Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 15 2017

In the Godswood of Winterfell, Bran Stark skinchanges into a group of ravens North of

the wall, watching as the army of the dead marches towards East Watch by the Sea.

The Night King spots him and disperses the birds, disrupting the connection, causing

Bran to order Maester Wolkan to send ravens, warning of the approaching danger.

Inside the castle, Sansa holds court with the bannermen of the North, with Arya watching

from the back.

Arya becomes upset after watching the men sworn to Jon Snow speaking badly of him and

proclaiming their admiration for Sansa who stayed to rule in the North while Jon left

them and went south.

Sansa appears to be enjoying their compliments and does not chastise the men for speaking

ill of their king, and so Arya later confronts her, implying that rather than serving Jon,

she is scheming to get what she really wants.

Although Sansa attempts to deny it, Arya does not believe her and accuses her of currying

favour with the banner men so they will be loyal to her if Jon does not return.

Later, Arya follows Littlefinger around Winterfell, watching as he speaks to informants, confers

with the two noble lords who supported Sansa during the meeting, and as he speaks to Maester

Wolken, receiving a letter and ensuring that no other copies exist.

Littlefinger then enters his chamber and leaves moments later, only for Arya to pick the lock

and search for the letter.

She finds it under his mattress, and learns that it was written by Sansal years earlier

when their father was arrested.

A letter she was pressured to write by the Lannisters which states that Robert is dead,

and their father had betrayed the new king, then asking that Robb swear fealty to Joffrey.

Arya, having read message, leaves the room, however she is being watched by Littlefinger,

indicating that he knew he was being followed, possibly leaving the letter to be discovered,

to sow dissention between Sansa and Arya.

Following her victory in the second field of fire, the Dothraki army of Queen Daenerys

Targaryen gathered the surviving Lannister and Tarly soldiers, offering them the choice

of bending the knee of execution.

Some few immediately choose to bend the knee, but many others refuse.

After and intimidating roar by Drogon, more soldiers submit, but still many do not.

Among those refusing, are Randyll Tarly and his son Dickon.

Lord Tarly is recognized and brought forward to speak with the queen, explaining that he

pledged to Cersei, believing her claim to the throne of Westeros more legitimate then

Daenerys, who was raised in foreign lands, has a foreign army, and has no more ties to

the land.

He is willing to die honourably, refusing even the suggestion of joining the Night's

Watch, which Tyrion tries to offer as an alternative.

Watching his father being taken away, Dickon could not stay silent, and made his identity

known to the queen, demanding that if his father is to be executed he must die as well.

Randyll clearly did not want his son to die, even indicating his approval for Dickon to

bend the knee, but in the end the boy proved to be the honourable and dutiful son he always


And they died together, consumed by dragonfire.

The last of the soldiers standing, now kneel and Daenerys flies back to Dragonstone, landing

near King Jon Snow atop a cliff.

To her surprise he bravely reaches out a hand and touches the dragon, who looks back at

him and seems to sense Jon is a friend.

Afterwards, the Dothraki bring Ser Jorah Mormont who just arrived on the island, and Daenerys

greets him warmly, taking him back into her service.

He is also introduced to Jon Snow, who mentions that he served under his father Jeor Mormont.

Inside the throne room, Varys and Tyrion discuss their discomfort at the actions of their queen,

before moving on to speak of a letter they received for Jon Snow, providing more troubling


When they present it to the King in the North, he is shocked to learn that Arya and Bran

are alive, but is worried about the army marching south and states he must return to the North


Daenerys says that she cannot support his cause with Cersei Lannister in King's Landing,

and so Tyrion suggests a plan.

They must arrange a cessation of hostilities between Daenerys and Cersei, so the entire

realm can focus on the threat beyond the wall.

In order to convince Cersei, they will need proof, and so must capture one of the undead

soldier in the army of the White Walkers and bring it south for all to see.

Jorah Mormont volunteers to go capture the creature, but Jon knows he won't make it

on his own, and so decides to lead the mission.

In order to speak with Cersei, Davos will smuggle Tyrion into the capital, where he

will arrange a meeting with his brother Jaime who will relay the message.

Jaime Lannister, who was nearly killed by Drogon in the Field of Fire, was saved at

the last moment by Bronn who then dragged him out of the water.

