Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 14 2017

I command my heard that I must hate you

That cruel person detest

The more I think of t, the more I am vengeful The more I'm vengengul, the more I think of it

Why do I have to meet a person like this in my life

I told my heart not to forget

No matter how hurt I am I must get you back

That is what I command my heart

But then what happened?

How come, how come I can't hate you?

I just understood that life is like a drama

Some roles I can't understand

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love

Why should I love, knowing I am going to get hurt

I always ask my heart that question

When did I fall in love with you?

I told my heart not to forget

No matter how hurt I am I must get you back

That is wht I command my heart

But then what happened?

How come I can't hate you?

I just understood that life is like a drama Some roles I can't understand

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love Even through that person is cruel?

I was hurt, but why do I not learn my lesson?

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love Why should I love, knowing I am going to get hurt I always ask my heart that question

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love Why should I love, knowing I am going to get hurt I always ask my heart that question

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love Even through that person is cruel? I was hurt, but why do I not learn my lesson?

Why do I love the person I am not supposed to love Why should I love, knowing I am going to get hurt I always ask my heart that question

When did I fall in love with you?

I love you, right?

I love you, right?

For more infomation >> Jee & Thit (Mark & Yaya) Waves of Life- I command my heart (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:46.


VERY VERY Cheap Haul -itsncki - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> VERY VERY Cheap Haul -itsncki - Duration: 11:16.


My YouTube channel advertisement 2017 - Duration: 0:52.

Hello YouTube

I am General Taggart and welcome to my channel

I am 40 years old and done videos to YouTube since 2013

Multiple console / gaming computer war's veteran

In this channel I release gaming related YouTube content in Finnish language

Gaming reviews and Let's play and gaming related content

I do videos in Finnish language, but I try to make English YouTube subtitles for them as best as I can

I also live stream to this and GeneralTaggart Twitch channel as well

If you want to keep me out of trouble, please subscribe my channel

It warm's old Generals hearth like Whisky

General Taggart signs out, let's play when we meet and see you in my channel

For more infomation >> My YouTube channel advertisement 2017 - Duration: 0:52.


【人間の本性が見える映画】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 【人間の本性が見える映画】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.


Learn Colors for Kids with So...

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for Kids with So...


misery - Duration: 0:07.

Just put me outta me misery!

Y-yes sir...


For more infomation >> misery - Duration: 0:07.


Comment éviter qu'un préservatif craque - Duration: 3:21.

Well for this new video, I am going to explain you how to avoid that a condom breaks,

why it breaks, which errors make the men with their condom

and which risk you have if this one breaks.

To have test all the brands of condom, there is no one more resistant that the other one.

Whatever is the brand, the condom can break if the man does not use it correctly.

Know to secure his condom is the 1st basic knowledge to have

to maximize your security and that of your partner and to have the light mind.

To start, how we know that a condom broke?

The problem it is because we when it breaks, we do not still notice it immediately.

The condom stays on the cock and only the extremity is opened.

So, according to the men and their physical sensibility, some are going to detect at once that it broke

and others only at the end of their intercourse, at the moment of removing their condom.

As for the women, they can detect it at the moment of the ejaculation because they will feel the liquid.

Let us pass now in 2 big problems to which expose themselves the man and the woman when the condom breaks

Problem n°1: The contagious sexual diseases and infections

The 1st big problem is to receive possibly or to transmit a sexual infection

or a sexual disease among which each ignores that he is the holder.

Problem n°2: An accidental pregnancy

The second big problem is to put accidentally pregnant the woman.

The woman can get pregnant if there was complete ejaculation

but also without ejaculation with the liquid pre-seminal produced during the intercourse.

So here are 2 big problems which you can avoid by following the precautionary principles which I am going to give you.

1st precautionary principle: put correctly the condom

Well the base of the base, during the placement of the condom,

it is necessary to leave absolutely enough space for the reservoir.

Simply because if there is not enough space at the level of the reservoir,

when you go to fuck, the condom is going to stretch on the cock and it is going to drill.

And I also invite the girls to verify that their guy puts it correctly and to make him the remark if it is not the case.

2nd precautionary principle: never put 2 condoms

Those who speak to me of putting two condoms for twice more resistance, it is forbidden!

It is necessary to know that if the man puts 2 condoms when he fucks, he is going to have a friction between the both membranes.

What is going to happen? That is going to break.

So, put always only one condom.

2nd precautionary principle: change condom all the 15 min

It's better to change condom if you fuck beyond 15 min

because the lubricant of this one will have disappeared after this deadlines and the condom will have become dry and fragile.

And for the girls who wet a little, or not at all, the lubricant of the condom is going to leave also more quickly.

So, it is necessary also to change the condom approximately every 15 minutes.

The best to know when to change it, it is to verify the state of the condom during your intercourse

in touching it and to observe if it is enough lubricated or not.

To conclude, if you respect all these principles,

you increase all your chances to be never confronted with a condom which breaks

and you will take advantage of pleasures of the sex in all serenety.

As it is an important subject, share this video a maximum around you

in a way that everybody knows how to protect himself correctly.

Now I have no more than to wish you good fuck.

And as usual, if you liked my video, put a blue thumb and subscribe to my channel.

For more infomation >> Comment éviter qu'un préservatif craque - Duration: 3:21.


Color Cars for kids Cartoons about cars and Spiderman monster trucks and Superheroes - Duration: 10:19.

