How to Draw Fish and Coloring Sea Fishes for Kids
Why I ride a Scooter in the City - Duration: 9:18.Hello girls and guys!
Theme is actually, why a scooter?
I am often asked why I drive with a scooter in the city.
Well done in the city!
Well, that's easy, just because of that!
I do not need that hand.
As you can see, I only have the turn signal
And horns or main beam (if necessary),
Because here I have the gas,
Front brake and down here
You can see the foot brake acting on the rear wheel.
And so it's actually a very stress-free ride
And I always have my left hand free.
It is not alone, it is much easier, of course,
111 kg and at 9.5 hp and 95 km/h peak
Perfectly adequate for the city.
I do not have to switch and that at a vintage car.
So I drive away and have my left hand free
And can do anything with it,
But I do not need them to operate the scooter,
The only when I really need it,
For the blinker or, if necessary, to really have to honk.
But otherwise I drive the scooter with one hand.
And what is still great with modern scooters,
Which have a storage space under the seat
Usually for a complete full-face helmet.
And if you go like I did before on the Honda Vision
Also a topcase has mounted,
Then you can even take 2 helmets
And a 3 at the helmet lock!
This is really a great thing,
I. Give the throttle, brake more you need
In principle not to do and you can go everywhere.
Even if scooters are bored with motorcyclists,
I like to ride with my old Puch scooter.
And a very excellent thing is,
The apron forne.
If you have been traveling in the rain since,
You have the huge advantage,
That it keeps you from the rain
And you remain dry or dryer
Since the apron next to a draft shield as well
Is a weather protection.
Front with the compartment I have here at the Puch still a storage space
With spare oil, raincoat, bandage etc.,
Since my Puch under the seat has no more space,
Since there the tank is installed with about 5 liters.
Yes perfectly adequate for the city,
9,5 hp, 95 km/h fast and much smaller,
Lighter and narrower than motorcycles.
Agile, I also come through the traffic jam.
Of course, I have not now operated filtering,
But you can do that now.
Yes and these are simply the easy benefits
Which only brings a scooter and no motorcycle, here in the city!
And this is something that many overlook.
Of course I would be on a long straight
With a motorcycle a lot faster,
But I do not have to be,
Because even every car with 300 or 400 hp
Is by far slower in a city with a lot of traffic,
As I with 9.5 HP.
This is not the point, but rather the point
That I have a vehicle with which I really
And this is actually the cool thing about it,
Because to sit in the car and get angry not to come forward,
No matter how much PS you have under the hood,
Is just annoying, yes and so just 9.5 hp.
Yes, and that is the reason why many guys in town or in the city
Simply switch to scooters or anything else
As a second vehicle, for me, of course, a second vehicle
And overland then use a motorcycle or for travel.
As a prospect I drive this year ...
... a small tour as preparation,
Because unfortunately I do not have so much time (this year)
But is planned for next year then a really big tour.
Where she leads me remains a little secret,
But it will be funny and lots of filming.
Well, my 3 day trip this year will lead to a place
On a long, long time
Motorcycle meeting,
But at a very unorthodox time,
I. Not in the summer but always when there is snow (Winter).
Yes and then a small round over the Großglockner (highest Mountain), probably.
Round about a few beautiful streets.
Ok, these are my reasons why me
With the scooter in the city
And my oldie can keep up pretty well
And not use my bike and torture the clutch.
That's easy ... ahaaaa that's nice.
A truck, no turn signal and pull out (change lane).
Yes, there is only one thing left to say, as always,
See you!
Vợ Quỳ Gối Xin Hàng Trên Giường Vì Cho Chồng Sử Dụng Những Thần Dược Này Thường Xuyên - Duration: 12:02.-------------------------------------------
Mua Oppo F3 Plus trong ngày 1/4 nhận thêm gói bảo hành-Tin tức trong ngày 24h - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
Citroën C1 1.0-12V AMBIANCE,5DRS, ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Mua Oppo F3 Plus trong ngày 1/4 nhận thêm gói bảo hành-Tin tức trong ngày 24h - Duration: 2:55.-------------------------------------------
THERAPY SESSION | Experimental Short - Duration: 6:12.Come in.
Good morning.
Good morning po.
Take a seat.
So how are you? What's new?
I'm okay. Our play last night was successful.
My work was a finalist for the essay writing contest.
So how does that make you feel?
Great! I feel great...
Somehow, nothing matters.
What do you mean?
I feel...
I feel bloated.
I have a question
Why do we always let ourselves be defined by our achievements?
Is that really who we are?
Is it all that there is?
You know, I think you have a lot to celebrate right now.
I know.
But it's...
