Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

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For more infomation >> [FANBOY TIME] BLACKPINK "PARTITION (Beyonce)" Dance Cover Reaction | The K LAB - Duration: 3:56.


We Like Zines! | 냄비받침 – Ep.10 [ENG/THAI/2017.08.15] - Duration: 1:13:32.

(On a hot day in August)

(The man who will cool us off like refreshing water)

(Author Lee Gyeonggyu of We Like Zines!)

Hello. I'm Lee Gyeonggyu.

The place I'm standing is a symbol of Seoul.

It's Gwanghwamun Plaza.

(The capital of Korea)

(The hub of politics, economy, and culture)


(Origin of street cheering during the 2002 World Cup)

(Where candlelight rallies were held in 2016)

(Gwanghwamun Plaza)


The person I will interview today

loves Seoul more than anyone else.

He's been mayor of Seoul for the longest term.

I will meet Mayor Park Wonsoon today.

Please look forward to it.


(The man who controls $30 billion, Park Wonsoon)

(He passed the bar exam in 1980)

(He became a prosecutor in Daegu in 1982)

(But he resigned after just six months)

(He became a human rights lawyer)

(Secretary General of PSPD in 1994)

People must be able to donate conveniently.

(Executive Director of the Hope Institute in 2006)

(Received the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2006)

(Park Wonsoon is a social activist for citizens)

(He announced his bid for Seoul mayor in 2011)

My principle is to stick with the people all the way.

That is my one and only strategy.

(He became the 35th mayor of Seoul)

(He was re-elected in 2014)

The people are the mayor once again.

Seoul will become the best city for people.

(We begin the story of Seoul told by Park Wonsoon)


Hello. (He's always smiling)

Mayor Park, hello.

- It's so great to meet you. / - Nice to meet you.

You look exactly the same.

You do, too.

I deliberately asked you to come to the plaza.

Do you like the idea?

To be honest, not really.

Why not? (Perplexed)

A plaza should be like a real plaza.

But many people say that

it just looks like a huge median strip.

Cars are passing by on both sides.

Before President Moon won the election,

he stood here with me and announced that

he'd launch the era of Gwanghwamun presidency.

The key is to restructure Gwanghwamun Plaza.

We'll either move the plaza to one side

or make underground passages for vehicles

and turn this entire area into a park.

Whenever I came here as a Seoul resident,

I thought cars drove by too fast, so I wondered

if I should suggest that to the City Hall.

We must communicate by telepathy.

We're both wearing white pants, too.

I wanted to match your outfit,

so I wore white pants on purpose.

We're both wearing white pants.

Let's take a walk. I heard you walk to work.

- Sometimes. / - You do?

(The interview begins with the backdrop of Seoul)

When you look around,

do you still think of places to improve?

Of course.

I've been mayor for six years now.

I think about every corner of Seoul.

(In order to make Seoul a better place)

(He's been working with civil servants for 6 years)

We installed this because it's become too hot.

(Gwanghwamun Plaza's Cool Spot)

A water spray.

(Cooling down with high-pressure water spray!)

It's quite cooling.

(A refreshing feel in the city)

How refreshing.

This is love.

Love for the people.

My staff members came up with this great idea.

In the midsummer heat wave,

this is great for people

who walk by here.

This is great.


This keeps coming off.

I tried to be fashionable today, and it's not working.

Your socks.

These socks are a must with these pants.

After wearing these...

(Gyeonggyu is wearing long socks)

Look at you. You're wearing long socks.

Next time, I'll wear low-rise socks.

I'm dressed like an old man.

I'm usually dressed quite terribly.

I've been scolded so many times.

But I had to dress up for today.

(He's fashionable Wonsoon today)

Take a look at this over here.

These are water fountains.

Kids come and have fun here.

(A relaxing area for kids)

(A mini water park in the city)

Look. They get all wet.

But they can't go home wearing wet clothes.

That's why we placed this here.

Kids can have fun in the fountains

and change clothes in these tents.

They can get changed there.

- You pay attention to details. / - That's right.

Is the water clean?


We filter it 10 times a day and always test it.

You do?

Guys, is the water clean?

Is the water clean?

I think I've seen that guy on TV.

(I saw this other guy on TV, too)

That's right.

Where are you from?

We're from Ulsan.

You've come a long way.

We filter the water 10 times a day and test it.

You can be reassured and have fun.

You look more handsome in person.

I got dressed up today.

(Thank you, fashionable sir)

Since we live in Seoul,

we don't notice the changes in Seoul.

But those who've lived abroad for a long time

say Seoul has changed a lot.

They're shocked.

They say Seoul has improved down to little details.

I'm Mr. Detail.

I'm serious.

Civil servants of Seoul have worked very hard.

I suggested we lower the curbs.

There's no step.

Those with disabilities can move around easily.

(Restructuring for safe sidewalks)

Even sidewalks show how the city has developed.

During heavy rain, water used to flow to lower areas.

But now we have a better drainage system.

(No more redundant construction on sidewalks)

(Seoul City prohibited wasting funds on sidewalks)

These are like air and water to people,

so they don't recognize the changes.

But many policies are reflected in the cityscape now.

(Every little detail has turned Seoul)

(Into a nice place to live)


(People greet Mayor Park)

(Nice to meet famous figures)

People must be happy to run into you.

You represent Seoul.

To be honest, not as much as you.

That's not true.

There's no one in Seoul who doesn't know you.

There are many people who don't know me.

(They run into a foreigner)

- Where are you from? / - Italy.

On a tour?

- No, I live here. / - You live here?

Your Korean is good.

Where in Korea do you live?


When did you come to Korea?

A year ago.

A year ago? Do you recognize him?

(Will he recognize the mayor of Seoul?)

No, I don't.

(Some people really don't recognize him)

- Do you know who I am? / - No.

