so 15 it's really the middle and it's your 2nd decan who will benefit from this

very very pretty new moon which is really a new moon of evolution


of trust in you, while

with the dissonance of Neptune you have lost much of your assurance ...


this configuration

could give you some, it may be momentary but it will always be good where it goes ...

you can ... you will have more confidence in yourself and then you will also tend to have a little luck

since Jupiter is in the game, Mercury too so it is very possible that someone make you an offer

For work that may be temporary but in any case it will always be work and money earned;


it is possible also with this new Moon,

in a house that talks about travel,

that you are among those who go on vacation on the 9th.

And then we finish with Mars who will be in the third decant of Aries before

enter into Taurus and that will be in harmony with your

3rd decan: it's the right moment to put a project on track, I always say

with Mars you have to start something you have to give an impulse

give the starter and so you could

have a project waiting that you go

set in motion

well, during ...

during this week and maybe also next week ; anyway, you will be dynamic,


and Mars progressing

also in the house of friendship you will go willingly to others but then, take care

because with Mars we are

always a little bit in the contradiction, in the controversy,

so be careful with your friends not to contradict them

systematically or cut them off permanently for

you assign yourself

speak and say what you want to say; because you will make little jokes that will not always be appreciated.

Sunday afternoon and Monday will be nice, first Monday because it is the day of the new Moon well,

of course, and then Sunday the Moon will already be enVerseau and it's the first decant

will benefit most always with this idea "I escape, I take the distance,

I feel good about myself, good with others at ease ..."

Then, if you do not have others

dissonances in your chart, of course, and there is none at this time in any case on your decant ;

now I do not have all your chart, so I cannot know what's going on elsewhere.

There is always that

there will also be something user-friendly

so during these two days maybe you will have a party with friends?

See you next week for a new horoscope, by then if you want more details

you can

hear on the 32 10 or read on or on the website of the figaro tv magazine, bye bye!

For more infomation >> GÉMEAUX ♊, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:18.


BALANCE ♎, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> BALANCE ♎, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:35.


CANCER ♋, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:29.

Hello, here is your horoscope for the week of February 1st to 7th.

If you like the channel of course you subscribe and then there is a novelty from tuesday

You will have the opportunity to ask me questions in a live that will last about an hour

I will give you the time slot on my social networks on instagram

or on twitter.


in your horoscope this week we will discuss Venus who

go into Capricorn in front of you

then we talk about the new Moon of course and we will end with Mars, which can make you miseries...

Venus enters Capricorn so it's the sign that is opposed to yours, you're a summer sign, and

Venus is in Capricorn therefore a cold sign, a sign of winter, see it creates differences in temperatures

who will manifest themselves


difference in quality of feelings or

of intensity of feelings and then especially there is, in the Venus of Capricorn,

a fear of abandonment that exists in Cancer

so please do not get caught,

this fear of abandonment dates from your childhood

you are not about to be abandoned anyway 1st decan and,

well, besides that I do not know where Venus is in your natal chart, if by chance it is

well placed and makes good aspects so we stay in a ...

in the light. It is also possible with this Venus, that you can make an agreement

with someone, with a company, with a customer:

there is a notion of understanding,

harmony and

compromise too: you will be able to compromise.

We come to this new Moon which is really

very well aspected, so, well, it is

in the sign of Aquarius which is not necessarily the best

sign of your personal zodiac:

he manages your money and rather the income from your money or debts, because ...

there is one of two solutions: either we put money so we can have income or we have debts.

Still, this new moon is in very good relation with

Mercury and with Jupiter so there may be a chance that

you were getting income from something

whether you're getting a bonus or being made a little

donation ... but finally, this new moon

it can also inaugurate ...

how to say, a new job something that goes, besides, that will bring you back

a little bit of money

we never know.

So we come to

Mars your planet

of action and decision that lies

in your mid sky, that is to say at the very top of your chart,

in this house which represents the very important things in your life and especially your career.

So you could make a decision in this area or so

undergo a decision made by senior management

or by a new boss ; anyway and

unfortunately I'm afraid it makes you a little angry, you're upset because there's a notion of

dissatisfaction in there.

With Mars, they are often small obstacles, annoyances, there

it's discontent. Well that said, it is also possible that you have ideas that

you've passed them on to your boss and then, well,

he does not give you news or things seem to you not to go fast enough; in fact you are a little bit

impatient with this Mars in Aries who will join

Uranus and if you were born at the very end of the sign towards the 20 21 22

July, well there could be some unforeseen in the program.

Wednesday and Thursday will be rather pleasant, the Moon will be

in sign of Water, that is to say in Pisces, in harmony with you,

so you will feel confident already with yourself but also with others

moreover this Pisces house is an area that you

really branch out on others, who

active, which enhances your ability

to sympathize, to help, to support,

it's really something that you

puts in a

extremely positive report and help

vis-à-vis others, but it's also a travel house, so it's possible

finally it is not excluded that you are among those who have

luck may be to go on vacation since the winter holidays begin.

See you next week for a new horoscope by then if you want more details

you can

hear on the 32 10 or read on or on the site of the figaro tv magazine bye bye.

For more infomation >> CANCER ♋, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:29.


BÉLIER ♈, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:09.

