Monday, August 14, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 15 2017

these glasses make me feel like I'm a mix of Napoleon and Dwight from the office

hi guys welcome back to my channel or if you're new hi nice to meet you hope you

are having a great life / quite a good introduction to myself ah

first of all apologies for the ring light there's not much I can do about this

when i'm wearing the glasses so sorry yeah as you probably saw the title of

this video is about makeup for glasses and kind of you know tips and tricks for

wearing glasses so that your makeup doesn't wear off while you were wearing them so

I paired up with Firmoo glasses today they sent me a pair of glasses, well I picked

them first of all I just know that their service is really great because the pair I

actually originally picked were run out of stock but they contacted me really

promptly and they let me pick another pair and they were sent out straightaway

and they also have an online kind of visualizer on their website where you

can upload a photo of yourself and then can virtually try on glasses to see if they'll

suit your face shape which I found really helpful so really just was like

not sure what kind of glasses I was going to go for so it's really good

because then it kind of makes it like your in in store but you're not, you're at home

and in your bed and it's quick and easy also with Firmoo none of their glasses are

over 39 USD which is really cheap because I know that in store and like

my old glasses like cost like a hundred and seventy dollars Australian and yes

it was a really expensive so for these guys to be so cheap is just so ideal and

finally with these glasses and I'll put a link below if you buy one you get one

free so yes it's like a great deal but otherwise the makeup tutorial today is

kind of like an orangey kind of makeup look I've included a lot of tips for glasses

such as how to stop getting marks from your glasses if you can see none of my

makeup has come off yet with these glasses and just kind of tips and tricks to

kind of alter your makeup around your glasses and I will just get straight

into it / so first of all I'm going to take this Australis the original primer

and it's really important to prime your face first especially for glasses

because they're going to be rubbing on so many areas of your face you ought to

make sure that especially like on your cheeks and just on your nose that you're

really getting a good prime in there okay and then I'm just going to take

this color pop amethyst priming spray and I'm just going to put that on top of

the primer that I've already done like I really want everything to

stick today, ooh gets me every time and then what I find really important

when doing makeup with glasses you actually need to put them on before you

do your makeup and you kind of just need to see how it looks because some people

have lens that make the eyes bigger or smaller a that'll kind of effect like what

you need to do so this was actually clear because I need a new prescription

so I don't want to get my old prescription with the glasses that I got

at but with my prescription they like makes things look bigger so my eyes are

quite big in them already but I do notice though is that it does bring attention to