(He doesn't recognize Gyeonggyu, either)

(Just two unknown Asians)

(Sorry for not recognizing you)

This is the mayor of Seoul.

Nice to meet you.

Do you like living in Seoul?

I do like it.

What about Seoul do you like most?

(Gwanghwamun Plaza, fountains, sidewalks, Hangang)

The nightlife.

(Seoul nightlife is the best)

(We'll have a meeting on Seoul nightlife)

As a foreigner,

what changes would you like to see in Seoul?

(He doesn't quite understand)

(He interprets it himself)

Cab drivers at night.

You want them to be nicer?

I wish they would be nicer.

Since you must get around at night, too.

Have a nice day.

Thank you.

We had 13 million foreigners in Seoul last year.

We can't beat New York in building skyscrapers.

But if we make it our own,

we can become the world's best.

Apart from modern architecture,

relics from Seoul's past are nice.

Like this alleyway.

5,000 years of history are embedded here.

(Tradition and modernity coexist in Seoul)

(These are convenient for getting around Seoul)

These are public bikes called Ttareungyi.

- These can be rented? / - Yes.

If you pay $30 a year, you can ride them anytime.

We have performances every night during summer.

That's why we built a permanent stage here.

We had no trees here before.

- You planted them? / - Yes, I did.

It plays its role as a plaza quite well.

(Professional bragger Mayor Park)

(Mayor Park, it's so hot)

We go this way?

This is the newly built city hall.

I see.

(Off to the mayor's office!)

(What does Mayor Park's office look like?)


- Right here. / - This is the mayor's office.

And this is my room.

So this is your room.

(He enters the mayor's office)

(A warm space like a small book cafe)

(So many folders are shelved)

Culture, arts...

Sports, communications.

This the economy section.

All your thoughts are contained in these, right?


Do you know which folders are located where?

Sure. I organized these myself.

I passed by and saw one.

"Overcharging tourists."

That's under the tourism section.

This is the tourism section.

"Overcharging tourists."

It's about tourism.

So here it is.

How about movies?

Movies? Then...

Right here.

In a single folder.

I wrote about how to develop the film industry.

Let me guide you to a classified area.

Come this way.

You'll see... (Folder mania)

More folders?

Other people can't come in here.

I'm only showing this place to you.

(In that case)

Is there a section about redevelopment?

Right here.

Right here. "Redevelopment."

This is high-quality information.

- Look at these. / - I'm sorry.

Public development projects.

- Aren't these classified? / - Sure.

(Eyes ablaze)

He may come back later to read them.

You're the first one besides me to come here.

I'm representing the people. (Camera director)

You're looking in quite closely.

Let's leave.

I'll shoot these later in more detail.

(No one was able to re-enter)

This room used to be full of paper documents.

I've digitalized everything now.

I'll show you.


(Voice recognition system)

Moving onto the Seoullo 7017 Project.

Every policy on Seoullo comes up.


Is someone controlling it in the back?

It brings up all policies and disaster sites in Seoul

and lets me communicate in real time.

I can get things done here without going elsewhere.

You can press "Transportation."

There's a rally in Seodaemun.

You can check the traffic conditions nearby.

Here it is.

There's a bit of traffic here.


Let's take a look.

Where in Nonhyeon-dong?

Right here. (He's been wanting to touch it)

Right in front of the Kyobo building.


It's amazing.

(Accidents, issues, and policies are shown here)

After launching this system,

you must've been dying to show it to people.

You seem very excited to show it to me.

It's special because I showed it to you.

(Gotham has Batman)

(Seoul has Park Wonsoon)

Have faith in me.

I'm funnier than you think.

I just never had the chance.

(Author Lee begins to interview Mayor Park)

One, two, three.

(He begins with passion)

The ambiance of my office has changed.

Before we begin the interview,

there's someone I'd like you to meet.

- Do you know "Jangdori"? / - Yes.

This is artist Park Sunchan.

- Nice to meet you. / - Hello.

Will you be drawing me today?


It's my lucky day.

This is our photographer.


She'll be taking photos for the book.

- You'll write a book on this? / - Yes.

I think this is the image people have of you.

Right. Right.

I'm carrying a pack frame on my back.

Do you have any work for me?

(A laborer for the people)

You like it, right?

I really do.

This is the best response we've gotten so far.

Next time, please erase a few wrinkles.

I had no wrinkles before I became mayor.

I got two wrinkles after I became mayor.

You're quite keen.

(Please look forward to more editorial cartoons)

I think the biggest issue surrounding you

is whether you'll run for mayor again next year.

Looking at all these folders in your office,

I think you do have the will to run again.

(In a bind)

You've organized all these documents.

(His office is full of folders)

I should be mayor for 100 more years, right?

(25 more 4-year terms?)

I won't fall for this.

So many people are curious about it.

Their fates depend on my decision.

If the people ask me to run for mayor again,

then I'll think about it.

But if people don't think I can do more,

then I should quit.

Mayor Lee Jaemyung of Seongnam said

he wouldn't run for Seoul mayor if you run again.

I think my looks

suit the position of Seoul mayor better.


I'm even nicknamed "a cold city man."

A cold city man.

Look at how I'm dressed today.

I don't normally dress like this.

(He hesitates before asking a tough question)

President Lee Myungbak was mayor of Seoul

before he became president.

It may be too early to discuss this,

but are you thinking of running for president?

President Moon just became president.

It's disloyal to ask me that.

I just lightly tossed the question.

Let's talk about it later on our own.

(His humor is already at a presidential level)

I see.

There are some key people

who played big roles in your political life.

I've prepared a list.

You've prepared a lot.


There you are in the center.

First is Assemblyman Ahn Cheolsoo.

I think I have the best looks out of all of them.

People live with many delusions.

