Coconut Jelly
Sugar 35 g
Gelatin powder 3 g
Water 150 g
Coconut water 250 g
Young coconut meat 50 g
Gamakatsu TV: Nylon voorslag op gevlochten hoofdlijn. - Duration: 3:42.Welcome, my name is Arjan Klop.
I often get asked the question on how to attach a monofilament shock leader to a braid mainline when fishing the feeder.
Firstly, it's very important to have the correct lines for this purpose.
A braid feeder line needs to be the right diameter.
0.08 or 0.10mm are a safe choice, these diameters are strong enough and importantly thin enough to reduce the effect of pressure caused by water current.
This is an important point.
This is 0.09mm G-line power, a suitable line for feeder fishing.
The nylon line I use to attach as a leader is Gamakatsu Super G-line neo in the bronze color.
This nylon line features a high abrasion resistance and has almost no memory.
Just stretch the nylon from the spool and it's perfectly straight.
The line is perfectly suited to extensive use.
Perfect on the days that require a high casting rate.
Additionally, the line has a high abrasion resistance.
This make the line more than suitable when fishing a venue with obstacles or stony bottoms.
Time now to show you how to attach these lines together.
First of all take the nylon line, double over a length of about 15 cm (6'').
Now take the braid and put this through the loop of the nylon line.
Now we wind the braid around the double layer of nylon, repeat this about 6 or 7 times.....
five....six.... seven.
Don't forget to wet the knot before pulling the line together.
Finally put the end of the nylon line back through the loop in the nylon line....
and pull the lines slowly together.
This way I have created the perfect connection between these two lines.
The final knot is extremely limited in size...
The knot seemingly flies through the rings of your rod almost without resistance.
Just remove the extensions of both lines...
by the use of some sharp braid scissors.
This is the perfect way to connect braid mainline and a nylon leader.
The Super G-line Neo is available in diameters of 0.20mm, 0.22mm 0.24mm, 0.26mm, 0.28mm and even 0.30mm.
So, any diameter you may need to use as a shock leader for feeder fishing is covered by this range of nylon!
Dr. Allichhammer & Co: Steuernews-TV April 2017 - Duration: 2:18.-------------------------------------------
Dieta Balón Gástrico: cambiar de hábitos para adelgazar | Clínicas Diego de León - Duration: 0:35.-------------------------------------------
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SƯỚNG MIÊN MAN cùng bồ giấu kín nhưng tôi không ngờ VỢ NGỜ NGHỆCH lại có thể biết - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
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La Doña | Capítulo 86 | Telemundo - Duration: 17:43.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
I know at the hospital you said you loved me
when I was sedated.
I also know that's why Monica left you.
I'm not here to talk about that.
Then leave.
Leave because that's all I can talk about right now.
I don't care about the rest.
It's complicated, and I have to think about it.
What I feel for you, however, I don't have to think about.
I feel it everywhere.
My mouth, my skin, my eyes...
I want you so bad that try as I might, I can't control it.
My desire for you won't go away.
It's hard for me to control myself too.
But I came because this is very important.
Your life might be in danger.
If the men who kidnapped you...
My life is in danger when you're not in it.
I told you this before your father died.
If I were with you, I'd leave it all behind.
Because all the rest, everything else in my life,
makes me unhappy.
I want you to be happy.
That's why I'm here. I want to help.
Then say no more.
Know what?
Words mean nothing between us.
For us, words are a cheat.
They're betrayal and lies.
The only real thing between us is this, Saul.
Wake up, Lydia.
Come in, Diego.
I told you Lydia was only interested in our money,
and I wasn't wrong.
All I had to do was offer her more
and she slept with me without giving it a second thought.
It's not just talk.
I have proof that you drove Emiliano crazy.
What proof?
In his voicemail, he mentioned a woman.
He didn't say her name, but he stated that she hated me.
Don't you earn a living discrediting people?
With the media and on TV.
All of Mexico must hate you. It's not just Monica and me.
And my son deserved to die because of that?
Of course not.
I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying that on that day,
your kid wasn't well when he took off from the hospital.
He was confused and talking to himself.
He wouldn't say what was wrong.
We sat him down and calmed him.
I went to look for your wife after he felt a little better.
Since I couldn't find her, I returned with the judge.
Hold on, are you saying that when you left he was better?
Then it was her!
Monica's the one who poisoned his mind!
She confused him! That's why he left!
No, you're confused.
She knows something about me.
She took advantage of him not being well to humiliate him.
It wouldn't be the first time. She'd hit him before.
She called him a rapist.
You just confirmed what everyone's told me.
The last person to see him alive was Monica Hernandez.
She'll pay for this.
Monica, what's wrong?
Why'd you freak out when I mentioned that Braulio
works with Altagracia at Sandoval Construction?
Hold on.
