This is Einstein.
Can you tell everyone Hi?
That's nice.
Can you be polite?
Much better.
Just Dance 2017 | Cola Song | SUPERSTAR Gameplay! - Duration: 4:30.Hey my luvs! Túlio's here!
And Magic Cucumber is here too!
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TOP5FactsAbout Moonshy - Duration: 1:04.Mikki Islandhaze
ULTIMATE FREEKICK CHALLENGE EP.2 |sidekickzer - Duration: 6:34.OMG this is my first try LOL.
Oh! holy sh*** . .....
Hello everyone ,today we going to make a freekicks challenge
Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology and the Mobile Advantage - Duration: 1:01.Mobile technology is constantly advancing
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Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer (HD) (English & French Subtitles) - Duration:
What's up, guys?
So, to become an Avenger,
- are there like trials or an interview? - Do me a favor.
Can't you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?
Just stay close to the ground.
You're the Spider-Man from YouTube.
- Can you summon an army of spiders? - No, Ned, no.
- Do you know him too? - I stole his shield.
Can I try the suit on?
The rich and powerful like Stark, they don't care about us.
The world's changing, boys. Time we change, too.
These weapons are crazy dangerous.
Listen, Peter. Forget the flying monster guy.
There are people who handle this sort of thing.
The illegal weapons ferry was at 2:30.
You missed it.
No, no, no, no.
- What if somebody had died? - I was just trying to be like you.
I wanted you to be better. I'm gonna need the suit back.
But I'm nothing without this suit!
If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.
I screwed up.
You need to stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.
I want you to understand.
I'll do anything to protect my family.
I know you know what I'm talking about.
Don't mess with me.
Because I will kill you
and everybody you love.
My friends are up there!
The guy is still out there. I've just got to do this on my own.
Just don't do anything stupid.
I got this.
All right?
LUÍSA SONZA - DEU ONDA (RESPOSTA) - Duration: 5:16.-------------------------------------------
Xerox® VersaLink® Technology—Better for Your Small Business - Duration: 1:14.Sometimes getting started can be the
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UNBELIEVABLE! Democrat Congressman Just Honored This High School Dropout Crack Dealer Felon! WATCH! - Duration: 12:33.UNBELIEVABLE!
Democrat Congressman Just Honored This High School Dropout Crack Dealer Felon!
The United States House of Representatives has long been esteemed as one of the most
reverential places on Capital Hill.
This stems partly from the fact that it is an integral part of a democratic system of
government that has been envied the world over.
This is where countless politicians and influential leaders in government, as well as public the
sector, have battled it out to influence the making of the laws that their experience tells
them would be best for our country.
America the Beautiful has 3 branches of Government, and the House of Representatives is half of
one of them.
For some reason, though, some of our elected officials aren't bestowing on their position
the gravity that it deserves.
This was clearly displayed by Democratic U.S. representative from the 8th Congressional
District of New York, Hakeem Jeffries when he decided to inform his fellow Representatives
about Biggie Smalls.
Jeffries displayed a huge poster of Smalls and went on to subject his fellow lawmakers
to a tribute, and some of the rapper's lyrics.
The congressman also added his own feelings
Via Right Wing News:
"Those were the words of late, great Notorious B.I.G.
Biggie Smalls, Frank White, the King of New York.
He died 20 years ago today in a tragedy that occurred in Los Angeles.
But his words live on forever.
I got the privilege of representing the district where Biggie Smalls was raised.
We know he went from negative to positive and emerged as one of the world most important
hip hop stars.
His rags-to-riches life story is the classic embodiment of the American dream.
Biggie Smalls is gone, but he will never be forgotten.
Rest in peace Notorious B.I.G.
Where Brooklyn at?"
Jeffries chose to quote the B.I.G tune "Juicy" to memorialize this occasion when he said:
"It was all a dream.
I used to read Word Up magazine.
Salt-N-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine.
Hangin' pictures on my wall.
Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl."
It's understandable that even politicians have personal hero's and role models, nobody
is knocking that.
However, this is one of the people who employed the Awan brothers.
You know, the three Muslim brothers who improperly accessed all manner of Congressional information.
They even had a secret server off-site to which they funneled Congressional data.
Even if this display of praise for a long passed rapper were an appropriate thing to
conduct in one of our houses of congress, obviously this guy needs to get it together
and pay attention to his actual job.