Color Cars for kids Cartoons about cars and Spiderman monster trucks and Superheroes

For more infomation >> Color Cars for kids Cartoons about cars and Spiderman monster trucks and Superheroes - Duration: 10:19.


N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.

Amid the heightened tensions on the peninsula, the nation's defense minister briefed lawmakers

on the security situation.

The chief reassured parliament the possibility of an attack on U.S. soil is very low.

Kim Min-ji shares with us his remarks.

North Korea is unlikely to turn its threats into action.

That's according to South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo... who said in a parliamentary

briefing on Monday that top military officials in Seoul and Washington share that view.

Last week, Pyongyang said it is considering striking areas around Guam using intermediate-range


That threat followed President Trump's warning that the regime will be met with fire and

fury should it continue its threats.

"North Korea's ludicrous remarks not only jeopardize security on the Korean peninsula,

but also hurt regional peace and stability.

If North Korea continues its provocations, it will face stern actions from both South

Korea and the United States.

Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating and monitoring all developments in Pyongyang,...

and are preparing to take action instantly if a provocation is detected."

Minister Song went on to say that although it seems North Korea has developed missiles

capable of reaching Guam... it has yet to successfully master re-entry technology...

or miniaturize a warhead.

He said that North Korea's latest threats are rather seen as a means of bolstering solidarity

within the regime,... as well as a protest against the latest UN sanctions... and the

upcoming joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington.

In light of growing threats and provocations,...

Song said his ministry plans to speed up the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system.

Recent tests showed levels of electromagnetic radiation and noise from the THAAD system

were within legal limits.

The minister also said the president has requested that the South Korean military take any measures

necessary to address Pyongyang's threats,... as well as raise awareness of the need for

THAAD among people living near the site.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.


Dogs 101 Greyhound Dog Facts – More than Greyhound Racing Dogs - Duration: 6:04.

Greyhound Racing has become a hotbed topic over the past few decades with animal rights

and animal welfare groups critical of the welfare of dogs in the commercial racing industry.

But, this video is not about that.

No, he's an interesting dog breed for more than just his running prowess.

Let's look at some of the interesting facts about this awesome sighthound.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.

Let us know about your doggy in the comments below.


There aren't many dogs whose breed can be traced back to 3,000 B.C, but the greyhound


In fact, he is the oldest breed known to man.

The Greyhound was an integral part of ancient Egyptian life.

Stone sculptures, statues, and paintings often depicted the slender canine with exaggeratedly

pointed faces and ears.

The Greyhound was closely linked with the jackal god, Anubis.

When domesticated, he was often buried with solemn pageantry and was believed to pass

into the afterlife known as the Field of Reeds.


This breed was even mentioned in the Bible.

The Greyhound is the only dog mentioned by name in the Bible; many versions, including

the King James version, name the Greyhound as one of the "four things stately" in the

book of Proverbs, Chapter 30 Verses 29-31.

However, some newer biblical translations, including The New International Version, have

changed this to a strutting rooster.


Yes, the greyhound can be clocked at up to 45 mph, but when he's not running, he likes

to lounge as much as the next guy.

Rather than being the canine that will spring into action at every opportunity, this pup

would rather rest and relax quietly, many sleeping as many as 18 hours per day.

He's earned the nickname "the 40 miles per hour couch potato."

This medium-sized dog also has no problem climbing into your lap or asking to be picked


This calmness and ability to sleep actually make the Greyhound a great apartment dog,

despite his larger size.


The Greyhound can sit but he doesn't enjoy it.

His muscle structure makes it difficult for him to appear comfortable.

It's possible to train your greyhound to sit properly, especially if he's trained early,

but it's an endeavor that, reportedly, he may balk at.

Most greyhounds would rather lie down or stand than sitting, anyway.


The Greyhound, like other sighthounds, has a thin head with widely spread eyes.

This unusual eye placement gives the dog 270-degree vision, meaning he can see some of his own


Like the other sighthounds, he has amazing vision and hunts by sight, rather than scent.

In comparison, humans can only see 180 degrees, with very little peripheral vision.

Speaking of hindsight, have you subscribed yet?


Some Greyhounds have difficulty swimming.

Similar to humans, every greyhound is different when it comes to his aquatic abilities.

Some owners have watched their dogs paddle expertly, while others have seen their pooches

sink like rocks.

Dogs like Labradors and poodles have an inherent knack for swimming, but greyhounds need a

little more coaxing.

If you really want your canine to jump in the water with you, you could opt for swimming



The Greyhound was beloved for his elegance and made frequent appearances in the royal


King Henry VIII was a huge fan and had a collection of greyhounds on hand; the dog is still a

symbol of the House of York to this day.

Queen Elizabeth I was also fond of greyhounds, and even enacted "The Law of the Lease,"

meaning that his prey had a head start, in order to make the game more interesting.


The Greyhound has a special universal blood type.

This makes him perfect as a blood donor, for dogs of course, and many clinics have volunteer

greyhounds that come in to give blood on a regular basis.


Bart Simpson's dog on the long-running, animated tv series, The Simpsons is reportedly

a Greyhound.

But, in real life, Harry Potter author J.K.

Rowling adopted a Greyhound named Sapphire as a playmate for her Jack Russell.


Greyhounds are one of the very few breeds that lack an undercoat.

This makes them less likely to trigger allergies in people allergic to dogs, and it also helps

them avoid the dreaded "dog smell."

We found a ton of facts about this dog when doing research for this video.

Way too many to include in this one video.