Hello here is your horoscope for the week of February 1st to 7th.

if you like the channel of course you subscribe and then there is a novelty from Tuesday:

You will have the opportunity to ask me questions in a live that will last about an hour

I will give you the time slot on my social networks on instagram

or on twitter.


in this week's horoscope we're going to talk about Venus coming back to Capricorn

then we will talk about the new moon and then we will finish with your own planet :


Venus enters in the coming days in Capricorn

which is the highest point of your chart that is to say that

it's the place where everything is important, everything really takes

more space, more value because it's a house that

how to say, which manages

everything that is important. So,

what is going to be important, are these feelings

where are the attributes of Venus, ie maybe you are going

to negotiate a contract? Make a deal with someone, make an agreement with someone?

everything is possible

Insofar as that I do not know what Venus does in your natal chart, so I cannot determine


in any case what I can tell you is that for the love side

it's a little less fun because

Vénus is in Capricorn, Saturn's home and so it asks you to be

responsible for those you love ... maybe take someone in charge of one of your parents for example.

We continue with the new moon which is a beautiful new

Moon, it is in the middle of the AQUARIUS on its fifteenth degree, knowing that a sign counts 30 degrees so we are really - or 30 days -

so we are really in the middle. It's really a very good new moon for you Aries, because it

gives a boost to your projects, you ...

you have ideas you may even have new concepts in your head or ... everything

obviously depends on what you do, what are your activities ...

well if you are a seller in a shop you may have an idea


put forward

something you sell; if you are a scientist you will have an revolutionary idea of which you are going

try to experiment.

Anyway, there is one side extremely

creative under this new moon, at the same time there is also a friendly side

relationships with others will be much easier in that there is Mercury involved, and Jupiter: one could even

receive a proposal that you do not expect at all ?

We end up with your Mars ruling planet, which manages your sign : it has just entered your

3rd decan and obviously that will give you a little

too much energy, it will be necessary to for you to exercise, to try to

eliminate a little bit your energy, so that you can at least

to fall asleep at night because when you have a lot of energy like that,

we turn, we turn around ... so sport is a good way.


this is the moment too

to undertake: if you really want to get started in something to do something new

with Mars at home ... you have

a big entrepreneurial spirit. So just for the ones at the very end of the sign,

those born around the 18th, 19th of April,

be careful because Mars is coming to the conjunction of Uranus and there may be some unforeseen!

be careful not to break something for example,

because you will have been clumsy or...

well, there may be some form of breakage as well.

Two good days for you Monday and Tuesday, first Monday because it's the day of the new moon

precisely and and on Tuesday the moon will also be in

Aquarius, that we know is the most

friendly sign of your zodiac; if you have friends to see, you have to choose one of these two days, or

friends to call because you have something to tell them

accurate ...

In general Aries he does not like calling people just to chat; it has to be

"I have something to say I tell you and then ciao" I hang up ...

It's a little like Aries, it does everything

very quickly and precisely with the Aquarius Moon well you will be a little more impatient than usual but,

it will still be good days.

We'll meet again next week for a new

horoscope, by then if you want more details

you can call 32 10 or have it on or on the site of the figaro tv magazine bye bye.

For more infomation >> BÉLIER ♈, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:09.


CAPRICORNE ♑, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:39.

For more infomation >> CAPRICORNE ♑, votre HOROSCOPE du 1 au 7 février 2019. - Duration: 6:39.


Game Of Thrones Season 8 Who Will Sit On The Iron Throne - Part 1 - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Game Of Thrones Season 8 Who Will Sit On The Iron Throne - Part 1 - Duration: 9:17.


Anjo Sem Asas - Fabinho K (Nossa Toca) - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Anjo Sem Asas - Fabinho K (Nossa Toca) - Duration: 3:31.


To The Moon & Mars - Aerospace Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #34 - Duration: 10:01.

If you want to take to the skies or fly to Mars, you're going to need a machine to get you there.

Humans dreamed of taking flight for thousands of years, but it took special tools, techniques, and materials to make it possible.

It took aerospace engineering.

[Theme Music]

We've been able to accomplish some remarkable things since machines have given us the power of flight.

Astronauts visited the Moon in less time than it takes to cross the Atlantic by boat,

and my direct flight from LA to Missoula takes less time than it takes to drive across LA County.

We've been able to do these things because of aerospace engineering, the field dedicated to designing and building machines that fly.

It's broken down into two main parts: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.

Aeronautical engineering is focused on making aircraft – like gliders, jets, and helicopters

– while astronautical engineering builds spacecraft – like probes, satellites, and spaceships.

Both disciplines made enormous strides in the 20th century thanks in part to the Cold War conflict between the US and the Soviet Union.

That rivalry gave us the race to land on the Moon, as well as advancements in jet propulsion, radar, materials science, and so much more.

Today nations still compete, but so do private companies – and the goal isn't just getting back to the Moon, but making it to Mars.

It's not only a good headline.

If we've learned anything from the Space Race, it's that competition drives innovation.

The rocket company SpaceX plans on sending people to Mars as early as 2024 and, to make that happen, you need a lot of innovation.

But whether you're sending people across space or just flying around in the atmosphere, you're going to need to know some basic flying principles.

For atmospheric flight, the critical one is lift, and the most basic form of lift is buoyancy.

Buoyancy works because the atmosphere has what physicists call a pressure gradient,

meaning that air pressure gets a tiny bit smaller for every little bit higher you go.

The difference in those pressures creates a small upward force, which can push an object up if it's light enough – that's lift!

The earliest form of flight, hot air balloons, uses this principle.

That big ball of hot air is pushed up because it's lighter than the surrounding cooler air, and it pulls its passenger along for the ride.

If you want your balloon to be stationary, what engineers might call in equilibrium, then the sum of the forces should be equal to zero.

That means that the weight of gravity pulling the balloon – and the gas inside – downwards needs to exactly balance out the force of the pressure gradient pushing up.

But balloons are pretty impractical for most applications.

