Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

yeah good morning guys my name's Adam looking back to the daily vlog today is

day in Portugal five days I've been here is friggin crazy time ago for

swum feel like going for a swim today and super sunny today again another

freaking beautiful day what's up guys go to the pool room first one this morning

and feel like you know what I can do a little bit of exercise I'm going to a

couple laps in the pool maybe a lot of laughs we'll see what happens

I'm forgot us dude nothing on the stairway to hell hello

that's the deadly part right there this is part of sinon no sauna it's cold sin

of this noise guys to hear this crickets or someone just listen ass crazy

that's like sea at night that's everywhere you just hear it all over the

place like it's just a cone from every corner how are you today Sam you relax

you enjoying today you want to go for a swim huh you're just gonna Africa right

well I'm gonna go for a swim I want to do a couple a couple laughs no you know

what I'm talking about okay here we go we go we go okay guys so I already left

for some really like they're really tiny is another cameraman looking but it's

really high hey what's up we're in for a so like if we were to take this edge we

have to walk up like eighth floor stuff I tell you what we're not even on the

right block whatever blocks of

we got to go through let's do some woman

alright guys got loads of exercise right there to pool earlier on I had a shower

and right now we're going to the strip really want to go to the strip - there's

some things I want to try or something they will look at I want to properly

shop today when I go into the shop look at stuff buy some stuff you know what

I'm saying get some knickknacks see what they got

going to the stalls me ride you this is a nice balcony all this is a big one oh

my god is view again guys every day you might just look at this and like wow I

freaking wish I loved here I forget on this place a be still cool to have this

wouldn't it anyways let's go wow I think

to go it

I feel like today is going to be a good one I'm really really hyper today every

day here just feels so friggin good put some in a really good mood but I need to

take off this ND filter here this is one of the handiest things for video and see

if you ever video and you're really bright places but I put on certain to

change my shutter speed do I need to change my F number or the aperture so I

can have like a really nice background blur and also I don't need to change my

shutter speeds will have the same motion blur sixty frames per second you ever

into photography or videography you can do long exposures release and you can

have one of these for video and trust me if you ever get one you'll be like wow

this is so worth it and not only is it a filter that's just you know constant the

variable filter so as you twist it it gets darker and lighter so you can see

through that there and then I twist it it gets darker you know saying

but every day I do

although you said - same one



and here we are guys chef super excited to be here li the sizes please all my

goal ready some shopping and I be here before if you seem like to blows it was

too long ago I don't know how many of long ago it was but it was a couple of

vlogs ago I was here the way it didn't go too much under the places we just

sort of went on and I had a little look-see was the god that they were

doing shop and we're also going to get Sun to eat before we go shopping because

the other thing I've eaten today was like heightened today oh yeah hot pizza

today pizzas what I haven't forgot what I have for you know it's bad when you

forgot which eaten that day okay there's no set of escalators I Sayed I didn't

know they had an OS or what where does it go where's ghost internet I don't

think you chose internet fast last year I literally went everywhere

for Internet nowhere had internet fast enough to upload or even access YouTube

at all my hotel says evaporated guys they got the Hat they got the Hat you

know the same that's trying to different hat today what is it like a straw kind

of thing you know okay does not work at all just put that back and run away okay

- music stops let's see where can we go to eat they would only go to ran off

again because that was the sort place we went I think it was the second night

second day we were here grandma I was absolutely beautiful but you want to get

the same stuff you want to experience everything if that makes any sense for

this place as far as looking funky here it's beyond life up there okay guys so

we're looking for a place called to wander and this is like a can of DL

place you know I'm saying you want to tell most people about this place it's

like off the coast of the strip way off this way in the distance I think because

the strip is always on a street they're right in this way this is like a I give

a British restaurant bar kind of place kind of like five cats only not as much

entertainment and as excitement but they do nice food and that's what we're

looking for a nice food we're here last year thank yourself this way I'm not

really sure I could Google Maps if that's a good idea

so Google says it's zero minutes away which means it's basically right here I

can see it from where I am so do minutes away although it's still like some time

away there's a tiny bit of a complication small complications their

place is freaking over books there's like so many people books in there which

I need to get a place today so we're going to book a play for Wednesday

because tomorrow we're going somewhere Kohl's if you stay tuned for tomorrow's

vlog you guys will see that but freaking overbooked so we're gonna have to look

for another place to eat I don't know where we're going to go where we going

to go this looks like a place we haven't eaten before the cottage I think we're

going to eat here today cottage it has stood high I'm going okay bye on the

menu here I have a water please

Oh My Goddess right guys this is the burger that just arrived I ordered a New

Yorker burger and this is what this is what they brought down holy chefs

massive to call my girl a burger that's my hand okay this is my face you know

eat this thing - it's like being - I said coffee I haven't had coffee in five

days since I arrived here and here we have a coffee freakin coffee table

coffee black coffee black coffee please we're busy

that is so good as a caramel cup it's a caramel cappuccino it tastes amazing for

the first coffee in five days it's pretty good so good haha cool guys are

freaking caffeine head hard oh my god like I'm a such a high

caffeine rush right now it's unbelievable I got a coffee and five

days hasn't gone that long with a coffee in like like four years and then

suddenly I take coffee after not have a number five days and I'm like you know

what I mean it's going day oh ok guys so my site is far I know just really noisy

and therefore I just sort out a sheet tray I really want to try this thing I

want to try for wine I've seen it I'm like that thing's like a frickin babe




okay guys so we left to although just a second ago and that shisha thing I had I

feel freaking high after my head super lightly feeling my hands being

compressed not some weird feeling I don't know that was the best idea but I

wanted to try it our freaking weird feeling going on right a bat and the

coffee I haven't had my way in the shop

okay everybody you know what time it at that time it's time we're going to do

Q&A and five notification shards like I said in yesterday's video really

start askew a right now and then after that I'm going to give five that's right

not one not two not three not four but five notification shorter it's okay

cucumbers are you going to be at the end of your holiday funny you should ask

today actually we go we went to the Sun somebody open went to put the screen

awake it's really distracting down here but they went to the Sun care specialist

and they were able to give us the right bum cream all organic all good for your

skin because apparently whenever you're putting on Sun cream it's the first

ingredient on your suntan lotion is water there's a high chance that there's

a wax or oil and the Sun cream and what that does your skin is it melts and your

stem and causes prickly heat and rashes and blotches of red patches already and

that's where you get you know red patches all of your body because the wax

or oil is melted under your skin and it brings your eyes so today we got organic

sana crema find after shown it's called natural

tone organic skincare that's it right there as you can see I couldn't find the

Sun cream so if I find it tomorrow as well - again but non or whatever but

I'll probably talk about sunburnt because I really I was trying to look

after my skin and I know that two vlogs ago my skin look really red much good it

was a really Loretta's just I was color grading and I went overboard with

saturation which made it look something like this here I look super summer right

now it was at it and then I didn't mean to do that - quack normal distance bail

I don't wanted to ask what type of guru you thank you so so much Annabelle Cory

this isn't going to be including the fine little kittens but sure is a great

audience thank you so so much typical prey use is

to go proof actually also guys just thought I was going to get the GoPro

here for find the suntan lotion factor 15 so what I'm going to be using I use a

GoPro Hero 4 and I used to go pro here 5 these

really really good GoPro they like these but I prefer this one over this one just