If you find him as amazing as we do, know that there are numerous organizations adopting

rescued and retired racing dogs.

He may not be for everyone, but for you, one of these dogs could be just the companion

for you.

Want more fun, fauna facts?

Go ahead and smash that subscribe button and hit the notification icon to not miss a single


If you like THIS video, go ahead and push the like button, or that other button also


If you'd like to help us grow, consider becoming a patron on Patreon or clicking the

Paypal link on

And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Dogs 101 Greyhound Dog Facts – More than Greyhound Racing Dogs - Duration: 6:04.


S. Korean Defense Minister orders readiness posture to be maintained - Duration: 0:34.

The nation's defense chief ordered the military to maintain a thorough readiness posture,...

so as to deliver a firm, immediate strike against any North Korean aggression.

Speaking in a video conference with his top commanders on Friday,...

Song Young-moo noted that Pyongyang has been continuing its strategic provocations as of

late... and said it could carry out a deceptive, tactical strike at any time.

The minister added the regime's recent threats directed at Seoul and Guam pose a serious

challenge to the South Korea-U.S. alliance and the international community.

Song emphasized the military's utmost priority is protecting the lives of its citizens.

For more infomation >> S. Korean Defense Minister orders readiness posture to be maintained - Duration: 0:34.


[artsyYL] Speedpainting Alphonse Elric : Re draw - Duration: 3:38.


Redrawing one of my old sketch

Disregard the name Alfonso.

This was drawn years back and I swear his name was Alfonso.

Thought it'd be nice to digitally draw my old sketches

Sharp cut offs are because I keep forgetting to press record...

Ugh... The eyes looked weird...

You can find the rest of my background process in another video

Which will be uploaded

and possibly linked... if I can figure out how

Hope you enjoyed!

Don't forget to subscribe ♥

Follow me on Instagram @ artsyYL

DeviantArt @ artsyYL for digital works~

and help support me on Patreon!

Thanks again for watching! <3

For more infomation >> [artsyYL] Speedpainting Alphonse Elric : Re draw - Duration: 3:38.


N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:04.

Amid the heightened tensions on the peninsula, the nation's defense minister briefed lawmakers

on the security situation.

The chief reassured parliament the possibility of an attack on U.S. soil is very low.

Kim Min-ji shares with us his remarks.

North Korea is unlikely to turn its threats into action.

That's according to South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo... who said in a parliamentary

briefing on Monday that top military officials in Seoul and Washington share that view.

Last week, Pyongyang said it is considering striking areas around Guam using intermediate-range


That threat followed President Trump's warning that the regime will be met with fire and

fury should it continue its threats.

"North Korea's ludicrous remarks not only jeopardize security on the Korean peninsula,

but also hurt regional peace and stability.

If North Korea continues its provocations, it will face stern actions from both South

Korea and the United States.

Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating and monitoring all developments in Pyongyang,...

and are preparing to take action instantly if a provocation is detected."

Minister Song went on to say that although it seems North Korea has developed missiles

capable of reaching Guam... it has yet to successfully master re-entry technology...

or miniaturize a warhead.

He said that North Korea's latest threats are rather seen as a means of bolstering solidarity

within the regime,... as well as a protest against the latest UN sanctions... and the

upcoming joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington.

In light of growing threats and provocations,...

Song said his ministry plans to speed up the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system.

Recent tests showed levels of electromagnetic radiation and noise from the THAAD system

were within legal limits.

The minister also said the president has requested that the South Korean military take any measures

necessary to address Pyongyang's threats,... as well as raise awareness of the need for

THAAD among people living near the site.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:04.


GOP senator condemns white nationalists (full interview) - Duration: 6:36.

