Enjoy the knife challenge i did! XD
Wait for it...
OMG!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT!!!!????
Autoboy Blackbox : Dashcam App - 03-26-2017 09:49:59 - Duration: 5:01.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Tallest Buildings in the Netherlands - Duration: 3:47.Engineering8 presents
Top 10 Tallest Buildings in the Netherlands
#10 City Tower The Hague
Height 141.84m (465.35ft) Floor 45 Opening year 2012
#9 Court Tower The Hague
Height 141.85m (465.39ft) Floor 30 Opening year 2003
Height =146m (479ft) Floor =38 Opening year =2012
#6 Millennium Tower Rotterdam
Height 149.1m (489.2ft) Floor 34 Opening year 2000
#5 Rembrandt Tower Amsterdam
Height 150.0m (492.1ft) Floor 36 Opening year 1994
#4 De Rotterdam Rotterdam
Height 151.30m (496.4ft) Floor 44 Opening year 2013
#3 Delft Gate Building 1 Rotterdam
Height 151.35m (496.6ft) Floor 41 Opening year 1991
#2 New Orleans Rotterdam
Height 158.36m (519.6ft) Floor 43 Opening year 2010
#1 Meuse Tower Rotterdam
Height 164.75m (540.5ft) Floor 44 Opening year 2010
What this RV channel is all about! RV life, passiv income, big life questions, living your dream BIG - Duration: 6:48.hello my friends I'm starting this
channel in English instead of Swedish I
am from Sweden I will tell you something
about myself and the plan for this
channel and what you can expect so this
is my RV it's a Chausson,
Fiat and I am
living in this RV full time and for a
living I do several stuff I work as a
rent nurse
I am renting me out to hospitals
around in Sweden so i can live wherever
I want and besides that I'm a youtuber
and trying to get the passive income of
this YouTube channel and other YouTube
channels and you can see my channels on
my channel by other channels I have a
paracord youtube channel you will see it
right in the right corner of your screen
right now and you can see what that is
what I'm doing and sometimes I'll show
you what I'm doing well that's what I'm
doing for income to live this lifestyle
I am right now selling my house I have a
house that I am really not using
anyways because I like to live in this
RV and before that i lived in a tiny
house on wheels that i have built myself
and there is a channel for that too if
you want to build one you can look
at my
channel and see if you like it I can do
like this I can help you now in the
right corner right now you can see
the channel and you can subscribe and go
and check it out so as you see i'm a
person that does a lot of things and i
like it to be like that and my way of
living is doing things that i love and
make money on it so that i can live as i
please i want to wake up every day and
do the stuff i love to do so i'm not
right there you will be able to see my
way to get there and I'm getting there I
am always driven of the goals and doing
the right choices and sometimes you know
maybe I don't do the right choices but I
do choices the thing is if you don't do
choices you stay where you are and if
there you are it's not where you want to
be well then do better choices and I
like this thing you can say you are
where you are the because of the choices
you did yesterday so don't complain and
complain do new choices that get you
where you're going maybe sometimes you
think that this choice is the best
choice and it was wrong so what do it
again in another way until you succeed
yeah it's not harder than that and that
there are no failures there are no
failure no no it's not there are no
failure if you tried and failed you can
try and fail again but if you don't try
you will never succeed this life is
short live it as you please if you
can't do what you want now take small
choices that make it happen sooner or
there is no no point in living a life
that's not yours don't live your
parents your friends your status
life because of others it doesn't matter
what other people think of you if you
it matters what you think about you that matters well so
what will I do on this channel well I
will talk like this to you about life
and I will show you everything about my
RV style lifestyle and nomadic lifestyle and
passive income like that and everything
I do and working as a nurse and so on I
will do what I think is fun and I hope
you will think it's fun to
MINI Cooper S 1.6 CHILI *NL-Auto* Xenon*Leder*Full Option* - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Ford S-Max 2.0-16V Limited Navi Airco - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Trend, CVT Automaat, Navi, Panoramadak, Cruise! - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Global Strike Squad War Only Best Vs S-Ottoman [10-1 Win] - Duration: 10:12.-------------------------------------------
Ohio Street Freak: 1969 Chevrolet Nova - The House Of Muscle Ep. 4 - Duration: 15:56.(slow guitar music)
- You feel like such a bad boy in this thing.
(slow guitar music)
You might be wondering why I'm standing here
in the middle of Ohio when it's 32 degrees
and we had snow flurries.
You might be wondering why I'm wearing gloves
and a puffy coat.
Well the reason is this.
Well actually the reason is that.
And well I guess the reason is both of 'em.
About three years ago, I saw that car on the internet,
and it blew my mind.
And I did a little research and I found the owner,
who's the guy in that garage.
After speaking with him, he told me about that car.