They're so dependant on the surrounding environment that things like changing weather conditions can make it hard to precisely steer or even land in one.

To fly more effectively, you need a propulsion system, or something that pushes you forward.

A propulsion system usually consists of a power source, and a propulsor, which is something that can convert power into forward motion.

There are three main propulsion systems that you'll use as an aeronautical engineer:

a heat engine with fuel, an electric motor with batteries, or an electric motor with solar cells.

The goal with any of these systems is to provide enough thrust to overcome the drag of the aircraft.

For commercial airplanes that do a lot of consistent travel,

you'll want to keep the engine efficiency high and fuel usage low so that you're not burning a hole in your wallet.

For something like a fighter jet, where speed is key, you'll need more thrust to accelerate quickly, which means that engine efficiency might go out the window.

Most modern planes rely on the jet engine, which has five core elements: an inlet, compressor, burner, turbine, and nozzle.

The inlet brings air into the engine, and that air is fed to the compressor.

The compressor then increases the pressure of the incoming air before it enters the burner.

At this stage of the engine, that high-pressure air is combined with fuel and burned.

This creates hot exhaust gas that's used to turn a turbine, which produces thrust as that air is passed through the nozzle.

Finally, the nozzle acts as your propulser, pushing the plane forward.

Now, there's a few important things to consider here.

You need to make sure that you have a sturdy inlet that can operate efficiently –

meaning that it can bring in enough air to the compressor – for your aircraft's entire flight.

When you're flying at low speeds, your compressor can handle pulling air into the engine itself,

but at higher speeds, a good inlet design allows you to have better maneuverability without disrupting the air flow to the compressor.

You also need to design your engine with materials that can withstand a lot of heat.

For instance, the blades in your turbine can experience temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius.

You need to make them from special metals that can withstand that heat, like a nickel-based superalloy, or add a system to actively cool the blades.

If you decide to cool them, you'll need a hollow design so that you can pump cool air into the blades and out through small holes on their surface to keep everything cool.

Put that all together, make sure you have a good nozzle to act as a propulser, and you'd have yourself a quality propulsion system.

Now, that will get you pretty far here on Earth, but think about traveling to space and you're going to have to deal with a whole other slew of challenges.

And the biggest one is actually you.

You might think that technological limitations are what's stopping us from traveling the stars – and that's certainly part of it.

But your greatest obstacle will come from the human body's difficulty in adapting to the challenges of deep space.

Our bodies can't just flip a switch and suddenly adapt, so you'll need to build ships that can mimic an Earth-like environment.

Some aspects, like creating a breathable atmosphere, are pretty easy.

Others, like dealing with weightlessness are much harder.

One thing we don't yet have is artificial gravity.

Gravity affects everything from the development of your bones and muscles, to how easily your heart pumps blood through your body.

Without it, astronauts in space experience issues like weaker muscles or blurrier vision after just a few days

One way to deal with this, at least in theory, is to take advantage of the apparent centrifugal force and create a spacecraft that spins.

This could effectively mimic gravity in a similar way to how water stays in a rapidly spinning bucket.

Space is also full of radiation, which can increase the crew's risk of cancer and even hurt the ship.

Long-term exposure to radiation can severely damage onboard electronics, causing short-circuits and corrupting memory.

So if you don't want your design to get fried in space, you need to build it to withstand that radiation.

Using insulating materials for computer chips instead of the usual silicon will help.

So will designing electronics to have external shields made out of things like lead.

That'll make the overall size of your system larger, so you have to factor that in too.

And that's just space itself.

There's even more to consider once you start talking about dealing with the atmospheres of other planets.

Take a look at Mars, and you'll find an atmosphere about 1% as dense as Earth's,

and a temperature that ranges from -125°C in the winter to about 20°C in the summer –

all things that your designs need to be able to handle if we ever have hopes of traveling or even living there.

But before you go off and try and colonize another planet, it's good to start of with a simpler mission,

like designing a satellite that doesn't have all the problems of needing an astronaut on board.

Satellites have three main elements: the payload, the bus, and the launcher.

The payload is all the equipment that performs the satellite's main functions, like receiving telecommunications or processing and sending data.

The bus refers to the systems and structures that provide functions like power, protection, stability, and orbital control –

which all allow the payload to perform its intended mission.

The launcher, or the launch vehicle adapter assembly, is the connection between the bus and the rocket that boosts the satellite into orbit.

All of these parts need to come together in the design of your satellite.

And you better make sure all your math is right, because a simple calculation mistake can be devastating, both in terms of human life and in the cost of all your equipment.

Back around the turn of the millennium, NASA lost a 125 million dollar Mars orbiter just because of a mix-up of units.

NASA's team was using metric units while the manufacturer was using English ones,

ultimately throwing off the orbiter's calculations and causing it to burn up in the Martian atmosphere.

There's one last, special kind of spacecraft you might need to design, a spacesuit.

You see, a spacesuit isn't just a set of clothes that you wear in space – it's basically it's own human-sized ship!

It protects an astronaut from getting too hot or too cold, provides them with oxygen to breathe, and can even store drinking water.

And they have those gold-lined visors that shield their eyes from the super bright sunlight of space.

And the suit's tough exterior provides protection from space dust, which can actually be really dangerous when it's moving around faster than a speeding bullet.

You can't beef the suit up too much though, because astronauts still need to be able to move around effectively.

Conserving energy is also important since the food options are a little up there.

That's why engineers are always trying to come up with better spacesuit designs, like NASA's Z-2 advanced prototype.