like your under eye circles so we're going to conceal those first so yeah

it's just really important that you check with your glasses to see kind of

where your glasses sit and what's going to looks different or weird about your

face so I'm going to conceal before foundation I'm going to take this is

covergirl trublend fixstick and i'm pretty sure I don't use it because

it's like too dark for me but now I'm tan so it's like a world of opportunities

this is really thick / and I'm just going to blend that in with this enough

this is a concealer brush from Ecotools

then i'm going in with this Rimmel lasting

finish foundation I don't have a lot to say about it it's just the only color

I've got that kind of matches my tan so just what we're doing it with I'm just

going to apply it using my Beauty Blender, it's not a real Beauty Blender

because i'm a student and I can't afford it / the most important thing

when you're doing this is to not put foundation on your nose it's

been I want to go and put my glasses back on you kind of want to see where your

glasses sit and you can put your foundation on those areas around it

let's go okay so I can do the tip of my nose this foundation because it's not

going to come off from anything maybe just a little bit not all the way up

then I'm going to take my Maybelline fit me in fair clair for my concealer

and make a funky pattern okay so I myself is that I would not be Beauty

Blender remembering not to take because they were too bad - I'm gonna go set my

concealer and just going to go I'm staying here I'm going to set my

concealer or foundation just with officials glasses if you have glasses

that sit on your cheek or and I mean all dices or you know so when I sit on your

nose and you know you leave they live in indents and instead they leave indents

where they sit and it's really annoying when you're taking off is that you just

like know in your soul that everyone's looking at them and we're kind of like

trying to rub it away and it just doesn't yes so you want to fake that

area so that your makeup doesn't come off your looks ridiculous whenever you

decide to take off your glasses so I'm going to take this off translucent

powder and just tap it on a brush kind of already and I'm just going to tip it

on to the area that I really respect and I'm also going to take the Rimmel stay

matte powder in the transluscent and it's like a fan favourite and

I'm just going to take an old flat Beauty Blender and just go on the

other parts of my face so I don't have really oily skin so,

i don't look like a disco ball okay so the eyebrows are taking the

color pop, color pop brow pencil in dope taupe okay so basically

what I notice about doing the glasses that I did cover quite a bit on my brows

that some some little friends Oh you can kind of see them I just

recommend that you definitely highlight under your brows that when you do say oh

you just make that you know look a bit higher just get benefit you know in

doing is no because I don't have a bra job to come and set my brows in place at

the moment I'm going to take the color pop aventurine crystal setting spray and I'm

just going to spray it on my spoolie and just go through my brows to keep them in

place / whoop she's wet... that's what she said

the next onto the eyes either a really important part when you do your glasses

again you need to put them on and you need to see where your eyes set does it

make sense bigger or smaller and depend on what you want to do I'm just going to

do normal makeups and probably climate and a little bit bigger and that's just

a personal preference as you can see my eyebrows are a little bit covered so I'm

just going to highlight under there a little bit just simply some seasons and

you also want to probably come obvious that you want to try and get a shadow

colors that kind of match your glasses, mine are a golden clear color so they can

probably go for most colors except maybe silver and I'm going to go to for like an

orangey look I think because why not I really want too / i'm taking the nude by nature

mineral eye primer it was really old I'm not really sure how long you're supposed to be

keeping makeup products, if you know let me know because I feel like i've had this for

four years oh okay so taking the morph - oh flip upside down - the morphe

35o palette I'm just going to take this first black color and just a feather all

over my lids now on this ABH brush that I got in the

modern renaissance palette I'm just going to take this kind of Goldy brown color this

one here and just going to put it all through the crease

and I'm just going to take the small shading brush and I'm going to say

there's kind of light orange color and just do that right under the crease and

i've already kind of defined then I'm going to take this paler orange color and I'm

just going to put it right in the corner

so I put the third of my eye okay and then on that very same brush I'm going

to take this kind of deeper reddy brown color

I know if you can see it is super easy ground color anywhere put it right at

the corners to definitely look a little bit of light for a certain moment and

then when I'm since my finger I'm going to take out the comment go to shimmery

color and do that and the but the inner part of my eyes

okay and then i'm just going to take that flat brush again and grab a bit of the white and

mix it was a bit of a shimmer and if it right on my brow and then taking them

all what suppose that's a covergirl flamed out pencil it's like a white

shimmery shade we really had to sharpen them and like it keeps breaking from a

sharpener to just give it a minder here we get one and I'm just going to put

that on my waterline at the bottom to try and open up my edge of it and then

I'm going to take that water and draw it on the inner corner of my eye next

bronzer bronzer that's the one okay I'm going to take the two faced bronzer in

chocolate Soleil it's a medium deep matte bronzer I'm sure you've heard of it

i'm just going to take this fluffy angle brush it wasn't fluffy before but now it's just

really old now and now it all kind of stand out of it so okay

disguise the double chin yeah and then because i've gone for this orangey browny

look I'm going to take this color pop and set press blush and powder remember

knockout it's called the knockout the knockout I did review this in a

video just take a little bit on this Ecotools brush blush brush

okay so I'm going to grab this trusty colour pop highlighter and flexitarian I

just don't think this has ever done me wrong, especially if you want your eyebrows to look a

