Thursday, December 29, 2016

Youtube daily report Dec 29 2016

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For more infomation >> Real Voice behind Cartoons-Must Watch - Duration: 5:22.


Japanese "Sweets" Makeup by Decora fashion model Haruka Kurebayashi| 原宿系お菓子メイクbyモデル,ファッションデザイナー紅林大空 - Duration: 15:01.

Hello, I'm Haruka Kurebayashi

Normally I do modelling for KERA or being the vocal for the band MJR-cookie

Today I'm introducing a very cute snack makeup using real snacks

So let's start

The color contacts are green from Ti Amo

The size is 14.5mm

It's a bit small than usual but

since Ti Amo contacts give great color, the focus this time was using good color

No heavy eyeliner this time so,

so I'm choosing the contacts based on how much color I can show just with the eyes

First is the base

The CC cream from Maihada

The Maihada is to be spread out as to blend in

Not making it too thick, but making it very thin

The concealer is from Calypso

The brightest color

When you add this under the eyes and on the corner of the mouth

the mouth will look like it's facing upward thus creating a smiling effect

Adding this to the bridge of the nose

When you look at the outer corner of the eyebrows,

you may have marks after shaving some off, or see the different colors

and it's better to hide that

so adding it on like this

and blending it in

Using the powder from kiss me FERME

Using the most flat brush from Six Plus

and adding the powder of Kiss Me FERME

Not making it too thick, but spreading it thinly

It's just to apply over to hold down the sticky feeling

Next is LA pallette's pink and purple color

Using the two colors in turns

Around 5 to 8mm width

with the pink, purple, pink, purple colors added

it will look cute

In my case, the two colors are 3 lines each side by side

Pink, purple pink, and after that the next purple will have colors on the bottom as well

Aligning with the purple above, adding some purple to the bottom as well.

Once the pink goes on top,

The pink goes on the bottom as well

and the last purple is connected to the top and top so pulling it over it

By doing this, the top half is not split completely,

but it looks like it is circled around

That would be the key part

Next will be the color New York City from Lime Crime

adding some color to the top

The image of the eye makeup is making it like a cup cake

Since the New York City color of this Lime Crime was in yellow,

using this as a base

Taking the lip stick on cotton bud

and adding as if spreading it

This was originally a lip stick, but it did not match my lips

so I decided to use it as an eye color from now on

Adding the same color yellow powder from the top

The way to add this is, creating a shape like the cloud

will make it look cute

I will be drawing the lip stick pretty heavily later on so,

so the eye makeup won't be so much without the outline either

so it will be ok if the first glance looks like a cup cake

Next is the Coupy design color mascara in snow white

This mascara stretches way more than normal mascara

Using the eyelash curler and adding directly to my original eye lashes

Overlaying twice and more,

Making it a little bushy at the end

Holding the mascara vertically

Making it bushy and shaking it sideways

Adding it like this will make it look beautiful

Both sides doing the same way

The bottom doesn't have to be so thick, so maybe twice will be enough

The lips are done by KATE's My color pencil in white

Drawing about half of the bottom lips

Taking the outline first, and then filling the inside

and going one rim at a time

At this point, the powder will come later on so you don't have to add so much

It's ok if it becomes a little smudge as long as you can tell it's white

Mixing the white powder with lip gloss

Majolica Majorca Honey Pump Essense

It's a skin lotion for lips

I'm using this as something like a lip gloss

It's a bit yellow-ish but when you apply it, it becomes transparent

Mixing it pretty vigorously with it and

The key is adding the powder a lot

Taking it on a cotton bud and

and adding it over as if tapping it

rubbing it too much will take off the white drawn by the pencil

so just tapping it gently on the top

Tapping it to give it some moisture

Giving it twice layers will avoid having color difference and making it look pretty