Well, looking at the pictures...


No one is agreeing with me.

You look good in the center.

Let's take a look at the keywords.

You called him your "political savior."

Do you agree?

During my first election for mayor,

he stepped down without terms or conditions,

so that was a big help to me.

I had a beard after I returned from the mountains.

Professor Ahn Cheolsoo made the decision

after meeting with lawyer Park Wonsoon.

I've heard his aspirations and will.

I have decided not to run

for mayor of Seoul in this election.

The moment Park Wonsoon was confirmed

as the next mayor, everyone celebrated.

The unification with Ahn Cheolsoo is evaluated

as the most beautiful in history.

That was true back then.

He had no conditions or demands.

He made the decision in just 17 minutes.

What did you discuss for 17 minutes?

This is what he asked me then.

"Why do you want to become mayor?"

I had a big change of heart while I hiked

through the Baekdudaegan mountain range.

I wasn't interested in politics before that.

I wouldn't have decided on it had I stayed in Seoul.

Hike through Baekdudaegan. You'll change, too.


You may decide to run for mayor of Seoul, too.

If I hike through Baekdudaegan?

I told him my aspirations,

and he was pleased.

Do you still keep in touch with him?

After the presidential election ended,

I called him to say he did a good job.

Ahn Cheolsoo was found innocent of charges

regarding the false tip-off incident.

Some say he will retire from politics,

and some say he will run for head of the party.

In your opinion, what do you think

Ahn Cheolsoo should do at this point?

Why do you keep asking difficult questions?

That's tough to answer.

It's hard for me, too.

What's the truth?

A politician should take responsibility

when the truth comes out.

So what about the keyword "political savior"?

He was my savior in the past.

All right.

Next keyword.

Former president Lee Myungbak is a "brother."

Why is he your "brother"?

His real brother is former Assemblyman Lee Sangdeuk.

What do you call him?

We were close at one point.

But I didn't call him "brother."

When Lee Myungbak was mayor of Seoul,

I was in charge of the Beautiful Store Foundation.

I read in the paper that he wouldn't take a salary.

So I went to talk to him.

I suggested that he use that money for good deeds.

Street cleaners and firefighters work so hard

in such poor conditions.

When they suffer accidents,

they don't get much compensation.

I asked him to spend the money to help them,

and he agreed.

So his salary while he was mayor

was paid to me.

Things were great between us back then.

I thought he was a great mayor back then.

But things changed later.

I heard that your relationship soured

after he became the president.

It was worse than sour.

He investigated me.

Regarding the civil surveillance by lawyer Park

on the National Intelligence Service,

the NIS has sued him for defamation.

This is the first time in Korean history

that the government has sued a citizen

on charges of defamation.

Mayor Park Wonsoon, who was sued,

won the lawsuit in the Supreme Court.

(Seoul mayor's reality and political response)

(Encouraged rallying to denounce the mayor)

(Inadequate restraint may bring adverse winds)

I was quite angry back then.

Korea is a democratic nation.

How can a nation do this to a citizen?

How can the nation file a lawsuit against a citizen?

I was quite angry.

That was one reason I went into politics.

What kind of investigation was it?

They interrupted all of my businesses.

When I lectured somewhere,

they looked into who had attended.

They did many things like that.

They don't have surveillance on you now, right?

Probably not.

Is it okay to give you a call sometimes?

(Gyeonggyu fears investigation, too)

Because of the investigation.

the NIS has announced that

they will not scrutinize domestically,

and they will look into all their past wrongdoings

and carry out reforms.

They also said they'd look into my case,

so I look forward to what they'll do.

Why do you think Park kept you in check?

Maybe he thought

he might lose his power to me.

I see.

Should I change the keyword then?

- That's not the right keyword. / - Is that so?

Tell me what you'd like to put there.


An acquaintance from the past?

"Former acquaintance."

We'll make the change.

There's someone else I should call "brother."

I'll tell you later.

(Which one is Park Wonsoon's "brother"?)

All right.

This is former president Park Geunhye's keyword.


The restraint of the Seoul government

peaked during her administration.

For example, the government banned us from

renting the National Theater for city events.

I knew they had their eyes on me,

but I was shocked that the government

would meddle with every trivial thing

to suppress me like that.

(Park Wonsoon's supporters blacklisted)

(Cultural blacklist with Sewol Ferry activists)

(And supporters of Moon, Ahn, Park)

(Excerpt from "The Hankook Ilbo")

(1,608 supporters of Park Wonsoon)

(6,517 supporters of Moon Jaein)

I wanted to ask President Park

how she planned to lead Korea

while abandoning the city of Seoul.

Seoul is the capital of Korea.

Of course, all the regions must develop evenly

for Korea to move forward.

But even if I do well with Seoul,

would I take it to China? Or to Japan?

I don't understand why they would think that.

I heard that people were blacklisted

just for supporting you.

Slightly over 500 people.

You weren't on the list?

(He's asking a keen question)

I'm a big fan of yours,

but you don't seem to like me much.

I think it's a one-sided love.

Because you didn't say you liked me,

I'm still alive.

(My supporters were blacklisted)

(You weren't on the list?)

It seems like the media didn't write much

about you compared to other mayors.

The media coverage.

Do you think it's because of the blacklist?

If you look closely, it's not that I wasn't covered.

There was never good news about me.

(I laugh about it now)

Is that so?

I told you how I was suppressed.

So you're saying you had good news

to be reported on, but...

I really wanted to be on your program back then,

but I wasn't able to.

If I had gone on that program,

my approval ratings would've jumped 10%.

Remember us on the street earlier?

Some people don't recognize me,

but everyone recognizes you.

The comfort women video that became an issue

was unveiled after 73 years.

It wasn't sponsored by the national government

but by the city of Seoul.