The Z-2 uses advanced composites to achieve a lightweight, highly durable suit that could withstand long duration missions in harsh environments, like the one found on Mars.

Whether it's SpaceX, NASA, or someone else, whoever plans on getting to Mars will need spacesuits like these.

And a good spaceship.

But with the right engineering practices, and a little luck, there's a good chance that we'll one day be a multiplanetary species.

Today we learned all about aerospace engineering and its two main fields of aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.

We applied the concepts of lift and buoyancy to flying, and found out how a propulsion system is more effective than something like a hot air balloon.

Then we learned how managing the human body in space is one of the biggest challenges that aerospace engineers face.

Finally, we learned what goes into making a good spacesuit.

I'll see you next time, when we talk all about computer engineering.

Crash Course Engineering is produced in association with PBS Digital Studios, which also produces Space Time!

Explore the outer reaches of space, the depths of astrophysics, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth.

Check it out at the link in the description.

Crash Course is a Complexly production and this episode was filmed in the Doctor Cheryl C. Kinney Studio with the help of these wonderful people.

And our amazing graphics team is Thought Cafe.

For more infomation >> To The Moon & Mars - Aerospace Engineering: Crash Course Engineering #34 - Duration: 10:01.



What's up guys, my name is Jason Wardrop and I'm here with Terrell. Terrell. What's up, man? Hey, let's go on Jason

Nice - grateful that you're able to join us here and trails a fairly new agent

You've only been in the game for like what two years now, I am on my second year

Yes, sir second year and he is in the Vegas area and he has been crushing it

You just telling me he had such a great year this past year

He just took the whole month of December off with jhana. See guys that that's awesome

It's always nice to be able to take a step back

reflect on your successes your

accomplishments and like you're saying spend some time with your family with your kids and

Hang out and enjoy the holiday season a little bit. So

With that said man, tell us a little bit about like your, you know, you're brand new to the real estate space

tell us a little bit on that journey getting into it and

Yeah, some of your successes so far

alright, well everyone like to say, my name is Terrell Lancaster a

Real estate agent in my second year out in the Vegas market prior military. I was in the Army for about ten years and

Now I sell houses I don't know how I got here I just woke up one day it was like I

Could sell a house. Why not?

And I think most people most agents have that idea and it doesn't quite work out that way and it's in it's tough

It's really tough but at the end of the day as long as you

Stick it out. You know you just give it your best foot forward

Honestly, what works best is just showing up every day, you know

If when you get up and you show up what weather if you got a deal lead anything, you know

But when you're sitting at home moping around about cake, you can't get a deal. You can't do this can't do that

That's where that's where we start to fail, you know

But when you get out there and you actually show up you'll start to see results, you know, is what I believe

100% man so so yeah, so you've been

How long have you been on like the Arsenal system and into the six-figure agent program? It's been a few months, right?

Yeah, I want to say about six months my first year of real estate. I really didn't do much

Because I didn't know anything

You don't really learn as much as you expect to let you Brokerage because

Let's face. It brokers are busy. You know, they're they're running a business and you're trying to run a business as well

but in real estate is not the place to

Where you have to have your hand held the entire way

And so for me it was really tough because I was from the military. I'm used to being told what to do


You know here you do this go to this country and do this come back jump out of this airplane

And when that goes away, you're like, huh?

You know, you got to really figure it out. And I know you see, you know, those programs those systems that come up

Oh by this this will help you. This will help you and I found Arsenal

and it just it just made sense and

you know I started about I want to say June of 2000 of last year about June and

Between June and November I closed 11 transactions

Just because and and that's pretty good and those were all organic leads people that I've never met


So that was good to me because let's face it

You know

We could have a giant sphere of influence but you're always the last person they think about when it comes to that kind of stuff

Totally man, otally. Well, that's awesome

I mean 11 transactions and what like five months they're not honestly not even five. I'll make more close to four

Like that close my first three back to back in what October?

another three or September October November

And I think two in July

So yeah, and like every month it was just it was just batting Tibet Lhasa and I was tired. Don't get me wrong

yeah, you know because from closing no transactions to having three deals in my first month light it I

was I was beat so

But it definitely worked out me. Oh, that's awesome. So tell us a little bit about

One question I get a lot as I was telling you is like a lot of agents were like, okay

You know, you're having a lot of success what what like campaign were you running? What Facebook ad were you running?

You know, we've got a lot of the different templates in the system. But which one were you going with you get that?

leads the the

the what I did was I tweaked it to

Instead of having like a particular listing or anything

I had multiple listings, you know their actual case multiple pictures of homes

Because what I've noticed is that

You show you can show them one home all day one listing. Yeah, but truly you're only really appealing to a small group of people

Showing multiple homes in a neighborhood, you know what I mean?

And I move there now

You become a source of information

They open that up and there and you know, wherever it takes them to it gets you their information

Then I reach out to them a column or a text message

I get a response I say hey, let me set you up on you know MLS search that will come to you automatically

what areas would you like but I've noticed when I try just the single homes it didn't it wasn't as

Good as when I did an entire neighborhood, you know, that's genius

You know, there's seven homes or you know

Here are seven different homes out in the Summerlin area

Instead of just shoving one home in Summerlin because now I limited my audience to only people who are looking for a 3-bed 2bath

Single-story. Yeah, totally

So these are these all are these all your listings are these listings from your brokerage or someone someone else on your team or these?

