Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Youtube daily report Aug 16 2017

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Pink - What About Us (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:32.


Roman Polanski : Une 3e femme l'accuse d'agression sexuelle sur mineure - Duration: 4:05.

Roman Polanski : Une 3e femme l'accuse d'agression sexuelle sur mineure

Le lendemain, jai dit à un(e) ami(e) ce que M. Polanski mavait fait, a-t-elle expliqué en lisant une déclaration.

Mais la raison pour laquelle jai gardé cela pour moi, cest que je ne voulais pas que mon père fasse quelque chose qui aurait pu lenvoyer en prison pour le reste de sa vie, a-t-elle ajouté.

Lavocate Gloria Allred, qui représente Robin, a précisé que lagression avait eu lieu dans le Sud de la Californie, mais que sa cliente ne donnerait pas plus de détails.

Mais quest-ce qui a décidé cette femme à sortir de son silence plus de quarante ans après les faits ? La nouvelle accusatrice du metteur en scène de Rosemarys baby et de Chinatown a expliqué quelle avait été motivée par lattitude de Samantha Geimer, la victime au centre de laffaire de viol sur mineur, qui a enjoint, début juin, les autorités à clore le dossier.

Geimer avait déjà pardonné publiquement à son agresseur mais cest la première fois quelle formulait cette requête. Une demande à laquelle le procureur sest jusquici opposé.

Bien quil y ait prescription sur son cas, la dénommée Robin pourrait être appelée à témoigner lors dun futur procès, a fait valoir Mme Allred, avocate spécialisée dans les affaires dagressions sexuelles qui était aux côtés de lactrice britannique Charlotte Lewis, lorsque cette dernière avait révélé en 2010 que le réalisateur lavait forcée à avoir une relation sexuelle lorsquelle avait 16 ans.

Depuis plus de quarante ans, le cinéaste, qui aura 84 ans vendredi, est accusé davoir drogué Samantha Geimer quand elle avait 13 ans, et de lavoir violée dans la maison de Jack Nicholson à Los Angeles en 1977 pendant que lacteur était en voyage.

À lépoque, Roman Polanski avait reconnu avoir eu des relations sexuelles illégales avec une mineure et, en échange, le juge avait accepté de ne pas retenir dautres chefs dinculpation plus graves, notamment le viol avec fourniture et usage de drogue.

Laccord juridique avait été obtenu avec le consentement de la famille de la jeune victime et de ses avocats. Après 48 jours en détention pour subir un examen psychologique, il avait été libéré pour terminer un tournage.

Daprès des documents déposés par son avocat Harland Braun, Polanski avait obtenu par le juge en charge de laffaire que les sept semaines quil avait déjà passées en détention seraient sa seule peine dincarcération.

Mais en 1978, convaincu que le juge allait revenir sur cette promesse et lenvoyer en prison, pour peut-être des décennies, il avait fui le pays pour la France.

Depuis, le cinéaste qui sest marié à lactrice Emmanuelle Seigner avec qui il a eu deux enfants, a toujours refusé de retourner aux États-Unis sans assurance quil ne serait plus emprisonné.

For more infomation >> Roman Polanski : Une 3e femme l'accuse d'agression sexuelle sur mineure - Duration: 4:05.


これは反則。フェラーリ「488スパイダー」ベースのマンソリー「4XXシラクーサ」がカッコよすぎる件 - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> これは反則。フェラーリ「488スパイダー」ベースのマンソリー「4XXシラクーサ」がカッコよすぎる件 - Duration: 2:27.


[Update] Big Kazakus Priest while Asking You All Some Questions! - Duration: 6:28.

Hey guys, StitchEFrog tuning in here with a new video today, and today what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be

Telling you guys some things asking you guys some things all over

A really weird hearthstone gameplay my friend. I were talking earlier, and we just wanted to have random fun

So we both made a deck we both tried to play it. I was at rank 13 dropped to Rank 15

Just it was just bad, but the deck was a lot of fun to play

It's a little bit like big priest except with Shadowform and Raza and Kazakus

And it was just a bunch of fun to play and this is one of my best highlights from it

So I hope you guys enjoy watching it

Basically what I wanted to get to today was to ask you primarily some questions

So first things first I wanted to ask you guys about my edits

So I have a bunch of edits that I make pretty much just for fun. They're not that good

I just kind of like making them because I think they're funny, so

The links to these edits are on the screen right now if you guys want to go see them

And if you guys want those on this channel instead of the old channel, I will start uploading my new ones on this channel

I don't upload them consistently, but I would say I make maybe once a week

I think that's about how often I make them. I only make them if something strikes me

as funny, and I want to try and make it

If you guys want to those in this channel, let me know you guys can let me know by going on my telegram

Which I have in the description @StitchEFrog

or my discord at Stitch#5123 or just comment down below and let me know

Whichever way you guys want to do. I will get back to you guys as soon as possible in any platform

Also, if you guys want to play Hearthstone or play Minecraft pretty much anything

I'm just kind of down to play with anybody you guys want to reach out to me on those same sites

off of that topic now

I wanted to move on to what you guys want to see if

You guys would rather see videos like this where it's a voiceover

And I'm not actually playing the game while I'm doing it

Then I would love to do that and just give me like a topic if you guys want to hear me talk about them

Or I can just talk about random Irl stories

Pretty much anything that you guys want to see I will do my best to make because right now

I'm just kind of trying to you know test out the waters and see what I can do see what I'm good at

But that's not really important. What's important is that

You guys enjoy what I make and I just want to make content that people enjoy

So if you guys enjoy things like this great

I will keep on doing videos like this. If you guys want to see different videos if you guys want to see certain challenges in Hearthstone

Challenges in Minecraft playing certain servers in Minecraft anything like that let me know and I will try it out

And that's all I really had tell you guys right now

except for the fact that I am back to staff on

ViperHCF / ViperMC and I will be trying to get staff series every so often for you guys

That's what you guys want to see

That's all for now, and now enjoy some music from NCS

I'll have links of the videos in the description, these are just two of my favorites

For more infomation >> [Update] Big Kazakus Priest while Asking You All Some Questions! - Duration: 6:28.


中古価格は驚愕の6億円 ランボルギーニ「ヴェネーノ・ロードスター」が中古市場に登場 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 中古価格は驚愕の6億円 ランボルギーニ「ヴェネーノ・ロードスター」が中古市場に登場 - Duration: 1:45.


やっぱ中東は違う。彼女に世界限定9台で5億円以上もするランボルギーニ「ヴェネーノ・ロードスター」をプレゼント - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> やっぱ中東は違う。彼女に世界限定9台で5億円以上もするランボルギーニ「ヴェネーノ・ロードスター」をプレゼント - Duration: 1:39.


LEGO© Limbo Challenge

For more infomation >> LEGO© Limbo Challenge


Suzuki S-Cross 1.4 High Executive All-Grip, Navi, Leder, Nw model, Open dak, Xenon etc - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.4 High Executive All-Grip, Navi, Leder, Nw model, Open dak, Xenon etc - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> MINI Countryman 1.6i COOPER S 184PK CHILI NAVIGATIE LEDER BLUETOOTH PDC LMV18 * 2 JAAR GARANTIE! * - Duration: 0:58.


Volvo V50 bjr 2012 1.6 D2 85kW/115pk S/S LIMITED EDITION CLIMA + CRUISE + LEER + STOELVERW + NAVI + - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 bjr 2012 1.6 D2 85kW/115pk S/S LIMITED EDITION CLIMA + CRUISE + LEER + STOELVERW + NAVI + - Duration: 0:53.


Cyril Hanouna - TPMP : l'animateur fait de rares confidences sur la religion - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Cyril Hanouna - TPMP : l'animateur fait de rares confidences sur la religion - Duration: 3:23.


Les moustiques! Voici la solution qui marche mieux que tous les insecticides - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Les moustiques! Voici la solution qui marche mieux que tous les insecticides - Duration: 6:06.


Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.8i 16V FUTURA ECC CRUISE PDC LMV16 TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.8i 16V FUTURA ECC CRUISE PDC LMV16 TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:01.


Top 10 Terrifying Facts About the Yakuza - Duration: 16:07.

The yakuza is

the Japanese mafia and their name essentially means "good for nothing."

The name is believed to be drawn from the lowest hand in the Japanese card game baccara,

which is similar to Blackjack.

In the game, getting the cards ya-ku-sa ("eight-nine-three") is the worst possible hand you can get.

Yakuza can refer to the crime syndicates as a whole, or to an individual gang member,

who are also called gyangu ("gangster").

These are 10 of the most terrifying facts about these notorious gangsters…



One of the most noticeable ways members of the yakuza can stick out are their extensive

tattoos, called irezumi.

Most of the time it covers their entire torso, except for a stripe down the middle of the


Sometimes, it can even

cover most of their bodies.

The tattoos are designed to be hidden under the clothes, and the stripe down their chest

allows them to open their shirt collar or wear a robe without revealing them.

The tattoo process is expensive, time consuming, and utterly painful.

They aren't done with electric needles; instead, it's performed by hand with a needle

made from steel or bamboo.

The artist dips the needle in some ink and then repeatedly punctures the skin.

The tattoos can sometimes take years to be completed.

There are several reasons why the yakuza embraced irezumi.

First, it's expensive, so it shows that they have money.

Secondly, since it's so painful, it shows the man is tough for sitting through hours

upon hours of the process.

In recent years, the yakuza has moved away from getting tattoos because of public backlash.

The yakuza also generally try to make an effort to blend in.

Also, since the tattoos have gone out of favor, there are not many tattoo artists who can

do the technique.


Huge Membership

It's tough to determine what exactly is the foundation of the yakuza, but some experts

think that their lineage can be traced back to gangs of ronin, which were samurai without


Others think that they came from a group of grifters and gamblers dating back to Japan's

feudal era.

The yakuza is also not one big group, either.

It's comprised of several gangs called boryokudan, which means "violence groups."

As of early 2017, there were 22 recognized groups, divided into separate clans.

The largest of these groups is Yamaguchi-gumi, who account for about a quarter of all yakuza


Yakuza membership exploded after World War II.

By the early 1960s, there were 184,100 yakuza members, but that number dropped to around

60,000 for several decades.

In the 1990s, they saw a resurgence and there were about 80,000 members until 2011, when

their numbers started to dramatically drop.

That's when the Japanese government enacted some new laws to combat the yakuza by restricting

their revenue.

In late 2016, their numbers were the lowest since the National Police Agency started keeping

records, at about 39,100 members.

However, this low membership number isn't necessarily a good thing.

Jake Adelstein, who is a reporter working in Japan and an expert on the yakuza, told

the South China Morning Press that the drop in numbers is probably only temporary.