because I don't need a case for this one where I do with this one I'm just going

to just with the camera little it's kind of awkward that's a lot better sort of

smack character key a what has been your favorite thing about Portugal so far so

far has to say the people here and the Whalers Whaler and the people two main

things seriously the people here is so so friendly everywhere you go it's like

hello where are you thank you just so-so cane people and the

weather it's freaking me with you go everywhere you go it's like super sunny

so people and the weather what is your favorite camera to use this is for the

QA something at all Japan's and preference really say I was going into a

shopping centre yesterday actually within the shopping centre I was using

this Canon a 2d camera and they told me I couldn't follow if I had been

recording with something like a GoPro they wouldn't have told me to stop made

of questioned its but it all depends what cameras good right and good for the

right job you know at my side EDD is really really good for the song because

can work an ND filter on it for one good color and contrast can lock this camera

on it's all to do with what I need to use at the right time not over one my

favourite but if I was to choose one I would use in the day-to-day basis it

would be this once the 14 handy cam home over folk do fight with Sam yes all the

time that's the brothers do QA Oh God

would you ever date a fan this is kind of like an awkward question because I

don't think I would but I mean if the person has a nice personality I wouldn't

it wouldn't really matter there's still a human being and if I like them and

they like me yes as long as they're not one of them you know like them kind of

finds it wouldn't it wouldn't you know if they're a normal person you know

watched my videos yes but if they're if they're to enter it I would not so the

killer hard question answer yes and no a few questions in the blog when you were

saying bye to your friends in dari what was a shop called and also are you going

to regard for dairy fried and I have two balances from Laura Clara this shop was

called yellow yards I guess all your honor with a piano in sight in all the

books and the stickers was called yellow yard

and yes I will be back the day before pride and ceremony so different brand

phrase like one of the most exciting days and turn every single year you can

celebrate pride LGBT community I want to support that you know understand will be

part of that so super excited prayed which zero is the past year in Portugal

2016 or 2017 oh it's already a dark night with our desire this is from MSP G

Matthew Rosario joining has to be this year this year right now because have a

were contaminated he I have a working student on the camp have a working

laptop and have a working GoPro here for when here five all my gear is working

and I still a lot more motivated this year especially after that cause have

had last year all my gear honestly I don't even have a GoPro Elijah had a

knockoff of a GoPro which the quality was so terrible in the lights and my

laptop died which means it wasn't able to and it properly but got to work and

again if they'd like for one day and then the internet here was so bad this

year has empty nesting so could upload when I'm here this this actually this is

the camera that dead break last year I had this camera repaired retain this is

kind of like the downside of this Tara because if I open this up and you look

and say see how this lands Cana moves around in the back of that a gyroscope

there's a little wire in the back and with James this gyroscope thing moving

around the way or ways the wire where to where where as openness snaps like to

keep saying the way to get repaired it's like 180 pound each time but it is worth

it because it's like an eight hundred point camera so if I ever on buying one

of these again this one came with a projector and the projector on nothing

with an extra 200 point by totally in my opinion wasn't worth it because I barely

use this thing sometimes you use it mister like like I can project this but

I wanted to actually use it that much so if I ever was buying one of these again

I would get the one with like two projector that's completely the exact

same answer questions 2017 so far oh yeah yesterday and yesterday's video I

said no it was two days ago this video I said two years ago was any 911 I just

sort of wrongful sometimes I don't know what I'm saying yeah I got their orders

wrong okay guys this is the notification show detain I end of the queue a

notification short oh here we go this first rotation Schroeder who sits

thank you so much right in the Bell you already know I hit the ballet no mind

you've been commenting away in here thank you so much for supporting the

channel so I'm gonna thank you for comment in every video

honestly means a lot guys attending you guys all the guys wanna know forgetting

Charlie - the Bell demos that's water - five super hey bro nice this one goose

it - my one but peanut head to Bell thank you so much putting the Bell

you're freaking we can all stop it oh I got so your sauce next one goes to

mullet mouth nice be Kissin thank you so much about a heavy job for Bell well the

world saying you guys make the Hat the Bell things then we're all said because

it's just once then I had the bell no it's just you want to make it interest

and make it sort of like you know the guilt oval I sent at the Bella destroyed

the Bell items the bells obliterated Beckley with the marquee bird a ding a

ling ding paris got the free trip any face thank you so saw it in the Bella

Marquis mood thank you for supporting the channel you're freaking awesome as

next we boost the Dora create one at the Bell thank you so much shutting failures

freaking awesome okay guys this next one goose Anneliese Jordy o prefers that

right that I hit the bell but it all caps alludes an owl's good about but

your system okay the super haters build again and surely I should do this more

often if you guys think you should do this more often smash the bass I mean

but comment let me know the comment you to do like five once a week and then one

every video with that work every few a its next one good skill boy ramsley it

has the belt thank you so much skill boy Ramsay you're friggin awesome I think

that was actually more than five got a little carried away there

but guys on that thank you so so much for watching if you did enjoy please

smash that like button down below destroy a like button smash into pieces

conscience don't action point gives you smash your screen like you were

notification sure to hit the bell there below let me know with a comment you

Johnson and leave it on a question for the next week's Q&A because we're doing

a QA once a week and thank you guys so so much for watching I will see you guys

tomorrow yeah

in the


Oh God

For more infomation >> SHISHA MADE ME HIGH! - Duration: 18:01.


Испытания трикотажа 88% хлопок/ 12% нейлон - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Испытания трикотажа 88% хлопок/ 12% нейлон - Duration: 1:08.


Mi Notebook Air 13 2017 CPU Undervolting & MX150 Overclocking - Duration: 7:10.