If I could say one thing to Congressman Jeffries it would be that just because you like a singer,
doesn't mean you get to waste Congress' time talking about him.
If you carry on like this, your job might turn out to be all a dream; because you can't
change the world unless you change yourself.
(Source: Right Wing News)BREAKING Potential Assassination Attempt! Trump Family Rushed
Into Bunker
There are many malicious individuals out there who love to cause harm to president Trump.
As online threats on Trump's life are now become a common occurrence, one man decided
to up the ante and go physically after President Trump at the White House, in a very disturbing
incident that is just beginning to be reported.
On Friday at almost midnight, Secret Officer spotted something completely out of the norm,
after noticing a man walking across White House grounds in a restricted area.
A 26-year-old California man some how managed to jump the perimeter fence, sending the White
House into immediate lock-down, where the President and his family were immediately
rushed to safety.
Security immediately swarmed the scene, where Jonathan Tran, 26, of Milpitas, Calif., was
arrested charged with unlawful entry.
Horrifyingly, President Trump was at the White House during the incident, and he along with
his family were rushed to safety until authorities cleared the area.
The president immediately congratulated his team of Secret Service agents following the
breech, saying they "did a fantastic job."
USA Today has more:
According to the report, the potential assassin was on White House grounds shortly before
When the threat was neutralized, the White House was placed on "Orange Alert," which
is one of the highest states of readiness for the Secret Service.
The Secret Service said the incident occurred at about 11:38 p.m. when the man, who was
carrying a backpack, scaled an outer perimeter fence by the Treasury Building and East Executive
The report stated that the man began to walk away as the officer walked toward him.
When asked if he was holding an authorized pass, the suspect replied: "No, I am a friend
of the president.
I have an appointment."
Asked how he got there, the suspect, according to the report, told the officer, "I jumped
the fence."
The report said security footage showed the suspect jumping the northwest courtyard fence
of the Treasury building in a restricted area.
Thank God that this man was spotted before he could've caused harm to our president.
It's truly alarming how many deranged individuals there are out there.Look What Just Happened
To The US National Debt Since Trump Was Elected!
President Trump has done something that hasn't been done by a president in decades; he started
taking his campaign promises seriously.
His track record, even during his short tenure in office, has caused a ripple effect across
not only the nation, but the world.
His leadership has caused foreign diplomats, both friend and foe, to revise how they treat
the United States.
While it's true that President Trump is acting like a veritable Chuck Norris of Presidents,
to be fair, most of what he's doing is just un-doing.
Undoing the "change" that his predecessor so proudly enacted.
While it wouldn't take much to show up our illustrious former President, one impressive
reversal that President Trump has accomplished has to do with the national debt.
Trump's impressive business instincts have kicked into high gear and a little bit of
budget tweaking has gone a long way.
When the President took office on January 20th, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion.
On March 8th, about 6 1/2 weeks later, the US Debt stood at $19,879 billion.
That means that in under 2 months Trump has lowered the national debt by $68 billion since
his inauguration.
Here's a breakdown of the debt decrease.
This is a stark comparison to what President Obama accomplished during his time in office.
Between his inauguration and March 8th, 2009 the US Debt burden increased by more than
$320 billion.
Obama also enacted the trillion-dollar 'Stimulus' bill which, surprise surprise, turned out
to be a colossal failure and waste of US tax dollars.
Overall, Obama doubled the US deficit during his tenure in office and set new records for
the largest debt increase during any presidency.
Here's a comparison chart of Obama's first few weeks in office.
Even if the United States just put it on cruise control, and nothing else changed during the
Trump Administration, cleaning up this colossal financial mess that has been made by corrupt
politicians who can't seem to balance a checkbook, would be completely worth it.
Obama promised us change, and after 8 years that's pretty much all he left us with.
Trump promised to make America great again, and this debt decrease is just the beginning
of many more great things to come.
(Source: Gateway Pundit)Photos of President Trump Were Just Posted And Instantly Everyone
Noticed One Shocking Detail
President Trump went out of his way on the campaign trail to shine a spotlight on veterans
Whether it was advocating for police officers, firefighters, or military personnel he never
ceased to bring attention to those who sacrifice it all to protect everyone else.