It's about researching and investigating

what happened to those comfort women back then.

How could I not do it?

We provided some funding for it

and saw great results.

The first video...

It surfaced after 73 years.

The city of Seoul and a research team

from Seoul National University discovered

the video that had been buried for over 70 years

at the U.S. National Archives.

Seven girls are standing fearfully.

Their faces show how terrified they are

and they are all barefoot.

We compared it with the photo of Park Yeongsim,

who was pregnant at the time.

If you look closely, the two women have

the same face, hair, and outfit.

When compared with other hostage photos,

the women have the same looks and clothes.

This video is the first footage

showing Korean comfort women.

The city of Seoul and the Seoul National University

research team said this video would become

the turning point in proving what happened.

I am very glad that we were able

to make such a discovery.

We must resolve the comfort women's deep sorrow.

(President Moon Jaein, "Best friend")

"Best friend."

You were at the judicial training institute together.

- Yes. / - Which class are you?

The 12th graduating class.

We were in the two-year training program

together in 1982.

Were you friends back then?

We both came from similar backgrounds.


We both struggled with standard Korean.

You didn't speak the Seoul dialect well.

But I was a bit better than he was.

I came to Seoul before he did.


Based on your experience,

what type of person was President Moon?

He's always been the same.

He is prudent and calm,

so he has always been a man of few words.

That caused people to have faith in him.

I talked to Assemblywoman Son Hyewon the other day.

She said when President Moon was young,

he was as handsome as a celebrity.

She said he was quite popular.

Was he popular back then?

Well, people all have different tastes.

Don't be like this.

Look. I don't look so bad, either.

I wasn't comparing him to you.

Just President Moon...

But he did look handsome in pictures.

I admit it.

Who was more popular back then?

We didn't really care about that.

Since he's three years older than I am...

He is?


I think I just made a critical mistake.

I reacted without realizing it.

He's three years older.

I thought...

I heard that you're the same age

as anchorman Sohn Sukhee.

Go talk to him about that.

Why does he look so young and put me in a bind?

(What? You two are the same age?)

(Go talk to him about it)

You have a look of maturity.

You have this certain aura.

It's amazing. (He's pleased)

It's comforting to hear you say that.

You two are still on good terms, right?

- Yes. / - Right? (36-year friendship)

But during the presidential election,

you said Moon Jaein must be eliminated, too.

You were quite harsh.

Why did you say that?

Why do you bring up that painful memory?

I was just being foolish.

Stop that. (This is fun)

He came here like a brother and said,

"Let's go together."

"Let's launch the era of Gwanghwamun presidency"!

He forgave me and everything is well.

Did you make amends?

There was no need. He asked me to join him.

So a brother is indeed a brother.

(You're watching this, right?)

Please change the keyword.

What would you like to put there?

Change it to "brother."


These are your thoughts, and I agree with some.

This was quite interesting.

Top entertainer Gyeonggyu said I'm interesting.

Please make me a regular guest.

All right. It makes my heart ache.

(I need entertainment... I need Gyeonggyu)

(Sponsored by Gyeonggyu and Mayor Park)

Many people from the Seoul City Hall

went to work at the Blue House.

They're advisors to President Moon now.

(Jang Hasung, Lim Jongseok, Ha Seungchang...)

Why did so many people who worked with you

end up in the Blue House?

It's because President Moon has made

excellent choices of staff members.

He told me several times that he'd appoint

those who played big roles in changing Seoul

over the past five or six years.

That's why I believe this government

has a higher probability of succeeding.

You picked those people out first, right?

I guess so.

(Policies they carried out for six years)

Night buses will circulate Seoul.

Visiting families for their welfare...

The system in which nurses look after patients...

(Park told Moon to take all the good policies)

(Moon said he'd expand on Park's policies)

I did interviews with several assemblymen,

and now that I'm here with you in the City Hall,

everything is so systemized.

I'm surprised.

You have folders on everything.

As I looked at the "Redevelopment" folder,

I was quite shocked.

Why are you so obsessed with that?

(It's classified)

You're quite thorough.

A person must be thorough.

The city must be thorough down to every detail

for people to be happy.

I'm on a program where I have meals with people.

I was quite surprised by the details

that you talked about.

Seoul is a beautiful city.

Overseas visitors can't help but come here.

The program shows every corner of Seoul.

Ssangmun-dong, Cheongdam-dong,

Pyeongchang-dong, Gugi-dong,

Jeongneung, Mangwon-dong,

Buam-dong, Bukchon,

Hannam-dong, Majang-dong,

Donam-dong, Dapsimni,

Naegok-dong, Hongeun-dong,

Bulgwang-dong, Sangdo-dong,

Yeomni-dong, Seorae Village.


I go to every corner of Seoul for you.

Why are you leaving me abandoned?

You're the first one to memorize all those names.

You're the deputy mayor now.

As of today.

(I should've memorized the names, too)

What projects are you focused on these days?

Please show us.

Excuse me.

If you look here...

Cities are supposed to be interesting.

Seoul is rising in terms of architecture these days.

There's the UIA 2017 Seoul World Architects Congress

and the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.


- It'll start on September 1. / - In September?

Let's take a look at another one.

Take a look.

In Europe and Japan,

manhole covers are art as well.

- It's quite trivial... / - As you walk, you go, "Oh!"

Seoul has started doing this as well.

Manhole cover art?

This is so natural and interesting.

People will visit Korea to see these manholes.

You've been mayor for seven years now.

Six years.

In your opinion, do you think

you're popular with City Hall officials?

That's a tough question.

You should ask them.

That's why I asked them if they had any complaints.

I'm afraid.

Mayor Park, we have something to say.

(Mayor Park, we have something to say)

(Curious / So many notes)

Look at this.

My birthday is in August. Wish me a happy birthday.