if you've seen my review of the Xiaomi notebook 13 this is the 2017 model would

have seen that I could not install the latest Nvidia graphics driver but I've

been onto it they've released an update now and in the changelog it says it now

supports installation of the newest drivers on this right here so it's the

MX 150 with 2 gigabytes of dedicated ram and it is pretty basic aliy the same as

the 1030 now the new driver is installed here as you can see which is now three

eight five point two eight so I've got that in there running and then we have a

quick look at what kind of difference it makes and then follow up on a few

requests I've had people ask me if I can overclock the GPU and undervolt the CPU

which I will do later on so at the moment the CPU you can see here as at

the stock voltage I'll change it soon so I'm going to run Tomb Raider here so

this is the benchmark I've been using so to gauge the performance it's just easy

for me here so I'll run it first and we'll see if the driver and proves

anything and then we'll have a look at doing a little bit overclocking on the

GPU so just to show you that these settings are the same as before it's the

lowest preset 720p run that benchmark now and see the kind of results we get

from the driver update there's a result so nothing has really changed

58 frames per second is the school that I got on the older driver so the drivers

has not really given us any boost there whatsoever now that's fine so what I'm

going to try now is to just do a little bit of overclocking on the GPU I'm going

to under volt also the CPU so to do that I'm using intel extreme tuning utility

and I'll see here the core voltage offset for me on my system this is a

stable undervolt now if you go any higher it will just give me a blue

screen now that's going to vary from CPU to CPU so if you're going to be testing

this out on your model just keep going up in increments of 0.0 0.8 do some

asterisk in here as well that you have built into

the extreme tuning utility now you can also increase the turbo power limits

that I wouldn't touch that actually cuz that's not the aim here the aim here of

under vaulting is just to try and lower the temperatures a little maybe it'll

tip up a little bit higher now the overclock on the GPU here I have

discovered that putting more clock on the GPU the core is really pointless

because it's never going to get up to that boost speed so helpful up the

information here you can have a look on system information so the maximum boost

speed it will go up to while here it is 936 but it never gets up to that because

it just doesn't have the the thermal Headroom to do this so it's pointless to

add any clock to it but what I've discovered that the memory clock this is

going to seem crazy I can put a whole whopping gigabyte more of speed on there

and that is perfectly stable so it seems that what Nvidia have done or probably

show me has under clocked the ran there a little bit so having that bonus here

let's now run that test again and see what kind of results we get keeping an

eye to on these thermals

so it has given us a little bit of a boost I can see already 96 frames per

second this is just the start of the benchmark but I'll skip ahead now to the

results so the GPU Ram overclocked has given us approximately 5 frames per

second average booster which isn't too bad that's not a bad gain there so I

will actually try putting a little bit of higher clocks on the core clock here

of the GPU so and tweak this up now I just put first even though it's probably

not going to allow me to do this on many of these key data in 50 megahertz more

on the clock and we'll see what happens for some reason that's not sitting there

we go ok so that's given a tiny little boost more you can see it's just gone up

a frame or two more so it's not bad but let's have a look and see if I can even

push that further now I was thinking of the CPU GPU clock sorry was completely

pointless tweaking that but I'll try this as high as 70 because the thermals

are actually still quite good we're not getting too hot on there so far I can

see the maximum GPU temperature has been 70 degrees here which is fine so we'll

try plus 75 hopefully it's not going to lock up on me now if you see any

artifacts or things like that then you know that you're overclocking too much

and you really need to tweak back those speeds that you're putting on here of

course you do all of this at your own risk

so there we go that actually loved this caused a little so boosting that GPU

clock really isn't that beneficial at all but you can get a little bit as

you've seen from tweaking up the RAM there so now to have a look at thermals

I do have HW info running in the background here and oh actually no I

don't that has closed itself off for some reason but I can check here you can

see that the CPU package temperature maximum temperature is 75 degrees so

that is perfectly fine and now if we go back and have a look in MSI Afterburner

the maximum GPU temperature is 70 to 72 degrees so those temperatures are

perfectly fine where it does get of course like I pointed out in my

gaming review and my full review of this laptop is just here just above the vents

that gets up to actually go there we go 47 almost 48 degrees so very toasty to

the touch there it's almost getting up to it feels like it's going to burn new

kind of material there so that's why I always recommend with this laptop if you

are going to be gaming for extended periods get yourself a laptop cooler

that's probably going to help out a lot too with just improving performance

maybe but I won't actually be testing that myself because I really do not like

laptop coolers I like Portability and a machine that I can just pack up and put

in a bag and I'll have to lug around an extra accessory for it so there you go

you can see that the drivers made absolutely no difference in performance

but we can do a little bit of under vaulting and overclocking there of the

GPU to boost things up around what is that about eight or ten percent

performance which isn't too bad considering that's free performance

there that we're getting and I'll run that for a couple of days now with zero

problems I haven't noticed any artifacts from the memory so it seems to handle

that extra 1000 mega Hertz on the memory clock perfectly fine thanks for watching

this video and if you haven't already check out my full review of this model

Bye for now

For more infomation >> Mi Notebook Air 13 2017 CPU Undervolting & MX150 Overclocking - Duration: 7:10.


The Great Pyramid & Bible

For more infomation >> The Great Pyramid & Bible


Photos : Emmanuel Macron s'est entraîné avec les joueurs de foot de l'OM ! - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Photos : Emmanuel Macron s'est entraîné avec les joueurs de foot de l'OM ! - Duration: 1:54.


Photos : Emmanuel Macron s'est entraîné avec les joueurs de - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Photos : Emmanuel Macron s'est entraîné avec les joueurs de - Duration: 1:50.


PARIS VLOG - CHANEL Haute Couture, Pharrell and The New Eiffel Tower | ft. SHMN - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> PARIS VLOG - CHANEL Haute Couture, Pharrell and The New Eiffel Tower | ft. SHMN - Duration: 6:45.


한국에서의 하루? - One day in Korea? - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 한국에서의 하루? - One day in Korea? - Duration: 0:52.


APPETIZER IN 5 MINUTES! Cucumbers in Korean with carrots and peppers! - Duration: 3:31.

DELICIOUS APPETIZER FOR 5 MINUTES! Cucumbers in Korean with carrots and peppers, lean salad-snack!

If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!

Hello! My name is Dina. Welcome to my "Recipes Collection" channel.

Salads in Korean like many, they are prepared from various vegetables, combining with spices and seasonings.

Eastern cuisine has long won popularity all over the world due to its rich taste, low calorie content and low cost of dishes.

Today I will show you how, literally in 5 minutes, to prepare a delicious, piquant and moderately acute snack from fresh cucumbers.

To prepare such an appetizer, we will need: • 1 kg. Cucumber • 1 carrot

• 1 red bell pepper • 25 gr. Sahara • 25 gr. Vegetable oil

• 30 gr. 6% vinegar • 50 gr. Soy sauce • 2 cloves of garlic

• 0.5 tsp. Red hot chili peppers • 1 tsp. Sesame • 1 tsp. Salt

First, let's start with cucumbers, which I washed beforehand.

Cut the tips from both sides, cut the cucumber along into 2 parts, and then across.

The length of the pieces is about 7 cm.

Each part is cut into 3-4 identical brusochka.

So, cut all the cucumbers and put them into a separate bowl.

Sprinkle cucumbers with salt, mix well and set aside for a few minutes so that they lightly start the juice.

In the meantime, prepare the rest of the vegetables.

I took one red sweet pepper, which I previously cleaned by removing seeds and septums.

We cut it obliquely with a thin long straw.

Alternatively, instead of peppers, you can use the onion or green onions.

Carrots rub on a special grater for Korean carrots, if there is not such a grater - cut it into thin straws.

It remains to grate the garlic, chop it in a convenient way for you, cut, grate or squeeze through the press.

Our cucumbers stood and lightly let the juice flow, merge it.

Pour into the bowl with cucumbers chopped sweet pepper,



Pour vinegar,

soy sauce,

Add sugar,

vegetable oil,

Flakes of hot chili peppers

And sesame.