Never mind.
So have you talked to your parents?
I did invite them to our activities but I always come home late so no.
Have you talked to anyone?
This is why I have you.
It's back, though...
I don't know why... I don't know how, but...
It's back.
I want to do it, but I don't.
I don't think you're a danger to yourself, Ice.
Don't call me that, please.
He's a different person.
I don't want to explain.
Do you have friends?
Yes? Maybe.
You're not sure?
It depends on what you mean.
Do I hangout with people?
Do they know what's going on with you?
The things that you feel and think?
Of course not!
You don't talk to them?
What's the point? Am I right?
They won't understand anyway.
That's what you think.
But it might surprise you when you find out that they understand.
No, they won't.
I know they won't.
How can they understand if I...
...I don't understand?
We all just want to help you, Ice.
-That's bull-- -Hey!
Sorry. I just don't want to hear crap like that.
I know.
How do they do it?
How do they not see the things I see?
How do they not hear the things I hear?
How do they not feel...
the way I feel?
I don't always open up, but when I do...
Why? What happened?
Never mind.
No, tell me.
You're too negative!
Stop! Other people have it worse than you.
Stop it.
It feels worse if they think you're joking.
Wooowww!!! Deep!
Maybe they're right.
Don't get me wrong. I get what you're saying but have you ever considered what they say minus the insult?
Maybe you dwell too much on the negative that you overlook the positive.
I told you: They won't understand.
Because you don't understand yourself, right?
But do you even try to understand them?
Why do you come to me, Ice?
Because you listen.
Trump ve Metin2 - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
★ How to EARN ON THE INTERNET without attachments to a newbie. Proven methods. - Duration: 6:44.-------------------------------------------
shogar ka khatma hamesha k liye | اب شوگر والے مریض خوش ہو جائیں شوگر سے نجات پائیں ہمیشہ کے لئے - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
wazaif in urdu | 15منٹوں میں ہر مشکل اور مراد پوری ہوگی انشااللہ | wazaif for success - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
【MUKBANG】 Korean Snacks! CJ Snow White Glutinous Rice Mix Hotteok , 4 Packs, 6240kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 5:19.Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subs by ~Aphexx~)
so today! tadaa a Korean viewer sent me these Hotteok mix packages so I'll be making them today
tadaa guys look they even sent me the recipe here its written in Japanese Thank you so very much for that
and there is this as well its a tool used for making hotteok
I've had Hotteok when I was in Korea for a gig they were so amazingly delish
I'm so in love with them K, I can't wait lets start making them
tadaa this is the hotteok mix so here is the hotteok mix jam packet and some yeast
first take the yeast and mix with 40 degree water
and then add our mix
mix for 5-10 minutes
these are the jam mix packets
its got an aroma similar to nuts
cover your hands in oil
grab a handful then put some jam into the middle
this is kind tough...
reminds me of making a meat bun
~so fun~
now to make the rest like this
perhaps I'll make them a bit bigger?
heat some oil and fry up the hotteok
random sizes ...
flip when done
then use our tool to press down on it
oh since we're going to press them I wasn't supposed to make them like this lol...
I dun goofed
should I take this guy out?
welll... I've gone and done it haven't I
looks so delish its a pancake sized hotteok
K looks delish !
tadaa they're complete this side is the normal ones and this side is green tea flavored
they all look so delish I've only had these in Korea and Koreatown
you hardly ever get a chance to try these out and it makes me so glad to be able to have them
itadakimasu starting with the normal ones
these are bigger than the ones I've tried in Korea
theres so much in here
this is what they look like
the stuff inside has a bit of a cinnamon flavor to it and its got this yummy graininess to it
the dough is so soft chewy and warm
its so soft and chewy and since its fried its also very crispy as well
the sauce was powdery when we put it in but when its made it transforms into a syrup
that's why when I had these before I thought they put some honey cinnamon sauce inside these
well it appears that, this is not the case its turned into a honey like syrup inside and its so delish
next is.. uhh wait what is this again?
tea flavored
I'll now eat the tea flavored one
mmm the dough has a slight taste of tea it reminds me of a wormwood sort of flavor
the sauce inside is the same
ahhh... nothin' beats warm and sweet treats like these they make me so happy
so when I was frying these things with a bit of oil something happened when I was flipping them over
some oil jumped out and can you guys see? I burnt myself
its starting to blister
take that as a note to be careful when cooking
final mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita these hotteok were so amazing delish
I never knew that you could make them on your own they didn't taste any different from when I had them at a store
they were so delish special thanks to the person who sent me these
these were so delish won't you all give them a try? and as always thanks for watching and if you liked
this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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