bit more like defined to highlight just a bit above them and I'll make them look

like they're higher pull about your illusions I got another big tip for -

so another big tip when you do and wear glasses is that when you do your

mascara it's really ideal if you curl your lashes, me personally I really tell

you I should say even if I just leave it like this they're probably not going to

hit the lens but if you curl them up it'll define your eyes a lot more

longer and because they'll be up and they're not

going to be straight out and keep hitting the lens everytime you blink which is really annoying

it's a lot of the reason why people don't wear false lashes with glasses

and now that I've relationships I'm going to use the Tarte lights camera

flashes I like to use a waterproof mascara because it actually holds the

curl which is what you want if you're wearing glasses and you don't want your

glglg - glglg - you don't want your lashes to

hit the lens so i'm just gonna apply that so I have just gone ahead and applied my

lip color it's pretty irrelevant to glasses, just whatever colour you really

feel like wearing if you are looking for mine it's magic wand by

color pop okay and to finish the look and make sure every thing really stays in

place because we really want to make sure that nothing smudges off i'm

going to take this color pop aventurine setting spray this is the

one that is suppose to mattify your face which is really what i want so i'm

going to actually spray my face and then set again with powder

okay so that is it for the makeup look with these glasses I hope you enjoyed it yeah

but that's all from me for now and I will catch you guys next time


For more infomation >> Everyday makeup and tips for glasses wearers!! + Firmoo glasses review 😎 - Duration: 12:38.


Toussus avec radio + sous-titres - Duration: 11:06.

F-AB, line-up 25R, cleared for take-off, wind 360, 3 kts, report climbing through 1'000ft

Cleared for take-off, will report passing 1'100 ft, F-AB

F-TP, jet departure, minimum approach speed

Minimum approach speed, passing 3 (nm)


Toussus tower, good evening, F-KG

F-KG, good evening

F-GLKG, Robin 400, departing from Le Touquet, inbound to land with information Hotel

We just pass...Oscar...HOL

F-KG, Squawk 425...euh

Squawk 4-2-5-0, report Sierra

4250 and routing Sierra, F-KG

F-ID, good evening again

F-ID, good evening again

Good evening again, m'dam

F-ID, line-up 25L and wait

F-ID, line-up 25L and wait

Toussus from TC, good evening

TC, good evening, we call you back

Ground from ____ back to the ramp, I leave frequency, good evening !

Fire rescue, good evening !

F-TP, cleared to land runway 25R, wind ____, 3 kts

Cleared to land 25R, F-TP

The fuel warning light has lighten up

Good evening again, cleared for take-off runway 25L, wind 350, 4 kts, report base

Did you switch ?

I'll wait some time until it pop-up again

It's the fuel warning, right ?

F-FB, radar contact, contact Orly departure

We got 1 hour on the left and 1 hour on the right

Please check squawk 3372

NG, report base 25

NG, will report base 25

TC, good evening again

Good evening again, F-GHTC, PA28, 1xPOB, back from Villeneuve-sur-Lot

inbound to land, I'm at 2 minutes from RBT

F-TC, squawk 4251, report Sierra

4151 for TC, I will report Sierra, and we have Hotel on board

Where is Villeneuve-whatever to know where he's coming from

'cause he's going to this point there

F-KG, do you want to join the downwind?

Ah, everything will be fine ! F-KG

F-KG, join beginning of downwind, runway 25

and trafic Cessna, initial climb, training pattern

Ok, looking out for the Cessna and join left downwind 25, F-KG

F-TP, 25 vaccated

F-TP, taxi and leave at Touring, good bye

Taxi and will leave Touring, good bye madame, TP

Where is the Cessna

Toussus ground from ____, leaving frequency, good evening

Leave ____, good evening


F-NG, report final 25R, number 1

NG, for the 25R, we will report number 1

F-KG, please confirm the position of the Cessna in the pattern ?

