Monday, March 27, 2017

Youtube daily report Mar 28 2017

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Let's meet.

(Episode 112)

I have something to say.

I may be locked up for good in a few days.

We don't have time.

I'll see you there.

Min Kyung-chae.

If it's over for me, then it's over for you too.

I can't end it myself.

It's better to die together than to face the end by myself!

I'll get going now.

I'll be back with dad and Eun-chae.

I'm busy preparing for the trial.

Don't get lonely.



Don't go, Kyung-chae!

Don't go there!


Did you just call me?

I didn't hear wrong, did I?

It was your voice!



Mum told me not to go.

She doesn't want me to meet Eun Hee-soo.

Why would she say that?

Is she worried something may happen to me?

Where are you going?

Sit down. Let's talk.

It's important.

Why did you do that last night?

Don't you have a way out?

Do you have to be sent back?

You said you would rather die than to go back.

You said it was hell.

How are you going to manage if you are sent back?

Will you be able to manage?

Let's just run away.

We can go far away and live secretly.

I won't let you starve.

What parent lets their child starve?

I can do anything to take care of you.

It's too late.

Too many things have happened for them to be covered up.

There's no way.

What are you doing to do?

I may seem like I don't think much.

But how will I survive after you are sent back?

If it's hell for you, it's hell for me too.

There is one way.

I have one final way.

What is it?

Tell me.

Ridding this world of Min Kyung-chae.

It will be all over if I get rid of Min Kyung-chae.

What are you talking about?

You wouldn't!

Something is not right.

There must be a reason mum told me not to go.

It's weird that Eun Hee-soo wants to see me out of the blue.

Mum is protecting me.

Why aren't you coming?

I thought we were meeting.

I can't come today.

What's wrong with you?

I told you we have to meet today.

What do we have to talk about?

If you do, talk to me at the station.

I can hear you out then.

Are you afraid I'll hurt you or something?

I guess you were going to hurt me.

I'm hanging up.

Where were you?

I couldn't find you.

I went to see mum. She just came to mind.

Something strange happened.

I heard my mum's voice.

It was really my mum's voice.

What do you mean?

Give me the details.

Min Kyung-chae.

You're lucky.

Why did she change her mind?

So you heard your mum's voice after you got a call from Eun Hee-soo?

It feels strange.

Mrs Na told me that deceased parents can't leave their children.

That they try to protect them from danger.

I'm glad you didn't go.

Nothing good can happen in this situation.

There's no reason you should meet Hee-soo.

We have only a few days before she is sent back to prison.

Don't see her.

I thought she would ask for forgiveness.

If she was to do that, she wouldn't have come to this point.

She's trying to shake you up.

Don't confront her ever again.

Is everything okay?

You didn't do anything, right?

What would I do?

You said you need to get rid of Kyung-chae.

You made me so nervous.

Weren't you going to see her?

No, I wasn't.

Then why did you tell me that?

You really scared me.


How many days are left?

Less than a week.

Once you are sent back, you'll be tried.

And be sent to prison.

Then your life will be over.

One week?

What do I have to do in a week?

What can I do in a week?

Let's just accept this, Hee-soo.

What can we do?

I'll come and visit you often and bring things for you...

How can you say that?

How can a mum say that?

You only say you'll die after me.

What did you ever do for me?

Any other mum would have done something.

Some mums die in their child's stead.

Just look at Mrs Yeo.

She died while trying to save that dummy Eun-chae!

So what?

Are you saying I'm an unfit mother?

You started this!

How can you say that to me?

Unless you're going to prison in my stead, don't ever say that again!

It horrifies me just to hear it.

Fine, I'm not a good mother!


I'm sorry I'm not like Mrs Yeo who died to save that dummy Eun-chae!



You wretched girl!

There will be many people in court.

The judge will be there.

And the audience will be there.

They may put you on the spot.

Don't be scared and lose focus.

Just tell them what you saw in the fire at our place. Okay?

I can do a good job.

Don't worry.

I'm going to tell them everything.

Hee-soo will be there too.

Don't let her shake you up.

Don't be scared and lie.

You must tell the truth to make mum happy.

Do you understand what I'm saying?


When are we going to do this?

When do I have to talk?

We're almost there.

You'll do it soon.

I can't just sit here.

I have to do something.

I can't let her just get me like this.

It's me, Ji-sub.

Let's meet.

I have something to tell you.

I need your help.

I'm sorry for asking you to meet me so suddenly.

I'm just so anxious. I couldn't help it.

It doesn't matter.

What's going on?