I don't know who wrote it.

Oh, this...

There it is.

The name is written there?

- Let me have it then. / - Kim Boram.

I will especially...

Please wish her a happy birthday on camera.

Kim Boram. Kim Boram.

On your birthday,

I will prepare a birthday cake in my office.

Happy birthday.

Her cell phone number is written here.

I see.

Here's one. I like this one.

This is a real complaint.

I thought you'd leave early when we had

a business dinner, but you stayed quite long.

Do they want me to leave right away?

Of course. Why did you stay so long?

You should've gone home.

I enjoy being with them.

I like having dinner with them

and going to karaoke.

But is there a name on the back?

Yes, there is.

Here it is.

No, no. I'll tear this up.

This person could end having a disadvantage.

His phone number is on here, too. This is bad.

We'll keep this note instead.

Let me read this one.

What does the city of Seoul mean to you?

It means everything to me.

I'm a fool for Seoul.

You are?

Please let us go on vacation.

We need more workers. Please hire more.

This one has no phone number.

He was afraid to identify himself.

Please let us go on vacation. We need more people.

Recently, they've been reduced in number,

but you have too many requests.

Where do all those ideas come from?

Where do they come from? Please stop.

Please stop. That's what he's saying.

It's a hidden message.


I was quite ambitious in the past.

I took a notepad with me everywhere I went.

I would jot down ideas,

so they got a bigger workload.

It must've been tough for them.

I really respect Seoul public officials.

I would like to say that

since they worked so hard for six years,

Seoul has changed a lot, like you said earlier.

You've worked hard.

You can rest now.

I got rid of my notepad now.

I'm sure they've recovered a lot now.

That's why he wrote this note.

I once collapsed while eating grilled sea eel.

The ambulance arrived in just five minutes.

That's a problem then.

I'm alive thanks to them.

Our goal is four minutes.

(Gratitude turns into disappointment)

Four minutes is the golden time.

So they arrived a minute late?

Yes. That's not good.

I was amazed by it, but they were actually late.

If there's an accident in Hangang, it's four minutes.

Really? Golden time.

As soon as they get a call, they're off to rescue.

The firefighters of Seoul emergency headquarters

should be loved by everyone.

They do such a great job.

I experienced a crisis myself.

It was a matter of life and death.

They were a big help to me.

I was so grateful to everyone who works here.

What would you like to tell Seoul public officials?

They are quite stressed.

They have me as mayor.

But I love them.

I love you all.

(You know how I feel, right?)

You've done so many good deeds.

But you were caught up in many controversies.

I can't help but ask these tough questions.

Let me ask them.

Some say that you do politics for show.

It has been one of the criticisms.

For example, during the 2014 re-elections,

you went around wearing sneakers and a backpack.

You sometimes wore old, worn-out shoes.

They say you tried to look like a common person.

I get complaints that I'm not good at it.


People say I'm not good at promoting myself.

But I like visiting the local sites.

You memorized the names of the districts.

I need to show this to you.

(What else does he have to show?)

It's here somewhere.

Traditional markets.

- Here it is. / - I see.

Let's take a look.

You should've told me about this.

You copied "Lee Gyeonggyu is coming."

(Seoul traditional markets, Wonsoon is coming)

How frustrating.

- You're right. / - I was surprised.

- I'll pay you royalties. / - All right.

You've been to all these markets?

Yes. I've been to nearly half of them now.

I didn't just walk through them.

I talked to vendors and heard their opinions.

I see.

The accident at Guui Station in 2016.

The 20-year-old Mr. Kim, while repairing

a screen door alone on the platform,

was killed by a subway as it entered the station.

They say a high-ranking official

of Seoul Metro has close ties with you.

Is that right?

Not at all.

The president of Seoul Metro worked in a company.

We recruited someone we didn't know at all.

In the city of Seoul,

we have a judging committee, so we go through

many interviews to choose the best person.

It is my goal for Seoul to succeed.

It became an issue that you didn't respond

for three days after the accident.

The mayor of Seoul apologized and announced

new measures after three accidents occurred.

As mayor of Seoul, the accident at Guui Station

was one of the most painful accidents.

There were similar accidents in the past,

but I wasn't able to handle it very well.

I then realized there were parts of the city

that I didn't tend to very well.

Since then, I made all safety-related workers

into full-time employees.

So they're all full-time employees now?


I see.

You have about a year left in your term.

How do you want to be remembered as a mayor?

It is my goal to make Seoul into this.

A city that people want to walk in.

A city that people want to work in.

And a city that people want to live in.

That is my biggest goal.

I want to make Seoul

the world's best city by far.

We'll be publishing a book on this.

How would you like to title the book?

"I Like Entertainment."

It sounds off the wall, right?

I'm a bit off the wall.

"I Like Entertainment."

Let's take a look at the illustrations.

He picks out the key points well.

(Full of anticipation)

This is what I drew.

(When he looked at the illustration earlier)

Next time, please erase a few wrinkles.

This is what I drew.


(Did he include wrinkles this time?)

You erased the wrinkles on my forehead.

He erased them.

He did.

We make corrections immediately.

And... (I can always make revisions)

We look forward to seeing your ideas and passion.

I'm in a light bulb.

You're shining brightly.

It's to show that you're full of ideas and energy.

I will try to become this person.

All right. Thank you.

Thank you.

(Lastly, commemorative photography)

Make me look good. I'm the deputy mayor.

(He isn't denying it)

We need a deputy mayor who can say no.


(They move to the mayor's desk)

Why did you do it this way? How frustrating.

How many times must I tell you?

Our workers will be stressed working under him.

(We look forward to Deputy Mayor Lee's achievements)

(Looking forward to stories of a happy Seoul)

The heat wave will be quite strong today as well.

We anticipate scorching heat.