That car reminded me of when I was a kid.
So when I decided to come here, I wasn't sure which one
I was going to film.
As it turned out, this is the huckleberry for this episode.
But that one is something we're going to do later on.
So welcome to another episode of The House of Muscle.
And I'm leaving you now because I'm really cold.
(slow bass notes) (engine roaring)
This is a cruiser, this car was made
to do what we're doing now.
Which is to like roll around and show off,
and like you go up to somebody and they're like
hey how you doin'?
Right and they look at you and they're like,
should I talk to him?
(slow bass notes)
May I present to you, this piece of beauty.
This wonderful rig of whiteness and laced paint,
and a hood scoop, a hood scoop.
- The thing that got me into cars, one of the most vivid
memories I have, I'll never forget.
I was a paper boy, about 12, 13 years old.
You know, rode your bike,
had the canvas bag over your shoulder.
Out of the corner of my eye I see a car
coming across the street, heard it first.
(engine roaring)
It happened to be about a, probably a 1970 Nova.
Was black, it was a sunny day.
I remember the sun hitting the spokes of the Cragar SS'.
Very similar to the 69 I've got.
I was scared but excited at the same time.
That was over 40 years ago.
That image was burned into my mind.
And that, not only cars, but Novas in particular,
have always been a part of me, and probably always will be.
(engine roaring)
- The cool part about this is that is makes you feel
like a kid, it makes Mike feel like a kid.
And as he puts it, when he gets in this car,
he's dude I'm 16, I am 16 years old.
- Just to clear the side pipe.
So I wanted to build a car that reminded me
of the cars that were on the road when I was a kid.
The slapper bars were something that you saw.
The Cragar SS', that was the wheel,
I think there were like two wheel
options in the '60s and '70s.
It was probably a steel GM wheel if you had a GM car,
a rally wheel maybe, and then Cragar SS.
Side pipes, I mean if that doesn't scream 1960s,
I don't know what does.
(engine humming)
- This particular car, is a 1969 Nova,
that Mike bought off eBay.
And when he bought it, he was like
dude it was a complete hash.
He's like it had like a 283 in it.
He's like the tranny was jacked.
The body was in decent shape but there was so much of it
that just needed to be redone.
As Mike's first car was a Nova that his Dad gave him,
which he still has by the way,
Mike decided to build something that not only paid tribute
to his Pop, but his kids as well.
And he's like you know what, I'm going to build
the type of car that I grew up with,
that I saw on the streets and that sparked
my imagination when I was a kid.
(engine humming)
- With most car guys, the inspiration that we receive
comes from a lot of places.
To pay homage to my father,
who is probably my um sorry,
my biggest inspiration.
I went with my family's name on the car,
my father's name's on the car, my son's name on the car.
- His Dad passed away two weeks after,
after the car was finished.
He said he got to see it before he passed away.
(engine roaring) (upbeat jazz music)
Now when I think of a Chevy Nova, this is what I think of.
As a kid growing up in the late '70s and the early '80s,
in New York, these things were all over the place.
But back in 1968 when Chevy decided to change
the body style of the Nova,
they went from kind of these square, rectangular
blocks of automobile to this.
Which is more of a, kind of organic, kind of jelly beanish
type of shape.
But the ones produced between '68 and '72,
are actually my favorite.
One, I love, love, the small tail lights.
I love the rigged front grill.
I love the line, they're very kind of ruggedly handsome
if that makes any sense right.
Even if you got one with a plain Jane straight six,
it was still kind of cool.
I mean hell, you could even, when they were first released,
you could've even gotten this car with a four cylinder.
Although I have never actually seen one,
they're really really rare.
You have to think about what I'm driving right.
Cragars on the front, with skinny tires on 'em.
I've got these big meats on the back.
And the rig is like this.
I've got these crazy traction bars.
So when you hit the throttle on the car,
(laughs) (engine roars)
the whole car just kind of lurches forward.
It's kind of cool, I mean you know cars today
are meant to just be planted.
They're not meant to twist,
they're not meant to do any of that funky stuff.
This car, if you're sitting here,
and you stomp it,
(engine roars) (laughs)
it's hilariously fast.
When you do it, the whole car kind of comes up on an angle,
it feel like that front wheel wants to come up
off the ground and it kind of twists itself.
And that was such a characteristic for these old school cars
and that's what makes it wonderful.
How is the car to drive?
When you look at this car, you immediately get an image.
You go, that's probably going to be terrible.
And you know what, it kind of is.
But not in the way that you would think.
Like I don't want to get in this car
and I don't want to drive to California in this thing, right.
I mean under the hood we've got a 406 small block.
Out back, we got 373 gears and it's a turbo 350 tranny.