In December 2016, Japan legalized gambling and in about five years, casinos are expected

to start opening.

That's about how long it will take former yakuza members to get a clean record.

Adelstein thinks that this will create a lot of opportunities for the yakuza.

They will be able to get "reformed" gang members into the casino, where they will be

able to skim profits or blackmail people who lose big, which will generate huge revenue

streams that will, in turn, allow the yakuza to employ more members.


The Godfather of Godfathers

The most infamous yakuza oyabun (chairman/boss) was Kazuo Taoka, who was the head of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Taoka was born in a small village on the island of Shikoku.

He was orphaned at a young age and sent to Kobe, where he worked

in shipyards.

In 1929, he started to hang out with members of the Yamaguchi-gumi and became a blood member

in 1936.

During this time, he got the nickname that he'd keep for the rest of his life: Kubo,

which means bear.

He got the nickname because he had a tendency to claw and gouge out his opponents' eyes.

In 1936, Taoka went to jail for slashing a rival gang member to death.

He was released in 1943, and found Yamaguchi-gumi in shambles because of World War II.

After the war, in 1946, Taoka (then 33-years-old) became the leader of Yamaguchi-gumi after

the previous oyabun died from natural causes.

Taoka had an amazing gift for organization and he grew Yamaguchi-gumi to be the most

dominant boryokudan in Japan.

The godfather of godfathers, as Taoka was called, died in July 1981, at the age of 68.



Yubitsume, which translates to finger-shortening, is the act where a yakuza amputates a piece

of his little finger as a way to atone for a mistake or misdeed.

This act can be done either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Often they volunteer as a way to avoid a larger punishment, like being kicked out or being

killed (possibly by being forced to commit suicide).

It stems from a punishment that was inflicted on gamblers who didn't pay their debts in

feudal Japan.

Besides causing a lot of pain, without their whole pinky, it made it difficult for the

person to handle a sword.

If they couldn't handle a sword, they couldn't defend themselves, and it would make them

more vulnerable.

It was adopted by the yakuza because it might affect them in hand-to-hand combat and while

handling guns, so it would discourage members from doing something wrong.

There was also a benefit to the yakuza if their members are weaker, because they would

need to depend on their boryokudan even more.

There are different accounts of how the ritual is done, but what stays the same is the yakuza

has to do it to himself.

One account of the ritual is that it's done while their oyabun supervises.

There is a cloth laid flat and the offender places his left hand on the cloth, palm up.

Then, using a sharp knife, called a tanto, they cut the pinky at the distal interphalangeal

joint, which is the top knuckle.

Once that is done, they wrap it up and hand it to the oyabun.

Another version, which was pulled from court testimony, made the act sound a lot less ritualistic.

The witness said that the boss wasn't at the amputation and testified: "The actual

procedure is to take… a little silver knife – on a table – and you pull it towards

you and bend over and your body weight will snap your finger off…The finger that is

severed is put in a small bottle with alcohol and your name is written on it and it is sent

to whoever you're repenting to as a sign that you are sorry."

In 1993, a government survey found that 45 percent of yakuza members were missing part

of their little finger and 15 percent had to perform the act more than once.

Yubitsume doesn't happen as often anymore because the yakuza has been trying to blend

into society, and missing pieces of your finger is a good way to stick out.


Tadamasa Goto's Liver

Tadamasa Goto is the founder of the Goto-gumi, which is a large Yamaguchi-gumi affiliated


When he was in power, he was one of the most dominant and successful yakuza bosses in the

country, which is why he was called "The John Gotti of Japan."

Since Goto was a notorious gangster, he wasn't allowed to enter the United States.

This presented a problem for Goto in 2001 because the 59-year-old gangster needed a

liver transplant.

Liver problems are pretty common among the yakuza because gangsters who run red light

districts aren't exactly known for their clean living.

Also, their tattoos are so dense that it blocks sweat from exiting their body, meaning fewer

toxins leave their body, taking a toll on the liver.

Supposedly, liver damage is a sign of pride among the yakuza.

For example, they will say things like "I drank enough to destroy three livers."

However, due to restrictive organ transplant laws, transplants are hard to get in Japan.

This led to Goto striking a secret deal where he gave the FBI information on the yakuza

and he donated money to the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles in exchange for a liver transplant

for himself and three of his underlings.

The transplant stayed a secret until Jake Adelstein published a story about it in 2008.

UCLA claimed that the men each paid $400,000 in cash for their livers and Goto donated


However, Adelstein uncovered that Goto and one of the other yakuza gangsters each paid

$1 million for their livers.

Also, Goto would have been number 80 on the wait list for a liver, but he managed to get

a transplant in six weeks.

Two other people, including the second person on the wait list, died in area hospitals around

the time that Goto got his transplant.

When the UCLA Medical Center was asked about the transplants on men who were tattooed and

missing pieces of their pinkies, they declined to comment.

After getting the transplant, Goto went back to Japan and he remained the leader of Goto-gumi

until 2008.

In retirement, he joined the Buddhist priesthood and published an autobiography called Habakarinagara

("Pardon Me, But…

"). It was a bestseller and he said his royalties were donated to charity.


The Yakuza are Heavily Involved in Japanese Politics and the Japanese Elite

The yakuza plays an interesting role in Japanese society.

For many years, the people of Japan begrudgingly accepted that the yakuza were part of the

culture, so the yakuza worked out in the open.

They are also long time donors and supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which

is a right wing party that has been in power in Japan since 1955, with the exception of

five years – between 1993 and 1994 and 2009 to 2012.

Every so often, a scandal erupts when it's exposed that a politician received money from

the yakuza or one of their business-fronts.

Many times, it's not enough to ruin a career, and the politician usually doesn't resign.

One of the biggest political scandals happened during one of the few years when the LDP was

not in power.

Instead, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) was in power and they ran on a platform of

cleaning up the government and cracking down on the yakuza.

But then in October 2012, the DPJ appointed a man named Keishu Tanaka as the Minister

of Justice.

It turned out that he was heavily connected to the yakuza and the fact that the head of

their justice system was mobbed-up shocked Japan.

Tanaka resigned a few weeks later.

Besides money, another way that the yakuza help the LDP is by whipping up support in

rural areas.

In these areas, the campaign chiefs are yakuza who are also the head of the agricultural

cooperative, called nokyo, and the nokyo are connected to yakuza-run construction companies.

Many of the rice growers who are part of the nokyo also work construction jobs because

they don't make enough from growing rice.

Obviously, since people in the area are depending on the yakuza to work, the yakuza can be very

influential when it comes to drumming up votes for the LDP… who, again, have been in power

for 57 of the last 62 years.


Human Trafficking

According to the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, Japan has the fourth

biggest GDP just behind the United States, China, and the European Union.

They are one of the most technologically advanced societies and they have some of the lowest

crime rates in the world.

Their murder rate is only 0.3 per 100,000 people.

Despite how advanced and prosperous the country is, Japan has a horrifying human trafficking


Since 2001, the U.S. Department of State has released the Trafficking in Persons (TIP)

Report measuring countries on their human trafficking problems and what steps their

governments are taking to combat the problem.

There are four levels: tier 1, tier 2, tier 2 watch list, and tier 3, and then there is

a category for special cases.

Tier 1 countries are the best at handling human trafficking.

This includes countries like the United States, Australia, Canada, and many countries in Europe.

Japan, on the other hand, has never been ranked higher than a tier 2 country and has dipped

to tier 2 watch list in the past.

Tier 2 are "Countries whose governments do not fully meet the Trafficking Victims

Protection Act's minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to meet those


Other Tier 2 countries include Iraq, and the Northern triangle countries, which are El

Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

The Northern Triangle is the most violent area of the world that isn't at war, and

it's on par with Japan in terms of human trafficking.

Much of the human trafficking in Japan is handled by the yakuza.

The yakuza got their start in human trafficking during World War II, when they worked with

the Japanese empire to provide "comfort women" to soldiers.

The women were often from South Korea and other countries that were invaded by Japan

in World War II.

After the war, the yakuza set up brothels, which were frequented by American servicemen.

They also set up sex-tourism destinations in East Asia for Japanese men who were earning

better incomes after the war and could travel abroad inexpensively based on the strength

of the yen.

However, in the 1980s, women's groups started to protest sex tourism, so the yakuza made

a change.

Instead of men traveling to have sex with prostitutes, they simply brought foreign women

to Japan and set up brothels in red light districts.

These brothels are still in business and found throughout Japan.

It should also be noted that sex tourism didn't end, it just changed.

The yakuza now send men out of the country to have sex with children.

As for why Japan hasn't cracked down on the yakuza's human trafficking activities,

it probably doesn't hurt that the government that they financially support and campaign

for has been in near-constant power for the past 60 years.


Host and Hostess Clubs

In Japan, there are bars called hostess and host clubs, where patrons can come and meet

a woman, who is called a hostess, or a man, who is a host, and they have drinks and converse.

However, the host and hostess clubs have a rather sinister side, as they are either owned

by the yakuza or yakuza associated.

According to Jake Adelstein, what happens is that a woman visits a host club to have

a "boyfriend experience" with one of the hosts.

As they drink, the host encourages the woman to keep buying expensive drinks, for which

they get a commission.

Sometimes the women rack up huge bills and when they can't pay, the yakuza may force

them to work off their debt, which can be done through prostitution.

This can even happen to girls under the age of 18, who are blackmailed or forced into

prostitution to pay what they owe.

If forcing women, especially teenagers, into prostitution to pay off a bar debt wasn't

bad enough, the yakuza have a system in place that the women will never work off the debt.

For example, they'll only be able pay off the interest, or they'll be "invited"

to host birthday parties, and then they are charged money to attend the party, which creates

more debt.

Essentially, the yakuza makes these women sex slaves because of a night out where they

spent a bit too much money.


They Are One of the Wealthiest Organized Criminal Syndicates in the World

Besides the sex trade, another major source of income for the yakuza is drugs – especially


The yakuza reportedly account for one-third of the multi-billion dollar East Asian meth


As for how much money the entire yakuza organization makes as a whole, that's tough to say because

there are so many boryokudan, and they are comprised of hundreds of clans.

The last figure was from 1989, and it was estimated that they were making about Y1.3

trillion, which is worth about $10 billion today.

There are more recent estimates about how much revenue the biggest boryokudan, Yamaguchi-gumi,

generates and it's believed to be in the neighborhood of $6.6 billion.

This makes Yamaguchi-gumi one of the richest gangs in the world.


Their Bloodiest War

There have been several yakuza wars over the past several decades, but the bloodiest started

in 1985.