Many people appreciate this as it is a welcome difference to that of the Obama administration.
Look at some of the pictures from his meetings.
He has only been in office for a little over forty days and he has already managed to meet
with all of these people showing us exactly where his priorities lie.
While President Obama was in office he met with the parents of slain African American
young men who had been killed by police officers.
He met with social justice and community organizing individuals and organizations.
While he did eventually have meetings with some military organizations he waited an extraordinarily
long time to do so.
He never ultimately met with law enforcement organizations.
He, like Trump, never served in the military.
But unlike his predecessor he has respect for the military and law enforcement and doesn't
undermine them on a national scale at every chance he gets.
Instead he treats them with the honor and respect they deserve.
That is what makes him a great President.
Despite being so called advocates for the working middle class Democrats have not given
veterans issues the care and consideration they deserve.
And yet they wonder why they lost the election.
These are people who sacrifice everything for peanuts on the dollar yet they never speak
out about it.
Instead they discuss women being paid 79 cents to the dollar.
Trump knows where our priorities should lie.
If we spend billions on war we can at least invest the time to give back to those who
sacrifice so the majority of us don't have to.Trump Just Discovered Where All The Illegal
Aliens Are Entering The US, It's BAD!
With the crackdowns on immigration discrepancies on foreign illegals, cases have been coming
out more and more.
The Miami federal immigration court has been flooded with massive amounts of cases dealing
with false statements made on foreigner visa application.
All done in an effort to hide former visits to the United States.
Just last week five new cases of overstays appeared in the court.
It came at the same time as a report that foreign nationals who remain past their stay
deadline outnumber illegal immigrants who attempt to cross the border without documentation.
The Center for Migration Studies in New York published a report in 2007 and said the following
about the growing issue,
"The paper finds that two-thirds of those who arrived in 2014 were admitted (after screening)
to the United States on non-immigrant (temporary) visas, and then overstayed their period of
admission or otherwise violated the terms of their visas — a trend likely to continue."
In one specific case, a Uruguayan immigrant named María de los Ángeles Moreira García
came to the Miami airport from Montevideo on American Airlines.
Her criminal complaint reads the following,
"The defendant presented a Uruguayan passport and a U.S. visa to Customs and Border Protection
for an examination and entry into the United States.
The defendant was referred to secondary inspection for admissibility verification.
The application for a non-immigrant visa asks: 'Have you ever been in the United States?'
and 'Have you ever been issued a U.S. visa?
The defendant answered 'no' to both questions on her visa application."
CBP officials found that the visa was genuine but obtained fraudulently.
She had also come to the United States several years prior.
She was thusly sentenced to jail and eventually released.
She will be sent back home upon the completion.
This speaks to a much larger issue.
It is for this reason the President has been encouraging these ICE crackdowns and raids
in an attempt to purge the country of illegal immigrants.
Corruption in immigration reform has been running rampant.
The Obama administration certainly didn't do anything about it.
So the Trump administration will.
IRIS CROCHET Mother Bag-Tutorial 7 Chain - Duration: 35:24.I welcome my channel'm Sara
this time, I am going to teach you to handle bag, mimics the shape of chain
step by step we started:
to do this work I will use four strands two red and two dark red
and the chain is stronger
the needle will use is 0,90mm and the Clover brand
It is a gift along with many other needles Amalia Vázquez de Sevilla (Spain), a virtual friend of our channel
many, many thanks, I'm really enjoying the Amalia, really I love me
we take all the threads together, we started making a knot
we will make thirty or thirty-two centimeters chains
so we will be doing, until you have 30 or 32 cm chain
we have 30 centimeters of strings, see
Now let's start making the chain links
We started in the chain 16
we put a marker, so that we do not lose points
I forgot to tell you, to attach the handle to the bag I will use this closure
before closing the 16 channels, you're going to get closure
you're going to get closure
Here we mark the 16 channels
already we have gotten
then now
had a launched and get into the chain 16
we will remove the pin
place it
We will not close, take us a loop and we put in the same place
another loop
and we close all but the first
we loop and closed
7 chains
1, 2
loop and we're going to get in the eighth chain
7 Chains have to be in the middle
We turn to do the same as before
place it
we loop