I don't have much time left.

You know that I'll be sent back to prison in a week, right?

I thought about what I can do in that one week.


Now that it's all over, I need to accept the reality.

I'm sorry for saying hurtful things when I knew you were sincere.

I wasn't even grateful when you were so kind to me.

I only got mad at you.

That's okay.

What's the point of saying that?

I'm glad to see you're more stable.

Things will get tough from now on.

Everything has an end.

If you bear with it,

there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you.

I'm really thankful.

I'm grateful that you didn't give up on me till the end.

There were moments when I wanted to give up on you.

But hearing you saying this, I'm glad I didn't give up.

I want to apologise to Min Kyung-chae too.

But she won't meet with me.

That will make me feel better.

I can't just show up at her office.

Could you tell her I want to meet her in a private place?

Sure, I will.

Thank you.

She wants to apologise to you.

She says that she'll feel better that way.

I think she has finally accepted the reality.

Could you meet with her just once?

Why has she changed overnight?

She blamed me till yesterday.

Isn't it strange that she has changed?

Hee-soo is quite aware of what will happen to her.

She's been to prison before.

Do you think it was easy for her to accept the reality?

Would you have?

I'm sure she wanted to avoid this and stick this out till the end.

I'm grateful to think that she's finally changed.

So please meet with her just once.

I don't want to.

I'm busy preparing for the trial.

I have a lot to take care of because of her.

You won't see her once she is sent back to prison.

Tell her I'll call security if she comes to the hotel to see me.

Tell her to stay quiet and just go to prison.

Min Kyung-chae said that?

I got it, Ji-sub.

Stay quiet and just go to prison?

So this is how you'll be?

Now that it's over, you don't even want to meet with me?

Do you think I'll go quietly?

Let's go over what we have to do.

Eun Hee-soo will be sent back to prison in a week.

She'll be tried for arson and your mum's death.

When Eun-chae and Moon Jae-shik testify,

the trial will be a smooth ride.

We can increase her term...

when we add the hotel land fraud,

taking bribes as the vice president, tampering with hotel documents...

and kidnapping Eun-chae.

Eun Ki-man's case was a self defence.

But she has committed so many other crimes that...

she won't avoid a severe sentence.

We also have testimonies from employees who were fired by her.

Our lawyer told me to take it easy since it'll all work out.

Thank you for your help.

I wouldn't have been able to do this alone.

No, I think you would have done fine alone.

Do you know that you have changed?

You would cry over such matters before.

Look how boldly you handle them!

I heard something similar.

I was told I used to be a shy girl hiding behind my dad.

But he said I've changed now.

I told you.

All this suffering toughened you.

Thank you for hanging in there when things must have been rough.

I'm proud of you.

I need to thank you.

I wouldn't have made it this far without your help.

Wait a minute.

Where's the ring?

I still have things to do.

Once everything is over, I'll visit my mum and put it on there.

Don't worry.

I can't run away in this condition.

I'll be sent to prison in a few days.

What's the use?

I know what my reality is.

So you don't have to follow me.

How far are you going to follow me?

Are you going to follow me into the ladies' room?

What am I going to do?

I can't do anything because they're following me!

What if it ends like this?

Excuse me.

Can you do me a favour?

Can you change clothes with me?

I'm not asking you to do it for free.

I'm just in a bind.

Just exchange clothes with me and sit in that wheelchair.

I beg you.

I can give you more if you want.

I'm sure you're aware of the importance of the documents...

Eun Hee-soo gave you.

We lose too much if you make use of that information.

We didn't ask her to bring us the documents.

We're quite aware of that.

But if you do business this way, it'll only mark you with dishonour.

You're ultimately stealing business ideas from another hotel.

The young CEO doesn't seem to know how this business world runs.

We will attack you with evidence that the projects...

are from our hotel.

So please return our documents.

Why must I do that?

Should I tell you what happens if you don't walk the righteous path?

I once neglected to walk the righteous path and...

hit rock bottom.

That's when I learned about right and wrong.

Growing my hotel and getting to the top were what I ran after too.

But I learned that my conscience is more important than those things.

I hope you will maintain your dignity...

before you regret it.

I see what you're saying.

Eun Hee-soo!

Stop right there!

Who are you?

Where is Eun Hee-soo? Why are you sitting there?

It's that woman!

Go after her!

Yes, Detective.

What? You lost her?


I'll be right there.

Why is my life filled with bad luck?

My daughter is headed to prison.

I got kicked out of my house.

My life will end taking care of Hee-soo in prison...

while being penniless.