you heard Tom Bossert the homeland security adviser the president arguing

that the President did condemn it what do you think well this is not a time for

vagaries this isn't a time for innuendo or to allow room to be read between the

lines this is a time to lay blame to lay blame on bigotry to lay blame on white

supremacists on white nationalism and on hatred and that needs to be said this

president has done an incredible job of naming terrorism around the globe as

evil radical Islamic terrorism whether it's in Europe or the Middle East he has

said and called it out time and time again and this president needs to do

exactly that today call this white supremacism this white nationalism evil

and let the country here let the world hear it it's something that needs to

come from the Oval Office and this White House needs to do it today some critics

say that President Trump doesn't do this because he might believe that these

white supremacists are a part of his base not obviously his entire base but a

part of his base and he doesn't want to risk alienating them what do you think

why is the reason what is the reason that he won't condemn them call them

domestic terrorists call them white supremacists white nationalists white

supremacists they don't they don't they're not a part of anybody's base

they're not a part of this country they're part of hatred they're part of

bigotry they're part of evil and we need to stand up to that and so whether it's

the President of the United States a senator from any of our great 50 states

around the country or our city councils and mayor's schoolteachers call it for

what it is it's hatred its bigotry we don't want them in our base they

shouldn't be in a base they shouldn't be claimed as part of a base and it has to

be made crystal clear but why won't the president do that the way you just did

yeah well again I encouraged the president that this president has done

so when people have driven trucks through crowds in Europe he's called it

radical Islamic terrorism he should use this opportunity today to say this is

terrorism this is domestic terrorism this is white nationalism and it has to

stop and I encourage the president to do so he has a chance to do that the

healing power of the White House the ability to lead of the President of the

United States it needs to be seen today yes he condemned bigotry and hatred but

we need to name evil and call evil and name it and this in this case it is

clearly bigotry hatred racism and white nationalists who led to death and

murder in Charlottesville with respect senator you're done answering my

question why do you think he doesn't do it I mean is it sending a dog whistle I

mean you heard me quote the neo-nazi website - Tom Bossert earlier there are

neo-nazis out there who say oh great he wasn't condemning that specifically do

you think that was the intention of the president I think the president needs to

step up today and say what it is and call it for what it is it's evil

it's white nationalism its bigotry and it's unacceptable and if he doesn't do

that then we can continue to answer the question of why but I believe he has a

chance to do that today Ivanka called this white nationalism she called it out

today the president needs to do so as well you are on the front end of

Republican criticism of this yesterday but I have to say Donald Trump on this

show February 2016 refused to condemn or disavow in any way David Duke the Klan

white supremacists are you really surprised that a year and a half later

his refusal to call out white supremacists is is out there and it's an

issue I mean it's the same thing he showed a year and a half ago on the show

well I think that is why today the president he's make it very clear while

calling out racism while calling out bigotry that he has a chance to show the

American people who really is to blame for this there is no sort of

multi-dimensional facet to this evil there's no sort of read between the

lines moment that we have the president needs to stand up and say just as he has

in places around the globe this is domestic terrorism it is unacceptable

and it was led by people who thrive on hate and thrive on racism and it's

unacceptable in the United States of America you're the chairman of the

National Republican Senatorial Committee that's the campaign arm of Senate

Republicans do you want all Republican candidates around the country to join

you in saying these were white supremacists and this was domestic

terrorism what is it about Republicans or Democrats this is about anybody with

any common sense decency and dignity for human life and the values that we hold

as a country our constitutional rights this is about Republicans Democrats

greens anybody in between to say this is wrong we don't stand for that this

country has made great mistakes in the past that led to a civil war we've

overcome them we've apologized for them and we should continue to do everything

we can in our power to never let them happen again and yes there is pain that

remains and yes there are great mistakes that we still make as a nation but we

cannot let them go unanswered we can't let them go unlabeled we can't let them

go unnoticed we have to admit them we have to make up for them and then we

have to do what is right and that's what this country can do today that's what

the president can do today and I would encourage him to do what he has done

around the globe calling out people for their acts of evil let's do it today

white nationalist White's to prison which is supremacist we will not stand

for the racism their bigotry and their hatred on Saturday President Trump said

that we must off quote cherish our history tom Perriello is the former

Democratic congressman from Charlottesville he heard that as a dog

whistle he tweeted quote we must all cherish our history did Donald Trump

just dog whistle support for the Klan's main goal of the hate rally ie to

protest the Lee statue the statue of Robert Ely did you hear cherish our

history as a dog whistle senator you know I did not hear the statement but

what I will share with you is it's something that I read again reread for

the Marion Konishi who was a Japanese interned in Colorado 18 year old

valedictorian of an internment camp in Colorado during a very dark time of our

history when we took US citizens and put them into internment camps in her

statement and her valedictorian speech that she gave at this at Colorado

internment camp she said this is a country that has learned from its past

and it has made up for those mistakes and that's exactly what we have to do we

have to learn from our history and we have to make sure that we look at those

moments in history and say yes that happened in this country but we can no

longer allow it to happen and I hope that's what he meant

I didn't hear that statement but what we have to do in this country is recognize

the mistakes of our past and that we as a great nation will learn from them and

move on from them and not repeat them it's governor chris christie who you

cited earlier today once said it's hard to hate up close and that's what we have

to do in this nation we have to realize that we cannot allow that hate to fester

it's hard to hate up close let's get to know our communities let's get to know

one another that's good to know the issues that drive all of us and then we

can overcome this hate that seems to be festering right now and why this

president needs to say enough is enough hatred hatred racism will not be


For more infomation >> GOP senator condemns white nationalists (full interview) - Duration: 6:36.


N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.

Amid heightened tensions on the peninsula Monday, South Korea's defense minister briefed

lawmakers on the security situation.

He says the possibility of attack is very low.

Kim Min-ji reports.

North Korea is unlikely to turn its threats into action.

That's according to South Korea's Defense Minister Song Young-moo... who said in a parliamentary

briefing on Monday that top military officials in Seoul and Washington share that view.

Last week, Pyongyang said it is considering striking areas around Guam using intermediate-range


That threat followed President Trump's warning that the regime will be met with fire and

fury should it continue its threats.

"North Korea's ludicrous remarks not only jeopardize security on the Korean peninsula,

but also hurt regional peace and stability.

If North Korea continues its provocations, it will face stern actions from both South

Korea and the United States.

Seoul and Washington are closely cooperating and monitoring all developments in Pyongyang,...

and are preparing to take action instantly if a provocation is detected."

Minister Song went on to say that although it seems North Korea has developed missiles

capable of reaching Guam... it has yet to successfully master re-entry technology...

or miniaturize a warhead.

He said that North Korea's latest threats are rather seen as a means of bolstering solidarity

within the regime,... as well as a protest against the latest UN sanctions... and the

upcoming joint military exercises between Seoul and Washington.

In light of growing threats and provocations,...

Song said his ministry plans to speed up the deployment of the THAAD missile defense system.

Recent tests showed levels of electromagnetic radiation and noise from the THAAD system

were within legal limits.

The minister also said the president has requested that the South Korean military take any measures

necessary to address Pyongyang's threats,... as well as raise awareness of the need for

THAAD among people living near the site.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korea unlikely to launch attack against Guam: S. Korean defense minister - Duration: 2:03.