close all but the first
we loop and closed the two
back to do 7 strings
we released and engaged eighth chain
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
We do the same as before, that we will have to repeat until near the end
we loop
close all but the first
we loop and closed
back to make seven chains, hooked in the eighth with a vareta, without closing
we do 4 varetas unclosed
we loop, we closed all but the last, we loop and closed the two
7 Chains do well to make 30 cm chain
You see this is how it looks
already beginning to see the links in the chain still has a long
we will continue to have the last chain
we have the chain made
here we have to be 8 chains. If you are more strings, will you take away the knot and leave deshacéis to 8 chains and ye turn to put the knot
let us join the last point with the first (which are seven chains) with slipped point
Here are seven chains and here are eight chains
we will introduce the bracket for bag
We closed on the first point, with point slipped
we pull the knot, because the hill is loosened
we do midpoint 12, hiding the wire
place it
we have a part
this is how it will be whole chain
hacemos12 midpoint
we go to another link
we do midpoint 12 to each link, to the end
Here we will make more points
12 midpoint to get here
this is how it is becoming
go to the next link, we midpoint 12
and to have midpoint 12
12 we do midpoint in each link, to have the whole chain
It will look chain having
we have reached the end
Now let's do 12 midpoint
then we're going to do midpoint around the circle
so that the handle is secure bag
12 we do midpoint
we have 12 midpoint
washer stick to the points
we put the needle through the washer and make midpoint
and is hooked washer tissue
We do midpoint around the washer
to leave more secure and to make it more beautiful
We do the midpoint necessary to fill the washer
when we reach the middle of the washer, we hold the latch handle
many do midpoint as necessary
place the latch handle and passed through to the other side
We closed with midpoint
we have trapped Enchanche, and does not move
we continue midpoint
see as seen
we will be doing midpoint around the washer
when finish making the midpoint, we will join the washer chain
and there is little
forgiveness for camera movement
place the chain
and have the finished washer, we put the needle through the first midpoint of the first chain
here, this is the first
we put
we get
We closed with midpoint
Now we midpoint 12
We put a little
This is how one side is finished
let's do 12 midpoint in each link
here also we do midpoint 12 after the washer do the same as on the other side
12 in each link midpoint
and we have almost finished, we need to engage the washer to the chain
I've done the midpoint December 12, just need to hook the washer
I will remove the pin
let's do what we did before, we put the needle through the washer
we get
If we midpoint
we throw good
we midpoint around the ring, leaving the midpoint placed
place it
We have almost reached the halfway point, I will leave the ring placed in the middle
we will make a point more
and closing hitched
and we close it, and we hooked closure
we continue midpoint
We do midpoint around the washer
see as it is becoming, almost it is finished
is almost
forgiveness for camera movement
I hit with the needle
we will make a point
we will do the same as before
in the middle of the first chain
is this
we put
we get
we close
we will close with slipped point
we put the needle in between, we get
close, now do a string
cut wire
this is how it is finished, missing hide the thread
washer remain blocked
the other
just need to place the handle to the bag
so is the finished bag
the handle is like a chain
then I stick the filling to the bag so that it is placed
This has been inside
so the bag would
I made a box my mother to keep the bag
and the whole of the box is made of satin and liner bag and the bag would
I hope my mother likes as much as me and really enjoyed it
I hope you liked it and I have understood you, any questions you may have I will try to solve the
Hong Kong Disneyland FOOD EDITION - Duration: 12:37.-------------------------------------------
Xerox® ConnectKey® Technology – the User Interface Advantage - Duration: 1:01.To meet the fast-paced demands
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8 Medical Advances Completely ACCIDENTALLY Discovered! - Duration: 13:13.Here are 8 medical advances that were discovered completely by accident!
8 - ANESTHESIA Without the knockout gas known as anesthesia,
getting surgery would be quite an awful experience.
There's debate on who truly discovered anesthesia since a few different people had the same
accidental discovery, and each played a role in its creation.
Anesthesia, as we know it today, derived from two different substances.
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas.
And 2.
Ether, a flammable liquid used as a solvent.
The discoverers of anesthesia though their own experiences, realized that when either
nitrous oxide or ether were inhaled, it caused people to be less sensitive to pain.
In the 1800s, ether and nitrous oxide were used as party drugs.
Well, I guess some things still haven't changed!
