Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

Wood Wall Design. Creative Wood Wall Decorating Ideas for Interior Design

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For more infomation >> Wood Wall Design. Creative Wood Wall Decorating Ideas for Interior Design - Duration: 5:13.


Proud mom Céline Dion caught on camera having a blast at her son's hockey game - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Proud mom Céline Dion caught on camera having a blast at her son's hockey game - Duration: 4:24.


UFO: Afterlight (Reticulan 2.0 mod) - Walkthrough / Videonávod - 86 - [ENG/CZ] - Duration: 28:20.

Our water condensator is now called Barker's facility, for godknowswhatreason, everything else stayed the same, including the description.

Plasma weapons handling - Plasma cannons are the most dangerous weapons Martians

and their robots wield in combat. It would be great if our troops could use them.

EM Principles - If we can simulate the Martian's ability to manipulate an EM field,

we may be able to create EM equipment and advance in the Terraformation process.

Plasma Principles - Using plasma in combat seem to be very devastating.

Studying this state of matter may turn out to be very useful.

EM Weapons Handling - Martians seen to be much more vulnerable to EM

pulses than bullets. We should try to use their own weapons against them.

Reticulan Life Armor - We could try to use our research in psionic healing and Reticulan

technologies to produce a new kind of armor for our Reticulan allies.


Superstimulants - We could try to adapt the extremely effective stimulants Beastmen use for human soldiers.

For more infomation >> UFO: Afterlight (Reticulan 2.0 mod) - Walkthrough / Videonávod - 86 - [ENG/CZ] - Duration: 28:20.


How to Install Telescopic Ble...

For more infomation >> How to Install Telescopic Ble...


Porsche Cayenne 3.0 D Aut. | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Porsche Cayenne 3.0 D Aut. | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:52.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse 220 D PRESTIGE Automaat - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse 220 D PRESTIGE Automaat - Duration: 1:01.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 D AMG Line / Nightpakket - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 350 D AMG Line / Nightpakket - Duration: 0:59.


Learn Finnish by listening! Salmiakki - Duration: 2:42.

Moi! Tässä vihdoin video, jota multa on pyydetty, Hi! Here at last a video that I have been asked for,

eli tänään mä puhun salmiakista. so today I talk about salmiakki.

Salmiakki on ammoniumkloridilla maustettua lakritsia, Salmiakki is liquorice spiced with ammonium chloride,

ja se on makeinen, joka on samaan aikaan suolainen ja makea. And it's a candy that is at the same time salty and sweet.

Se on erittäin suosittua Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa, It is very popular in Finland and in other Nordic countries,

ja meiltä löytyy karkkihyllyistä vaikka minkälaisia pusseja. and we have in candy shelves all kinds of bags.

Tässä on mun isän varastot. Here are my dad's supplies.

Se tykkää tosi paljon salmiakista. He likes salmiakki a lot.

Salmiakki on perinteisesti ollu tällasen vinoneliön muotonen. Salmiakki has traditionally been shaped like this kind of a rhombus.

Ja tätä muotoa Suomessa kutsutaankin salmiakkikuvioksi. And this shape in Finland is called salmiakki pattern.

Ja salmiakkia voi, näitten karkkien lisäks, löytää nykyään And salmiakki can, besides these sweets, be found nowadays

jäätelöistä, kekseistä, kakuista ja esimerkiks alkoholista. from ice cream, cookies, cakes and for example alcohol.

Ja tää salmiakilla maustettu alkoholijuoma And this alcoholic beverage seasoned with salmiakki

on siis nimeltään salmari. is thus called salmari.

Tämä nimenomainen pullo on salmiakkikossua This particular bottle is salmiakkikossu

eli salmiakilla maustettua Koskenkorvaa, so Koskenkorva seasoned with salmiakki,

joka on suomalaista viinaa. which is Finnish booze.

Salmari on todella suosittua, koska salmiakin maku peittää Salmari is very popular because salmiakki's flavour covers

alkoholin maun lähes kokonaan. alcohol's flavour almost completely.

Ja salmaria voi tehä myös kotona murskaamalla turkinpippureita, And salmari can be made also at home by crashing turkish peppers,

eli erittäin väkeviä salmiakkikarkkeja, so very strong salmiakki sweets,

ja liuottamalla sitä mihin tahansa kirkkaaseen viinaan. and by dissolving it in whichever clear spirit.

Ja salmiakkia ja salmaria on ennen käytetty yskänlääkkeenä. And salmiakki and salmari have before been used as a cough medicine.

Monille ulkomaalaisille tää suolaisen ja makean yhdistelmä on todella outo To many foreigners this combination of salty and sweet is very strange

ja yleensä mun ulkomaalaiset kaverit ei tykkää salmiakista. and usually my foreign friends don't like salmiakki.

Mutta me suomalaiset rakastetaan sitä, But we Finns love it,

mun isä esimerkiks syö sitä joka viikko my father for example eats it every week

ja mitä väkevämpi niin sen parempi. and the stronger the better.

Mä en oikeen osaa kuvailla salmiakin makua, I can't really describe salmiakki's flavour,

teidän kannattaa vaan tulla Suomeen ja maistaa ite you should just come to Finland and taste yourself

ja päättää että tykkäättekö vai ette. and decide that if you like it or not.

Sama pätee salmariin... The same applies with salmari...

Anteeks, mua niin naurattaa, koska tästä ei mitenkään Sorry, it makes me laugh because this was certainly not

pitäny tulla salmiakkiviinan mainosvideota, supposed to be a commercial video for salmiakki booze,

enkä mä mitenkään halua kehottaa teitä juomaan alkoholia. and I certainly don't want to encourage you to drink alcohol.

Mutta sitä kannattaa maistaa. But you should taste it.

No niin, ei muuta ku hölökyn kölökyn. Moikka! Ok well, then just cheers. Bye!

For more infomation >> Learn Finnish by listening! Salmiakki - Duration: 2:42.


Comment changer le bloc cyclone de votre Dyson DC62 ? - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Comment changer le bloc cyclone de votre Dyson DC62 ? - Duration: 4:42.


La boîte aux lettres intelligente - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> La boîte aux lettres intelligente - Duration: 1:17.


Conor McGregor vs Eddie Alvarez (UFC 205 Full Highlights) - Duration: 3:12.

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For more infomation >> Conor McGregor vs Eddie Alvarez (UFC 205 Full Highlights) - Duration: 3:12.


MAX ET RUBY - Le houla-hop de Ruby - Duration: 23:32.

For more infomation >> MAX ET RUBY - Le houla-hop de Ruby - Duration: 23:32.


Undertale Animation - The Gift (Part 3) - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Undertale Animation - The Gift (Part 3) - Duration: 7:56.


Wood Wall Design. Creative Wood Wall Decorating Ideas for Interior Design - Duration: 5:13.

Wood Wall Design. Creative Wood Wall Decorating Ideas for Interior Design

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