Things these things it throughout the entire MLS

Here's the deal this how I see it. I'm a real estate agent. Yeah, unless is my inventory

Yes lies in home sales, you know what? I mean? Yeah, therefore everything in that inventory belongs to me. I don't care

What broker I came from, you know, as what I do what I have to do with legally to show that home

And and so forth like I can sell any home that's in that in that list

So you should be afraid to go out there and to show other homes

You know now they're exclusive listings always get the permission from the agent

you know prior to

Because you know they may have certain rules and regulations or guidelines that they want to follow especially for high-end homes

But honestly if it's in the MLS, and there's pictures available to the public show the pub

Berkshire man and I love that way like obviously you want to make sure everything's like the legal way like you're saying if

It's an exclusive agent. You want to make sure you get their permission stuff

but like those campaigns like even the single listing which I love the on Sept of having the multiple listings on there cuz

Like you're saying you just reach a wider demographic

Mm-hmm, but there's so many agents they jump in

I'm like man just start with the the listing leads campaign cuz I crushes every time yeah

Yeah, it'll be like I don't have a listing will do someone on your team or your brokerage have a listing

Yeah, and if they say no like I mean usually somebody does right. Yeah

As the states. Yeah, so it's like

You you can't be in under this like more scarcity mentality of like well, I don't have a listing so I can't do that

So I love like kind of just you know, thinking outside of the box a little bit like that like you did

Yeah, you just having that creative creativity because obviously if somebody is the seller agent, but you bring them a buyer. I

Mean, they're gonna love you for it, right?

Nobody's complaining. Yeah, so you're obviously you're gonna get permission from them, but it's not like I


It's not like I'm running a full-on marketing campaign for them, you know, just putting that hey these homes are in the area

You know this home is you know

Four hundred twenty five thousand and it gives people like you become the the source you just want them to come to your website

To shop. Yep, you know

After they shop and they look around and browse through

You know you want them to pick up the phone and then the call you not the other agent

You don't want them to call a listing agent. Yeah, because now you make no money and they make double money

So, so anyway, you talked a little bit about your follow up and not and honestly that strategy of having the multiple listings

I'm going to start having to you're gonna have to I'll give you credit for sure man, cuz that that's awesome

I love that kind of broader sense of everything

But what you talked a little bit about the follow?

But what is your fall if you get a new lead that comes in Arsenal hits you up says hey

You got a new lead and we've seen you you've shown us the whole screen shots of yeah

Man, yeah at one point

I think one day you're getting leads like every 20 minutes, which was absolutely insane and buddy

And that was that was for one property. That was a that was a particular property. It was a horse property


So and another thing you can understand or look at it like this if there's a property that has specific

Features to it that make it stand out from the rest, you know, don't run those in a group campaign, you know

Don't run a bunch of horse properties together

Because you know now you're all you're all looking at properties over two acres and so forth, you know

Because you want that particular one to sell so well that one. Oh, that one was easy

I've made that listing and that was actually my listing. Okay, and I put it into one of the pages

In Las Vegas, Utah and surrounding areas of horse owners. Yeah, okay

I mean that thing caught fire

People were sharing it and that's when those leads were coming in like every 20 minutes now

They come in like every 45 minutes to an hour

But I mean for that particular campaign when you have something that is special, you know

You create a app and you sell it and you put it in the places that people are likely to share it

You know and and that's why that's why like I gained a lot of you know notice early on

Because of that and pee pee everyone who to me weeks later

Hey, you got any more horse properties and stuff and I'm you know, I never saw Nana question and property in my life. Yeah

That that's awesome man, so so what's what's those leads come in?

I mean you've obviously gotten you got the automated email text follow up with arsenal

But what what does the follow up look like with you? I mean, are you calling these leads?

Are you seeing a lot of responses with the texting email like texting? What does that look like texting texting texting texting?

People don't want to talk on the phone anymore. They don't want you know emails feel

You know that like they dragged out it's not

Think about it sending an email from a computer feels so much better than your phone

But who wants to get on their computer anymore totally, you know?

So when you hit them with all three avenues of approach texting email phone call

They're they're gonna respond to something, you know, yeah

eventually and I me honestly I

Will reach out and touch a person even if they don't respond until I get a restraining order

You know because you never you never told me no

I'm like I'm tinted that is asking their parents for a snack and your parent says uh, yeah, give me a minute

They never told you no just not right now

don't ya and that

Child will bug you and bug you and bug you until they get a yes because at some point you showed interest in

Buying selling or renting a property and I want to be that guy. Yeah

so obviously like I like that too a lot of times some people like and someone

Watching this interview right now is probably like oh that's too intense

but my thing is is that shows your character of

like you are relentless and you'll do whatever it takes which

If they're gonna go buy or sell a home with you

you know that you'll have their back and do whatever it takes and so I

Find that like is like a huge quality whereas like some agents

They'll be like I don't want to be annoying or anything like that

Whereas like the people that have more than my say that you have that I've talked to the agents. Mmm

like I've heard them where their

Clients go through and they thank them for following up like that and being at relentless because of like man like yeah

I wasn't ready or I was like on holidays or vacation or whatever

but once I saw how committed you were and how relentless you were I was like man that's this person and just everything I just

Said they'll fight for me

They'll have my back they're gonna make sure that things happen and that's the way you got to really look at this, right?

Yeah, but also don't just be don't just be the the bull in the china shop, you know also

Totally that's all provide information. You know, you're just doing a random, you know

Hey, I know you were interested in that 3-bed 2bath and in Summerland, you know

Here's another one that just showed up on the market

Let me know if you want to schedule a private showing or something like that and you can automate all of these emails

you know so that way you don't have to worry about them because you know

What else they were looking at based on the campaign you ran, you know?