(We're here to beat the heat!)

(Cold bean soup noodles are the best in summer)

(I love cold bean soup noodles)

(So cold and nutritious)

(This is heaven)

(It's your loss if you don't watch this)

(#TrustMe #OnlyEatingNoodles)

(A sleepless night due to the heat)

(He heard of a good restaurant)

Since we're going to a great restaurant,

I haven't eaten at all today.

(I'm hungry, hurry up)

- Let's get going. / - Let's go. Party time.

(Hong Jinyoung and Kim Shinyeong)

(They're excited about going out to eat)

(They're full of joy from the start!)

(They burn off calories before they eat)

(The restaurant that these girls recommend)

(Are you ready to have fun?)


Say what?



Who is this?

(Did the caller dial a wrong number?)

I get so excited in the car.

(She is indeed the queen of events)

♪ Ring, ring I'm your honey ♪

One more time.

(We're coming, Jaewook)

(Why do I feel uneasy?)

Are you posting on social media?

I'm writing a book.

- You. / - You.

Do it. We won't stop until you do.

Just once.

An old man.

An old man.

Old boy. Old boy.

This restaurant...

Shinyeong. Shinyeong. (Out of control)

Somebody end this shoot.

(Facing the biggest crisis of his life)

Are you close with Ahn Jaewook?

It's unusual.

We became friends when I was a radio DJ.

He was a KBS radio DJ before.

His program was called "Mr. Radio."

What about you?

I'm surprised that you're friends with him.

At the M company, I starred in

the drama "Lights and Shadows."

(Drama with 24.1% viewer ratings / Source: MBC)

(An acting challenge for Jinyoung!)

He played the president of our team.

That's when we first met.

He took good care of me back then.

He helped me practice acting.

He was very nice to me.

(They passed by him)

Where is she going?

Hey. (Passed by while praising him)

Huh? There he is.

I've been waiting here the whole time.

Hello. (Please take care of me)

How can you drive past me?


I never thought we'd meet like this.

We're going to Shinyeong's hangout place, right?

Yes. (Kim Shinyeong)

Where is it located?

It's in Gimpo.

- Gimpo? / - Gimpo.

It used to be in Gangwon-do.

- It moved to Gimpo? / - Yes.

I've never introduced this place on TV.

In the past?

It's a place that I don't want others to know about.

Of course, the food has to taste good.

But it should also hold special memories for you.

- It does. / - Really?

I was on "Haengnim" before.

(She became famous through "Haengnim" / Source: SBS)

People think I became a star immediately.

But I was told to redo it four times.

I was so worried and uneasy.

I was so depressed that

I thought of drowning myself in the ocean.

It was so bad.

My college friend is from Gangwon-do.

She told me to come see her since I was distressed.

"Come and rest."

So I just went to see her.

It was a local restaurant.

At that time? In Donghae.

I'm an expert of noodles.

It was so good.

It was noodle soup that I've never tasted before.

Noodle soup.

- Today's menu is noodle soup? / - And cold bean soup.

Chive dumplings.

Those three.

As soon as I ate that, I got the urge to live.

I was relieved of my stress.

- The joy of eating. / - Food can relieve stress.

I've been cherishing this place for years.

I'm really looking forward to this place.

(Full of anticipation)

I watched the past episodes.

Cho Saeho and So Yujin.

Their names came up at once.

But you failed.

Me? I just tried to make the program interesting.

To make it interesting.

I'm confident.

- You are? / - Yes. 100%.

You go there that often?

It must be here.

It's here? (They've arrived)

On the second floor.

There it is. Noodle soup.

I'm looking forward to it.

Wait here, Shinyeong.

Wait here.

You'll be able to see us through the camera.

I know my name will come up first.

But why am I nervous?





This way, please.

How long have you done business here?

It's been 25 years since I've opened this place.


You recently moved here.

I might go home if she doesn't say my name.

I'll be so disappointed.

Have any celebrities been here?

- Yes. / - Who comes here most often?

Who's the most regular customer here?


(It's the restaurant Shinyeong has cherished)

(Because it saved her life!)

Kim Shinyeong.

(She's proven that she's a regular)

(I'm here!)

(Oh, it's Shinyeong!)


(It's like a reunion of separated families)

I was so nervous.

You didn't know she was coming here, right?

You're surprised, right?

You've become so beautiful.

I've known her since she ate

a whole bowl of noodles and added a bowl of rice.


She would eat a bowl of noodles with rice.

I think you have tears in your eyes.

I knew she would say my name.

(Of course, you're no. 1)

Let's order what Shinyeong usually orders.

Just the same.

- Mom. / - Mom?

I call them mom and dad.

You do?

I have about 52 moms and dads nationwide.

I have a big family.

- She's no. 1. / - Your no.1 mom.

My real mom is no. 35.

My mom can't cook.

The reason I'm so picky is that

we ate out so often.

- Here it is. / - Here it is.

(The food is served)

The noodle soup came first.

Noodle soup first.

Young radish kimchi.

I love young radish kimchi so much.

I want to taste the kimchi.

These are chive dumplings.

(Looks great! I must include it in my book)

Are you posting it on social media?

I'm writing a book.

I see.


I thought you were trying to get more followers.

I'm not here because I'm hungry.

Women usually do this.

- Wait. / - Don't eat.

Don't touch it.

I was surprised to see a camera.

(#GreatRestaurant #Noodles #WeLikeZines!)

This is the noodle soup

that Kim Shinyeong ate

whenever she was down and depressed.

It's my healing food.

These noodles aren't store-bought.

(Not listening)

Jinyoung, stop.

Come on.

Stop it. I'm sick of it.

We must do this before we eat.

Oh, geez.

This is a video. Don't be fooled.

Noodle soup.



Do it. We won't stop until you do.