La femme de Michael Schu­ma­cher et son fils compli­ces… ensemble ils font face depuis le drame - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> La femme de Michael Schu­ma­cher et son fils compli­ces… ensemble ils font face depuis le drame - Duration: 2:18.


VERY VERY Cheap Haul -itsncki - Duration: 11:16.

For more infomation >> VERY VERY Cheap Haul -itsncki - Duration: 11:16.


S. Korea to push for early establishment of three-pillar defense system amid escalating tensions - Duration: 1:46.

The South Korean military is pushing for the early establishment of a three-pillar defense

system to defend against North Korea's ever-expanding nuclear and missile threats.

The Moon administration says it will have the system online within five years.

Kim Hyo-sun reports.

With the escalating military tensions on the Korean Peninsula,...

South Korea aims to establish the three-pillar defense system by 2022... to bolster its defense

capabilities against North Korea.

The Moon Jae-in administration plans to inject around 210 billion U.S. dollars to complete

the system,... which consists of the so-called Kill Chain strike system and the Korean Air

and Missile Defense.

These two strategies are designed to detect and destroy incoming missiles from the North.

The third pillar -- the Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation plan -- directly targets Pyongyang's


"We are pouring our efforts into bolstering South Korea's defense capabilities... by focusing

our energy on completing the three-pillar defense system."

As part of those efforts,... the South Korean military plans to deploy a new 800 kilometer-range

Hyunmoo-2C missile,... and is currently discussing with the U.S. to increase the maximum payload

for its missiles.

And by next year,...

Seoul will introduce the Global Hawk unmanned surveillance aircraft that is capable of detecting

provocations north of the border.

However, with North Korea's nuclear weapons development advancing more quickly than anticipated,...

experts say Seoul may have to fast-track its schedule to get the defense system in place

even earlier.

Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea to push for early establishment of three-pillar defense system amid escalating tensions - Duration: 1:46.


N. Korea: No plans to meet S. Korea's foreign minister at ARF - Duration: 2:07.

North Korea's foreign minister is in Manila for a meeting of the ASEAN member nations.

Though he remained tight-lipped about whether he'll meet with his South Korean counterpart,...

he's to promote the regime's nuclear development plans... at a meeting of foreign ministers

from the six-party denuclearization talks.

Connie Kim reports from Manila.

The foreign minister of the world's most reclusive regime, North Korea's Ri Yong-ho, arrived

in Manila early Sunday morning to join the ASEAN Regional Forum where eyes will be on

who he meets with and what message he has to deliver from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Considering that the ARF is the only multilateral forum Pyongyang takes part in, Ri has received

the most attention from the press, who were waiting for him at the airport and at his

hotel,... though Ri had little to say.

"We have no plans to meet her."

With North Korea pushing ahead with its nuclear ambitions,... speculation is growing that

the senior North Korean official will defend and promote the regime's weapons development

and dismiss Washington's call on fellow members to isolate Pyongyang diplomatically by suspending

it from Asia's biggest security forum.

This year's forum is all the more unfavorable for North Korea as it comes on the heels of

the UN Security Council's unanimous adoption of a resolution imposing the most punishing

sanctions yet on Pyongyang for its two ballistic missile launches capable of reaching the continental


It also comes as a joint statement by the Southeast Asian foreign ministers expressed

"grave concerns" about rising tensions on the Korean peninsula stemming from North Korea's

long-range missile tests.

"It seems there is no way for Minister Ri to avoid being the most isolated foreign minister

at this year's forum.

Though at the same time he'll be the main focus of the press who will hang on his every

word to determine North Korea's future plans for its nuclear and missile development as

well as Kim Jong-un's policy directions."

Connie Kim, Arirang News, Manila."

For more infomation >> N. Korea: No plans to meet S. Korea's foreign minister at ARF - Duration: 2:07.


S. Korean Defense Minister orders readiness posture to be maintained - Duration: 0:38.

The nation's defense chief ordered the military to maintain a thorough readiness posture,...

so as to deliver a firm, immediate strike against any North Korean aggression.

Speaking in a video conference with his top commanders on Friday,...

Song Young-moo noted that Pyongyang has been continuing its strategic provocations as of

late... and said it could carry out a deceptive, tactical strike at any time.

The minister added the regime's recent threats directed at Seoul and Guam pose a serious

challenge to the South Korea-U.S. alliance and the international community.

Song emphasized the military's utmost priority is protecting the lives of its citizens.

For more infomation >> S. Korean Defense Minister orders readiness posture to be maintained - Duration: 0:38.


S. Korea plans to call N. Korea to halt provocations, respond to talk offers: Minister Kang - Duration: 2:17.

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha is in the Philippines for a series of meetings

with the ASEAN member nations as well as the U.S., China and Japan.

With North Korea's looming nuclear and missile threats,...

Seoul and Washington will be at the center of efforts to rein in the regime.

Connie Kim has more.

Preventing further North Korean provocations and bringing the regime back to talks... is

top of Kang Kyung-wha's to-do list when Seoul's top diplomat meets her counterparts from the

Association of Southeast Asian nations.

Speaking to reporters upon her arrival in Manila on Saturday,... Kang said she hopes

to deliver a strong message to her North Korean counterpart Ri Yong-ho ... if they cross paths

at the ASEAN Regional Forum's foreign ministers' meeting on Monday.

"If an opportunity naturally occurs, we should talk.