Well, Hee-soo has to go to prison.

I shouldn't complain.

Wait a minute.

If this happens to Hee-soo,

Ji-sub will divorce her and remarry.

Where is Eun Hee-soo?

How dare you come here!

How shameless of you!

Where is she?

She went to the hospital.

How can she do anything...

when you have the detectives following her?

You're really too much!

Must you do this to her when she will be sent back to prison?

You'll pay for this if you knowingly lie about this.

You'll be sent to prison for this too!

Listen to her.

Are you threatening me?

Isn't it enough that you ruined Hee-soo's life?

Now you are threatening me?

You're something else.

You shouldn't be like this.

Do you think you'll live happily after ruining Hee-soo's life?

You won't last long either!


I meant to visit you.

Must you go this far?

If you would just cover this up for her, it would be good for everyone!

How can you say that?

Do you even have a conscience?

How can you be just like her?

You want me to cover for her...

when you don't even think about what you did?

Sure, I'll cover this up.

But bring my mum back!

Bring her back to life!

What's wrong with her?

You weren't like this before.

If you can't bring my mum back, then she needs to be punished.

Oh my.

When did she change like that?

My goodness.

Did Eun Hee-soo contact you?

Did she tell you anything?


What's going on?

She must be with her mum.

Call her on your phone.


Let me talk to her if she picks up the call.

The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable...

Her phone is off.

What's going on?

Eun Hee-soo has disappeared!

What did you say?

That doesn't make any sense!

Did the police call you?

Did they locate Eun Hee-soo?

No. Why?

Did she run away?

They lost her at the hospital.

Then we can't be just sitting around.

We need to go look for her!

She must know she can't go abroad.

She must be in hiding.

She's just doing what she can since she's got no way out.

Call Eun-chae just in case.

What if she goes there to hurt her?

Is this Eun-chae?

Are you okay?

I got it.

Don't worry.

I won't be alone.

I'll stay with Mr Pil-sum.


Is it Kyung-chae?

Yes. She asked me if Hee-soo came by.

Kyung-chae is worried Hee-soo might kidnap me like before.

Did Hee-soo do something again?

I'm not sure.

Kyung-chae told me not to go to the centre and to stay home.

She told me to stay with you.

She said I can't stay alone.

I love to stay with you.

But I wonder what's going on.

Nothing Hee-soo does leads to any good.

Call me as soon as you get this message.

This won't solve anything.

I understand you.

But reconsider this.

You just can't be on the run forever!

I know you don't have any place to go.

You can stay at my studio.

The password is our wedding anniversary.

I don't intend to be on the run forever.

If no one is chasing me, I don't have to run.

As long as Min Kyung-chae is gone...

Father went home.

He was worried about Eun-chae.

We have only a few days.

We have to find her soon.

I hope she doesn't do anything foolish.

What if she overdoses again?

That won't happen.

She didn't mean to kill herself by overdosing.

Eun Hee-soo wants to live. She really wants to live.

She ran away for that reason.

She wants to live but is digging a deeper hole for herself.

What does she plan to do?

You're just...

Why do you frequent Ji-sub's workplace?

That's why Ji-sub hates you!

I'm not here to meet Ji-sub.

I'm here to confront Kyung-chae.

She needs to know what Mr Min did to me.

You saw him.

He acted so cool but he showed his true self!

He almost chewed me up!

But you started it.

What parent would let people call their child a dummy?

I still have to tell Kyung-chae.

Pil-sub may not be great, but we won't have Eun-chae.

It's because you're still crawling before them that...

they think we're nothing.

They don't think we're nothing.

Mr Min isn't that kind of a man.

Stop calling him that!

You're frustrating me.

Who knows?

He may become the new president of this hotel.

No way!

He doesn't have a ghost of a chance to become the hotel president.

Since I can't communicate with him, I must talk to Kyung-chae.

I should get her apology too.

You are just...

You're my foe rather than my wife.

Should I just divorce her before Ji-sub gets a divorce?

Nothing can stop you!

How can you just barge into her office?

Even her secretary is not in.

My goodness.

Kyung-chae is a little too much.

She tries to hook up Pil-sub with her dumb sister.

How can you say that?

Don't you know her by now?

How can we know her heart?

Did you know that Hee-soo was so evil?

You didn't know. That's why you let her deceive you!

I can't even understand her.

The more I know her, the more I learn of her dark past!

You're getting side-tracked.

Why are you talking about Hee-soo?

I'm just saying.

Who are you?

She doesn't seem to belong here.