Next is Visee's pink #821

It is the darkest pink

Taking some on a brush and addint it to the bottom

Since I have added white to the outer corner of the bottom lips,

so not to mix them together, adding it starting from the inner side

By doing this, since I wanted the outer white part to be as if it was melting,

I'm using a brush to draw a wave shape here

But, creating the waves in the same height will not make it so beautiful so,

Once a normal wave continues for two bumps,

creating one big wave followed by a smaller wave

and middle sized one

Drawing it with some difference

After that on the top lips, creating a big mountain here

and filling in the inside in tapping motion

When pink is finished, it's purple

For this one, since I got a Dior Chip for my birthday,

so I'm using it now on the highest point of the top lips

Adding to the outside as if creating an outline

Then going down to the wave part of the bottom lips on the longest one

giving it an outline like addition to it

This will give a 3D effect and make it look more beautiful

When both are drawn, blend in the edges a little bit

and finishing off

The finishing touch for the lips are the Majolica Majorca serum

Once you take some of the serum in your fingers, taking out the hologram and the glitter

and creating the lips again

First taking the small glitter and the hologram, mixing them together in turns

Once you had added quite a lot of serum,

adding about 2/3 the amount of glitter

Mixing it until you feel the glitters have blended in well

and then adding the hologram to the remaining 1/3

Mixing it all together you will get,

Transparent serum,

Serum with glitter inside

and a serum with hologram in it

You will get it in 3 separate parts

so to create a gradation of the 3,

So starting off with the transparent one to the hologram part, taking quite an amount

and placing it starting from the inner lips

By doing this, the biggest hologram will stick constantly on the outer lips

and give a voluminous touch

Right now for the finished look will be giving hologram to the top lips

and on the inner lips will be a lot of glitter in it

and where it is droopy will have a normal serum

and going with glitter and hologram again

so the bigger ones are concentrated on the outside

Finishing off on the top eye shadows

Drawing some dots on the yellow base

These are the pink and purple dots used on the lipsticks in turns

This can be done in your own taste

Having too many will cause a traffic jam here

so giving it some space between and adding here and there

Adding some star holograms

These are the stars I use on my Decora makeups

Starting off with Leun's eyelash fixer

In the end I wanted to connect with the sugar stars so it would go all the way around the eyes

so as a connecting point between the dots and the sugar stars,

I'm adding 5 each on the eyes

Adding one from the end of where the dot ends

creating a reverse triangle from there adding 1, 2, 3

From there, adding 2 stars as if adding it in between like 1 and 2

It will work if it is connected, but I placed it like this

Next is adding the real sugar stars

The sugar stars I bought at Kaldi

Perhaps you can buy at 100 yen store

It is sold quite a lot during Valentine's day season

so if you find and you want it, I would recommmend it buying it early

It's Christmas season and there aren't many colorful ones

I had a little hard time finding it

This time I'm using stars in pastel colors

For these stars I'm using eye lash glue to add 6 stars for each side

Looking at the balance of colors making it somewhat symmetric.

but adding randomly is also cute so try it your own way

Going back to the lips again

I thought that when the crumbs stick around your mouth when eating snacks look cute,

and I wanted to have that image here

so adding some Argentee from the top to the middle of the lips

This actually drops off easily

Since it was round

It's heavier than you think and doesn't stick so well

so it comes off often

I wondered how other people do it on Instagram

Perhaps if I use a more sticky gloss, it may stick better

Since this time I'm using a serum which is quite a thin gloss,

it doesn't look so well and the amount is not so much

So just for this time, I've placed some right in the middle,

and on the above, it is attached with lash glue

With lash glue it sticks quite well

but doesn't work over the gloss

so it's quite sticky around the mouth,

but the inner side is up to how the gloss is

and just placing it on

The stars are attached pretty much the same way

The stars stick better than the circles since they have more space to stick on

Next is adding some syrup like look as if it's dripping from the mouth

Placing it where the pink wave was being big

Adding it right under those spots with 1 or 2 drops

Once it is colored in pink, giving it some shine

Adding just to the bottom part with a white shadow to make it look like it's bloating

