Saturday, August 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 12 2017

The Arch Linux Wiki recommends installing the LTS kernel if you want more stability.

But what is the kernel?

What is the difference between the default and the LTS kernels?

Which one should you use?

In this video you will find out.

Hello everyone, It's Average Linux User

helping install, configure and use Linux.

I make video tutorials every Wednesday and Friday.

Subscribe and hit that bell notification, so you won't miss any new video.

You probably have heard that in Arch Linux you can install the LTS kernel.

It is often recommended installing if you want to make your Arch system more stable.

I also listed installing the LTS kernel as one of my recommendation in the video 10 Things

to do first in Arch Linux, but I didn't explain why I recommended the LTS kernel.

I will do it in this video.

The kernel is the core program of your system.

The kernel is responsible for managing memory, CPU and other hardware of your system.

Many drivers are build-in in the kernel.

It also communicates with the installed applications.

Actually, Linux is the kernel.

The desktop environment, applications and all the other stuff is just a superstructure

above the kernel.

So, using the word Linux is not very accurate if you mean a distribution.

For example, Android uses Linux kernel but it is not called Linux.

That is why many people say GNU/Linux when they mean Linux distributions.

But I prefer to use just Linux because it is simpler.

So, it's obvious the kernel is a very important part...

it is a key part of your operating system.

If you have not changed your kernel in Arch Linux,

by default you have the latest stable kernel version.

It is 4.12.4 at the time of recording this video,

while the LTS version is 4.9.41.

As you can see the stable version is little out-dated.

The LTS version is advantageous if stability is your first priority.

It doesn't mean that the latest kernel, in other words the default kernel, is less

stable, it just means that the LTS kernel won't be updated as frequently.

So, there is a smaller chance of some conflicts after you update your system.

Besides, the LTS kernel doesn't change much, so if it works fine on your system it is likely

it will keep working fine.

On the other hand, the latest kernel is updated frequently and there are constant changes

to it, so there is a higher chance of breaking something after the update.

The main version of the LTS kernel doesn't change but it keeps receiving security fixes

and it may also receive some feature backports.

The latest kernel is good if you want to have the latest feature, and this is what many

Arch users aim for.

If you have the latest hardware, it is possible that the LTS kernel may not fully support

it, so you have to use the latest kernel.

I personally use the LTS kernel and I am very happy with it.

So, it is up to you what kernel to use.

I recommend trying the LTS kernel, if everything works fine stick to it.

If not, use the latest kernel.

Installing and activating the LTS kernel in Arch Linux is easy,

you just need to do these few steps.

First, check your current kernel version.

It is not LTS as you can see.

Install the LTS kernel.

Update your bootloader, if you use GRUB run this command:

Reboot your system.

After the reboot, you should see this menu,

if you don't see it, press SHIFT or ESC key during the boot time

to enter this GRUB menu.

Then go to the Advanced options,

and select to boot with the LTS kernel.

After you logged in your system,

check the kernel version

and make sure it is an LTS version.

Now, you can remove the latest kernel

and keep only the LTS kernel.

If you use the latest kernel, you can install the LTS kernel as a fallback kernel.

If something happens to your latest kernel, you can boot with the LTS kernel.

In my previous Arch Linux videos,

I received many comments that did not recommend the LTS kernel.

The arguments were sort of

I use Arch to have the latest and the greatest features,

so why would I use not the latest kernel version.

I think this point of view has its right to exist,

but the LTS kernel is not that old.

The LTS kernel has several benefits personally for me.

I had some problems with the latest kernel and VirtualBox

because the kernel updates were more frequent than the updates for VirtualBox.

Once, VirtualBox just stopped working and to fix it, I needed to switch to an older kernel.

I also like the infrequent updates of the LTS kernel.

I multi-boot my Arch Linux with several other Linux OSes

and I need to update my GRUB manually every kernel update.

I explained this procedure in my video

Dual boot Arch Linux with another Linux.

I don't have to update my GRUB often with the LTS kernel .

So, prefer the LTS kernel.

What is your choice?

Please comment below.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Why and How to install the LTS kernel in Arch Linux - Duration: 5:29.


Araplarla zengin olan Bakı :D (TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI) - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Araplarla zengin olan Bakı :D (TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI) - Duration: 1:01.