It remains to carefully mix everything.

Our cucumbers are Korean ready, we send the cup in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, so that the appetizer cools down and is well soaked.

You can store this snack in the fridge for a week, in a tightly closed container.

Ready cucumbers put on a plate, sprinkled with fried sesame and served on the table.

Crispy, spicy marinated cucumbers will be an excellent addition to the festive table or any everyday meal.

I wish you bon appetit!

If you liked the recipe for this snack - put your finger up!

Share it with your friends and leave a comment!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Recipe Collection" and click on the bell to receive notifications of new videos.

I have on the canal and other recipes for various snacks and lean dishes.

All links on the screen and in the description.

Dean was with you. To new meetings, to new delicious recipes!


For more infomation >> APPETIZER IN 5 MINUTES! Cucumbers in Korean with carrots and peppers! - Duration: 3:31.


Audi A3 private lease actie - t/m 31 aug 2017 - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 private lease actie - t/m 31 aug 2017 - Duration: 0:56.


L'héritage du lac Baïkal menacé par des tonnes de déchets - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> L'héritage du lac Baïkal menacé par des tonnes de déchets - Duration: 3:41.



Okay are you ready for question three I was born ready

I was born like this - alright so this is from Luke and he says what would you say the most

important thing is when it comes to branding yourself online I'm setting up

a tattoo shop and I don't know where to start with creating a brand - what's amazing

about tattoos I don't have any tattoos but what's amazing about tattoos is they

are the brand they are the art and what I love is I love that my audience is now

is not just musicians but it's creatives I love that because I think of musicians

and tattooists as so similar just creating amazing art and the thing with being a

tattooist is just like being in a band and being a musician when you make

an amazing piece of art the world wants to see it you know we live in a time now

where art is valuable and what's really amazing is we talk about how music

isn't valuable I think art's more valuable now than it's ever

been I think people appreciate it and the reason for that is because we've

gone through - this is a bit deep and meaningful - I think we have

gone through a time over the last hundred years which is culminated over

the 90s and the early 2000s into building businesses which are very

structured and very regimented which is why you get those kind of TV shows which

which take the piss and say things like computer says no and there's a

great book by Seth Godin who's just a master mind genius and

in it he has this this quote which he said everything systemized he says if

you go into McDonald's and you order a McDonald's Big Mac and a coke eat half

the Big Mac and drink half the coke and then put the other half of your Big

Mac into your coke walk up to the counter and just say I can't drink my

coke there's a fucking half a Big Mac stuck in it because the system hasn't

been designed everyone will go yeah I don't know what to do but the queue is

mounting up we don't want to cause a scene

they'll probably either give you your money back or they'll give you another

Big Mac and coke because everything is just so systemized and all

of a sudden we are now entering a time where people are realizing that

because of social media because of virality - or viralability whatever

the word is - because of that people are appreciating beautiful things more than

they've ever done because the technology is there to allow it you're just scrolling

through your Instagram and all of a sudden a beautiful picture will pop

up and you just think wow that's actually fantastic - art is

valuable it's and I'm not talking about valuable as in five pounds 10

pounds I'm talking about building a brand valuable I'm talking about change

the rest of your life valuable and when you are a tattooist you have the power

to trigger emotion that most people can't do like when I see an amazing

tattoo I'm literally as my world stops and I'm like fuck that's incredible you

know not just a picture not just art as in it's drawn but then it's gone onto

the skin and the actual contours of the arm and how it all fits together is a

true art form when you see something which is that good you just think that's

incredible it's shareable it's likeable it's commentable and it's like when

an artist picks up a guitar and they sit and they just play an amazing song like

Damien Rice can pick up a guitar and sing a song and make me just think he's just amazing

He's just jaw-droppingly amazing and so that's the thing that's going to

build your brand it's the thing that you're already doing it's the thing that

that you love to do that's the best bit about this is we're not talking about

shitty business stuff and how to advertise and boosting we're talking

about making art which is the stuff that we got into to do this I got into being

a bass player because I wanted to create music and play music Luke got into being a

tattooist because he loves us he loves tattoos and he wants to bring value

doing that that's the thing to do and if you haven't got enough people as yet

paying you for tattoos the way to do that is go and find people and just say

dude let me create some sick tattoos on your arm if some amazing

tattooist said to me look I'll stick a tattoo on as long as you're gonna

put me on all of your Instagram and all that kind of stuff and

promote it - I love art and so you know if at

this moment in time people are looking at saying I'm not ready to pay for it

then what you've got to do is you've got to get your work out there and that's on

paper and it's on skin and it's just doing the thing that you absolutely love

to do just because and this is a really - this is something we should cut for

Instagram - just because you are going from loving to do something into

making money from it it doesn't mean that A) the passion is gone

it doesn't mean you care any less and it doesn't mean that gives you the right to

say well I'm not doing it anymore because I'm not getting paid for it doesn't give

you the right to do that what it gives you the right to do is just say I want

to make money from why do my passion which I absolutely love to do if I don't

want to do it I don't have to take the job on that's the great thing about

being self-employed however there is more than just an hourly rate at stake

you know if someone comes along that's an influencer that can actually influence

your career then it's just time it's just you saying I'll pop down I'll do a

tattoo or I'll pop along in a place of music it was going to get you stuff and

I see all of these forums all the time about people saying oh we're

not getting paid we're just you know we're just getting - what's

the word they always use - we're not going to pay for it we just we're just

actually get yeah it's always exposure and I'm like there's

nothing wrong with that and because you can say no if someone says look I

haven't got any money but I can give you exposure then what you do is you

leverage the exposure so if someone says I can't give you any money but I can

give you exposure and they say by the way is primetime BBC Radio one and

there's probably going to be three million people listening fucking right

that's worth free like that's absolutely worth free - if it's someone's

birthday party and there's 20 people there and they don't want to pay for it

just go it's just not worth it it's just not worth it and there's everything in

between if you're going to go and play something which has got millions of

people listening and they want your play for free is it what is it yeah if it's

you know I have to go and play a gig and there may or may not be some people

there but there may be some music industry

people there you weigh up do I want to do it do I not wanna do it have I got the

time am I going to gain anything from it can I do social media from it so with

this do the thing that you were born to do the thing that brings you passion

which is create beautiful art and if people are asking you to do up which is

not good that you're not proud of then in your spare time go and do the art

that you think is the most beautiful stuff that you can do and share it

hashtag the shit out of it do one every single day and hashtag it on

Instagram and Twitter and all that stuff because your Instagram will absolutely

grow if it's beautiful art every single day there's a beautiful tattoo on your

Instagram or something that you've done then I guarantee if you're

hashtaging that and the word will spread it will grow and then it's just a matter

of time and that patience thing then comes in within a matter of time where we did a