Anyways, these inhalants were popular at events called "laughing parties" or "ether
It was through observing (and even participating in) these events that the pain relief properties
were discovered.
For example, Horace Wells, one of the people credited with the discovery of anesthesia,
attended one of these laughing parties.
At the party, one guy who probably had too many puffs, fell and hurt his leg pretty badly.
Even though he was bleeding, the man said that he didn't feel any pain.
So, Horace Wells decided to use the laughing gas as an anesthetic while he removed one
of his own teeth……..seriously?
From that point, Wells, along with other collaborators, used the laughing gas for dental practices
and other public demonstrations.
After this caught on, ether was also used as an anesthetic for minor surgeries.
7 - ROGAINE Rogaine was discovered in 1971 by Guinter
He was the head of the dermatology department at the University of Colorado.
One day a man named Paul Grant came to him and asked him to look into something strange
going on with a patient.
A woman was growing hair all over her face.
The woman suffered from hypertension and was using the experimental drug, minoxidil, to
lower her blood pressure.
The woman said that before she started taking the drug, she never had to shave her legs
and she only got a haircut every four months or so.
Afterwards, she had to shave her legs frequently and get her hair cut every three to four weeks!
Being blessed to be hair-free and suddenly you're shaving your legs all the time and
dealing with hair all over your face...?
I would imagine that she had to be pretty upset.
Khan, however, probably had to hide his excitement.
He noticed that the hair on her face grew especially on the temples and he knew instantly
that this unfortunate side-effect could be used as a medicinal cure for baldness.
As fate would have it, Khan himself suffered from hair loss and had a more than receding
Unfortunately for him, he could never use his own cure because…...get this, he was
6 - THE PACEMAKER There is debate about who first conceptualized
the pacemaker, because many people have made contributions over time.
We're going to give props though to Wilson Greatbatch, the electrical engineer who was
best known for his role in inventing the first implantable pacemaker.
Notice that we said implantable, because that definitely makes a difference.
Greatbatch was looking for a way to combat a condition known as heart block.
It's a condition where a blockage in the electrical conduction system of the heart
throws off the rhythm of the heart muscle.
As of the early 1950's, the only solutions were big, bulky devices and Greatbatch wanted
to create something smaller and more convenient to put those off- beat hearts back at a regular
In 1958, he was working at Cornell University to build an oscillator to record the heartbeat
of animals.
He wasn't paying attention and installed the wrong transistor into the recording machine.
Since he'd already done the work he decided, hey, let's just see what'll happen.
When he turned it on, he could hear a pulsing sound, similar to a regular heartbeat.
The device took some tweaking and testing, but eventually it became what we know today
as the pacemaker.
It was installed successfully into a human for the first time on October 8, 1958 in Sweden.
5 - PENICILLIN Penicillin is one of the first antibiotics
in the world.
Back in September of 1928, Dr. Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist at St. Mary's hospital
in London, had returned from a vacation, only to find that his lab was left in chaotic condition.
As he sorted out the mess, he came across some colonies of Staphylococcus aureus, a
bacterium that commonly causes infection after an injury or a surgery.
His lab had been kept in such poor condition while he was away that a mold, Penicillium
notatu, could be seen growing on the petri dishes.
As he examined the mold further under the microscope, he realized Staphylococcus bacteria
weren't growing as fast as they normally would.
The mold had somehow stunted the bacteria's growth.
It took a few weeks to grow more of the mold, but he eventually confirmed that there was
definitely something in the Penicillium mold that could be used to treat infections.
At St. Mary's, he didn't have the resources he needed to do further research.
And… he kinda didn't have the smarts either.
Don't get me wrong, he really was a smart guy.
But he was a bacteriologist.
It would take someone with a deep background in chemistry to isolate and purify the active
ingredient from the mold.
1938, Dr. Howard Florey, a professor and director of pathology at Oxford University was catching
up on some reading when he came across Fleming's essay in The British Journal of Experimental
Dr. Florey was a go-getter, known for his skill of obtaining research grants.
Because he had always had a curiosity about who would win in a fight… bacteria or mold?
He helped Fleming acquire the funds, technology, and team of experts needed to see this revolution
In March of 1942, Anne Miller was the first patient to be successfully treated with penicillin.
