OMG! Top 10 Bollywood Actresses How look like today that will surprise You
Как понравиться родителям мужчины: несколько секретов Вашего успеха - Duration: 7:24.-------------------------------------------
Робокар Поли. Собираем Пазлы для детей и малышей. Раскраска. Putting puzzles Robocar Poli - 22 серия - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Trey Gowdy Just Went On Fox News & Said 1 Sentence That'll Have Politicians SHAKING In Their Boots! - Duration: 12:07.Trey Gowdy Just Went On Fox News & Said 1 Sentence That'll Have Politicians SHAKING
In Their Boots!
Rep. Trey Gowdy from South Carolina went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight and then
discussed on Tuesday the person that leaked the details of national security adviser Gen.
Michael Flynn.
He said that he, in essence, broke the law.
"That's the felonious dissemination of classified material," Gowdy told host Tucker
"[House intelligence committee] Chairman [Devin] Nunes' point is, I want to know
whether or not other people have been unmasked, even though you don't know about it publicly
Rep. Nunes is being told by both Democrats and Republicans that he needs to recuse himself
of ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign.
This week Nunes showed that he met with a source near the White House to review documents
that will blow the case wide open.
"I think they're both of national interest," Gowdy told Carlson.
"One happens to be a felony, so I was a little surprised and a little disappointed
that [Comey] can't at least tell us, 'We are investigating the felonious dissemination
of classified material.'"
"So, if there were an evidentiary basis for that, it's pretty easy to lay that out,"
he said.
"There's a paper trail."
It's time to lock all these Democrats up that are pushing this crap.
They want to take down this country and its up to us to stop them.
(h/t Fox News)Top Republican Just Defeated Obamacare with One Single Sentence!
A top House Republican, Mo Brooks from Alabama, just submitted a new bill that could actually
end Obamacare for good!
Unline RyanCare, this solution for Obamacare is so simple, he managed to fit it all into
one single sentence:
"Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed,
and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if
such Act had not been enacted."
It's so simple a caveperson could do it!
Mo Brooks thinks the best idea isn't to move on to tax reform, the best idea is to
completely REPEAL Obamacare all together!
Now, it is worth saying that Mo Brooks was one of those people who made it on President
Trump's SH*T list.
When the vote came up to repeal and replace Obamacare, Brooks and many other members of
the Freedom Caucus committed to "no" votes.
Basically, he and his buddies are the reason Obamacare isn't dead and gone already!
Brooks also made it pretty clear that for him and a bunch of other Tea Party folks,
it's his way or the highway.
He said,
"If the American people want to repeal Obamacare, this is their last, best chance during the
115th Congress."
Now, I wanna see Obamacare gone more than anyone, but this man is CLEARLY no ally to
President Trump.
I think the voters should treat him the way he treated us, and pick a different Republican
to represent Alabama during 2018.
Share this if you wanna see Obamacare gone and think the Freedom Caucus and the Koch
Brothers need to either work with the President or GET THE HECK OUT!Chicago's SICK Mayor
Just Gave BIG Gift To Muslim Refugees After Teen Was Gang Raped
Liberals truly are a cancer to our society.
They never have the best interests of Americans in mind, but continuously romanticize breaking
the law, as evidenced by their continual push to bring dangerous criminals to our country
so these refugees and immigrants can "live the American dream."
And as the city streets of Chicago run red with the blood of Americans, Mayor Rahm Emanuel
has just done something utterly sick to drive the knife even further into the backs of the
American people he was elected to protect.
America is still reeling from the horrific news of the 14-year-old Maryland girl being
gang raped last week at her high school by two nasty illegals.
But that frightening story seems to only be motivating Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to speed
up the process of bringing these very same types of degenerates into his city even faster,
proving once again just how brain dead liberals truly are.
On Monday, Emanuel puffed out his chest in defiance of Attorney General Jeff Sessions'
threats to cut grants for cities who don't follow immigration laws, declaring to all
immigrants and refugees: "We welcome you to Chicago!"
Glamorizing anyone's intent to break America's laws, he spewed the following sob story at
a press conference:
"You are looking a person who's a grandson of an immigrant to the city Chicago 100 years
ago in 1917.
My grandfather came to Chicago when he was 13 years old because it was a welcoming city.
And we are still and always will be a welcoming city whether you're an immigrant from Poland
or Pakistan, Ireland or India, Mexico or Moldova where my grandfather came.
If you believe in the America dream we welcome you to Chicago."
Is this guy serious?
But back in 1917 there was no such thing as ISIS, 14-year-old girls were not being gang
raped by illegals in high school bathrooms, and there wasn't massive amounts of illegal
drugs being smuggled into America by drug cartels.
Yet again the idiocy of liberals is on full display.
It's amazing that these liberal mayors and governors across the nation would throw the
lives of countless Americans into jeopardy all for the sake of playing political correctness
games, while infiltrating their cities and towns with potentially dangerous criminals
and terrorists.