F-KG, Cessna is beginning of downwind

Ok, looking out negative contact, F-KG

and the traffic is not conflictual ;) with you

Perfect ! Thank you.

NG, cleared to land 25R, wind 018 degrees, 3 kts

She's kind, Madame ATC

1'200 ft, fuel pump, carb heat not applicable, mixture full rich, light

Fuel tank switched... to the right

And let's target the checkerboard which should be there

I identify Saclay (tower+buildings)

And we are right on the track chart for the downwind

Toussus Tower from F-GOM, good evening

F-OM good evening

OM, PA28, 2 x PoB, back from Etampes, inbound

1'800ft QNH and from 2 minutes

OM, squawk 4252 report Sierra

4252 for the squawk, I will report Sierra

F-ID, cleared touch&go 25L, wind 310, 4 kts, report base leg

F-ID cleared touch&go 25L and I will report base leg

F-KG, report base leg 25

We will report left base 25, F-KG

Sorry KG, report base 25

No big deal ;)

NG request taxi Aston

F-NG, taxi and leave at Aston, good evening

Taxi and leave at Aston, you too

Toussus from FGGFV, good evening

F-FV good evening

F-FV, PA28, 3xPoB, Jousse ramp, request circuits, with Hotel, ready for departure

F-FV, squawk 7000, taxi holding point 25L, report ready

Squawk, taxi 25L, will report prêt

FV, one way approved

One way approved, FV

Sun is the back but it won't last long

TC, passing Sierra

F-TC, report base leg 25

TC, we'll report base leg 25

F-KG, report final 25L, number one

Number one for the final 25L, F-KG

A notch of flaps left

Final is cleared, I see the runway

And it will be final on the left

F-KG on final 25L

KG, Cleared to land runway 25L

Wind 360, 5 kts

Cleared to land 25L, F-KG

TC, report final 25R, number one

I kept holding the flaps lever

Anyway I must vaccate at the end (of the runway)

F-TC, cleared to land 25R, wind 360, 4 kts

TC, cleared to land 25R

Let's go with ground

Toussus ground, good evening F-KG

Runway 25L vaccated for Alcyons apron

KG, taxi and leave frequency at Les Alcyons, good evening

Taxiing to Les Alcyons, bonne soirée

F-ID, report final 25L, number 1

ID, will report 25L, number 1

It was a cool hop

For more infomation >> Toussus avec radio + sous-titres - Duration: 11:06.


2017 Honda Civic Type R

For more infomation >> 2017 Honda Civic Type R


YouTube Creators for Change: Cameo Project - Duration: 3:11.

We are YouTubers from Indonesia. Our channel name is Cameo Project.

There are a lot of tribes and languages in Indonesia.

Radicalism is spreading across this country.

So we are trying our best to show people that Indonesia is a multicultural nation.

Indonesia is a diverse country.

This diversity is represented in Cameo Project.

♪ Hi people, we are Cameo Project ♪

♪ This is Martin Andri and Yosi, Echa and the weird Bobby ♪

♪ Steve the serious but funny guy ♪

I'm fine guys, thank you.

We challenge taboos in society.

We express our disagreement through our work.

We can speak our mind and make people laugh at the same time.

Indonesia is not used to freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is important to promote tolerance, to accept others.

And we are here to set an example that it is okay to be different.

It's okay to make a choice and be proud about it.

If we don't have any media to express our thoughts,

our voice won't be heard, and we can't make any impact.

YouTube helps us reach more people.

We want to share this spirit with the people in small towns.

For the YouTube Creators for Change impact project,

we created the One Indonesia project.

We are going on a tour around Indonesia, visiting campuses and schools.

One of the pillars of YouTube is preserving freedom of speech.

A workshop about how to make positive creative content.

We want to reach young people who can participate in our YouTube video.

Cameo Project inspired me to make videos that inspire young people,

to make them aware of the issues happening around us.

We made a video about racism. Racism is not cool.