You know what market they're in the location that they're looking in

And so therefore you can kind of target these emails for that campaign and send it to them and you're just providing useful information

You know because with like you said when they are ready, they're gonna pick up the phone

I had one guy tell me he says man

Like how much he says you must have some pretty strong fingers for all those emails you I said

I typed them once you just get him later he goes and you're brilliant. Yeah, he says you know what?

I want you to sell my house. We listed his house and I was able to sell it in 19 days

That's awesome. You know, I mean friend that's from start to close cash transaction listed

It was the market sold in 19 days. That does legit. Yeah, so to one thing also on that

As far as like the following up and providing the information that 100% agree. You got to provide valuable information

You're just gonna be pestering the people obviously it's gonna know any one

one new

Update that we've made with the Arsenal mobile app, which I don't think I've told you this yet

But you can have like let's say you've got a eight week long sequence of emails texts

All that stuff's just automated on the loop on the any new lien that comes in, huh?

What we did when somebody responds to your like text message, for example

if they respond on day three or day 17 or 24

Whatever day they respond the system will automatically know that they responded to automatically cancel off the rest of the messages. So you're not

Hitting them with the automated sequence

Cuz you go out like you already had the conversation with them

You don't want to be hitting them again and again and again, it just gets annoying, right?

You know what and I had a system like that

Prior. Yeah, and I actually I actually closed it because you guys started doing it

Yeah, the system that I was paying for to reach out and touch them

Once you guys started doing that I canceled my subscription with the other guys and it was it was costing me 200 bucks a month

bank, yeah, I mean but uh

but at the same so you guys have it and I've already enrolled in the program which was a great deal of and

Man, the knowledge is priceless the amount of knowledge that you get in that course is is crazy

So thank you for taking the time and putting that together because yeah, man

I mean you get all of these informations you go to all of these webinars and seminars and stuff like that

but I mean you just kind of took all of it and put it in one place and

For me that was that was big for me last year. I appreciate that man

Do you do you have experience with Facebook advertising before jump into that or was that kind of your first exposure

Man, I knew how to boost a post. That was it

That was that was about it, man. I didn't know anything about marketing, you know, you reach or any of that kind of stuff

Awesome. Yeah, and honestly that that's where

Most agents that I first talked to and work with they're kind of in that same position

They they know how to boost the post because obviously Facebook makes it so easy to hit that boost post button

Yeah, but really like you and I know and if anyone else watching this is try this, you know

We're just gonna get likes comments and shares

You're not gonna actually get results leads from it

Which you need a lead to turn into appointment to a turn into a closed deal

And so that's like a like in the comments just like it's a vanity metric, right? Yeah

It's not gonna get you anything besides like Oh show your friends

You got a hundred likes on this post and it's like okay how much money do you actually make? Well, you didn't make anything so

no, that's good to hear cause like honestly man, like

It can be very simple

One, you know the right strategies to implement when you know how to set the ads up the right way, right?

And that's who that's that's my goal with that course is really trying to dive in and show it like is people like agents are

Spending money on Facebook. They're boosting the post

So it's like if you're gonna spending five ten bucks a day

You might as well be doing it the right way where you're actually going to see exactly

Real leads where it's like named phone emails. So just a like or comment of like

Yeah, this is awesome or something. I need names and numbers. I don't need those. Yeah

No, I'm with you man. Well cool anything else you'd like to share with us here before we kind of wrap things up

No, man, I got like I said you got a you got an awesome program

I think you know that I've sent you multiple personal private messages on the whatever this facebook Messenger thing is

With with just countless praises because like I said, I I would not have had as much success

without the program because it helped me understand a lot and

the last thing that I would really like to stress is

People are being told that whole Facebook's a waste of time and this dis and that and I look at it like this

We used to go, you know, 10 15 years ago. We went to the TV to get all of our information

Yeah, you know the television was where we huddled around to watch, you know, NASA go to the moon

supposedly and

But but you get where I'm going and now you have the ability to reach everybody because everybody you have access to everybody's phone

Totally. Yeah, and

Nine out of 10 people at Facebook on their phone and you don't mean I get ya

Impossible to see someone without Facebook or Instagram or some type of you know social media

Interaction and therefore why would you risk losing out on?

Reaching those people. Yeah, you know, unfortunately

Google AdWords is and where it used to be, you know

Eight years ago where you could buy it for pennies on the dollar and be the number one agent in your town

Ya know now it's really expensive and you're going to get beat out by the Zillow's and the purple bricks and so forth

So why not have organic?

Connections with people that are that you like literally at your fingertips

Yeah, you know what? I mean, and that's why I


Love this program. Like I will endorse it to the to the day. I stopped breathing

Because it helped me learn a lot. And like I said, you put everything right there everything an agent ever needs. It's right there and

like I said, I had such a good year that I took I took a whole month vacation it you know and

Now I'm kind of sad I might take another month off since my equals loss


That is tough that is tough for sure man, but hey, thanks so much for joining us today

like I said don't want to take up too much more of your time, but

Appreciate you sharing your successes. I'm glad I was able to help in one way or another here. All right, man

Thank you and keep up the good work, brother

For more infomation >> 😲 ROOKIE REALTOR CLOSES 11 DEALS IN 4 MONTHS!! - Duration: 19:51.