I guess until someone close to these leftist morons are gang raped in a bathroom by a refugee
or illegal, they'll never freaking care about the crimes that happen to other Americans
on their watch.
Hopefully President Trump will start cracking the whip and arresting these elected officials
who refuse to follow the law!
H/T [Breitbart]Well, Well, Well, Look What Hillary Was Caught Doing While Drunk In Public
That SHOCKED Onlookers
After months in hiding, Hillary Clinton recently resurfaced and has been making the rounds
again with speaking engagements and other events.
With being back on the scene and in the public eye, it seems that a familiar "friend"
has returned as well.
Now onlookers are revealing the shocking thing they caught the losing presidential candidate
doing while appearing to be in a drunken public stupor.
Despite liberals' inability to cope with the loss of their heroine and continuing to
claim that Clinton was the clear winner of election, Americans dodged a bullet with this
woman who many say would have been an "Imbiber-in-Chief."
Speculations about the strange behavior from the first female candidate ran rampant throughout
her campaign.
While an unspecified medical condition was the frequent conclusion, so was her regular
drinking which some say she took too far.
Hillary is thirsty for many things, none of which are water, despite being said to suffer
from "chronic dehydration," Politico reported.
Her reluctance to the natural elixir was shocking to onlookers who said she drinks plenty of
adult beverages but would aways refuse to hydrate herself with what she really needed.
"She won't drink water, and you try telling Hillary Clinton she has to drink water,"
one concerned Clinton associate told Politico during the time that Hillary was still on
the campaign trail.
Heat Street reports:
"Hillary doesn't seem to have any issues imbibing liquids on a regular basis, she just
happens to prefer alcoholic beverages.
Maybe that's part of the problem, given that beer, wine, and liquor can ultimately
exacerbate dehydration."
However, drinking might have been more for the deal-making and less about the buzz, for
the power hungry politician.
Hillary would have been consuming an unprecedented amount of alcohol in the White House had she
been elected, considering her willingness to "schmooze" over booze, according to
the New York Times.
This isn't about judging Hillary for enjoying adult beverages since she's able to imbibe
as she pleases — just so long as it's in her house and not the White House.
America didn't need a drunk Democrat to come in and take over where the country devolved
to after eight years of Barack Obama.
Thankfully, we have a sober leader in the Oval Office.Hillary's PERVERTED Part In
D.C. Pedophile Ring Just Exposed And It's Worse Than We Thought
The American people want to know what Hillary Clinton's role was in the PizzaGate scandal
that broke last year.
Of course, the mainstream media has done its best to sweep this case under the rug, but
concerned citizens are still pushing for answers.
Though what makes these allegations of pedophilia even more concerning is how long it has been
Old news reports have emerged that point to Hillary Clinton knowing about it and not doing
anything to stop it.
Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was still reporting real news.
Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie of the "Today" show actually did an investigative report
on a government pedophile ring.
In this broadcast, the two anchors provide internal memo's that show Hillary Clinton
shutting down an investigation into this perverted sex ring.
"Serious allegations concerning the State Department.
According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened
into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within its ranks allegedly
to protect jobs and avoid scandals.
This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state."
Here is more of that broadcast.
Chuck Todd reports that high-ranking officials, ambassadors, and Hillary Clinton's security
detail were implicated in this ring.
Todd continues his disgusting report which shows just how disturbing these claims are.
"The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether and that
those orders came from high up."
"NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing
allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador.
A State Department memo says, quote, "the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective
security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.
"The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators
to "cease the investigation" into the ambassador's conduct."
It's just one of what another document describes as "several examples of undue influence"
from top State Department officials."
So, it is easy to see to anyone who denies that this happened that there was a smoking
gun four years earlier.
It is devastating to think how many children lives could have been saved if journalism
was still practiced.
Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is 100% guilty of pedophilia and needs to be held accountable.
Thankfully, President Trump takes these allegations seriously and earlier this month announced
a federal investigation into the elite pedophile scandal.
Here is what Trump had to say.
This is why the left is in full panic mode.
They realize that Trump is hot on their nasty, perverted trail, and they are about to revealed
as the nefarious beings we know they are.
What do you think about this report?
Sound off in the comments below!
H/T [ Your News Wire ]
Hillary's PERVERTED Part In D C Pedophile Ring Just Exposed And It's Worse Than We Thought - Duration: 12:07.Hillary's PERVERTED Part In D.C. Pedophile Ring Just Exposed And It's Worse Than We
The American people want to know what Hillary Clinton's role was in the PizzaGate scandal
that broke last year.
Of course, the mainstream media has done its best to sweep this case under the rug, but
concerned citizens are still pushing for answers.
Though what makes these allegations of pedophilia even more concerning is how long it has been
Old news reports have emerged that point to Hillary Clinton knowing about it and not doing
anything to stop it.
Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was still reporting real news.
Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie of the "Today" show actually did an investigative report
on a government pedophile ring.
In this broadcast, the two anchors provide internal memo's that show Hillary Clinton
shutting down an investigation into this perverted sex ring.
"Serious allegations concerning the State Department.