When we see something wrong,

we need to step in and tell them that what they are doing is wrong.

The most important thing is we need to change ourselves.

That's what is most important, and the rest will follow.

Cameo Project

One Indonesia.

One Indonesia.

One Indonesia.

For more infomation >> YouTube Creators for Change: Cameo Project - Duration: 3:11.


C:\@NP\videos\42259\ - Duration: 1:37.

Anushka Sharma says she won't be playing extrovert kind of roles anymore

Anushka Sharma who was seen playing roles of a bubbly girl in her initial years has now stated that she has progressed and has moved beyond the extrovert kind of roles.

She made her Bollywood debut opposite Shah Rukh Khan in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi.

The actress says that she can no longer relate to such characters. In an interview, Anushka told, I remember there was a time in my life when I did a lot of these extrovert kind of roles.

But there was this phase when I got really. Maybe because I was changing as a person, I realised I could not relate to these things anymore,Further the 29-year-old actress said that people around her were confused of this change in her.

She stated, There were people around me, who had perhaps known me for a while like friends, industry people and journalists, they felt that there was something wrong with me. That suddenly I was different.

But thats the natural progression that you go through..

For more infomation >> C:\@NP\videos\42259\ - Duration: 1:37.


RotiX聊繪畫—Photoshop小技巧:利用筆畫樣式繪製線稿吧! - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> RotiX聊繪畫—Photoshop小技巧:利用筆畫樣式繪製線稿吧! - Duration: 3:34.


Learn Colors With Animals For Kids Learn Colors With Candy Lollipop Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:57.

Learn Colors With Animals For Kids Learn Colors With Candy Lollipop Finger Family Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Animals For Kids Learn Colors With Candy Lollipop Finger Family Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:57.


Horse Colourful Colour Song For Children Rhymes | Colorful Horse Animated Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 11:33.

Horse Colourful Colour Song For Children Rhymes Colorful Horse Animated Nursery Rhymes For Kids

For more infomation >> Horse Colourful Colour Song For Children Rhymes | Colorful Horse Animated Nursery Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 11:33.


Đấu trường thú 2 (Bloody roar 2) - Duration: 10:40.

For more infomation >> Đấu trường thú 2 (Bloody roar 2) - Duration: 10:40.


YouTube Creators for Change: Cameo Project - Duration: 3:11.

We are YouTubers from Indonesia. Our channel name is Cameo Project.

There are a lot of tribes and languages in Indonesia.

Radicalism is spreading across this country.

So we are trying our best to show people that Indonesia is a multicultural nation.

Indonesia is a diverse country.

This diversity is represented in Cameo Project.

♪ Hi people, we are Cameo Project ♪

♪ This is Martin Andri and Yosi, Echa and the weird Bobby ♪

♪ Steve the serious but funny guy ♪

I'm fine guys, thank you.

We challenge taboos in society.

We express our disagreement through our work.

We can speak our mind and make people laugh at the same time.

Indonesia is not used to freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is important to promote tolerance, to accept others.

And we are here to set an example that it is okay to be different.

It's okay to make a choice and be proud about it.

If we don't have any media to express our thoughts,

our voice won't be heard, and we can't make any impact.

YouTube helps us reach more people.

We want to share this spirit with the people in small towns.

For the YouTube Creators for Change impact project,

we created the One Indonesia project.

We are going on a tour around Indonesia, visiting campuses and schools.

One of the pillars of YouTube is preserving freedom of speech.

A workshop about how to make positive creative content.

We want to reach young people who can participate in our YouTube video.

Cameo Project inspired me to make videos that inspire young people,

to make them aware of the issues happening around us.

We made a video about racism. Racism is not cool.

When we see something wrong,

we need to step in and tell them that what they are doing is wrong.

The most important thing is we need to change ourselves.

That's what is most important, and the rest will follow.

Cameo Project

One Indonesia.

One Indonesia.

One Indonesia.

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