The roots of the war date back to July 23, 1981, when Kazuo Taoka, who you'll remember

from entry #8, died of natural causes.

The person who would have assumed the position as oyabun was Kenichi Yamamoto, who was the


However, when Taoka died, Yamamoto was in prison.

So the lieutenants decided to wait until he got out of prison, and then he would lead

the gang.

But then Yamamoto died from liver failure in prison on February 4, 1982.

With the two heads of the gang dead, the lieutenants voted on who would take on the leadership

and elected Masahisa Takenaka.

However, like many elections not everyone was happy with the results.

In this case, it was a man named Hiroshi Yamamoto.

Hiroshi Yamamoto broke away from the Yamaguchi-gumi and formed his own group, Ichiwa-kai.

They kickstarted the war by shooting to death Takenaka and two prominent members of the

Yamaguchi-gumi while they were in an elevator.

The war led to more shootings, which are incredibly rare in Japan because of strict gun laws,

and bombings over the next four years.

Things got so bad that Japanese newspapers kept a scorecard of the dead and injured.

The war was eventually won by Yamaguchi-gumi, who had many more soldiers.

By the time the war was over, 36 people were dead and scores more were injured.

Once the war came to an end, the members of Yamaguchi-gumi elected Yoshinori Watanabe,

aka Mr. Gorilla, to be their leader in 1989.

Watanabe was considered a strong and intelligent leader, growing membership and profits, but

he resigned (or was forced to resign) in 2005 as public heat increased on the yakuza.

The current oyabun of Yamaguchi-gumi is Kenichi Shinoda.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Terrifying Facts About the Yakuza - Duration: 16:07.


Macha Méril raconte sa première nuit d'amour avec Michel Legrand - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Macha Méril raconte sa première nuit d'amour avec Michel Legrand - Duration: 4:23.


Rihanna : Chris Brown dit tout de la nuit où il a frappé la star - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Rihanna : Chris Brown dit tout de la nuit où il a frappé la star - Duration: 2:40.


Lequel parmi les choix suivants ne figure pas parmi les avantages d'être membre Desjardins ? - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Lequel parmi les choix suivants ne figure pas parmi les avantages d'être membre Desjardins ? - Duration: 1:01.


小S嘲笑阿雅醜女22年 如今仨女兒顏值被阿雅女兒甩出幾條街! - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 小S嘲笑阿雅醜女22年 如今仨女兒顏值被阿雅女兒甩出幾條街! - Duration: 4:43.


Andrea Duro publica la foto más 's...xy' de Javier 'Chicharito' Hernández | Noticias Habitación - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Andrea Duro publica la foto más 's...xy' de Javier 'Chicharito' Hernández | Noticias Habitación - Duration: 2:02.


Céline Dion en suppor­trice délu­rée pour le match de hockey de son fils René-Charles - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Céline Dion en suppor­trice délu­rée pour le match de hockey de son fils René-Charles - Duration: 2:14.


Battlefield 1 Rush on Foa Fortress (No commentary) - Duration: 10:52.

Thats all hoped you enjoyed make sure to drop a like and subscrbe and ill see you next time

For more infomation >> Battlefield 1 Rush on Foa Fortress (No commentary) - Duration: 10:52.


The Easiest Path To Career Success - Duration: 5:00.


You, my friend, are special.

How many times have you heard that?

Hopefully, enough that you believe it

because I believe it

and let me tell you why.

I believe that each one of us a special in our own way

that there is something that you do really, really well.

Matter of fact, you do it better than most people,

and you easily do it better than most people.

Do you know what it is?

I hope so,

and I hope you've found a way

to express it in your life.

My belief is that each one of us is born with a special gift and a talent

and that when we find a way to manifest it,

find a way to express it in our life,

we and everyone around us benefits.

You see, I'm really glad that Michael Jordan

decided to share with us

his special gift and talent

as a basketball player.

I'm glad that Jimmy Johnson

decided to become a racecar driver.

I'm glad that Oprah Winfrey

and Louise Hay

decided to get into self-help.

I'm glad that

Marvin Gaye and Greg Allman and Martina McBride

decided to be singers.

And I'm glad that Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs

decided to get into technology.

You see, everybody uses their special gift and talent in a different way.

Some people use it for their career,

some people as an avocation,

some people as a hobby,

some people just find a way to wrap their whole life around it,

and it comes out in a lot of different ways.

If you are interested in finding a career right now,

my strong suggestion would be to gravitate toward,

search for

the things that you do really well easily.

Giving yourself

the greatest chance

of being successful.

What would it be like

if everybody did that?

If everybody used their special gift and talent

toward their career

so that everybody loved their job?

Well obviously that's not gonna happen,

but it's certainly easy for us to identify the people who haven't done that.

They're the people who are really struggling in their careers.

They're doing things that maybe they don't even like;

they don't come easily to them.

So, therefore, they're not very successful,

and in the process,

they're probably making everybody's life around them miserable.

And it is also easy to identify

the people who are using their gifts and talents.

And things are coming pretty easily to them,

and they're happy in their jobs,

and they enjoy what they're doing,

and they are a pleasure to be around

watching them

do what they do.

Whether your talents and gifts lie in the area of

you love organizing,

or you are a great designer,

or you are a great entertainer,

or you love socializing,

it doesn't really make any difference.

Folks, whatever gift and talent you have,

there's a way to translate that to,

to convert that

into making a career out of it.

If you've got it,

somebody else has already converted it

and are using it for their career.

So, I wish you well

in your search for what you're doing really well

that comes easily,

that comes naturally to you.

You know, there's a saying that says

if you do what you love,

you'll never work a day in your life.

I cannot tell you,

how much I disagree

with that statement.

Because for a lifetime now,

I've been doing things

that I love to do,

where I've been using my gifts and talents,

and you know what?

It's been work.

So I'm not suggesting to you

you're not going to have to work.

I'm not suggesting

you're not going to have to develop your gift or talent.

I'm not suggesting to you

there's not going to be hurdles along the way and challenges

for you to overcome.

They will be there,

but to me,

your best chance at success

is to gravitate toward the things

that with 20% effort,

you get 80% of return.

Let's face it,

over one-half of our waking life

we're going to spend working.

Why would we not, then,

look for

things that we love to do,

that come easily to us, that give us the best chance of success

for a career?

So, I wish you well looking for those things.

I wish you well

finding a way

to wrap your life around that,

express that,

manifest it,

and then I look forward

to being a part

of seeing you do it,

hearing you do it,

watching you do it.

Folks, that's my perspective,

what yours?

Swing by our website

and I leave us a comment

or a question.

Check out other videos like this one,

and if you like this one,

please pass it on.

It's been a pleasure being with you.

Till next time...

See ya.

For more infomation >> The Easiest Path To Career Success - Duration: 5:00.


6 Easy Steps To A Happier YOU - Duration: 6:23.


Folks, I've got a suggestion for you today I think you're going to find fun

and beneficial

all at the same time.

In previous videos,

I've giving you suggestions

on how to identify

the elements,

the components,

that you can add to your life

to create happiness and success.

I'm going to give you another one today.

All you need for this exercise is

your phone, a tablet, computer,

or sheet of paper, and something to write with,

your preference there,

and little bit of time.

And what we're going to do, and this is the fun part,

sit down and think about

times in your life when you would say,

Craig, I really had it going on,

everything in my life was going well.

Whether you characterize that as,

man my life was really clicking,

everything was really flowing,

I was like a well-oiled machine.

I don't care how you characterize it.

In your estimation,

your determination,

you're saying to me,

Craig, things were going really, really well.

It was a good time for me.

And we're going to take those,

and hopefully we have more than one,

but let's take the first one.

And then, kind of dissect it,

dive a little bit deeper,

and identify in it,

everything that you had going on in your life at that time.

Where you were in your relationships,

where you are living,

how you were spending your time,

who you were spending your time with,

what was going on with your job, everything.

What your mental attitude was.

And you're going to write all that down

and then hopefully you have a second event in your life,

a second time in your life

where can do the same thing

and a third time.

If you can come up with three,

that's great.

Let me give you a suggestion

on what I mean by that,

my recipe for success

contains these ingredients:

number one, by far,

is staying strong physically.

So, my exercise program, to me,

is the most important thing on my list.

It's got an additional benefit to it,

beyond just feeling

physically strong,

and that is when I'm physically strong

I'm also mentally strong

and emotionally strong.

So, it translates into me being

more patient,

more persistent,

more courageous,

beyond being just physically in good shape.

Another element

to my success formula

is that I quiet the time,



get off the grid.

Whatever you want to call that,

some quiet time in my life to me,

is very important.

As is eating healthy,

as is hanging out with people

who I really enjoy their company,

as is doing meaningful work



is very important to me.

All those

are on my recipe

for success.

So, when I am

feeling down,

feeling like life is not really kind of flowing the way I want it to,

it's not going in the direction maybe I want it to

it is a very simple process

for me to pull out the list

of the ingredients

to my success formula


compare them

with where I am in life right now.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist for me to figure out,


there's a bunch of stuff over here

that I don't see in my life right now.

How am I going to get it back?

Just because you identify it

doesn't mean you can automatically add it back,

but the fact that you identify it

is the first step to you saying putting it kind of on the front burner,

and say

you know, when I get a chance, I need to add more them back into my life.

So, there was a time in my life,

when I had tons of meaningful work.

I actually kind of had too much work

and that I was working so much,

it was eating into my exercise time

and I wasn't spending as much time with my friends

and playtime, well forget about it that wasn't happening at all.

And all I had to do is identify that and say

how am I going to put that back in my life?

So let's go back to the list that you have created.

You've taken three times in your life

and you've dissected them

and identified

all the things that were in your life at that point in time.

Now we're going to compare the three lists.

Is there any line item

that is on




And you say, Yep there's one right there,

it's on all three lists.

Well, we're going to pull that off.

We're going to put it on our fourth list

which we're titling

this is our Recipe for Success.

Here are all the ingredients.

Now, if it happens to be something like,

you were spending time with

a person,

call it person "A",

and on list number two,

it was person "B",

and on list number three...

It's not a matter of the individual person,

what you would extract

to put on your recipe for success is,

I was spending time

with somebody who was significant in my life,

as opposed to the individual person.

Similar to


maybe I had a job

in number one

that I really, really enjoyed

and then I changed jobs,

but I really enjoy that one.

And then, I changed jobs again

and I really...

It's not a matter the individual jobs.

What you put on your master list is,

I had a job

that was meaningful to me,


and I really enjoyed it.

And so, if you do that with things that are on all three lists,

depending on how many you come up with,

you may have to go back to your list and say

Now, is there anything that's on

two out of three lists?