According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened
into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within its ranks allegedly
to protect jobs and avoid scandals.
This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state."
Here is more of that broadcast.
Chuck Todd reports that high-ranking officials, ambassadors, and Hillary Clinton's security
detail were implicated in this ring.
Todd continues his disgusting report which shows just how disturbing these claims are.
"The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether and that
those orders came from high up."
"NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing
allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador.
A State Department memo says, quote, "the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective
security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.
"The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators
to "cease the investigation" into the ambassador's conduct."
It's just one of what another document describes as "several examples of undue influence"
from top State Department officials."
So, it is easy to see to anyone who denies that this happened that there was a smoking
gun four years earlier.
It is devastating to think how many children lives could have been saved if journalism
was still practiced.
Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is 100% guilty of pedophilia and needs to be held accountable.
Thankfully, President Trump takes these allegations seriously and earlier this month announced
a federal investigation into the elite pedophile scandal.
Here is what Trump had to say.
This is why the left is in full panic mode.
They realize that Trump is hot on their nasty, perverted trail, and they are about to revealed
as the nefarious beings we know they are.
What do you think about this report?
Sound off in the comments below!
H/T [ Your News Wire ]Trey Gowdy Just Went On Fox News & Said 1 Sentence That'll Have
Politicians SHAKING In Their Boots!
Rep. Trey Gowdy from South Carolina went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight and then
discussed on Tuesday the person that leaked the details of national security adviser Gen.
Michael Flynn.
He said that he, in essence, broke the law.
"That's the felonious dissemination of classified material," Gowdy told host Tucker
"[House intelligence committee] Chairman [Devin] Nunes' point is, I want to know
whether or not other people have been unmasked, even though you don't know about it publicly
Rep. Nunes is being told by both Democrats and Republicans that he needs to recuse himself
of ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign.
This week Nunes showed that he met with a source near the White House to review documents
that will blow the case wide open.
"I think they're both of national interest," Gowdy told Carlson.
"One happens to be a felony, so I was a little surprised and a little disappointed
that [Comey] can't at least tell us, 'We are investigating the felonious dissemination
of classified material.'"
"So, if there were an evidentiary basis for that, it's pretty easy to lay that out,"
he said.
"There's a paper trail."
It's time to lock all these Democrats up that are pushing this crap.
They want to take down this country and its up to us to stop them.
(h/t Fox News)Top Republican Just Defeated Obamacare with One Single Sentence!
A top House Republican, Mo Brooks from Alabama, just submitted a new bill that could actually
end Obamacare for good!
Unline RyanCare, this solution for Obamacare is so simple, he managed to fit it all into
one single sentence:
"Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed,
and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if
such Act had not been enacted."
It's so simple a caveperson could do it!
Mo Brooks thinks the best idea isn't to move on to tax reform, the best idea is to
completely REPEAL Obamacare all together!
Now, it is worth saying that Mo Brooks was one of those people who made it on President
Trump's SH*T list.
When the vote came up to repeal and replace Obamacare, Brooks and many other members of
the Freedom Caucus committed to "no" votes.
Basically, he and his buddies are the reason Obamacare isn't dead and gone already!
Brooks also made it pretty clear that for him and a bunch of other Tea Party folks,
it's his way or the highway.
He said,
"If the American people want to repeal Obamacare, this is their last, best chance during the
115th Congress."
Now, I wanna see Obamacare gone more than anyone, but this man is CLEARLY no ally to
President Trump.
I think the voters should treat him the way he treated us, and pick a different Republican
to represent Alabama during 2018.
Share this if you wanna see Obamacare gone and think the Freedom Caucus and the Koch
Brothers need to either work with the President or GET THE HECK OUT!Chicago's SICK Mayor
Just Gave BIG Gift To Muslim Refugees After Teen Was Gang Raped
Liberals truly are a cancer to our society.
They never have the best interests of Americans in mind, but continuously romanticize breaking
the law, as evidenced by their continual push to bring dangerous criminals to our country
so these refugees and immigrants can "live the American dream."
And as the city streets of Chicago run red with the blood of Americans, Mayor Rahm Emanuel
has just done something utterly sick to drive the knife even further into the backs of the
American people he was elected to protect.
America is still reeling from the horrific news of the 14-year-old Maryland girl being
gang raped last week at her high school by two nasty illegals.
But that frightening story seems to only be motivating Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to speed
up the process of bringing these very same types of degenerates into his city even faster,
proving once again just how brain dead liberals truly are.
On Monday, Emanuel puffed out his chest in defiance of Attorney General Jeff Sessions'
threats to cut grants for cities who don't follow immigration laws, declaring to all
immigrants and refugees: "We welcome you to Chicago!"
Glamorizing anyone's intent to break America's laws, he spewed the following sob story at
a press conference:
"You are looking a person who's a grandson of an immigrant to the city Chicago 100 years
ago in 1917.
My grandfather came to Chicago when he was 13 years old because it was a welcoming city.