You're the same, gosh.

Didn't she seem like Hee-soo?

How can she come here?

She can't even walk!

You saw her.

That's true. She can't go anywhere without her wheelchair.

What are we doing here?

Let's just go.

What's wrong with you!

Get out!

- You're ripping my jacket. - Gosh.

You dropped something.

This is...

Hold on!

Could you turn around for a second?

Why are you here?

This place is only for the staff.

Take off your hat and turn around.

Look here...

Can it be?

That can't be Eun Hee-soo.

She's not answering her phone.

She went to the hospital and still hasn't returned.

Seeing that Kyung-chae was here, something must be going on.

Kyung-chae asked for Hee-soo.

Does that mean she doesn't know where she is?

What's going on?

I shouldn't just sit here.

I need to do something.

Did she call you yet?

I left messages.

I'm sure she'll call back soon.

I'm sure Hee-soo was just nervous.

She's not that reckless.

Just give her some time.

I'll bring her before you. Please give her some time.

She doesn't have any money or friends to call.

You know that.

What if she just disappears?

What if she goes into hiding and we can't find her?

That won't' happen.

Unless she intends to be on the run forever, she'll return.

What happened?

Why did this fall?

Did you touch it?

No, I didn't.

I was standing here. How could I touch that?

I can't get in touch with Hee-soo.

Did something happen to her?

You even came to look for her at the motel.

Did you come here to ask that?

How can I not come when I can't get a hold of her...

after she left to meet with her doctor?

Do you know what happened to Hee-soo?

Did Hee-soo call you?

No one knows where she is.

She disappeared from the hospital.


She disappeared?

How can she just disappear?

I think she's nervous about going back to prison.

Are you okay?


Where did she go?

Do you think she'll harm herself...

now that she thinks her life is over?

She won't, right?

She won't do that.

I think she just went in hiding.

Please don't worry about it.


I just can't take this anymore.

This is too much for me to bear.

This is all because of you.

She's doing this because you scared her.

You were out to get her!

I'm telling you again.

You shouldn't be like this.

Your mum is dead!

How can you go after a living person to appease a dead person!

How much grudge would a dead person have!

Watch what you say!

You're not worthy of talking about my mum!



Please stop, Mother.

You're as vicious as your mum.

And you think only Hee-soo is in the wrong!


If anything goes wrong with Hee-soo, your life will be cut short too.

I won't leave you alone...

Mother! Mother!


Are you okay?




What's going on?

Mrs Gong just collapsed.

Min Kyung-chae must have drunk that water by now.

She must have been taken to a hospital.

She could be dead.

It's me, Ji-sub.

Did anything happen?

Did Min Kyung-chae...



What about her?


What happened to my mum?


- What happened to you? - What happened to my mum?

My mum...

My mum...

Did my mum die?

We have to wait and see.



Calm down.

You can't see her now.

I have to go and see her!

I have to see her!



I said calm down.

No, no...

My mum... She can't die...

Let go of me.

How can a healthy person collapse like that?

They found poison in her system.

Oh my!

Did she drink poison to kill herself?

I don't think so.

But it's strange because...

she collapsed after drinking water on Kyung-chae's desk.

Then someone poisoned the water.

The water on Kyung-chae's desk?

Then this could have happened to Kyung-chae!

She wouldn't poison her own water.

Did someone target her?

I just don't get it.

Who would do such a horrible thing?


Open your eyes, Mum.



Now do you know how I felt?

When my mum was hospitalised after the fire,

she was just lying there like a dead person.

I cried just like you.

I begged her to open her eyes.

To recognise me just once.



You're going through everything that my mum and I went through.

This is you being punished.

Get out!

I hate the sight of you!

No way.

I'm going to stay right here.

I see that you're walking again.

What if you run away?

Would you run away if your mum was in this condition?

Would you do it?

I wouldn't.

But you can.

This is all your fault!

It's all because of you!

No, it's not!

This is all your fault.

You made your mum this way.

You don't know why this happened to her, right?

She came to my office to ask about your whereabouts.

Then she collapsed right after she drank the water on my desk.

What do you mean?

Why would my mum drink that?

That's your water.

You always drink from that.

Then you should have drunk it. Why did my mum drink it?

I wonder why.

I'm sure you wanted me to drink it.

Then I would be lying there instead of your mum!

I could have died without even making it to the emergency room!

Isn't that what you wanted?

You poisoned my water hoping to get me.

But your mum drank that water instead of me!

You ended up killing your mum!

This is your first punishment!

Do you get it?

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