Making their way back to King's Landing, Jaime informs Cersei of all he saw and the

gravity of their situation.

Cersei seems to understand the peril but sees the choices as fight and die or submit and

die, choosing to fight.

She is also told of the Tyrion's innocence regarding the death of Joffrey, learning that

it was Lady Olenna behind the assassination.

Once arrived in the capital, Davos and Tyrion go their separate ways.

Tyrion sets up a meeting with Jaime through his old friend Bronn, and while they are not

on friendly terms, they discuss an armistice, telling him that they might turn their attention

to the threat beyond the wall.

Jaime brings the information to Cersei, who is already aware of his meeting with Tyrion,

having allowed it to take place because she sees the value in a temporary ceasefire, which

gives them time to build up their forces and complete their victory in the future.

Cersei also reveals that she is pregnant, and will announce to the whole world that

Jaime is the father, no longer concerned about the opinion of others.

Meanwhile, Davos searches through the streets of king's landing, until finding Gendry,

the bastard son of Robert Baratheon, working as a smith in the street of steel.

Gendry says that he hates living in the capital, crafting weapons for the family that murdered

his father.

When Davos asks him to come to dragonstone, Gendry happily agrees, bringing with him a

warhammer, reminiscent of the one wielded by his father Robert Baratheon.

Davos, Tyrion and Gendry then return to dragonstone, where Jon Snow meets Robert Baratheon's

last known living son for the first time.

Although Davos tries to hide his identity, Gendry immediately reveals himself, knowing

that Jon's father Eddard Stark was best friends with his own father, and that if they

trusted each other, the sons should as well.

Jon welcomes him and allows him to join their party headed north.

Daenerys then comes down to the shore and says goodbye to Jorah and Jon, who along with

Gendry and Davos, make their way to Eastwatch by the Sea.

In the Citadel of Old Town, while attending to his duties, Sam Tarly overhears a conversation

by a group of Maesters, speaking about a crippled boy in the North, who claims an army of dead

men are marching south towards the wall.

Sam interrupts them to recount that he was the one who let Bran Stark through the wall

where he somehow survived for years, but the Maesters are skeptical of the claim, suggesting

it may be a ploy by the dragon queen to lure the armies of Westeros away from the South.

Samwell pleads with them, saying that the boy is telling the truth and that he has personally

seen the army of the dead.

The Archmaester assures him they will investigate the matter and come to the truth of it, but

Sam is not convinced and tries to argue further before being dismissed.

Sam, who has not yet heard of his father and brother's deaths, returns to his duties

but remains upset all day, unleashing a burst of anger on Gilly in their room later that


Frustrated by the indifference and inaction of the Maesters, he does not pay attention

to Gilly, who mentions that High Septon Maynard, author of the book she's reading, recorded

the annulment of the marriage of prince Rhaegar, so he might marry another in a secret ceremony

in Dorne.

This is in reference to Rhaegar Targaryen, son of the Mad King, who abandoned his wife

and children to run away with Lyanna Stark, apparently annulling his previous relationship

to be with the northern girl who later gave birth to Jon Snow.

Sam then decides he's had enough, and steals a number of important books, before packing

up his family and leaving the Citadel, abandoning his duty to the Maesters.

Arriving at East Watch by the Sea, Jon Snow meets with Tormund giantsbane to discuss their

mission north of the wall.

Tormund then reveals that another group of travellers recently arrived, also wanting

to travel north and so they go to the cells where Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr and

Sandor Clegane await them.

Beric claims that the Lord of Light has sent them on this mission and although many of

the men have history and dislike each other, Jon decides they must work together.

Jon Snow, King in the North, then gathers his companions and heads out beyond the wall

to capture an undead wight.

Their quest, is reminiscent of the stories concerning the previous Long Night, when the

Last Hero of Westeros ventured north with a sword, a horse and a dozen companions, on

a mission that would ultimately help save humanity and defeat the White Walkers.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones: Eastwatch (S 7 - Ep 5) - Duration: 9:17.


Rozšiřte si obzory: Hodina - Duration: 0:16.


Sis, mobile.

Oh, the law of gravity in practice.

Succumb to the attractive force of the Samsung Galaxy J5 stylish phone instead.


For more infomation >> Rozšiřte si obzory: Hodina - Duration: 0:16.