And we are still and always will be a welcoming city whether you're an immigrant from Poland
or Pakistan, Ireland or India, Mexico or Moldova where my grandfather came.
If you believe in the America dream we welcome you to Chicago."
Is this guy serious?
But back in 1917 there was no such thing as ISIS, 14-year-old girls were not being gang
raped by illegals in high school bathrooms, and there wasn't massive amounts of illegal
drugs being smuggled into America by drug cartels.
Yet again the idiocy of liberals is on full display.
It's amazing that these liberal mayors and governors across the nation would throw the
lives of countless Americans into jeopardy all for the sake of playing political correctness
games, while infiltrating their cities and towns with potentially dangerous criminals
and terrorists.
I guess until someone close to these leftist morons are gang raped in a bathroom by a refugee
or illegal, they'll never freaking care about the crimes that happen to other Americans
on their watch.
Hopefully President Trump will start cracking the whip and arresting these elected officials
who refuse to follow the law!
H/T [Breitbart]Well, Well, Well, Look What Hillary Was Caught Doing While Drunk In Public
That SHOCKED Onlookers
After months in hiding, Hillary Clinton recently resurfaced and has been making the rounds
again with speaking engagements and other events.
With being back on the scene and in the public eye, it seems that a familiar "friend"
has returned as well.
Now onlookers are revealing the shocking thing they caught the losing presidential candidate
doing while appearing to be in a drunken public stupor.
Despite liberals' inability to cope with the loss of their heroine and continuing to
claim that Clinton was the clear winner of election, Americans dodged a bullet with this
woman who many say would have been an "Imbiber-in-Chief."
Speculations about the strange behavior from the first female candidate ran rampant throughout
her campaign.
While an unspecified medical condition was the frequent conclusion, so was her regular
drinking which some say she took too far.
Hillary is thirsty for many things, none of which are water, despite being said to suffer
from "chronic dehydration," Politico reported.
Her reluctance to the natural elixir was shocking to onlookers who said she drinks plenty of
adult beverages but would aways refuse to hydrate herself with what she really needed.
"She won't drink water, and you try telling Hillary Clinton she has to drink water,"
one concerned Clinton associate told Politico during the time that Hillary was still on
the campaign trail.
Heat Street reports:
"Hillary doesn't seem to have any issues imbibing liquids on a regular basis, she just
happens to prefer alcoholic beverages.
Maybe that's part of the problem, given that beer, wine, and liquor can ultimately
exacerbate dehydration."
However, drinking might have been more for the deal-making and less about the buzz, for
the power hungry politician.
Hillary would have been consuming an unprecedented amount of alcohol in the White House had she
been elected, considering her willingness to "schmooze" over booze, according to
the New York Times.
This isn't about judging Hillary for enjoying adult beverages since she's able to imbibe
as she pleases — just so long as it's in her house and not the White House.
America didn't need a drunk Democrat to come in and take over where the country devolved
to after eight years of Barack Obama.
Thankfully, we have a sober leader in the Oval Office.
Chicago's SICK Mayor Just Gave BIG Gift To Muslim Refugees After Teen Was Gang Raped - Duration: 12:07.Chicago's SICK Mayor Just Gave BIG Gift To Muslim Refugees After Teen Was Gang Raped
Liberals truly are a cancer to our society.
They never have the best interests of Americans in mind, but continuously romanticize breaking
the law, as evidenced by their continual push to bring dangerous criminals to our country
so these refugees and immigrants can "live the American dream."
And as the city streets of Chicago run red with the blood of Americans, Mayor Rahm Emanuel
has just done something utterly sick to drive the knife even further into the backs of the
American people he was elected to protect.
America is still reeling from the horrific news of the 14-year-old Maryland girl being
gang raped last week at her high school by two nasty illegals.
But that frightening story seems to only be motivating Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to speed
up the process of bringing these very same types of degenerates into his city even faster,
proving once again just how brain dead liberals truly are.
On Monday, Emanuel puffed out his chest in defiance of Attorney General Jeff Sessions'
threats to cut grants for cities who don't follow immigration laws, declaring to all
immigrants and refugees: "We welcome you to Chicago!"
Glamorizing anyone's intent to break America's laws, he spewed the following sob story at
a press conference:
"You are looking a person who's a grandson of an immigrant to the city Chicago 100 years
ago in 1917.
My grandfather came to Chicago when he was 13 years old because it was a welcoming city.
And we are still and always will be a welcoming city whether you're an immigrant from Poland
or Pakistan, Ireland or India, Mexico or Moldova where my grandfather came.
If you believe in the America dream we welcome you to Chicago."
Is this guy serious?
But back in 1917 there was no such thing as ISIS, 14-year-old girls were not being gang
raped by illegals in high school bathrooms, and there wasn't massive amounts of illegal
drugs being smuggled into America by drug cartels.
Yet again the idiocy of liberals is on full display.
It's amazing that these liberal mayors and governors across the nation would throw the
lives of countless Americans into jeopardy all for the sake of playing political correctness
games, while infiltrating their cities and towns with potentially dangerous criminals
and terrorists.