4 - QUININE Quinine is a compound that was used to fight
It's still used to treat malaria, but these days it's commonly seen in tonic water.
Turns out that Quinine had been used to treat malaria as early as the 1600s.
The legend goes like this: One day, a native Andean Indian was wondering around in the
Lost and sick from malaria, he stumbled upon a pool of water at the base of a cinchona
tree and took a few sips.
Initially he thought he'd made a big mistake.
Because the water was bitter, he thought it was only going to make him sicker.
But he actually started to feel a lot better.
His fever went away and he was able to make it out of the jungle to share his tales of
the healing powers of the cinchona tree.
Other Southern American Indians started to use the substance treat malaria.
It was also used to treat the shivers due to the low temperatures of the Andes Mountains.
The bark was dried and the powder was mixed with water and sugar to get rid of the bitter
Because no other tree naturally produces this particular compound, it was vital that an
alternative eventually be created.
A synthetic version of quinine was finally created in 1944 by W.E.
Hoering and R.B.
3 - INSULIN Insulin was discovered in 1889 when two researchers
at the University of Strasboug, Oskar Minkowski and Josef von Mering, were looking into what
impact the pancreas had on digestion.
They removed a pancreas from a dog and realized a few days later that for some odd reason,
flies would swarm around the dog's urine.
After removing the poor pup's pancreas, they discovered that the dog urine had become…
The abnormally large amount of sugar in the doggie pee made for a nice snack for the swarms
of flies.
To top it off, the dog also drank a lot more water which resulted in frequent urination
and frequent cleaning of the lab floor.
The lab attendant couldn't understand why he was getting in trouble when he really was
taking the dog out regularly.
When it was also observed that the dog was losing strength, the doctors realized that
removing the dog's pancreas caused the dog to develop diabetes.
They never figured out how the pancreas helped to regulate blood sugar, but after 1922, other
researchers at the University of Toronto had better luck.
After more tests were done on dogs and on larger animals, like cattle, Dr. Frederick
Banting and Charles Best were finally able to isolate the pancreatic substance responsible
for sugar regulation, which today we know as insulin.They decided that they would be
the first humans to be tested with the injection rather than testing on other people.
Once the insulin was perfected, they chose Leonard Thompson to be the first person with
diabetes to get the treatment.
In January of 1922, 14-year-old Leonard was the first human to have his diabetes successfully
2 - VIAGRA Before Viagra was launched in 1998, men had
very few ways to combat erectile dysfunction.
They either had to get an injection or get a prosthetic implant, neither of which sounded
too pleasant.
Viagra was originally known as UK92480.
It began as a new way to treat angina, which is a heart condition that reduces blood flow
to the heart by restricting the vessels that supply the blood.
The drug company Pfizer was searching for a way to relax those blood vessels, but saw
little success.
They were about to call it quits until more and more volunteers informed them about the
drug's ahem, "side effects."
At the same time, scientists who were researching erectile dysfunction finally discovered its
When a man has narrow blood vessels in his penis, this keeps the blood from flowing fast
enough to form an erection.
Sound familiar?
It's similar to angina, the heart condition Pfizer was researching.
Turns out, days after taking Pfizer's heart drug, men would experience the effects of
a firm erection.
Ian Osterloh, who directed the research of this drug, initially wanted to keep the focus
on the drug's effect on the heart.
He thought, "who would want to take something and have to wait days to feel its effects?"
However, after some time, it became clear that the drug was mediocre at treating angina.
Thanks to brave souls and their reports of mass erections, Pfizer eventually decided
to go down a different path for this, uh, "heart" drug.
Now men, and the lucky ladies of course, get to enjoy stronger and longer lasting erections,
and to this day Viagra is still one of the best selling drugs of all time.
SOOO many jokes in here, but I didn't go there.
You're welcome!
1 - THE X-RAY The discovery of X-rays back in 1895 are usually
credited to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen although he wasn't the first to observe the effects
of X-rays.
Roentgen's scientific career began a little rough.
Just a case in point, back in December 1862, he attended Utrecht Technical School in Holland
and was quickly expelled when a student drew a caricature of the teacher and he was blamed
for it.
Röntgen, being such a stand up guy, refused to snitch on the student who really did it,
so bye-bye Utrecht Tech.
On November 08, 1895, Roentgen was late for dinner.