DIY Tesla Model 3 Carbon Fiber Vinyl Center Console Kit - Duration: 20:24.

what's going on guys my name is Voss and if you're new to channel thank you so

much for stopping by we got another Tesla video today for ya

it's a pretty good one before we started this video was basically sponsored by

Evan X and Evan X is a Tesla company that makes interior kits experience its

accessory pieces a lot of fantastic stuff the last video we did with them

they provided us a quick charging system and it's amazing it works really well so

highly highly go check it out recommend go checking it out I'll link

it here they have a discount code called Elan bucks I will link that as well

it gives you $10 off of your order of $100 or more so today we got another

Evan action product and this one's pretty cool so we've got the full center

console carbon fiber dash kit so you've got the front the center area and then

the cup holder area this is gonna be I've been waiting for this I think the

piano black on the model three looks good but it's very prone to fingerprints

it gets dirty really easy and I'm afraid I feel like it's gonna get scratched up

so Evan X has sent me this to try on and review so we're gonna go ahead and

installing this before we give it and so a couple things you're gonna need is

they do recommend using a squeegee to get to the you know any bubbles or any

imperfections you have you can peel it back up and squeegee it back they do

provide this so that's really good of them we got a rag here with a little bit

of isopropyl alcohol rack you can use a 40 percent isopropyl alcohol 60 percent

water mix or you can just use one of those rags and then I have a kind of

lint-free cloth to help wipe that down once we get with their ads so that

doesn't leave dust or anything on the panels and lastly if you were to need it

here is a hairdryer this should help smooth out the vinyl I know a while can

be tough to stretch and maneuver a little bit so if you manipulate a little

bit this will help so let's get to it so alright first step let's get our cloth

and so let's just clean these surfaces off so let me get my phone out here

so you just really want to get any dirt debris zout and then once we do that you

want to make sure that uh I'm gonna bring this up just so make it a little

bit easier to to get to so let's go ahead and clean all this off

keep it finger print less and once that happens we don't need this anymore

let's get to this

cleaning up pretty well I think overall you can already tell we've had this car

about 3,000 miles and me if you want to bring camera in here the light hits

right there are time scratches so already this my know this carbon fiber

vinyl kit it's a pretty thick it's a 3m product it should help a lot it should

help keep with the fingerprints the smudging so let me get the rest of these

dust pieces out and so all right so now that your car is prepped it's time to

start applying the vinyl and we're gonna start with the very very top of this but

here is the kit and here is the top piece centerpiece in the cup holder

piece so we're gonna go ahead and start with this top piece so I look I'm gonna

clean on my service one last time newsmen and sure there's no dust and

stuff there's a little bit no big deal just don't try not to get out bubbles

I'm spotting in your in your install so first thing I wanted to do this let's go

ahead and peel this off we don't need this for the time being so I'm gonna put

this away and let's just basically we're going to want to get our squeegee ready

and go ahead and line this up and it's not you're gonna want to make sure that

you have the edges lined up and the front ends lined up and they have these

little inserts so basically if you look right here is where you should line up

the end right here I'm gonna bring cam around here and what that'll do is this

piece right here will wrap around so if I click this up it'll actually wrap

around to this area right here so basically let's go ahead and

so let's start by kind of placing this on here if it's not perfect the first

time no big deal you can pull it off and redo it just try not to tear the vinyl

what it is pretty tough so it's got a horsey let me grab a light tip it's hard

to see what's going on it is snowing and horrible today in Ohio this is the first

snow we've gotten big snow we've gone and it's been just atrocious outside so

we're inside trying to get this gallon so there's a there's a light couple

lights there so basically what you want to do is get these ends and these

bottoms lined up so let me let me get on here and basically let's go ahead and

line it up and you just want to make sure that these edges if it's not good

just go ahead and peel it up and try again

but you can know that you can do is push this up just a little bit to make sure

it is looks pretty good now let's make sure this side is that side is good so

that looks all right and now kind of just use your fingers

and kind of slowly go back and forth and up and it's okay if the edges are

looking off no worries for now just kind of use your fingers like that and you

can use the squeegee but for now the fingers are doing a pretty good job so

let's go ahead and finish off okay so overall pretty good very little

bubbling right now nothing nothing too much so now I'm

gonna do now is push this down and let's use its actually bring that one back and

bring this up a little bit and let me grab my sweetie

so what you can do from here is let's make sure that let's make sure the

bubbling and everything is taken care of it looks pretty good so there we go and

let's actually take this guy and just kind of start one way and kind of wrap

it down um it doesn't have to be perfect right away we have a heat gun if this

doesn't look the best so we can actually go like that and I'm gonna take this

just a little just rip this out for now overall it's looking really good so far

so let's get these he bobbles we have we can get a heat gun to it and get those

out later but so once we do that go ahead and take the back side and push

those down as well so there's one side now let's do the same on this side as

well so go ahead and pull that down as well and I mean overall you know pretty

good installed we got a couple spots here in there that need to be fixed out

just a little bit so let's go ahead and let's take you can use your thumb you

can use your

and you can kind of lace up from the side

just keep these bubbles out and work them work them out like that what I mean

and if you have a bubble that you don't like you can always peel this up from

the side and just work it back down but um what I'm gonna do is so we got a

couple bubbling issues so let me get the heat gun and we're gonna work on that

real quick all right so um I you can use a heat gun if you need to

I actually went ahead and I want without the heat gun right it was I'm gonna take

this flashlight I kind of just took the squeegee that provided worked it out if

something it's a little bubbly no worries peel it back up slowly just

trying to rip it this vinyl is very good quality and just kind of work the

bubbles down and kind of work them in one place and work them out and then you

can wrap so like you click that to wrap this around but I mean overall this

turned out really good and one thing you want to do is take the squeegee and take