video earlier on and and I was saying I give people an update which is on

YouTube give people an update of where I am my social media sides things now

is one year old in the next week or two it's one year old

and things are starting to kick off so fast all of a sudden and I'm thinking

wow it's taken me a year - everyone knows how much content I

create - I do a video every single day I'm on Instagram every single day all of

my day is social media and it's one year and it's starting it's not kicking up

it's starting for me to go fuck this is going to work this is going to work I'm

actually going to do it this is going to work but it's taking a year of hard slog

before I've even gone shit this is going to work so it's going to take me another

year before I actually starts working properly and probably another year after

that before I go it worked and it's carrying on working so you know you

can't just put a piece of art out there and just say why haven't I gotten a lot of tattoos

so I would say that the key is do the thing that brings you passion and

and make people emotional via your art then do that consistently don't you

think because you've done it once it'll keep working just do it consistently

again and again more pieces more styles more things that you love to do

and people a hundred percent will buy into that with tattoos - and in terms of like branding

would you say essentially ahead of logo ahead of brand image and everything

like that just focus on what you're doing and build a brand around you -

yeah the great thing with this is when you're an

artist I mean who's better to brand you than an artist I mean you are

the master of your own creation so you know some awesome piece of tattoos

some tattoo or some logo I mean if you're an artist you have that

creativity that you can do so I would go to town on the branding

but I just make sure it was all from here without sounding really kind

of like you know deep and meaningful I just make sure I believed it because if

you a hundred percent believe in something is so much easier for it to


For more infomation >> THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF BRANDING - Duration: 9:18.


Hotel Boutique Casas de Santa Cruz in Seville, Seville, Spain - Duration: 3:53.


Boutique Hotel Casas de Santa Cruz

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Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Boutique Casas de Santa Cruz in Seville, Seville, Spain - Duration: 3:53.


《Wanna One》搶先看!跳 TWICE的TT(티티) 170816 Weekly Idol 一周的偶像 Cover Dance(커버댄스) Preview 朴佑鎮 朴志訓 邕聖祐 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 《Wanna One》搶先看!跳 TWICE的TT(티티) 170816 Weekly Idol 一周的偶像 Cover Dance(커버댄스) Preview 朴佑鎮 朴志訓 邕聖祐 - Duration: 1:06.


on bended knee(s) (Idioms) - Duration: 0:22.

on bended knee(s) (Idioms)

if you ask for something on bended knee(s), you ask for it in a very anxious and/or humble way

I'd go down on bended knee if I thought she'd change her mind.

For more infomation >> on bended knee(s) (Idioms) - Duration: 0:22.


18 dead in suspected jihadist attack on Burkina Faso eatery - Duration: 3:40.

18 dead in suspected jihadist attack on Burkina Faso eatery

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso (AP) — Hours after suspected Islamic extremists opened fire as patrons dined at the popular restaurant where she worked as a waitress, Amy Sawadogo was still wandering around barefoot at a crisis center asking about her colleagues.

I just want to go to the hospital and see who is still alive, the distraught young woman, who was still dressed in her uniform, said early Monday. I am calling them in vain, no response..

The death toll rose to 18 and authorities said many of the victims were children dining with their families on a Sunday night at the Aziz Istanbul restaurant when horror struck once again in Burkina Fasos capital of Ouagadougou.

At least 22 people were wounded. Less than two years ago, jihadists killed 30 people in a similar attack at the nearby Cappuccino cafe, which only recently reopened in a city where fear of another attack has been high.

Eight of the dead in Sundays attack were citizens of Burkina Faso, authorities said. Three Lebanese and two Canadians were also killed, according to the victims respective foreign ministries.

Other victims came from Kuwait, Senegal, Nigeria, Turkey and France, state prosecutor Maizan Sereme said. The attack began around 9 p.m. Sunday when the Aziz Istanbul, an upscale Turkish restaurant patronized by many foreigners, was packed with diners.

Two young men wearing jeans and jackets drove up on motorcycles and began indiscriminately shooting at the people inside with Kalashnikovs, witnesses told The Associated Press.

I heard a noise when they smashed a car with their motorbike and before I understood what happened they started shooting at the customers on the terrace, said Assane Guebre, who had been keeping an eye on customers cars parked outside.

They were close to me, and I still dont know how they did not hit me first, said Guebre, whose hands were still bleeding from the cuts he suffered when he threw himself to the ground to avoid the bullets.

Gunfire rang out long into the night before the countrys special forces ended the attack after nearly seven hours. Initially authorities had said there were three or four assailants.

However, government spokesman Remy Danguinou told reporters early Monday that two attackers had been killed by the authorities.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility but the attack bore the hallmarks of the January 2016 assault on the Cappuccino — gunmen opening fire on diners at a restaurant popular with foreigners, prompting a massive search for the culprits as gunfire and explosions continued into the night.

President Roch Marc Christian Kabore declared three days of national mourning. The fight against terrorism is a long-term battle, he said in a statement Monday.

Thats why Im calling for vigilance, solidarity and unity of the whole nation in order to face the cowardice of our adversaries..

Security Council issued a statement Monday night condemning the attack, which it called it barbaric and cowardly. It added that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security..

In Paris, the office of French President Emmanuel Macron said he discussed the attack in a call with his Burkina Faso counterpart.

The leaders agreed it was urgent to accelerate the deployment of a new 5,000-strong anti-terror force in the Sahel, a statement said.

With contributions from Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad — known as the G5 — the force is to deploy by September.

At least five members of Burkina Fasos security forces were among the wounded, and another member on leave at the time was among the dead, the state prosecutor said.

Burkina Faso, a landlocked nation in West Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world. It shares a northern border with Mali, which has long battled Islamic extremists.

In the 2016 attack the attackers were of foreign origin, according to al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, which claimed responsibility for those killings along with the jihadist group known as Al Mourabitoun.

But the terror threat in Burkina Faso is increasingly homegrown, experts say.

The northern border region near Mali is now the home of a local preacher, Ibrahim Malam Dicko, who radicalized and has claimed responsibility for recent deadly attacks against troops and civilians.

His association, Ansarul Islam, is now considered a terrorist group by Burkina Fasos government.

For more infomation >> 18 dead in suspected jihadist attack on Burkina Faso eatery - Duration: 3:40.


Olivier Minne se confie sur sa deuxième vie en Californie : "Je peux suivre mes envies" - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Olivier Minne se confie sur sa deuxième vie en Californie : "Je peux suivre mes envies" - Duration: 2:46.


Jeux Pour Enfants | Cars Puzzles | Vidéos Pour Les Enfants - Duration: 12:36.

For more infomation >> Jeux Pour Enfants | Cars Puzzles | Vidéos Pour Les Enfants - Duration: 12:36.


Auf dem Weg zur Schule | Mädchen (9) von Bus erfasst und getötet - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Auf dem Weg zur Schule | Mädchen (9) von Bus erfasst und getötet - Duration: 5:22.


The Life of Lord Voldemort - Duration: 10:59.

Hello, in this video I'll be going through Lord Voldemort's life.

So, before he was known as Lord Voldemort, his name was Tom Riddle.

Tom was born on 31st December, 1926 and he was raised in an orphanage.