Cause two out of three ain't bad.

And I'll pull those off,

and put those on my master list.

And that exercise

is going to get you

a list of

what I call


in your recipe to success.

These are the things I've just identified,

that when I have them in my life,

life's going pretty well.

So there's a good chance,

if I were to compare that list to my life right now

and there's something that's missing,

maybe I would think about adding that back in

to increase my enjoyment

and happiness

and success in life.

So, folks

that's my perspective,

what's yours?

Swing by our website

and leave us a comment

or a question.

Check out other videos like this one,

and if you like this one,

please pass it on.

It's been a pleasure being with you,

till next time,

see ya.

For more infomation >> 6 Easy Steps To A Happier YOU - Duration: 6:23.


How A Challenging Employee Can Make You A Better Leader - Duration: 5:18.


So, are your difficult folks

driving you crazy?

Are your challenging people

causing you to

want to pull your hair out?

Do you have any

bad apples?

Well, you know what they say about bad apples,

one bad apple

spoils the bunch.

But, what they also say

is when life gives you lemons

make lemonade.

So how do we turn are bad apples

into lemonade?

Well, if you've got some

challenging folks,

some difficult folks, some bad apples,

don't feel alone it's very common.

I hear it from managers all the time in my leadership courses.

I hear them saying things like

Craig, you know, I wish I didn't have these folks

I wish I had a team

of nothing but

high performers.

Well, let's face it, high performers are great to work with

because they come to work every day

demanding of themselves

their best.

They are self-driven,


If they make a mistake, they'll raise their hand,

accept responsibility,

allow you to hold them accountable.

They're great helping their teammates,

they're just wonderful people who work with.

So, I understand the perspective

of saying

Craig, I wish I had a team

of nothing but high performers.

But, here's another side of it.

Here's another perspective,

maybe that team

of high performers

isn't forcing you

to be as good a leader


maybe you're more challenging folks.

Let's face it,

if we were to take all of our high performers

and put them in a canoe

floating down a

lazy river

with a gentle current,

no ripples in the water,

no wind to speak of,

your leadership of them,

your direction to them would simply be

folks, keep it in the middle.

Well shoot, they didn't need that from you.

They could have kept it in the middle by themselves.

They don't demand a lot of leadership from you,

like people who are challenging.

Leadership is demanded when that canoe

gets to the rapids.

When there's some major event

in business

that causes you to step up to the plate as a leader.

And rapids is also defined as

bad apples,

challenging people,

difficult people.

Those are also folks that expect you to step up to the plate

and provide leadership.

Let's face it,

these folks

expect of you,

demand of you,

to hold everybody on the team

equally accountable.

And if you don't,

they'll hold you accountable for it.

They expect you

to provide performance management

in the right way, and if you don't do it,

you'll hear about it.

They expect you, if they're in a union,

to know the contract because they do

and if you don't interpret it correctly, they'll let you know.

These are people that absolutely expect you to respect them

in the way you treat them, in the way you talk to them,

and if you don't, you're going to know about it.

These are the people that challenge you at every turn.

And in some ways even cause you to think at times

you know what, why did I even get into leadership in the

first place?

But, these are the people,

who through their actions,

are giving you opportunities

to grow,

to learn,

to develop some of your leadership skills

that need developing.

They're giving you opportunities, to step up to the plate,

to become a better leader.

You know, Thomas Edison once said,


is missed by most people

because it is dressed in overalls

and looks like work."

Well, that leads us to the question

of work.

Who's working for whom?

Are you working for them

or are they working for you?

My belief is,

it's a little bit of both.

And on your side,

I believe your responsibility

to your folks

is to provide them

everything they need to be successful.

To provide them the resources, the guidance,

the direction, the support,

the information,

everything they need to be successful.

And then you are justified

in holding them accountable

for being successful.

When your folks are successful,

you, as a leader,

will be successful.

So, whenever you're troubled by this challenging employee,

this bad apple,

and you're ready to say

Gosh, I wish I didn't have the situation in my life.

Stop for a second, hit the pause button,

adopt the other perspective, and say

you know what, this is an opportunity right now

for me to learn, to grow,

to become a better leader.

And as I'm doing that,

it's also giving me an opportunity to help

this employee



become a better employee,

become a better team member.

And that is how

we turn bad apples

into lemonade.

Folks, that's my perspective,

what's yours?

Swing by our website

leave us a comment

or a question.

Check out other videos like this,

and if you like this one,

please pass it on.

It's been a pleasure being with you,

till next time,

see ya.

For more infomation >> How A Challenging Employee Can Make You A Better Leader - Duration: 5:18.


Amel Bent à nouveau enceinte ? - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Amel Bent à nouveau enceinte ? - Duration: 2:23.


How To Capture The Attention Of Any Audience - Duration: 5:47.

If you're searching for ways to become a better speaker, or if you don't consider

yourself to be a speaker, you're just looking for ways to become more

effective delivering a message, then you have come to the right place. I've got

some tips for you today I know you're going to enjoy, and I'm certain you've

heard somebody speaking who has not been aware of these tips, nor used them, and

it's had a profound effect on you, and I'm also equally certain you've heard

people who have used these tips, and it's a huge difference in that person than

the first person I talked about. Let me tell you what I'm talking about. Have you

not been listening to somebody, and as they're delivering their message you are

bored out of your mind; you're really struggling to pay attention, struggling

to stay engaged? You almost can't wait for it to be over,

correct, and have you not also been in front of somebody speaking, and they

absolutely captured your attention? You were hanging on every word, totally

engaged. Now what's the difference between those two people as they're

speaking? Probably a number of things, but two things I'm certain of is the person

who captured your attention was speaking powerfully, and from time to time in

their message they were using power phrases, because that's what power

phrases do. They capture your attention and hold it. So what are the keys to

using power phrases effectively? Well, the first one is to minimize your words. Your

objective is to deliver a complete thought using the fewest words, because

when you take a very powerful statement and you surround it with a lot of

unnecessary words, that you expect to listener to pay attention to, you have

just diluted the message. You've watered down and decreased the impact of the message,

so you're working against yourself. So, minimize your words. Second key, slow down,

take your time, don't rush through this. If we were to equate this to a really

good comedian on stage, they may be going a hundred miles an hour as they're

delivering the joke, but by gosh, when they get to the punchline they slow down,

take their time, emphasize every word, so you hear every word, and get the joke.

And the third key is do not use contractions. A contraction is when we

take two words and put them together to make one word. I am, put together, is I'm.

Do not, put together, is don't. The problem with those, is that when we make

a contraction, we minimize the impact. Listen to these two statements; do not

use contractions, or don't use contractions. You see the difference?

So, to recap, minimize your words, slow down as you are delivering power phrases,

and do not use contractions. Let's take a look at some power phrases to see what

they look like, and hear what they sound like. There is no doubt in my mind... Do you

hear how definitive that is? Or, I am convinced that... I assure you... I am

confident that... I am certain that... I am ready. I like using that one with another

one of the power phrases, and so when you put those two sentences together, you

could say, I am certain this is the approach we should be using, and I am

ready to start today. Or the last one I want to give you is, I am extremely

fortunate that... Now that's not an exhaustive list, nor did I want it to be.

I want you to play around with this. I want you to

select words that you believe have power and impact and design your own power

phrases and power statements, because as you design your own, as you deliver them,

they're going to sound like you and they'll be more believable.

You know this investment that you're putting into yourself is going to have a

profound effect on the way that you get the attention of your listener. Two

things are going to happen. One, you're going to feel very different as you're

delivering power phrases. You're going to know and feel, man, what I just said

really had impact, and you're also going to notice a difference in the listener.

You're going to notice that they're paying attention. You're going to notice,

from time to time, that they're hanging on every word, and let's face it, that is

the purpose of power phrases. So design your own, play around with these, come up

with some that you feel really good about, really confident about, that are

natural for you, and as you deliver them you minimize your words, take your time,

and do not use contractions. Good luck with delivering these power phrases and

having a true impact on your audience. That's my perspective, what's yours? Swing

by our website and leave us a comment or a question, check out other videos like

this one, and if you like this one, please pass it on. It's been a pleasure being

with you, till next time, see ya.

For more infomation >> How To Capture The Attention Of Any Audience - Duration: 5:47.


How To Create More Excitement In Your Life - Duration: 8:21.


Make space

to embrace.

You heard me right.

Make space

to embrace.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

See, I can see, some of you going like

I think he's telling us to make space to like


like to hug or something.


And like,

I can hear myself saying that,

that's not something I would be opposed to.

My friends who know me would say

yeah, Craig enjoys a good hug every now and then.

I would love to have a little more love

and affection in my life.

That, however,

is not what I'm suggesting.

Specifically, what I am suggesting

I'll tell you in just a minute.

Let me tell you a little story first.

A couple of days ago,

I was in my doctor's office.

Now, my doctor is fabulous.

If you have an appointment with him

at 10 o'clock,

nine out of 10 times,

at 10 o'clock

he's sitting right in front of you.

That's how good he is

with his time.

This day, however,

he was running a little bit late.

So as the nurse came in,

you could tell she was rushing

and getting vital signs and making her notations and said to me

Craig, I really want to apologize

we're running a little bit late.

I'll do my best to get you out of here on time.

and I stopped her and I said

take your time, relax,

I'm not in any particular hurry.

And kind of shocked her.

She stopped and said,

well thank you very much for that

because it seems like just about

everybody else is.

Which really validated

what I've been suggesting to you

in other videos

and that is,

some of us have got our lives so packed full of stuff

that all we're doing is running from one event to the next to the next to the next

and were not even enjoying each one as we go.

If we were to compare our lives to a computer hard drive

or a USB

and we hit properties

and looked at the state of our life

what we would read would be

used space 100%

free space zero.

The frustrating part of that is,

when we're trying to add something new to our life,

there's no space for it.

And so, that maybe, we need to change.

It reminds me of a story of a friend of mine,

who was dating a woman and they were living, at the time,


They then decided to move in together,

and she was going to move in with him.

She arrives on moving day,

with all of her stuff,

grabs up some of her clothes,

goes in the apartment and opens the first door

to put her clothes in and

that closet is full.

And she goes to the second closet and opens it up

and it's full, there is no free space in that one for her clothes.

And she goes to the third cabinet

and she opens it up

and there's no free space there.

And then frustrated,

she goes back and says to him,

and of course I'm paraphrasing right now is,

you know you invited me into your life,

but you did make any space for me.

And to me this is one of the most common self-defeating things that we do.

We want new exciting things in our life,

but our life is already so packed full,

there's no space for them.

And I'm not just talking about clothes in a closet.