I guess until someone close to these leftist morons are gang raped in a bathroom by a refugee
or illegal, they'll never freaking care about the crimes that happen to other Americans
on their watch.
Hopefully President Trump will start cracking the whip and arresting these elected officials
who refuse to follow the law!
H/T [Breitbart]Well, Well, Well, Look What Hillary Was Caught Doing While Drunk In Public
That SHOCKED Onlookers
After months in hiding, Hillary Clinton recently resurfaced and has been making the rounds
again with speaking engagements and other events.
With being back on the scene and in the public eye, it seems that a familiar "friend"
has returned as well.
Now onlookers are revealing the shocking thing they caught the losing presidential candidate
doing while appearing to be in a drunken public stupor.
Despite liberals' inability to cope with the loss of their heroine and continuing to
claim that Clinton was the clear winner of election, Americans dodged a bullet with this
woman who many say would have been an "Imbiber-in-Chief."
Speculations about the strange behavior from the first female candidate ran rampant throughout
her campaign.
While an unspecified medical condition was the frequent conclusion, so was her regular
drinking which some say she took too far.
Hillary is thirsty for many things, none of which are water, despite being said to suffer
from "chronic dehydration," Politico reported.
Her reluctance to the natural elixir was shocking to onlookers who said she drinks plenty of
adult beverages but would aways refuse to hydrate herself with what she really needed.
"She won't drink water, and you try telling Hillary Clinton she has to drink water,"
one concerned Clinton associate told Politico during the time that Hillary was still on
the campaign trail.
Heat Street reports:
"Hillary doesn't seem to have any issues imbibing liquids on a regular basis, she just
happens to prefer alcoholic beverages.
Maybe that's part of the problem, given that beer, wine, and liquor can ultimately
exacerbate dehydration."
However, drinking might have been more for the deal-making and less about the buzz, for
the power hungry politician.
Hillary would have been consuming an unprecedented amount of alcohol in the White House had she
been elected, considering her willingness to "schmooze" over booze, according to
the New York Times.
This isn't about judging Hillary for enjoying adult beverages since she's able to imbibe
as she pleases — just so long as it's in her house and not the White House.
America didn't need a drunk Democrat to come in and take over where the country devolved
to after eight years of Barack Obama.
Thankfully, we have a sober leader in the Oval Office.Hillary's PERVERTED Part In
D.C. Pedophile Ring Just Exposed And It's Worse Than We Thought
The American people want to know what Hillary Clinton's role was in the PizzaGate scandal
that broke last year.
Of course, the mainstream media has done its best to sweep this case under the rug, but
concerned citizens are still pushing for answers.
Though what makes these allegations of pedophilia even more concerning is how long it has been
Old news reports have emerged that point to Hillary Clinton knowing about it and not doing
anything to stop it.
Flashback to June 11th, 2013 when NBC was still reporting real news.
Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie of the "Today" show actually did an investigative report
on a government pedophile ring.
In this broadcast, the two anchors provide internal memo's that show Hillary Clinton
shutting down an investigation into this perverted sex ring.
"Serious allegations concerning the State Department.
According to internal State Department memos the agency might have called off or intervened
into investigations into possibly illegal, inappropriate behavior within its ranks allegedly
to protect jobs and avoid scandals.
This concerns a time when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state."
Here is more of that broadcast.
Chuck Todd reports that high-ranking officials, ambassadors, and Hillary Clinton's security
detail were implicated in this ring.
Todd continues his disgusting report which shows just how disturbing these claims are.
"The allegations are that these investigations were whitewashed, quashed altogether and that
those orders came from high up."
"NBC has obtained documents relating to ongoing investigations into some disturbing
allegations involving State Department personnel and at least one ambassador.
A State Department memo says, quote, "the Ambassador routinely ditched his protective
security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.
"The memo also says a top State Department official directed State Department investigators
to "cease the investigation" into the ambassador's conduct."
It's just one of what another document describes as "several examples of undue influence"
from top State Department officials."
So, it is easy to see to anyone who denies that this happened that there was a smoking
gun four years earlier.
It is devastating to think how many children lives could have been saved if journalism
was still practiced.
Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is 100% guilty of pedophilia and needs to be held accountable.
Thankfully, President Trump takes these allegations seriously and earlier this month announced
a federal investigation into the elite pedophile scandal.
Here is what Trump had to say.
This is why the left is in full panic mode.
They realize that Trump is hot on their nasty, perverted trail, and they are about to revealed
as the nefarious beings we know they are.
What do you think about this report?
Sound off in the comments below!
H/T [ Your News Wire ]Trey Gowdy Just Went On Fox News & Said 1 Sentence That'll Have
Politicians SHAKING In Their Boots!
Rep. Trey Gowdy from South Carolina went on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight and then
discussed on Tuesday the person that leaked the details of national security adviser Gen.
Michael Flynn.
He said that he, in essence, broke the law.