Dumbledore came to the orphanage when he was 11 and asked him whether he could do stuff

that other children couldn't.

He said he could move objects at will, make bad things happen to people who were mean

to him and even talk to snakes.

Talking to snakes was a mark of an evil wizard.

Dumbledore knew that he was very powerful and he was gonna be an extremely powerful

wizard when he grew up.

He told Tom that Tom was a wizard.

Tom went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

On his first day, he was sorted into Slytherin.

He soon found out that Slytherin could speak to snakes too.

He predicted he was Slytherin's heir.

After he predicted that, he started to develop a hatred for muggles and muggle-borns.

He also got an award for special services to the school and he also got to be prefect

and head boy.

And nobody would expect such a dark wizard from Tom because he was really kind.

Or at least he used to be.

But at the age of 16, he wanted to make himself immortal.

He went to the restricted section and read about Horcruxes.

He asked Professor Slughorn whether he could make one.

Professor Slughorn said that it was a very dark piece of magic and that Tom should not

make one.

He also asked Tom whether he was gonna make one.

Tom lied, he said no.

He went to the chamber of secrets and he discovered that he really was the heir of Slytherin as

the Basalisk inside would listen to him.

He planned to create his first Horcrux at this time.

He went to the girls' bathroom where the chamber of secrets was, killed Moaning Myrtle and

turned his diary into his first Horcrux.

After that, he framed Hagrid for the murder and Hagrid was expelled.

He then went to work at Borgin and Burkes.

He soon found out there was the Gaunt Family Ring that was Slytherin's.

He went to that place, murdered his parents and framed his uncle for the murder.

He took the memory out of his uncle and planted a fake memory so the uncle would think he

himself murdered the muggles.

He then took the ring and turned it into his second Horcrux.

After that he went and found Hepzibah Smith.

She had two things that he would like to turn into his third and fourth Horcruxes.

They were Salazar Slytherin's locket and Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

He then killed Hepzibah Smith and framed her house-elf for the murder.

He then turned Salazar Slytherin's locket into his third Horcrux.

Well, we do not know who he killed to turn Hufflepuff's cup into his fourth Horcrux.

Then he went back to Hogwarts and charmed the grey lady into revealing where the diadem

of Ravenclaw was.

He took the diadem, killed another person and turned the diadem into his fifth Horcrux.

After that, Severus Snape brought some news to him.

He said there was a prophecy that said that a boy could kill him when he was 17.

Voldemort believed it and he took precautions.

He went to James and Lily Potters' house after finding out where they lived.

He killed James and Lily Potter and when he tried to kill their son, Harry he disimbodied


A part of his soul was latched onto Harry.

Not that he ever knew it was and he never even wanted to turn Harry into his Horcrux.

He had to spend 10 years as the small body he was, then he found Professor Quirrell and

he found out about the Philosopher's stone.

He wanted to take the stone, come back, kill Harry and raise his army again.

When he tried to, Harry killed Professor Quirrell.

Next he tried to come back into the chamber of secrets next year with the help of his


The Horcrux diary.

He almost came back to his original state but then Harry grabbed the Basalisk fang,

stabbed it into the diary Horcrux and Voldemort was gone.

2 years later he found out about the triwizard tournament and he took help from two death


Wormtail and Barty Crouch .Jr. Barty Crouch .Jr was acting to be Mad-Eye Moody and he

went and charmed the cup into a portkey so that Harry could be transferred to the graveyard

where Voldemort's dad was.

Because to bring Voldemort back his original body, he would need bone of the father, flesh

of the servant and blood of the enemy.

In one of these days he killed, Bertha Jorkins and turned Nagini, his pet snake into his

seventh Horcrux.

Although he thought she was his sixth Horcrux.

When Harry came to the graveyard, he got Cedric murdered and finally got his new body back.

He tried to kill Harry but Harry took the portkey and apirrated to Hogwarts.

Another year later he did not want the Ministry of Magic to know that he was back.

So, he tried to simply take over Harry's mind since he discovered a connection between him

and Harry.

Although Snape was teaching Harry how to resist it.

After that he tricked Harry into thinking that Sirius was in danger as he wanted to

find out the prophecy that said that Harry would destroy him.

Because he needed the prophecy to find out how to kill Harry.

Once that happened, he did not get the prophecy.

Harry did come to the Ministry of Magic since he was tricked but before Voldemort could

take over the prophecy the Ministry found out that he was indeed back.

In the next year, he wanted Dumbledore dead because Dumbledore was the only wizard more

powerful than him.

He put a curse on the Gaunt Family Ring which was his second Horcrux.

Dumbledore wore that Ring and got his hand blackened and it was looking burnt.

Dumbledore destroyed the Ring in the sword of Gryfindor.

Only that Voldemort Never knew.

He told Draco Malfoy to kill Dumbledore.

In the end, his servant, Snape killed Dumbledore.

Or at least he thought that Snape was his servant.

After Dumbledore was dead, he found out about the elder wand, the most powerful wand in


He wanted the wand and kill Harry.

He broke into Dumbledore's tomb and got the wand and after that, he found out that Harry

knew about his Horcruxes.

At this point, Harry had stolen Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

And Voldemort went back to check the other Horcruxes.

He found out that the Ring and locket were gone.

After that, he got a little angry, he knew that his last Horcrux was at Hogwarts so he

warned Snape, the Headmaster that Harry might be coming.

After that, he found out that Harry was indeed at Hogwarts.

He brought his entire army at Hogwarts and told everybody that they had to give Harry

to him otherwise He'll kill everybody and eventually kill Harry as well.

On this night, his Hufflepuff cup was destroyed and the diadem was also destroyed.

He thought that his pet snake was the only Horcrux and he made an enchanted cage for


After that Harry came and he killed Harry.

Or at least he thought he did.

After that suddenly Harry was alive and his pet snake was killed by Neville.

He was trying to kill Harry in the wand duel but he died because he was not powerful enough.

And that's the life of Lord Voldemort.

Well I hope you enjoyed, if you did please subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Thank You.

For more infomation >> The Life of Lord Voldemort - Duration: 10:59.


Premiering This Saturday, Do...

For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


CHUCK WTF ARE YOU DOING D: - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> CHUCK WTF ARE YOU DOING D: - Duration: 1:30.



For more infomation >> MINI Countryman 1.6 COOPER D CHILI / PANORAMADAK / NAVI-VOORBEREIDING / LEDER / AIRCO-ECC / CRUISE C - Duration: 1:01.


Remo Chemo feminized high THC marijuana strain by Dinafem seeds in 4K - Duration: 1:40.

Hello everyone. This is Jásminka,

from Dinafem Seeds.

And I am with a very special present

sent by our friend Remo.

The favourite strain of the Urban Grower

is the UBC Chemo.

So he sent us this cannabis plant and at Dinafem

we´ve feminized it.

This is why today we are able to launch

this cannabis plant called REMO CHEMO

which offers many medical properties

and smelling of Canadian Kush.

Remo Chemo comes from the cross

of a UBC Chemo and a Bubba Kush.