Essentially, we do the same things with

our lives as it relates to

our health.

There are people that I talk to who say Craig,

I've gained a little bit of weight

and I want to lose it.

So I've got to change my dietary habits

and I need to start an exercise program,

but for the life of me,

I can't figure out where I'm going to find time

to exercise

because I don't have any time in my life.

I don't have any space in my life available for that.

Or people who come to me talking about their careers.

And they want to change careers

and what that would entail is going back to school.

And they say Craig, I've got the money for this,

but I don't where I'm going to find the time

to go back to school, even to go back to school doing an online course.

I don't have the time for that.

And so,

we know going back to our hard drive,

that if we're trying to add something new into our life

and we've got a hard drive that has

zero free space,

we first have to delete something

before we can open up some space for the new.

And that, then, takes us to the decision of,

what to delete.

And all of us have probably remembered a time

when we didn't take a lot of time thinking through that,

or we were deleting in a hurry,

and we deleted the wrong thing.

And we only realized we deleted the wrong thing until after we

deleted it.

It was gone and we couldn't get it back.

And all of a sudden, we realized,

mmm maybe I should take a little bit more time

through that process

because now I regret that decision of what I deleted.

On the very same day

that I went to the doctor,

that evening,

I was watching TV.

And I happen to catch an interview

Charlie Rose was interviewing

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett

at the same time.

Two multibillionaires,

who when they met

20 years ago,

both of them were CEOs

of their respective companies.

Now Bill Gates went on to say

you know, when I met Warren Buffett

and I was the CEO at the time of Microsoft

and he was the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway,

both of us, obviously, CEO of multibillion-dollar companies,

we had a lot of things on our plate.

I had every single waking moment of my life filled up

and I was absolutely surprised

when I met him,

he told me he had lots of free time,

lots of free space.

And at that point in the interview,

Warren Buffett pulls out of his pocket,

his little day-timer,

about the same size as this,

probably similar to the one he used 20 years ago,

and he gave it to Charlie Rose.

And Charlie Rose is flipping through the pages of it

and he's looking at week after week

and he's going you know,

most of the weeks in here,

there's only like about three appointments.

And Warren Buffett said Yeah,

and by the time I get to that week,

I probably will have added only one more.

It's at that point that Bill Gates said,

you know, what I really learned from Warren,

that was one of the most valuable lessons to me,

is that we control our time.

And that sitting and thinking may be your highest priority.

And that you filling every moment of your life

with activity is not necessarily the positive

that sometimes we think it is.

And at that point, the conversation went back to Warren Buffett

and he said to Charlie Rose,

you know, I'm worth over 60 billion dollars,

I can buy basically

anything that I want,

but I can't buy time.

And so I am very careful with it

because I can't buy more time.

Folks, to me, the moral of the story is

we do control our time.

At least, we have the choice

of controlling it

or letting it control us.

And that if we have our lives packed full of stuff,

and we're wanting to

make space to embrace

something new in our life,

maybe the first thing

we need to make space

to embrace in our life

is a little bit of time

to consider that decision

of what we're going to delete.

To make sure that after we've deleted it

and it's gone

and we can't get it back

that we don't regret that decision.

So I wish you well,

making space to embrace

all the new, exciting, wonderful things

that you've got coming in your life,

but remember

if your life is currently packed full

you might first

have to hit delete.

Folks that's my perspective,

what's yours?

Swing by our website and leave us a comment or a question.

Check out other videos like this one,

and if you like this one,

please pass it on.

It's been a pleasure being with you,

till next time...

see ya.

For more infomation >> How To Create More Excitement In Your Life - Duration: 8:21.


Roman Polanski : une troi­sième femme l'ac­cuse d'agres­sion sexuelle - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Roman Polanski : une troi­sième femme l'ac­cuse d'agres­sion sexuelle - Duration: 3:44.


Louane très marquée par la dispa­ri­tion d'un ami musi­cien - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Louane très marquée par la dispa­ri­tion d'un ami musi­cien - Duration: 3:12.


Mercedes-Benz 200-serie 200 200 D AUT SCHUIF KANTELDAK 220000KM !!! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz 200-serie 200 200 D AUT SCHUIF KANTELDAK 220000KM !!! - Duration: 0:54.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Style | Navigatie | Xenon | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Style | Navigatie | Xenon | Zitcomfortpakket - Duration: 1:01.


Kate Midd­le­ton n'a pas le droit de signer d'au­to­graphes pour une bonne raison - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Kate Midd­le­ton n'a pas le droit de signer d'au­to­graphes pour une bonne raison - Duration: 2:08.


Lequel parmi les choix suivants ne figure pas parmi les avantages d'être membre Desjardins ? - Duration: 1:01.

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Macha Méril raconte sa première nuit d'amour avec Michel Legrand - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Macha Méril raconte sa première nuit d'amour avec Michel Legrand - Duration: 4:23.


Safety Alert: Woman Robbed At UM Campus - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Safety Alert: Woman Robbed At UM Campus - Duration: 2:15.


Les moustiques! Voici la solution qui marche mieux que tous les insecticides - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Les moustiques! Voici la solution qui marche mieux que tous les insecticides - Duration: 6:06.


L'Enjoy - Bar à Lyon 3 - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> L'Enjoy - Bar à Lyon 3 - Duration: 1:32.


Kicking the sugar habit: just watch how my taste buds have changed! | Vlog 23 - Duration: 1:57.

- Hi there!

Now people often say to me, "Suzy, there's no way

"I am going to be able to give up my two sugars

"in my coffee or my daily biscuits or chocolate bar,

"or whatever it is.

"Because I've been eating it for so long

"it's just who I am, and I'm never gonna

"be able to give it up."

And I always like to explain to them

that our taste buds change very, very regularly.

So every ten days to two weeks,

you have an entirely new set of taste buds.

And that means that things that you maybe used to be

addicted to will be not nice for you at all.

So, I'm gonna do a little experiment because, you see,

I used to have two sugars in my tea growing up.

And I haven't had sugar in my tea for, oh, I don't know,

maybe about 30 years.

So, I thought I'd do a little experiment here in this vlog.

So I've made myself a cup of tea,

and I've put two sugars in it.

And I'm gonna try it now and see how it tastes.

Okay, here goes.


That was.

That was absolutely hideous and honestly

if I wasn't on camera, I would have spat that out.

I didn't enjoy that at all.

That was really hideous.

Really, I have a really. That was nasty.

So, I want you to know that I'm the same person.

And I honestly used to have that every day

or several times a day, but my taste buds are different.

And in ten days from now or two weeks from now,

your taste buds will be different.

And that means that at any point,

you too can change your habits and be free of something

that maybe you have been eating or drinking

for a very, very long time.

And isn't that good news?

So thanks for watching.

I'll speak to you soon.


For more infomation >> Kicking the sugar habit: just watch how my taste buds have changed! | Vlog 23 - Duration: 1:57.


Vidici restaurant italien Lyon 1 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Vidici restaurant italien Lyon 1 - Duration: 1:26.


30 curiosidades Leah Gotti (Caras Nuevas #15) - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> 30 curiosidades Leah Gotti (Caras Nuevas #15) - Duration: 5:58.


HEAR O Moment: Davion, age 12 - Duration: 1:07.

My name is Davion.

I am 12 years old, and I have hearing aids in both ears.

Without my hearing aids, there's no way I can understand what the teacher is saying.

Callier has helped me be successful in my life.

It helped me better with my speech, and it helped me hear things better.

If Callier wasn't here, then I probably would've, my mom probably would've

would've been like teaching me sign languages,

and I'd much rather hear than have to sign.

I want to be a firefighter, because I get to help people, and I get to save their lives.

And now, because of Callier and the sponsors, now I can hear, and I can be treated like an average boy.

For more infomation >> HEAR O Moment: Davion, age 12 - Duration: 1:07.


New Zealand: The Ultimate Travel Guide by TourRadar - Duration: 11:37.

Embark on a journey where you can retrace the footsteps of the Fellowship, enjoy epic

adventures of your own and experience legends come to life.

From its active volcanoes, deep glacier lakes, unique wildlife and dazzling fjords, one thing's

for sure, in this nation of Kiwis there will never be a dull moment.

Steady yourself as TourRadar's Ultimate Travel Guide reveals everything you need to

know about this truly remote island paradise.

So travellers, are you ready?

Welcome to New Zealand.

Let's start with the basics.

This beautiful island nation is home to just over 4 and a half million people, many of

whom go by the self-appointed nickname "Kiwi."

This slang is derived from the country's national symbol: a flightless bird called,

you guessed it, the kiwi.

The country itself is formed by two main landmasses - the North Island and the South Island, as

well as about 600 other smaller islands.

New Zealand as a whole is quite modest in size, similar in land mass to Japan.

Wellington is the Capital City of New Zealand and also the southernmost capital city in

the world while Auckland, the original capital city, is the largest Polynesian city and goes

by the name "the city of sails."

Which makes sense when you consider Auckland has more boats per capita than any other place

in the world!

What else does New Zealand have more of than the entire planet? Sheep!

Hopefully you're a fan of these furry farm animals because there are about seven to every

resident, which works out to nearly 30 million sheep.

Your mum won't have to worry about you throughout your kiwi adventure either because New Zealand

has remained firmly in the top 10 safest countries to call home for several years running.

They're also comfortably progressive, having been the first major nation to allow all citizens

the right to vote, regardless of gender.

There are three official languages in New Zealand: English, Maori and New Zealand Sign

Language but you'll be able to get by just fine with English.

Now whether you're looking to uncover the Maori way of life, hit the slopes or sample

delicious wine - there's plenty of diverse adventures to enjoy - so let's take a closer


New Zealand is renowned for it's world-class hiking trails.

Breathtaking views await you in Fiordland National Park, which includes four major tracks

- Milford, Kepler, Routeburn and Hollyford.

While Milford is perhaps the most famous, hikers of each track can expect to enjoy views

of forested valleys, diverse birdlife, turquoise waters, expansive lakes and truly spectacular

mountain scenery.

For Lord of the Rings fans, a visit to Tongariro National Park, where you can behold the jagged

volcanic rock and eerily barren landscape, should be a considered a must.

Hopefully the moody weather cooperates during your visit and you'll be granted a view

of Mt. Ngauruhoe, otherwise known as Mount Doom.

Hiking the entire Alpine Crossing takes about 7 hours and includes lava fields, tussock

meadows and the neon turquoise, geothermally heated waters of the Emerald Lakes.

If beaches are more your thing, New Zealand has a hike for that too!

Along the Abel Tasman Coast Track, travellers can enjoy more than 40kms of golden sand beaches,

subtropical bush line and granite cliffs, accented by clear azure waters and frolicking

fur seals.