"That's the felonious dissemination of classified material," Gowdy told host Tucker
"[House intelligence committee] Chairman [Devin] Nunes' point is, I want to know
whether or not other people have been unmasked, even though you don't know about it publicly
Rep. Nunes is being told by both Democrats and Republicans that he needs to recuse himself
of ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign.
This week Nunes showed that he met with a source near the White House to review documents
that will blow the case wide open.
"I think they're both of national interest," Gowdy told Carlson.
"One happens to be a felony, so I was a little surprised and a little disappointed
that [Comey] can't at least tell us, 'We are investigating the felonious dissemination
of classified material.'"
"So, if there were an evidentiary basis for that, it's pretty easy to lay that out,"
he said.
"There's a paper trail."
It's time to lock all these Democrats up that are pushing this crap.
They want to take down this country and its up to us to stop them.
(h/t Fox News)Top Republican Just Defeated Obamacare with One Single Sentence!
A top House Republican, Mo Brooks from Alabama, just submitted a new bill that could actually
end Obamacare for good!
Unline RyanCare, this solution for Obamacare is so simple, he managed to fit it all into
one single sentence:
"Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed,
and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if
such Act had not been enacted."
It's so simple a caveperson could do it!
Mo Brooks thinks the best idea isn't to move on to tax reform, the best idea is to
completely REPEAL Obamacare all together!
Now, it is worth saying that Mo Brooks was one of those people who made it on President
Trump's SH*T list.
When the vote came up to repeal and replace Obamacare, Brooks and many other members of
the Freedom Caucus committed to "no" votes.
Basically, he and his buddies are the reason Obamacare isn't dead and gone already!
Brooks also made it pretty clear that for him and a bunch of other Tea Party folks,
it's his way or the highway.
He said,
"If the American people want to repeal Obamacare, this is their last, best chance during the
115th Congress."
Now, I wanna see Obamacare gone more than anyone, but this man is CLEARLY no ally to
President Trump.
I think the voters should treat him the way he treated us, and pick a different Republican
to represent Alabama during 2018.
Share this if you wanna see Obamacare gone and think the Freedom Caucus and the Koch
Brothers need to either work with the President or GET THE HECK OUT!
Learn Colors With Marble Race, Marble Run, Marbles and Potato Chips, Marbles Run - Duration: 12:39.Yellow Marbles Race
Blue Marbles Race
Blue Color
Green Marbles Race
Black Marbles Race
Black Marbles
Red Marbles Race
Red Marbles
White Marbles Race
White Marbles
This is a red potato chip
Supercharger Travel to St. Joseph, MI: Tesla Motors Model S / 3 / X - Duration: it's been a while since we visited a
new supercharger we are at st. Joseph's
Michigan there are eight stalls here and
there's four of us occupying each stalls
and that Malick's all the way on the
left really park like shit have to say
apparently there it was in walking
distance there's a paneras a five guys
sprint authorized retailer which is
awesome because I use sprint and a moe's
southwest grill well we're not going to
be eating here but it looks like a nice
little strip strip mall there's also
something called a uniformly yours looks
at the uniform shop and a pure style Tai
a clothing store and a Goodyear Tire
store which is perfect cuz i use with
your tires nice so yeah it's a beautiful
drive out here there's little traffic
the roads are smooth nothing like
Chicago or own those were absolutely
crap and tell your signal over here has
been excellent and there is a paper
company on the other side there but some
good stuff within the general vicinity
here there's some stuff on the other
side of the freeway but in terms of just
grab them something to eat you can't go
wrong with the five guys paneras are so
so I've been getting really tired of
panera's downhill lately at least in
Milwaukee and there the employees have
been quite rude but the Mo's looks
interesting I wouldn't mind trying that
out in the future so I was going to fire
up the drone but you get some errands
but we got a lot of high-tension power
lines how much surrounding us as a cell
tower and it's relatively windy out I'm
not even going to risk it but we get
tooele three ni vehicles here Wow and
one Wisconsin and I had part of the site
the Illinois car that was the vehicle
there before that one was kind of in
this space and I'm trying to keep for
the fastest between hey let's take a
look at the supercharging cabinet and no
wonder I got a little breeze going with
flies down there we go much better
well this is interesting
there are three cabinets here that's it
we have three cabinets feeding eight
stalls no they must be splitting these
things three ways now okay so we got a 1
a 2 a and a 3a a 1 B 2 B in a three-peat
mantri a there's a 1 B 2 B and a 3 B and
a 4a and 4b oh wait hold on is 1234 5678
yeah this eight station yeah they're
running eight stations off three cavitus
that's the first time I've ever seen
that let's take a look over here did
they have something else hidden over
there's our transformer
750 splott their kv a transformer ah
here we go they must have ran out of
space over there so here's another could
a few ice water on the other side
yep okay here's the other one over there
over here
got 120 volt outlet there oh ok now we
found it they're not split them three
ways Clinton think still only really
slow things down the meter going so they
must have ran out of space over there
and instead put it by the transformer
for the install that's kind of that's
four is better than zero the busiest
supercharger we can on this stuff so all
right we're done charging next stop
we're going to go Grand Rapids another
one to a new station in a single day
actually we're probably to hit three
stations today then I've never been to
so let's go check them out
Olivier de Benoist - La belle mère - Duration: 9:21.-------------------------------------------
VLOG BODYFITNESS - Duration: 6:16.