It´s a very compact plant

so it´s perfect for small areas.

And she is very easy to grow.

Her flowering period goes

from 60 to 70 days.

It is an Indica dominant hybrid

which provides very potent crops.

She´s ideal for pain relief

and her level of THC is very high.

She offers many compact buds.

And the aroma is very kushy,

strong and intense.

It is a very terpy cannabis plant

and the perfect option to try

the Canadian west coast tasting.

Did you like our Remo Chemo?

Then get more information on our website

and leave your comments below.

Thanks for having the Dinafem Girls.

And remember that we´ll be waiting for you

on our Social Media.

See you there!

For more infomation >> Remo Chemo feminized high THC marijuana strain by Dinafem seeds in 4K - Duration: 1:40.


IF YOU KNEW (MEME) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> IF YOU KNEW (MEME) - Duration: 1:28.


Joanne (LPDLA4) a échappé au cancer grâce aux critiques de ses haters - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Joanne (LPDLA4) a échappé au cancer grâce aux critiques de ses haters - Duration: 1:58.


Photos : Céline Dion : Complètement exaltée pour soutenir René Charles ! - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Photos : Céline Dion : Complètement exaltée pour soutenir René Charles ! - Duration: 1:53.


L'héritage du lac Baïkal menacé par des tonnes de déchets - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> L'héritage du lac Baïkal menacé par des tonnes de déchets - Duration: 3:41.


Emmanuel Macron : Il porte plainte contre un journaliste pour "harcèlement" - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron : Il porte plainte contre un journaliste pour "harcèlement" - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> LEZZETLİ SPAGETTİ MAKARNA - Duration: 3:15.


Photos : Katy Perry et Orlando Bloom de nouveau ensemble ? Ces - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Photos : Katy Perry et Orlando Bloom de nouveau ensemble ? Ces - Duration: 1:54.


Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 3:28.


Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 3:51.


Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 7:15.

For more infomation >> Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'agosto -Giannini e Melato - Duration: 7:15.


Funny Baby Videos New 2017 - Funny Baby Videos of 2017 - Duration: 3:34.

Funny Baby Videos New 2017 - Funny Baby Videos of 2017

For more infomation >> Funny Baby Videos New 2017 - Funny Baby Videos of 2017 - Duration: 3:34.


Louane en deuil, son poignant message - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Louane en deuil, son poignant message - Duration: 1:47.


Olivier Minne se confie sur sa deuxième vie en Californie : "Je peux suivre mes envies" - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Olivier Minne se confie sur sa deuxième vie en Californie : "Je peux suivre mes envies" - Duration: 2:46.


Funny Baby Videos very Funny - Funny Baby Videos Vines - Duration: 3:37.

Funny Baby Videos very Funny - Funny Baby Videos Vines

For more infomation >> Funny Baby Videos very Funny - Funny Baby Videos Vines - Duration: 3:37.


Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost - Duration: 7:37.

Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost

WASHINGTON � President Trump buoyed the white nationalist movement on Tuesday as no

president has done in generations � equating activists protesting racism with the neo-Nazis

and white supremacists who rampaged in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.

Never has he gone as far in defending their actions as he did during a wild, street-corner

shouting match of a news conference in the gilded lobby of Trump Tower, angrily asserting

that so-called alt-left activists were just as responsible for the bloody confrontation

as marchers brandishing swastikas, Confederate battle flags, anti-Semitic banners and �Trump/Pence�


�Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth,� David Duke,

a former Ku Klux Klan leader, wrote in a Twitter post shortly after Mr. Trump spoke.

Richard B. Spencer, a white nationalist leader who participated in the weekend�s demonstrations

and vowed to flood Charlottesville with similar protests in the coming weeks, was equally


�Trump�s statement was fair and down to earth,� Mr. Spencer tweeted.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, a Democrat, wasted little time in accusing the president

of adding to the divisions that put an unwanted spotlight on the normally peaceful college


�Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing

hatred and looking for a fight,� Mr. McAuliffe said.

�One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our

finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community.

This was not �both sides.��

No word in the Trump lexicon is as tread-worn as �unprecedented.� But members of the

president�s staff, stunned and disheartened, said they never expected to hear such a voluble

articulation of opinions that the president had long expressed in private.

The National Economic Council chairman, Gary D. Cohn, and the Treasury secretary, Steven

Mnuchin, who are Jewish, stood by uncomfortably as the president exacerbated a controversy

that has once again engulfed a White House in disarray.

�I�ve condemned neo-Nazis,� Mr. Trump told reporters, who interrupted him repeatedly

when he seemed to equate the actions of protesters on each side.

He spoke of �very fine people on both sides.� And of the demonstrators who rallied on Friday

night, some chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans, he said, �You had a lot of people

in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest.�

Since the 1960s, Republican politicians have made muscular appeals to white voters, especially

those in the South, on broad cultural grounds.

But as a rule, they have taken a hard line on the party�s racist, nativist and anti-Semitic


Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush roundly condemned white supremacists.

In 1991, President George Bush took on Mr. Duke, who was then seeking the governor�s

seat in Louisiana, saying, �When someone has so recently endorsed Nazism, it is inconceivable

that someone can reasonably aspire to a leadership role in a free society.�

But Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly said he is not prejudiced, has been equivocal in his

public or private statements against white nationalists and other racist organizations.

On Saturday, in his first comments on Charlottesville, Mr. Trump blamed the violence on protesters

from �many sides.�

After a storm of criticism over his remarks, Mr. Trump�s aides persuaded him to moderate

his message by assigning explicit blame for the violence to far-right agitators, which

led to a stronger denunciation of hate groups � emailed to reporters and attributed to

an unnamed �spokesperson.�

When that failed to quell the controversy, aides, including Mr. Trump�s new chief of

staff, John F. Kelly, pressed him to make another public statement.

Mr. Trump�s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, urged him to take a more moderate

stance, according to two people familiar with the situation.

But as with so many other critical moments in Mr. Trump�s presidency, the two were

on vacation, this time in Vermont.

Grudgingly, Mr. Trump agreed.

�Racism is evil,� the president said on Monday, delivering a statement from the White

House that was written with aides during airplane and helicopter flights.

�Those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K.,

white supremacists and other hate groups,� he added � in response to bipartisan condemnation

of his more equivocal statements during the first 48 hours of the crisis.

But his unifying tone, which his staff characterized as more traditionally presidential, quickly

gave way to a more familiar Trump approach.

No sooner had he delivered the Monday statement than he began railing privately to his staff

about the news media.

He fumed to aides about how unfairly he was being treated, and expressed sympathy with

nonviolent protesters who he said were defending their �heritage,� according to a West

Wing official.

He felt he had already given too much ground to his opponents, the official said.

Mr. Trump prides himself on an unapologetic style he learned from his father, Fred Trump,

a New York City housing developer, and Roy Cohn, a combative lawyer who served as an

aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr. Trump attracted a significant following of

white supremacists, expressed sympathy with white Southerners fighting to preserve monuments

for Confederate icons and was slow to distance himself from racists like Mr. Duke.