So right at like 65, 70 miles an hour,
you're spinning three grand, you don't want to do that,
like all the way to California, you'd be running like
4500 RPMs, the motor would blow sky high.
(slow jazz music) (engine roaring)
When you look around the inside of this car,
what do you see?
I have a massive tach, old school tach,
that's column mounted.
I have obviously my gages down here,
because every muscle car from the '70s and '60s
has a gage pod down there.
There's a fire extinguisher because when you have
a 50 year old car, you have a fire extinguisher.
I've had cars that caught on fire,
it's not pretty if it's not present.
I don't have a radio, I do have climate control switches.
They do nothing.
It's an old car, it's awesome.
I love character.
(engine roaring) (laughs)
It's a fun car to drive and you don't have to be going
110 miles an hour.
And regards to flat out speed, my ass dyno says
probably a mid 13 second car, high 12 car,
something like that, if you get it to hook up.
But on this particular one, once you get a look at it,
you can tell that owner Mike Cosculluela
did a lot of things to it.
(upbeat jazz music)
OK so if you guys haven't figured out what this guy means,
do I look like I give a F?
I don't, and I definitely know Mike doesn't.
- I take this car everywhere.
I take it to the grocery store, to my kids' school
when I drop 'em off at school.
The question I'm often asked if I'm at a gas station
getting gas in it, or in a parking lot of a grocery store,
is where's the car show at?
Is there a car show today?
And I'm like no I got to get milk and eggs.
Too many guys will take these cars and preserve them
and baby them.
All the stickers, we made a couple
look like they fell off.
- Sure of course.
- We broke 'em off, sanded on 'em.
I subscribe to the theory of, drive the crap out of 'em,
it's a car.
(engine humming)
- Is that a drive through store?
- [Cameraman] Yeah.
- Look at that, that's bitchin'.
We're going through there.
Alright now we're going to go have a little fun.
What're we going to buy?
- [Cameraman] Snickers and some batteries.
- [Host] Snickers and batteries.
If a drive through mini mart doesn't say 1970s,
I don't know what does.
Hey how you doing?
Do you have Snicker bars?
Do you have AA batteries?
Oh do you have Twix?
- Twix? - Yeah.
- Yes. - I'll take a Twix too.
Hey dude.
- What's happening?
- [Host] Nothin'.
What do you think of this thing?
- Pretty great.
- [Host] It's slick isn't it?
- [Cashier] Anything else?
- [Host] Just the batteries and then we'll be good to go.
- [Man] What time you got on it?
- Like the ass dyno probably says high 12, low 13s.
I told you people can't ignore this Nova.
There is no reason whatsoever,
you couldn't drive this every day, none.
None at all.
Everybody thinks that they have to spend
a whole bunch of coin, to have a great car.
And you don't.
All you have to do, in reality,
is have a really good imagination, right.
You have to have a good imagination,
you have to have a great set of friends
that are going to help you through the journey
of building a car.
And then, and this is the most important thing,
you have to drive them.
You have to get on the gas.
You got to like roll through it and like you've got to
steer yourself a little bit.
I mean shit we don't even have seat belts.
I mean, we have lap belts but like they don't do anything.
(engine humming)
- I knew I would never buy anything but a Nova.
I know there's some guys that own Mopars
and they own Pontiacs and foreign cars, not me.
Because it was my first car, it was my first car
that my father gave me.
Every time I drive it, I think about my Dad.
And that's the biggest joy,
I have with this car and all these cars.
- The person or the people that you built it for,
they get it, they get exactly why you did it.
They understand your process behind it.
And they know in here, and more importantly in here,
what this means to you.
You can't buy that.
I don't care what you do,
I don't care how much money you spend.
The reason we do this stuff is because of this.
Really nothing else.
(engine roaring)
When I saw this car, I was blown away.
Because a lot of people do cars like this,
and they get really close to getting it right.
But they generally always do it wrong.
He nailed this thing in my opinion.
Look at the stance, look at the rig in the back.
Look at how true he stayed to the street free cars
of the 1970s.
Look at the side pipes, look at the tow tabs in the front.
Look at the lace paint job and the distressed paint.
Look at the two inches of caked rubber
on the back quarter panel.
Look underneath the rear end at that glorious
rear gold globe of a diff cover.
- Love it, I love it.
If you asked any guy that built a car,
that didn't want some sense of acknowledgement,
that dude, that is fricken bad ass, he's lying.
Cause you, subliminally, you want acknowledgement.
- Not a big money build.
But an outstanding build.
A car that's fun, a car that's exciting,
a car that has imagination.
And these cars are about adventure
and they're about making you understand,
what life was like a little while ago.
They act as therapy and they act as kind of like
your escape from the every day.
- And you know the guy that I'll see
coming out of a grocery store that's getting into
that mini van, that part of his soul has got to be crushed,
when I fill the trunk of my Nova with groceries.