I want to send a message that North Korea should halt its provocations and respond positively

to our recent special offers for talks aimed at establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula."

. . 2 .

The coming days are important as Minister Kang is keen to make a strong impression on

her debut at a multilateral forum.

She plans to hold talks with as many of her counterparts as she can to boost bilateral

ties and garner international support for the Moon administration's plans to resolve

the North Korea issue peacefully.

While South Korea is promoting the need for talks,... North Korea is expected to try and

justify its nuclear and missile development given the rare chance it has to grandstand

in Manila.

The United States looks set to continue turning the screw on Pyongyang,... especially at the

foreign ministers' meeting... where all six parties of the long-stalled denuclearization

talks will gather under one roof.

The Trump administration has already revealed that it plans to discuss ways to bar North

Korea from future ASEAN forums,... especially if the regime keeps destabilizing the region

with its belligerent behavior and aggression.

"U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson's efforts to put maximum pressure on the regime will

continue during his separate one-on-ones.

South Korea's Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha will make similar efforts to resolve the North

Korea issue peacefully during bilateral talks here in the Philippines.

Connie Kim, Arirang News, Manila."

For more infomation >> S. Korea plans to call N. Korea to halt provocations, respond to talk offers: Minister Kang - Duration: 2:17.


Lily-Rose Depp change de tête - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Lily-Rose Depp change de tête - Duration: 2:01.


S. Korea's military vows retaliation if N. Korea attacks - Duration: 1:47.

South Korea issued a firm warning to Pyongyang in response to the regime's recent belligerence.

Seoul vowed strong retaliation in response to any attack from up North.

Kim Hyun-bin has the details.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff have issued a strong response to Pyongyang's threat toward

Guam and other recent threats to South Korea and the U.S.

The JCS are calling the rhetoric a serious challenge to the Korean people and the Seoul-Washington

alliance, and warned that any provocations will cost Pyongyang dearly.

"If North Korea ignores our warning and carries out this provocation, it will face strong

and firm punishment from our military and the South Korea-U.S. alliance."

The military said it's maintaining a state of stern readiness to counter any North Korean


And with the North's nuclear and missile threats rapidly growing, South Korea aims to get its

three-stage defense system done sooner -- by 2022 rather than the *mid-20's.

South Korean government plans to inject 210 billion dollars into three programs: Kill

Chain,... Korea and Missile Defense and the Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation plan.

The Kill Chain system carries out a pre-emptive strike on the North's nuclear and missile

facilities when a threat is imminent,... while the KMPR focuses on eliminating the North's


"We are pouring our efforts into bolstering South Korea's defense capabilities... by focusing

our energy on completing the three-stage defense system."

However, with North Korea's nuclear weapons development advancing more quickly than anticipated,...

experts say Seoul may have to fast-track its own schedule to get the defense system in

place sooner.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's military vows retaliation if N. Korea attacks - Duration: 1:47.


S. Korea's NSC to hold emergency meeting over N. Korean missile threats - Duration: 0:35.

And following up on that,... we are now learning that South Korea's Presidential Office of

Cheong Wa Dae will be holding an emergency meeting of the National Security Council this

afternoon at 3pm, Korea time.

It's likely to be about Pyongyang's recent missile threats and its belligerent message

about striking Guam.

We will have more updates as we get them.

For more infomation >> S. Korea's NSC to hold emergency meeting over N. Korean missile threats - Duration: 0:35.


Washington considers revising missile guidelines for S. Korea - Duration: 2:00.

The U.S. military is taking another look at its guidelines governing the size of the missiles

in South Korea's arsenal.

The Pentagon is reviewing if the restrictions could be modified to allow Seoul to deploy

more powerful ballistic weapons.

Lee Unshin has the latest on the potential defense upgrade.

With North Korea's accelerating missile advancements...

South Korea seeks to expand its defense capability, and one of its closest allies seems to be

on the same page; Washington is now reviewing the so-called missile guidelines for Seoul.

Pentagon spokesperson Jeff Davis says the U.S. is actively considering Seoul's request

to double the maximum payload limit on its missile warheads.

The missile guidelines were first required by the U.S. in 1979 due to its concern over

a regional arms race... but it's only been revised twice, in 2001 and 2012.

The current terms allow Seoul to develop ballistic missiles with a range of up to 800 kilometers...

and warheads weighing no more than 500 kilos.

But in June, President Moon Jae-in asked the U.S. to amend the restrictions as the current

limits are thought to be inadequate for keeping the rogue state in check.

"Recently North Korea is working on a missile program utilizing tunnels and transporter

erector launchers.

To properly defend against possible strikes with the latest technology... the South should

be able to carry and launch heavier ballistic missiles.

It's expected those will be able to damage underground bunkers and missile silos."

In the past... some South Korean officials even blamed the missile guidelines, claiming

the guidelines allowed their missile development to fall behind that of the regime's.

Given North Korea's 2 ICBM launches last month... experts stress now more than ever, the importance

of revising the terms to up the South's defense capacity.

But as Davis added, the time line for the actual revision is still unknown.

Lee Unshin Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Washington considers revising missile guidelines for S. Korea - Duration: 2:00.



For more infomation >> MAFIA II REMIX - PUMPED UP KICKS / JOE BARBARO / VITO SCALETTA... - Duration: 1:40.


Change the World - Duration: 0:21.

We all want to see change in the world but what are you willing to do today to make that

change happen?