the end pieces and kind of just push it in and just make sure that it's really

adhered to the sides and you don't worry not gonna hurt anything it's just a you

know inconvenient it's all the time so I mean overall I'm visually inspected no

bubbling nothing take the squeegee right down so the first piece is done and I

mean that was a very good install we're gonna go ahead and move on to the

centerpiece as well as the cup holder piece but so far this turned out really


alright so we just did um bring camera for a second we just did this front one

and it looks really good it composite' transforms look at the inside the piano

black doesn't look bad but now it's not gonna be scratch proof it's gonna be a

lot better smudge free so let's go ahead and install the set the centerpiece so

I'm gonna just peel this one off and before I do that you'll see here there's

a little nudge that nudge is what you want to line up with the end here so I

press this up you'll actually see where that will wrap down so we're gonna have

to be really careful this one's gonna be routed challenging and this will wrap

down into the sides so what I want to do is get this one lined up and then move

it up so let me go ahead and peel this off so so let me just quickly wipe this

down one last time just fingerprints out

so it's basically what we want to do is get this one yeah let's bring the light

in get this one lined up as best we can can you bring the light right there

as best we can to the to the corner and if it's not good no worries just try

again and this vinyl stuff is pretty easy to manipulate and work with so


that looks pretty good to me so let's just kind of make sure these bubbles

don't stick in here either you can peel it off if you need to and kind of just

take the squeegee and work it way back down


so now we kind of have it sitting in place basically the way I'd like it so

now what we want to do is let's go ahead and push this up for now and let's make

sure this bottom piece is going to be wrapped and let's basically get it into

place see any bubbles just work them back out no worries on the bubbling just

kind of use your fingertip

move it around some bubbles take the squeegee feet you were come out to the


Loup these guys down and then push it through alright so if you wanna bring

the can back down so we actually just got this one done and it just took a

little bit of playing and you can just take the squeegee take the edges and

really push don't be afraid to ruin your trim and you're only gonna push it just

a hair and just kind of work it through down like that on both sides and once

you do that you can also push this one down and it'll leave a little bit right

here so take your squeegee and kind of work it down as well so we'll just work

it down there and then unless you that you can top it off with the front one as

well to really make sure and now it's opening and closing without any issues

and I mean just check for bubbling no so far no bowing anywhere so now that this

one's done let's go ahead and move on to the cup holder area alright so here is

the final piece to the central console vinyl kit it's the cup holders one thing

you want to make sure if this is start with lining the cup holder area to this

edge right here and if you need to use your heat gun to heat it up to

manipulate it you can and then move it back cuz it's crucial that this lines up

right or it's gonna throw off how it looks here so let's go ahead and peel

this one off get this one lined up and get this one applied

so go ahead and just kind of get it lined up what we're gonna want to do is

let's for the time being let's actually we're gonna leave that open let's get in

here like that and kind of just place this one and real quick before we get

started just one more time really wipe it down and sure nothing's on it

so now let's uh let's kind of start with lining these up yeah that's true

whining these up over here as well

and let's make sure a couple her areas good the rest of it we can get the heat

gun to and work back if need be so for the time being so there's that

overall pull this up if you need to just a hair I mean that looks pretty good to

me just really just make sure that it's gonna line up inside like tax you want

to cover over because you want to look seamless so let's go ahead and do that

overall I think that's pretty good so from here just start with kind of

pressing down where the cupholder parts gonna sit like that you know work this

down and get this all lined up properly and really make sure that it looks as

flush as it can be and you can work it back if you need to and you know if we

need to get the heat gun out we can to kind of manipulate this a little more no

problem at all

so I mean overall that looks pretty clean to me

alright so we used a heat gun and we were able to get this to kind of line up

pretty well I mean that's the first time it really didn't play around with it

much what you want to do is once you get it situated in place get that heat gun

to kind of work it a little bit vital the nice thing with Meinl is you can't

really screw it up because it does stretch so we were able to stretch it

out to the edges where we needed to and I mean bubbling wise this looks really

good we got a couple things in the front take the squeegee and start working the

edges I'll wrap this down right here and wrap it underneath kind of so get that

going you know and once you do that make sure that's sitting pretty well there's

a couple bubble in here and there you can peel it up and kind of work it

through overall pretty good and let's get a couple bubbles here and there out

so let me close this for a second and what I'm gonna do is take my squeegee

and take these bubbles kind of work them out to the middle here and get them to

escape out of the center area so think bubbling wise we're looking pretty good

a couple bubbles here on the end so let's bring those down through we just

finish this up right here and I mean man that looks really good

I just took the squeegee and I manipulated into the cracks here or

anything extra use the heat gun to work it through if you need to and then you

can go ahead and close this and I mean now our interior interior console carbon

fiber vinyl kit is complete and I mean overall this has transformed the look

roll-up I'll put a snapshot of what I look like before and after and I mean

this is a huge difference so overall this was a great great install

relatively easy to do just takes a little bit of time and patience so if

you enjoyed this smash that like button subscribe to another notification Belon

if you know somebody with a Tesla that's looking to spice up their interior

definitely share this video and check out

Evan X I will link it here use the discount post along bucks that will save

you $10 on your purchase of $100 thank you for watching and I will see you next


For more infomation >> DIY Tesla Model 3 Carbon Fiber Vinyl Center Console Kit - Duration: 20:24.


Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video | Suchay Tajjer K Sath Kiya Hoga | 30 Second Status Video - Duration: 0:30.

Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video

Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video

Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video

Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video

For more infomation >> Molana Tariq Jameel 30 Second Status Video | Suchay Tajjer K Sath Kiya Hoga | 30 Second Status Video - Duration: 0:30.


Asian dramas┃Unworthy (#4) - Duration: 3:55.

You are only able to feel lightness more once you've experienced the heaviness.

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