The president�s fury grew Monday as members of a White House business council began to

resign to protest his reaction to Charlottesville.

As usual, Mr. Trump found his voice by tweeting angrily about the news media.

By Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Trump�s staff sensed the culmination of a familiar cycle:

The president was about to revert to his initial, more defiant stance.

As Mr. Trump approached the microphone in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday, aides

winced at the prospect of an unmediated president.

With good reason.

�Alt-left� groups were also �very, very violent,� Mr. Trump said early in his exchange

with reporters.

He went on to assign �blame on both sides� � echoing his comments on Saturday, and

reigniting a fight that has sunk staff morale after a brief bump in enthusiasm that followed

the hiring of Mr. Kelly, who was to impose discipline on a chaotic West Wing.

Eric Cantor, a former Republican congressman from Virginia who was a member of Republican

leadership, was horrified by what took place in Charlottesville, and said the president

needed to have spoken out earlier.

�It really did demand a statement at the very beginning,� said Mr. Cantor, who is


He added that efforts by the president to equate the actions of the counterprotesters,

however violent they may have been, with the neo-Nazis and the driver of the car that murdered

a protester were �unacceptable.�

�There�s no moral equivalence,� Mr. Cantor said.

For more infomation >> Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost - Duration: 7:37.


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For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost - Duration: 7:37.

Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost

WASHINGTON � President Trump buoyed the white nationalist movement on Tuesday as no

president has done in generations � equating activists protesting racism with the neo-Nazis

and white supremacists who rampaged in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.

Never has he gone as far in defending their actions as he did during a wild, street-corner

shouting match of a news conference in the gilded lobby of Trump Tower, angrily asserting

that so-called alt-left activists were just as responsible for the bloody confrontation

as marchers brandishing swastikas, Confederate battle flags, anti-Semitic banners and �Trump/Pence�


�Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth,� David Duke,

a former Ku Klux Klan leader, wrote in a Twitter post shortly after Mr. Trump spoke.

Richard B. Spencer, a white nationalist leader who participated in the weekend�s demonstrations

and vowed to flood Charlottesville with similar protests in the coming weeks, was equally


�Trump�s statement was fair and down to earth,� Mr. Spencer tweeted.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, a Democrat, wasted little time in accusing the president

of adding to the divisions that put an unwanted spotlight on the normally peaceful college


�Neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white supremacists came to Charlottesville heavily armed, spewing

hatred and looking for a fight,� Mr. McAuliffe said.

�One of them murdered a young woman in an act of domestic terrorism, and two of our

finest officers were killed in a tragic accident while serving to protect this community.

This was not �both sides.��

No word in the Trump lexicon is as tread-worn as �unprecedented.� But members of the

president�s staff, stunned and disheartened, said they never expected to hear such a voluble

articulation of opinions that the president had long expressed in private.

The National Economic Council chairman, Gary D. Cohn, and the Treasury secretary, Steven

Mnuchin, who are Jewish, stood by uncomfortably as the president exacerbated a controversy

that has once again engulfed a White House in disarray.

�I�ve condemned neo-Nazis,� Mr. Trump told reporters, who interrupted him repeatedly

when he seemed to equate the actions of protesters on each side.

He spoke of �very fine people on both sides.� And of the demonstrators who rallied on Friday

night, some chanting racist and anti-Semitic slogans, he said, �You had a lot of people

in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest.�

Since the 1960s, Republican politicians have made muscular appeals to white voters, especially

those in the South, on broad cultural grounds.

But as a rule, they have taken a hard line on the party�s racist, nativist and anti-Semitic


Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush and George W. Bush roundly condemned white supremacists.

In 1991, President George Bush took on Mr. Duke, who was then seeking the governor�s

seat in Louisiana, saying, �When someone has so recently endorsed Nazism, it is inconceivable

that someone can reasonably aspire to a leadership role in a free society.�

But Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly said he is not prejudiced, has been equivocal in his

public or private statements against white nationalists and other racist organizations.

On Saturday, in his first comments on Charlottesville, Mr. Trump blamed the violence on protesters

from �many sides.�

After a storm of criticism over his remarks, Mr. Trump�s aides persuaded him to moderate

his message by assigning explicit blame for the violence to far-right agitators, which

led to a stronger denunciation of hate groups � emailed to reporters and attributed to

an unnamed �spokesperson.�

When that failed to quell the controversy, aides, including Mr. Trump�s new chief of

staff, John F. Kelly, pressed him to make another public statement.

Mr. Trump�s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, urged him to take a more moderate

stance, according to two people familiar with the situation.

But as with so many other critical moments in Mr. Trump�s presidency, the two were

on vacation, this time in Vermont.

Grudgingly, Mr. Trump agreed.

�Racism is evil,� the president said on Monday, delivering a statement from the White

House that was written with aides during airplane and helicopter flights.

�Those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K.,

white supremacists and other hate groups,� he added � in response to bipartisan condemnation

of his more equivocal statements during the first 48 hours of the crisis.

But his unifying tone, which his staff characterized as more traditionally presidential, quickly

gave way to a more familiar Trump approach.

No sooner had he delivered the Monday statement than he began railing privately to his staff

about the news media.

He fumed to aides about how unfairly he was being treated, and expressed sympathy with

nonviolent protesters who he said were defending their �heritage,� according to a West

Wing official.

He felt he had already given too much ground to his opponents, the official said.

Mr. Trump prides himself on an unapologetic style he learned from his father, Fred Trump,

a New York City housing developer, and Roy Cohn, a combative lawyer who served as an

aide to Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Mr. Trump attracted a significant following of

white supremacists, expressed sympathy with white Southerners fighting to preserve monuments

for Confederate icons and was slow to distance himself from racists like Mr. Duke.

The president�s fury grew Monday as members of a White House business council began to

resign to protest his reaction to Charlottesville.

As usual, Mr. Trump found his voice by tweeting angrily about the news media.

By Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Trump�s staff sensed the culmination of a familiar cycle:

The president was about to revert to his initial, more defiant stance.

As Mr. Trump approached the microphone in the lobby of Trump Tower on Tuesday, aides

winced at the prospect of an unmediated president.

With good reason.

�Alt-left� groups were also �very, very violent,� Mr. Trump said early in his exchange

with reporters.

He went on to assign �blame on both sides� � echoing his comments on Saturday, and

reigniting a fight that has sunk staff morale after a brief bump in enthusiasm that followed

the hiring of Mr. Kelly, who was to impose discipline on a chaotic West Wing.

Eric Cantor, a former Republican congressman from Virginia who was a member of Republican

leadership, was horrified by what took place in Charlottesville, and said the president

needed to have spoken out earlier.

�It really did demand a statement at the very beginning,� said Mr. Cantor, who is


He added that efforts by the president to equate the actions of the counterprotesters,

however violent they may have been, with the neo-Nazis and the driver of the car that murdered

a protester were �unacceptable.�

�There�s no moral equivalence,� Mr. Cantor said.

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