Cámara NIKON B500 y probando/Unboxing and camera test - Duration: 11:36.

Citizens of the world, my name is "SAN"

One more video of this your channel, "SUNSHINE FOR EVERY ONE"

Before starting, now we are 17 subscribers!!

And for that reason!


We request support from the "MAPY"

Mexican Assosiacion of Poor Youtubers

The support we ask for the "MAPY"

is to acquire some new equipment for the channel

All with one goal

that you, yes, you

That are seeing this video

Enjoy improved video

And audio quality

To fill you in all our adventures

The support that gave us this association

-As i told you above

We use it to buy "sorpresitas" that we will see next

-It's important to mention

-It was our first time to buy at

-And we are very happy with the experience amazon gives to us

-It's easy to buy in amazon

-It is very reliable to buy in amazon

And nuber three

The order was very quick

-The order beared before the estimated day

-This is not some advertising for amazon

-Amazon, thank you so much for giving us a first world service

-What we will do today, unboxing

-For those who do not know that it is a unboxing

-Simply, is to open a new package

-What do we need for a unboxing?


-A person who has nothing to do on saturday!


-Having a recording device!!

And number three

-We need a new package arrived, freshly baked!!

-Like the one that i will teach you in a few minutes

-So, no more stupid words!

-So, no more bla bla bla!

-Let's see that's in the amazon package!


-Here it is!

-This magnificent, beautiful thing, carton box

-Packaged by the hands of amazon

-The box comes in good conditions

-Is a regular cardboard box

-Has a black color adhesive tape

-In this part, the shipment address, sunshine for every one!

-Rens, give us the lethal instrument to open this box!

-Siiiiiiiiii (reni's voice)!


-Has a "species" of strings

-Protect the adhesive tape to increase strength and power

-Im so excited right now!

-We see that the tape is already "holgadita" (flaccid)

-Watch out guys!

-After four days!!!

-The box is already open!, completely uncovered!

-The first thing we see is a kind of plastic!

-Full of air, i do not know how to fill them with air xd!

-It is to protect the products

-Still going out!

-We can already appreciate the products that have arrived in this package

-Thats right, citizens of the world!

-Of all the countries that see this!

-The small one

- A 32gb micro sd kingston

-Siiiiii (reni's voice)!

-To much power! my hands shaking!


-We have a small bag, packaging, camera case!

-Case logic!

-Has a line in the middle, a very flirty line!

-A space to secure it in our belts

-We open to observe inside

-A belt!

-A small hook, a small magic hook

-Ren please!

-This side has a compartment top ut "chucherias" (stuffs)

-Another compartmen for more stuffs


-There is nothing better than the smell of something new

-Have you seen the movie inception?

-A history inside another history and another inside this one!

-Something like that!

-Another box!

-Has protective tape!

-Let's cut them carefully

-Nonsense spanish words (lol)

-There it is citizens of the world

-"Hermanos", brothers (hermanos means brothers)!

-A plastic bag

-Protects perfectly

-Tripod, or as they call you in your country

-An instrument to support a device that allows us to record and take photos in high quality!

-Has a screw

-Serves to assemble the video camera of your choice

-How cute, it has a water leveler!

-The material of this tripod is aluminum

-The color is dark brown, very chido! (chido=cool)

-We can observe, every part has a little secure stuffs (english speakers help me with the subtitles lol)

-And adjust the size you need

-I'm so excited with the next part

-For me, it's like the cherry on the cake

-Like the cinematic scene you're waiting for in your video game, and you have to kill aliens and monsters, spanish words, bla, bla

-A nikon coolpix b500 camera

-I think it's a good option, but i'll tell you a little more about the details of this camera

-Comes in a relatively small box

-Had a nikon yellow tape

-This is for you guys!

-All this equipment is for you to enjoy a better image and sound

-If you are watching this video, subscribe, give me a like, please play it share it with your friends, neighbors, cousins, brothers, girlfriend, fiancée what you want, but share! share share

-It's like passing a zelda dungeon

-We need keys and more keys to move to other rooms

-The user guide

-Another zelda key

-A little violence

-Violence is bad, never resort to it!