Did she start it or did it belong to someone else?
Did Braulio help her take over Hernandez Construction?
You know the name Lazaro Hernandez
must never be mentioned.
No one can know Altagracia was married to that poor bastard,
much less what she later did to him.
What is it I can't say?
That she seduced him, conned him
and turned him into an alcoholic?
That she took his company
and left him penniless on the street with her own newborn?
Your father is...?
Lazaro Hernandez.
Braulio worked as his lawyer when he owned that company.
I don't know anything, don't investigate anything.
-I have to go. -Please, ma'am.
Please understand Monica. She came to see Braulio.
-Since he's not here... -Lucky for you.
He can't know you're digging up Altagracia's affairs.
He's her lawyer! Go!
I just want some answers! Hey, I'm talking to you!
Did you see how she got? She obviously knows something!
I'm sorry to say this, but I was right, son.
This woman just wanted your money.
What happened here?
I asked to see her to discuss your relationship.
So I invited her to the opening of this hotel.
We were talking and drinking,
we had too much to drink,
and she made a pass at me.
I'm sorry, but I let temptation get the better of me.
I'm sorry, but we had sex, son.
I am not your son!
Words aren't important.
I just want you.
It's all I want, Saul.
This is unbelievable.
Despite what we've been through,
I can't stop feeling what I do for you.
Despite loving another woman and distancing myself.
Wait. What did you say?
Despite loving another woman?
You can't love Monica.
Then why'd you tell me you loved me?
It's complicated.
You should leave. I don't feel well.
I had too much to drink.
Please go.
You're very important.
-Go! -No, I'm not leaving.
I came here to clear up the matter of the Monkeys.
I know.
I know it was the Monkeys that raped you,
and Daniel Llamas, who's missing, was one of them.
This is... Matamoros!
-Wait. -Matamoros!
Yes, ma'am.
Bring the car around. I want to go home.
As you wish.
-I'm going home. -Wait.
You can't go. We have to clear this up.
What are you talking about?
Who are the Monkeys? What is that?
Daniel, who runs the foundation, a rapist?
Are you crazy?
Miguel Preciado disappeared,
just a day after you went to see him.
I also heard Francisco Vega, the bastard who kidnapped you,
could be connected to the Monkeys.
You really are crazy.
No, I'm not.
You knew Vega, Preciado, and Daniel.
Altagracia, was it them who raped you?
The three are missing.
And that colonel, Alejandro Cespedes,
who went to school with some of them, is also missing.
Please tell me the truth.
Did you have anything to do with those disappearances?
I know how you feel.
Shut up! Don't talk to me, Dad!
Listen to me!
It's for the best.
Now you know what kind of girlfriend you had.
Diego, where am I?
Don't play innocent.
You know full well where you are and why.
What am I doing here? What did you do to me?
You don't need to pretend.
Isn't it obvious? Look at yourself.
You're in a hotel room, naked, and my son knows what we did.
That's a lie! It's not true!
I hate doing this,
but I'd rather your eyes were opened now
than you remaining with a woman who doesn't deserve you.
Diego, we were on the terrace having a drink.
I don't know what happened!
You got drunk, Lydia! That's what happened!
You got drunk and slept with my father.
Let me guess. You're here to help.
I'm just starting and...
No. Where's Monica?
I desperately need to see her.
Is something the matter with Lazaro?
No, he's fine. But Monica...
I haven't seen her.
...she said she was coming here to teach music class.
I haven't seen her.
Saul might know, but I haven't seen him for hours.
Calm down and tell me what happened.
I went out shopping
and Rafael Cabral was waiting outside my house.
He was acting crazy and yelled some truly terrible things.
He threatened me and he meant business.
He wants to hurt us.
That man's in mourning.
He thinks...
Well, he's blaming Monica for the death of his son.
Yesenia just confirmed it, Gabino.
Monica Hernandez was the last person to see my son.
Everything was fine when Yesenia left them alone,
but when they said goodbye,
a furious Emiliano got on his bike.
Sit down and try to calm down.
I will not sit down.
Yesenia was very clear. They both hate me.
That's what Emiliano was referring to in his message.
He said there was a woman who hated me.
Who was he referring to?
Monica Hernandez!
But even if that's true, Monica didn't kill him.
Who knows what that bitch said
for Emiliano to react that way.
Furthermore, Monica detests Altagracia too.
She probably made something up about us.
Who knows what she said?
Mr. Rafael, Monica wasn't even there
when the accident occurred.
Maybe it was just that. An accident.
Yes, an accident she caused.
That's why I need to know exactly what she said.
You're going to find her and force her to tell you.
What if she reports me?
If you don't want to be reported,
do what I say.
Find her.
Force her to tell you the truth, and then kill her.
The dead don't talk, Gabino.
Please wait.