Let's eat before the noodles get cold.

We must do this. You know what I mean.

You have to do this, or she won't stop.


No. You.

Noodle soup. You.

(They want me to do that?)

(He had a charismatic image for 20 years)




(A timid "you")

Post it right now.

This could be reported in an article.

Let's hurry up and eat.

Noodle soup recommended by Kim Shinyeong.

Let me taste the soup first.


I love this taste.

This is the type of food I love.

She doesn't buy the sauce.

She makes it herself.

Some people have even stolen the sauce.

- They did? / - Yes.

(Broth made with sauce and vegetables)

(A meeting of broth and chewy noodles)

As you can see here...

Mix everything together and eat.

Then you'll be surprised.

You'll see pieces of potatoes.

- Yes. / - They're Gangwon-do potatoes.

I'll take a bite.

(A big bite)

Is it the same taste? It hasn't changed?

Is it the same?

You're sure? (She can taste the ocean)

It's good.

(A comforting gift for you)

(When you're sick of cold food and air conditioning)

It tastes sort of like soybean paste soup

or hot pepper paste soup.

It has a profound taste, but it's also casual.

(After a few bites...)

(Add a bowl of rice)

Top it with a piece of kimchi.

Now we'll taste the chive dumplings.

She makes the dumpling skins and stuffing.

- She makes them every morning. / - She does.

Add some soy sauce.


People who used to be fat

open their mouths starting from here.

I want to change that habit, but I can't.

People who used to be fat do this.

I'll try to change this habit.

(I will change this habit!)

(Soft dumpling skin and savory stuffing)

Chinese dumplings are also made with chives.

But these taste different. These taste light.

They taste Korean.

They taste very healthy.

(This is healing food)

Different comments are made depending on air time.


On morning programs, reporters must

wake the viewers up. So...

(Reporter Kim's food journey)

Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my.

Where is this place?

Noodle soup.

Let me taste it to see if it's good or not.

I'm such a picky eater.

Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my.

They must wake the viewers up.

They speak in high tones.


Sol, la, la, la.


Look at her eyes.

Hello. I heard that this place is great.

We're here to taste the noodle soup.

(An energetic morning)

- What else? / - "Star Family's Photo Trip."

They talk a lot before they eat.

("Star Family's Photo Trip")

These beans were harvested

from a large field in Gangwon-do.

We worked very hard, didn't we?

That's right.

Then we harvested chili peppers.

How hard did we work?

This is just amazing.


They talk for about five minutes.

They talk for five minutes before they eat.

Jinyoung. Do you speak in different tones

when you go to different events?

I go to events for students, for the elderly...

There's a wide range.

This is how I speak at college festivals.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

- In your normal tone? / - Yes.

When I speak to the elderly, my tone is higher.

She's like their granddaughter.

Let's say I'm at a noodle soup festival.

She goes to many festivals.


Thank you so much for inviting me here.

Are you having a good time?

(You're the best, Hong Jinyoung)

I promise to provide you

with a fun, happy time.

Who wouldn't love her?

- You go to company events, too. / - Yes.

We met at many company events.

(A relationship of coexistence)

What do you do at company events?

- Do you host events? / - Yes.

I look around.

If I see someone looking casual in jeans,

he's the chairman.

Wearing sneakers.

He wants to blend in with others. I can spot him.

He's sitting around Row A, seat 21.

About here. (The chairman's spot)

Not in the center, but slightly to the side.

New employees sit in the center.

So he's sitting slightly on the side.

Once I'm done with this book,

I'll write a book on hosting events.

For those who dream of hosting events.

(Now that they've tasted the noodle soup)

(Time for something savory and cold)

(Cold bean soup noodles)

If you post this, you'll get even more followers.

Another menu item that Shinyeong recommended.

Cold bean soup noodles.

These cold bean soup noodles...

(Tasty and nutritious Paju Jangdan soybeans)

(The meeting of chewy noodles)

(And well-ground bean soup)

It tastes clean.

It doesn't leave a stuffy taste in the end.

It almost tastes like soy milk.

I usually add sugar.

You're from Jeolla-do?

Here you go.

People from Jeolla-do add sugar?


- It's so good. / - It's so good.

(She's about to pickle the noodles in sugar)

Aren't you adding too much sugar?

You're supposed to eat it with sugar.

Why don't you just pour it in?

(Full of sugar)

I'll taste the soup first.

Try some.

It tastes great with sugar.

How does it taste?

It tastes very healthy.

(She tastes the bean soup with sugar)

Don't eat this.

Just try a bite.

I should know how it tastes at least.

Oh, it's so good.

It tastes completely different.

It tastes different.

Such tasty bean soup has ended up...

Why? It's so good.

This tastes like the beans were just harvested.

That tastes like it's been processed

and was packaged to be sold in supermarkets.

That's how it tastes.

So you like to eat sweet bean soup.

It's so good.

(Young radish kimchi goes hand in hand)

She still opens her mouth early.

(Her mouth automatically opens)

Your mouth is already open to greet the food.

I don't know why I do that.

(A taste that makes you forget the heat)

I came here to eat even when I was dieting.

She put in more agar-agar instead.

And fewer noodles.

Oh. Agar-agar.

Agar-agar is good for people who are dieting.

It has almost zero calories.

- Right. / - The texture...

- It's like jelly, right? / - Yes.


(Eye contact)


Pay attention to us when you eat.

Stop looking at the camera.

You're a celebrity down to your bones.

You entertainer.

We were on a program where we lived together.

She was talking to me with a big smile.

I thought she was talking to me,

but she was looking at the camera.

"That's what happened."

I was standing over here.

"Right. Let's go here." (Eyes on the lens)

I was shocked.

It was scary when she did that at night.

I didn't know where she was looking.

Jinyoung, look at me when you talk.