Before dinner he had been working in his laboratory at the University of Worzburg when a glimmer
of light in the corner of the room caught his eye.
As he investigated this mysterious light, he realized it came from a piece of paper.
The paper was coated with barium platinocyanide, a substance that glows when exposed to cathode
The glow on the paper didn't make any sense because the cathode ray tube that he was working
on was covered with a thick piece of cardboard and it was located on another side of the
Yet the paper was still somehow glowing.
Naturally, he decided to see what would happen if he turned the cathode ray tube off.
He turned the ray off, and surprise!
No more glowing paper.
He went into another room and took the paper with him.
He closed the blinds, shut the door, and discovered that the luminescence could pass through the
wall, allowing the paper to still glow.
He named this new ray the "x-ray" as a bit of a placeholder.
It meant "unknown ray."
Röntgen threw himself into investigating these unknown rays systematically.
Röntgen discovered the x-ray's medical use when he made a picture of his wife's hand
on a photographic plate.
The photograph of his wife's hand was the first photograph of a human body part using
When she saw the picture, she said quote, "I have seen my death."
No one ever really took the time to give it an official name.
I don't think it needs one, just because you know what, x-ray turned out to be pretty
Here's what's next!
Agile to Waterfall 5. There and Back Again + CHEAT SHEET - Duration: 4:27.Previously
A composer
A boot
A pizza!
Today, I try to make sense of it all
... and stick around to the end for your free Cheat Sheet
Welcome to Development That Pays
My name is Gary Straughan
And welcome to the 5th and final episode of Agile to Waterfall and beyond.
If you missed any of the previous 4 episodes and you'd like to catch up, click on this link
It should bring you Auto-magically back to this point
We started way back in Episode 1 by looking at this process
Note sure this it conforms to any recognised Agile framework,
It's iterative.
Very iterative.
It was the right approach for my level certainty with the process at the time.
And do you know what, it got the job done.
Inefficient, Yes.
But iterating towards a finished product meant there were no surprises.
Which is more than I can say about the process that replaced it.
By moving the steps around, I found I could remove the waste
An iterative process became a waterfall process.
Was it waterfall?
Mike Jones wasn't sure.
"you are still following some Kanban practices such as single piece flow - you are only working
on one video at a time."
Mike, you're right.
As waterfall processes go, it's about as watered down as it could be.
But even then, I had pain points.
- the part that I find difficult... became more difficult
(Remember we talked about Cognitive Load)
- the part I liked... became unpredictable
Sometimes it was as smooth as silk.
Sometimes it was a car crash.
I now look at these SYMPTOMS as indicators...
that I wasn't ready for waterfall.
"Waterfall works well for processes that are well-understood."
As yet I haven't reached the right level of understanding... in video production.
But pizza production
That's another story
A pure Waterfall process.
And batch sizes of up to... err... three ... are no problem for me
By the way, Mozart's ability to compose an entire piece... and then write it all down.
"As if he were just taking dictation"
Is a reminder that it's not about
the intrinsic difficulty or complexity of a task,
It's about our experience/understanding of the task
This is the process I use now.
Is it a recognised Agile framework?
Kanban, perhaps?
On second thoughts:
"A new episode every Wednesday"
A Sprint?
Maybe it's Scrum.
Did you notice the dotted lines.
These loops are the LAYERS I talked about last time.
Once around I and have my "margharetta" video
Next time around...that's my pepperoni video
Around again.... there's my American Hot.
finishing a task...
taking another from the backlog.
That's sounds to me
like KANBAN!
If you've made it this far, you deserve a t-shirt.
Alas, I don't have a t-shirt for you.
But I do have a Cheat Sheet.
A Waterfall vs. Agile cheat sheet.
Around this video, you'll find a link.
Click the link,
Follow the instructions... grab your copy.
At the time of recording,
the Cheat Sheet is more "margharetta" than "quarto staggioni"
I need your help with the toppings:
So once you get your copy, come back here and let me have
your comments and suggestion for improvement.
I'll update it from time to time and send you an shiny new version.
So go on, grab it now.
And I look forward to talking to you next time...
which I promise will about something - ANYTHING - other than
Thank you very much for watching.
If you liked this episode, please give it a thumbs up
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for a brand new episode every Wednesday.
See you next time.
Cheers for now.
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