You can't leave like this. Look at you.
Leave me alone.
I can't deal with this obsession of yours.
You think I'm a criminal. A murderer.
No, I didn't say that.
I'm not judging you, I'm here to help.
You weren't kidnapped for money, Altagracia.
The Monkeys had something to do with it.
Enough. I don't know who they are.
-Leave me alone. -I won't let you go like this.
Don't touch me!
Matamoros is in the car.
-You're coming with me. -Matamoros!
-Let's go. -Let go, Saul!
This is my office, and I am Lady Altagracia.
Let go!
Diego, please listen.
I swear I don't know what happened.
She's trying to manipulate you, son.
Don't let her.
Leave and wait for me at home. Say nothing to your mother.
In her state, it could really affect her.
Diego, please listen to me.
I only had one glass of wine,
and nobody gets drunk off one glass!
I don't know what happened!
You drugged me! That's what happened!
You drugged her?
You believe this bitch who's only trying
to turn you against me?
This is a trick!
He asked me here to talk about us!
But his plan was for you to find us here!
I will not let you lie to my son and try to turn things around.
The truth is, she slept with me.
That's a lie, Diego!
We had sex.
Would you sleep with a woman who slept with your father?
Shut up, Dad!
She didn't cheat with just anyone.
She cheated with your father.
Whenever you see her, touch her or want to make love,
you'll remember that she was with me.
I'm not moving from here till Braulio shows up.
I'm not.
Please leave, Monica.
That guy knows something about my father.
I'm sure of it after seeing Valeria blanch.
You saw her.
It's Yesenia.
-Aren't you going to answer? -No.
She asked me not to look into my dad's past
or my mother or my biological father.
What if you slyly ask her about Braulio?
No, Adolfo. She wouldn't provide answers.
Yesenia would get scared
because Braulio's a very dangerous guy.
You're right about that.
His wife must've reacted that way for a reason.
I won't jeopardize you anymore.
Let's go.
-No... -Yes.
Braulio Padilla won't answer any of your questions.
Let's be honest, he won't.
Let's go.
He'll react just as bad or worse than her.
You have to find another way.
Let's go.
Altagracia, I'm going to get you coffee.
I don't want any.
Hey, stop drinking.
You even fell asleep in the car.
I thought if I slept
I could do away with the nightmare that is Saul Aguirre.
So I'm a nightmare?
You are, one that won't stop yelling,
"Altagracia, you're a murderer!"
Yet I don't understand.
Just moments ago we were kissing in my office.
Why must you rain on our parade with your nonsense?
The Monkeys are not nonsense.
And stop saying it wasn't them who hurt you.
Stop lying to me and tell me the truth.
You want to hear it?
It was them.
So Miguel Preciado...
Yes, he was one of those bastards
who ruined my life that night in Veracruz.
And Alejandro Cespedes and Francisco Vega.
Miguel Preciado and four other murderers
comprised the Monkeys.
And yes, they shot Cesar and my father.
They slit my mother's throat.
And you got rid of them one by one?
So what if I did?
Are going to judge me?
You bought a gun and almost killed Braulio
for the death of your father, remember?
It's a crime when I take justice into my own hands,
but you are allowed to do it, right, Counselor?
BIG BANG Becomes First K-Pop Group To Reach 7 Million YouTube Subscribers - Duration: 2:49.BIG BANG Becomes First K-Pop Group To Reach 7 Million YouTube Subscribers
K-pop boy band, Big Bang, has just achieved another milestone as they had become the first K-pop group to reach 7 million subscribers in YouTube.
There is no doubt that K-pop is still continuing to take the world by storm, and that the YouTube views and subscribers are just a few of the evidences that can prove that fact.
As of now, PSY holds the record for the most number of followers and views for his phenomenal Gangnam Style and Gentleman. PSYs followers are currently more than 9 million.
However, Big Bang is slowly catching up PSYs statistics as they already have more than 7 million subscribers; thus, making them as the first K-pop group to reach the 7 million followers mark.
According to IB Times, the next milestone for Big Bang would be to reach the 10 million subscribers mark, as this would mean overtaking the number of subscribers of SM Entertainment, which is the company agency of EXO.
It is forecasted that if the current trend continues, Big Bang would reach the next 10 million mark by next year.
On the other hand, according to All K-pop, boy band, BTS, still needs to work double time in overtaking Big Bang and EXO as it still has more than 3 million subscribers.
Despite the group experiencing massive success with their latest album, they still are having a hard time catching up with the number of subscribers in YouTube.
The measurement of ones success in the industry has indeed incorporated YouTube stats, such as views and number of subscribers.
With all of these being said, Big Bang is surely on the right track in its way to achieving more fame in the months and years to come.
They just need to keep doing what they do best, and that is entertaining its fans in a lot of surprising ways.
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