And on the way home, I know a little part of him
has to die when he thinks about that little Barracuda
that he had in high school.
(engine roaring)
That he traded in for a station wagon,
and now he's got a mini van and he's got to die a little bit.
But I hope that when a guy that gets into that Camry,
sees me get into this car, and I'm not at a car show,
and I'm not going to a drag strip, I'm just driving it,
that he says, you know what, I'm going to go buy me this car
that I used to have when I was a kid.
And I want the smile on that dude's face.
You know, that's what I want.
When we drive these cars, we're giving those guys hope.
He did it, look at his face, look at the smiles.
- I'm giving you a hug because that was
the greatest line I have ever heard.
That was so good (laughs).
- Yeah well.
I should have said, I'm doing it for the kids.
Is what I should have said. - [Host] No dude no.
That is brilliant.
so just a reminder that episodes of The
House Of Muscle go live on Motor Trend
On Demand. Com about a month before they
go live on YouTube so head on over there
and check them out
We've never featured stuff like this on The House Of Muscle
long gone and I mean long gone
is the original Colombo V12 that came in this thing and in its place
ready a 383 Chevy
each new episode of The House Of Muscle
premieres exclusively on Motor Trend On
Demand sign up for a free 30-day trial
and watch the latest episode now
Opel Astra Sports Tourer D131pk Leer Navi Sport St. Ecc Led Lmv Ecc Pdc Pr.Gl. Tel. CDTi S/S Cosmo - Duration: 0:44.-------------------------------------------
كوبون ورلد شيب للحصول على خصم 20% على الشحن - Duration: 1:53.-------------------------------------------
Stuffed mushrooms with bacon – a recipe for holiday hot snacks! - Duration: 4:11.Stuffed mushrooms with bacon - delicious recipe for a festive hot appetizer!
If you get in the way of subtitles - turn them off!
Hello! My name is Dina.
And I greet you in my kitchen and on the channel "Collection of Recipes"
I want to share with you a very delicious recipe for a festive hot appetizer.
Prepare stuffed mushrooms and bacon.
Mushrooms, cooked according to this recipe, are extremely juicy,
Delicate with creamy taste of baked cheese and crispy bacon.
For this wonderful recipe we will need:
• Large champignons • Bacon
• Eggs • Cheese
• Onions • Carrots
• Vegetable oil • Garlic
• Sour cream • Salt and pepper
To begin with, prepare the mushrooms, if they are dirty, then they need to be washed.
My mushrooms are clean, I will not wash them, only I'll take off their upper peel,
Try to take mushrooms with large hats for this recipe.
At the mushrooms we separate the legs from the hats and put the hats into the baking dish.
We cut the legs with a small dice, they will be needed for the filling.
Lay them aside and cut the onion into small cubes.
2 chopped garlic with a knife as small as possible.
Carrots rub on a large grater,
And the cheese will be grated on a small grater.
Eggs well mix with a fork.
The products are prepared and go to the stove to prepare the filling.
We install the frying pan on the stove, warm it well,
Pour in the vegetable oil and as soon as the oil warms up well - pour the onion and fry it.
Luchok slightly browned, pour garlic into the frying pan, mix well,
And after about a minute we pour out the carrots.
Vegetables mix well and fry until the carrot is soft.
We pour out the cut mushroom legs and on high heat fry the vegetables until slightly golden in color.
Then add sour cream and mix well.
Sour cream will give the filling a creamy taste, as well as lightly thicken the vegetable filling.
Now vegetables can be salted and sprinkled with pepper.
The filling is ready, we begin to stuff mushrooms.
We stuff the hats of mushrooms with fried vegetables and lightly fill the filling.
In each hat, add a teaspoon of pre-mixed eggs, which will help to consolidate our stuffing during baking.
From above on the mushrooms we lay a grated cheese and press it lightly.
Prepared in this way hats mushrooms spread on slices of bacon and fasten them with a toothpick.
Fold the mushrooms in a roasting dish and set in an oven heated to a temperature of 160 - 170 ° C, bake them 20 minutes.
Stuffed mushrooms and bacon are ready!
They turned out to be unusually fragrant and juicy, they can be served both in the form of a hot snack, and as a main dish.
Prepare the mushrooms for this recipe on the festive table and please your guests.
I wish everyone a pleasant appetite!
If you liked this video, and you want to see other recipes stuffed with mushrooms - put your finger up!
Share this recipe with your friends and leave your comments!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel - "Recipe Collection" and do not forget to click on the bell to receive notifications about new videos.
Link on the screen and in the description.
I have on the canal and other recipes for dishes with mushrooms, see them if you have not seen.
Dean was with you. To new meetings, to new recipes!
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