I want to encourage each and every one of you today to use your words to encourage other

people, not to discourage them.

To build them up, not criticize.

Let's show the world kindness and love through our words and through our actions.Together

we can make the world a better place.

Let's do this!

For more infomation >> Change the World - Duration: 0:21.


Toxoplasmosis: How Parasites in Your Cat Can Infect Your Brain - Duration: 5:28.


Now this is a common stereotype: the single lady who lives next door and you hear meows

echoing through the walls.

Or maybe it's your aunt, or grandma, with a whole clowder of cats.

Whoever it is, she is known as the "crazy cat lady."

[tox-oh-plaz-mah gone-dee-eye] And stereotypes or not, there could be some

actual psychological risks from hanging around so many kitties… if just one of them is

harboring a parasite.

See, there's a parasite that only sexually reproduces only inside cats and it's called

Toxoplasma gondii.

And if that parasite gets into a human, it can result in a full-blown infection called

toxoplasmosis, which could be bad news for your body and your mind.

T. gondii have really tough eggs.

And when animals like rats or birds eat them, even just through contaminated water, they

become intermediate hosts.

Once that bird or rat makes it's way inside of a cat — however that happens — in a

kitty's gut, the parasite will mature, mate, and sexually reproduce.

And, eventually, the cat will poop out more eggs, which continues the cycle.

In a human, or other intermediate host, T. gondii can still hatch but only reproduce asexually.

They're dangerous though, because parasites can enter your bloodstream and infect almost

any kind of cell — including immune cells.

An immune cell is like a Trojan horse, letting T. gondii sneak around and invade more specialized

tissues like muscle cells and brain cells.

Once parasites get into your central nervous system, they can hide out in cysts, and infect

you for life.

But you might not show any symptoms.

Or if you do, it's just like a mild flu.

Some estimates even say over a third of all humans have toxoplasmosis without knowing it.

As a human's immune system gets weaker over time, the parasitic cysts can cause some more

severe symptoms.

An infected person can develop muscle weakness, poor coordination, seizures, or permanent

damage to the brain and eyes.

Which is not great.

And if a pregnant woman is infected, she could pass the parasites onto her baby.

On top of that, there's evidence that links T. gondii infection to psychological conditions, too.

One study monitored the mental health of nearly 46,000 women from Denmark who had their newborn

babies screened for T. gondii antibodies, which were passed on.

The researchers then followed up on the mothers' medical and psychiatric information for up

to 14 years, and found that infected women seemed to have more risk of depression, anxiety,

and self-harm later in life.

Many studies suggest that T. gondii affects how a couple different neurotransmitters work, too.

These are the chemicals that travel between neurons all over the body, not just in the brain.

And when neurotransmitters get imbalanced, that can lead to physical and mental illnesses.

One 2011 mouse study from the University of Leeds showed that T. gondii infection in brain

cells led to higher dopamine levels, because the parasite makes an enzyme that controls

how dopamine is made.

Dopamine helps regulate parts of the brain

tied to pleasure, mostly the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.

But too much dopamine flooding the brain has been linked with illnesses that distort thoughts

and moods, like psychosis, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

A more recent study in 2016 showed that T. gondii infection can also mess up a protein

that transports glutamate, which is usually an excitatory neurotransmitter that makes

neurons more easily activated.

Failed transporters lead to a glutamate build-up in the space between neurons all over the

nervous system, like a chemical traffic jam.

This is called excitotoxicity, and it basically overstimulates the nerve cells, causing parts

of them to go haywire and start breaking down.

So dysregulation of glutamate is linked with neurodegenerative diseases like ALS, multiple

sclerosis, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.

And another study from 2012 found that parasite-hijacked

immune cells start releasing a bunch of GABA.

GABA is usually an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means it can keep neurons from firing as much.

When it interacts with the amygdala, for instance, GABA can help control feelings of fear and anxiety.

So way too much GABA could presumably make someone feel fearless — like how severely

infected mice seem to be less afraid of cats, and get eaten more often.

That way, the parasites can continue their life cycles.

But even with all this research, other studies have suggested there isn't a significant

association between toxoplasmosis and mental disorders.

A study from Duke University took blood samples from just over 800 people to look for T. gondii

antibodies, and did other surveys and tests to collect data about their behavior.

About 28% of their participants tested positive for parasite antibodies.

But the researchers didn't find a significant association with schizophrenia, depression,

or other mental disorders, or any link to impulsive activities like crime or car accidents.

So research in this field is tricky, because animal models like mice aren't entirely

comparable to humans.

But it'd also be super unethical to do controlled experimental studies on humans, like giving

people toxoplasmosis and monitoring their brains.

But, there is no reason to ditch your cats.

They bring happiness and cuddles!

There is so many positive health outcomes associated with having a fuzzy thing in your house.

Just be careful around their poop, like, make sure it doesn't go in your mouth.

Try to keep them from eating mice and birds, if that's possible.

And make sure your food is cooked properly so you don't accidentally eat any uncooked

parasite eggs.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych, which was brought to you by

our patrons on Patreon. <3

If you'd like to help us make more episodes like this, which we love to do and we love

that you love for us to do it, you can go to

And also don't forget to go to and subscribe!


For more infomation >> Toxoplasmosis: How Parasites in Your Cat Can Infect Your Brain - Duration: 5:28.


Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day: la lutte contre le cancer conti­nue - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Laeti­cia et Johnny Hally­day: la lutte contre le cancer conti­nue - Duration: 2:47.