Hello beauties ! Are we late ? It's 11h50 AM.
I asked you to come at 12 AM,
It's 11h50 AM, we just left home
We are in the UBER with Anissa,
Anissa did not want to come this morning but finally she is there
Jetlag from miami for 4 weeks
I'm really really stressed
I don't know why, I'm always stressed !
I have to go on stage to relieve pressure
I was not so hungry this morning
I think at 1 pm I will throw myself on the first thing I'll see
I can't wait to see you
I hope many of you will be there !
I spent a lot of time to find my outfit
I organized a contest yesterday to show you two outfits
And I choose another one totally different
I've tried everything, I moved all my clothes
I took one hour to clean everything
No, I didn't clean everything,
My sister is telling me that she cleaned
And my little cousin, specially you
My little 12 years old cousin who comes to my Bootcamps
No, I don't exploit children, he's coming with us !
What are you saying ?
Oh, he's 14 years old !
Oh sorry, he's not 12 years old, he is 14!
We are on the way to the Fitness Fair !
And I hope we will not show up too late
we certainly do not want to be, because we have a short timing
let's go !
Girls, I'm at the Fitness fair,
in the dressing room, sit on the floor
with this young man who curls my hair very well
I'm so stressed because there are a lot of people
Mika is on fire, everybody is on fire
I hope everything's gonna be ok
I already have a cramp in my leg !
I have just seen your comments on my Facebook live ! I'm rassured
There are my friends, my sisters, everybody is here
Aria, Anissa, Hajar, my two community manager Manon and Angelina,
My team is full
it's gonna be ok !!
Girls we are on live at the Fitness fair
You can see that everybody has come
For now, Aria is doing warm-up
And just after, it will be me, i'm so stressed, I can't speak
So, let's go !! Look Aria, how flexible she is !!
Aria, how can you raise your leg like this ??
I have an earache
We are waiting for take pictures
It's war, I have never seen this before !
There are a LOT of people, it's crazy
My mike didn't work, but we didn't stop ! We have red faces !!
Is was so cool !
Training is over,
I think that I did 2 billion of kisses
There was an hour and a half of tail
I was so happy to see you, to give you some kisses,
I was cool
We had small problems at the beginning : mike that didn't work,
and a little space
but it doesn't matter, I hope you had a good time
For those you came, those who watched the live
Thanks for your support, I kiss you
See you next year
Back in the Uber, I have not the same face as before, I'm so red !!
I'm so hot right now ! I have an earache
Music was so loud ! We didn't hear my playlist
But thanks to the good music next to me that was good !
I want to thank the Fitness Fair,
all the Topbodychallengeuses, and those who don't train with the TBC who came.
That was a great event,
That make me want to do my Bootcamps again !
We will quickly organize this
I kiss you
I'm gonna sleep right now
I'm tired, tired tired !
We ran everywhere to take pictures, go the lodge to dress
and not come back to home with my bra and my short
I'm gonna go to rest and decreasing the pressure
Thanks to everyone !!!
Proviso Together: Why I Volunteer--Jeremy Horn - Duration: 0:57.My name is Jeremy Horn
I am a graduate and alumni of
Proviso East High School Class of 2003
A couple of years ago,
I visited my high school just to check on
the teachers that made a huge impact
on my life.
And my teacher told me that
the classes that I took
when I was in high school
like commercial art,
advanced commercial art
don't exist at Proviso East anymore.
I also visited the Battle of the Bands
because I was also in the marching band
and when I was in the marching band we had
more than 100 members in the marching band
and when I was at the Battle of the Bands
we got only 20.
I was shocked.
And I said to myself what can I do
to make a big difference.
I heard about Proviso Together.
They made some reform changes
like having new textbooks,
hiring a new superintendent,
Dr. Jesse Rodriguez,
and hiring the new principal
named Dr. Patrick J. Hardy.
Why can't today's children
have the same advantage
and opportunity that I had?
Make sure you go and vote
for the candidates of Proviso Together!