Keep in mind that several tidal inlets mean that you'll be required to time your crossings

with low-tide, so plan accordingly.

Along New Zealand's Otago coast you can see the mysterious Moeraki Boulders, beachfront

stones formed from ancient sea sediments.

An equally mesmerizing and seemingly perplexing sight would be the famous Waitomo Caves with

their legendary blue glowworms.

Thrill-seekers can abseil down into this lost world, which takes about 20 minutes and provides

impressive views of spagatites and gigantic flowstone formations on the way down.

Once you've lost yourself in the isolation and majesty of nature, grab a few of your

fellow travel companions and go jet boating through Queenstown's Shotover River, or

tackle the currents of Tutea Falls along the Kaituna River in Rotorua, the highest commercially

rafted waterfall in the world.

Of course there's also ziplining, bungee jumping, and skydiving.

Each offer unique and exhilarating views of places like Rotorua, Auckland Harbour, and

Queenstown respectively - though you can enjoy any one of these thrill-seeking experiences

pretty much anywhere throughout the country.

If you want to take things a tad slower, hit up one of New Zealand's countless golf courses.

Enjoy the stunning greens that can be found in Auckland, Queenstown and Wellington.

For the snow bunnies, strap on your skis and fly to the top of Queenstown's mountains

to enjoy a refreshingly exciting ski down world-renowned peaks and valleys.

Within 20 minutes from downtown Queenstown, you'll be at the foot of Coronet Peak and

within 35, The Remarkables, a range that lives up to its name and is a must for any snowboarder

or skier out there.

Once the weather warms up you can catch the surf on the curving Bay of Plenty or along

the untouched beaches of Gisborne.

And if you really want to show off your surfing skills then head to Whangamata, situated on

the southeast coast of the Coromandel Peninsula in the North Island.

After all, it's only the surfing capital of the country!

But maybe you are just looking to kick back and enjoy that well-earned break?

That's certainly alright and you picked the right destination to escape to.

You can catch a kapa haka performance of the Maori people, indigenous New Zealanders, and

enjoy chants and choral singing to graceful songs and ferocious war dances.

Consider visiting Maori meetings grounds, called marae, and take part in a powhiri,

a traditional welcoming ceremony.

Or if you wish to get literary, take a tour of Hobbiton in , Waikato and see JR Tolkien's

epic story brought to life with a wander through the heart of The Shire.

You can stop by the Green Dragon Inn or visit the Bag End.

But what time of year does one journey to Middle Earth?




Well just to be clear, there's never a bad time to travel to a place like New Zealand

though travellers should be ready for weather that can change unexpectedly, regardless of

the time of year.

However most places throughout the country receive over 2,000 hours of sunshine a year

and because of the low levels of air pollution, the sunlight is especially radiant!

While the far north has subtropical weather during summer, and inland alpine areas of

the South Island can be as cold as -10°C (14°F) in winter, most of the country lies

close to the coast, which means mild temperatures year round.

The average New Zealand temperature decreases as you travel south.

New Zealand's Summer runs from December to February and should be considered the peak

travel season, it's also considered the perfect time for enjoying activities like

hiking, scenic driving, winery tours, and surfing.

If you're lucky, you can catch a wave alongside dolphins off the country's long coastline.

Autumn settles in from March to May and the views of fall foliage are truly something

to behold.

Winter lasts from June to August, and this is when you can expect the ski season to begin

to flourish.

Spring temperatures are enjoyed from September through November and offer a beautiful combination

of spring blossoms and snow-capped mountains.

Once you've satisfied your desire to explore it's time to sit down and enjoy some delicious

local cuisine.

And just what is waiting for you at the dining table?

Let's find out…

New Zealand's cuisine draws on Polynesia, Asian and European inspiration and the results

are staggeringly delicious.

A typical kiwi breakfast consists of cereal, toast and either a cup of coffee, tea, juice

or milk.

On weekends, when more time is available to prepare a cooked breakfast, locals sit down

to plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, cooked tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns and baked


After a long morning outdoors, you'll need to enjoy a quick hot pie to reenergize.

These tasty small pastries come in a variety of flavours and are typically filled with

mince and cheese, bacon, egg and even steak.

Once the evening rolls around, enjoy servings of roast lamb, mutton and of course battered

fish and chips.

Due to New Zealand's long coast line the selection of seafood is quite diverse: succulent

oysters, mussels, shellfish, king salmon, snapper, scallops and whitebait - a true Kiwi


The most common way to enjoy these small baby fish are as whitebait fritters, essentially

an omelet prepared only with egg white mixed with the delicious whitebait.

If you're looking for a refreshing dessert to top off your day of indulging your taste

buds then help yourself to pavlova, a meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballerina

Anna Pavlova.

But what should you wash down all these tasty foods with?

Of course you can enjoy your share of refreshing beers and ciders, but New Zealand is mainly

renowned for its many exquisite wines.

Sommeliers praise the country's take on sauvignon blanc as being the best in the world.

Other wines highly regarded include Cabernet/Merlot blends and Pinot Noir to name a few.

Mhmmm, spectacular.

Once you've allowed your thirst to be both quenched and delighted by New Zealand's

unique libations, it'll be time to begin mapping out your next adventure through this

oceanic paradise.

We hope these tips ensure that your next great Kiwi adventure will be a truly inspiring one.

If you still can't get enough then check out Days to Come for more inspiration and

travel tips.

If you're ready to experience the country for yourself, simply visit today.

As they say in New Zealand, Kia Ora!

Until next time!

TourRadar - booking tours made easy.

For more infomation >> New Zealand: The Ultimate Travel Guide by TourRadar - Duration: 11:37.


Madonna festeggia il compleanno ballando la pizzica in Puglia - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Madonna festeggia il compleanno ballando la pizzica in Puglia - Duration: 1:49.


Hyperprolactinemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:02.

With hyperprolactinemia, hyper- means above, -prolactin refers to the hormone produced

by the pituitary gland, and -emia refers to the blood, so hyperprolactinemia means higher

than normal prolactin levels in the blood.

Normally, at the base of the brain, there's a small pea-sized gland called the pituitary


The anterior pituitary - the front of the pituitary gland - has a number of different

cells, each of which secretes a different hormone.

One group, the lactotroph cells, secrete prolactin.

In men, prolactin stimulates testosterone production.

In women, during pregnancy, elevated levels of estrogen stimulate the lactotrophs to produce

large amounts of prolactin which stimulates alveolar cells in the breasts.

In response to prolactin, the alveolar cells divide and enlarge - and once a baby is born,

lactogenesis begins - which means that milk is produced.

Apart from milk production, high levels of prolactin also inhibit the release of gonadotropin

releasing hormone from the hypothalamus, which results in decreased luteinizing and follicle

stimulating hormone levels, which in turn, decreases estrogen levels.

In women, this can stop ovulation and menstruation, which is why women typically don't have

a menstrual period while breastfeeding.

In women that are not pregnant or breastfeeding, and in men, prolactin levels are usually kept

in check by the hypothalamus in two ways.

The first way is the most important, and it's when the hypothalamus secretes a constant

stream of dopamine which is also called prolactin inhibiting factor.

Dopamine binds to specific receptors on the lactotrophs and inhibit the release of prolactin.

The second way is when the hypothalamus secretes thyrotropin releasing hormone, also called

prolactin releasing hormone, which can stimulate prolactin release.

If the level of prolactin rises for any reason, then it signals the hypothalamus to release

more dopamine, eventually decreasing its own production, a process called negative feedback

or feedback inhibition.

Hyperprolactinemia can develop a few different ways.

The first is physiologic hyperprolactinemia, which is what happens during pregnancy and

lactation - and levels of prolactin typically return back to normal afterwards.

Another cause is a prolactinoma, a type of pituitary adenoma, a benign tumor of lactotroph

cells which grow uncontrollably and make excess amounts of prolactin.

There are also systemic causes of hyperprolactinemia like hypothyroidism.

In hypothyroidism, the hypothalamus tries to boost the production of thyroid hormones

by releasing more thyrotropin releasing hormone.

That leads to higher levels of prolactin.

Another cause is medications, as an example, dopamine antagonists oppose the action of

dopamine and that removes the inhibition on the lactotroph cells and leads to elevated

prolactin levels.

Other medications include estrogens which directly stimulate the lactotrophs to produce

more prolactin.

A rare cause of hyperprolactinemia is damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary stalk, which

contains the blood vessels that connect the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

The damage can be due to trauma, nearby tumors, or due to brain surgery.

In these situations, there's no way for the dopamine from the hypothalamus to reach

the lactotroph cells.

Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in women include galactorrhea, which is the increase in milk

production, and anovulatory amenorrhea in which there is absence of ovulation and menses.

In men, symptoms of hyperprolactinemia include gynecomastia or breast enlargement and erectile


In addition, a prolactinoma can physically press on optic nerves causing headaches and

impaired vision.

Hyperprolactinemia can be diagnosed by detecting high levels of prolactin in the blood.

Typically a pregnancy test is done to check for a physiologic explanation and a brain

MRI is done to look for prolactinomas.

Treatment varies based on the underlying cause of hyperprolactinemia, but it generally involves

giving dopamine agonists like bromocriptine.

If there's a prolactinoma, surgery may be needed.

In cases of hypothyroidism, giving replacement thyroid hormones usually corrects the problem.

All right, as a quick recap, hyperprolactinemia occurs naturally due to pregnancy and lactation,

and can stop ovulation and menstruation during that period of time.

The most common pathologic cause is a pituitary adenoma, where lactotrophs grow uncontrollably

and secrete prolactin causing headaches and impaired vision.

In addition, in women, it can cause galactorrhea and anovulatory amenorrhea, and in men it

can cause gynecomastia and erectile dysfunction.

For more infomation >> Hyperprolactinemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:02.


📷 TOUT comprendre au CATALOGUE de Lightroom - Duration: 23:05.

For more infomation >> 📷 TOUT comprendre au CATALOGUE de Lightroom - Duration: 23:05.


When Rankings Drop Suddenly Do These 10 Steps Pronto - Duration: 9:35.

In this video I'm going to show you what to do to recover from a sudden rankings drop.

I am going to walk you through the things that I have seen in my career as an SEO that

typically cause or lead to these sudden rankings drop, so that you can quickly run through

this checklist and mitigate the problem.

Before we get into the actual checklist, I just want to remind you, take a deep breath,

do not panic.

I know it is easy for me to say when it is not my site, but I have dealt with a lot of

people in a lot of these situations and I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten

an email or a call and two or three days later, this cleared itself up, pretty much on its

own, and it was just a random blip.