Olá YouTube my name is Ricardo Lino and I'm a wheel addict

I'm on my way to work skating

and I while i was skating guys thinking I'm skating some 125mm

what I was thinking I know what are the fastest was in the market but do you

know what are the fastest out there?? so what I thought is, why don't I

go to my office and when I get there I show you the matter 125 wheels

they're really expensive if you just look at the money of course but I'm

going to show you the technology behind those wheels and why they cost what they

do so stay there I'm gonna need to stop here. why dont wheels come with brakes ?

so stay there and once I get to my office I'm going to show you the wheels okay I'm also

trying to make a test here which is I got two microphones on me I have one

which is recording from my phone and it's a lapel mic and the other one is

just from the GoPro I want you to tell me which one has the better sound while

I do this so right now right now now you're

listening to the lapel mic on the phone recording from the phone and right now

you're listening to the GoPro with an external dji microphone

the one that you could fit on the Osmo I don't have any osmo but the guys at orms

which is the camera shop in Cape Town we're kind enough to give me this little

mic , it cost like 5 dollars so, thank you guys thank you ORMS and please tell me

what's sounds better the lapel mic which is the rode smartlav plus which is like a

mic for phones or the GoPro with the DJI external one I'm sorry there are no

helmet today I really forgot the helmets video but still I thought you would like

the a little bit of fast skating and because I'm on the fastest part of my

skate job here you go enjoy

is be more a reflective topic almost there today so I've got my outfit and I

told you I'm going to talk to you about the fastest wheel on the market and they

are the matter 125 these will used to come in two different

options I like some old set of metal wheels and I just went and cut why did I

cut them well because I wanted to show you what's inside these wheels and what

makes these wheels that much better or which makes these wheels faster so the

first thing that you need to know about these wheels the matter 125 is they have

a huge score because they have a huge core what do you look in a fast wheel

there's two things that you want the wheel to be you want the wheel to be

this so there's a lot more power transfer when you push when is the next

rally you want all your power to go into the ground you also want the wheel to as

much rebound as possible so that's why I'm going to show you the previous

version of these wheels and what they put on all the newer wheel so in the

older versions you see the wheel just like this you see this old Savior thing

I Kalitta will and I saw this this is the older version is the matter 125 LTE

limited edition all the new ones they come you see this black thing drive in

there this little black thing it's what matter called an insert and the insert

is a piece of rubber that goes all around the wheel on the inside as you

can see here they're like an insert like a ring in between the up and the rolling

surface the role in gear tank which is little bouncy ball those things that is

throw in the ground those possible so it's something like

that but they couldn't put that material in the outside because it wouldn't roll

as fast as these ones basically makes the wheel ever lot more rebound and why

do you want the rebound on will why do you want the wheel to have that much

rebound so you can bar it this way imagine while we're rolling in the

ground the ground is usually not as smooth as we wish

so there's always like little is little bit rough so the hood the wheel goes

like this going up and up and up now imagine if you're going forward what

do you think the rebound will throw your wheels so it's something like yourself

up up up and we stopping each the ground because the wheel is rolling forwards

the rebound will throw the wheels that way these would mean that every time is

just from rolling the rebound I agreed a super high rebound wheel

especially if it has that insert that I just told you will roll a lot faster and

then of course when you do that try when you do that push when you push super

strong a high rebound wheel will also make you benefit more and yet that's why

these will cost around 200 yes that's why these girls cost around 200 euros

for a set of six wheels but let me tell you that's the reason why I didn't get

these ones which are really good these are asbestos fuels that you'll ever find

yes they could be cheaper maybe as someone would buy them I would love them

to be cheaper but at someone who have them I can tell you 200 euros it's well

worth for these wheels so if you in the market for wheel for marathon of course

it's not the only reason but there needs to be a lot of tax just like this to

make someone like Bart strings go like 56 minutes on a mass in a medicine that

you can never done a medicine if America is 42:42 Keynes 125 I think

that is something I just bar shrinks building 56 minutes that means that it

goes over 45 games per hour yeah it goes around 45 case per hour so

make yourself a favor and get a set of factors how can enjoy this video if you

did don't forget to subscribe to the channel and give me some thumbs up and

if you didn't like it give me some thumbs up but let me know why I didn't

like this video that's it for today and let's just not forget why we all started

skating because it's fun chill guys see you soon I'm just editing

this video and I just thought I can't wait to put the wheels on and go for

some downhill the dog

For more infomation >> INLINE SKATING TECH SCHOOL - THE FASTEST WHEELS IN THE WORLD - MATTER 125 // VLOG 141 - Duration: 8:15.


La femme de Michael Schu­ma­cher et son fils compli­ces… ensemble ils font face depuis le drame - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> La femme de Michael Schu­ma­cher et son fils compli­ces… ensemble ils font face depuis le drame - Duration: 2:18.


Pourquoi Emma­nuel et Brigitte Macron sont en vacances à Marseille - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi Emma­nuel et Brigitte Macron sont en vacances à Marseille - Duration: 3:01.


Lily-Rose Depp change de tête - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Lily-Rose Depp change de tête - Duration: 2:01.


Sophie Marceau répond à Voici sur Insta­gram : Non elle ne passe pas l'été dépri­mée - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Sophie Marceau répond à Voici sur Insta­gram : Non elle ne passe pas l'été dépri­mée - Duration: 1:43.


😍nail art compilation 2017 new nail art compilation 3 nail art compilation d nail art complications - Duration: 10:48.

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