Rozšiřte si obzory: Zkoušení - Duration: 0:16.

So, electrical resistance.

Or would you rather prefer mutual interaction of two bodies?

Tu du dum tum ...

What is not in your head must be in your data.

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For more infomation >> Rozšiřte si obzory: Zkoušení - Duration: 0:16.


Rozšiřte si obzory: Hodina - Duration: 0:16.


Sis, mobile.

Oh, the law of gravity in practice.

Is you phone long gone?

Get the SONY Xperia XA1 with a top quality camera.


For more infomation >> Rozšiřte si obzory: Hodina - Duration: 0:16.


Rozšiřte obzory: Třídní schůzky - Duration: 0:40.

Pavlínka, excellent.


Well, Štěpán.

They'll have a tough time at home, that's for sure.




How many degrees does the vacuum have?

Just google it.

For study purposes only.

You mean you know that?

What is not in your head must be in your data.

Get 40 GB of knowledge with the Red+ family tariff.


For more infomation >> Rozšiřte obzory: Třídní schůzky - Duration: 0:40.


Rozšiřte si obzory: Třídní schůzky - Duration: 1:24.

Well, Pavlínka, excellent.

I can always rely on her, thank you.



Yeah, well, Štěpán.

What about Agáta?

Don't even ask.


They'll have a tough time at home, that's for sure.


But Dad.

Don't you Dad him.


Don't you Mum her.




How many degrees does the vacuum have?

Just google it.

For study purposes only.


You mean you know that?



What is not in your head must be in your data.

Get 40 GB of knowledge with the Red+ family tariff.


For more infomation >> Rozšiřte si obzory: Třídní schůzky - Duration: 1:24.


Mimi a Líza - Katarína KEREKESOVÁ , Katarína MOLÁKOVÁ, Alexandra SALMELA - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Mimi a Líza - Katarína KEREKESOVÁ , Katarína MOLÁKOVÁ, Alexandra SALMELA - Duration: 1:15.


Zahradní slavnost 2017 - Duration: 2:12.

Dear guests, I am glad to be able to open today's meeting here at the Faculty of Medicine at the Procházka Institute and you know that the theme is the eighties.

When someone added the nineties, I got dressed according to the beach style of the nineties. But I want to say that my approach to it is a little bit ambiguous

because the 1980s were still the end of the previous regime and I remember there is a song, and I think it was Koller, who sang "We don't want to go back where we were miserable."

Yeah, so that's one thing, but we were young, that's what's positive. So I would say these facts neutralize each other

and so it's quite nice you have chosen that era. It's your parents' era when they were in their best age.

So enjoy that. I welcome all guests, I welcome students, and I believe you will like it here.

I am a student band member and organizer. Our student band is full of enthusiastic people who are able, even during the exam term, when they have a lot of learning,

to attend the rehearsal, which I appreciate very much and several colleagues, or the faculty staff, joined us and helped us a lot and we managed to create

a theme playlist for the Garden Festival We've included some disco songs and now we're looking forward to relaxing here

and taking our minds off learning and doing such small teambuilding here.

For more infomation >> Zahradní slavnost 2017 - Duration: 2:12.


Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-08-15 13:38:19 - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 2017-08-15 13:38:19 - Duration: 1:00.


Junmi KIDS Spiderman| Spiderman joue aux pelles des pelles avec ses amis| Spiderman jeux - Duration: 11:03.

For more infomation >> Junmi KIDS Spiderman| Spiderman joue aux pelles des pelles avec ses amis| Spiderman jeux - Duration: 11:03.


MORNING ROUTINE 2017 | Boncamila ♡ - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> MORNING ROUTINE 2017 | Boncamila ♡ - Duration: 3:27.


Downhill #4 (Is rain THAT bad? Quick Talk) (sous-titré) - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Downhill #4 (Is rain THAT bad? Quick Talk) (sous-titré) - Duration: 5:56.


Johny Johny Yes Papa songs for children - Duration: 1:14.

Johny Johny

Yes Pappa.

Eating sugar?

No Pappa.

Telling lies?

No Pappa.

Open your mouth.

Johny Johny?

Yes Pappa?

Eating candies?

No Pappa.

Telling lies?

No Pappa.

Open your mouth.

Ha Ha Ha

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