Step 1: Review any big changes Pretty obvious, but if you have changed the

navigation, if you have redirected pages, go back and check those redirects.

Or maybe you redirected something a month ago, go back and check.

I was talking with an Enterprise client today and their old redirects just stopped working.

You want to go and double check all of those changes that you have recently made and make

sure that they are still in place, still proper, and not causing any issues.

Next thing you want to do is to look externally at some tools and they are algorithm change

monitors and I have three of them and they are all pretty good.

I'll show you the first one, which is from MozCast.

Moz has had this kind of weather report for a long time, if you see it and it's really

hot and stormy, like it was on Thursday, August 10th, you know that some changes are afoot.

I'll show you advanced web rankings as well and I'll link all of these in the description,

but what you'll want to look for is more patterns.

See, on the 10th, they are showing changes as well.

So kind of high activity right in that range.

And SEMrush is a new entry into this field and their sensor tool is quite good.

I really like it because it also offers categories so you can see right here that sports and

news are being more affected than other categories.

You can actually enter your own site and get a personal score for your own rankings, which

is really nice, and you can flip between mobile and desktop.

And again, if we look here, see the 10th and 11th, they are kind of showing in that same

range as the other tools, some high activity.

So using these altogether kind of gives you an idea if some ranking changes are rolling

out as we speak.

The next thing you're going to do is-- you're going to want to go to Search Console.

It used to be Webmaster Tools, but Google changed the name to Search Console.

If you do not have an account, get one.

It's free, easy to activate with tools like Yoast if you're on WordPress.

First thing you want to check is messages and just see if Google has left you a message

telling you you have some issues.

And you'd be surprised, a lot of times that they are having issues, crawling something,

they'll leave a message right there for you detailing exactly what that issue is.

Now this is a-- we just moved our site, to HTTPS, literally, and it's still propagating

so I'm not going to have really any data in this account, but I'm using this to show you.

You go here to messages, then you're going to go down the list and you're going to check

for manual actions.

You're going to check pretty much everything in crawl.

So in Search Traffic, you'd select Manual Actions.

Now a lot of people, they think if there's no manual action, they haven't been penalized.

But it's more rare to get a manual action.

That means, someone at Google literally reviewed this and manually applied a penalty to you

and you will get a message there.

So check that and make sure that's the case.

But a lot of times, that does not mean you didn't get an algorithmic penalty or some

algorithmic action that the algorithm itself, without human intervention, just did to your


And so that wouldn't show up here in manual actions.

But do check that.

You're also going to want to go down to crawl errors.

Check all of these.

Check for big errors and crawl stats.

I want you to go fetch as Google.

So pick out some of your pages and fetch and render them.

And make sure you're not seeing anything crazy.

Go to robots.txt tester.

Make sure that you're not seeing any errors or warnings blocking.

I can't tell you how many times I've seen a new website go up and they forget to update

robots.txt because they were blocking it on staging-- blocking Google.

And then, they update the new site with the blocked robotos.txt and they lose all their


Also look at security issues just in case.

This is if your site maybe got hacked and it's displaying malware.

Obviously, Google will not want to rank you if that's the case.

So checking these will give you a really good idea.

Mainly, you're looking at your index, your crawl stats.

Is Google okay with your site map?

That kind of stuff.

So if you go in here and you see tons of sitemap errors, that could be an issue.

The next is to go look at technical issues.

Now this is a little bit harder to talk about in just one video, but this would be hosting


Let's say you are using HTTPS, make sure you do not have any issues with your SSL certificates

or are you using a content delivery network like MaxCDN to speed up your site?

Make sure everything is rosy there and not causing problems.

Many people use cache.

So I use WordPress Fastest Cache on my WordPress site.

If that's not set up properly or something went squirrelly, caching can cause a lot of

problems if it's not working right.

Lastly, I would say, a lot of people will fall into the bucket of, there is a real time

kind of penalty being applied to them, and that penalty is usually a Penguin or a Panda


So these used to be kind of manually run very infrequently by Google, but they've been moved

into the real time algorithm, and I'm going to be very broad here.

But Penguin, if you just had to say one thing it's about, it's about your backlinks.

And Panda is about the quality of your content.

And so these are now running in Google's core algorithm.

So what you're going to want to do for Penguin is you are going to want to check and see

if you have a lot of keyword-rich backlinks to our site.

If you do, and you are seeing a big rankings drop, it could be a really good sign that

you have been infected by a Penguin.

For Panda, you're going to want to look at the quality and depth of your content, you're

going to look at how long people are scrolling and staying on the site.

If they just leave right away, it could be signaling that your content quality is thin.

So thin content that does not provide a lot of value is usually the issue with Panda.

Let me give you a free tool to use to check your backlinks.

Obviously, I'm a big fan of Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs for checking backlinks, but this is

free right now and it is

I kind of did a chuckle when I went there because I did not know they were using one

of my tweets saying, "Hey" to check them out.

But obviously, that's cool with me and it's a really cool tool.

What you're focused on are your anchor texts.

We can get into-- maybe I will do a video on SEO profiler at some point and show you

some of the cool stuff you can do.

But you're looking here, and if you see things like your name, Ghergich and company, Ghergich,

Ghergich, A.J.

Ghergich, that's me, your URL.

You're good to go if that's the majority of your links.

But if you're seeing instead of here you saw something like SEO agency, SEO consultant

and there were tons of links in here, you would be at risk for a Penguin penalty because

you're using too many keyword-rich, non-natural links to your site.

Most people are going to link to you by your brand name or someone's name there at your

company or a tool that you have.

Something branded to you.

And if Google's not seeing that, it's going to think you are manipulating and so that

would be-- you would need to clean that up.

Just Google articles on how to clean up Penguin penalties.

It mostly revolves around you removing those backlinks, writing them, emailing them, trying

to get them down and then disavowing all those links in Search Console.

Let me know down in the comments if this kind of sudden rankings drops has ever happened

to you and maybe how you got out of the problem or what the problem actually ended up being.

It is interesting to just kind of learn from each other through our experiences and I will

see you guys in the next video.

For more infomation >> When Rankings Drop Suddenly Do These 10 Steps Pronto - Duration: 9:35.


how to make DIY mini water pump With dc motor and 9v battery at home - Duration: 7:50.

water pump

For more infomation >> how to make DIY mini water pump With dc motor and 9v battery at home - Duration: 7:50.


Premiering This Saturday, Do...

For more infomation >> Premiering This Saturday, Do...


Top 10 Terrifying Facts About the Yakuza - Duration: 16:07.

The yakuza is

the Japanese mafia and their name essentially means "good for nothing."

The name is believed to be drawn from the lowest hand in the Japanese card game baccara,

which is similar to Blackjack.

In the game, getting the cards ya-ku-sa ("eight-nine-three") is the worst possible hand you can get.

Yakuza can refer to the crime syndicates as a whole, or to an individual gang member,

who are also called gyangu ("gangster").

These are 10 of the most terrifying facts about these notorious gangsters…



One of the most noticeable ways members of the yakuza can stick out are their extensive

tattoos, called irezumi.

Most of the time it covers their entire torso, except for a stripe down the middle of the


Sometimes, it can even

cover most of their bodies.

The tattoos are designed to be hidden under the clothes, and the stripe down their chest

allows them to open their shirt collar or wear a robe without revealing them.

The tattoo process is expensive, time consuming, and utterly painful.

They aren't done with electric needles; instead, it's performed by hand with a needle

made from steel or bamboo.

The artist dips the needle in some ink and then repeatedly punctures the skin.

The tattoos can sometimes take years to be completed.

There are several reasons why the yakuza embraced irezumi.

First, it's expensive, so it shows that they have money.

Secondly, since it's so painful, it shows the man is tough for sitting through hours

upon hours of the process.

In recent years, the yakuza has moved away from getting tattoos because of public backlash.

The yakuza also generally try to make an effort to blend in.

Also, since the tattoos have gone out of favor, there are not many tattoo artists who can

do the technique.


Huge Membership

It's tough to determine what exactly is the foundation of the yakuza, but some experts

think that their lineage can be traced back to gangs of ronin, which were samurai without


Others think that they came from a group of grifters and gamblers dating back to Japan's

feudal era.

The yakuza is also not one big group, either.

It's comprised of several gangs called boryokudan, which means "violence groups."

As of early 2017, there were 22 recognized groups, divided into separate clans.

The largest of these groups is Yamaguchi-gumi, who account for about a quarter of all yakuza


Yakuza membership exploded after World War II.

By the early 1960s, there were 184,100 yakuza members, but that number dropped to around

60,000 for several decades.

In the 1990s, they saw a resurgence and there were about 80,000 members until 2011, when

their numbers started to dramatically drop.

That's when the Japanese government enacted some new laws to combat the yakuza by restricting

their revenue.

In late 2016, their numbers were the lowest since the National Police Agency started keeping

records, at about 39,100 members.

However, this low membership number isn't necessarily a good thing.

Jake Adelstein, who is a reporter working in Japan and an expert on the yakuza, told

the South China Morning Press that the drop in numbers is probably only temporary.

In December 2016, Japan legalized gambling and in about five years, casinos are expected

to start opening.

That's about how long it will take former yakuza members to get a clean record.

Adelstein thinks that this will create a lot of opportunities for the yakuza.

They will be able to get "reformed" gang members into the casino, where they will be

able to skim profits or blackmail people who lose big, which will generate huge revenue

streams that will, in turn, allow the yakuza to employ more members.


The Godfather of Godfathers

The most infamous yakuza oyabun (chairman/boss) was Kazuo Taoka, who was the head of the Yamaguchi-gumi.

Taoka was born in a small village on the island of Shikoku.

He was orphaned at a young age and sent to Kobe, where he worked

in shipyards.

In 1929, he started to hang out with members of the Yamaguchi-gumi and became a blood member

in 1936.

During this time, he got the nickname that he'd keep for the rest of his life: Kubo,

which means bear.

He got the nickname because he had a tendency to claw and gouge out his opponents' eyes.

In 1936, Taoka went to jail for slashing a rival gang member to death.

He was released in 1943, and found Yamaguchi-gumi in shambles because of World War II.

After the war, in 1946, Taoka (then 33-years-old) became the leader of Yamaguchi-gumi after

the previous oyabun died from natural causes.

Taoka had an amazing gift for organization and he grew Yamaguchi-gumi to be the most

dominant boryokudan in Japan.

The godfather of godfathers, as Taoka was called, died in July 1981, at the age of 68.



Yubitsume, which translates to finger-shortening, is the act where a yakuza amputates a piece

of his little finger as a way to atone for a mistake or misdeed.