I am looking at you.

(She can look into her own eyes when it's aired)

A camera hunter.

Isn't it good?

Don't you like the sweet version, too?

If I ate that from the start,

I would've enjoyed the sweet taste, too.

But those who like the natural taste of beans...

Hey. I'm talking.

You see?

She's the one who asked the question first,

but she continues to look at the camera.

(Hong Jinyoung is a star down to her bones)

Take a bite.

Feel it, wink once.

Cold bean soup noodles. You.

Cold bean soup noodles. You!

Thumbs up. It's good. Thumbs up.

Ring. Ring. I'm your honey.

Me, me. I'm your honey.

Noodles taste great.

(She's so funny)

(Stop making me laugh, boo hoo)

He's crying.

She comes with a user manual.

I was so full, and I couldn't help but laugh.

She's full of cuteness.

What about when you're in a relationship?

Maybe you're not like this to your boyfriend.

- Is it worse? / - It's crazy.

What are you talking about?

Honey, ah.

No, no. When you two are alone.

- I'm serious. / - She's really like that.

Let's say you're on a date with me.

You must be tired from being in a shoot.

You must be hungry. Go ahead and eat.


- What? / - Ee.

- What? / - Ee.


She's saying "yes," but in a cute way.

(Culture shock)

- An old man. / - An old man.

Old boy. Old boy.

You said "ee," so I showed my teeth.

I thought you would do something for me.

What do you mean?

So how was it? Was it good?


Don't make a fist.

He's angry. What do you do then?

Don't do it to me. Do it among yourselves.

I'm a woman.

Let's say you're a man. It's just an act anyway.

I can't take it anymore.

This is my principle.

I only act like that to my man.

I don't do it to other men unless I'm in a shoot.

I'm quite cold that way.

You're an entertainer.

You're always in shoots.

You act that way with every male star.

I've seen it a few times myself.

I didn't know you were this bad.

She really likes to act cute.

But I'll get married someday.

Do you like your married life?

Would I answer no here?

He would probably say to get married late.

I love it.

So have you two opened up?

- Opened what up? / - Farting.

I just do it.

No need to give her a heads up.

So you haven't opened up?

That's not the issue.

We'll be living together for decades.

It's not important whether you fart or not.

You don't do this to each other?

You don't?


If you get married...

You're only together a few hours when you date...

(Advice from someone who's already married)

(Marriage is...)

(About looking into the future)

That's not all.

So I want to know. Have you two opened up?

Seriously. He's just rambling on and on.

He's just going round and round.

Instead of going straight to Gimpo...

You two will get married someday.

All you want to ask me about is farting?

No, no.

I'm afraid he'll love me less if I fart.

Whether it's a man or a woman,

it's strange to fart openly.

But if it involuntarily leaks out, it's cute.

So have you opened up?

(About to explode)

Be careful.

Let me put these away.

I'm so curious.

(Let's wrap up)

Okay. Let's...

He's telling me to sleep.



What is wrong with these two?

(Taking a deep nap)

This restaurant... (Save me)

Shinyeong. Shinyeong.

So have you two opened up?

If you tell us to sleep, we're obedient.

(Opening up, "Fart")

Whether it's my first time or my 100th time,

this restaurant is always full of love.

It's a bowl of love.

A bowl of love.

I won't look.

I'll go over there and do it.

Don't wink at the camera.

I should look elsewhere.

(She's giving her evaluation in the corner)

(Barely audible)

(We couldn't tell what she was saying)

(So we weren't able to get her evaluation)

(What's taking her so long?)

Are you shooting a music video?

Come back. You already did that.

She loves cameras too much.

If Jinyoung's friends are contemplating

what to get her as a gift,

they should get her a camera.

An electronic news-gathering camera?

About 1,000 people can pitch in to buy one.

Then she's cry.

I don't think she'll ever be in a shoot again.

A guy who wants to marry her should buy a jimmy jib.

That would really...

If he comes in with a jimmy jib on her birthday...

She doesn't need a diamond ring.

He can propose with a jimmy jib.

But she wouldn't look at her boyfriend.

She'd look at the camera while thanking him.

Her boyfriend is over here, but she's looking here.

(Camera hunter, Hong Jinyoung)

Jaewook, you should rate this place, too.

This place comforted Shinyeong when she was down.

I could see the love in the owner's face.

I fell in love with the taste

of noodle soup and cold bean-soup noodles.

My score is 4.8.

I wanted to give it 5 points,

but it would've been nicer

to eat at the original restaurant location.

I was a little disappointed by that.

I recommend this place to you.

- With taste. / - With taste.

- With joy. / - With taste.

- It's good. / - It's good.

Somebody end this shoot.

That was good.

We enjoyed the meal.

We really enjoyed the meal.

(Enjoy a bowl of cold bean soup noodles)

(Next episode)

(Member of the 17th, 19th, 20th National Assembly)

If you grill meat on the same grill for 50 years,

the meat will be burned black.

It's time to change the grill.

(His refreshing comments give birth to many quotes!)

(Floor leader Roh Hoechan of the Justice Party)

(Member of the 17th, 19th, 20th National Assembly)

(A star at a corruption scandal hearing!)

(Leader Lee Hyehoon of Bareun Party)

("Sorry" by The Rose)

For more infomation >> We Like Zines! | 냄비받침 – Ep.10 [ENG/THAI/2017.08.15] - Duration: 1:13:32.


|Seth Rollins|Step Back| Tribute 2017 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> |Seth Rollins|Step Back| Tribute 2017 - Duration: 3:46.


అన్నీరంగాలలో సక్సెస్ పొందాలి అంటే ఈ గణపతి మీఇంటిలో ఉండాల్సిందే | Vinayaka Chavithi Pooja Vidhanam | - Duration: 3:41.


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