-Four "AA" batteries

-Cover with sponge paper

-Nikon coolpix B500

-Press this button and ...... the flash is ready!

-A compartment to hold firmly!

-Turn of/on button

-Photo trigger

-An area to adjust camera settings

-The typical small wheel that helps us to access more image configurations

-40x zoom

-Stereo sound recording

-Bluethoot and wifi connectivity

-Check this, drop-down screen

-To handle at will, our photos, our images

-This is the camera that amazon that sent us

-Three weeks latear!

-We are already using the new equipment!

- Thank you for having seen this far!

- Subscribe, give me a like and share this video! this helps us to grow!

-I`m san!

- On behalf of the sunshine for everyone team, thank you very much!

- In the next video the team of "sunshine for every one" is going away of trip!

- Pay attention

- Leave here your comments, you guys thinking!

- See you!

For more infomation >> Cámara NIKON B500 y probando/Unboxing and camera test - Duration: 11:36.


Whatever Floats Your Boat next boat to build? - Duration: 0:53.


I'm building a giant mothership should I continue to build it or

should I build a submarine??

Well anyways here is the unfinished mothership.

A little tour not really.

rip name I wish I could make it AURA

Well comment below for what I should build.

For more infomation >> Whatever Floats Your Boat next boat to build? - Duration: 0:53.


Here's My Canada: It Doesn't Matter Where You Come From - Duration: 0:14.

My Canada is my home that accepts everyone and gives

them equal rights, freedom, free healthcare, education

and maple syrup no matter who you are and

where you come from.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: It Doesn't Matter Where You Come From - Duration: 0:14.


Here's My Canada: Honouring Remembrance Day - Duration: 0:13.

Canada is the country where there is peace

and freedom.

In Canada, we are open to refugees and we celebrate

the people that risk their lives for us.

This is called Remembrance Day.

This is my Canada.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Honouring Remembrance Day - Duration: 0:13.


Here's My Canada: Freedom to Be Who I Am - Duration: 0:07.

My Canada is my home, my freedom to be who I am.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Freedom to Be Who I Am - Duration: 0:07.


Here's My Canada: Free Education and Healthcare - Duration: 0:10.

My Canada has free education for everyone's best


And free health care no matter where you come from.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Free Education and Healthcare - Duration: 0:10.


My Ideal Superpower | VEDA 2017 Days 10-11 - Duration: 2:44.

Hey guys it's me Marty and it's time for another video I know I know I'm just

another day right after I made a video saying I'm not going to miss any more

days hopefully after this I won't miss any more days we will see um

but yeah anyway we're going to go ahead and just jump straight into it so what

we have is days 10 and 11 I think it was yeah ten and eleven so for days ten and eleven

day number ten we have the question was what is your if you could have any

superpower in the world what kind of superpower woud it be? and it

took me a while to think about it and then I remembered my answer that gets me

that I always go with because it gets me pretty much everything and that is the

power super intelligence and reason why I would pick super intelligence because

if I was super super super smart and like to the point was like hype I guess

maybe even hyper intelligence I don't know if I would be better or something

lemme see if I can make it so its not doin the flare from my light over there, thats bothering me

sorry about that That flare was bothering me, and its still like right

there and it's driving me nuts but anyway the reason why I put

hyper-intelligent because I don't have the knowledge to go and make a serum and

like special whatever to like have powers I could make suits I can make

pretty much any type of gadgets I can I would have the intelligence to use

science on my side to create any type of power or strengths that I would need and

that is why I pick hyper intelligent and then for day 11 the question is what is

your favorite summer activity and that ones hard to choose actually no it's

not even hard to choose my favorite summer activity is swimming I love to

swim and I know that's not strictly a summer activity but that is when

typically you swim the most I sadly haven't actually haven't got any swimming in

this year hopefully I can I really really really hope that I can go

swimming because I love it so much and it's a blast and yeah anyway I guess

that is all for now I really really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did

go ahead give me a big thumbs up if you are new to the channel go ahead

subscribe and be sure to hit that Belle icon because everybody knows how much I

love Belle and yeah that should be enough reason to hit the Belle icon and also you

get notified every single time that I upload a video umm be sure to check me

out on all my social media down the description bar below and until next

time I shall see you again bye

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