This act can be done either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Often they volunteer as a way to avoid a larger punishment, like being kicked out or being

killed (possibly by being forced to commit suicide).

It stems from a punishment that was inflicted on gamblers who didn't pay their debts in

feudal Japan.

Besides causing a lot of pain, without their whole pinky, it made it difficult for the

person to handle a sword.

If they couldn't handle a sword, they couldn't defend themselves, and it would make them

more vulnerable.

It was adopted by the yakuza because it might affect them in hand-to-hand combat and while

handling guns, so it would discourage members from doing something wrong.

There was also a benefit to the yakuza if their members are weaker, because they would

need to depend on their boryokudan even more.

There are different accounts of how the ritual is done, but what stays the same is the yakuza

has to do it to himself.

One account of the ritual is that it's done while their oyabun supervises.

There is a cloth laid flat and the offender places his left hand on the cloth, palm up.

Then, using a sharp knife, called a tanto, they cut the pinky at the distal interphalangeal

joint, which is the top knuckle.

Once that is done, they wrap it up and hand it to the oyabun.

Another version, which was pulled from court testimony, made the act sound a lot less ritualistic.

The witness said that the boss wasn't at the amputation and testified: "The actual

procedure is to take… a little silver knife – on a table – and you pull it towards

you and bend over and your body weight will snap your finger off…The finger that is

severed is put in a small bottle with alcohol and your name is written on it and it is sent

to whoever you're repenting to as a sign that you are sorry."

In 1993, a government survey found that 45 percent of yakuza members were missing part

of their little finger and 15 percent had to perform the act more than once.

Yubitsume doesn't happen as often anymore because the yakuza has been trying to blend

into society, and missing pieces of your finger is a good way to stick out.


Tadamasa Goto's Liver

Tadamasa Goto is the founder of the Goto-gumi, which is a large Yamaguchi-gumi affiliated


When he was in power, he was one of the most dominant and successful yakuza bosses in the

country, which is why he was called "The John Gotti of Japan."

Since Goto was a notorious gangster, he wasn't allowed to enter the United States.

This presented a problem for Goto in 2001 because the 59-year-old gangster needed a

liver transplant.

Liver problems are pretty common among the yakuza because gangsters who run red light

districts aren't exactly known for their clean living.

Also, their tattoos are so dense that it blocks sweat from exiting their body, meaning fewer

toxins leave their body, taking a toll on the liver.

Supposedly, liver damage is a sign of pride among the yakuza.

For example, they will say things like "I drank enough to destroy three livers."

However, due to restrictive organ transplant laws, transplants are hard to get in Japan.

This led to Goto striking a secret deal where he gave the FBI information on the yakuza

and he donated money to the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles in exchange for a liver transplant

for himself and three of his underlings.

The transplant stayed a secret until Jake Adelstein published a story about it in 2008.

UCLA claimed that the men each paid $400,000 in cash for their livers and Goto donated


However, Adelstein uncovered that Goto and one of the other yakuza gangsters each paid

$1 million for their livers.

Also, Goto would have been number 80 on the wait list for a liver, but he managed to get

a transplant in six weeks.

Two other people, including the second person on the wait list, died in area hospitals around

the time that Goto got his transplant.

When the UCLA Medical Center was asked about the transplants on men who were tattooed and

missing pieces of their pinkies, they declined to comment.

After getting the transplant, Goto went back to Japan and he remained the leader of Goto-gumi

until 2008.

In retirement, he joined the Buddhist priesthood and published an autobiography called Habakarinagara

("Pardon Me, But…

"). It was a bestseller and he said his royalties were donated to charity.


The Yakuza are Heavily Involved in Japanese Politics and the Japanese Elite

The yakuza plays an interesting role in Japanese society.

For many years, the people of Japan begrudgingly accepted that the yakuza were part of the

culture, so the yakuza worked out in the open.

They are also long time donors and supporters of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which

is a right wing party that has been in power in Japan since 1955, with the exception of

five years – between 1993 and 1994 and 2009 to 2012.

Every so often, a scandal erupts when it's exposed that a politician received money from

the yakuza or one of their business-fronts.

Many times, it's not enough to ruin a career, and the politician usually doesn't resign.

One of the biggest political scandals happened during one of the few years when the LDP was

not in power.

Instead, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) was in power and they ran on a platform of

cleaning up the government and cracking down on the yakuza.

But then in October 2012, the DPJ appointed a man named Keishu Tanaka as the Minister

of Justice.

It turned out that he was heavily connected to the yakuza and the fact that the head of

their justice system was mobbed-up shocked Japan.

Tanaka resigned a few weeks later.

Besides money, another way that the yakuza help the LDP is by whipping up support in

rural areas.

In these areas, the campaign chiefs are yakuza who are also the head of the agricultural

cooperative, called nokyo, and the nokyo are connected to yakuza-run construction companies.

Many of the rice growers who are part of the nokyo also work construction jobs because

they don't make enough from growing rice.

Obviously, since people in the area are depending on the yakuza to work, the yakuza can be very

influential when it comes to drumming up votes for the LDP… who, again, have been in power

for 57 of the last 62 years.


Human Trafficking

According to the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations, Japan has the fourth

biggest GDP just behind the United States, China, and the European Union.

They are one of the most technologically advanced societies and they have some of the lowest

crime rates in the world.

Their murder rate is only 0.3 per 100,000 people.

Despite how advanced and prosperous the country is, Japan has a horrifying human trafficking


Since 2001, the U.S. Department of State has released the Trafficking in Persons (TIP)

Report measuring countries on their human trafficking problems and what steps their

governments are taking to combat the problem.

There are four levels: tier 1, tier 2, tier 2 watch list, and tier 3, and then there is

a category for special cases.

Tier 1 countries are the best at handling human trafficking.

This includes countries like the United States, Australia, Canada, and many countries in Europe.

Japan, on the other hand, has never been ranked higher than a tier 2 country and has dipped

to tier 2 watch list in the past.

Tier 2 are "Countries whose governments do not fully meet the Trafficking Victims

Protection Act's minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to meet those


Other Tier 2 countries include Iraq, and the Northern triangle countries, which are El

Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

The Northern Triangle is the most violent area of the world that isn't at war, and

it's on par with Japan in terms of human trafficking.

Much of the human trafficking in Japan is handled by the yakuza.

The yakuza got their start in human trafficking during World War II, when they worked with

the Japanese empire to provide "comfort women" to soldiers.

The women were often from South Korea and other countries that were invaded by Japan

in World War II.

After the war, the yakuza set up brothels, which were frequented by American servicemen.

They also set up sex-tourism destinations in East Asia for Japanese men who were earning

better incomes after the war and could travel abroad inexpensively based on the strength

of the yen.

However, in the 1980s, women's groups started to protest sex tourism, so the yakuza made

a change.

Instead of men traveling to have sex with prostitutes, they simply brought foreign women

to Japan and set up brothels in red light districts.

These brothels are still in business and found throughout Japan.

It should also be noted that sex tourism didn't end, it just changed.

The yakuza now send men out of the country to have sex with children.

As for why Japan hasn't cracked down on the yakuza's human trafficking activities,

it probably doesn't hurt that the government that they financially support and campaign

for has been in near-constant power for the past 60 years.


Host and Hostess Clubs

In Japan, there are bars called hostess and host clubs, where patrons can come and meet

a woman, who is called a hostess, or a man, who is a host, and they have drinks and converse.

However, the host and hostess clubs have a rather sinister side, as they are either owned

by the yakuza or yakuza associated.

According to Jake Adelstein, what happens is that a woman visits a host club to have

a "boyfriend experience" with one of the hosts.

As they drink, the host encourages the woman to keep buying expensive drinks, for which

they get a commission.

Sometimes the women rack up huge bills and when they can't pay, the yakuza may force

them to work off their debt, which can be done through prostitution.

This can even happen to girls under the age of 18, who are blackmailed or forced into

prostitution to pay what they owe.

If forcing women, especially teenagers, into prostitution to pay off a bar debt wasn't

bad enough, the yakuza have a system in place that the women will never work off the debt.

For example, they'll only be able pay off the interest, or they'll be "invited"

to host birthday parties, and then they are charged money to attend the party, which creates

more debt.

Essentially, the yakuza makes these women sex slaves because of a night out where they

spent a bit too much money.


They Are One of the Wealthiest Organized Criminal Syndicates in the World

Besides the sex trade, another major source of income for the yakuza is drugs – especially


The yakuza reportedly account for one-third of the multi-billion dollar East Asian meth


As for how much money the entire yakuza organization makes as a whole, that's tough to say because

there are so many boryokudan, and they are comprised of hundreds of clans.

The last figure was from 1989, and it was estimated that they were making about Y1.3

trillion, which is worth about $10 billion today.

There are more recent estimates about how much revenue the biggest boryokudan, Yamaguchi-gumi,

generates and it's believed to be in the neighborhood of $6.6 billion.

This makes Yamaguchi-gumi one of the richest gangs in the world.


Their Bloodiest War

There have been several yakuza wars over the past several decades, but the bloodiest started

in 1985.

The roots of the war date back to July 23, 1981, when Kazuo Taoka, who you'll remember

from entry #8, died of natural causes.

The person who would have assumed the position as oyabun was Kenichi Yamamoto, who was the


However, when Taoka died, Yamamoto was in prison.

So the lieutenants decided to wait until he got out of prison, and then he would lead

the gang.

But then Yamamoto died from liver failure in prison on February 4, 1982.

With the two heads of the gang dead, the lieutenants voted on who would take on the leadership

and elected Masahisa Takenaka.

However, like many elections not everyone was happy with the results.

In this case, it was a man named Hiroshi Yamamoto.

Hiroshi Yamamoto broke away from the Yamaguchi-gumi and formed his own group, Ichiwa-kai.

They kickstarted the war by shooting to death Takenaka and two prominent members of the

Yamaguchi-gumi while they were in an elevator.

The war led to more shootings, which are incredibly rare in Japan because of strict gun laws,

and bombings over the next four years.

Things got so bad that Japanese newspapers kept a scorecard of the dead and injured.

The war was eventually won by Yamaguchi-gumi, who had many more soldiers.

By the time the war was over, 36 people were dead and scores more were injured.

Once the war came to an end, the members of Yamaguchi-gumi elected Yoshinori Watanabe,

aka Mr. Gorilla, to be their leader in 1989.

Watanabe was considered a strong and intelligent leader, growing membership and profits, but

he resigned (or was forced to resign) in 2005 as public heat increased on the yakuza.

The current oyabun of Yamaguchi-gumi is Kenichi Shinoda.

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