Adding shadow with that image in mind

With the finishing touch, adding some eyeliner

This time the eyeliner is using it some key points rather than going heavy

so to create a unity, adding the black color

Giving it a sharp cat line here

The position is starting from the inner corner of you eyes,

and connecting with it sticking out about 1cm

Making sharp lines pretty dynamically

Once drawn, that will the starting point to connect

drawing a smooth line from there up to 1/3 the length of the eyes

adding a black line right there

Since it's a white mascara you cannot see the brown part so much

so you don't have to pull it so neatly

As long as the catline is visible, just pull the black line so it's visible

The eyebrows are done by Cezanne brown

It gets on pretty well, so even you have tons of color underneath,

you can draw over it

It would be pretty difficult if you screw this up

so for those of you not confident on drawing the eyebrows, going it without it still will be cute

Drawing the eyebrows will create the eyebrows

and it will reinforce the eyes to make it look big so that is why I draw the eyebrows

It's ok even if you stick out so slashing through the cupcake

and draw over it

Finally from sideways eyebrows to a droopy one

and finishing off with a pointy one will make it look cute

Last is the head

Using the hairpiece from Mibaraya

Since I have short hair, when I make a ball and tie it around the rubber band,

Splitting it in two and tying that

This will hold it pretty tight and make it look cute

Doing both sides and done

How was that?

The key point of today's makeup is,

for the stars I usually put under my eyes are real snack stars this time

it's more funny and more exaggerated

and give a little more party look

so please try it out

The outfit is actually Pikachu

The key is hiding it a little so you don't know what it exactly is

And with the makeup today,

matching a rainbow necklace

Bye bye

For more infomation >> Japanese "Sweets" Makeup by Decora fashion model Haruka Kurebayashi| 原宿系お菓子メイクbyモデル,ファッションデザイナー紅林大空 - Duration: 15:01.


【MUKBANG】 Korean Instant Paldo Chajang Noodles + 5 Bowls Of Kakuni Don, 3.8kg 7525kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 4:43.

Hey all its Kinoshita Yuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)

So, Today! tadaa I've made jaja mein and a simmered pork bowl (AKA. jyajyameon jajiangmyeon zhajiangmian) (heretofore known as JJM)

this was made using a Korean instant ramen pack look at how dark it is

alrighty lets see how its made

chop onion

I'll be using 5 packs of JJM inside we've got the noodles this sauce and toppings

boil up the noodles and the toppings then place into a bowl

and then add our sauce

so black!

this is what it looks like

top it with onion and its done

and today I'll also be eating a simmered pork bowl since I'll be eating JJM as well I only have 5 cups of rice

put veg and pork on top of the rice.... top with onion

and its done when you add our #BFFMayo

tadaa our dishes are complete its got such a unique aroma to it

the sauce has that slightly burnt smell to it

as for the weight..... the JJM without the bowl is about 1.5kg

since there isn't any broth its so light I'll weigh this pork bowl later and give you the weight


look at how dark it is

its a very rich and sweet tasting sauce there is a hint of a something sort of charred in the sauce

and guys... I'm not saying its a bunt to a crisp flavor but a nice rich charred flavor

and now for the pork

big chunks of meat have such a nice bite to it, it goes great with this rice

this is apparently a Korean flavored JJM

this simmered pork and mayo are a great match the onion also nicely accents the dish

the noodles are on the thicker side this sweet sauce is really Delish

when eating this bring plenty of napkins, your mouth will turn all black

theres also bits of green pea in here

the sauce itself is not overly salty its a very mild sweet miso based sauce

I found a tiny bit of meat in here

last mouthful itadakimasu


this JJM was absolutely delish it had such a mild tasting sweet sauce

the noodles were on the thick side that had a nice toothsome mouthfeel

the sauce was so very dark as well

JJM was absolutely delish won't you give it a try as well

and as always thanks for watchng and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAIBAI

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