Робокар Поли. Собираем Пазлы для детей и малышей. Раскраска. Putting puzzles Robocar Poli - 22 серия - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Supercharger Travel to St. Joseph, MI: Tesla Motors Model S / 3 / X - Duration: it's been a while since we visited a
new supercharger we are at st. Joseph's
Michigan there are eight stalls here and
there's four of us occupying each stalls
and that Malick's all the way on the
left really park like shit have to say
apparently there it was in walking
distance there's a paneras a five guys
sprint authorized retailer which is
awesome because I use sprint and a moe's
southwest grill well we're not going to
be eating here but it looks like a nice
little strip strip mall there's also
something called a uniformly yours looks
at the uniform shop and a pure style Tai
a clothing store and a Goodyear Tire
store which is perfect cuz i use with
your tires nice so yeah it's a beautiful
drive out here there's little traffic
the roads are smooth nothing like
Chicago or own those were absolutely
crap and tell your signal over here has
been excellent and there is a paper
company on the other side there but some
good stuff within the general vicinity
here there's some stuff on the other
side of the freeway but in terms of just
grab them something to eat you can't go
wrong with the five guys paneras are so
so I've been getting really tired of
panera's downhill lately at least in
Milwaukee and there the employees have
been quite rude but the Mo's looks
interesting I wouldn't mind trying that
out in the future so I was going to fire
up the drone but you get some errands
but we got a lot of high-tension power
lines how much surrounding us as a cell
tower and it's relatively windy out I'm
not even going to risk it but we get
tooele three ni vehicles here Wow and
one Wisconsin and I had part of the site
the Illinois car that was the vehicle
there before that one was kind of in
this space and I'm trying to keep for
the fastest between hey let's take a
look at the supercharging cabinet and no
wonder I got a little breeze going with
flies down there we go much better
well this is interesting
there are three cabinets here that's it
we have three cabinets feeding eight
stalls no they must be splitting these
things three ways now okay so we got a 1
a 2 a and a 3a a 1 B 2 B in a three-peat
mantri a there's a 1 B 2 B and a 3 B and
a 4a and 4b oh wait hold on is 1234 5678
yeah this eight station yeah they're
running eight stations off three cavitus
that's the first time I've ever seen
that let's take a look over here did
they have something else hidden over
there's our transformer
750 splott their kv a transformer ah
here we go they must have ran out of
space over there so here's another could
a few ice water on the other side
yep okay here's the other one over there
over here
got 120 volt outlet there oh ok now we
found it they're not split them three
ways Clinton think still only really
slow things down the meter going so they
must have ran out of space over there
and instead put it by the transformer
for the install that's kind of that's
four is better than zero the busiest
supercharger we can on this stuff so all
right we're done charging next stop
we're going to go Grand Rapids another
one to a new station in a single day
actually we're probably to hit three
stations today then I've never been to
so let's go check them out
Choisir votre tire-lait - Duration: 34:22.-------------------------------------------
0001 - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Sister Location ilk iki gece türkçe altyazılı - Duration: 32:20.-------------------------------------------
Supercharger Travel to St. Joseph, MI: Tesla Motors Model S / 3 / X - Duration: it's been a while since we visited a
new supercharger we are at st. Joseph's
Michigan there are eight stalls here and
there's four of us occupying each stalls
and that Malick's all the way on the
left really park like shit have to say
apparently there it was in walking
distance there's a paneras a five guys
sprint authorized retailer which is
awesome because I use sprint and a moe's
southwest grill well we're not going to
be eating here but it looks like a nice
little strip strip mall there's also
something called a uniformly yours looks
at the uniform shop and a pure style Tai
a clothing store and a Goodyear Tire
store which is perfect cuz i use with
your tires nice so yeah it's a beautiful
drive out here there's little traffic
the roads are smooth nothing like
Chicago or own those were absolutely
crap and tell your signal over here has
been excellent and there is a paper
company on the other side there but some
good stuff within the general vicinity
here there's some stuff on the other
side of the freeway but in terms of just
grab them something to eat you can't go
wrong with the five guys paneras are so
so I've been getting really tired of
panera's downhill lately at least in
Milwaukee and there the employees have
been quite rude but the Mo's looks
interesting I wouldn't mind trying that
out in the future so I was going to fire
up the drone but you get some errands
but we got a lot of high-tension power
lines how much surrounding us as a cell
tower and it's relatively windy out I'm
not even going to risk it but we get
tooele three ni vehicles here Wow and
one Wisconsin and I had part of the site
the Illinois car that was the vehicle
there before that one was kind of in
this space and I'm trying to keep for
the fastest between hey let's take a
look at the supercharging cabinet and no
wonder I got a little breeze going with
flies down there we go much better
well this is interesting
there are three cabinets here that's it
we have three cabinets feeding eight
stalls no they must be splitting these
things three ways now okay so we got a 1
a 2 a and a 3a a 1 B 2 B in a three-peat
mantri a there's a 1 B 2 B and a 3 B and
a 4a and 4b oh wait hold on is 1234 5678
yeah this eight station yeah they're
running eight stations off three cavitus
that's the first time I've ever seen
that let's take a look over here did
they have something else hidden over
there's our transformer
750 splott their kv a transformer ah
here we go they must have ran out of
space over there so here's another could
a few ice water on the other side
yep okay here's the other one over there
over here
got 120 volt outlet there oh ok now we
found it they're not split them three
ways Clinton think still only really
slow things down the meter going so they
must have ran out of space over there
and instead put it by the transformer
for the install that's kind of that's
four is better than zero the busiest
supercharger we can on this stuff so all
right we're done charging next stop
we're going to go Grand Rapids another
one to a new station in a single day
actually we're probably to hit three
stations today then I've never been to
so let's go check them out
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